exm unit 2 family and friends 5

October 2, 2017 | Author: Benilde Bastida Duran | Category: Leisure
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exm unit 2 family and friends 5...


UNIT 2 1.-Write sentences.Use the present perfect and simple past: 1.Claire / send an email to Fran. X 2.We / do our homework. X 3.You / search the Interrnet. X 4.I / make a birthday card for Maddy. V 5.Lily and Tina / download the music. V 6.Fin / tidy his room. V 7.Fin /tidy his room. X 2.-Pon donde corresponda: ever - last month – never – ago - when – already – just – yesterday - last night - last week - this morning – before – since – for - last year - this afternoon - last Monday SIMPLE PAST


3.-Read and circle: 1.I lived /have lived in the UK when I was a baby. 2.Yesterday Bill and Emma went /have been to the beach. 3.The school bell hasn't rung / didn' t ring at 9 o'clock. It's broken. 4.Thank you for my birthday present. I didn't read / haven't read this book. 5.James have had / had piano lesson since January. 4.- Already – yet – just – before Jenny wants to have lunch.Ada had her lunch 10 minutes ago.Ada has ________ had luch. James is waiting for the bus.He will be at home at 4 o'clock.James hasn't got __________. Mum wants me to tidy my room.I tidied it this morning.I have _________ tidied my room. Mandy and Jone are going to Paris.They went there last year.They have been to Paris _____.

5.-Read and circle: 1.We've already / before seen this film. 2.Carl hasn't travelled by plane just /before. 3.You haven't eaten your breakfast already / yet. 4.I've just / yet heard some exciting news. 5.Amy hasn't met a famous person before / just. 6.Billy and I have already / yet washed the car. 6.-Complete the senteces with simple past or present perfect. 1.I ___________________ (not finish) my homework yet. 2.Lucy __________________ (go) to the cinema three days ago. 3.The boys_____________________ (play) football in the park yesterday. 4.You ___________________ (live) in this house for ten years. 5.We ____________________(be) best friends since we were eight. 6.Jim ________________________ (not eat) his dinner last night. 7.-Write sentences .Use the simple past and the present perfect. 1.I / make / a sandwich / for my lunch. 2.Mum / not go / shopping / this morning. 3.Jenny / call / her grandma / last week. 4.They / not visit / Paris / before. 5.Terry / do /his homework. 6.helen / sell / her computer / yesterday. 8.-Read and circle: 1.I haven't been to a festival like this before / already. 2.He hasn't tidied his room already / yet so he can't go out. 3.The girls haven't worn traditional clothes just / before. 4.I don't want a sandwich,thank you.I 've just / yet had lunch. 5.Have you tried any of the food just / yet ? 6.We' ve already / yet seen the fireworks.They were great. 9.-Read and circle. 1.You hasn't called / didn't call / haven't call me yesterday. 2.Claire hasn't seen / didn't see / haven't seen this film at the cinema yet. 3.The children hasn't travelled / haven't travelled / didn't travel by plane before. 4.I finished / 've finished / finish my homework an hour ago .It was really hard. 5.Ollie has lived / did live / lived next door to me since 2007. 6.We have visited / haven't visited / visited our cousins last week.

10.- Complete the sentences .Use the past simple or present perfect. 1.I________________ (go) to the festival yesterday. 2.I________________ (never see) the Pyramids. 3.We _________________(visit) france last summer. 4.They __________________(walk) for three hours at the weekend. 5.I __________________(have) my lunch at one o'clock. 6.I__________________ (eat) Chinise food before. 11.-Use just,yet,already or before: Donna is getting ready for her birthday party.She's exciting because she's never had a party____________. She's _____________ finished putting up the decorations -she finished a few minutes ago.She and her mum have ______________ prepared the food and it's on the table, ready to eat.They enjoy cooking together and they've made some specials dishes that they 've never tried _________________.Donna has got a new dress for the party,but she hasn't put on ___________.They have invited her family.Her family have _______________sent her some presents but she hasn't opened them______________.


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