Exhibition Planner en

July 31, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Thinking about my exhibition Name:

Start date:


End date:


Starng the exhibion process

My exhibion inquiry


Prompts: Thinking about my exhibition Starng the exhibion process Refect and comment on the ollowing: Thinking about discussions I have had surrounding local and global issues and opportunies (discussions with peers, teachers, mentor(s), and members o the learning community and beyond). My interests, ideas, passions, strengths and experiences connected to local and global issues and opportunies.

My exhibion inquiry My chosen local and global issue or opportunity to explore (as a grade level, as a class, as a group or individual). What I already know and what I would like to know more about.

Notes Human rights, social justice, impact of earths celestial bodies. Human rights activity about ty pes of human rights.


Exhibition planning Transdiciplinary :th eme: sharing

Lines o Inquiry

Central idea

Key concepts

Aco n

Learning goals

Related concepts

Approaches to learning Success criteria

Learner prole aributes Timelin e


Prompts: Exhibition planning

Transdisciplinary theme

Central idea

Learner prole arbutes

Approaches to learning

(inquire across and within transdisciplinary theme/s)— I have decided upon the transdisciplinary theme/s with my teachers and peers.

I have developed my central idea and l ines o inquiry with support rom my teachers and peers.

(learner prole aributes that I will urther develop and demonstrate).

(skills that I will urther develop and demonstrate).

Learning goals

Success criteria


My meline

Where am I going in my learning? What do I want to learn? (knowledge, skills and conceptual understandings)

How will I learn it? How will I know I have learned it?

(acon that I might already have in mind in reponse to my inquiries).

(plan and check): I have began to develop my meline with support rom my teachers and peers.


Inquiring Name: Collabora on

Mentor(s): Mentor(s): Teachers:


My quesons


Resourc es Thermophore, toys for placing.

What do you think what is unplanned construction? Elaborate. How is it affecting the roads and buildings?


My exhibion inquiry

What is unplanned construction? How does it effect us?

Aco n

Approaches to learning

Learner prole

Refeco ns My meline


Prompts:Inquiring Collaboraon Who am I going to collaborate with during the exhibion process? (peers, teachers, mentors, members of the learning community and beyond) How am I going to collaborate?


My quesons

(Evolving quesons and theories) What new quesons do I have? How do my quesons help me further my understanding of the central idea?

Resources (Time, people, places, technologies, learning spaces, physical materials) What resources do I need to be successful and how will I use and organize them? I need a thermaphore, toys to show what is happening, buildings and some small rocks and construction toys.

Refecons (Aer meeng with teachers, mentors and peers) Have I reected upon and modied my inquiries? Have I adjusted my direcon of learning when necessary?

? My exhibion inquiry

(Research and invesgaons) How am I using my resources and what strategies will I use? (for example, interviews, surveys, eld visits) How will I keep track of the informaon/research I am gathering? (calendars, metables, gathering grids, organizers)

Sel assessment Acon

Learner prole

(Acon that I might already have in

How am I developing and

mind in reponse to my inquiries).

demonstrang the learner prole aributes?

Approaches to learning

My meline

(Skills that I will further develop and demonstrate).

(Review and update) I am achieving my exhibion milestones based on my meline.

How am I doing and how do I know? How am I documenng my learning? Who is giving me feedback and how am I using it?


Sharing my exhibition Name:Zain

Collaboraon: Who am I sharing exhibion with? How am I sharing it?


Teachers: Ms.Asima

My plan for sharing the exhibition: (Product and process: planning and presenting my learning).


My reflections Exhibion refecons

Approaches to learning

Learning goals and success criteria

Next steps

Learner prole aributes

Aco n


Prompts: My reflections My exhibion refecons My exhibion (process and journey)—What did I enjoy? What did I nd challenging? My sharing experience (product)—What worked well? What would I do dierently? Reecons on feedback from: teacher, mentor, peers, learning community

Approaches to learning

(Skills that I have urther developed and demonstrated).

Learning goals and success criteria

Next steps

Did I achieve what I wanted to learn? How do I

What have I learned about myself?—give an/some

know? What would I sll like to learn?

example (s) What will I take with me from my exhibion experience?

Learner prole (Learner prole aributes that I have urther developed and demonstrated).

Note s

Acon (My refecons on acon)

Note s


My timeline Exhibition milestones tracking Exhibion milestones


Exhibion milestones

Individual/Group tasks


Individual/Group tasks

Exhibion milestones

Individual/Group tasks

Specic number of weeks, alongside units of inquiry or over a longer period (months) Fill in depending on the meframe/length of your exhibion.

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Exhibion milestones


Exhibion milestones


Exhibion milestones

Individual/G tasks Individual/Group tasks

Individual/Group tasks

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