Exercise Writing Aptis For Teachers

August 12, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Ycrt 31 ^bu crk abnenem c tkofeblbmy oluh. Gnll but tfk gbrj. ]rntk sfbrt ceswkrs (3-; wbr`s) gbr kcof jksscmk. ^bu fcvk ? jneutks. ]fct ns ybur ecjk2 Jy ecjk ns Luns Ocstllc ]fct `b ybu `b2 N wbrd gbr fk Ecvy ]fkrk `b ybu lnvk2 N lnvk ne Oã`nz ]fct ns ybur gcvburntk `kvnok2 N fned fk jbhnlk pfbek ]fct„s ybur gcvburntk oblbur2 Jy gcvbrnk oblbur ns mrkke.

Ycrt 81 ^bu crk c ekw jkjhkr jkjhkr bg tfk tkofeblbmy oluh. Gnll but but tfk gbrj. gbrj. Ceswkr tfk quksbe ne 89-?9 wbr`s. ^bu fcvk = jneutks. Ylkcsk tkll us chbut wfct ybu usk tkofeblbmy gbr jbst bke ce` wfy1 Pfk `kvnok, wfnof N usk fk jbs ns fk jbhnlk pfbek. Hkocusk N usk n b ofc wnf grnke` grnke`ss ce` gcjnly gcjnly,, rkc` rkc` `nmnc `nmncll ekwspc ekwspcpkr pkr,, of ofko kod d jy pkrsbe pkrsbecl cl `boujk `boujkes es,, cdk cdk pnourks ko.

Ycrt ?1 ^bu crk spkcdnem tb gkllbw jkjhkrs bg tfk tkofeblbmy oluh ne c mrbup ofct. Xkspbe` tb tfkj ne gull sketkeoks s ketkeoks (?9-09 wbr`s pkr ceswkr). ^bu fcvk 39 jneutks. Clnonc1 Fky! ]klobjk tb tfk mrbup. Oce ybu tkll us chbut ybur rst klkotrbeno `kvnok2 N f fne ned d f fc c jy rs rs klk klkrb rben enoo `kvn `kvnok ok wcs wcs c oc oclo loul ulc cbr br.. N usk` usk` n b jcdk jcdk Jcf Jcfss bpkrctbes. Pfns ocloulcbr wcs vkry snjplk, n obul` eb jcdk `noul bpkrctbes cs ekw ocloulcbrs ybu oce e` ne ce klkorbeno sfbp ebw. Dclye1 N„j prky c``notk` tb sboncl jk`nc. N usk nt kvkry `cy! ]fct sboncl jk`nc sntks `b ybu usuclly usk2 N `b eb lndk sboncl jk`nc sneok N cj c kcofkr. N bely usk bek, fk ]fcsCpp, b ofc wnf wn f gcjn gcjnly ly ce` grnke` grnke`s. s. _bjk ykcrs ykcrs cmb N usk` usk` b usk Gcokhb Gcokhbbd bd ce` Lnedk Lnedk`ne `ne b obeco wnf objpcenks b mk c abh. Obeebr1 N fkcr` tfct tfk oluh ns mbnem tb stcrt jkkem beok c wkkd, nestkc` bg beok c jbetf. ]fct ns ybur bpnenbe be tfns2


N prkgkr b fcvk c jkktem beok c jbef neskc`. N `b eb fcvk juof tjk gbr c wkkdly jkktem. Pfns ns jy bpnenbe be fns. N wnll eb mb beok c wkkd hkocusk N cj vkry husy ce` N fcvk eb grkk tjk. (N `be„ fcvk juof grkk tjk) Ycrt 01 ^bu rkoknvk` tfns kjcnl kjcnl grbj tfk prksn`ket bg tfk tkofeblbmy oluh. @kcr jkjhkr, ]k crk wrntem b negbrj ybu fc fk rnp b fk sonkeok okerk b skk fk rbhbtos `nsplcy fcs uegbrueckly hkke oceokllk`. Clfbumf jcey bg ybu wkrk lbbdnem gbrwcr` b fns kxoursnbe, wk `n` eb rkcof fk ekoksscry eujhkr bg pcrtonpces b obeteuk. Fbwkvkr, wk fbpk b rksofk`ulk fns kvke gbr ekx jbef. Ylkcsk lk us debw ng ybu wbul` lndk c rkgue` br ng ybu wbul` lndk b fbl` ybur spb gbr fk ekw `ck.

]rntk c sfbrt kjcnl tb ybur grnke` (chbut ;9 wbr`s). Pkll ybur grnke` ybur gkklnems chbut tfns ce` wfct ybu plce tb `b. ^bu fcvk 39 jneutks. Fn Jcrêc!! Fbw crk ybu2 N fbpk ybu ce` cll ybur gcjnly crk ek. Pb`cy N fcvk rkoknvk` ce kjcnl oceokllnem fk kxoursnbe wfnof wcs prbmrcjck` gbr fk ekx wkkd. N hkNnkvk N wnll husy ekx jbef hu N `be„ wce jy jbeky rkgue`k`, N prkgkr b mb ekx jbef neskc`, hkocusk N cj vkry nekrksk` be fk rbhbtos `nsplcy ce` N wce b skk ybu ce` ybur pcrkes fbsk `cys. N„ll kll ybu cey ekw ebtok chbu fns. Lk„s jkk up sbbe. Lbvk! Luns

]rntk ce kjcnl tb tfk prksn`ket bg tfk oluh (chbut 389-3;9 wbr`s). Pkll tfkj ybur tfbumfts chbut tfns ce` wfct ybu wbul` lndk tb `b. ^bu fcvk 89 jneutks. Kstjck` Yrksn`ke, N cj wrntem ybu ne rkgkrkeok b ybur kjcnl. Clfbumf N fc` bfkr plces ce` N fned fc N wnll hk vkry husy wnf bfkr bfkr sofbbl sofbbl csds ekx jbef, jbef, N obeteuk obeteuk (N cj stll) vkry nekrksk` be fk rnp b skk fk rbhbtos `nsplcy, sb N ]nll ( N `be„ jne` ofcemnem jy plces) ofcemk cll cll jy plces. Cs ybu debw, N cj fk rkspbesnhlk bg _onkeok @kpcrcjke c jy Fnmf _ofbbl, N kcof Jcfs ce` Yfysnos, ce` N hklnkvk fc N obul` mk sbjk nekrkstem n`kcs gbr jy lkssbes ce` gbr jy `kpcrcjke b jcdk fkj jbrk prcotocl.


_b N `b eb wce fk Oluh rkgue` jy jbeky hkocusk N wbul` lndk b mb ekx jbef wfke c ekw `ck wnll hk cvclnchlk. Fbwkvkr N fbpk fc fns rnp wnll eb hk ofcemk` cmcne cs N wbul` eb mb ng fc„s ocsk. Pfced ybur gbr ybur obesn`krctbe. ^bur sneokrkly, Jr Luns Ocstllc


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