Exercise 1docx 1994

May 4, 2018 | Author: Suraj Kumar S | Category: Strategic Management, Risk, Human Resources, Employment, Labour
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Short Description

Review the simulated business information for JKL and identify human resources requirements...


Exercise 1 Procedure:


Review the scenario information provided in the appendices of this exercise. Review the simulated business information for JKL   and identify human resources requirements.


Review external business environment (political, economic, social, and technological


circumstances, circumstances, etc.) and identify possible impact on human resources requirements. Note: You may gather such information from simulated role-plays or through reviewing the scenario and business information provided; you may also undertake additional research to 4.

supplement your report. Arrange with your assessor to consult with two managers to determine HR requirements: a.

Service Manager

Sales Manager Note: Roles to be performed by other learners and observed by assessor. b.

Note: The HR requirements you identify through consultation will later need to be formalised in service level agreement (SLA) to be completed and agreed in subsequent exercises. 5.

Prepare a 1 –2 page report on human resources needs that includes: a. Discussion of human resources needs gathered from: – analysis of business documentation documentation – –


consultation with internal stakeholders a review of the external business environment.

Discussion of at least two options to meet human resources needs and discuss the risks associated with each (relate risks to your review r eview of external business environment), such as: – – – –

labour market skills shortages slow economic growth business confidence uncertainty in environmental environmental regulatory environment


Return on investment (ROI) calculation and analysis for each option


Recommendations to meet HR needs including recommendations for service level agreement/s


Discussion of HR strategies to deliver HR services in accordance with business needs, diversity, and anti-discrimination policy.


You must: ●

participate in three role-plays with the: o

Service Manager Sales Manager


Operations Manager


submit a 1 –2 page report on HR requirements and recommendations. recommendations.

Appendices Appendix 1 – Scenario: JKL Industries JKL Overview

JKL Industries is an Australian owned company, selling forklifts, small trucks and spare parts to industry. They also have a division which leases forklifts and small trucks. The company’s head office is in Sydney and JKL has branches in Brisbane, Melbou rne, Perth, Adelaide

and Canberra. Change

After 12 years in business, focusing on forklifts and small trucks, JKL has been offered the sales rights to a range of medium and large trucks from an overseas supplier. This opportunity will provide JKL with an advantage in range over its competitors. Sales results over the past five years have indicated strong growth in forklift and truck sales which have averaged 10% sales growth per annum. The rental market has been in decline for the past three years due to the reduced costs of these vehicles and some taxation benefits to industries who purchase these vehicles. Taking the sales opportunity will, however entail some significant changes, including significant changes to the current organisational structure. The company will reposition itself to focus solely on retail sales and service and exit the rentals market in which forces such as competition and consumer choice reduce potential profitability. In accordance with the organisation’s values, JKL i ntends to (to the extent feasible) recruit from wit hin

the company and upskill or reskill existing employees in rentals who wish to remain with the company. HR role

HR will have a key role to play in the implementation of strategic and operational changes. The significant changes to the organisation also provide an opportunity for HR to potentially restructure and certainly rethink how it delivers services to internal clients. HR will need to consider company strategic directions, the external business environment, and the needs of employees and managers to implement the strategy effectively.

Options for service delivery

A number of HR service delivery options are available for discussion and analysis. The following cost and benefits are presented for a number of possible HR service delivery options and strategies. All figures are predicted for following financial year except where otherwise noted.

Expected value of financial gains= financial gain *Likelihood of success Financial Gain Strategic Options


(through efficiencies, savings or direct revenue without consideration of

Chance of failure/Likelihood of risk

costs) Outsourcing basic HR



Restructuring HR. Redeploying and retraining rental employees. Integrating HR services and recruitment. Enhancing HR services with respect to performance management to enhance

$800,000 for the

10% (0.1) – Low risk

following financial year $800,000



$1,000,000 over next 5 years $3,000,000 over next 3 years $1,500,000 over next 3 years

20% (0.2) – Low risk

30% (0.3) – Moderate risk

10% (0.1) – Low risk


$1,000,000 over next 5 years

10% (0.1) – Low risk


$500,000 for the following financial year

20% (0.2) – Low risk

business partnering at all levels. Enhancing HR services with respect to industrial relations (IR) to enhance business partnering at all levels. Task

JKL have requested that you, as the newly appointed Human Resources Manager, provide them with options for the strategic delivery o f human resources services to support the organisation’s plans.

Appendix 2 – JKL Industry’s industrial relations history

JKL Industries has not had a clear industrial relations policy or strategies in the past. There has been a tendency to manage issues on an ad hoc basis rather than drive the business through long-term industrial relations objectives. Responsibility for industrial relations issues has been spread between various levels of management including the Operations Manager, Sales Manager, Service Manager and Human Resources Officers for each branch. This has led to issues of inconsistency and allegations of unfair work practices, with team members confused as to their entitlements and unsure of how to resolve grievances and conflict appropriately. On several occasions the union has become involved in disputes when team members have been unable to resolve issues with their line managers. Morale in the workplace fluctuates and is often dependent on the division manager’s management

style and skill level. There have been instances of workplace conflict which have not been satisfactorily resolved and have led to complaints of discrimination and unfair dismissal. Employees have heard rumours of the forthcoming changes in the structure of the organisation and the move into medium and large truck sales. There are concerns about possible redundancies but no information from management has been forthcoming. There has been a history of dissatisfaction within the organisation relating to pay and conditions with some employees complaining they are not receiving the entitlements they should be. Management skills and knowledge

The current management team has little understanding of industrial relations matters and has been appointed to their current positions based on their abilities in sales or their technical skills. They have limited understanding of Australian workplace agreements and a tendency to refer any problems to the HR officers. This has led to conflict and dissatisfaction within the work teams and is felt to be a contributing factor to the high turnover of staff in some departments. Management tends to be ‘operations’ focused and have little understanding of people management, performance management or leadership skills; moreover, managers tend to resent any intrusion of HR into strategic planning, recruitment and workforce planning, seeing these as business issues. HR is seen to merely provide administrative assistance, but not to contribute to the achievement of business goals in more direct or meaningful ways. The HR officers have experience in understanding and interpreting Australian Workplace Agreements from an administrative perspective. They have limited knowledge of strategic management and have little control over or influence in implementing industrial relations policy. As they report directly to the Division Manager, they are functioning more as administration assistants than as a strategic HR resource.

While JKL Industries has policies and procedures relating to workplace behaviours and values, employees are not provided with written copies of procedures nor are they trained in values, behaviours, codes of practice or workplace cultural issues. Many employees are confused about their rights and entitlements at work and are not clear on who they should speak to if they have a problem. Conflict situations

Some examples of industrial relations issues are detailed below. Case 1

An apprentice mechanic complained to the union that he was left unsupervised for up to five hours several days per week. The union investigated the matter and found it to be substantiated. Management claimed it was a temporary rostering issue caused by the resignation of senior mechanics and would be rectified. The apprentice was satisfied with the response and the rosters were adjusted. Case 2

Five sales consultants claimed their annual bonus was calculated incorrectly. Management asked the payroll department to review the payments and was advised it was correct. The sales consultants felt they had been misled by confusing contracts detailing the bonus arrangements and had, in fact earned their bonuses. Management did not respond. Three sales consultants resigned as a r esult. Case 3

The mechanics and apprentices in the NSW branch complained to management about excessive hours of work. They were told that the business did not have the resources to hire extra staff and they would have to work the overtime. The mechanics continued to do the overtime for two months and then complained again. One mechanic refused to work more overtime and was dismissed summarily by the Service Manager, Norm Johnston. He lodged an unfair dismissal claim and was reinstated and back paid. No action was taken by the company with regards to the Service Manager’s performance or

behaviours. Case 4

An administration assistant in the finance division complained to the HR Officer that she felt uncomfortable working around one of the male accountants as he had asked her out on several occasions. When she said no, she felt like he singled her out for the worst jobs in the office, was rude to her in front of other staff and made comments in public about her weight. The HR officer told her she was being overly sensitive and should be flattered to have been asked out. She was told to be more of a team player. The administrative assistant then complained to the Finance and Administration Manager and was told there was nothing he could do. She resigned from the company.

Case 5

Management decided to restructure the sales department which involved redundancies. They did not involve the union or offer any type of counselling or personal meetings. Employees were informed by letter and were paid the minimum payouts they were entitled to. There was no discussion with remaining staff and morale became extremely low. Within two months, management had replaced the team members made redundant with new workers.

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