Exercise 1

October 3, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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EXERCISE 1 EXERCISE 1.1  A. Write S on the blank if a quantitative approach is suitable for the given question and N if it is not.  ___n_ 1. Does the environmental literacy of an individual increase with age? age?  __S__ 2. What are the challenges experienced by student-athletes?  __s__ 3. Does exposure to CNN programs improve students’ speaking skills?  __s__ 4. What are the factors that affect the decision-making of parents regarding the education of their children?  __n__ 5. How reliable are admission tests in predicting the future performance of students in school?  __n__ 6. What are the features of narcissistic posts on Facebook?  __s__ 7. Do online materials enhance the computer skills of students?  __n__ 8. Is there a relationship between milk consumption and incidence of osteoporosis?  ___s_ 9. What are the study habits of public school students?  __s__ 10. What are the study habits of public school students? B. In group groups s of two to three three members, members, discuss discuss the ways ways to correct correct or make up up for the weaknesses or inadequacies of quantitative research. Write two to three sentences for the weaknesses (refer to the given handouts). 1.


Get their their opinions opinions on the topics, topics, show show them the results, results, ask ask them if if they agree agree or not, not, and ask them why they believe and behave as they do. As what is your topic is and connected to your topic.

Record the the actual survey, survey, intervi interview, ew, or answers. answers. By this, this, it will know know or determined determined if it is nonresponse bias or not.


One way of minimiz minimizing ing the weaknesse weaknessess of a quantitative quantitative research research study study is adopting adopting a mixed methods methodology. When you adopt a mixed methods methodology, you ensure that the strengths of a qualitative research methodology compensate with the weaknesses of a quantitative research methodology.


To ensure ensure the large large amounts amounts of dataset dataset will will not be wasteful wasteful,, group should should study study a much gaining time or a one-way research tto o save time and to avoid wasting time over of repetition of dataset.

Practical Research 2 Quantitative Research



5. Before Before conducting conducting surveys, surveys, team should should list all all the participan participants ts that is willing willing to participate and is willing to cooperate with the study or the survey. By this, surveys have the responses enough to go on with the research.



Practical Research 2 Quantitative Research


EXERCISE 1 EXERCISE 1.2 Write on the blank the kind of quantitative research (under column B) that is well suited to the given title (under column A) Column A QuasiEffects of Aspirin on experimental1. Reducing the Cholesterol Level of Obese People Effe fect ctss of of Ins Insta tagr gram am on the the Ex post facto 2. Ef  Visual Literacy of Teenagers Ef Effe fect ctss of Util Utiliz izin ing g an experi exp eriment menta a l 3. Interdisciplinary Curriculum on the Health Literacy of Four Science Classes  4. The The Ral Ralat atio ions nshi hip p Bet Betwe ween en a Correlational 4. Teacher’s Personality and Descri Des cripti ptive ve 5. 5.

Performance Evaluation Technic Technical al Capa Capabil bility ity of Wate Waterr Treatment Device

Practical Research 2 Quantitative Research

Column B Correlational

Descriptive Ex post facto




EXERCISE 1 EXERCISE 1.3 Identify the different variables in the following situations. In case one type of variable is not used, write NA. Write your answer on the blank. 1. You are provided provided with with the following following scores scores of contestants contestants in a painting painting competiti competition. on. The contestants have used different types of painting materials in their artwork, such suc h as acrylic, oil, and watercolor. Contestants 1 (acrylic) 2 (acrylic) 3 (oil) 4 (oil) 5 (watercolor) 6 (watercolor)

Judge 1 86 80 76 90 87 87

Judge 2 83 82 80 86 89 91

Quantitative variable(s): The scores of judges. Qualitative variable(s): Materials used by the contestants. cont estants. Ordinal variable: Contestants’ average scores from highest to lowest. Dependent variable: The average scores of the contestants. Independent variable: N/A  Extraneous variable: Additional or changed scores by the judges. 2. You are given given the following following data data regarding regarding the effects effects of a public public relations relations campaign campaign on the satisfaction rating of top government officials of country countr y XYZ.

President  Vice President Senate President Supreme Court Justice

Net Satisfaction Rating Before After +46% +62% +32% +41% -12% -2% +24% +34%

Quantitative variable(s): The net satisfaction ratings of public relations campaign. Qualitative variable(s): The government officials of country XYZ. Ordinal variable: Ratings before and after in ranking from high to low and if it has improved. Dependent variable: Result ratings from before to after. Independent variable: N/A  Extraneous variable: N/A 

Practical Research 2 Quantitative Research


EXERCISE 1 EXERCISE 1.4 Explain how quantitative research can be useful in each of the following fields of study. Substantiate your explanation with examples.  Area  Arts and Design

Humanities and Social Sciences



Natural and Physical Sciences, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Bu Busi sine ness ss an and d Acc Accou ount ntin ing g

 Agriculture and Fisheries

Information and Communications Technology

Social Inquiry

Practical Importance and and Example This aims to learn and examine the impact of arts and design to students with controlled research and number of experiments. Ex. The impact of Arts and Design subject to Senior High School Students of St. Paul School Btac. Viejo, Inc Quantitative research aims to get a better understanding of the social environment through data collection. Quantitative approaches are used by researchers to observe conditions or events that have an impact on individuals. It is useful in education because it point out the “how” and  “why” of research. It also projects to critically think, go deeper understanding of a certain phenomena and context. Might help sport leaders to have a solid information or knowledge and may or may not change a protocol or to add programs and techniques in sports field. In this setting, quantitative research aims to increase our knowledge of the science system's inner workings, structur structural al relationships, and dynamics. It also addresses the implications of data-driven research assessment. It's It's all all a abo bout ut nu numb mber erss in in q qua uant ntit itat ativ ive e res resea earc rch. h. It comb combin ines es data and quantitative analysis to illuminate key facts about your company and market. This sort of information, obtained through methods such as multiple-choice surveys, can assist you in gauging interest in your firm and its products. The value of quantitative research in agriculture and fisheries cannot be overstated since it aids in the detection of disease trends in crops, the elimination of risks, and the prevention of future outbreaks. In this setting, quantitative research aims to increase our knowledge of the science system's inner workings, structur structural al relationships, and dynamics. It also addresses the implications of data-driven research assessment. The purpose of quantitative research is to generate knowledge and create understanding about the social world.

Practical Research 2 Quantitative Research



Practical Research 2 Quantitative Research

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