Exercise 1

July 28, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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 Hgjg ; Gdveht`hg Tgjbuh  Hpj ; 73757>>57 Dlseh ; _`hdg Ev`yghtl,Q.Q,J.J^D E]ERA@QE 7

@h tm`s exera`se, uhderi`he tme fey `deg(s) `h tme sealhd i`he lc egam smlrt alhversgt`lh. Tme uhderi`he restgtejeht lc tmese fey wlrd `h tme ghswer, ghd amllse tme ghswer tl egam quest`lh. Rejejber tmgt tme best ghswer `s prlbgbiy tme ghswer ,tmgt alhtg`hs g restgtejeht lc tme fey `deg(s) `h tme sealhd i`he lc tme alhversgt`lh.

7.  (wljgh) _mgt dl ylu ylu i`fe i`fe gblut ylur (G) Tme mluse `s `s ailsed up hlw.


hew mluse<

(B) Me pgrfs m`s agr ailsed tl m`s mluse.

`t‐s very ailse tl g pgrf.

(A) M`s mlje `s hegr g pgrf 

(hgrrgtlr) _mgt dles tme jgh jegh<

2.  (jgh)

(D) Me dlesh‐t regiiy i`fe m`s hew mluse  

Jgrf sg`d slje regiiy h`ae

(G) Me d`d g oregt klb.

tm`hos tl je.

(B) Me bluomt g argte cuii lc cru`t.

(wljgh) Me‐s very orgtecui orgtecui clr wmgt

(A) Me jgde g oregt clli lc m`jseic.

ylu d`d.

(D) Me‐s tmghfscui. 

(hgrrgtlr) _mgt dles tme wljgh sgy gblut Jgrf< 1.  (wljgh) Qgj, ylu‐ve ylu‐ve beeh wlrf`ho gt (G) Tme aljputer‐s aljputer‐s brlfeh. 



tme aljputer clr mlurs.

(B) Me heedstl reigx clr g wm`ie. 

(jgh) Pes, ghd @ heed tl tgfe g bregf. (A) Me smluid smluid feep wlrf`ho. (D) Me‐s brlfe.  


_mgt dles tme jegh<


@h tm`s exera`se, uhderi`he tme heogt`ve express`lh `h tme sealhd i`he lc egam smlrt alhversgt`lh. Tmeh regd tme quest`lh, ghd amllse tme best ghswer tl tmgt quest`lh. quest`lh. Rejejber tmgt tme best ghswer `s lhe tmgt uses gh lppps`te jegh`ho.

7.  (wljgh) Plu jgfe sl jghy j`stgfes (G) Me wgs rgtmer agreiess.

@h tm`s mlje wlrf.

(B) Me dles hlte agre gblut j`stgfes. (A) Me tllfs agre lc tme wlrf gt mlje.

(jgh) @ wgsh‐t wgsh‐t very agrecui.

(D) Me d`d hlt agrry tme wlrf mlje. (hgrrgtlr)


_mgt dles tme jegh<

(jgh) @s tmere g ilt lc slup< @‐j

(G) Tmere‐s hlt very juam slgp.

F`hd lc muhory.

(B) Qme dlesh‐t i`fe slup.

(wljgh) Qlrry, tmere‐s hlt g ilt.

(A) Tmere‐s lhiy g i`ttie slup. slup . 

(D) Tme jgh smluid hlt be muhory. (hgrrgtlr) _mgt dles tme wljgh jegh <

1.  (wljgh)

Mlw wgs tme wegtmer lh

(G) @t wg ailudiy.



ylur tr`p<

(B) Me aluidh‐t see tme sfy. 

(jgh) Tmere wgsh‐t g ailud `h tme   (A) @t wgsh‐t veryarlwded.  sfy.

(D) Tmere wgs g ilt lc suhsm`he. 

(hgrrgtlr) _mgt dles tme jgh jegh<


@h tme exera`se, uhderi`he tme express`lh lc suooest`lh `h egam smlrt alhversgt`lh. Tmeh regd tme quest`lh, ghd amllse tme best ghswer tl tmgt quest`lh. Rejejber tmgt tme ghswer `s lhe tmgt o`ves g suooest`lh.


(jgh) Tme wegtmer‐s sl begut`cui

(G) Tgf`ho tme agr tl samlli.

tldgy. (B) Tgf`ho g wgif `hstegd lc ol`ho tl samlli.

(wljgh) Iet‐s wgif tl samlli `hstegd (A) Ol`ho clr g dr`ve `h tme begut`cui wegtmer lc dr`v`ho. (D) _gif`ho tl aigss. (hgrrgtlr)

_mgt dles tme wljgh suooest<




@ hever mgve ehluom.

(G) Qpehd`ho iess jlhey.

spehd`ho jlhey.

(B) Dl`ho g better klb gt wlrf.

_my hlt oet g pgrt-t`je klb< (A) Egr`ho slje jlhey. 




_mgt dles tme jgh suooest< (D) Qpehd`ho iess t`je gt mer  klb.



_e dlh‐t mgve ghy pighs 

(G) Mgv`ho g d`hher pgrty

Tlh`omt, dl we<

(B) Qtlp`ho tme c`omt w`tm tme`r cr`ehds


 Hl, sl wmy dlh‐t we `hv`te

(A) ^ighh`ho g tr`p

slje cr`ehds lver

(D) Jgf`ho slje hew cr`ehds

d`hher< (hgrrgtlr)

_mgt dles tme wljgh suooest<

E]ERA@QE 4 ;

@h tm`s exera`se, egam lc tme alrreat ghswer‐s   `s e`tmer g pgss`ve restgtejeht lc gh

gat`ve sehtehae lc gh gat`ve restgtejeht lc pgss`ve sehtehae. Regd tme smlrt alhversgt`lh , ghd uhderi`he tme fey gat`ve lr pgss`ve stgtejeht. Tmgh regd tme quest`lh, ghd amllse tme best ghswer tl tme quest`lh. Jgfe sure ylu uhderstghd wml lr wmgt `s dl`ho tme gat`lh `h tmese pgss`ve sehtehaes. 7.

(jgh) _mgt mgppehed tl ylur

(G) Tme agceter`g `s tl tme iect.

hltebllf< (B) Qme iect g hlte lh tme agcàtgr`g dllr. (wljgh) @ iect `t `h tme agceter`g.

(A) Qme tllf slje hltes `h tme 4


agcetgr`g. (hgrrgtlr) _mgt dles tme wljgh

(D) Tme hltebllf wgs iect `h tme  




(jgh) _meh gre we ol`ho tl tgif

(G) Qme heeds tl jgfe alp`es beclre tme jeet`ho

gblut tme prlbiej w`tm tme

(B) Tmey w`ii tgif gblut tme prlbiej   tljjlrlw.

alpy jgam`he<

(A) @t `s g prlbiej tl mgve g jeet`ho . 

(wljgh) @t w`ii be d`saussed gt tme jeet`ho

(D) Qpehd`ho iess t`je gt mer klb.

tljlrrlw. (hgrrgtlr) _mgt dles tme wljgh jegh<


(wljgh) D`d ylu alrreat tme pgper> `h tme jlrh`ho tme gigrj ailaf lh tme tgbie bes`de tme bed rgho. ( A )

E]ERA@QE (QF@II 7- 2 )

7. Dur`ho tme jeet`ho `h tme lcc`ae d`saussed tme sameduie. ( @ ) 2. Tme dlatlr ogve tme pgt`eht g presar`pt`lh. ( A ) 1. Tme tgii everoreeh trees gilho tme rlgd. ( @ ) 4. Tme wgtam `h tme keweiry blx heeds g hew bgttery. ( A ) 5. ^iegsghtiy oreets everylhe every `h gii tme lcc`aes jlrh`ho. ( @ ) 0


3. @h tme lcc`ae lc tme bu`id`ho bu` id`ho garlss tme steer crlj tme pgrf lh tme alrher. ( @ ) ?. Tme d`smes `h tme s`hf regiiy heed tl be wgsmed gs sllh plss`bie. ( A ) =. @h g jljeht lc wlrry gblut tme prlbiej w`tm tme aigss `h tme gaaluht. ( @ ) 0. Tme pighe crlj Hew Plrf a`rai`ho tme g`rplrt. ( @ ) 7>. Lh g reouigr bgs`s tme pights `h tme blxes uhder tme w`hdlw `h tme f`tameh gre wgtered ghd ced. (A )


7.  Jgrf Twg`h \\\\\ tme yegrs gcter tme A`v`i _gr ’O`ided Goe‚.   (g)  Agiied

(b)  Agii`ho

(a)  Me agiied (d)  M`s agiis 2.  Egriy \\\\ tles `hstegd lc mllves lh tme`r ceet. (g)  Mlrses (b)  Mgd mlrses (a)  Mlrses mgd

(d)  Mlrses mgv`ho 1.   \\\ orlw ailse tl tme orluhd `h tme smlrt Grat`a sujjer. (g)  Gblve tuhdrg pights (b) Tuhdrg pights

(a)  Tuhdrg pights gre cluhd (d)  Clr tuhdrg pights 4.  @h 7=3? \\\\ Gigsfg crlj tme Russ`ghs clr $?.2 j`ii`lh. (g)  ^uramgsed tme Uh`ted Qtgtes (b)  Tl puramgse tme Uh`ted Qtgtes (a)  Tme Uh`ted Qtgtes‐ puramgse lc  



(d) Tme Uh`ted Qtgtes puramgsed

5.  Betweeh 7?25 ghd 7?5>, Hew Ehoighd w`thessed gh `haregse `h tme spea`gi`zgt`lh lc \\\\. (g)  Laaupgt`lhs

(b)  Laaup`es

(a)  Tmey laaup`ed (d)  @t laaup`ed tmej 3.  Tme igroe agrlt`d grtery \\\\ tl tme jg`h pgrts lc tme brg`h. (g)  Agrry`ho billd (b)  Billd `s agrr`ed (a)  Agrr`es billd

(d)  Billd agrr`es ?.   \\\\ rgd`l gs tme c`rst prgat`agi systej lc w`reiess w`reiess teieorgpmy. (g)  Jgralh`‐s deveilpjeht  (b)  Tme deveilpjeht by Jgralh` (a)  Deveilp`ho Jgralh` (d) Jgralh` deveilped

=.  @h 70?5, tme c`rst suaaesscui spgae prlbe tl \\\ beo`hh`ho tl sehd `hclrjgt`lh  bgaf tl Egrtm. (g)  Sehus (b)  Sehus tme (a)  Sehus wgs

(d)  Sehus `t wgs 0.  Tme twl b`ooest reslrt \\\\ Grfghsgs gre Mlt Qpr`hos ghd Eurefg Qpr`hos. (g)  @h (b) Tlwhs `h

(a)  Tlwhs gre (d)  Tlwhs gre `h 7>. HGQG‐s   HGQG‐s Iyhdlh B. Klmhslh Qpgae Aehter \\\\ alhtrli clr tme Jeraury, Oej`h`, ghd Gpliil spgae ci`omts.



(g)  @t wgs gt tme (b)  @t wgs tme (a)  _gs tme

(d)  tme

MGIGJGH; ?>-?1 E]ERA@QE 1;

Egam lc tme cliilw`ho sehtehaes alhtg`hs lhe lc pgrt`a`pies. Uhderi`he tme lbkeat lhae ghd tme verbs tw`ae. A`rrus t`p`aie, ghd igbei tmej gs gdkeat`ves lr verbs. Tmeh `hd`agte tme alrreat (A) lr @halrreat (@). (\\A\\) 7. Tme ary`ho bgby heeds tl be p`afed up. (\\@\\) 2. Tme ailtmes gre iy`ho lh tme cillr cillr smluid ol ol `htl tme wgsm. (\\@\\) 1. Tme wg`tress wg`tress br`ho`ho tme stegj`ho slup tl tme wg`t`ho d`hher. (\\A\\) 4. Jlst lc str`f`ho str`f`ho wlrfers gre wgif`ho tme p`afet i`he. (\\A\\) 5. Clr mer b`rtmdgy, tme am`id `s oett`ho g tgif`ho dlii. (\\@\\) 3. Tme sett`ho sett`ho suh aregt`ho aregt`ho g rg`hblw rg`hblw lc alilrs alilrs `h tme sfy. (\\@\\) ?. Tme sm`p `s sg`i`ho tl Jex`al `s iegv`ho tlh`omt. tlh`omt. (\\A\\) =. Tme igtter‐s heed`ho `jjed`gte ghswers gre lh tme desf.

(\\@\\) 0. Tme blr`ho aigss kust ehd`ho g cew j`hutes gol. (\\A\\) 7>. Tme cgst cgst jlv`ho ailuds gre br`ho`ho creez`ho rg`h tl tme greg.




Egam tme cliilw`ho sehtehaes alhtg`hs lhe lr jlre pgst pghpies. Uhderi`he tme subkeat lhae ghd tme verbs v erbs tw`ae. A`raie tme pgs pgrt`a`pie ghd igbei tmej gs gdkeat`ves lr verbs. Tme `hd`agte `c tme sehtehaes sehteha es gre Alrreat (A) lr @halrreat (@). (\\@\\)

7. Tme clld `s served `h tme restgurght `s dei`a`lus.

(\\A\\) 2. Tme pighe ighded lh tme deserted ruhgwgy. (\\A\\) 1. Tme uhexpeated ouest grr`ved kust gt d`hhert`je. (\\@\\) 4. Tme alurses alurses gre i`sted `h tme agtgiloue gre requ`red alurses. (\\A\\)

5. Tme tegamer cluhd tme ilst exgj.

(\\@\\) 3. Tme sjgii gpgrtejeht very arlwded ghd d`slrogh`zed. d`slrogh`zed. (\\A\\)

?. Tme pmltlorgpms deveilped yesterdgy yesterdgy smlwed Qgj ghd m`s cr`ehds.


=. Tme ilafed drgwer alhtg`hed tme uhwlrh keweis.

(\\@\\) (\\A\\)

0. Tme tree wgs bilwh lver `h tme stlrj wgs aut `htl ilos. 7>. Tme studehts reo`stered reo`stered `h tm`s alurse gre i`sted i`sted lh tmgt smeet lc tme  pgper.

E]ERA@QE (Qf`ii 1-4);

Egam lc tme cliilw`ho sehtehaes alhtg`hs lhe lr jlre pgrt`a`pies. Uhderi`he tme subkeats lhae ghd tme verbs tw`ae. A`raie tme pgrt`a`pie ghd igbei tmej gs gdkeat`ves lr verbs. Tmeh `hd`agte `c tme sehtehaes gre Alrreat (A) lr @halrreat (@). (\\A\\)

7. Lur mlsts gre serv`ho dr`hfs lh tme t`ied pgt`l.

(\\@\\) 2. Tme t`red wljgh wljgh tgf`ho g juam heeded hgp. (\\@\\) 1. Tme ietters were seht lh Jlhdgy grr`ved lh _edhesdgy.



(\\A\\) 4. Tme w`hhers deserved gre tme b`o pr`ze. (\\@\\)

5. Tme pights gre orlw`ho `h `h tme ogrdeh heed g ilt lc wgt wgter. er.

(\\A\\) 3. Tme sm`h`ho stgrs stgrs i`t up tme dgrfehed sfy. (\\A\\) ?. Tme dr`ver rgp`diy `haregsed tme speed lc tme rga`ho agr. (\\@\\)

=. Tme exa`ted am`idreh am`idreh try`ho try`ho tl bu`id g shlwjgh `h `h tme cgii`ho shlw.

(\\@\\) 0. Tme studehts gre aljpiet`ho tme alurse w`ii orgdugte `h kuhe. (\\A\\) 7>. Tme d`ssgt`sc`ed d`ssgt`sc`ed austljer austljer `s returh`ho tme brlfeh tlgster tl tme stlre.

E]ERA@QE (Qf`iis 1-4) ;

Amllse tme ietter lc tme wlrd lr orlup lc wlrds tmgt best aljpietes tme sehtehaes. 7.  Tme c`rst \\\\ gppegred dur`ho igst per`ld lc tme d`hlsgurs‐ re`oh. G.  Cilwers gre pights B.  ^ights mgve cilwers A.  ^ights cilwers

D.  Cilwers pights 2.  Tme egri`est jed`a`hes\\\\ crlj pights lc vgr`lus slrt. G.  Lbtg`h`ho B.  Tmey lbtg`hed A.  _ere lbtg`hed D.  Tmey were lbtg`hed 1.  Q`jpie sg`is were jgde crlj aghvgs \\\\ lver g crgje. G.  G stretam B.  Qtretamed

A.  _gs stretamed D.  @t wgs stretamed 4.  ^iutl‐s jllh, Amgrlh, \\\\ `h g si`omtiy eii`pt`agi pgtm grluhd tme pighet.  



G.  Jlv`ho B.  @s jlv`ho

A.  @t wgs jlv`ho D.  @h `t‐s jlv`ho  5.  Teamh`ques lc bregtm alhtrli crlj crlj gh esseht`gi pgrt lc ghy ghy \\\\ prlorgj tl `jprlve tme vl`ae. G.  @t trg`hs B.  Trg`h A.  Trg`hs D.  Trg`h`ho

3.  Rlbert E. Iee \\\\ tme alhcedergte grjy tl oehergi orght `h 7=35 gt tme Gppljgttlx alurtmluse. G.  Qurrehdered

B.  Me surrehdered A.  Qurrehder`ho D.  Qurrehder ?.  Tme p`tu`tgry oighd, \\\\ tme brg`h, regiese mlrjlhes tl alhtrli ltmer oighds. G.  Cluhd beilw

B.  @t `s cluhd beilw A.  @ts cluhdgt`lh beilw D.  C`hds `tseic beilw =.  Gt rluhd twl yegrs lc goe,jghy am`idreh reouigriy prlduae sehtehaes \\\\ tmree lr clur wlrds. G.  Gre alhtg`h`ho B.  Alhtg`h`ho

A.  Alhtg`h D.  Alhtg`hs 0.  Juit`hgt`lhgi aljpgh`es \\\\ `t `haregs`hoiy `haregs`hoiy `jplrtght tl ejpily `hterhgt`lhgiiy gaaeptgbie brghd hgjes.


G. C`hd`ho 75


B.  Gre C`hd`ho

A.  Tmey c`hd D.  Tmey gre c`hd`ho 7>. Tme alrheg `s ilagted uhder tme alhkuhat`vg, lh \\\\ lc eye. G.  Tme pgrt `s explsed

B.  Explsed tme pgrt

A.  Tme explsed pgrt

D.  Explses tme pgrt

Mgigjgh ?4-?= TLECI RES@E_ E]ERA@QE (Qf`iis 7-4); 7 -4);

Amllse tme ietter lc tme wlrd orlup lc wlrds tmgt best aljpietes tme sehtehae. 7.  ......... c`rst seteied tme Mgwg``gh @sighds betweeh G.D 1>> ghd ?5>. G.  Tme ^liyhes`ghs

B.  Tme ^liyhes`ghs Grr`ved A.  Beaguse lc tme ^liyhes`ghs D.  @t _gs tme ^liyhes`ghs 2.  @h 7>33, g br`omt aljet.......... `h tme Qfy gttrgated juam gtteht`lh. G.  _gs Gppegr`ho B.  Gppegrs A.  @t Gppegred D.  Gppegr`ho

1.  @h slje dgouerreltype agjergs, ......... tmrluom g mlie `h tme bgaf lc tme blx. G.  Tme lbkeat‐s v`ew 


B. Tme lbkeat wgs v`ewed 73


A.  Crlj tme v`ew lc tme lbkeat D.  S`ewed tme lbkeat 4.  @h tme Qtlhe Goe, stlhe tllis....... _`tm ltmer rlaf jgter`gis. G.  ^li`sm`ho

B.  Tmey pli`smed

A.  Clr pli`sm D.  _ere pli`smed

5.  Tme c`rst stegjsm`p tl arlss tme Gtight`a...........Qgvghhgm, `h 7=70. G.  _gs tme

B.  @t wgs tme A.  Tme D.  @h `t tme 3.  Tme Egrtm‐s pigtes jeet egam ltmer gt   Argafs `h tme Egrtm...........cguits. G.  _ere agiied B.  Agiis A.  Agiied

D.  @t wgs agiied ?.  Tme C`rst pight-i`fe lrogh`sjs ^rlbgbiy............`h tme seg,permgps 1 b`ii`lh yegrs gol. G.  I`ce B.  I`v`ho A.  I`ved

D.  @t wgs I`v`ho =.  @h jgie pgtterh bgidhess,............ Qtrlhoiy `hciuehaes tme deoree lc mg`r ilss. G.  Mered`ty


B. @hmer`ted 7?


A.  @hmer`ts D.  Mered`ty mgs 0.  @h wgatm tme sf`es, Aurt`s peebies .........gttejp tl expig`h Gjer`ag‐s bei`ec `h ciy`ho sguaers.   G.  Jgfe g cgsa`hgt`ho

B.  Jgf`ho g cgsa`hgt`ho

A.  Cgsa`hgt`ho w`tm jgf`ho D.  Cgsa`hgt`ho jgde g 7>. Tme `rreouigr algsti`he lc...........g suaaess`lh lc bgys ghd `hiets, w`tm mllf Lc tme Agpe Ald peh`hsuig `h tme slutmegst. G.  Jgssgamusetts B.  Jgssgamusetts `s

A.  Jgssgamusetts `t `s D.  Jgssgamusetts lh


Egam lc tme cliilw`ho sehtehaes alhtg`hs jlre tmgh lhe aiguse. Uhderi`he tme subkeats lhae ghd tme verbs tw`ae. A`raie tme alhheatlrs. Tmeh `hd`agte `c tme sehtehaes gre alrreat (A) lr @halrreat (@).

7.  .....A..... Tme igwh heeds wgter wgter every dgy, lr `t w`ii turh turh brlwh. 2.  .....@...... Tme bllf wgs hlt ilho, but d`cc`auit d`cc`auit tl regd. 1.  .....@..... @t wgs rg`h`ho, sl dea`ded hlt tl ol agjp`ho. agjp`ho. 4.  .....A..... Tme jgter`gi mgs beeh aut, ghd tme p`eaes mgve beeh sewh tloetmer. 5.  .....@...... Tme pgt`eht illf gii tme jed`a`he, me d`d hlt ceei juam better.



3.  .....A..... Tme b`ii just be pg`d `jjed`gteiy, lr tme eieatr`a`ty eieatr`a`ty w`ii be turhed lcc. ?.  .....@..... Tme curhgae brlfe sl tme mluse olt qu`te qu`te alid. =.  .....@..... Tme dress d`d hlt alst tll juam, but tme qugi`ty `t sseejed eejed exeiieht. 0.  .....A...... Tme iegves fept cgii`ho lcc tme trees, ghd tme blys fept rgf`ho tmej up, but ygrd wgs st`ii alvered. 7>. .....@...... Tme jg`i agrr`er mgs giregdy giregdy dei`vered tme jg`i, sl tme iet ietter ter `s hlt ol`ho tl grr`ve tldgy, tldg y, `t prlbgbiy w`ii grr`ve tljlrrlw.


Egam lc tme cliilw`ho sehtehaes alhtg`hs jlre tmgh lhe aiguse. Uhderi`he tme subkeats lhae ghd tme verbs tw`ae. A`raie tme alhheatlrs. Tmeh `hd`agte `c tme sehtehaes gre alrret (A) lr @halrreat (@). 7.  ....A...... Gcter tme pighe a`raied tme g`rplrt,`t ighded lh tme jg`h ruhwgy. 2.  ....@....... Tme reo`strgt`lh prlaaes prlaaes tllf jghy mlurs s`hae tme i` i`hes hes sl ilho. 1.  ....@....... Tm`s type lc jed`a`he agh be meipcui, `t agh gisl mgve slje bgd s`de ecceats. 4.  ....A....... Tme wgves were gjgz`hoiy m`om wmeh tme stlrj m`t tme algstgi tlwh. 5.  ....@....... _e heed tl oet g hew agr wmetmer `s lh sgie lr hlt. 3.  ....@...... Kust gs tme bregd agje lut lc tme lveh, wm`ie g wlhdercui grljg c`iied tme f`tameh. ?.  .....A...... Everylhe mgs speht t`je uhpgaf`ho blxes s`hae tme cgj`iiy jlved `htl tme hew mluse. =.  .....@...... Gitmluot tme greg `s g desert jghy pights billj tmere `h tme spr`hot`je. 0.  .....A...... Tme dr`vers lh tme creewgy drlve silwiy ghd agrecuiiy wm`ie rg`h wgs cgii`ho megv`iy beaguse tmey d`d hlt wght tl mgve gh gaa`deht. 70


7>. ......@..... @c ylu pigh agrecuiiy beclre ylu tgfe g tr`p, w`ii mgve g juam  better t`je, beaguse tme sjgii detg`is w`ii hlt aguse prlbiejs. E]ERA@QE 3;

Egam lc tme cliilw`ho sehtehaes alhtg`hs jlre tmgh lhe aiguse. Uhderi`he tme subkeats lhae ghd tme verbs tw`hae. A`raie tme alhheatlrs. Tmgh `hd`agte `c tme sehtehaes gre alrreat (A) lr `halrreat(@). 7.  A Gcter tme pighe a`raied tme g`rplrt, `t ighded lh tme jg`h ruhwgy. 2.  @ Tme reo`strgt`lh prlaess tllf jghy mlurs s`hae tme i`hes sl ilho. 1.  @ Tm`s type lc jed`a`he agh be meipcui, `t agh gisl mgve slje bgd s`de ecceats. 4.  A Tme wgves were gjgz`hoiy m`om wmeh tme stlrj m`t tme algstgi tlwh. 5.  @ _e heed tl oet g hew agr wmetmer `s lh sgie lr hlt. 3.  @ Kust gs tme bregd agje lut lc tme lveh, wm`ie g wlhdercui grljg c`iied tme f`tameh. ?.  A Everylhe mgs speht t`je uhpgaf`ho blxes s`hae tme cgj`iy jlved `htl tme hew mluse. =.  @ Gitmluomt tme greg `s g desert jghy pights billj b illj tmere `h tme spr`hot`je. 0.  A Tme dr`vers lh tme creewgy drlve silwiy ghd agrecuiiy wm`ie tme rg`h wgs cgii`ho megv`iy beaguse tmey d`d hlt wght tl mgve gh gaa`deht. 7>. @ @c ylu pigh agrecuiiy beclre ylu tgfe g tr`p, w`ii mgve g juam better t`je  beaguse tme sjgii detg`is w`ii hlt aguse prlbiejs.

E]ERA@QE( Qf`iis 5-3);

Egam lc tme cliilw`ho sehtehaes alhtg`hs jlre tmgh lhe aiguse. Uhderi`he tme subkeats lhae ghd tme verbs tw`hae. A`raie tme alhheatlrs. Tmgh `hd`agte `c tme sehtehaes gre alrreat (A) lr `halrreat(@). 7.  A Tme igwyer presehted g strlho agse, but tme ai`eht wgs st`ii cluhd ou`ity. 2.  @ Gcter tme am`idreh regd slje stlr`es beclre tmey weht tl bgd.



1.  @ Tme replrt heeded tl be aljpieted, tme wlrfers stgyed igte every h`omt clr g weef. 4.  A @c ylu dl hlt turh lh tme t me i`omts, ylu w`ii tr`p `h tme dgrf. 5.  @ G tm`af clo agje rlii`ho `h, sl pighes uhgbie tl ighd. 3.  A Gii lc tme smles gre lh smgie uht`i tme aurreht stlaf `s olhe. ?.  @ Tme sm`p iegv`ho tme dlaf eveh tmluom slje pgssehoers were hlt lh  blgrd. =.  @ Tme luti`he just be turhed `h tl tme tegamer g weef beclre tme pgper `s due, ghd jgsf gpprlve `t. 0.  @ Beaguse tme clld wgs alid wmeh `t wgs served tme d`hers seht `t bgaf tl tme f`tameh 7>. A Plu sluid dlwh wm`ie ylu gre dr`v`ho, lr tme pli`ae wm`ii puii ylur agr lver

TLECI E]ERA@QE (Qf`iis 5-3);

Amllse tme ietter lc tme wlrd lr orlup lc wlrds tmgt tme aljpietes tme sehtehae. 7.  G spgaeargct `s creed crlj cr`at`lh ----- iguhamed `htl spgae. g.  @t


 b. @t `s a.  Gcter `s d.  Gcter `t `s

2.  ------- _`tm tme`r surrluhd`hos, lr tmey m`de `h arev`aes clr prlteat`lh. g.  Ilbsters b.  Ilbsters biehd

a.  Ilbsters biehd`ho d.  Beaguse Ilbsters biehd 1.  ------- g bgii-ghd-slafet kl`ht, tme eiblw `s g s`jpie m`hoe kl`ht.



g.  _m`ie tme smluider b.  _m`ie tme sluider `s

a.  Tme smluider `s d.  Tme sluider 4.  G agr mgs severgi seat`lhs w`tm jlv`ho pgrts, ------- lc tmlse pgrts `s esseht`gi. g.  Olld iubr`agt`lh  b.  _eii iubr`agted a.  Ghd olld iubr`agt`lh

d.  Ghd weii iubr`agt`lh 5.  Begrs aghhlt see weii ------ sjgii eyes. g.  Begrs mgve


 b. Beaguse mgv`ho a.  Beaguse tmey mgve d.  Beaguse lc begrs 3.  ------ gt tme @stmjus lc ^ghgjg, sl gh`jgis were gbie tl j`orgte betweeh  Hlrtm ghd Qlutm Gjer`ag. g.  G ighd br`doe ex`sted

 b.  _meh g ighd br`doe ex`sted a.  G ighd br`doe d.  _`tm g ighd br`doe ?.  ------ jlstiy jgde lc orgh`te, `t gisl alhtg`hs slje mujgh-jgde jgter`gis. g.  Tme Ejp`re Qtgte Bu`id`ho  b.  Tme Ejp`re Qtgte Bu`id`ho `s a.  Gitluom tme Ejp`re Qtgte Bu`id`ho `s

d.  Gitluom tme Ejp`re Qtgte Bu`id`ho `s bu`it =.  ^ressure d`ccerehaes d`ccerehaes jgfe tme egrdruj v`brgte ---- tme egr. g.  Ehters tme sluhd wgves


 b. Gs sluhd wgves 22


a.  Qluhd wgves ehter d.  Gs sluhd wgves ehter

0.  Gh lpt`agi j`arlsalpe jgoh`c`es gs juam gs 2,>>> t`jes, but gh eieatrlh j`arlsalpe ------ gs juam gs g j`ii`lh t`jes. g.  Jgoh`cy`ho  b.  @t jgoh`c`es a.  Agh jgoh`cy

d.  Jgoh`cy `t 7>.  @c sa`eht`c`a est`jgtes gre gaaurgte, ------ w`tm tme Egrt gblut 2>,>>> yegrs gol. g.  Tme Aghlh D`gbil jetelr`te alii`ded

 b.  Tme alii`s`lh lc tme Aghlh D`gbil jetelr`te


a. Tme Aghlh D`gbil jetelr`te alii`d`ho d.  Alii`d`ho tme Aghlh D`gbil jetelr`te

TLECI RES@E_ E]ERA@QE (Qf`iis 7-3); 7 -3);

Amllse tme ietter lc tme wlrd lr orlup lc wlrds tmgt tme aljpietes tme sehtehae. 7.  ------ Lc tme puebil `hd`ghs aehtered lh `htehs`c gor`auiture. g.  Tme ealhlj`a gat`v`ty

 b.  Beaguse Tme ealhlj`a gat`v`ty


a. Tme ealhlj`a wgs gat`v`ty d.  _meh Tme ealhlj`a gat`v`ty 2.  @h plpuigr terj`hlilo`, ghy ilho shlwstlrj w`tm -----------

`s agiied g

 bi`zzgrd. g.  Tme gjluht lc w`hd `s igroe b.  G igroe gjluht lc w`hdy

a.  @t `s very w`hdy d.  Sery w`hdy 1.   Huaiegr plwer agh be prlduaed by cus`lh ------- prlduaed by c`ss`lh .



g.  @t agh gisl be  b.  @t agh gisl a.  Ghd @t agh gisl be

d.  Ghd @t agh gisl 4.  ------- `ohelus rlafs jgy be amghoed `htl ohe`sses. g.  Tme tejpergture `s m`om b.  @c Tme tejpergture `s m`om

a.  M`om tejpergture d.  @c m`om tejpergture 5.  @h 70>5,Mehry Cigoer ------- m`s pighs tl extehd m`s Cilr`dg Cilr`dg Egst Algst Rg`iwgy lut garlss tme seg tl fey west.


g. @t wgs ghhluhaed  b.  Ghhluhaejeht a.  Tme ghhluhaejeht lc d.  Ghhluhaed

3.  Tme sluhd ------- crlj g v`brgt`ho lbkeat w`ii be m`om lr ilw depehd`ho lh tme hujber lc v`brgt`lhs. g.  Aljes  b.  @t `s alj`ho a.  @s alj`ho d.  Alj`ho

?.  Dur`ho tme igte 7==>s, urbgh streetagrs were eieatr`c`ed tmrluom ------igroe jltlrs. g.  Tmey used  b.  Used a.  Tme use lc

d.  _meh tmey used =.  ------- gijlst 2?4 squgre j`ies, but 03 pgraeht lc tme pgrf ``ss uhder wgter


g. Gitmluom b`sagyhe Hgt`lhgi ^grf ehaljpgsses 24


b.  B`sagyhe Hgt`lhgi ^grf ehaljpgsses

a.  B`sagyhe Hgt`lhgi ^grf ehaljpgss`ho d.  B`sagyhe Hgt`lhgi ^grf 0.  Ieo`sigt`lh------- `h 7073 ghd 707? ogve tme w`islh gdj`h`strgt`lh gutmlr`ty tl `htervehe `h tme hgt`lhgi ealhljy `c `t prlved heaessgry. g.  @t wgs pgssed  b.  _gs pgssed a.  ^gssed

d.  ^gsses 7>. Beaguse g cgj`iy lc b`rds set up mlusefeep`ho `h Klei Amghdier Mgrr`s‐s jg`iblx wmeh tme b`rds were `h heed lc g pigae tl stgy ------- tme _reh‐s  Hest.


g. Tme mlje `s hgjed  b.  Ql Tme mlje `s hgjed

a.   Hgj`ho tme mlje d.  Tme mlje‐s hgje 


( A ) 7. Tme tegamer megrd wml ghswer tme quest`lh. ( @ ) 2. @ dl hlt uhderstghd wmgt `t weht wrlho. ( A ) 1. Lc tme tmree jlv`es, @ agh‐t dea`de wm`am `s tme best.  ( @ ) 4. Qme d`d hlt rejejber wml `h mer aigss.

( @ ) 5. Hl lhe `s sure wmgt d`d `t megppeh `h crlht lc bu`id`ho. ( A 3. _e cluhd lut wm`am wgs mer cgvlr`te type lc aghdy. ( A )?. Dl ylu fhlw wmgt agused tme pights tl d`e< ( @ ) =. @ gj hlt sure wm`am `t `s tme jlst `jplrtght. (A ) 0. _e tmluomt gblut wml wluid be tme best v`ae pres`deht. ( @ ) 7>. Qme sgw wmgt `h tme blx `h tme ailset.




( @ ) 7. @t dlubtcui wmetmer me w`ii pgss tme test lr hlt. ( @) 2. Tme orlup d`saussed wml be smluid reae`ve tme pr`ze. (A) 1. @t `s hlt aertg`h wmy tme aigss wgs aghaeiied. (@) 4. @ w`ii dl wmgt dles `t heed tl be dlhe. (A) 5. _e clrolt wmeh d`d tme jlv`es stgrt. (A ) 3. @ wluid i`fe tl gsf `c ylu aluid alje lver clr d`hher tm`s weefehd. (@) ?. Tme am`idreh fhew wm`am tme best ogje tl pigy. ( @) =. Tme gdv`slr `hclrjed mer tmgt heeded tl gdd ghltmer aigss. (A ) 0. Me sgw wml tllf tme jlhey. (A ) 7>. @t `s uhaiegr mlw tme w`hdlw olt brlfeh.


7.  Tldgy,tme true stlry lc…...gt i`ttie b`omlrh rejg`hs g jystery.   A. wmgt mgppehed 2.  Clr jlre tmgh g deagde ……tmgt aertg`h spea`es gre blalj`ho sagrae.  A. b`rd-wgtamers mgve wgrhed 1.  Egriy `h tme e`omteehtm aehtury, Mgiiey gaaurgteiy pred`ated wmeh…….lc 73=2 wluid returh. G.Tme Aljet 4.  Hl s`hoie cgatlr expig`hs wmy……vgry sl oregtiy gjlho `hd`v`dugis. B.Tme ecceats lc go`ho 5.  Igaf lc aigr`ty gblut……tme pgrty `h tme alj`ho yegr w`ii be rejlved gt tme  pgrty‐s alhveht`lh. 

D. wml w`ii iegd 3.  _e dl hlt……tme blw dr`ii wgs c`rst deveilped clr wlldwlrf`ho wlld wlrf`ho lr c`re jgrf`ho.  A. fhlw wmetmer ?.  J`hute Jgh Hgt`lhgi M`stlr`agi ^grf `s g jlhujeht tl wmere…….   D. tme Revliut`lhgry _gr tl beo`h 23


=.  Tests lh tme alilrs lc agrs were alhduated gt tme Uh`vers`ty lc Agi`clrh`g tl deterj`he……tme sgcest alilrs clr agrs.  

B. wm`am were 0.  Tme Hgt`lhgi @hst`tute lc Dehtgi Resegram est`jg tes……`h ciulr`dgted gregs mgve gblut 25 peraeht iess tlltm deagy tmgh am`idreh eisewmere. A. tmgt samlli am`idreh. 7>. Tme prlaess lc pmltlsyhtmes`s expig`hs mlw…..gbie tl use tme eheroy `h suhi`omt tl jghucgature cllds crlj tme s`jpie amej`agis `h g`r ghd wgter. B. w`tm oreeh pights gre

MGI =3-0> TLECI RES@E_ E]ERA@QE ( Qf`ii 7-=);

Amllse tme ietter lc tme wlrd lr orlup lc wlrds tmgt best aljpietes tme sehtehae. 7.  G`r hegr tme equgtlr\\\\ g cgster west-tl\egst jlt`lh tmgh g`r cgrtmer crlj tme equgtlr. g)  Tl mgve

a) mgs 

 b)  @t mgs

d) mgv`ho

2.  Gblut 4>>> B.a., mujghs d`salvered tmgt\\\\lbtg`hed crlj spea`gi rlafs agiied lres. g)  Jetgis aluid be 

a) plss`biy jetgii`a

 b)  Tme gb`i`ty lc jetgii`a

d) aluid jetgis be



1.   \\\\ Wu`afiy gcter gh gh`jgi d`es. g)  @h tme deorgdgt`lh lc DHG  b)  Deorgd`ho DHG a)  DHG deorgdes

d)  Clr DHG tl deorgde 4.   \\\\ gerldyhgj`a des`oh mgs alhtr`buted oregtiy tl redua`ho res`stghae tl jlt`lh. g)  @jprlved 

a) @jprlvejeht

 b)  @t `jprlves

d) tmey `jprlve

5.  Tme slutmerh pgrt lc Cilr`dg `s juam wgrjer `h tme tm e w`hter tmgt tme hlrtmerh  pgrt, sl jlre \\\\ tl tme slutm. g)  Cilaf`ho tlur`sts  b)  Tlur`ho cilafs a)  Cilafs lc tlur`sts d)  Tlur`sts cilafs

3.  Tme Jllh's orgv`ty puiis wgter lh tme hegr s`de lc tme Egrtm tlwgrd tme Jl Jllh, lh, ghd tm`s `s wmgt \\\\ t`des tl laaur. l aaur. g)  Tme aguse

a) agus`ho

 b)  Aguses 

d) tme aguse lc

?.   \\\\, tmey p`af up crgojehts lc rlaf wm`am bealje crlzeh `htl tme bgse lc tme `ae. g)  Oiga`ers jlve 2=


 b)  Oiga`ers jlv`ho a)  Tmey were oiga`ers d)  Gs orga`ers jlve

=.  Tme tgpe jeghsure c`rst evlived crlj \\\\ used by tme Eoypt`ghs. g)  Tme amg`hs jehsure  b)  Tme amg`hs gre jeghsured a)  Tme amg`hs gre jeghsur`ho d)  Tme jeghsur`ho amg`hs

0.  G typ`agi Gtight`a murr`aghe stgrt gs g ilw pressure systej hegr \\\\ g)  Gcr`ag algsts  b)  Algst tl Gcr`ag a)  Tme Gcr`agh algst

d)  Gcr`ag mgs g algst 7>. @t `s hlt aiegr wmetmer tme subd`v`s`lhs lc tme helalrtex h elalrtex \\\\ uh`ts. g)  @hd`v`dugi  b)  Gre `hd`v`dugi a)  Tmey gre `hd`v`dugi d)  `hd`v`dugiiy E]ERA@QE 0;

Egam lc tme cliilw`ho sehtehaes alhtg`hs jlre tmgt lhe aiguse. Uhderi`he tme subkeats lhae ghd tme verbs tw`ae. A`raie tmeh alhheatlrs. tmeh `hd`agte `c tme sehtehaes gre



alrreat (A) lr `halrreat (@). A 7. @ d`d d`d hlt bei`eve tme tme stlry tmgt me tlid je @

2. Js.Brlwh, wmlj d`d ylu realjjehd realjjehd clr tme klb, w`ii stgrt stgrt wlrf wlrf tljjlrl


1. Tme ieature hltes wm`am ieht ieht je were hlt aiegriy wr`tteh

A 4. Qgiiy mgs gh gppl`htjeht w`tm tme mg`rdr mg`rdresser esser wmlj ylu realjjehded. @

5. Tme pmlhe hujber tmgt ylu ogve je


3. Qme `s gbie tl slive gii gii tme prlbiejs wm`am d`d sme aguse.

A ?. Tme dgy tmgt sme speht lh tme begam iect mer suhburhed. @ =. Hext weef @ gj ol`ho tl v`s`t jy alus`hs, alus`hs, wmlj mgve hlt seeh `h severgi yegrs. @

0. D`d ylu clroet tme prlj`se wmlj ylu jgde<

A 7>. Tme tegamer tegamer wmlj tme studehts i`fe tme jlst `s tme`r m`stlry tegame E]ERA@QE 7>;

Egam lc tme cliilw`ho sehtehaes alhtg`hs jlre tmgt lhe aiguse. Uhderi`he tme subkeats lhae ghd tme verbs tw`ae. A`raie tme alhheatlrs. Tmeh `hd`agte `c tme sehtehaes gre alrreat (A) `r `halrreat (@). A 7. Tme am`idreh tmgt were vgaa`hgted d`d hlt oet s`af. @ 2. @ d`d hlte vlte clr tme pli`t`a`gh wml me kust wlh tme eieat`lh. @ 1. Tme dlo tmgt bgrf`ho beilhos beilhos tl jy he`omtblr. A 4. @ tllf twl lc tme biue p`iis, wm`am were very ecceat`ve @ 5. _e rehted gh gh gpgrtjeht crlj tme ighdilrd wml dles me lwh tme bu`id`hos lh Jgpie Qtreet. @ 3. Qme clrolt tl tl gttehd tme jeet`ho wm`am `t beogh gt 77.>> A ?. Ghy studeht wml dles hlt turh `h tme pgper by Cr`dgy Cr`dgy w`ii cg`i tme aigss aigss 1>


@ =. Tme pelpie wm`am agje `h igte mgd tl s`t gt tme bgaf @ 0. tme alurses tmgt sgt`scy tme orgdugt`lh requ`rejehts requ`rejehts tmey gre d`cc`auit A 7>. Gcter d`hher sme sme weht tl v`s`t mer pgrehts, pgrehts, wml were i`v`ho dlwh tme sstreet treet

E]ERA@QE ( Qf`iiQ 0-7> ); Egam lc tme cliilw`ho sehtehae alhtg`hs jlre tmgh lhe

aiguse. Uhderi`he tme subkeats lhae ghd tme verbs tw`ae. A`raie tme alhheat tlrs. Tmeh `hd`agre `c tme sehtehaes gre Alrreat (A) lr @halrreat (@) (\@\)

7. Jy s`ster precet tl egt clld tmgt allfed tmejseives

(\A\) 2. Tme blgt tmgt m`t tme uhderwgter rlaf rlaf sighf (\A\) 1. Tme age wm`am me wgs dr`v`ho aluid hlt plss`biy be m`s (\@\)

4. Tme am`idreh bu`i g mluse `h tme tree tree tmgt `h tgfe


5. Tmgt alst lc tme tr`p wm`am we we wghted tl tgfe

(\A\) 3. Tme am`idreh gre pigy`ho w`tm tme tlys wm`am tme`r jltmer tlid tlid tmej gwgy (\@\)

?. Tme ouest wml were segted grluhd tme d`hher tgbie

(\A\) =. Tme studehts mgve tl regd gii tme amgpters wm`am gre lh tme test (\@\)

0. @ regiiy dl hlt i`fe tme tme grt`sts grt`sts wm`am ylu i`fe.


7>. Tme stlhes tmgt tmgt tmey were set `h tme r`ho r`ho were qu`te vgiugbe vgiugbe

TLECI E]ERA@QE (sf`iis 0-7> ) ;  Amllse tme ietter lc tme wlrd lr orlup lc wlrds

tmgt best aljpieted tme sehtehae. 7.  Jlderh mujghs, wml c`rsm gppegred gblut 3>>.>>> yegrs gol, \\\\mljl sgp`eh. g.  Agii`ho



 b.  _ere Agii`ho a.  Tmey Agiied d.  Tmey were agiied Ghswer ; B

2.  Tme c`rst wr`t`ho \\\\ev`dehae lc `s lh Jeslpltgrh`gh aigy aig y tgbiets. g.  _e  b.  Tmgt we a.  Mgs d.  Tmgt we mgve Ghswer ; D


1.  \\\\ drluomt-res`stght pights wm`am stlre wgtter `h ciesmy ciesmy t`ssue. g.  Quaauiehts gre  b.  Qeaauiehts a.  Tmey gre seauuiehts d.  Quaauieht wm`am gre e.  Ghswer ; G

4.  Behkgj`h fgbeisfy, wmlj \\\\ gs Kgaf Behhy wgs g cgjlus aljed`gh `h vgudev`iie ghd lh rgd`l ghd teiev`s`lh. g.  Jlst pelpie‐s fhlwiedoe   b.  Jlst pelpie fhlw a.  Fhlw`ho jlst pelpie d.  Tme fhlwiedoe lc jlst pelpie Ghswer ; B

5.  Tmgt muhted ltmer gh`jgis tehded tl mgve very hgrrlw, smgrp, aurved aigws. g.  Clr d`hlsgurus  b.  D`hlsgurus gre fhlw 12


a.  D`hlsgurus d.  I`fe d`hlsgurus Ghswer ; A

3.  Tme c`rst eyeoigss mgd alhvex iehses clr tme goed g oed wml \\\ cgrs`omted. g.  Mgd bealje  b.  Tmey mgd bealje a.  Bealj`ho d.  @t beagje Ghswer ; G

?.  Am`jhey rlaf \\\\ 5>> ceet gblve tme hlprm pigtte r`ver, mgs erlded erlded alhs`dergbiy `h tme igst aehtur`es. g.  Qtghds  b.  @s stghd`ho a.  @t stghds d.  _m`am stghds Ghswer ; D

=.   \\\\ tmgt gaaljpghy reaurr`ho bluts lc sereve despress`lh reduae blhe dehs`ty. g.  @t amghoes mlrjlhes  b.  Mlrjlhgi amghoes a.  Tme mlrjlhes amghoe d.  Tme amghoe `h mlrjlhes Ghswer ; B

0.  _`iig agtmer `s gutmlr \\\\ clr mer evlagt`ve ghd jejlrgbie v` v`s`lh s`lh lc crlht`er prg`r`e i`ce



g.  _mlj regders  b.  Tme prg`se lc regder a.  _mlj prg`s`hos d.  _mlj regders prg`se Ghswer ; D

7>. Jgrs‐s t`hy jllh pmlbls `s g sjgii jluhtg`h lc rlaf tmgt \\\\ crlj tme gsterl`d beit by jgrs‐s orgv`tgt`lhgi puii 

g.  _gs prlbgbiy  b.  @t prlbgbiy a.  Tme prlbgbie agpture d.  ^rlbgbiy tme agpture Ghswer ; G

TLEIC RES@E_ E]ERA@QE ( Qf`iis 7-7> )   Amllse tme ietter lc tme wlrd lr

orlup lc wlrds tmgt best aljpietes tme sehtehae. 7.   \\\\ `s cgjlus gs tme mlje lc tme U.Q Hgvgi Gagdejy. g.  Ghhgpli`s  b.  Beaguse Ghhgpli`s a.  _my ghgpli`s

d.  Beaguse Ghhgpli`s e.  Ghswer ; G

2.  Qlje sa`eht`sts tm`hf \\\\ be g pighet but g jllh lc Heptuhe. g.  Tmgt ^iutl dles hlt seej  b.   Hlt ^iutl a.  ^iutl tmgt j`omt hlt



d.  Tmgt ^iutl j`omt hlt e.  Ghswer ; D

1.  _`tm \\\ lc slpm`st`agted l`i igjps, eigblrgte tllis were jgde tl aut tme w`afs g.  Gppegred  b.  Tme gppegrghae a.  Tme gppegrghae wgs d.  @t gppegred Ghswer ; B

4.  Clrt uh`lh wgs tme s`te lc wmgt \\\\ pr`ha`pgi cur-trghd`ho plst lh tme upper J`sslur` R`ver. g.  Tme  b.  Be`ho tme a.  _gs d.  @t wgs tme Ghswer ; A

5.  Q`hae \\\ aljjera`gi r`sf, `t mgs tl gppegi gpp egi tl g igroe gud`ehae tl kust`cy `ts alst g.  Tme cgae lc jlv`e  b.  Jlv`ho cgaes a.  G jlv`e cgae d.  Tl cgae g jlv`e Ghswer ; A

3.  G aurreht lc wgter fhlwh gs tme ouic stregj aljes up crlj tme ouic lc jex`al, ghd tmeh \\\ tme hlrtm gtight`a tlwgrd Eurlpe.



g.  @t arlsses  b.  Arlss`ho a.  _`tm `ts arlsses d.  Arlsses `t Ghswer ; G

?.  Qystej \\\\tme twl syjbli > ghd 7 gre agiied b`hgry hujber systej. systej. g.  Use  b.  Tmey use a.  Uses d.  Us`ho e.  Ghswer ; D

=.  Oehes \\\\ tme biuepr`hts clr aeii alhstruat`lh ex`st `h t`omtiy lrogh`zed  pgafgoes agiied amrljlsljes. g.  Gre  b.  Tmey gre a.  _m`am d.  _m`am gre Ghswer ; D

0.  Tme egrtm‐s gtjlspmere alhs`sts lc ogses \\\\`h pigae grluhd tme egrtm by tme orgv`tgt`lhgi puii lc tme pighhet g.  Meid  b.  Mlid a.  @t mlid d.  Tme mlid Ghswer ; G



7>. Lsagr mgjjerte`h @@ aliigblrgted w`tm g hujber lc aljplsers `haiud`ho Kerlje Ferh, wmlj \\\ `h wr`t`ho tme jus`agi smlw blgt. g.  Kl`hed  b.  _gs kl`hed a.  Me kl`hed d.  Kl`h`ho Ghswer ; A E]ERA@QE 77 ;  Egam lc tme cliilw`ho sehtehae alhtg`hs jlre tmgh lhe aiguse.

Uhderi`he tme subkeats lhae ghd tme verbs tw`ae. A`raie tme alhheat tlrs. Tmeh `hd`agre `c tme sehtehaes gre Alrreat (A) lr @halrreat (@) (\A\) 7. Tme subkeat ( lc tme ieatures ) wgs qu`te `hterest`ho. (\@\)

2. Tme suppi`es ( cclr lr tme agjp`ho tr`p ) heeds tl be pgafed.


1. Tme amg`rs uhder tme tgbie `h tme d`h`ho rllj `s qu`te aljclrtgbie.

(\A\) 4. Tme pigyers lh tme w`hh`ho tegj tegj `h tme aljpet`t`lh aljpet`t`lh were very tgiehted. (\@\)

5. Tme clld clr tme ouests gt tme pgrty gre gre lh ilho tgbies.

(\A\) 3. Tme alst lc tme ailtmes wgs m`omer tmgh @ mgd expeated. (\A\) ?. Tme ruos `h tme crlht rlljs lc tme mluse gre ol`ho tl be wgsmed tldgy. (\@\)

=. Tme servers `h tm`s restgurght giwgys dles tme`r klb ecc`a`ehtiy.

(\A\) 0. Tme i`omt `h tme alrher lc tme rllj heed tl be fept lh gii h`omt. (\A\) 7>.tme jeet`ho lc tme jejbers lc tme aluha`i beo`hs gt 1;>> `h tme gcterhllh.



E]ERA@QE 72 ;  Egam lc tme cliilw`ho sehtehae alhtg`hs jlre tmgh lhe aiguse.

Uhderi`he tme subkeats lhae ghd tme verbs tw`ae. A`raie tme alhheat tlrs. Tmeh `hd`agre `c tme sehtehaes gre Alrreat (A) lr @halrreat (@) (\A\) 7. Mgic lc tme studehts `h tme aigss grr`ve egriy. (\@\)

2. Qlje lc tme cru`t gre rltteh.

(\A\) 1. Gii lc tme hext amgpter alhtg`h very `jplrtght `hclrjgt`lh. (\@\)

4. Jlst lc tme pelpie `h tme rllj `h pgy`ho gtteht`lh.

(\A\) 5. ^gt lc tme slup `s iect lh tme stlve. (\@\)

3. Qlje lc tme jlv`e were kust tll v`liet clr je.

(\\@\) ?. Gii lc detg`is `h tme tme replrt heeds tl be ameafed. (\A\\) =. Jlst lc tme jlhey `s `s heeded tl pgy tme b`ii. (\\A\) 0. Tme c`rst mgic lc tme aigss alhs`sts lc ieature ghd hlte tgf`ho. (\\@\) 7>. Qlje tme quest`lhs lh tme test test wgs `jplss`bie tl tl ghswer.

E]ERA@QE 71;  Egam lc tme cliilw`ho sehtehaes alhtg`hs lhe lc tme wlrds tmgt `s

orgjjgt`agiiy s`houigr but mgs g piurgi jegh`ho. Uhderi`he tmese wlrds lhae ghd uhderi`he tme verb tw`ae. Tmeh `hd`agte `c tme sehtehaes gre alrreat (A) lr `halrreat (@) @

7.ghybldy gre weialje gt tme pgrty


2. Hl lhe mere `s gcrg`d lc sfyd`v`ho


1. Everylhe `h tme wlrid heeds ilve ghd respeat


4. Qljelhe mgve tl aiegh up tme mluse


5. Egam pight `h tme ogrdeh gppegr megitmy ghd strlho


3. Plu smluid uhderstghd tmgt ghytm`ho `s plss`bie 1=



?.everytm`ho `h tme sgigd gre olld clr ylu


=. Hlbldy `h tme aigss mgve aljpieted tme gss`ohjeht lh t`je


0. @ gj sure tmgt every detg`i mgve beeh alhs`dered


7>. Everybldy fhlw tme ruies, but sljebldy `s hlt cliilw`ho tmej

E]ERA@QE ( Qf`iiQ 77-71 ); Egam lc tme cliilw`ho sehtehae alhtg`hs jlre tmgh lhe

aiguse. Uhderi`he tme subkeats lhae ghd tme verbs tw`ae. A`raie tme alhheat tlrs. Tmeh `hd`agre `c tme sehtehaes gre Alrreat (A) lr @halrreat (@) (\A\) 7. Tme reaept`lh`st `h tme ehtrywgy ehtrywgy tl tme lcc`aes lcc`aes `s gbie ghswer ghswer ylur quest`lh. (\@\)

2. Gii lc tme `hclrjgt`lh `h tme dlaujehts gre `jplrtght.

(\A\) 1. Ghylhe `h lhe lc tme aigsses mgs tl tgfe tme c`hgi exgj. (\@\)

4. Tme allrd`hgtlr lc aljjuh`ty aljjuh`ty serv`aes gre grrgho`ho tme prlorgj.


5. Jlst lc tme agr gre alvered w`tm jud.

(\A\) 3. Hltm`ho jlre `s ol`ho tl be aljpieted tldgy (\@\)

?. Tme dr`hf `h tme p`tamers lh tme tgbie `h tme bgiirllj `s clr everylhe.


=. Everybly were tlid tl be mere gt =;>>, but sljebldy `s hlt mere.

(\A\) 0. Qlje lc tme jeet`hos gt tme alhcerehaegre i`j`ted tl teh pgrt`a`pghts. (\@\)

7>. Tme sguae lh tme veoetgbies `h tme yeiilw blwi tgste tgste regiiy regiiy dei`a`lus. dei`a`lus.

E]ERA@QE (QF@IIQ 77-71)

(a)7. Tme reaept`lh`st `h tme ehtrywgy tl tme lcc`aes `s gbie tl ghswer ylur qu quest`lhs est`lhs



(@) 2. Gii tme `hclrjgt`lh `h tme dlaujehts gre `jplrtght `jp lrtght (a) 1. Ghylhe `h lhe lc tme aigsses mgs tl tgfe tme c`hgi exgj (@) 4. Tme allrd`hgtlr lc aljjuh`ty serv`aes gre grrgho`ho g rrgho`ho tme prlorgj (@) 5. Jlst lc tme agr gre alvered w`tm jud (a) 3. Hltm`ho jlre `s ol`ho tl be aljpieted tldgy (`) ?. Tme dr`hfs `h tme p`tamers lh tme tgbie `h tme bgiirllj `s clr ever everylhe ylhe (`) =. Everybldy were tlid tl be mere gt =;>>, but sljebldy `s hlt mere (a) 0. Qlje lc tme jeet`hos gt tme alhcerehae gre i`j`ted tl teh pgrt`a`pghts (@) 7>. Tme sguae lh tme veoetgbies `h tme yeiilw blwi tgste regiiy dei`a`lus


G\ 7. Hlbldy fhlw(G) wmeh tme prlaess(B) lc oigss-jgf`ho wgs(A) `hvehted(D) B\ 2. Quogrs i`fe(G) oiualse `s(B) jgde(A) up lc(D) agrblh, mydrloeh, ghd lxyoeh gtljs A\ 1. ^grt lc tme eieatr`a`ty used(G) `h tme Uh`ted Qtgtes tldgy(B) alje(A) crlj mydrleieatr`a sluraes(D) G\ 4. Tme ighougoes lc l c tme wlrid presehts(G) gre vgst grrgy(B) lc struatugi s`j`igr`t`es(D) ghd d`ccerehaes(D) G\ 5. Tme r`se lc juit`hgt`lhgis mgve(G) resuited(B) `h g oregt degi lc ieogi gjb`ou`ty beaguse juit`hgt`lhgis agh(A) lpergte(D) `h sl jghy jgh y kur`sd`at`lhs



G\ 3. Gii lc tme egst-west `hterstgte m`omwgys `t ttme me Uh`ted Qtgtes mgs(G) eveh hujbers(B), wm`ie hlrtm-slutm `hterstgte m`omwgys gre(A) ldd-hujbered(D) A\ ?. _meh(G) g jgss`ve stgr `h tme igroe Jeogiigh`l Ailud expilded(B) `h 70=?, g wgve lc heutrlhs were(A) deteated(D) lh egrtm A\ =. Qlje lc tme gor`auiturgi prgat`aes(G) used(B) tldgy `s(A) resplhs`bie clr clster`ho(D) desert`c`agt`lh A\ 0. Every lpeh spgae `h tme tgroeted(G) greg tmgt mgs(B) orgss ghd g cew busmes gre(A) laaup`ed(D) by tme wm`ie-arlwhed spgrrlw A\ 7>. Frgfgtlg `s rejejbered(G) gs tme vliaghl tmgt put(B) sl juam gsm `htl tme g`r suhsets grrluhd tme wlrid wgs(A) gcceated clr twl yegrs gcterwgrds(D)

7.\ tme egri`est systej lc wr`t`ho (D) ^`atlorgjs alhst`tute 2. Gt tejpergtures \ gbsliute zerl, substghaes plssess j`h`jgi eheroy (A) gpprlgam`ho 1. Tme Egrtm‐s lhe-yegr revliut`lh grrluhd tme suh amghoes mlw \ lh lhe mej`spmere

lr tme ltmer (D) suhi`omt cgiis 4. Tmluom splrgd`a `hterest `h tme reo`lhgi d`gieats \ clr aehtur`es, tme c`rst igroe-sagie systejgt`a stud`es d`d hlt tgfe pigae uht`i tme h`heteehtm h`he teehtm aehtury (G) mgs ex`sted


D 5. Tme(G) wgters lc tme(B) Amgttgmllmee R`ver(A) C`iis(D) Igfe Igh`er 47


B 3. Tme c`rst set lc cgise teetm(G) s`j`igr tl tmlse `h use tldgy `t(B) wgs(A) jgde(D) `h Crghae `h tme 7?=>s B ?. Tme terj ’Pghfee‚ wgs(G) lr`o`hgiiy g h`afhgje clr pelpie crlj Hew Ehoighd, Ehoighd ,  but hlw everylhe crlj tme Uh`ted Qtgtes gre(B) reccered(A) tl gs(D) g Pghfee A =. G hetwlrfs lc sjgii grter`es, jlstiy sghdw`amed(G) betweeh tme tm e sf`h ghd tme uhderiy`ho(B) jusaies, suppiy(A) billd(D) tl tme cgae ghd sagip A 0. Jesqu`te `s(G) g sjgii(B) tree `h tme Qlutmwest wml(A) agh w`tmstghd(D) tme severest drluomt B 7>. Gt tme ehd(G) lc tme tm e Revliut`lh, jlst lc tme grjy uh`ts lc tme yluho hgt`lh wgs(B) gijlst eht`reiy d`sbghded(A), iegv`ho(D) g tltgi hgt`lhgi j`i`tgry clrae lc => jeh `h 7?=4 Exera`se 74 7.  Tme pgtr`es `h tmgt smlp gre very expehs`ve ex pehs`ve but qu`te dei`a`lusiy. (@) 2.  Plu agh c`hd slje amghoe tl buy g pgper `h tme drgwer, lh tlp lc tme dresser, lr `h tme kgr. (A) 1.  Tme i`v`ho rllj wgs dealrgted w`tm expehs`ve pg`ht`hos ghd eieoghae igjps. (@) 4.  Me fhew tmgt tme c`hgha`gi prlbiejs were ser`lus, tmgt tme s`tugt`lh wgs hlt ol`ho tl `jprlve, ghd tmgt me heeded tl oet g klb. (A) 5.  Gii dgy ilho dur`ho tme tr`p tl tme jluhtg`hs, tmey were sf``ho, siedd`ho, lr  pigyed `h tme shlw. (@) 3.  Tme agr heeds hew t`res but hlt g hew eho`he. (A) ?.  Me stlps wlrf`ho wmeh me oets tll t`res tl alht`hue lr wmeh me mgs c`h`smed. (A) =.  Tl oet tl tme lcc`ae, ylu smluid ol tmrluom tm`s dllr, turh tl tme iect, ghd alht`hugt`lh dlwh tme mgii. (@) 0.  Clr dessert we aluid serve iejlh p`e, cru`ts tgrt, amlaligte agfe, lr butter allf`es. (A) 42


7>. Tme s`af am`id heeds slje jed`a`he, slje ku`ae, ghd tl rest. (@)


7.  Me e`tmer i`ed lr teii`ho gh uhbei`evgbie stlry. (@) 2.  Tme jus`a gt tme alhaert wgs he`tmer h e`tmer weii pigyed hlr weii i`fed. (A) 1.  Me reouigriy stud`es bltm `h tme jlrh`ho lr `h tme eveh`ho. (@) 4.  Tme pigy tmgt we sgw igst h`omt wgs hlt lhiy rgtmer dei`omtcui but gisl qu`te jegh`hocui. (A) 5.  Me jgrr`ed mer he`tmer clr mer gb`i`ty tl allf hlr mer gb`i`ty tl aiegh mluse. (@) 3.  Tme d`sauss`lh wgs bltm exa`t`ho ghd `hterest. (@) ?.  Me w`tmdrgw gii tme jlhey hlt lhiy lhi y crlj tme ameaf`ho gaaluht but gisl crlj tme sgv`hos gaaluht. (A) =.   He`tmer tme tegamer lr tme studehts gre regdy tl iegve tme aigssrllj. (@) 0.  Plu agh jeet w`tm je e`tmer `h tme hext cew j`hutes lr gt 4;>>. (A) 7>. Klmh `s gh gdvehturlus perslh wml ehklys wml lhiy sfyd`v`ho but gisl oles  pgrgsg`i`ho. (@) E]ERA@QE (QF@IIQ 74-75)

7.  Tme gdvert`sejehts gppegred `h tme hewspgper ghd lh tme rgd`l. (A) 2.  Qme trg`hed gs bltm gh gaaluhtght ghd `h hurs`ho. (@) 1.  _e agh tgfe e`tmer jy agr lr ylurs tl tme pgrty. (A) 4.  Tme alcce `s tll mlt, tll b`tter, b `tter, ghd tll strehotm. (@) 5.  Me hlt lhiy pgssed tme test but gisl reae`v`ho tme m`omest salre `h tme aigss. (@) 3.  Plur `degs gre he`tmer jlre `jplrtght lr iess `jplrtght tmgh tme `degs lc tme ltmers. (@) ?.  Tme jeet`ho igsted lhiy gh mlur ml ur but st`ii seej`ho tll ilho. (@) =.  Tme hlvei wgs bltm ejlt`lhgi ghd desar`pt`lh. (@) 0.  E`tmer tme aluhseilr lr mer searetgry agh meip ylu w`tm tmgt prlbiej. (A)



7>. Tme iegves crlj tme tree ceii `h tme ygrd, `h tme plli, tme dr`vewgy, ghd lh tme s`dewgif. (@)

TLECI E]ERA@QE (Qf`ii 74-75) ;  Amllse tme ietter lc tme uhderi`hed wlrd. w lrd.

7.  Bgiipl`ht pehs gre iess versgt`ie but jlre plpuigt`lh tmgh cluhtg`h pehs. G



2.  R`ddies vgry oregtiy `h bltm orgjjgt`agi ghd pmlhliloy clrj. G



1.  Billd pressure `s jegsured by ceei`ho tme puise ghd gppiy g clrae tl tme grj. G



4.  Tme Jllh mgs hl gtjlspmere, hl g`r, ghd hl wgtery. G



5.  Tme c`rst jgtames were tll mgrd tl `oh`te, g jess, lr tll dghoerlusiy egs egsy y tl `oh`te. G



3.  G 70?7 U.Q. olverhjeht pli`ay hlt lhiy put wgrh`hos lh a`ogrette pgafs  but gisl bghh`ho teiev`s`lh gdvert`s`ho lc a`ogrettes. G



?.  Dejghd, beguty, durgb`i`ty, rgre, ghd perceat`lh lc autt`ho deterj`he tme vgiue lc g






oejstlhe. =.  Tme Mgrvgrd Pgrd, wm`am wgs Mgrvgrd‐s lr`o`hgi agjpus, `s st`ii g jgklr gttrgat`lh clr bltm G



studehts ghd v`s`t`ho. D

0.  @h 7=32, tme Gjer`agh Alhcedergay rg`sed tme Jerr`jgaf, rehgjed `t tme S`ro`h`g, alvered G


`t w`tm `rlh pigtes, ghd gh lutc`t `t w`tm teh ouhs. A

7>. Tme i`qu`d arystgi `h g i`qu`d arystgi d`spigy (IAD) gcceat tme pligr`zed i`omt sl tmgt `s e`tmer G



 bilafed ghd recieated by tme seojehts lc tme d`spigy. D TLECI RES@E_ E]ERA@QE (Qf`ii 7-75);  Amllse tme ietter lc tme wlrd lr orlup

lc wlrds tmgt best aljpietes tme sehtehae. 7.  Jlst aeiis `h juit`aeiied lrogh`sjs perclrj \\\\\\ cuhat`lhs. g)  Qpea`gi`ze b)  Qpea`gi`zed a)  Tmey spea`gi`ze d)  Qpea`gi`zgt`lh



2.  Tme b`o `sighd lc Mgwg``, `h tme j`ddie j`dd ie lc tme ^ga`c`a Laegh, \\\\\\ by c`ve vliaghles. g)  Aregt`lh  b)  @t wgs aregted a)  Aregt`ho d)  _gs aregted

1.  Tme Quh uses up lver 4 j`ii`lh tlhs lc mydrloeh per sealhd, \\\\ \\\\\ \ st`ii mgs ehluom mydrloeh tl igst clr tme hext 5 b`ii`lh yegrs. g)  @t dles hlt  b)  @t a)  But `t

d)  Tl `t 4.  Clr Fgtmer`he I. Bgtes, wml \\\\ tme tlp lc ^`fes ^egf `h 7=01, tme v`ew  prlv`ded tme `hsp`rgt`lh clr mer myjh ’Gjer`ag tme Begut`cui.‚   g)  Regamed

 b)  Qme regamed a)  Regam`ho d)  Qme wgs regam`ho

Amllse tme ietter lc tme uhderi`hed wlrd 5.  Algi, petrlieuj, ghd hgturgi ogselus gre gii clss`i cueis. G




3.  Tme jgss lc heutrlh stgrs oehergiiy rghoe crlj lhe-tehtm tl tw`ae tme jgss lc tme Quh G






?.  Orgsses orlw `h wgys tmgt meip tmej tl surv`ve be`ho h`bbied, am`iiy, lr dr`ed. G




=.  Jlst lc Mej`howgy‐s hlveis oilr`c`es merl`a expil`ts suam gs buiic`omt`ho lr  blx`ho. G




0.  ^gielorgpmers study gha`eht ghd jed`evgi mghdwr`t`ho `h lrder tl estgbi`sm hlt lhiy `ts goe ghd G



D gisl `ts bgaforluhd. 7>. Tme sluhd prlduaed by buiicrlos ghd tlgds vgry oregtiy beaguse egam spea`es mgve `ts lwh G



 pgrt`auigr agii D

E]ERA@QE 73 ; Egam lc tme cliilw`ho sehtehaes alhtg`hs g verb clrjed w`tm mgve.

Uhderi`he tme verbs tw`ae. Tmeh `hd`agte `c tme sehtehae gre alrreat (A) lr `halrreat (@) 7.  _e mgve giregdy megr`ho tme ollds hews. (@)

2.  Qme mgs r`ddeh mer b`ayaie tl samlli every dgy. (A)  1.  @ mgve giwgys bei`eve ylu. (@)

4.  Me mgs c`hd tme j`ss`ho agr feys. fe ys. (@)  5.  Tmey mgve put tme`r jlhey `h g sgv`ho gaaluht. (A)  3.  Tme`r pgrehts mgve giilwed tmej tl stgy stg y up igte. (A)  ?.  Qme mgs hever rgh gwgy crlj mlje beclre. (@) 



=.  Mgve ylu ever sgw g omlst. Me mgs lccer je g m`om-pgy`ho klb. (A) 

E]ERA@QE 7?;  Egam lc tme cliilw`ho sehtehaes alhtg`hs g verb clrhed w`tm be.

Uhderi`he tme verbs tw`ae. Tmeh `hd`agte `c tme sehtehaes gre alrreat (A) lr `halrreat (@). 7.  Qme wgs study tme textbllfs gii h`omt ilho. (@) 2.  Tme p`e wgs aut `htl s`x equgi p`eaes. (A) 1.  Tldgy tme tegamer `s giilw tme studehts tl iegve aigss g cew j`hutes egriy. (@) 4.  Tme aigss `s tegam every ltmer sejester. (@) 5.  Tlj `s br`ho`ho slje dr`hfs tl tme pgrty. (A) 3.  Tme s`af am`id wgs tgfeh tl see g dlatlr. (A) ?.  Tme am`idreh gre sw`j `h tme bgafygrd bgaf ygrd plli. (@) =.  Tme d`gjlhd keweiry `s giwgys feep `h g sgce pigae. (@) 0.  Tme tegamer `s prepgr`ho g d`cc`auit exgj clr tme studehts. (A) 7>. D`hher `s served crlj 3;>> tl =;>>. (A)

E]ERA@QE 7=; Egam lc tme cliilw`ho sehtehaes alhtg`hs g verb clrhed w`tm jldgi.

Uhderi`he tme verbs tw`ae. Tmeh `hd`agte `c tme sehtehaes gre alrreat (A) lr `halrreat (@). 7.  Plu smluid try tl resplhd pli`teiy. (A) 2.  Everylhe just iegve tme rllj `jjed`gteiy. (@) 1.  @ aluid sgt lh tme begam clr mlurs. (@) 4.  Qme w`ii gsf`ho ylu jghy d`cc`auit quest`lhs. (@) 5.  Plu agh illf gt tme bllf, but ylu aghhlt blrrlw `t. (A) 3.  Me jgy i`es tl ylu beaguse beagu se me `s hlt very trutmcui. (@) ?.  Me fhew tme me wluid clrolt tme pmlhe hujber. (@) =.  Tme wegtmerjgh sg`d tmgt `t j`omt shlw`ho tlh`omt.(@) 4=


0.  ^ermgps we aluid bluomt g hew agr tm`s yegr.(@) 7>. Tm`s alurse w`ii sgt`scy tme orgdugt`lh requ`rejeht.(A) E]ERA@QE (QF@IIQ 73-7=); Egam lc tme cliilw`ho sehtehaes alhtg`hs g verb

clrhed w`tm severgi pgrts. Uhderi`he tme verbs tw`ae. Tmeh `hd`agte `c tme sehtehaes gre alrreat (A) lr `halrreat (@). 7.  _e mgve beagje olld cr`ehds `h tme igst yegr. (@) 2.  Plur hgje w`ii be i`st `h tme hew d`reatlry. (@) 1.  Tme hew jlv`e `s reae`ve olld rev`ews. (@) 4.  Qme just mgve ceei slrry gblut mer bgd bemgv`lr. (@) 5.  Tmey mgve giwgys o`veh tme`r cgj`iy jghy jgh y presehts. (A) 3.  _e jgy be tgf`ho g vgagt`lh hext weef. (A)


?. _e aluid mgve tgf`ho g vgagt`lh igst weef. (@) =.  Tme pgafgoe j`omt mg`d beeh dei`ver by gh express jgii serv`ae. (@) 0.  @ mgve hlt wrlte very jghy ietters tl jy cr`ehds. (@) 7>. Tme agr smluid hlt mgve be dr`ve ghyjlre tldgy. (@)

TLECI E]ERA@QE (Qf`iis 73-7=);  Amllse tme ietter lc tme uhderi`hed wlrd lr

orlup lc wlrds tmgt `s hlt alrreat. 7.  …D… By tme 702>s, jghy rgd`l trghsj`tters mgd beeh bu`id. G




2.  ....A... C`sm cgrj`ho mgs rlse `h tme Uh`ted Qtgtes `h reaeht yegrs. G




1.  …A… @h gregs lc vliagh`a gat`v`ty, begam sghd jgy alhtg`hs dgrf j`hergis ghd i`ttie qugrtz. G



4.  …G… Arl-Jgohlh jgh wgs hgjes gcter g cter tme agves `h slutmwest Crghae wmere tme c`rst rejg`hs






A _ere d`salvered. D 5.  …A… Igss`e, tme cgjlus alii`e wml jgde mer c`rst sareeh gppegrghae `h 7041, mgs giwgys be G


 pigyed by g jgie dlo. D 3.  …A… G biue b`ow`o i`zgrd stgfes lut g terr`tlry ghd w`ii decehd`ho cejgies w`tm`h `t gog`hst G



alurt`ho jgies. D ?.  …G… ^res`deht Oelroe _gsm`hotlh wgs `hguourgtes lh tme steps lc tme Cedergi Bu`id`ho `h Hew Plrf A`ty. G




=.  …B… By 732?, ^igyjlutm mgd beagje g v`gbie ghd orlw`ho aljjuh`ty lc 5> cgj`i`es, 25 G



olgts, 75 alws, ghd jlre tmgh 5> p`os. D 0.  …D… Tlbgaal wgs tme arlp lh wm`am tme ej`hehae lc _`ii`gjburo ghd tme  prlsper`ty lc G


S`ro`h`g were bgse. D




7>. …B… Beaguse tmere jgy be salres sal res lc oehes `h egam suspeat DHG reo`lh, sa`eht`sts just G `deht`cy`ho ghd sequehae tme gatugi oehes alhtr`but`ho tl type @ d`gbetes. B



TLECI RES@E_ E]ERA@QE (Qf`iis 7-7=); Amlse tme ietter lc tme wlrd lr orlup

lc wlrds tmgt best aljpietes tme sehtehae. 7.  ----- tme deepest vgiieys ghd aghylhs lh tme Egrtm. g.  @h tme ^ga`c`a Laegh w`tm  b.  @h tme ^ga`c`a Laegh a.  Tme ^ga`c`a Laegh d.  Tme ^ga`c`a Laegh mgs

2.  @h tme Uh`ted Qtgtes, tme pgrt`a`pgt`lh lc cejgies `h tme igblr clrae ----- clrj 1? peraeht `h 7035 tl 57 peraeht `h 70=>. g.  @t kujped  b.  Kujp a.  Kujp`ho d.  Kujped 1.  Qlje aljplsers, suam gs R`amgrd _goher, mgve ceit tmgt ----- tme gat`lh lc tme

lperg tll juam ghd mgve wr`tteh lpergs w`tmlut tmej. g.  Gr`gs `hterrupt

 b.  @hterrupt gr`gs a.  Tme `hterrupt`lh lc gr`gs d.  Gregs lc `hterrupt`lh Amllse tme ietter lc tme uhderi`hed wlrd lr orlup lc wlrds tmgt `s hlt alrreat.



4.  …A… _gter stlred bem`hd g dgj agh used tl dr`ve turb`hes. G




5.  …D… Lur uh`verse jgy alht`hue tl expghd gs `t oets alider, ejpty, ghd degder. G




3.  …B… Every clrj lc jgtter `h tme wlrid gre jgde up lc gtljs. G




?.  …B… Tme iehs ghd alrheg gre suppiy w`tm hutr`ehts ghd lxyoeh by tme gquelus ciu`d. G




=.  …B… Dldoe A`ty, ig`d lut `h 7=?2, lwed bltm `ts prlsper`ty ghd `ts cgjlus tl tme buccgil `h `ts G


egriy yegrs. D 0.  …B… Tme gjluht lc tme twl f`hds lc amliesterli `h tme billd mgve beeh smlwh tl mgve gh ecceat lh tme r`sf lc megrt gttgaf. G




7>. …A… By tme t`je Hlgm _ebster regamed m`s j`d-tw`eht`es, me mgd giregdy  pubi`sm gh G   eiejehtgry speiier. D





E]ERA@QE 70;  Egam lc tme cliilw`ho sehtehaes alhtg`hs gt iegst lhe fey wlrd tl

teii ylu `c g hluh smluid be s`houigr lr piurgi. A`raie tme fey wlrds. Drgw grrlws tl tme hluhs tmey desar`be. Tmeh `hd`agte `c tme, sehtehaes gre alrreat (A) lr `halrreat (@). 7.  …@… Qme tgif ed ed tl egam pelpie `h tme rllj. 2.  ...A.. Tmere `s hlt g s`hoie b`t lc clld `h tme recr`oergtlr. 1.  …@…Plu heed twl p`eae lc `deht`c`agt`lh tl agsm g ameaf.   4.  …A.. Bltm aigssed stgrted lh t`je.   5.  …@... _e tllf g hew rlutes tl tme begam mluse.  3.  …A.. Me ogve jghy d`ccer eht eht regslhs clr m`s gaat`lhs. ?.  …@… Plu just ghswer every quest`lhs lh tme test.   =.  …A.. Qme tr`ed severgi t`jes tl agii je.   0.  …A... Me lccered je lhiy lhe oigss lc wgter.  7>. …@.. _e mgd vgr`lus f`hd lc dr`hfs w`tm tme jegi. 

Exera`se 2> ;  Egam lc tme cliilw`ho sehtehaes alhtg`hs gt iegst lhe fey wlrd tl teii

ylu `c g hluh `s aluhtgbie lr uhaluhtgbie. A`raie tme feywlrds. Drgw grrlws tl tme hluhs tmey desar`be. Tmeh `hd`agte `c tme sehtehaes gre alrreat (A) lr `halrreat (@). A

7. Qme w`ii v`s`t `h g cew jlhtms.


2. Jghy r`sf gre uhheaaessgry.


1. Plu heed tl smlw g i`ttie f`hdhess.


4. Plu mgve g hujber lc aml`ae.


5. Tmere wgs g igroe gjjluht lc gppies `h tme blwi.


3. _e mgve cewer lpplrtuh`t`es hlw.


?. Mlw juam jghy `s iect< 51



=. Me agused iess prlbiejs tm`s t`je.


0. Tmey heed g i`ttie t`jes tl c`h`sm tme`r wlrf


7>. Me v`s`ted jghy exlt`a pigaes

E]ERA@QE (sf`i 70-2>) ; Egam lc tme cliilw`ho sehtehaes alhtg`hs gt iegst lhe fey

wlrd tl teii ylu `c g hluh `s s`houigr, piurgi, aluhtgbie, lr uhaluhtgbie. A`raie tme fey wlrd, Drgw grrlws tl tme hluhs tmey desar`be. Tmeh `hd`agte `c tme sehtehaes gre alrreat (A) lr `halrreat (@). @

7. Qme ehklys clld crlj jghy auiture.


2. Me aluid hlt o`ve je juam olld regslhs.


1. Egam lwher just reo`ster m`s lr mer agr.


4. Tmey agje up w`tm g hujber lc `degs.


5. Sgr`lus Sgr`lus hew igw ol `htl ecceat lh tme c`rst lc tme y yegr. egr.


3. Tme agr hlw uses iess l`i.


?. Tme jegi d`d hlt alst g s`hoie aehts.


=. Plu heed tl jgfe cewer j`stgfe.

A @

0. Plu agh tgfe lhe alurse pr bltm alurses. 7>. Me lhiy sjlfes g sjgii gjluht lc a`ogrettes.

TLECI E]ERA@QE (sf`ii 70-2>) ; Amllse tme ietter lc tme uhderi`hed wlrd lr

orlup lc tmgt `s hlt alrreat.



7. Alhe sm`iis sm`iis i`ve `h juam d`ccereht segs ghd ceed ceed jg`hiy lh sjgii sjgii c`sm c`sm gh

wlrjs G D  s`de


2. Tme iegves lc tme aljjlh suhcilwer gre rluom tl tme tluam lh bltm G




1. Mejloilb`h ehgbies tme red billd aeiis tl agrry lxyoeh ghd sjgii

hujbers lc agrblh d`lx`de G A 




4. Tmlse w`tm hgraliepsy exper`ehae tme uhalhtrliigbie des`re tl sieep,

 permgps severgi t`je `h G



lhe dgy D G

5. Ghltmer oregt grt`sts lc tme t`je ghd plss`biy tme jlst o`cted s`iversj`tm `h

tme alilh`es wgs G




^gui Revere B 

3. Gizme`jers d`segse gcc`ats twl `h `h tteh eh perslh perslh lver tme goe pc sevehty `h tme

uh`ted stgtes G B




?. Tme red agrd`hgi spehds jghy lc `ts t`je ceed`ho lh tme orluhd G







=. @h tme 702>s, tuisg mgd g m`omer hujber lc j`ii`lhg`re tmgh ghy ltmer U.Q.

a`ty G




A 0. Beaguse wgsm`hotlh `s d`str`at ghd hlt g stgte, `ts res`dehts mgve iess r`omts tmgh ltmer a`t`zehs G A




7>. @jpils`ve alhslhghts laaur `h jghy d`ccereht ighougoe, but tmey gre

 pgrt`auigry aljjlh `h G




gjer`agh `hd`gh ghd gcr`agh ighougoes

TLECI RES@E_ E]ERA@QE (Qf`iis 7-2>)

Amllse tme ietter lc tme wlrd lr

orlup lc wlrd tmgt best aljpietes tme sehtehae. 7.   \\\\ tme sealhd jlst aljjlh jetgi `h tme Egrtm‐s arust, ghd `t giwgys laaurs `h aljb`hgt`lh w`tm ltmer substghaes. (G)  @rlh (B) @rlh `s

(A) _`tm `rlh


(D) _`tm `rlh `s 2.  @h jlst pgrt lc tme oilbe, tme \\\\ hlt exaeed rluomiy 17 deorees aeht`orgde. (G) laegh surcgae (B) laegh mgs g surcgae (A) laegh surcgae dles

(D) laegh mgs surcgaed 1.   \\\\ wm`am ai`jgtlilo`sts mgve deterj`hed `s tme wettest pigae lh Egrtm hlt uhder wgter `s g splt lh tme `sighd lc Fgug`. (G) Tme pigae

(B) @t `s tme pigae 53


(A) Tme pigae `s (D) @h tme pigae `s

Amllse tme ietter lc tme uhderi`hed wlrd lc l c orlup lc wgrds tmgt `s hlt alrreat.

 \\B\\ 4. G s`hoie prlte`h jlieauie jgy be`ho aljplsed lc tehs lc tmlusghds lc gtljs. G




 \\G\\ 5. Iess pight orlw `h tme pllr tg`og sl`is behegtm tme trees. G




 \\A\\ 3. Sgst reserves lc l`i ghd ogs `s ilagted `h tme Ouic tme Jex`al. G  \\B\\ ?.  bgiillhs.




Mei`uj `s aliluriess, ldluriess, tgste eiejeht lcteh used tl `hcigte G




 \\A\\ =. Tme aljjlh wgs tme megrt lc Every Hew Ehoighd v`iigoes bu`it `h tme G




e`omteehtm aehtury.

 \\A\\ 0. Qlje lc tme reouigt`lhs tmgt b`hd U.Q. `hst`tut`lhs giilws clre`oh bghfs tl G



 pgafgoe ilghs gt mgrd-tl-begt `hterest rgtes. D  \\G\\ 7>. @h gho`lpigsty, gh o`lpigsty, g agtmeter `s tmregd tmrluom tmrlu om gh grtery ghd ou`ded tmrluom tme G  bldy tl tme bilafed greg. A






Egam lc tme cliilw`ho sehtehaes alhtg`hs gt iegst lhe subkeat lr

lbkeat prlhluh. A`raie tme prlhluhs.Tmeh `hd`agte `c tme sehtehaes gre alrreat (A) lr `halrreat (@).

 \\A\\ 7. Plu smluid dl `t clr mer.

 \\@\\ 2. Tmey meiped sme w`tm tme wlrf.

 \\@\\ 1. Mer ghd Blb agje lver tl v`s`t je.

 \\A\\ 4. @ brluomt `t clr ylu ghd tmej.

 \\A\\ 5. Me lpehed tme recr`oergtlr ghd tllf slje clld crlj `t.  \\@\\ 3. Qme ieht `t tl ylu ghd @.

 \\A\\ ?. Qme speht gii tme jlhey lh tmej.

 \\@\\ =. Plu clrolt tl o`ve `t tl tmey.

 \\@\\ 0. _e lccered sme g pigae tl stgy.

 \\A\\ 7>. _gtamed us pigy w`tm `t.


Egam lc tme cliilw`ho sehtehaes alhtg`hs gt iegst lhe plssess`ve

 prlhluh lr gdkeat`ve. A`raie tme plssess`ves `h tmese sehtehaes. Tmeh `hd`agte `c tme sehtehaesgre alrreat (A) lr `halrreat (@).

 \\@\\ 7. Qme aut mers mg`r reaehtiy. 5=


 \\A\\ 2. _e w`ii tgfe lur agr lr tme`rs.

 \\@\\ 1. ^iegse iehd je ylurs hltes crlj tme m`stlry ieature.

 \\A\\ 4. @ i`fe m`s `degs ghd mers.

 \\A\\ 5.Tme tree ceii lh `ts s`de dur`ho tme stlrj.

 \\A\\ 3. Jy desf `s ilagted hegr mers.

 \\@\\ ?. Tme`rs suooest`lh wgs uhregi`st`a.

 \\@\\ =. Lur gppl`htjeht `s kust gcter ylur.

 \\A\\ 0. Plur cr`ehd ghd jy cr`ehd gre alj`ho tl lur pgrty.

 \\@\\ 7>. Plu dlh‐t mgve ylurs oilves w`tm ylu, but @ mgve j`he  

MGI 722-724 E]ERA@QE 21 @ 

7. @c jy cr`ehd agiis, piegse teii tmej tmgt @ w`ii returh tme agii.

2. @ dlh‐t i`fe tme `deg beaguse b eaguse `t `s tll alstiy.  

1. Tme tgbies gt tme restgurght gre sl igroe tmgt `t agh segt 72 pelpie.

4. Tme slup heeds jlre sgit beaguse me dles hlt tgste very olld.

5. Tme o`ris rgh tll cgst, ghd sme ceii dlwh.



3. @h tme gutujh, tme tree, ilst `ts iegves.

?. Tme w`hdlws were lpeh, sl @ ailsed `t.

=. Tme trgveiers ilst tme`r wgy wgy `h tme stlrj.

0. Tme bly olt tme blx, ghd me lpehed `t agrecuiiy

7>. Tme wljgh iect tme`r egrr`hos gt mlje, sl sme wgsh‐t wegr`ho tmej. 

E]ERA@QE (Qf`iis 27-21); @ 

7. Tmey gdd tme agr tl ylu ghd @.

2. ^iegse teii ylur brltmer tmgt @ heed tl tgif tl m`j.

1. Tme b`ayaie ilst crlht wmeei.

4. Jgrtmg wgs mgppy wmeh mer blss ogve mer g pgy rg`se.

5. Kust betweeh us, @ gj hlt sure `c we agh trust tmej.

3. Tme jltmer tgifed tl mer slh gblut m`s bemgv`lr.

?. @ tlid m`s tme trutm, but me d`dh‐t bei`ve je. 

=. Plu ghd sme smluid illf clr tmey.

@  A

0. Tme studeht iect m`s hltebllfs `h tme aigss, sl me weht bgaf tl oet `t. 7>. @c tmey dlh‐t mgve tme`r agr we w`ii tmej lurs.  

TLECI E]ERA@QE (Qf`iis 27-21); A 

7. Gh`jgis i`fe crlos mgve wgterprllc wgterprllc sf`h tmgt prevehts tmey crlj dry`ho lut

qu`afiy `h g`r, suh, G





lr w`hd. D D 

2. Beaguse lc `ts `ts gb`i`ty tl surv`ve ailse tl mujgh mgb`tgt`lhs, tme S`ro`h`g

deer mgs gatugiiy G


A `haregsed tme`r rghoe ghd hujbers. D D  1. Kmlh D. Rlafeceiier wgs tme tme cluhder lc tme Qtghdgrd L`i Aljpghy, ghd me

wgs tme r`amest G B jgh `h tme wlrid gt tme t`je lc mer ret`rejeht. A


A  4. Tme glrtg lut lc tme megrt, ghd tmeh `ts jlves dlwh tlwgrd tme ilwer bldy.

G D 




5. Oilbgi gvergoe tejpergtures gre hlw 3 deorees Aeia`us wgrjer tmgh we

were 7>> yegrs G


A D gol. A 

3. Dur`ho tme A`v`i _gr, Aigrg Bgrtlh beagje fhlwh gs tme ’Ghoei lc tme

Bgttiec`eid‚ clr mers

G A cegriess agre lc wluhded slid`ers. D





?. Lur Quh `s g jed`uj s`zed stgr lrb`t`ho hegr tme edoe l lcc g aliieat`lh lc

stgrs tmgt lur agii tme G



D J`ify _gy. A 

=. Crgha`s Qaltt Fey wrlte tme wlrds tl ’Tme Qtgr Qpghoied Bghher‚ gs tmey

stlld gilhe G A



wgtam`ho tme Br`t`sm bljbgrdjeht lc Clrt JaMehdry. B 

0. Qlje sagiilps agh lpeh ghd ailse tme`rs vgives ghd sw`j gwgy rgp`diy

wmeh tmey gre G


A d`sturbed. D A 

7>. ^egri Q. Buaf beogh mer c`rst hlvei, Egst _`hd, _est _`hd, `h 7025,

wm`ie mer wgs trgvei`ho G A



 betweeh tme Uh`ted ghd Am`hg. TLECI RES@E_ E]ERA@QE (Qf`iis 7-21)

7.  Gitluom fh`ves ghd clrfs... Lc prem`stlr`a lr`o`h,spllhs gre reigt`veiy hew. (G) gre 2.   Heptuhe‐s…..tme pighet `h tme d`reat`lh lppls`te tl tme ltmer seveh jllhs.  (B)jllh tr`tlh lrb`ts 1.  G d`p pehs's h`b `s spi`t `h twl mgives... gt tme pl`ht lc tme h`b. (B)w`am jeet



Amllse tme ietter lc tme uhderi`hed wlrd lr l r orlup lc wlrds tmgt `s hlt alrreat. 4.  @h 7?=5,Mehry Fhlx wgs gppl`ht tme hew repubi`a‐s c`rst searetgry lc wgr(B)  5.  B`lpmys`as `s lhe lc tme vgr`lus brgham lc mys`as.(A) 3.  Uhi`fe jghy oregt wr`ters,Ilhoceiilw wgs gh ehlrjlusiy plpuigr plpu igr plet `h m`j dgy (D) ?.  Gcter I`halih‐s gssgss`hgt`lh,clrd‐s Tmegter wgs ailsed ghd pgrt lc `t wgs alhverted tl olverhjeht lcc`ae spgae.(A) =.  Jlst lc tme Egrtm‐s `ae `s cluhd e`tmer `h tme twl oregt `ae agps lc Ghtgrat`ag ghd Oreehighd ghd lh tme tgii jluhtg`hs lc tme wlrid. (D) 0.  Exaept clr g cew spea`es,suam gs spltted sgigjghder,tme alurtsm`p lc sgigjghder gre searet`ve ghd hlt lcteh lbserved (B) 7>. Uhi`fe jlst jliiusfs,arustgaeghs lutorlw tme`r smeiis ghd heed tl bu`id severgi aljpieteiy hew ags`ho trluomlut tmey i`ves(A)



E]ERA@QE 24;

7.  Me mg`r wgs gh uhsugiiy alilr lc red


2.  Tme wegtmer `s regiiy aljclrtgbie


1.  _e gttehd g pllr pighhed alhcerehae


4.  Me tgifed silwiy ghd agrecuiiy


5.  Tme aljpls`t`lh wgs agrecui prepgred


3.  Qme mgd gh `hared`bie stlry gblut mer ilho tr`p


?.  Me seht je g qu`afiy wr`tteh hlte


=.  Tme agt jelwed sgd


0.  Tme am`idreh gre muhory ghd t`red


7>. Tme ieaturer splfe extrejeiy ilud


E]ERA@QE 25; 7.  Fgtmy illfs olroelusiy `h tmgt dress


2.  Tme am`idreh mgve orlwh alhs`dergbiy


1.  Qteve wgifed repg`d tl tme alrher tl agtam tme bus


4.  Tme blys beagje s`af w`tm tme ciu


5.  Tme jltmer ailsed tme dllr agrecui


3.  Tlj gppegred rgtmer uhmgpp`iy gt wmgt mgd mgppehed


?.  Tme aml`r jejbers sgho ehtmus`gst`agiiy


=.  Tme slup tgstes tll sgity


0.  Tme bllf seejed egs`iy clr tme studehts


7>. @h tme igte gcterhllh,tme suh set silw `h tme west




MGI.71> E]ERA@QE (QF@IIQ 24-25); @

7. Tme amec prepgred g dei`agteiy sguae 


2. Jgttmew ceeis terr`biy ghory gblut tme `ssue


1. Tme sw`jjer swgj plwercui garlss tme plli


4. Tme reaept`lh`st ghswered tme pmlhe agrecuiiy


5. Tme d`smes `h tme s`hf were d`rty


3. Tme pmys`as wgrh seejed qu`te s`jpiy tl je


?. Me gated uhbei`evgbiy rude


=. Tme burhed tlgst d`d hlt tgste very olld


0. M`s-dea`s`lh wgs gbsliuteiy heaessgry.


7>. Tme klb gppi`aght dressed agrecuiiy clr tme `jplrtght `hterv`ew.

uhde ri`hed wlrd lr TLECI E]ERA@QE (Qf`iis 24-25); Amllse tme ietter lc tme uhderi`hed Orlup lc wlrds tmgt `s hlt alrreat. B

7. Qluhds qu`eter tmgh 7> dea`beis gre `jplss`biy clr tme mujgh egr tl megr. G



2. Lcteh tme best cgrjighd `s hext tl g r`ver tmgt cillds per`ld`agi. G






1. Tme pighet Jeraury mgs g jldergteiy eii`pt`agiiy lrb`t. G








4. Gh 7= wgtt- cillresaeht buib seejs gs br`omtiy gs ?5-wgtt `haghdesaeht

 buib G D




5.Tme teiepmlhe wlrfs by amgho`ho tme vl`ae‐s sluhd wgves `htl eieatr`agiiy G





Jlst lc tme `ae lh tme Egrtm, ailse tl 0> peraeht lc `t, `s alver`ho tme surcgae lc tme alht`heht Ghtgrt`ag. @t dles hlt shlw very juam `h Ghtgrt`aag, but wmgtever shlw dles cgii rejg`hs ghd orlws deeper ghd deeper. @h slje gregs lc Ghtgrt`ag, tme `ae mgs permgps beeh grluhd clr gs g j`ii`lh yegrs ghd hlw `s jlre tmgh twl j`ies deep.

7.Tme jg`h `deg lc tme pgssgoe `s tmgt (G) tme Egrtm `s g alid pighet (B) jlst lc tme Egrtm‐s `ae `s cluhd `h Ghtgrt`ag

(A) `t shlws jlre `h Ghtgrt`ag tmgh `h ghy ltmer ltm er pigae lh Egrtm (D) Ghtgrt`ag `s lhiy twl j`ies w`de but `s 0> peraeht `ae

2. Tme best t`tie lc tme pgssgoe `s (G) Qhlwcgii `h Ghtgrt`ag (B) Tme @ay Egrtm (A) Tme Alid, Alid Qhlw



(D) Tme Aguses lc Ghtgrt`ag‐s @ae ^gaf  

^GQQGOE T_L (Wuest`lhs 1-4)

Tme extrejeiy mlt ghd muj`d wegtmer tmgt laaurs `h tme Uh`ted Qtgtes `h Kuiy ghd Guost `s aljjlhiy agiied tme ’dlo dgys‚ lc sujjer. sujjer. Tm`s hgje aljes cr crlj lj tme

stgr Q`r`us,w`am `s fhlwh gs tme Dlo Qtgr. Q`r`us, wm`am `s fhlwh gs tme Dlo Qtgr. Q`r`us `s tme br`omtest v`s`bie stgr, ghd `h tme mlt sujjer jlhtms `t r`ses `h tme egst gt gpprlx`jgteiy tme sgje t`je gs tme Quh. Gs gha`eht pelpie sgw tm`s stgr r`s`ho w`tm tme Quh wmeh tme wegtmer wgs gt `ts mlttest, tmey bei`eved tmgt Q`r`us wgs tme aguse lc tme gdd`t`lhgi megt6 tmey bei`eved tmgt tm`s br`omt stgr gdded `ts megt lc tme Quh, ghd tmese twl tloetmer jgde sujjer wegtmer sl uhbegrgbiy mlt. 1. Tme tlp`a lc tm`s pgssgoe `s (G) mlw dlos i`fe tl pigy dur`ho tme sujjer (B) tme aguses lc mlt ghd muj`d wegtmer (A) wmy tme mlt sujjer dgys gre fhlwh gs tme ’dlo dgys‚  

(D) tme dgys tmgt dlos precer

4. Tme jg`h `deg lc tm`s pgssgoe `s tmgt (G) tme hgje clr tme sujjer dgys agje crlj Q`r`us, tme Dlo Qtgr

(B) dlo oehergiiy precer mlt sujjer dgys dg ys (A) tme mlttest dgys laaur `h tme sujjer beaguse lc tme jlvejehts lc tme Quh ghd Qtgrs (D) Q`r`us r`ses gt gijlst tme sgje t`je s tme Quh dur`ho tme sujjer jlhtm



^GQQGOE TMREE ( Wuest`lhs 5-3)

Tme terj ’pr`j`t`ve grt‚ mgs beeh used `h g vgr`ety l c wgys tl desar`be wlrfs

ghd styies lc grt. Lhe wgy tmgt tm`s terj mgs beeh used `s tl desar`be tme egriy per`ld w`tm`h tme deveilpjeht lc g aertg`h styie lc grt. Ghltmer wgy tmgt tm`s terj mgs beeh used `s tl desar`be grt`st wml mgve reae`ved i`ttie prlcess`lhgi trg`h`ho ghd wml dejlhstrgte g hlhtrgd`t`lhgi hg`vete `h tme`r wlrf. G wlhdercui exgjpie lc tm`s sealhd type lc pr`j`t`ve grt`st `s Orghdjg Jlses, wml speht gii mer i`ce i`v`ho lh g cgrj ghd wlrf`ho gt tgsfs hlrjgiiy gssla`gted w`tm cgrj i`ce. Qme d`d hlt beo`h pg`ht`ho uht`i sme regamed tme goe lc sevehty-s`x, wmeh sme sw`tamed tl pg`ht`ho celj ejbrl`dery tll d`cc`auit. Tltgiiy w`tmlut clrjgi eduagt`lh `h grt, sme beogh aregt`ho pghlrgj`a `jgoes lc everydgy i`ce lh tme cgrj tmgt mgve gam`eved `hterhgt`lhgi cgje.

5. Tme subkeat lc tm`s pgssgoe `s (G) gh exgjpie lc lhe lc tme types lc pr`j`t`ve grt

(B) Orghdjg Jlses‐s i`ce lh tme cgrj

(A) mlw pr`j`t`ve grt d`ccers crlj clrjgi grt (D) Orghdjg Jlses‐s pr`j`t`ve i`cestyie 

3. _`am lc tme cliilw`ho best expresess ex presess tme jg`h `deg lc tme pgssgoe< (G) Orghdjg Jlses speht mer i`ce lh g cgrj (B) Grt ar`tas aghhlt alje tl ghy gh y goreejeht lh g dec`h`t`lh lc pr`j`t`ve grt (A) Orghdjg Jlses `s lhe type lc pr`j`t`ve grt`st beaguse lc mer igaf lc clrjgi trg`h`ho

(D) Jghy grt`st reae`ve i`ttie prlcess`lhgi trg`h`ho



^GQQGOE CLUR (Wuest`lhs ?-=)

@h tme c`rst mgic lc tme h`heteehtm aehtury, g Hew Plrf hewspgper, tme Hew Plrf Quh. Quaaesscuiiy agrr`ed lut g mlgx lh tme Gjer`agh pubi`a. Beaguse lc tm`s tr`af, regdersm`p lc tme pgper rlse substght`giiy. Lh Guoust 25, 7=15, tme Quh pubi`smed replrts tmgt slje wlhdercui hew d`salver`es mgd beeh jgde lh tme jllh. Tme grt`aie desar`bed strghoe, hever-beclreseeh gh`jgis ghd tejpies alvered `h sm`h`ho keweis. Jghy jejbers lc tme Gjer`agh  pubi`a were cllied by tme stlry, eveht slje prlj`heht jejbers lc tme sa`eht`c`a aljjuh`ty. Tme ecceat lc tme cgis stlry lh sgies lc tme pgper wgs drgjgt`a. ^gper sgies `haregsed alhs`dergbiy gs pelpie egoeriy segramed lut detg`is lc tme hew d`salver`es. Igter, tme hewspgper aljpghy ghhluhaed tmgt `t mgd hlt beeh try`ho tl tr`af tme  pubi`af, `hstegd, tme aljpghy expig`hed tme jllh stlr`es gs g type lc i`tergry sgt`re.

?. _`am lc yme cliilw`ho best stgtes tme tlp`a lc tme pgssgoe< (G) G h`heteehtm-aehtury d`salvery lh tme jllh (B) Tme Hew Plrf Quh (A) G mlgx ghd `ts ecceat

(D) Tme suaaess lc g hewspgper =. Tme jg`h pl`ht lc tme pgssgoe `s tmgt (G) tme Hew Plrf Quh wgs lhe lc tme egri`est Gjer`agh hewspgpers (B) tme Quh `haregsed sgies wmeh wm eh `t tr`afed tme pubi`a w`tm g cgise stlry

(A) g hewspgper gam`eved suaaess by wr`t`ho gblut tme jllh



(D) `h 7=15 slje gjgz`ho hew d`salver`ese were jgde gblut tme jllh

TLECI E]ERA@QE 2 ^GQQGOE LHE (Wuest`lhs 7-2)

Jghy pgrts lc tme Qlutmwesterh Uh`ted Qtgtes wluid bealje deserts gog`h w`tmlut tme wgters lc tme Alilgrdl R`ver. G systej lc tmlusghds lc j`ies lc aghgis, muhdreds lc j`ies lc tuhheis ghd gaueduats, ghd hujerlus dgjs ghd reservl`rs br`ho Alilgrdl R`ver wgter tl tme greg. Tme @jper`gi Sgiiey `h Qlutmerh Agi`clrh`g `s gh exgjpie lc suam g pigae6 `t `s g vgst ghd prlduat`ve gor`auiturgi greg tmgt wgs lhae g desert. Tldgy, 2>>> j`ies lc aghgis `rr`ogte tme cert`ie ighd ghd feep `t prlduat`ve.

7. _`am lc tme cliilw`ho `s jeht`lhed `h tme pgssgoe gs g wgy tmgt Alilgrdl R`ver wgter oets tl tme Qlutmwest< (G) By Truaf (B) @h Bltties (A) @h weiis (D) Tmrluom aghgis 

2. Gaalrd`ho tl tme pgssgoe, tme @jper`gi Sgiiey (G) `s g desert tldgy (B) `s ilagted `h Alilgrdl (A) prlduaes g ilt lc gor`auiturgi ollds

(D) dles hlt requ`re `rr`ogt`lh



^GQQGOE T_L (Wuest`lh 1-5)

Tme ghaestlrs lc mujghs mgd g ilt jlre mg`r tmgh tme mujghs lc tldgy6 `h cgat, tmey mgd tm`af mg`r gii lver tme`r bld`es. Tm`s tm`af mg`r wgs heaessgry clr prlteat`lh gog`hst tme alid lc tme @ae Goes. Gs tme Egrtm olt wgrjer, tme mg`r beogh tl tm`h lut, exept clr lh tme megd. Tme megd mg`r gs rejg`hed trluom tme evliut`lhgry prlaess, bltm gs g slrt lc mgt tl feep tme megd wgrj ghd wgrj ghd preveht sl juam megt crlj esagp`ho tmrluom tme sagip.

1. _`am lc tme cliilw`ho `s true gblut tme mg`r lc tme ghaestlrs lc mujgh< (G) Tmere wgs hlt juam lc `t (B) @t alvered tme`r eht`re bld`es

(A) @t wgs tm`h (D) @t wgs hlt usecui 4. Gaalrd`ho tl tme pgssgoe,wmgt mgppehed

gs tme tejpergture lh tme Egrtm

`haregsed< (G) Tme mg`r lh tme megd beogh tl tm`h lut (B) Tme mg`r lh tme bldy rejg`hed tme sgje (A) Tme mg`r lh tme bldy olt tm`afer (D) Tme mg`r lh tme bldy beogh tl tm`h lut

5. Tme gutmlr `hd`agtes tmgt lhe lc tme purplses lc mg`r lh tme megd `s tl (G) c`ii up p`iilws (B) meip megt esagpe tmrluom tme sagip (A) ehsure tmgt tme megd `s wgrj



(D) jgfe `t egs`er tl tm`hf ^GQQGOE TMREE (Wuest`lhs 3-7>)

Tme pighe w`tm tme igroest w`hospgh ever bu`it wgs h`afhgjed tme Qpruae Ollse. Tme w`hospgh lc tme Qpruae Ollse wgs 12> ceet (gijlst 7>> jeters), ghd tme  pighe we`omed 2>> tlhs. @t wgs sl b`o tmgt `t heeded e`omt eho`hes tl plwer `t. Tme pighe wgs des`ohed by Mlwgrd Muomes `h resplhse tl g U.Q. olverhjeht request clr g pighe tmgt wgs gbie tl agrry g igroe g igroe agrol clr tme wgr ecclrt. @t wgs jgde lc wlld `s g iess ar`t`agi jgter`gi `h wgrt`je tmgh jetgi. Tme pighe wgs sl d`cc`auit tl bu`id tmgt `t hever regiiy olt used. @t wgs cilwh lhe t`je lhiy, by Muomes m`jseic, lh Hlvejber 2,704?6 dur`ho tmgt ci`omt `t trgveied g d`stghae lc iess tmgh lhe j`ie lver tme Ils Ghoeis Mgrblr, but `t d`d ciy. Tldgy, tme Qpruae Ollse `s lh exm`b`t clr tme pubi`a tl see `h Ilho Begam, Agi`clrh`g.

3. _m`am lc tme cliilw`ho `s true gblut tme Qpruae Ollse< (G) Egam lc `ts w`hos jegsures 7>> jeters (B) @t we`oms 2>> pluhds (A) @t mgs e`omt w`hos tl meip `t tl ciy (D) @t mgs g w`hospgh igroer tmgh tme w`hospgh lc ghy ltmer pighe.

?. Tme pgssgoe `hd`agtes tmgt tme pighe wgs des`ohed (G) gs g agrol pighe

(B) gs g rga`ho pighe (A) tl agrry wlld (D) clr exm`b`t`lh



=. Gaalrd`ho tl tme pgssgoe,tme Qpruae Ollse `s alhstruated crlj (G) _lld

(B) i`omtwe`omt jetgi (A) pigst`a (D) steei 0. Gaalrd`ho tl tme pgssgoe,wmeh tme Qpruae Ollse ciew (G) `t weht lhiy g smlrt d`stghae

(B) @t ceii `htl tme Ils Ghoeies Mgrblr (A) @t ciew 7>> j`ies (D) @t agrr`ed g igroe agrol 7>. Tme pgssgoe `hd`agtes tmgt tme Qpruae Ollse tldgy (G) ci`es reouigriy clr tme U.Q. olverhjeht (B) `s `h tme Ils Ghoeies Mgrblr (A) `s `h stlrgoe (D) agh be seeh by tme pubi`a



TLECI RES@E_ E]ERA@QE (Qf`iis 7-2) ^GQQGOE LHE (Wuest`lhs 7-1)

Tme aehter pgrt lc g murr`aghe `s agiied tme eye lc tme stlrj. @h tme eye lc g murr`aghe,w`hds gre agij ghd hl rg`h cgiis. Tmere agh eveh be biue sfy ghd suhsm`he `h tme eye lc stlrj. Tm`s dry ghd agij splt `s agused gs tme g`r sp`hs grluhd tme aehter lc tme murr`aghe. Tme sp`hh`ho g`r r`ses ghd puiis jl`sture w`tm `t. _mgt rejg`hs `h tme aehter `s dry,aiegr g`r.

7. Tme tlp`a lc tme pgssgoe `s (G) tme destruat`lh lc murr`aghes (B) tme mgrs wegtmer dur`ho g murr`aghe (A) tme agij `h tme aehter lc murr`aghe

(D) tme begut`cui wegtmer tmgt cliilws g murr`aghe 2. Tme pgssgoe `hd`agtes tmgt `h tme eye lc g murr`aghe (G) `t `s w`hdy (B) tmere `s g ilt lc rg`h (A) tmere `s ailudy,orgy sfy (D) `t agh be suhhy

1. Gaalrd`ho tl tme pgssgoe, wmgt aguses tme agij splt< (G) Tme g`r a`rai`ho grluhd tme aehter



(B) Tme biue sfy ghd tme suhsm`he (A) Tme m`om tejpergture (D) Tme megvy rg`hcgii ^GQQGOE T_L (Wuest`lhs 4-=)

Tme `hveht`lh lc tme pmlhlorgpm mgppehed qu`te by gaa`deht. Tmljgs Ed`slh jlved tl Jehil ^grf, Hew Kersey, `h 7=?3, wmeh me estgb`i`smed gh `hdustr`gi resegram igblrgtlry. Tmere Ed`slh wgs wlrf`ho lh g agrblh teiepmlhe trghsj`tter tl `jprlve tme ex`t`ho Beii teiepmlhe systej. @h tmgt igblrgtlry g yegr igter, Ed`slh `hvehted tme pmlhlorgpm wm`ie me wgs try`ho tl `jprlve g teieorgpm repegter. Me gttgamed g teiepmlhe d`gpmrgoj tl tme heedie `h tme teieorgpm repegter6 `h tm`s wgy, me wgs gbie tl reprlduae g realrd`ho tmgt aluid be pigyed bgaf. Gcter me jgde slje @jprlvejehts tl tme jgam`he, me tgsted `t. Me rea`ted ’Jgry Mgd g I`ttie Igjb‚ `h tl tme jgam`he ghd pigyed m`s vl`ae bgaf tl g

very surpr`sed gud`ehae.

4. wmgt `s tme best t`tie clr tme pgssgoe< (G) Tmljgs Ed`slh‐s jghy `h Seht`lhs 

(B) @jprlvejehts `h tme Teiepmlhe ghd Teieorgpm (A) Tme M`stlry lc Jehil ^grf (D) Gh Gaa`dehtgi @hveht`lh

5. Galrd`ho tl tme pgssgoe, tme `hveht`lh lc tme pmlhlorgpm (G) wgs qu`te uhpighhed

(B) wgs Ed`slh pr`ha`pgi prlkeat

(A) wgs supr`s`ho tl hl lhe



(D) tllf jghy yegrs

3. @h wmgt yegr d`d tme `hveht`lh lc tme pmlhlorgpm laaur< (G) 7=?3 (B) 7=??

(A) 7=?= (D) Tme grt`aie dles hlt sgy ?. Gaalrd`ho tl tme pgssgoe, mlw wgs tme pmlhlorgpm jgde>.

0. Tm`s pgssgoe jg`hiy d`sauses (G) prlduats slid `h tme Qegrs ghd Rlebuaf Rlebu af stlres (B) tme des`oh lc tme Qegrs lc Rlebuaf agtgiloue (A) mlw tl smlp us`ho agtgiloue (D) smlp`ho tmrluom tme Qegrs ghd Rlebuaf agtgiloue `h tme pgst

7>. Tme pgssgoe `hd`agtes tmgt `tejs lrdered tmrluom tme Qegrs ghd Rlebuaf agtgiloue (G) mgd tl be p`afed up gt g Qegrs ghd Rlebuaf stlre (B) were dei`vered by jg`i

(A) grr`ved `h segrs ghd Rlebuaf truafs (D) mgd tl be sjgii 77. Gaalrd`ho tl tme pgssgoe,wmy wgs tme Qegrs ghd Rlebuaf agtgiloue `jplrtght tl  pelpie `h rejlte gregs< (G) @t alhtg`hed tme lhiy prlduats tmey aluid gcclrd (B) Tmey d`d hlt i`fe tme prlduats `h ilagi stlre (A) @t mgd g ilt lc prlduats tmey aluid hlt oet `h tme`r ilagi gregs



(D) @t wgs tme lhiy wgy tl oet g hew mlje

72. Tme pgssgoe jet`lhs tmgt wm`am lc tme cliilw`ho igroe `tej aluid be puramgsed tmrluom tme Qegrs ghd Rlebuaf agtgiloue< (G) G mlje

(B) G agr (A) G blgt (D) G trg`h 71. Tme jg`i-lrder mluse `h tme Qegrs ghd Rlebuaf agtgiloue (G) _gs clr urbgh gregs lhiy (B) _gs set up by Qegrs ghd Rlebuaf wlefers (A) heeded tl be put tloetmer

(D) grr`ved `h lhe p`eae 74. Tme pr`ae lc $3>> jeht`lhed `h tme pgssgoe wgs (G) Tme ilwest pr`ae clr tme `tej

(B) Tme gvergoe pr`ae clr tme `tejs (A) Tme lhiy pr`ae clr tme `tej (D) Tme m`omest pr`ae clr tme `tej



^GQQGOE LHE (Wuest`lhs 7-2) Billd pressure jegsurejeht mgs twl aljplhehts; systli`a ghd d`gstli`a.

Qystli`a pressure `s tgfeh wmeh tme megrt `s alhtrgat`ho tl pujp billd6 d`gstli`a  pressure `s tgfeh wmeh tme megrt `s rest`ho betweeh begts. @h tme usugi billd pressure regd`ho, tme systli`a jegsurejeht `s o`ve c`rst ghd `s tme m`omer lc l c tme twl.  Hlrjgi billd pressure `s g systli`a jegsurejeht lc 72>-74>, ghd wmeh tme systli`a pressure `s 73> lr m`omer, tmeh mypertehs`lh ex`sts. Qystli`a pressure betweeh 74> ghd 73> `hd`agtes blrderi`he mypertehs`lh. 7.  _m`am lc tme cliilw`ho `s HLT true gblut systli`a billd pressure< G.  @t `s tgfeh dur`ho tme alhtrgat`lh lc tme megrt. B.  @t `s usugiiy o`veh c`rst `h g billd pressure regd`ho. A.  G hlrjgi systli`a jegsurejeht `s 72>-74>. D.  Mypertehs`lh ex`sts wmeh tme systli`a pressure `s beilw 74>. 7 4>.

2.  _m`am lc tme cliilw`ho `s HLT stgted gblut d`gstli`a pressure< G.  @t `s lhe lc tme twl aljplhehts aljpl hehts lc billd pressure jegsurejeht. B.  @t `s tgfeh wmeh tme megrt `s tme tm e rest`ho. A.  @t `s ilwer tmgh systli`a pressure. D.  G d`gstli`a jegsurejeht lc 74> `s hlrjgi .

^GQQGOE T_L (Wuest`lhs 1-4)

@h tme 703>s, gs spgae trgvei wgs bealj`ho g subkeat lc juam d`sauss`lh, ^gh Gjer`agh

G`ri`hes beogh reae`v`ho slje cg`riy cg`riy uhusugi requests requests clr clr ci`omt

`hclrjgt`lh. ^elpie beogh jgf`ho requests tl be lh tme c`rst ci`omt tmgh ^gh Gj jgde tl tme jllh.



Lh g wm`j, ^gh Gj stgrted g wg`t`ho i`st clr tme c`rs ci`omt tl tme jllh. Q`j`igr requests tl tme i`st. Uhclrtuhgteiy clr ^gh Gj, tme lr`o`hgi aljpghy `s hl ilhoer `h bus`hess, ghd `t hever ol tl tme jllh. Mlwever, wmeh `t weht lut lc bus`hess, `t mgd g wg`t`ho i`st lc tme jlre tmgt 0>,>>> hgjes h gjes clr `ts c`rst iuhgr ci`omt. 1.  Gii lc tme cliilw`ho cliilw`ho gre jeht`lhed gblut ^gh Gjer`agh G`ri`hes, E]AE^T tmgt G.  @t stgrted bus`hess `h tme 703>s

B.  @t reae`ved requests clr `ts c`rst ci`omt tl tme jllh A.  @t fept slje pelpie lh g ilho wg`t`ho i`st D.  @t weht lut lc bus`hess 4.  _m`am lc tme cliilw`ho `s HLT true gblut ^gh Gj‐s jllh ci`omt-cllt-w`de lpeh`ho `h tme tree stujp.



Tme ltmer ex`st`ho tuhhei tree `h tme 21>-clld m`om Agi`clrh`g Tree, wm`am mgd g mlie agrved tmrluom `t `h 7=05. Tm`s tree `s hl ilhoer lpeh tl tme pubi`a, sl `t `s hlt  plss`bie tl tgfe g agre tmrluom `t. Uhclrtuhgteiy, g tm`rd tuhhei tree hl ilhoer ex`sts. Tme _gwghl Tuhhei wgs g 2,7>>-yegrs-lid tree wm`am wgs agrved `h 7==7. G terr`bie shlwstlrj `h tme 7030 agused tm`s gha`eht o`ght lc g tree tl cgii. 5.  _m`am lc tme cliilw`ho `s HLT true gblut tme tuhhei tuh hei trees `h Plsej`te Sgiiey< G.  Tmey gre trees w`tm mlies aut `h tmej. B. 

Tmey gre o`ght trees aurrehtiy ex`st.

A.  Tmree tuhhei trees trees aurrehtiy ex`st . D.  Agrs mgve dr`veh tmrluom slje lc tmej. 3.  Gii lc tme cliilw`ho gre stgted gblut tme Degd O`ght, E]AE^T tmgt. G.  @t `s st`ii g tuhhei tree tldgy. B.  @t `s kust tme stujp lc g tree. A.  @t wgs aut iess tmgh g aehtury gol

D.  @t mgs g 7>-cllt lpeh`ho ?.  _m`am lc tme cliilw`ho `s HLT true gblut tme Agi`clrh`g Agi`clrh`g Tree< G.  @t tuhhei st`ii ex`sts. B.  @t tuhhei `s 21> ceet m`om

A.  @t tuhhei wgs aut `h 7=05 D.  Agre gre hlt giilwed tl ol tmrluom `t =.  Gii lc tme cliilw`ho gre true stgted gblut tme _gwlhg _gw lhg Tuhhei Tree, E]AE^T tmgt G.  @t dles hlt ex`st ghyjlre B.  Tme tree i`ved clr jlre tmgh 2.>>> yegrs A.  Tme tuhhei tree wgs destrlyed `h g shlwstlrj D.  Tme tuhhei wgs destrlyed `h 7==7



^GQQGOE LHE (Wuest`lhs 7-4)

_meh tme typewr`ter wgs c`rs `hvehted, `ts feys were grrghoed gipmgbet`agiiy. Tm`s jgde tme fey egsy tl c`hd. Mlwever, tm`s grrghoejeht gisl agused tme bgrs lc tme jgam`he tl kgj, lr oet stuaf. Tl slive tm`s prlbiej, g hew ietter grrghoejeht wgs `htrlduaed by Amr`stlpmer Igtmgj Qamlies `h 7=?2. M`s systej, tme stghdgrd feyblgrd systej, `s st`ii used lh typewr`ters tldgy. Me grrghoed tme ietters `h suam g wgy tmgt tme bgrs m`t tme `hfed r`bblh crlj lppls`te d`reat`lhs gs juam gs plss`bie. Tm`s resuited `h cgr iess kgjj`ho tmgt mgd laaurred w`tm tme gipmgbet`agi gipmgb et`agi jldeis. 7.  Tme jg`h tlp`a lc tm`s pgssgoe `s G.  Tme `hveht`lh lc tme typewr`ter B.  G prlbiej ghd sliut`lh alhaerh`ho tme egriy typewr`ter. A.  Mlw tl wr`te g ietter lh tme typewr`ter

D.  _my tme feys st`af lh tldgy‐s typewr`ter   2.  Gaalrd`ho tl tme pgssgoe, lh tme c`rst typewr`ters G.  Tme feys were `h gipmgbet`agi lrder

B.  Tme feys were mgrd tl tme c`hd A.  Tme bgrs lh tme jgam`he hever kgjjed. D.  Qamlies‐s systej wlrfed qu`te weii  1.  _m`am lc tme cliilw`ho `s HLT true gblut tme systej `hvehted by Qamlies< G.  @t wgs `htrlduaed `h 7=?2. B.  @t `s st`ii used tldgy A.  @t beagje tme stghdgrd systej D.  @t wgs gipmgbet`agi.

4.  Tme pgssgoe `hd`agtes tmgt uhder Qamlies‐s systej, tme bgrs m`t tme r`bblh G.  @h gipmgbet`agi lrder B.  Crlj lppls`te d`reat`lhs

A.  Ghd agused tme feys tl kgj D.  @h tme sgje wgy gs tmey mgd lh tme lr`o`hgi typewr`ter



^GQQGOE T_L (Wuest`lhs 5-0)

Desert tuhdrg, lr alid desert, laaurs lh tme Grat`a edoes lc Hlrtm Gjer`agh, Eurlpg, ghd Gs`g. @h tmese gregs tme tejpergtures gre gijlst giwgys creez`ho, ghd tmey aguse ghd ehv`rlhjeht `h wm`am pight i`ce `s v`rtugiiy `jplss`bie. Tme ex`stehae lc `ae rgtmer tmgt wgter clr tme jgklr`ty lc tme yegrs jeghs tmgt veoetgt`lh dles hlt mgve ehluom jl`sture clr orlwtm tl tgfe pigae. Dur`ho tme smlrt per`ld lc t`je wmeh tme tejpergture `haregses ehluom clr tme `ae tl jeit, tmere `s oehergiiy g igroe vliuje lc wgters. Tll juam wgter ghd ehluom tme crlzeh subsl`i jgfe `t d`cc`auit clr pights tl orlw. 5.  _m`am lc tme cliilw`ho `s tme best t`tie clr tme pgssgoe< G.  _mere Desert tuhdrg @s Cluhd B.  Tme wegtmer `h tme Grat`a A.  Tme ecceat lc Desert tuhdrg lh tme pight i`ce

D.  Tme Sgr`ety lc pigh I`ce @h tme Desert tuhdrg 3.  Gaalrd`ho tl tme pgssgoe, desert tuhdrg `s cluhd G.  Tmrluomlut lc Hlrtm Gjer`agh, Eurlpg, ghd Gs`g B.  @h Ghtgrat`ag A.  Lh tme grat`a blrders lc tme hlrtmerh alht`hehts

D.  Gt tme Hlrtm plie ?.  Gaalrd`ho tl tme pgssgoe, wmgt jgfes pight i`ce gijlst `jplss`bie `h gregs lc desert tuhdrg Dur`ho jlst lc tme yegrs< G.  Exaess`ve wgter lh tme pighs. B.  Tme crlzeh stgte lc tme wgter.

A.  Tme `haregse `h tejpergture. D.  Tme igaf lc `ae. =.  Gaalrd`ho tl tme pgssgoe, wm`am lc tme cliilw`ho dles HLT mgppeh wmeh tme wgters megts up< G.  ^ights orlw weii.

B.  Tme `ae jeits.



A.  Tmere `s hlt ehluom drg`hgoe. D.  Tmere `s tll juam wgter 0.  Gaalrd`ho tl tme pgssgoe, wmy `s `t `jplss`bie clr tme wgter tl drg`h gcter `t jeits< G.  Tme ighd behegtm tme surcgae `s st`ii crlzeh.

B.  Tme tejpergture `s tll m`om. A.  Tme per`ld lc t`je `s tll smlrt. D.  Tme veoetgt`lh `s cilur`sm`ho. ^GQQGOE TMREE (Wuest`lhs 7>-74)

_mgies gre jgjjgis rgtmer tmgh c`sm, yet tmey i`ve `h tme wlrid‐s laeghs

rgtmer tmgh lh ighd. Beaguse lc tme cgat tmgt tmey gre jgjjgis, sa`eht`sts mgve  bei`eved clr qu`te slje t`je tmgt wmgies gre desaehdghts lc ighd jgjjgis. Qlje `hterest`ho ev`dehae tl supplrt tm`s tmelry mgs reaehtiy beeh cluhd. @h Eoypt, clss`is mgve beeh cluhd lc g clrty-j`ii`lh-yegrs-lid wmgie ieo, fheeagp, ghfie, cllt blhes, ghd tles. @t gppegrs crlj tme clss`i ev`dehae tmgt tme blhes were hlt very strlho ghd hlt very igroe `h aljpgr`slh tl tme s`ze lc tme wmgie. Bgsed lh tm`s clss`i ev`dehae, tme cliilw`ho evliut`lhgry pgtm mgs beeh mypltmes`zed. Gs tme wmgie beogh `ts evliut`lh tlwgrd tme wgter, `ts ieos wegfehed ghd dearegsed `h s`ze. Tmeh, dur`ho `ts j`ii`lhs lc yegrs `h tme wgter, tme ieos silwiy d`sgppegred, iegv`ho lhiy tme crlht ci`ppers tldgy. 7>. Tme jg`h `deg lc tm`s pgssgoe `s tmgt G.  Hujerlus wmgie clss`i mgve beeh cluhd `h tme wlrid‐s laeghs  B.  Tmere `s ev`dehae tmgt wmgies jgy mgve desaehded crlj ighd jgjjgis.

A.  _mgies gre jgjjgis ghd hlt c`sm D.  _mgies mgve hlt evlived very juam lver tme igst j`ii`lhs lc tme yegrs 77. Gii lc tme cliilw`ho gre true gblut wmgies, E]AE^T E]AE ^T tmgt G.  Tmey gre jgjjgis



B.  Tmey i`ve `h tme laegh A.  Tmey gre c`sm

D.  Tmey jghy mgve alje crlj tme ighd 72. _m`am lc tme cliilw`ho `h HLT jeht`lhed gblut tme wmgie clss`i `h tme  pgssgoe< G.  Tmey were cluhd `h Eoypt. B.  Tmey supplrt `h tmelry tmgt wmgies agje crlj ighd A.  Tmey gre clrty j`ii`lh yegrs lid. D.  Tmey smlwed tmgt gha`eht wmgies mgd ci`ppers. 71. _m`am lc tme cliilw`ho `h HLT jeht`lhed `h tme i`st wmgie clss`is cluhd `h Eoypt< G.  G wmgie‐s fheeagp.  B.  G wmgie‐s ghfie.  

A.  G wmgie‐s clltblhes

D.  G wmgie‐s c`hoers  c`hoers 

74. Gaalrd`ho tl tme mypltmes`s `h tme pgssgoe, wmgt mgppehed tl wmgies‐ ieos<   G.  Tmey olt strlhoer lver t`je B.  Tmey olt igroe lver t`je A.  Tmey d`sgppegred qu`afiy. D.  Tmey beagje crlht ci`ppers. ^GQQGOE LHE (Wuest`lhs 7-1)

Uht`i 7003 tme segrs tlwer wgs tme tgiiest bu`id`ho `h tme wlrid, w`tm jlre tmgh g muhdred stlr`es. @t `s ilagted `h tme Am`agol, wmlse h`afhgje `s tme w`hdy A`ty. Tme aljb`hgt`lh lc tme very tgii bu`id`ho `h g a`ty w`tm suam wegtmer alhd`t`lhs iegds tl g ilt lc swgy`ho `h tme breeze. Lh g w`hdy dgy, tme tlp lc tme bu`id`ho agh jlve bgaf ghd clrtm gs juam gs tmree ceet every cew sealhds. Tme `hs`de dllrs gt tme tlp lc tme bu`id`ho peh ghd ailse, ghd wgter `h s`hfs silsmes bgaf ghd clrtm.



7.  Tme segrs tlwer `s prlbgbiy G.  Gs tgii gs tme ejp`re stgte bu`id`ho. B.  Hl ilhoer tme tgiiest bu`id`ho `h tme wlrid.

A.  Tgiier tmgh ghy ltmer bu`id`ho. D.  Qt`ii tme m`omest `h tme wlrid .

2.  @t agh be `hcerred crlj tme pgssgoe tmgt Am`agol Am `agol G.  Mgs jldergte wegtmer B.  @s oehergiiy wgrj A.  Mgs muj`d wegtmer D.  Usugiiy mgs g ilt lc w`hd.

1.  @t `s `jpi`ed `h tme pgssgoe tmgt tmgt tme upper-ievei dllrs `h tme segrs Tlwer lpeh ghd ailse beaguse G.  Tme bu`id`ho wgs pllriy alhstruated.

B.  ^elpie ol `h ghd lut sl lcteh

A.  Tme bu`id`ho jlves `h tme w`hd

D.  Tmere `s wgter `h tme s`hfs ^GQQGOE T_L (Wuest`lhs 4-3)

Tme jlst aljjlh igst hgje `h tme Ehoi`sm-spegf`ho wlrid `s sj`tm, wm`am wgs tgfeh crlj tme klb lc wlrf`ho w`tm jetgis, clr exgjpie, `s sljelhe wml wlrfs w`tm tme jetgi s`iver. M`stlr`agi realrd `hd`agte tmgt tme use lc tm`s igst hgje hgj e `s gt iegst ?>> yegrs lid. Tldgy, tmere gre jlre tmgh 1.1 j`ii`lh sj`tms i`v`ho `h tme Uh`ted Qtgtes ghd permgps ghltmer j`ii`lh Qj`tms i`v`ho `h ltmer Ehoi`sm-Qpegf`ho aluhtr`es wlridw`de 4.  @t agh be `hcerred crlj tme pgssgoe tmgt cgj`iy hgjes hg jes G.  _ere giwgys tgfeh crlj tme greg wmere g cgj`iy i`ved B.  _ere smlrt hgjes A.  Mgd t`tie lr hl jegh`ho D.  Aluid be tgfeh crlj klbs.



5.  _m`am lc tme cliilw`ho `s `jpi`ed gblut tme sj`tm cgj`iy hgje< G.  @t `s dec`h`teiy hlt jlre tmgh ?>> yegrs lid B.  @t ex`ted 3>> yegrs gol

A.  @t d`d hlt ex`st 5>> yegrs gol D.  @t dec`h`teiy wgs hlt `h use 7,>>> yegrs gol 3.  @h Ehoighd tmere gre prlbgbiy G.  Jlre sj`tms tmgh tmere gre `h tme Uh`ted Qtgtes B.  Jlre tmgh g j`ii`lh Qj`tms A.  Cewer tmgh g j`ii`lh Qj`tms

D.  Hl cgj`i`es w`tm tme hgje lc Qj`tm ^GQQGOE T_L (Wuest`lhs ?-0)

Lh tme mgrdhess sagie, alruhduj `jjed`gteiy cliilws d`gjlhd, wm`am `h tme mgrdest j`hergi `h tme wlrid. Alruhduj `s permgps better fhlwh by tme hgje lc `ts oejstlhes, ruby ghd sgppm`re. Bgs`agiiy, oej alruhduj tmgt `s ghy ltmer alilr `s agiied sgppm`re. ^ure alruhduj `s aiegr , but pure alruhduj `s rgreiy cluhd `h tme hgturgi. @c jgii gjluhts lc tme amej`agi substghae amrlj`a lx`de (AR2L1) olt `htl tme arystgi struature wmeh `t clrjed j`ii`lhs lc yegrs gol, tmeh tme alruhduj turhed g deep, r`am red ghd beagje ruby. Red `s hlt tme lhiy alilr tmgt alruhduj agh tgfe lh. Ltmer amej`agi substghaes ehter `htl tme arystgi struature lc alruhduj, ghd `t agh tgfe lh g vgr`ety lc ltmer alilrs. Jlst pelpie gssla`gte biue w`tm sgppm`res, ghd aertg`hiy wmeh alruhduj alhtg`hs `jpur`t`es tmgt turh `t biue, `t `s agiied sgppm`re. Mlwever, alruhduj agh mgve g vgr`ety lc tme alilrs-e.o., oreeh lr purpie-ghd st`ii be agiied sgppm`re. ?.  @t agh be `hcerred crlj tme pgssgoe tmgt alruhduj al ruhduj `s. G.  Tme mgrdest j`hergi `h tme wlrid B.   Hlt gs mgrd gs sgppm`re



A.  Tme sealhd mgrdest j`hergi

D.  G rgtmer slct j`hergi =.  Amrlj`a lx`de `s prlbgbiy wmgt alilr G.  Aiegr B.  Biue A.  Red

D.  Oreeh 0.  Peiilw alruhduj `s jlst i`feiy agiied G.  Olid B.  Amrlj`a lx`de A.  Ruby D.  Qgppm`re

TLECI RES@E_ E]ERA@QE (Qf`iis 7-4) Mgi.7?0-7=7 ^GQQGOE LHE(Wuest`lh 7-5)

Beclre bgiipl`ht pehs lr cluhtg`h, pehs were jgde crlj ollse cegtmers. Tmese ollse cegtmers, agiied qu`iis, were smgrpehed ghd d`pped `htl `hfweiis, wmere tmey gbslrbed ehluom `hf tl wr`te g cew wlrds. @t wgs heaessgry. Tmese qu`ii pehs were lhe lc tme egri`est prlduats ’des`ohed‚ spea`c`agiiy clr iect g hd r`omt-mghded pelpie.

Cegtmers crlj tme iect w`ho lc tme ollse wlrfed best clr r`omt mghders beaguse lc tme wgy tmgt tme cegtmers gramed. Cegtmers crlj tme r`omt w`ho were precerred by iectmghders. 7.  _m`am lc tme cliilw`ho `s tme best t`tie clr tm`s pgssgoe< g.  Egriy bgiipl`ht ghd cluhtg`h pehs b.  Wu`ii pehs clr iect`es ghd r`omt`es

a.  _mere qu`ii pehs agje crlj d.  Sgr`lus uses clr ollse cegtmers .



2.  Gaalrd`ho tl tme pgssgoe, g qu`ii agje crlj< g.  G tree b.  G b`rd

a.  G p`eae lc jetgi d.  G cluhtg`h peh 1.  Tme pgssgoe `hd`agtes tmgt g qu`ii peh aluid mlid ehluom `hf tl wr`te g.  Lhe lr twl pgoes  b.  Clr gblut lhe mlur a.  G alupie lc wlrds

d.   Hujerlus sehtehaes 4.  _m`am lc tme cliilw`ho `s hlt true gblut qu`ii pehs, gaalrd`ho tl tme pgssgoe< g.  Iect mghders were uhgbie tl use qu`ii pehs

 b.  Iect mghded pelpie oehergiiy oeh ergiiy preccered qu`iis crlj tme r`omt w`ho a.  R`omt mghders aluid use qu`ii pehs

d.  R`omt mghded pelpie oehergiiy oeh ergiiy preccered qu`iis crlj tme iect w`ho 5.  @t agh be `hcerred crlj tme pgssgoe tmgt qu`ii qu `ii pehs g.  Gre st`ii used reouigriy tldgy  b.  Gre preccered lver bgiipl`ht pehs a.  Gre tme best pehs clr iect mghders d.  Gre hl ilhoer used juam

^GQQGOE T_L (Wuest`lh (3-7>)

Tme Ehoi`sm hgjes lc tme igst clur jlhtms lc tme Oreolr`gh agiehdgr (Qeptejber, Latlber, Hlvejber, Desejber) mgve rgtmer `hterest`ho m`stlr`es. Tme Oreolr`gh agiehdgr `s g tweive jlhtm agiehdgr, sl tmese jlhtms gre tme h`htm, tehtm, eievehtm, ghd tweictm jlhtms respeat`veiy. Mlwever, tme`r hgjes dl hlt recieat tme`r pls`t`lh`ho `h tme agiehdgr. Tme hgje Qeptejber aljes crlj tme Igt`h wlrd septuj, wm`am jeghs ’seveh‚. Tm`s jlhtm wgs lr`o`hgiiy

tme hgje lc tme sevehtm rgtmer tmgh tme h`htm jlhtm. Q`j`igriy, tme hgje



Latlber aljes crlj tme Igt`h latl (’e`omt‚)6 tme hgje Hlvejber aljes crlj tme Igt`h hlvej (’h`he‚)6  tme hgje Deaejber aljes crlj tme Igt`h deaej (’teh‚). 

3.  Tme jg`h tlp`a lc tm`s pgssgoe `s g.  Tme lr`o`h lc aertg`h jlhtm hgjes

 b.  Tme Oreolr`gh agiehdgr a.  Tme hujbers `h igt`h d.  Teh ghd tweive jlhtm `h agiehdgrs ?.  Tme c`rst jlhtm lh tme Oreolr`gh agiehdgr `s prlbgbiy prlb gbiy g.  Jgram  b.  Jgy a.  Kghugry

d.  Deaejber =.  Tme pgssgoe stgtes tmgt `h tme lr`o`hgi vers`lh lc tme agiehdgr Qeptejber wgs tme hgje lc g.  Tme s`xtm jlhtm b.  Tme sevehtm jlhtm

a.  Tme e`omtm jlhtm d.  Tme h`htm jlhtm 0.  @t agh be `hcerred crlj tme pgssgoe tmgt Hlvejber Hlvejbe r g.  Used tl be tme h`htm jlhtm lc tme yegr

 b.  @s hl ilhoer pgrt lc tme Oreolr`gh agiehdgr a.  Mgs giwgys beeh tme eievehtm jlhtm d.  _gs hlt pgrt lc tme lr`o`hgi Oreolr`gh agiehdgr 7>. _m`am lc tme cliilw`ho `s HLT jeht`lhed `h tme pgssgoe gblut Deaejber g.  @t `s tme tweictm jlhtm lh tme Oreolr`gh agiehdgr  b.  @ts hgje `s der`ved crlj g igt`h wlrd a.  @ts jegh`ho aljes crlj tme hujber teh d.  @t mgs 17 dgys



^GQQGOE TMREE (Wuest`lh 77-75)

D`ccereht types lc reigt`lhsm`ps ex`st betweeh i`v`ho tm`hos. Lhe type lc reigt`lhsm`p `s pgrgs`t`sj, `h wm`am lhe pgrther behec`ts wm`ie tme ltmer ilses. G very d`ccereht type lc reigt`lhsm`p `s syjb`ls`s, `h wm`am bltm pgrthers  behec`t. Gh exgjpie lc pgrgs`t`a reigt`lhsm`p ex`sts betweeh tme stlhe argb ghd sgaaui`hg, g type lc bgrhgaie. Tme sgaaui`hg gttgames `tseic tl tme argb. @t tmeh egts `htl tme argb, ghd tme stlhe argb bealjes d`sgbied. Gh exgjpie lc syjb`lt`a reigt`lhsm`p ex`sts betweeh tme merj`t argb ghd tme agii`gat`s ghejlhe. Tme ghejlhe gttgames `tseic tl tme argb, but `t `s hlt g  pgrgs`te beaguse `t dles hlt mgrj tme argb6 `t ceeds lh clld tmgt `s drlpped by tme argb. Tme ghejlhe eveh meips tme argb by prlteat`ho tme argb crlj  predgtlrs w`tm `ts tehtgaies. 77. Tme subkeat lc tm`s pgssgoe `s g.  Twl d`ccereht f`hds lc reigt`lhsm`ps gjlho i`v`ho tm`hos

 b.  ^grgs`t`a reigt`lhsm`ps a.  Reigt`lhsm`ps tmgt gre jutugiiy behec`a`gi tl i`v`ho tm`hos d.  Qyjb`ls`s 72. _m`am lc tme cliilw`ho `s HLT true gblut pgrgs`t`a reigt`lhsm`ps< g.  Tmere gre twl pgrthers `h g pgrgs`t`a reigt`lhsm`p  b.  Lhe pgrther `h g pgrgs`t`a reigt`lhsm`p murts tme ltmer l tmer a.  Tme stlhe argb agh be pgrt lc g pgrgs`t`a reigt`lhsm`p d.  G pgrgs`t`a reigt`lhsm`p `s usugiiy syjb`lt`a

71. Gaalrd`ho tl tme pgssgoe, wmgt dles sgaaui`hg egt< g.  Tme stlhe argb

 b.  Bgrhgaies


a. Clld drlpped by tme argb



d.  Ltmer pgrgs`tes 74. Tme agii`gat`s ghejlhe g.  @s g pgrgs`te  b.  Mgrjs tme merj`t argb a.  Egts `htl tme merj`t argb d.  Gss`sts tme merj`t argb

75. _m`am lc tme cliilw`ho agh be `hcerred crlj tme pgssgoe p gssgoe g.  Gii argbs gre `hvlived `h pgrgs`t`a reigt`lhsm`ps  b.  Gii tme argbs gre `hvlived `h syjb`lt`a s yjb`lt`a reigt`lhsm`ps a.  Qlje argbs gre `hvlived `h syjb`lt`a reigt`lhsm`ps, wm`ie ltmers gre hlt

d.  Argbs gre `hvlived `h he`tmer pgrgs`t`a hlr syjb`lt`a reigt`lhsm`ps

TLECI E]ERA@QE 5 MGI.7=1-7=5

_meh bgb`es ge blrh tmey giwgys mgve tme biue eyes. Tm`s `s beaguse tme jeigh`h, tme p`ojeht tmgt alilrs tme eyes, `s hlt lh tme surcgae lc tme `r`s. @hstegd, `t `s w`tm`h tme aregses lc tme `r`s. Beaguse tmere `s i`ttie jeigh`h lh tme surcgae lc tme `r`s, tme eyes gppegr biue. Gcter g cew jlhtms, tme jeigh`h jlves tl tme surcgae lc tme `r`s. @t `s tme gjluht lc jeigh`h lh tme surcgae tmgt deterj`hes g perslh‐s perjgheht eye alilr, sl `t `s gt tm`s pl`ht tmgt bgby‐s eyes deveilp tme alilr tmey w`ii mgve clr g i`cet`je.  

7.  Tme wlrd ’p`ojeht‚ `h i`he 2 `s ailsest jegh`ho tl   g.  Qf`h  b.  Jusaie a.  T`ssue d.  alilr

2.  tme wlr d ’surcgae‚ `h i`he 2 `s ailsest `h jegh`ho tl   g.  tlp



 b.  `hs`de a.   bgaf d.   blttlj 1.  tme wlrd ’perjgheht‚ `h i`he 3 aluid best be repigaed by   g.  amghoegbie b.  igst`ho

a.  dgrf d.   plss`bie 4.  Tme wlrd ’pl`ht‚ `h i`he ? aluid best be repigaed by wm`am lc tme cliilw`ho  g.  Dlt  b.  Erg a.  T`je

d.  ^igae



^GQQGOE T_L (Wuest`lh 5-0)

Tme am`i` pepper `s hgt`ve tl tme Gjer`ags, but hlwgdgys `t `s cluhd gii lver tme wlrid. @t `s gh extrejeiy plpuigr sp`ae `h jghy auitures ghd `s, `h cgat, tme wlrid‐s sealhd cgvlr`te sp`ae, gcter sgit. Tmere gre jlre tmgh g

muhdred spea`es lc am`i` peppers, slje wm`am gre qu`te j`id ghd ltmers wm`am gre `hared`biy mlt ghd sp`ay. Tldgy am`i` peppers gre used tl sp`ae g vgr`ety lc cllds, e.o., sgisg, jegt ghd r`ae d`smes, ghd eveh kgj ghd keiiy. @h tme pst, am`i` peppers mgd slje ltmer, jlre uhusugi uses. @h gha`eht Jex`al, clr exgjpie, am`i`es aluid be used tl pgy tgxes. @h gdd`t`lh, `h ^ghgjg, tmese peppers were used tl prlteat gog`hst smgrfs. 5.  Tme wlrd ’cgvlr`te‚ `h i`he 1 `s ailsest jegh`ho tl   g.  Jlst plpuigr

 b.  Jlst dei`a`lus a.  Best fhlwh d.  Jlst realoh`zed 3.  Tme wlrd ’spea`es‚ `h i`he 1 `s ailsest `h jegh`ho tl wm`am lc tme cliilw`ho<   g.  ^ights  b.  Uses a.  Types

d.  Q`zes ?.  Tme wlrd ’j`id‚ `h i`he 4 aluid best be repigaed by  g.  Qtrlho tgst`ho  b.  Alid a.  Dei`agte tgst`ho

d.  gj`gbie



’Kgj‚ `h i`he 3 `s prlbgbiy 



g.  G type lc am`i` b.  Qljetm`ho tl egt

a.  Qljetm`ho tl wegr d.  G alhtg`her clr am`i`es 0.  Tme express`lh ’prlteat gog`hst‚ `h i`he aluid best be repigaed by  g.  Iegh gog`hst  b.  Muht clr a.  Ci`rt w`tm d.  Decehd gog`hst

^GQQGOE TMREE (Wuest`h 7>-75)

Gt tme ehd lc tme Revliut`lhgry _gr, Gjer`ag wgs hl ilhoer g alilhy6 `hstegd, Gjer`ag wgs g hew, yluho aluhtry tmgt heeded tl set up `ts lwh olverhjeht. Tmere wgs g ilt lc d`sgoreejeht tmrluomtlut tme tme aluhtry gs tl tl tme type lc olverhjeht w`tm i`ttie plwer `h tme mghds lc tme `hd`v`dugi stgtes lr g wegf aehtrgi olverhjeht ghd plwercui stgtes. @t `s `hterest`ho tl hlte tmgt `s wgs jghy lc tme Revliut`lhgry _gr veterghs wml were `h cgvlr lc g strlho strlho aehtrgi olverhjeht. Beaguse lc tme`r ecclrts `h w`hh`ho tme wgr lver tme Br`t`sm, gcter tme wgr tmey beagje g  plwercui pli`t`agi clrse, ghds gs g wmlie tmey were extrejeiy hgt`lhgi`st`a. Tmere were gisl c`hgha`gi regslhs tmgt veterghs supplrted g strlho hgt`lhgi olverhjeht. Tme revliut`lhgry alhoress mgd ehded tme wgr w`tm g igroe gjluht lc debt, ghd g igroe plrt`lh lc tm`s debt wgs `h bgaf pgy ghd pehs`lhs tl slid`ers. Jghy slid`ers bei`eved tmgt w`tm g strlho cedergi olverhjeht, tme mgd g better amghae lc aliieat`ho tme jlhey lwed tl tmej.

7>. G ’alilhy‚ `h i`he 7 `s



g.  Gh `hdepehdeht aluhtry  b.  G type lc olverhjeht a.  G depehdeht greg

d.  G alht`heht 77. Tme express`lh ’set up‚ `h i`he 2 aluid best be repigaed by wm`am lc tme cliilw`ho< g.  Decehd b.  Lrogh`ze

a.  Groue gblut d.  ^rlteat 72. Tme wlrd ’cedergi‚ `h i`he 4 `s ailsest `h jegh`ho tl   g.  Qtgte  b.  _egf a.  Aehtrgi

d.   Hew 71. @h i`he ?, ’veterghs‚ recers tl   g.  Olverhjeht lcc`a`gis b.  Clrjer slid`ers

a.  Slters d.  Aurreht jejbers lc tme grjed clraes


74. Tme wlrd ’c`hgha`gi‚ `h i`he 77 `s ailsest jegh`ho tl   g.  Jlhetgry  b.  @jplrtght a.  J`i`tgry d.   Hgt`lhgi 75. Tme wlrd ’bgaf‚ `h i`he 71 aluid best be repigaed by wm`am lc tme cliilw`ho< g.  Reverse  b.  Ilw `halje a.  Returhgbie d.  Giregdy egrhed



MGIGJGH 7=3-70> TLECI RES@E_ E]ERA@QE (sf`iis 7-5); ^GQQGOE LHE (Wuest`lhs 7-0)

Oelorgpm`agiiy, Agi`clrh`g‐s d`vers`ty `s bregtmtgf`ho, ghd tme stgte‐s algsti`he

crlj hlrtm tl slutm `s hl exaept`lh. Jegsur`ho =4> j`ies `h iehotm, tme algst alhs`sts lc tme ruooed ai`ccs lc tme Algst Rghoes `h tme hlrtm ghd w`de sghdy begames `h tme slutm. Gilho tme algsti`he tmere gre twl jgklr mgrblrs, lhe `h tme hlrtm gt Qgh Crgha`sal, tme ltmer `h tme slutm gt Qgh D`eol. Hegr Mujblidt ghd Jlhterey gre sjgiier hgturgi mgrblrs. 7.  Tme tlp`a lc tm`s pgssgoe `s (G) mlw tme stgte lc Agi`clrh`s `s d`v`ded `htl hlrtm ghd slutm (B) tme vgr`gt`lhs `h

(D) Usugi 1.  Gaalrd`ho tl tme pgssgoe, wmgt jegsure =4> j`ies `h iehotm< (G) Tme Agi`clrh`g algsti`he

Agi`clrh`g‐s algstgi

(B) Tme Algst Rghoes


(A) Tme ruooed ai`ccs

(A) tme bregtmtgf`ho beguty lc Agi`clrh`g

(D) Tme exaept`lhgi pgrt lc hlrtmerh Agi`clrh`g

(D) tme exaept`lhs `h algstgi oelorgpmy 2.  Tme wlrd ’bregtmtgf`ho‚ `h i`he 7 prlbgbiy jeghs

4.  Tme Algst Rghoes gre prlbgbiy

(G) Bregtm`ho

(G) Cigt, sghdy gregs lh tme

(B) Gjgz`ho

algst lc Agi`clrh`g

(A) Qtlieh



(G)  @h Qgh D`eol

(B) Cluhd `h slutmerh

(B) Lhiy `h hlrtmerh

Agi`clrh`g (A) G ser`es lc jluhtg`hs

Agi`clrh`g (A) Hegr   Hegr Mujblidt ghd

(D) Muhdreds lc j`ies


hlrtm lc tme ai`ccs 5.  ’Mgrblrs‚ `h i`he 4 gre  

(D) @h tme hlrtm ghd `h tme

(G) Ai`ccs (B) ^lrts

(A) Begames (D) Jluhtg`hs 3.  @t `s `jpi`ed `h tme pgssgoe tmgt hlrtmerh Agi`clrh`g (G) Mgs jlre begames tmgh slutmerh Agi`clrh`g (B) Mgs tme sgje type lc


=.  @h I`he 5 ’Hgturgi Mgrblrs‚ gre (G) Hlt mujgh-jgde

(B) Giwgys sjgii `h s`ze (A) Evehiy smgped (D) Alhstruated lc hgturgi jgter`gis 0.  _m`am lc tme cliilw`ho

algsti`he gs slutmerh

oelorgpm`agi cegtures `s HLT


jeht`lhed `h tme pgssgoe<

(A) Mgs cewer jgklr

(G) Ai`ccs

mgrblrs tmgh slutmerh

(B) Aghylhs


(A) Begames


(D) Mgs g d`ccereht algsti`he crlj slutmerh Agi`clrh`g

?.  Gaalrd`ho tl tme pgssgoe, wmere gre tme jgklr mgrblrs ilagted `h Agi`clrh`g<


(D) Mgrblrs



^GQQGOE T_L (Wuest`lhs 7>-7=)


Gjlho slje orlups lc pelpie, agts mgve g reputgt`lh gs rgtmer s`iiy gh`jgis

tmgt gre giwgys oett`ho tmejseives stuaf `h trees. Agts mgve lcteh beeh fhlwh tl  bealje cr`omtehed lc sljetm`ho, ruh up g tree, ghd tmeh ary sgdiy uht`i tmey gre resaued. Tmere `s, `h regi`ty, g regslhgbie expighgt`lh clr tm`s type lc bemgv`lr, ghd `t mgs tl dl w`tm tme smgpe lc tme agt‐s aigws. G agts aigws gre mllfed `h g d`reat`lh tmgt

jgfes ai`jb`ho up g tree g rgtmer egsy tgsf. Mlwever, wmeh `t aljes ai`jb`ho bgaf dlwh




7>. Tme jg`h `deg lc tme pgssgoe `s






77. Tme pgssgoe `hd`agtes tmgt slje pelpie tm`hf tmgt agts gre

tmgt (G) Agts rgiiy gre s`iiy gh`jgis (B) Agts mgve olld regslh clr tme`r bemgv`lr

(A) Agts ehkly ai`jb`ho trees (D) Agts smgrp aigws gre uhheaessgry clr

s`iiy beaguse tme agts (G) Mgve cuhhy-illf`ho aigws (B) Cr`omteh ltmer agts (A) Ai`jb trees ghd aghhlt oet dlwh

(D) Gre uhgbie tl resaue ltmer agts

surv`vgi 72. Tme wlrd ’resaued‚ `h i`he 71 `s ailset `h jegh`ho tl (G) Iect (B) Qgved

(A) Qagred (D) T`red 71. Tme express`lh ’`h regi`ty‚ `h i`he 4 aluid best be repigaed by (G) @h alhtrgst

(B) @h cgat

(A) @h goreejeht (D) @h gii prlbgb`i`ty 74. Tme wlrd ’mllfed‚ `h i`he 5 `s ailsest `h jegh`ho tl (G) Aurved

(B) Qtrg`omtehed (A) Qmgrpehed (D) Qmlrtehed



75. Gaalrd`ho tl tme pgssgoe, g agt AGHHLT (G) Ai`jb up g tree (B) Oet stuaf `h g tree

(A) @t dles hlt fhlw mlw tl ai`jb (D) @t `s gcrg`d lc ltmer agts 7?. @t `s `jpi`ed `h tme pgssgoe tmgt

(A) Ary egs`iy

`c g agt tr`es tl ai`jb dlwh g

(D) Ai`jb dlwh egs`iy

tree, `t w`ii

73. Tme pgssgoe stgtes tmgt g agt oets stuaf `h g tree beaguse

(G) Be gbie tl dl `t egs`iy (B) Jlve very qu`afiy

(G) @t `s ary`ho

(A) Ary tl ltmer agts

(B) Lc tme smgpe lc `ts

(D) ^ermgps cgii


7=. Tme wlrd ’meipcui‚ `h i`he ? aluid best be repigaed by  (G) Cr`ehdiy (B) Usecui

(A) H`ae   H`ae (D) s`haere



^GQQGOE TMREE (Wuest`lhs 70-2?)

@h tme 7=0>s, b`ayaies beagje qu`te plpuigr `h tme Uh`ted Qtgtes gs tme hew ’sgcety‚ b`ayaie repigaed tme lider pehhy-cgrtm`ho b`ayaies. Lh tme pehhy-cgrtm`ho

 b`ayaies, lhe wmeei wgs juam igroer tmgh tme ltmer, ghd tmese b`ayaies were hlt very stgbie6 tmey were giwgys cgii`ho lver. Lh tme hew ’sgcety‚ b`ayaies, bltm wmeeis were equgi `h s`ze, ghd tmey were juam egs`er tl alhtrli. Jghy wljeh gisl ehklyed tmese hew ’sgcety‚ b`ayaies, but tmey mgd tl tgfe

jegsures tl degi w`tm tme`r ailtm`ho wm`ie r`d`ho tme b`ayaies. Tme cgsm`lh gt tme t`je wgs clr ilho, cuii sf`rts tmgt d`d hlt ol weii w`tm b`ayaies. Qlje wljeh put iegd we`omt `h tme`r sf`rts tl feep tme`r sf`rts crlj bilw`ho up. Ltmer wljeh amghoed crlj ilho sf`rts tl billjers, wm`am were ilho, cuii, w`de pghts, but slje pelpie ceit tmgt billjers were `hgpprlpr`gte clr wljeh tl wegr, `h cgat, slje hewspgper ghd jgogz`hes lc tme dgy ar`t`a`zed tme hew b`ayaies cgsm`lh gs g dghoer tl igd`es jlrgis. 70. Tme pgssgoe `s jg`hiy gblut (G) Tme plpuigr`ty lc sgcety

(D) Twl uhequgi wmeeis

27. Tme wlrd ’stgbie‚ `h i`he 1

b`ayaies, eveh gjlho

ailset `h jegh`ho tl


(G) Dghoerlus

(B) Tme d`ccerehaes betweeh

(B) Expehs`ve

sgcety ghd pehhy-cgrtm`ho

(A) B`o


(D) Qtegdy

(A) _ljeh‐s cgsm`lhs `h tme h`heteehtm aehtury (D) Tme igaf lc stgb`i`ty lc tme  pehhy-cgrtm`ho b`ayaies 2>. Gaalrd`ho tl tme pgssgoe, tme  pehhy-cgrtm`ho b`ayaie mgd (G) Twl sjgii wmeeis (B) Twl igroe wmeeis (A) Twl equgi wmeeis

22. _m`am lc tme cliilw`ho `s HLT true gblut tme sgcety b`ayaie< (G) @t mgd equgi wmeeis (B) @t wgs cg`riy s`jpie tme alhtrli (A) @t preaeded tme pehhycgrtm`ho b`ayaies

(D) @t beagje plpuigr `h tme 7=0>s



21. Tme wlrd ’jegsures‚ `h i`he ? aluid best be repigaed by (G) Aluhts


(B) Hujbers (A) Qteps (D) ^rlbiejs 24. Tme pgssgoe `hd`agtes tmgt `t wgs cgsm`lhgbie `h tme 7=0>s clr wljeh tl wegr (G) Ilho sf`rts

(B) Qmlrt pghts (A) Qjgii mgts (D) Jeh‐s ailtm`ho 

25. @t `s `jpi`ed `h tme pgssgoe tmgt iegd `s (G) Megvy

(B) Qlct (A) Dei`agte


(D) I`omt 23. @h i`he 7>, ’billjers‚ gre   (G) Qm`rts (B) Qf`rts (A) Mgts (D) ^ghts

2?. @t `s `jpi`ed `h tme pgssgoe tmgt hewspgper expressed tme lp`h`lh tmgt wljeh (G) Qmluid wegr billjers

(B) Qmluid hlt r`de b`ayaies

(A) Qmluid hlt wegr ilho, cuii sf`rts


(D) Qmluid giwgys cliilw tme cgsm`lh



TLECI E]ERA@QE 3; ^GQQGOE LHE (Wuest`lhs 7-1)

G oeyser laaurs wmeh rg`hwgter seeps `htl tme orluhd ghd vliagh`a jgojg  behegtm tme surcgae megts `t. Tme rg`hwgter tmeh turhs `htl stegj. Tme pressur`zed stegj r`ses tl tme surcgae ghd bursts lut gs g oeyser. Peiilwstlhe Hgt`lhgi ^grf mgs jlre oeysers tmgh gii lc tme wlrid tloetmer. Tme jlst cgjlus lc tmese oeysers `s lid cg`tmcui, wm`am erupts `h g m`om gre lc stegj gblut lhae gh mlur. Tmere mgve hlt beeh ghy vliagh`a erupt`lhs `h tme Peiilwstlhe greg clr 7>,>>> yegrs. Mlwever, tme ex`stehae lc tme oeyser `s prllc tmgt tme greg `s vliagh`agiiy gat`ve. 7.  _mere `h tme pgssgoe dles tme gutmlr jeht`lh wmgt megts tme wgter `h g oeyser< (G) I`hes 7-2

(B) I`he 4 (A) I`he 5-3 (D) I`he ? 2.  Tme gutmlr `hd`agtes mlw lcteh Lid Cg`tmcui C g`tmcui erupts `h (G) I`he 7-2 (B) I`he 4 (A) I`he 5-3

(D) I`he ? 1.  _mere `h tme pgssgoe dles tme gutmlr stgte mlw ilho `t mgs beeh s`hae g vliaghl erupted gt Peiilwstlhe< (G) I`he 2-1 (B) I`he 5-3 (A) I`he ?



(D) I`he = ^GQQGOE T_L (Wuest`lhs 4-?)

4._mere `h tme pgssgoe dles tme gutmlr stgte wmgt tme `h`t`gis HGQG represeht< (G) I`hes 7-1 5._mere `h tme pgssgoe dles tme gutmlr desar`be HGQG‐s hew amgiiehoe gcter ^rlkeat

Jeraury< (G) I`hes 1-5 3.Tme Gutmlr expig`hs tme der`vgt`lh lc tme wlrd ’Oej`h`‚ `h  

(A) I`he 0 ?._mere `h tme pgssgoe dles tme gutmlr desar`be tme aljpls`t`lh lc tme Oej`h` alhsteii`gt`lh< (D) I`hes 7>-77

^GQQGOE TMREE (Wuest`lhs =-72)

=._mere `h tme pgssgoe dles tme gutmlr jeht`lh g orlup tmgt agje tl v`s`t Betsy Rlss< (B) I`hes 4-3 0._mere `h tme pgssgoe dles tme gutmlr stgte wmeh tme cigo wgs gdlpted by Alhoress< (A) I`hes ?-0 7>.Tme gutmlr desar`bes tme c`rst m`stlr`agi recerehae tl Betsy Rlss gs tme aregtlr lc tme c`rst U.Q. cigo `h (A) I`hes 77-74 77. Tme gutmlr d`sausses mlw ^m`igdeipm`ghs resplhded tl tme Betsy Rlss stlry `h



(B) I`hes 74-73 72._mere `h tme pgssgoe dles tme gutmlr d`sauss mlw m`stlr`ghs mgve regated tl tme Betsy Rlss stlry< (A) I`hes 7?-7=

TLECI RES@E_ E]ERA@QE (Qf`iis 7-3) 7 -3)

7.Tm`s pgssgoe jg`hiy d`sausses (A) Tme ghtiers lc tme deer 2.Tme deer `s agiied g d`st`hat`ve gh`jgi beaguse `t (A) Mgs Ghtiers 1.Tme wlrd ’gdlrh‚ `h i`he 7 `s ailsest `h jegh`ho tl wm`am l lcc tme cliilw`ho 

(B) Dealrgte 4.Tme wlrd ’pr`jgr`iy‚ `h i`he 2 `s ailsest `h jegh`ho tl  

(A) Jg`hiy 5.@t `s HLT jeht`lhed `h tme pgssgoe tmgt tme deer uses `ts ghtiers (D) Tl ai`jb brghames 3.@h wm`am jlhtm wluid g deer d eer `h Hlrtm Gjer`ag prlbgbiy mgve sml smlrt,slct,veivety rt,slct,veivety ghtiers< (G) Jgy ?.Tme wlrd ’veivety‚ `h i`he 5 aluid best be repigaed by   (G) Qlct =.Tme wlrd ’sli`d‚ `h i`he 3 aluid best repigaed by wm`am lc tme cliilw`ho5


(G) C`rj 0.@h w`hter tme jgture ghtiers (B) Alje lcc 7>._mere `h tme pgssgoe dles tme gutmlr expig`h mlw g dee deerr uses `ts ghtiers< (G) I`hes 2-1

^GQQGOE T_L (Wuest`lh 77-2>)

77.Tme subkeat lc tm`s pgssgoe `s (A) Tme amgrgater`st`as lc REJ sieep 72.Gaalrd`ho tl tme pgssgoe,mlw lcteh dles REJ sieep laaur `h lhe h`omt< (A) Clur lc c`ve t`jes 71.G REJ sieep per`ld lc clrty j`hutes wluid jlst i`feiy be wm`am per`ld lc REJ sieep< (D) Tme C`rst ^er`ld 74.Tme wlrd ’prloresses‚ `h i`he 4 `s ailsest `h jegh`ho tl  

(G) Alht`hues 75.Tme wlrd ’trghs`t`lhed‚ `h i`he 5 aluid best be repigaed by wm`am lc tme

cliilw`ho< (D) Jlved 73. Tme H `h HREJ prlbgbiy stghds clr wm`am lc tme cliilw`ho wlrds< (B) Hlh 7?.Gaalrd`ho tl tme pgssgoe,gii lc tme cliilw`ho laaur dur`ho REJ sieep E]AE^T tmgt



(A) Tme eyes rejg`h stegdy 7=.Tme wlrd ’Gaaljpghy`ho‚ `h i`he = aluid best be repigaed by wm`am lc tme cliilw`ho< (G) Gilho w`tm 70._mere `h tme pgssgoe dles tme gutmlr d`sauss tme iehotm lc per`lds lc REJ sieep< (B) I`hes 2-1 2>.Tme gutmlr jeht`lhs g hlhpmys`agi laaurrehae dur`ho REJ sieep `h (D) I`hes =-0

^GQQGOE TMREE (Wuest`lhs 27-1>)

27.Tm`s pgssgoe `s jg`hiy gblut (D) Tme deveilpjeht lc tme ]erlx jgam`he 22._m`am lc tme cliilw`ho `s HLT jeht`lhed gs g prlbiej tmgt Agrislh ehaluhtered `h oett`ho pgtehts alp`ed< (D) Tme depehdgb`i`ty lc tme pmltlorgpmers 21.Tme wlrd ’expehse‚ `h i`he 1 `s ailsest `h jegh`ho tl 

(G) Alst 24.Tme wlrd ’resegramed‚ `h i`he ? `s ailsest `h jegh`ho tl wm`am lc tme cliilw`ho<  

(A) Illfed clr `hclrjgt`lh gblut 25._m`am lc tme cliilw`ho `s HLT jeht`lhed gs g aljplheht lc tme jgam`he tmgt Agrislh deveilped< (D) G typewr`ter 23.@t agh be `hcerred crlj tme pgssgoe tmgt Agrislh beogh wlrf lh tme jgam`he `h



(B) 7015 2?.Tme pgssgoe `hd`agtes tmgt tme igroe alrplrgt`lhs tmgt Agrislh tr`ed tl seii m`s  prlaess tl (D) D`d hlt wght tl buy m`s jgam`he 2=.Tme wlrd ’o`ght‚ `h i`he 73 aluid best be repigaed by  

(D) Muoe 20._mere `h tme pgssgoe dles tme gutmlr `hd`agte wmgt pgteht `s< (B) I`hes 1-5 1>.Tme gutmlr desar`bes wmgt mgppehed tl tme aljpghy tmgt evehtugiiy bluomt Agrislh‐s prlaess `h 

(D) I`hes 73-7?

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