Exer 6 - Dipeptide Sequence Determination
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ASI, Ranelle Janine L. Chemistry 160.1 Section 3L 2015
Date performed: July 3, 2015 Date submitted: July 8,
EXERCISE 6. Dipeptide Sequence Determination Post-Laboratory Report The structural and chemical properties of a protein can be understood by determining the monomers that comprise it in order. The differences in sequence primarily determine protein function as amino acids vary in the identity of the R group. All amino acids consist of an amino group and a carboxyl group and the dipeptide bond is formed between these two groups forming a direction to which all the amino acids face, hence a peptide chain has a designated N-terminal and Cterminal end. When two amino acids make a dipeptide molecule, the amino group and carboxyl group form an amide bond (the peptide bond) with the release of a water molecule in a dehydrogenation reaction as seen in Figure 6.1.
R1 O R2 O H3+ NCC H3+ NCC O H H O
H2O RO 1 R2 O H3+ NCCNCC O H H H N-terminus C-terminus Peptide bond
Fig 6.1. Reaction scheme of peptide bond formation between two amino acids and designation of the terminal ends of the dipeptide. Dipeptide proteins can be deconstructed as the peptide bond can be hydrolyzed by strong acids and bases. Acid hydrolysis is preferred as it is less destructive on the amino acids. A protein is completely hydrolyzed by an acid into constituent amino acids upon exposure to high heat. Once in their individual forms, the amino acids are characterized using separation methods like paper
chromatography (PC) and thin-layer chromatography (TLC), both of which are used in this experiment. Total Hydrolysis of the Dipeptide and Paper Chromatography As previously discussed, strong acids can hydrolyze peptide bonds. In this experiment, hydrochloric acid (HCl) was added to an unknown peptide sample at a concentration of 6N to ensure high reaction occurrence. Hydronium ions (H 3O+) dissociated from HCl attack the double bond of the carbon at the peptide link and water molecules (H2O) bind to the same carbon, eventually forming the free carboxyl group of the first amino acid. H 3O+ then donates its hydrogen atoms to the nitrogen at the amino terminal of the other amino acid, forming the free amino group of the second amino acid. Samples are then heated at 110°C overnight as quantitative fission of most amino acids requires high energy reactions. The resulting samples are then characterized using PC. In chromatography, the paper acts as a stationary phase while the chromatography solvent is the mobile phase. Different amino acids are characterized by their affinity for the solvent phase and are carried at different rates along the paper via capillary action, resulting to different distances travelled by their corresponding spots. The stationary phase used in this experiment is Whatman Paper No. 1, which is thick and smooth and made from cellulose polymers which consistently let solvents pass at an ideally linear rate. The mobile phase used is butanol-acetic acid-water in a 4:1:1 volume ratio which is a common compound used in chromatography of proteins which readily dissolve in this particular solvent. After the run in PC, ninhydrin is used to visualize the spots as pink-purple blots upon exposure to high heat, illustrated in Figure 6.2. Ninhydrin only reacts with free amino acids, so any compounds that do not contain such will not be detected by this method.
Fig 6.2. The reaction of ninhydrin with the free amino group of an amino acid.
During the ninhydrin reaction, two H2O molecules are lost in the formation of a bond with the ninhydrin molecule, and a loss of a proton on the free amino group of the amino acid. Resonance stabilization and loss of CO 2 then result, followed by loss of another H2O molecule and an aldehyde group. Finally, another molecule of ninhydrin reacts with the originally modified ninhydrin molecule to give the purple colored product. In both types of chromatography, Rf value is computed as a quantifiable basis of comparison among blots, computed as follows: Rf = distance travelled by the sample distance travelled by the solvent During PC, standards, or amino acids with known R f values and estimates of blot color are run along unknown samples. Although some amino acids are easily characterized using qualitative comparison of color and distance, R f comparison is more accurate as not all solvent phases during chromatographic runs rise in the same height. In this experiment, the amino acid constituents of two unknown samples of dipeptides were determined, the results of which are shown in Table 6.1 and 6.2. Table 6.1. Rf values of amino acid standards from paper chromatography. Amino acid Distance travelled Distance travelled Rf standards by the sample (cm) by the solvent (cm) Met 2.9 5.9 0.49 Phe 3.0 5.5 0.55 Ala 2.9 5.6 0.52 Leu 2.6 6.3 0.41 Gly 0.8 6.8 0.12 Glu 0.3 6.7 0.04 Table 6.2. Amino acid composition of the acid hydrolyzed dipeptide sample. Amino acid Distance travelled Distance travelled Rf Identity of sample by the sample by the solvent (cm) the amino (cm) acid D1 spot 1 2.0 6.1 0.33 Leu D1 spot 2 2.7 6.1 0.44 Met D2 spot 1 0.8 6.5 0.12 Gly D2 spot 2 4.0 6.5 0.62 Ala Table 6.1 shows the Rf values of the standards used in the experiment: methionine, phenylalanine, alanine, leucine, glycine and glutamate, the Rf values of which were compared with the four amino acids released from the hydrolysis of the two unknown dipeptides. Each of the two hydrolysate columns had two spots; D1 spots had Rf values of 0.33 and 0.44, which are closest to the values of leucine and alanine, respectively, which indicates the presence of the two amino acids. Although there is a notable difference in R f values, qualitative comparison of the spots’ size and color aided in determining their identity. D2 hydrolysates had Rf values of 0.12
and 0.62, which were near to values of glycine and alanine, respectively. Glycine had an identical value with the hydrolysate and alanine was determined to be closer to the second spot in terms of blot appearance. There were several errors during PC, most notable of which were the varying solvent fronts and the slight incongruity of some standard Rf values with the hydrolysate values. The solvent front should have ideally been a straight line but during the placing of the chromatographic paper in the chromatogram, the solvent may have been slightly shaken and rose up at different heights, hence affecting the rates of some spots during the run, resulting to inconsistent R f values. Preparation of the DNP-derivatives and Thin-Layer Chromatography The first reagents added were saturated sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO 3) and ethanolic dinitrofluoro-benzene (DNFB) or Sanger’s reagent. Sodium bicarbonate neutralized the solution by acting as a buffer and bringing the pH to around 8.0 and DNFB reacts with the free amino group of the dipeptide to produce dinitrophenylamino acids in a reaction shown in Fig 6.3 and was subjected to high heat to facilitate and speed up the reaction.
Fig 6.3. Reaction scheme of dinitrofluorobenzene (DNFB) with the free amino group of a peptide chain. After production of the DNP-derivative, ether was used as an extracting solvent and HCl was used to bring the pH to 1.0. Ether dissolved all non-polar residues, acting as the organic phase of the layered solution, and left the charged residues in the aqueous phase. Since most DNP-derivatives are uncharged at low pH (in this case, pH 1.0), they will be extracted into the ether phase; hence the ether solution was used for Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) to determine the amino acid
at the N terminus of the dipeptide. Ether extraction was performed three times to ensure maximum dissolution. Like in PC, several amino acid standards were prepared also by dinitrophenylation and extraction using ether. All the samples and standards were then blotted on Whatman Paper No.1 and submerged in a chromatogram with the solvent methylenechloride-methanol-acetic acid at 95:4:1 volume ratio. Ninhydrin was not used as the reaction between the DNP-derivatives and the solvent components can produce already colored spots. Results of TLC of the standards and the unknown dipeptide samples are shown in Table 6.3 and 6.4. Table 6.3. Rf values of DNP-amino acid standards from TLC. Amino acid Distance travelled Distance travelled standards by the sample (cm) by the solvent (cm) Met 4.0 Phe 4.1 Ala 0.4, 2.9, 4.7 6.7 Leu 0.4, 3.7, 4.4 Gly 0.4, 1.9, 4.2 Glu 4.3
Rf 0.6 0.61 0.06, 0.43, 0.70 0.06, 0.55, 0.66 0.06, 0.28, 0.63 0.64
Table 6.4. Identity of N-terminal amino acid of the unknown dipeptide. Amino acid Distance Distance Identity of Sample travelled by travelled by Rf the amino the sample the solvent acid (cm) (cm) D1 4.3 6.7 0.64 Met D2 0.3, 2.9, 4.8 0.04, 0.43, 0.72 Ala The amino standards used were the same with the ones used in PC. Some columns contained more than one blot as a result of the corresponding dipeptides having formed intermediate derivatives during the run as in the case of alanine, leucine, glycine and the D2 hydrolysate. From comparison of R f values, the amino acid at the N-terminus of D1 was determined to be methionine and alanine for D2. The values in TLC are more consistent than in PC, and identities of the amino acids were simply obtained quantitatively. Identities and sequence of the unknown dipeptides In conclusion, the two unknown dipeptides D1 and D2 have the following chemical structures:
Met-Leu (D1)
Ala-Gly (D2)
Other Methods for Sequence Determination of Dipeptides Sanger’s method is only one of the more popular methods used to determine peptide sequence. An alternative to Sanger’s reagent is dansyl chloride which produces acid-stable sulfomides. Edman’s reagent can also be used to sequentially cleave the N-terminal residue of a peptide without the need for total hydrolysis. If a peptide ester is reduced with lithium borohydride (LiBH 4) then hydrolyzed with 6M acid, the C-terminus residue can be identified as an amino acid alcohol. If a peptide is reacted with hydrazine, all amino acids except the C-terminus residues will be isolated as the acid hydrazide.
REFERENCES Cazes, J. 2005. Encyclopedia of Chromatography, vol 1. CRC Press. Stahl, E. (ed). 2013. Thin-Layer Chromatography: A Laboratory Handbook. Springer Science & Business. USA. Campbell, M. K. and Farrell, S. O. 2009. Biochemistry. 6 th ed. Thompson Brooks/Cole. Canada. Wilson, M. C. (n.d.). Determination of the Amino Acid Sequence of an Unknown Dipeptide. University of North Carolina, Asheville, North Carolina. USA. Retrieved from http://d2oqb2vjj999su.cloudfront.net/users/000/080/532/579/attachments/BIO %20444%20Lab%20Report%202.pdf Inglis, A. S., et al. 1971. Hydrolysis of the Peptide Bond and Amino Acid Modification with Hydriodic Acid. J. bio. Sci. Australia. Retrieved from http://www.publish.csiro.au/?act=view_file&file_id=BI9711235.pdf
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