Executor Template in Word

April 9, 2017 | Author: Bob Wright | Category: N/A
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JOHN LEE DOE, DOE, Estate. Executor Office. Nation Your State. State. General-Post Office. Main Street - 1234. 1234. Your City. City. United States Minor, Outlying Islands. Near. [XXXXX [XXXXX-9998] -9998] night - of twenty-two October two-zero one-zero =============== =============== Office of U.S. of U.S. or STATE Court Administrat Administrator. or. Chief Counsel or Chief Financial Officer Attention: name of occupant of office Corporate Address Location of state court or f inancial headquarters 10 Public Square Anytown, State U.S.A. [12345 [12345]] To: The Office of (see of (see examples above). above) . From: Executor Office – JOHN LEE DOE, DOE, Estate. Regarding: Unauthorized administration of JOHN of  JOHN LEE DOE, DOE, Estate; [Docket, Financial Account or Tax Number, leave these brackets] brackets ]

[If acting as Executor for Wife or Child you type their ALL CAPS NAME and file # from Certificate of Birth Here ] Enclosed you will find “abandoned” paperwork which appears to erroneously “allege” that (place the name and title of the author who signed and/or sent the paperwork being returned, such as Private law BAR Card enrollee in the State BAR Association or other Government Official, Bank  Collection Officer, Magistrate, Mayor, Supervisor, Zoning Officer, Tax Collector) who by their un-warranted acts, fraudulently claim authority from this Executor Office to administrate for JOHN LEE DOE, DOE, Estate. That false claim is hereby Adjourned. You will forthwith return and transmit the specific written delegated authority to “represent” that authorization to administrate the JOHN LEE DOE, DOE, Estate has been warranted, together with a certified copy of your oath for the Office of (Chief of  (Chief Counsel, Attorney At Law, Government or Bank Official office), office), accompanied by certified copies of your BAR BOND, The Office of (name of (name mailed to above) and a detailed list of all a ll other bonds, sureties, indemnification, insurance and Court Registry Investment System (CRIS) CUSIP numbers and full-accounting relating in any way to anyone’s personal or professional involvement as referenced above and the arrogated paperwork intrusion upon the JOHN LEE DOE, DOE , Estate. govern yourself accordingly.

By: executor ___________ __________________________ ________________ _ Executor Office. JOHN LEE DOE, DOE , Estate. Nation Your state. state. General-Post Office. Main Street - 1234 1234.. Your City. City. United States Minor, Outlying Islands. Near. [XXXXX [XXXXX-9998] -9998]

Certified Document: copy to: Office of Governor

copy to: Office of Attorney General

Sworn and subscribed before me this County, State

__ day of ____________ _____________ _ 2010 in _____________ _________________ ____ seal

_________________________ Notary Public My Commission Expires _____________ _______________ __

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