Executive Meeting Script.docx

July 26, 2017 | Author: Wella Mary | Category: Politics
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Executive Meeting Script (Horizon Hotel) President: Nino Dominic Rabago Secretary: Mary Claire M. Laraga Department heads: Engineering Department- Ray Marc Masilang Front Office Department- Jay Karen Lopena Housekeeping Department- Jason Aumentado Food and Beverage Department- Judith Ann Odchigue Accounting and Finance Department- Ronilyn SAMSON Sales and Marketing Department- Wrechelle Love Magbojos Security Department- Michael James Sumayo

PRESIDENT: The annual meeting of the Horizon Hotel will now come to order. The invocation will be given by Ms. SAMSON. (Tap twice, then after invocation, tap once) Welcome to our annual meeting. Are we now in quorum? SECRETARY: Yes, Mr. President, we are now in quorum. PRESIDENT: The secretary will read the agenda for today’s meeting. SECRETARY: The agenda for today’s meeting is about the advancement of the Horizon Hotel from three stars to four stars. PRESIDENT: As we observed, our hotel is progressing. Based on the sales report the other week, our sales increased 40% (Dominic referring to the pptx. graph). More and more guests check in our hotel especially during peak season. So we’ve came up to the idea in transforming the hotel from three to four stars. Now, may I have the presentation of Mr. Masilang on the requirements of a four star hotel. MASILANG: (Reporting) PRESIDENT: Thank you. Are there any questions about the presentations? AUMENTADO: ( Raising his hand.)

PRESIDENT: Mr. Aumentado.. AUMENTADO: A four-star hotel has many requirements. If ever we’ll proceed to transforming the Horizon into four stars, do you think we can achieve that where in the first place we don’t even have some of the facilities mentioned? We’re not even using the key card system in our guest rooms. MAGBOJOS: (Raising Her Hand) PRESIDENT: Ms. Magbojos.. MAGBOJOS: I speak in favour of Mr. Aumentado’s statement. There are so many considerations to consider in transforming the Horizon into a four-star hotel. Some of these are the area, the facilities and the service. If ever, we pursue on this, it would be a very big task. ODCHIGUE: (Raising her hand) PRESIDENT: Ms. Odchigue… ODCHIGUE: Mr. Aumentado and Ms. Magbojos have a point. It’s true that to transform the Horizon into a four-star hotel covers a lot of work and finance. But come to think of it, if ever it’ll become fourstar, more and more guests will be attracted since it will become more grandeur- improved facilities as well as services. It will be more convenient to stay. LOPENA: But sudden change in a business is not good. What if in the long run we couldn’t afford to sustain the refurbishment? Yes, we have budget. But, how about our day to day operation? If we’ll proceed to that, surely, our operation will be affected. SAMSON: I don’t think that the operation would be affected that much. Because we’ll only be doing refurbishment, not re-making the Horizon. SUMAYO: Ms. SAMSON has a point. We won’t be doing that change in a blink of an eye that you can say “sudden change”. It will take step by step process – a gradual change. MASILANG: I move to recess for 5 minutes. ALL: Second. President: It is moved and seconded to recess for five minutes. Are there any amendments? Those in favour of the motion say “aye” ( Masilang and Sumayo voted Aye). Those opposed, say “no”. ( All others vote no). The “noes” have it, the motion is lost, and we will not recess for five minutes. LOPENA: I move the previous question. ALL: Second, PRESIDENT: The previous question is demanded. Those in favour of ordering the previous question on the motion concerning the transformation of the Horizon from three stars to four stars, please rise.( All

but Masilang and Sumayo). Thank you be seated. Those opposed please rise.( Masilang and Sumayo). Majority in the affirmative and the question is ordered. The question is now on the adoption of the motion that “Horizon will be transformed from three stars to four stars. Those in favour say “aye”. ( Odchigue, Sumayo, Masilang . Laraga and SAMSON ). Those opposed, say “no”. ( Magbojos, Aumentado, Lopena). The ayes have it, the motion is adopted and the Horizon will be transformed to four stars. SAMSON: I move to consider the vote on the motion concerning the transformation of the Horizon. SUMAYO: Second. PRESIDENT: it is move and seconded to reconsider the vote on the motion concerning the transformation of the Horizon. Are you ready for the question on the motion to reconsider the vote? SAMSON: I speak in favour of the vote to reconsider the vote. I believe we decided too quickly. PRESIDENT: Are you ready for the questions? Those in favour of reconsidering the vote on the motion concerning the transformation of the Horizon, say “aye” ( SAMSON,Masilang,Laraga, Odchigue, Sumayo). Those opposed, say “no” ( Magbojos, Aumentado) ( Lopena does not vote). The “ayes” have it. ODCHIGUE: Division! PRESIDENT: A division is called. Those in favour of reconsidering the vote of the motion concerning the transformation of Horizon, please rise. ( SAMSON, Masilang, Laraga, Odchigue, Sumayo). Thank you be seated. Those opposed please rise. (Magbojos, Aumentado, Lopena). Thank you, be seated. There are 5 in the affirmative and 3 in the negative. The affirmative have it. So , we’ll proceed to the advancement of the Horizon Hotel from three stars to four stars as agreed. Is there any further business? ALL: None Mr. President. President: Are there any announcements? SECRETARY: Yes, Mr. President. Next week, We’ll have a follow-up meeting to finalize the date of the refurbishment in our hotel. President: Are there any more announcements? All: There’s none. President: if there is no further business and no objection, the meeting is adjourned. ( Tap once)

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