Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting - Lynn Grabhorn

March 6, 2018 | Author: zahranf8578 | Category: Thought, Mind, Cognitive Science, Psychology & Cognitive Science, Psychological Concepts
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Excuse Me, Your LIFE is Waiting The Astonishing Power of Feelings Lynn Grabhorn

Using "Excuse Me..." to the Fullest Since so many more people are reading "Excuse Me..." now that it has come out in paperback and is on so many Best Seller Lists, I have been amazed and saddened at the number of sob stories I get via email, with folks pleading for me to help them out of their pain and predicaments. Yes, they've read the book. Yes, they loved it. "But please Lynn, help me." So, I decided to write a generic letter (this one), so that I can simply refer folks to this page. "Help Me! Help Me! Help Me!" "I don't know where else to turn." "I can't make this work." "What will I do if I lose him (her)?" How do I do this...how do I do that...I am lost...I am destitute..." And the heading on these emails is usually something like "IMPORTANT: I desperately need your help." Or, in many cases, the heading might be something like "Thank you so much," as the body of their email turns to "Terrific, BUT..." "Best I've ever read, BUT..." Our Biggest Addiction The biggest addiction known to mankind is Emotional Pain. Why do so many people sabotage their own careers, or start sliding down hill as soon as they reach their dreams? It's that damnable addiction we have to what is most familiar to us: Emotional Pain! When I started on my 30-day program (last chapter of "Excuse Me..."), there were days I simply had to slip back into feeling low, lousy, lost, and frightened. Feeling really good, even for a few seconds at a time, was too painful. But I stuck with my new program, and eventually found I had no need to go back there again, even on days when I was just "flat-lining." Emotional Pain, to most of us, has been our way of life. It has been like a warm safety blanket. It's known. It's familiar. To break out of those feelings can be more terrifying than losing a loved one, or a job, or trying to fight any kind of grand and apparently insurmountable problem. Number One: I did it, and so can anyone if they reeeeeally want to. Number Two: The means to "break out" is all in that last chapter. But since so many want my help (and the last I looked I'm just an author, not yet able to walk on water), here are a few more pointers. The Last Chapter -- You've GOT to stick to this religiously for 30 days. If you don't, you simply prefer the comfort of your addiction. -- You truly need to keep a journal for at least 30 days. If you don't, you simply prefer the

comfort of your addiction. -- Half measures will get you nowhere. You can't do a little bit of frequency raising now and then, while hanging on to old pains, issues, hurts, slights, or self recriminations. -- Trying only gets you trying. Some Pointers 1) Every time--and that means EVERY time--you get that feeling in your gut about whatever it is that's spooking you, get your bloody focus OFF of it, and flip-switch. If you don't want to flow (feeeeel) something about yourself, as is suggested in the last chapter, no big deal. Just find something to FLOW your appreciation to, no matter what it is...a bug...a door knob...a pencil...whatever. But remember...not "think!"...FLOW! Keep doing it. KEEP DOING IT!!!!!!!! Your crappy (familiar) feelings and negative focus may not go away, right away, but if you keep going this, they will. Guaranteed! 2) Then, even when you're NOT thinking about that yucky person or circumstance, get into the habit of flip-switching for no good reason at all. For instance: -- when you're driving, flow out appreciation for just one second, to anything -- when you're doing ANYthing, flow out appreciation to something for two seconds -- then three, then four, until you can work up to ten seconds each time. No more. -- do this as often as you can, all day long, until it becomes a habit! You are raising your frequencies bit by bit; you are slowly overriding all your negative outflow; and you are creating a new, life-changing habit. The Bottom Line If you don't make this a habit, then you simply prefer the comfort of your addiction. All of your answers are in the book, along with many more in the"Excuse Me...Playbook." As is said in the Twelve Step Programs, "If you want what we have, and are willing to go to any lengths to get it..." Otherwise, enjoy your pain. "Twenty One Years Ago" A woman wrote me recently that her life was now in the process of changing, thanks to the book. She was "grateful beyond words," etc., etc. Then she proceeded to tell me about her son who had died from an industrial accident TWENTY ONE YEARS AGO. My point? She still needs to hang on to that old familiar pain. And for as long as she does, keeping her frequencies down there in comfortable regret and sadness, her life ain't gonna change all that much, no matter how grateful she may be for the book. As long as you cling to pain, it will never go away. So...either do this stuff (which is nothing more than cosmic physics), or forget it. But for

heaven's sake, stop whining about it, because the choice has always been yours, and yours alone. ----------------------------------

The Power of the Total Body Matrix


We come fully loaded with not just one, but four bodies: the Mental Body, the Emotional Body, that all-familiar Physical Body, and the Spiritual Body. (When I speak of the Emotional Body, I am including the Psychological Body.) These four are our essence, they are what we are made of and totally describes us — our Total Body Matrixsm. We are a complicated Matrix of systems, signals, and symbols. We think that if we cannot feel it or see it or smell it or hear it or taste it, it must not be real. We say that anything that is not tangible is not reality. Yet, there are elements in our lives that we cannot detect with our senses alone. We cannot sense carbon monoxide, until it is too late. We cannot see radio waves. We cannot hear the high frequency communication of elephants and whales. And we know they all exist. We have machines that can detect them, and we see the physical manifestation of their existence. As science and human beings evolve, we are finding tools and machines that allow us to “see” that which until now was “invisible” and, therefore, by our definition, did not exist. So, the line between real and unreal, what is and what is not reality, is constantly shifting. We cannot sense our Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Bodies in the same way we can our Physical Body, but we know they exist. We know we have thoughts. Even though we cannot see or touch our thoughts, we know our minds are constantly at work. We know we have feelings, and we see what happens when we are angry or happy or stressed. And while some of us may take it as a matter of faith, many of us know there is a spiritual world. Like me, some have had near- death or out-of-body experiences; others have been “touched” by those who have passed from this world; and there are those who have survived situations where only help from “the other side” could explain what happened. It is important for us to know that not only do these four bodies exist, they are interconnected. One of the four bodies of the Matrix cannot perform without affecting the other three. We cannot have a thought that does not affect our emotional system. We cannot have a thought that does not affect our Physical Body. And the same is true for the spiritual system. We are not just a Physical Body that needs tending. We are a Physical-EmotionalMental-Spiritual Body, a complex Matrix that needs each part addressed in order for the whole self to be safe. And in this safety, we become healthier, more energetic, and more vibrant. Our body’s communication system works very well. It has important messages to give us if only we will listen. When our Total Body Matrixsm is in harmony and flowing, it creates a positive effect on our entire system; even our immune system changes. Central to learning how to remain healthy is an intimate understanding of each of our four bodies within our personal Matrix. All four of our body’s systems are interconnected. Nothing happens in one that does not affect the others. That is the magic and the beauty of our Total Body Matrixsm, however, this interrelationship goes even further. There is also a Universal Matrix

System. We realize that what any one of us feels and/or experiences will have an impact beyond ourselves, affecting others as well. We are all connected. Life is a dance, and we are all dancers. We are spinning together, and at the same time, whirling apart. We are all here in the dance, yet we all move in our own rhythm, to our own tune, with our own energy level, together and apart, constantly weaving in and out of each other’s lives. This book will explore the complexity of our Total Body Matrixsm. It is within this Matrix that our four bodies are deeply intertwined. To understand our own unique Matrix we will first define and differentiate each aspect. We will learn how to feel safe in all aspects of our body — the Physical Body, the Emotional Body, the Mental Body, and the Spiritual Body — the TOTAL BODY MATRIXsm. The Pointe Zero Institute is an educational not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting personal growth and expansion of individuals. This is accomplished through introducing and developing concepts, beliefs and ideas that are beyond what is usually familiar to the mind. In this process we work with trans-formational energies that create world change by supporting expansion at the individual level. By addressing one’s Total Body Matrixsm, a person can open the natural flow of energy by releasing blocks. This results in an enhanced sense of freedom, creativity and joy that overflows into one’s community, nation, and the world. • We honor the individuality of each person. • We know it is possible to effect change in the world as an individual learns to love, accept, be caring of themselves and live as the magnificent being that they are. • We know caring for others from a place of overflow is a natural outcome when one feels worthy of being loved. • We know that providing a safe place to support each other in the process of releasing limiting patterns of thought and behavior is key to stepping into unconditional love of self and others.

What We Are Not • We are not a religion. • We are not a dogma.

What We Offer • Seminars, workshops and retreats • Life coaching for individuals • Group coaching with Esateys : 2 hour sessions for groups of 4 –by phone or in person • Books, audio-tapes, CDs

• Nutritional supplement company to support the Total Body Matrixsm • Teleconference courses

Mission Statement: The Pointe Zero Institute is a not for profit organization that delivers energetic transformation (from personal to global levels)through experiential educational programs which support and expand the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies, the Total Body Matrixsm.

Vision Statement: Everything is energy. This statement is nothing new to the physicist, doctor or alternative healer who understands the electromagnetic nature of the body, all things we see in this earthly world, the stars, and all things in the Universe and beyond. This available energy can be harnessed and used for personal transformation through the removal of blockages in your individual energetic pathways which keep you from attaining your goals and dreams. Some people are more able to attract and channel this energy, and Esateys is one of those people. Through her involvement with you as an individual in a group setting, she is able to see the blockages in your body, and help you to define and break them down with support of the energy that she and her team of assistants ground in for the process. Without the energy, these changes can take lifetimes. With it, the forward motion can be instantaneous. Although this may sound unbelievable, it is possible. Through the seminars and processes you are given information that helps you to understand and embrace the work on a practical level while the energy is available to help you transform your life. As each individual chooses to transform themself to allow a free-flowing of the available energy through their body, the energetic value of the planet and the Universe changes as well since everything is connected. It has been determined that as energy flows more smoothly in smaller parts of a set and then larger parts, that the flow of the whole is smoother, and enhanced.


It is projected that this enhanced smoothness could lead to world peace. And we in the Pointe Zero Institute choose to be a part of this possibility, one person at a time. Esateys is a pioneer and international lecturer in the fields of energy medicine and human consciousness. Since her near-death experience in 1981, she has worked as a medical, psychological and spiritual intuitive: one that “sees” an individual’s energy matrix. She has supported individuals in identifying their physical and emotional energetic blocks that lead to disease, illness, and psychological disharmony in the 20+ years that she has been a personal life/health coach.Through identification and elimination of these blockages, one’s life is empowered. A graduate of UCSD/UCLA, Esateys has been in private practice as a nurse and nurse practitioner for 30+ years. She has established several protocols to integrate allopathic medicine with complementary medicine. The work of Esateys is permeated with self-love, profound

personal and spiritual awakening, balance, nurturing, pure foods and herbs, body therapy and detoxification. Great changes occur in people who interact with this work. Her seminars are facilitated with a deep spiritual emphasis, integrating the Total Body Matrixsm. These have proven to support individuals in discovering and living their highest potential. They are sponsored by the Pointe Zero Institute. HELP! I’m Trapped in a BODY! – The Power of the Total Body Matrixsm is the title of her book which was published in December, 2003. Esateys lives in Olympia, Washington. She spends her free time raising miniature horses, loving her Schnauzers K-Kosh and Tashara, and enjoying time with nature.

The information we share at seminars, workshops and retreats is all geared at helping you to become more aware of who you are and why you’re here on the planet. Much of it revolves around identifying the patterns you don’t choose to keep any longer, and substituting something else that you feel is more appropriate or satisfying in the now. There are many ways of going about this, and we have pinpointed the major categories and have given you some explanation of each one.

We come fully loaded with not just one, but four bodies: the Mental Body, the Emotional Body, that all-familiar Physical Body, and the Spiritual Body. (When I speak of the Emotional Body, I am including the Psychological Body.) These four are our essence, they are what we are made of and totally describes us — our Total Body Matrixsm. We are a complicated Matrix of systems, signals, and symbols. We think that if we cannot feel it or see it or smell it or hear it or taste it, it must not be real. We say that anything that is not tangible is not reality. Yet, there are elements in our lives that we cannot detect with our senses alone. We cannot sense carbon monoxide, until it is too late. We cannot see radio waves. We cannot hear the high frequency communication of elephants and whales. And we know they all exist. We have machines that can detect them, and we see the physical manifestation of their existence. As science and human beings evolve, we are finding tools and machines that allow us to “see” that which until now was “invisible” and, therefore, by our definition, did not exist. So, the line between real and unreal, what is and what is not reality, is constantly shifting. We cannot sense our Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Bodies in the same way we can our Physical Body, but we know they exist. We know we have thoughts. Even though we cannot see or touch our thoughts, we know our minds are constantly at work. We know we have feelings, and we see what happens when we are angry or happy or stressed. And while some of us may take it as a matter of faith, many of us know there is a spiritual world. Like me, some have had near- death or out-of-body experiences; others have been “touched” by those who have passed from this world; and there are

those who have survived situations where only help from “the other side” could explain what happened. It is important for us to know that not only do these four bodies exist, they are interconnected. One of the four bodies of the Matrix cannot perform without affecting the other three. We cannot have a thought that does not affect our emotional system. We cannot have a thought that does not affect our Physical Body. And the same is true for the spiritual system. We are not just a Physical Body that needs tending. We are a Physical-EmotionalMental-Spiritual Body, a complex Matrix that needs each part addressed in order for the whole self to be safe. And in this safety, we become healthier, more energetic, and more vibrant. Our body’s communication system works very well. It has important messages to give us if only we will listen. When our Total Body Matrixsm is in harmony and flowing, it creates a positive effect on our entire system; even our immune system changes. Central to learning how to remain healthy is an intimate understanding of each of our four bodies within our personal Matrix. All four of our body’s systems are interconnected. Nothing happens in one that does not affect the others. That is the magic and the beauty of our Total Body Matrixsm, however, this interrelationship goes even further. There is also a Universal Matrix System. We realize that what any one of us feels and/or experiences will have an impact beyond ourselves, affecting others as well. We are all connected. Life is a dance, and we are all dancers. We are spinning together, and at the same time, whirling apart. We are all here in the dance, yet we all move in our own rhythm, to our own tune, with our own energy level, together and apart, constantly weaving in and out of each other’s lives. This book will explore the complexity of our Total Body Matrixsm. It is within this Matrix that our four bodies are deeply intertwined. To understand our own unique Matrix we will first define and differentiate each aspect. We will learn how to feel safe in all aspects of our body — the Physical Body, the Emotional Body, the Mental Body, and the Spiritual Body — the TOTAL BODY MATRIXsm. We provide many intellectual understandings here at Pointe Zero. They are a part of integrating the Whole of Life. Still, the most dynamic power point of this work is “The Energy”. There is an amazing support that comes through that is Life Changing. Even reading these words is providing a touch of this power. When reading our material, the book, HELP! I’m Trapped in a BODY! or looking at the symbols, internal shifts occur that affect every area of your Life. When you attend a seminar or are in direct contact with this energy, deep, profound, transformational change occurs. This energy can provide you with increased cellular frequency realignment for accelerated personal growth and expansion.

Each person is made up of a complex system of interconnected pathways in their physical body. We at Pointe Zero have coined the term Total Body Matrixsm to describe this network between the Mental, Physical, Emotional and Spiritual bodies. Each body has items that support it at a deeper level than others. For instance, The Mental body which rules our thoughts responds well to listening to

tapes and CD’s, reading books and a tool we sell called the MotivAider®. This tool vibrates at self-set time intervals to help draw your attention so you can take a deep breath, say an affirmation, or wiggle your toes so that you stay grounded in your body throughout the day and away from the runaway thoughts that can sometimes overtake you. The Physical body can be supported through getting in tune with what it’s saying, and listening to it throughout the day. How do you feel after drinking that coffee? Jittery and nervous? Your body is trying to tell you something! You can also use nutritional supplements to support your organs, boost your immunity, and a myriad of other things. Body work such as massage or sitting in a hot tub is also very supportive, along with appropriate exercise. The Emotional body is the ruler of your feelings, and is supported with any kind of work that helps you get in contact with them. Some examples of this include coaching or therapy and attending seminars, workshops and retreats. The Spiritual body is connected with things such as deep inner work including meditation, journaling and alone time, listening to tapes, reading books, coaching with someone you trust and connection to people with whom you feel spiritually linked. Remember, though, all the bodies are interconnected, so all the tools work for each of the bodies to varying degrees. It is when we focus our efforts on all parts of us that we really start getting the Total Body Matrixsm in alignment with how it is meant to function. Be sure to read our book HELP! I'm Trapped In a BODY! The Power of the Total Body and tools to empower yourself

Matrixsm to get more details

Pointe Zero offers a tremendous opportunity for increased personal growth by working with one of our expert and licensed coaches. This work encourages self-reliant health and support to bring your Total Body Matrixsm (mental, emotional, physical and spiritual bodies) into full and pristine alignment. Your coach will guide you in accessing the knowledge that is within your body then provide support through experience-proven tools, supplements, awareness and knowledge to provide the self-confidence you need to take complete charge of your health and your life. Every part of you will be renewed and refreshed! Each coach has their own personal skill set that aligns with the work that we do here at Pointe Zero. Treat yourself to the new you that is waiting to emerge. Call for the strong, vibrant body you were meant to have and fully embrace all of the passion and joy that life has to offer. We offer several different options, so please look at the descriptions and make a personal choice that is right for YOU!

What About Love of Self? (an excerpt from HELP! I’m Trapped In a BODY! )

Loving Self is a form of connection and depth. It means we have a reverence for Life and for ourselves. This is not to be confused with feeling "selfish". When we love ourselves, we are in touch with what our true inner desires are. When we love ourselves, we know what each one of our bodies is communicating. Loving Self means we not only hear, but we listen and respond to the call, or message, that is being sent by any aspect of our Total Body Matrixsm. It means we do not do things we truly do not want to do. It means we have the courage to say no. We can say no to anything we do not desire, even if our "social upbringing" says we ought to say yes. It means we rest when we are tired, balance our lives, listen, and respond with our heart. Loving Self demands that truth be told from our inner Source. It means we risk being rejected by someone who may not like our choices. It means we care for ourselves so fully and completely that the love overflows like a wild, unleashed river out into the world. It is this overflow that creates a safety for others to be impeccable with what is in their hearts. You have the opportunity to set an example. You have the opportunity to find health and joy by finding out what LOVING YOURSELF really means. Most of us have grown up to believe that doing what we truly love and speaking our true feelings is are not acceptable. We have spent much of our life molding ourselves into what society feels is appropriate. It takes courage and commitment to know and to feel what is within and to speak and to respond from that level of honesty. This is an amazing gift. When we respond from our heart, we create a sense of power, freedom, joy, confidence, and safety. And the magic of this gift is that when we give it to ourselves, we also give this gift of power, joy, and freedom to the entire world. This is the foundation for the birth of individuality, a truly healthy and fully expressed individual. You can practice responding from the heart by paying attention to how you feel inside your body when you make an agreement to do something. Note if any tension or tightness arises anywhere within. Seek to know how your body is telling you where you are not being honest with what you really desire. For each year of our lives we have an “energy aspect” that we describe as an inner child. These little children have a male and a female for every calendar year. They keep track of the experiences you have from the male and female viewpoint. Sometimes what they experience is not exactly what happened, but their interpretation of these events provides influence and impact on your whole life, even as an adult. Our inner child work is powerful and creative. We support you in going within through a loving and safe process to discover “who” has un-met needs or suppressed feelings that are still being stored in your body. This work is amazing as it unleashes energy blocks and allows for a greater sense of understanding of you. This in turn supports a freedom and a greater connection to all parts of Life and a deep experience of inner peace.

We have an opportunity each moment to follow what we know or to choose something different. Our patterns have become our way of Life. Most patterns are not constructive, nor do they bring us the results we truly desire. We cycle around (like on a hamster wheel) repeating the same ideas, thoughts and “doings”. We somehow think we will get a different result. Shattering what you “normally” do and re-wiring your usual way of existing is your most powerful way of having a life that is more fulfilling than anything you could imagine.

What if you lived with the understanding, “My Life is more awesome than I could ever imagine.” We have ways to support you in releasing the “old” and creating the “new” in every area of your Life.

We each have the ability to create a Life that we desire. We must learn how to be in charge of our Personal Energy Power Account (this is how much energy we have at any given time to do what we do each day). If we understand how our Energy Reserve System (this is how much energy we have stored to do the things we want to do above and beyond our regular daily tasks) works, The Law of Attraction (this is how we magnetize people, situations and events toward us, which create outcomes or results in our lives) , how our thoughts create and how un-focused energy denies results we prefer, we can master most anything we choose. Our proven tools show you the way to have what you desire and support the followthrough to make the necessary changes that open up new areas for a new Life.

The key to inner peace is BEING. When we no longer have to control (or try to) our lives and the lives of others, we begin to find freedom. This is a big order for most because we have a belief that if we do not take control, someone else might. Eventually we learn that we cannot really control anything, except our perception of Life. We expend a great deal of energy trying to make others be what we would like them to be. Have you ever noticed it doesn’t really work? Start today and practice observing everything that is occurring and allow it to be. Resist nothing and notice how that feels. Life is an adventure. When we ride the wave, trust and ALLOW, truly allow, something greater steps forward. We provide information, understanding and tools on how to BE and have a Life that is truly exceptional.

Our world is based on a binary system. Everything has an opposite and comes in twos, i.e. up/down, good/bad, yes/no, black/white, happy/sad etc. This working system leads us away from balance or a sense of evenness in anything we think or do. This system also leads to competition, drama and extremes in virtually every area of Life. Balance almost seems boring because it does not provide the inconsistency and trauma with which we have become familiar. This work provides movement away from a polarity driven existence and breaks the pattern of drama-trauma. Living in an inner world of peace is possible when living only in the current moment is accomplished. We have the tools to support this magnificent change.

We function in our lives from beliefs, patterns, ideas and programs that we learn from childhood, parents, teachers, TV, radio, friends, relatives etc. This could be called living in recycled ignorance. This way of Life denies the ability to think fresh and truly as an individual. The only true freedom is to find a Life that ventures into the unknown territory beyond where the mind is familiar. Even this thought starts the process of a new way of thinking. When we are willing to trek out into the undiscovered territory that is beyond anything we “know”, miracles occur.

In these days of increased stress, with our busy lives and in our ever-changing world, our Total Body Matrixsm (mental, emotional, physical and spiritual bodies) is taxed. Our nutritional supplement company, Absolute Health, is a powerful way to provide your body with the support that your life is craving. We have been researching supplements since 1982 and work with the highest regarded companies providing researched and prescription quality products. We offer pure, highly absorbable, organic when possible and fully functional ingredients while observing cost effectiveness. We are committed to staying on the forefront of what your bodies need to feel strong and healthy. We specialize in direct organ support and healing from the inside out. We know that each body is unique and allow for your individuality to be addressed. Many of the products we carry are only available through a referral by our licensed Nurse Practitioner. These special supplements are not offered in stores. When an expert coach on our staff is supporting you they can provide you with the appropriate supplement referrals. We carry a diverse inventory of homeopathic remedies, nutritional supplements, whole food supplements, tools for electromagnetic protection, skin care products and much, much more.

“ … it is not what happens in Life that is most important. What is truly important is how we respond or react to it. How we perceive Life and what actions we take determines our joy or our fear.” “When our current actions bring about unpleasant results, we shouldn’t just do more of the same. Yet, repeating our ineffective efforts is exactly what we all too often do. Acting differently begins by a re-examination of what we have been doing.” “We can choose what we truly desire. We can grab hold of our dreams and start to live them.” ---------------------------------------

A Conversation with Lynn Grabhorn by Guy Spiro Just what is it we're doing to attract or deflect wealth, relationships, health or anything else in life? The author of Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting, shares the deceptively simple basics of the secret of our lives. You can't be focusing on what you don't want and expect to get what you do want. As a matter of fact, that's impossible.

The Monthly Aspectarian: Lynn, I usually like to start an interview by asking people to give us a thumbnail of their stories.

Lynn Grabhorn: I've been in the mortgage brokerage business for the last 22 years. I've been on a deep spiritual path for the last 13 or 14 years, but my life was not working. Everybody has their own thing, some with relationships, some with health; with me, it was income. It just wasn't working, and it was beginning to tick me off. Here I am, this grand spiritual student and learner, but it wasn't coming together. Then I ran across these teachings which basically are nothing more than a condensation of the same teachings that the Masters have been giving us for years. I listened to them and knew within five minutes that I had found the secret I'd been looking for. Basically, it's the secret of life. Within 18 months of beginning to transcribe notes and work on my book, my income increased 830%. Not too shabby! I was able to get out of the negative vibrations that were causing me to stay locked in such a state of lack. It's our emotions that cause empty bank accounts and relationships and car accidents, and conversely, they cause great relationships and full bank accounts. I had never gotten that message. TMA: As I read the book, it seems to me that in a sense, this is the missing key. LG: It is the missing key. The teachers have been telling us this, but sort of around the bush. No one has ever really come in and really just clicked on it. When I got these teachings, I instantly got the message that we get what we focus on. Focus on an empty bank with emotion -- hello, you're going to get a bigger empty bank account and more bills. TMA: In our culture, we tend to prize mental development and in recent decades, we've prized physical development and almost completely neglect the emotional level. A person can be a brilliant teacher or scientist or surgeon and still be a child emotionally -- and still be lauded. LG: By the same token, Guy, we've come across the era of "let's get in touch with our feelings, and fear." Heavens, that's not what I'm talking about! Let's get in touch with our feelings about how awful our parents were and how terrible our childhood was. No, no, no! TMA: That's focusing on the negative. LG: That's absolutely focusing on the negative. What we put out in emotion goes out in actual waves. Because we get what we focus on, we're going to get, one way or the other, more of exactly the same thing. This is nothing more than pure physics: Like frequencies attract. Negative emotions cause very low frequencies like the low tone on a violin or a piano. High, positive frequencies which feel good, like joy and appreciation and excitement and that kind of thing, feel good because they're closer to our source, where our source vibrates. Positive feelings cause us to vibrate at a much higher frequency and that's what's going to come. You can't be focusing on what you don't want and expect to get what you do want. As a matter of fact, that's impossible. TMA: There are all these books on creative visualization. Think and Grow Rich -- how many titles are there along those lines. LG: Why do you suppose those titles keep on coming out? It only works to a degree. Think and Grow Rich was such a big thing of its day because there were those people -- and I do know one, who because of Think and Grow Rich was able to change his world. But why was he? Because he got excited. Because he changed his vibration. Because he changed his frequency. He got into it. He dove in the water and he was thrilled and passionate and enthusiastic. Those are very high frequency vibrations; therefore, what he was putting out he got back. Just take any kind of creative visualization and you can visualize from here to kingdom come, and there ain't nuthin' that's going to happen unless you get some oomph behind it.

TMA: The mental vibrations are at a higher rate than the emotional.. The emotional.vibrations are closer to the physical. LG: Let's not call them mental vibrations, because mental vibrations accomplish very little without something behind it. Let's say we have middle C on the piano. That's right smack in the middle. Anything above that would be a feeling, anything below that is pure physical and emotion. Mild concern is just fear, a negative emotion. How do we get higher than that? By taking our focus off of the stuff that makes us feel lousy and getting our focus on something that makes us feel a little bit better. Highly simplistic; not always easy. TMA: Someone close to me recently bought a brand new car and for about a two week period just kept feeling afraid that she was going to have an accident. "Don't let me have an accident, don't let me have an accident." 300 miles on it and -- smooshed. LG: I've heard that so many times, Guy. People in my seminars tell me the same thing. Like frequencies attract; therefore, that level of fear is going to attract something. Now it may not attract something with the car. It may attract a broken toe. But if it's a heavy, heavy focus mixed with that car, then you betcha, that car's going to end up with a major hit. TMA: This person had been at a book signing a few weeks earlier, and a lady walked up to her and said, "You need to read this book!" and handed her the title to your book. She put it in her pocket and forgot about it. A couple of days after the accident, she was in a bookstore and the book just kind of fell off the shelf. She picked it up and read it, and said to me, "I practiced this accident for two weeks before it happened." LG: (laughs) What a perfect way to put it! She practiced the accident! If you ever see her again, tell her I'm stealing the line. TMA: Well, she sat me down and said, "Okay, now you've got to read this book." I started reading it and ordered seven copies for the rest of my office LG: I'm a bottom line person. You know, let's skip all the fluff; let's get to the meat of this thing. Once I heard that very first tape, I knew that I had found the meat but I also knew I had to find a way to put it in totally earthy, everyday language for everyone to understand. Let's get down to the basics. What are the steps? I'm looking at my empty bank account, I'm feeling that knot in my gut, how do I get out of it? I stop focusing on my empty bank account and go and pet my dog. I go and walk barefoot in the grass. I do anything to make me feel better. Anything to make me feel just a little bit better. That will change my vibrations and that will get my focus off of that thing that I don't want to focus on anymore. Appreciation, for instance -- and I'm talking about appreciation of even some little ant walking across the floor. Or appreciation of a piece of dust. This is something that we must learn, that we need to practice doing. We need to practice flowing an entirely different kind of energy. I'm looking right now at a red felt-tip pen and I can just appreciate and love that little sucker all to pieces, and that's changing my vibrations. And as I change my vibrations over this, it will change my vibrations over everything. If we do this a little bit every day -- then you're automatically changing your vibrations and magic starts to happen in your life. Magic! TMA: I think one of the most important things people need to learn that you have in your book, is to stop focusing on what you don't want and start focusing on what you do want. That is so big. LG: That's huge. Frankly, it's so simple, but it certainly isn't all that easy because we've been trained not to want. That's a biggie. What do you mean, "want"? Isn't that selfish? Oh yes, it is. But as you focus on your wants and you get into the thrill of having that want, whether it's a

relationship or more spirituality or a hundred thousand bucks in the bank, whatever it is, as you're focusing on that and changing your vibrations, there is an automatic change that happens in people around you. You are changing your vibrations and the people will around you will benefit too, or else they'll leave your life. So, is it selfish? You bet. TMA: But in a very positive sense. LG: It's high time we learned to get into that kind of selfishness that benefits the world. It's like when we look at the television and we see a huge earthquake or tornado and it's killed umpteen hundred people and we get into "Oh, isn't that awful, isn't that terrible!" -- if we could send those folks the energy of "Look, it's going to be alright, it's going to be alright. The more we focus on "ain't it awful," the worse their situation is going to get -- as well as our own. The best example on a personal level is that spiffy little red car coming down the freeway. You see that and it's exactly the convertible you've wanted for years. You look at that car zooming down the freeway, and what's your first thought? TMA: "I wish I could have that." LG: Yes, or "I'll never be able to afford that." And of course, it'll never come. It'll never happen. And people say, "What are you talking about, 'What I focus on is what I get.' I've been focusing on money all my life and I don't have any. I've been focusing on that red car for five years and I don't have it." TMA: What they've been focusing on is the fact that they don't have it. LG: Absolutely. That just holds it away and makes it absolutely certain that there's no way they're going to get it. TMA: Now when a person is faced with a reality: say the cash flow is low. What you would say is to jumpstart the positive emotions and feel how wonderful it feels to have all the money you need. LG: By and large that's really tough. The first part of what you said is right: get your focus off of that negative thing -- for instance that you're in a short cash flow. Then, for a couple of weeks, take your focus off of it and find a way to feel a little bit better. After a week or two of doing that . . . let's get into what I call scripting. Not into just telling the story of what it will be like when you have the money, but feeling the story, getting into actually being the participant. "Oh golly, isn't it grand that I got that refund from the oil company yesterday! Granted, it was only $75, but wow, I can pay a bunch of bills with that! Isn't it great how that came!" You are living it, you are experiencing it. You're not just saying, "I got a check for $75 from the oil company." That will get you nothing. But you are experiencing the thrill of the actual moment of having a little bit more money -- not a lot maybe, to start with, because you won't believe it. You've got to be able to believe it. Get your emotions behind it and get into that story like you are living every single solitary second of it, and that's what will bring it to you. TMA: Feeling the gratitude is important, I think. LG: Yes, feeling gratitude, and how about just plain old excitement! How about "Hot damn, I just got a check for 75 bucks! That is just fantastic!" That's the kind of scripting I'm talking about. TMA: Instead of "Where am I going to get the other $125 I need."

LG: Or instead of walking around saying, "Oh, I'm so grateful I just got a check for $75 . . . " Let's get into the real earthy, everyday stuff. "It's fantastic that I got that and I did it just by changing my focus!" That's what you are imagining. You are pretending as if, but that's what will do it. TMA: I think we should point out again that this isn't just about money, it's about whatever the person perceives a lack of in life. LG: Anything at all. If it's a relationship, health . . . however, whatever they want their life to be. Health is a tough one but I have a section on that in the book. Norman Cousins laughed himself out of cancer, you know; it's certainly possible to do. When we're given a diagnosis by the doctor that we didn't know we had, we focus on it. We focus on a "don't want." I have several steps in the book as to how to get out of that. I don't think any of this is particularly easy but it's enormously simple. It's not easy because it takes daily practice. TMA: Many people are almost divorced from their feelings and have never paid any attention to them. LG: They don't know how to turn happy on. But it's absolutely possible. TMA: It's possible and necessary. I've been a proponent of the global meditations, and I really do believe that they've had a tremendous effect. LG: I do too. TMA: If we add this emotional element, it'll change things exponentially. LG: It would change the weather patterns, it would fill in the ozone hole, it would change the consciousness, it would raise the frequency of mankind. TMA: I'm fond of saying the cold war didn't end because our system was better than the Soviet's. And it didn't end because we spent more than they did. Both of those things may be true, but the cold war ended because mass consciousness rose up and struck down nuclear annihilation. And that's been almost completely mental. LG: Not entirely. They were fighting with "I don't want a nuclear war, I'm afraid of a nuclear war" but the odds that won out were the "Wouldn't it feel great to be able to be in peace?" and that's what finally won out. TMA: What have we not talked about that we should have? I want to get everything in that you want our readers to be aware of. LG: The worse we feel, the worse things get; the better we feel, the better things get. Just plain old simplistics. All we're doing here is learning to raise our frequencies. You flow negative out, you're going to get negative back, both personally and worldwide. You were talking about happiness. We need to learn to feel the vibration of happiness, and that can be nothing more than going out and leaning up against a tree. What we are feeling and what we are getting are always, always the vibrational match. (chuckles) Like your gal who practiced her accident for two weeks before she had it. How we feel is how we vibrate, and how we vibrate equals how we attract. You just have to be aware of how you're feeling in the moment. If you're feeling a bit down, you're in a problem area and that's what you need to change. It's the flowing of our energy that makes things happen.

Lynn Grabhorn is the author of Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting and Beyond the Twelve Steps, along with a multimedia program, Life Course 101. These have received high international acclaim. If you would like a complete description of Lynn's workshops and how to arrange for them, please write to Lynn Grabhorn, PMB 244, 800 Sleater-Kinney Road S.E., Lacey, Washington 98503. ---------------------------------A leading spokesperson for the merging of American Buddhism and contemporary spirituality discusses the enabling techniques of various types of meditation The ancient, timeless teachings are …old wine and need new bottles. The essence doesn't change but it needs new forms. The Monthly Aspectarian: Your story is an interesting one, being an American who has attained the rank of Lama. Can you tell us how it all happened for you? Lama Surya Das: Basically, one comes to Lama in one of two ways in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. One, like the Dalai Lama, is by being recognized as a reincarnation of the previous sage or Lama, and the other is by training. I became Lama through 20 years of monastery and eight years of meditation retreat training. I was interested in these things in college in the late '60s and was part of the peace movement. My friend, Allison Crouse ??? was killed at Kent State in May, 1970. Also, another kid I knew, Jeffrey Miller, my namesake from Long Island was shot and killed that day when four kids were killed by National Guardsmen during protest against the secret bombings in Cambodia. TMA: We've all seen the famous pictures. LSD: Yes, right, and that's Jeffrey Miller lying there with the girl crying over him. My parents took part in a demonstration with me for one night because of Jeffrey and my friend at Kent State. That was a life changing experience. I graduated from college in '71 seeking spirituality and inner peace and God and doing some meditation and yoga. I met Buddhism and chanting and Eastern philosophy. I started to think about the contradiction in fighting for peace and wanted rather to find peace and become peace, so I went to Asia. I stayed there for about ten years and then became a Buddhist monk in a monastery with Tibetan Lamas and trained as a Lama and then went into the threeyear, three-month retreat that is a formal Lama training. TMA: Were you at Dharamsala? LSD: I have been to Dharamsala. I met the Dalai Lama in 1972 and studied with him a little bit. But I had other teachers I worked with in Darjeeling and Nepal and in Tibet and other places, too. I still do things with the Dalai Lama, like next week we're having a Western Buddhist teachers conference in California for four days and he'll be there for two of the days. There will be over 200 teachers there. He and other of my teachers endorsed me as a Lama, and that's how I became a Lama. I lived over there in monasteries and ashrams and studied and also met a lot of the great Hindu saints and went to Japan and Burma and other places during those 15 or 20 years.

Around 1990, people started inviting me to teach at meditation centers and give lectures at universities, and lead workshops and meditation retreats and give motivational talks worldwide. I've been doing that ever since. TMA: I spent some time lately with Awakening to the Sacred, your recent book, and I've been really enjoying it. I see that you are an -- iconoclast would be too strong a word -LSD: Something like that. Most Buddhist teachers don't talk much about God. I think if we talk about spirituality in English today, we have to use the words we have, we can't talk in Sanscrit. TMA: That, and as you say in so many words, if Buddhism is going to transmitted in the West, it needs to be transmitted in Western! Because we're not Tibetans and we're not Indians. I have the greatest respect for the Dalai Lama, but when I hear him say that one should settle on one path and stick with it rather than take the smorgasbord approach, I have to disagree. LSD: It's good advice, but it's not really American melting pot advice. It's living in isolation until 1959 advice. It's not dealing with the culture we live in. Just today a gay and lesbian magazine wanted to interview me and I said, "Why are you calling me?" and she said, "The Dalai Lama seems to be against homosexuality. What do you have to say? Can we practice meditation and get enlightened if we're gay?" Of course I said yes. So that is iconoclastic. The Dalai is a great saint but he is a monk and is from a culture that lived in the Middle Ages until ten or 20 years ago. He's placed in medieval culture, and suddenly landing in the 21st century is a huge culture gap. I try to teach contemporary dharma, not just Buddhism, but I'm a Lama, a Buddhist teacher, [and I see that] many people want to deepen their spiritual quest. They're praying to God, they're doing yoga, they may still do something related to their religion of origin -- that's fine. I'm trying to maybe help people make the next step on their path. We can talk about enlightenment and those bigger things later and help people become more committed and more evolved and more studious. But for now, I think people are looking for a better life and a better world. To experience a transformation, not just a new bunch of beliefs to believe in. I think teaching spiritual practices and answering people's questions about them and showing people how to practice them is very important today Then people get results. It's almost like exercise. You feel the results quick enough not to have to wait until the next life to feel the benefits. TMA: People need different teachings and different practices at different times in their life. LSD: Yes, that's true. TMA: And everyone brings their own special combination of qualities to a practice. LSD: I see the Buddha with the Light in everyone, and that's an important part of Tibetan Buddhist practice. I'm not just the answer man to fix people up. Like everybody else, we're all equal before God and before Buddha. Everybody has their own strengths and weaknesses and people do have a lot of natural spirituality and love and wisdom in them already. I try to respect that and midwife or facilitate to bring that out. That's where the path comes in, whether it's a formal path or an individual search. People need to find it within themselves and within each other and within their relationships and their work and families . . . and that's very much my message: How to make the spiritual connection today, how to awaken the heart of wisdom and compassion in themselves and not just give them a new set of dogmas that they have to believe in. TMA: What kinds of things do you find yourself mainly focusing on these days?

LSD: Trying to teach deeper and fresher, attuning to the people who come to me, not just teaching what I've heard and learned. And writing and meditation and prayer, of course, and my own poetry and sensing the beauty and the joy of spirit through life, through relations, through love, through sex and children, through nature -- all of this is part of the path. And I'm practicing this myself. I'm not a monk anymore, so it's important to learn how to integrate these things into daily life. These ancient, timeless teachings have a lot of very timely truths and can provide solutions, I think, for today and tomorrow. But it's old wine and needs new bottles. The essence doesn't change but it needs new forms. We need to know how to apply it in our life and in our society, so I'm also working on that. I'm also online, meeting the young people. I'm active on the Internet; I have a website, www.surya.org, and a Buddhist organization site, www.dzogchen.org. I led an online column for spiritual political belief every week. That's where I meet the young people. I'm also thinking about the future generations and leadership and values and a better life. Not just meditation but some sort of leadership in that direction also. I think that's very important for the future. TMA: I read in your book, Awakening to the Sacred, where you mention that there are just countless ways to meditate and one needn't sit for an hour. LSD: That's just one way and may not even be the best way. I like to jokingly say that sitting so long and solemnly is positively unAmerican. Chanting and walking meditation and eating meditation and yoga meditation and things like gardening and ocean-gazing and star-gazing can be meditation. TMA: Even driving your car. LSD: Driving can be meditation, but keep your eyes open, please. TMA: I play golf as a meditation. LSD: People tell me that. That's why they like golf. People tell me bird-watching is one of the best meditations; they get very still and quiet and wait for any movement; it's like watching the mind. Whatever you're open to; I think that's important to realize. Then we find we're relating to other things in our life: we know how to focus; that's one of the things we do a lot. I'm not into fishing because I don't like to kill animals and fish, but a lot of people go and stand in the water all day by themselves and fish and most of them couldn't do that without having little activity because little activity keeps them in a meditation space. That's why they like it. It's quiet, you're undistracted and it's peaceful. It's a beautiful way of being. TMA: What is meditation but directed consciousness? LSD: That's a very good question, Guy. You've obviously thought about this. I always say meditation is the intentional use of awareness, so that's directed consciousness. It depends where you direct it to, of course. If you direct your consciousness towards negative ends, then I don't know if you'd call it meditation, but it could be called concentration. But meditation has a spiritual goal, the goal of awakening, of enlightenment, of directing your consciousness to the present moment and toward things as they are, not as they ain't. Basically, it's mindfulness, living mindfully rather than mindlessly, with total presence of mind rather than going absent-mindedly through life. Paying attention, pays off in many ways. We can be mindful while we're eating or while we're talking or walking, mindful while we're washing dishes or the diapers. We don't have to sit with our eyes closed in meditation to be mindful.

That's the clarion call or the wakeup call of American Buddhism, I think. Not just Buddhism but meditation and yoga and people doing it . . . it helps them get enlivened to goals in life and be more conscious, more wakeful rather than sleepwalking. More attentive, more peaceful, more clear and calm. It brings all these benefits. Along with enhancing your performance, it increases your focus and concentration. Phil Jackson, the basketball coach, Tony Robbins, all kinds of performance coaches use meditative techniques because it helps us focus and concentrate and be more effective. So even in a more general worldly way, there is benefit. Of course there are health benefits to meditation . . . we all know that. TMA: Are you personally seeking to merge with the Void and not come back? LSD: Oh no, that's just kind of a concept. I have a mission and I'll probably be doing it forever. Even though my body might die I'll go on doing this in some form or another, I think. TMA: I went through that phase when I was younger that this was going to be the last time on the wheel for me for sure. LSD: Rebirth control? TMA: Rebirth control . . . I like it! (laughter) Then I came to a point where I don't even think about that. I want to do as much good as I can and if I pile up karma doing it, then so be it. What would you like to tell our readers? LSD: I'll probably be coming to Chicago next year after the publication of my next book, Awakening the Buddhist Heart. I have friends and followers there and I like Chicago. Things are happening . . . if they can't come then, they can come next time. This isn't just a one-shot deal. They can connect on my website. There's a lot of good stuff there free. If people can't come one weekend to something I'm doing, they can tune into something else I'm doing in the area. I would like to say something about what I call my six building blocks of a spiritual life. A spiritual life is a well-rounded whole life, it's not just about meditation or yoga or being like a Sunday Christian, but there's another six and a half days of the week. My students have a training program where they commit themselves to a daily practice of some form. It could be meditation or it could be yoga or prayer or scripture reading, but a daily practice of some form. And also some spiritual study, something requiring introspection. Reading, tapes, lectures, however it comes in. And third, inner growth work. It could be through therapy, conscious eating or an exercise regimen or men's or women's groups or 12-Step Program. It could be journal writing, keeping a dream journal, creative arts and so on -- anything that's inner growth oriented. And fourth, sometimes group practice so they don't feel isolated, being part of a group or having a spiritual friend because it's hard to do it alone and it's very supportive to have a spiritual friend. Relating to a mentor or spiritual guide or somebody a little more experienced who can help us to grow and stay on a good path. And fifth, relating to teachers. And sixth, serving the Highest by serving humanity; giving back, and there are various ways to do that . . . volunteering, charity work, community making or just being an informed parent or working for the environment. Whatever we can do to give back in service has always been part of the high road to awakening. We don't have to do all of those; even if we do only one or two a day we'll see that all life will be transformed.

Lama Surya Das, a leading spokesperson for the merging of American Buddhism and contemporary spirituality, is a poet, translator, and full-time spiritual teacher who leads lectures, workshops, and meditation retreats worldwide. He is the author of three books, including the national bestselling Awakening the Buddha Within, is active in interfaith dialogue, is a regular contributor of Tricycle magazine, Yoga Journal and The Shambhala Sun. Lama Surya Das has been featured in numerous publications including New Age Journal, the Boston Globe, and the Los Angeles ---------------------

The Seven Levels of Dream Time and How They Direct Your Life by Diandra

Uniquely designed for our benefit, dreams offer a treasure of discoveries The dream state is a very individualized state of consciousness containing seven levels, all uniquely designed by humanity for its benefit. Let's take a look at what happens to us in the dream state. First Level When you enter into your dream state, it is often a time that you process information which you do not have the time to process in your waking existence. Many times, this is all you are doing simply processing information. Once the information is processed, you place it into your daily understanding and your daily life. Second Level When you go into a dream state that says, "I have processed, but I do not understand," it is a time that you can begin to integrate your understanding at a much more rapid pace than when you are in a conscious, awake state. In your dream state, you have the capacity to isolate what would be distracting to you. Now, you don't always do that, but you have the capacity to do it. Oftentimes, not only are you are processing, but you are understanding what you have processed. Third Level The third level of the dream state is when you choose to interact with others. You are not interacting on the astral level, but are partaking of an emotional exchange that you cannot do on a conscious level when you are awake. You choose to interact in this dream state because it is a little bit safer than in the waking state. You’re not having to look at that physical person. You're not having to interact with those who are going to be threatening. It's a rather safe time for you. Why do you feel it is so safe for you to interact in your dream time? The reason you feel so safe on these levels of consciousness is because it is you who designed the dream time.

Sleep was designed to allow time for you to disconnect from everything you have entangled yourself in, to look at it again and perhaps say, "Oh, my goodness, this is a monster over here!" Maybe the monster is going to be a wild animal in this dream that you have created. You realize, "Wow, I have to look at what I created!" You know you're very safe in analyzing and experiencing during your dreams, even if it is a nightmare that you will wake up from. You may be frightened for a short time, but you recognize you truly were safe. Had you gone into the cage with the tiger when you were awake, it's reasonable to conclude that it may have eaten your body. In the dream, of course, the tiger did not literally eat your body. Dream time is an extremely safe time of processing for you, and being unconsciously aware of this, what you will not allow in your awake time, you allow in your sleeping dream time. Fourth Level The fourth level of dream state is the play state, what you consider your out-of-body experiences, those times when you have been out in the universe. You know you've been somewhere during the night, but you don't quite know where. You may have traveled throughout the universe, but it's not a serious thing. It's sort of a satisfying of the mind. The body can't get there, but your mind can in your dream state. Some have very vivid recollections of this and others do not. You will think it was a dream. Sometimes you will say, "I know I was there," or you will be awakened and say, "I don't know where I was, but I wasn't here," or you'll feel the "jolt" when you re-enter into your conscious state. That is the play area, designed as you choose to design it. If you want to put monsters in your play area, you are free to do so. If you want to put those that have beauty and light there, that's what you'll do. It is your play area. You are in control of what you put in it. This is a very healthy state of being for you, and I encourage you to use it. It is a process of release, of creativity and of lightness. It is where your nightmares will take place as well. You often drift from the third level to the fourth level, back and forth. Fifth Level When you enter the fifth level of dreaming, you take on an aspect of learning. It is truly a time when you are allowing yourself to connect with the higher part of yourself. You will be in school, and this school will be defined for you in many different ways. You may have the sense that you have been in a classroom setting where you are truly learning, or this learning may not be in the usual classroom setting. What you learn here is not a remembering, it is a learning process. You are learning on all levels as compared to just learning on the conscious mind level. The state of consciousness you call sleep allows freedom. Do not deprive your soul of the resource of sleep and dream time. All parts of you are choosing to learn. In those schools of learning, you may bring back to your consciousness perhaps one or two of the ten things you learned. The rest is going into all that you are in many other universes and many other dimensions. This occurs because everything is happens simultaneously with responses and connections in all sources. What you're learning, you're not just learning for here, but you're learning for perhaps twenty universes away in your existence there as well. Now, that learning may be an entirely different application of what you've learned than what you are going to bring back here. This is what you're doing when you think you've been in school. Have you ever wakened in the morning really tired? This happens because for much of the night, your mind kept processing and processing. You are learning this new information.

Sixth Level When you move to the sixth level of your dream state, you are beginning to determine what that learning means, how it elevates you spiritually, where this is taking you, and what your soul path is in all of this awareness. (When I say the word "soul," I do not restrict the soul's existence to the planet. Please understand, I would never restrict such a great part of who you are to this planet alone.) You begin to process and integrate this learning during your sixth level of dream state. "How does Planet Z fit with Planet A in this? And, How does Individual B that I am so connected with out there, help me to connect here?" or, "I'm still connected here, but I'm not connected there. We need to be connected there because we have great work to do over here, but somehow we got so scattered and so far away. How does this happen?" You see, they too will be learning, so how do you bring it together? Seventh Level It's likely that while you can talk about Level Seven, you'll never truly understand it because it's totally spiritual. It is what sustains your life or existence. It is what brings to you the substance, the essence and all that you are. What Else is Going On? Dream time is that inner action where you have an awareness that something is taking place. But, what's going on with you during the rest of your sleep time? This is where a great deal of the power of your existence takes place; you are making some very fundamental choices and decisions that you refuse to make when you’re awake. Have you ever woke up in the morning and suddenly said, "Oh, I want to do this!" or "I have the answer to this!" Well, how did you wake up knowing this? Do you know why you allow yourself to know? It’s because you feel safe in the dream state. In the daytime, when you’re interacting with so many other life forms that you feel could be threatening to you, you’re so busy defending or attacking that you don’t feel safe enough to do the things that you do in your sleep time. The state of consciousness you call sleep allows freedom. You often escape there for your direction in life. During sleep, dream time is allowed to be. Do not deprive your soul of the resource of sleep and dream time. It is of great benefit to your experience on Earth. Diandra is an author of A New Day Is Dawning, a metaphysical book exploring the adventure of your soul’s journey. Her intuitive ability has help thousands around the world find insight into their relationships, future and journey towards spiritual self-awareness. For more information, contact Diandra, P.O --------------------------------

Spiritual Sex: Beyond the Physical by Linda E. Savage, Ph.D.

Consciously practiced, it confers a quality of heightened awareness and expanded consciousness.

Spiritual sex encompasses sexual energy that goes beyond physical sensations of pleasure, genital orgasms, and even the loving connection of sexual communion. Energy generated by sexuality can be transmuted into such experiences as: healing the body-mind-spirit, visualization, divining visions, and balancing the genders through joining with universal energy. The more cosmic experiences utilizing sexual energy are most likely to occur in ecstatic consciousness states. The ancients believed that ecstatic union with the Source was the ultimate expression of sexuality. Experiences of sexual energy that go far beyond ordinary reality can be terrifying without training in what to expect. Attaining ecstatic states through sexual interaction may evoke disbelief or fear in some because it involves loss of the sense of the physical body. The concept that we are more than mere physical bodies may be difficult to accept at first. In fact, we are an organized combination of several energy systems around a unifying field. If we could see the subtle energy around us, each of us would look somewhat like a "luminous egg." One does not have to spend years in training to experience spontaneous, spiritual sex, but it may be necessary to be receptive to the possibility of connecting higher states of awareness with peak sexual experiences. Many people who become interested in spiritual sex have had initial spontaneous ecstatic experiences. Spiritual sex is unlike the traditional process of genital stimulation and the release of tension through orgasm. When it is consciously practiced, there is a quality of "mindfulness," which is heightened awareness and expanded consciousness. Descriptions of cosmic experiences of orgasm are similar to "near-death" stories recounted by many people. They are also similar to descriptions of ecstatic, religious transformations described in writings by revered historical figures. The common themes in near-death encounters, religious transformations and cosmic orgasms are descriptions of extraordinary light, luminous colors, loss of the sense of a physical body, and merging with energy. There are also common descriptions of seeing the past and future, traveling across time and space, or overwhelming feelings of pure love. The following example is reported by a 60-year-old woman who had been having spontaneous, cosmic orgasms since childhood. Megan had known a male friend for several years, and they shared an interest in spiritual healing. On this occasion they interacted sexually for the first and only time. She said, "The whole night was a powerful feeling of dancing in the energy. I did not know where he began and I left off. It was beyond genital sex. The full-body orgasms I experienced moved through both of us and swirled around us, appearing as a rainbow of molecular lights." Her body had been a perfect conductor of the Life Force, energy and she had transmuted this power effortlessly, but her partner's body had been overwhelmed by the surge of power that she had been capable of handling. He felt sick the next day. Megan's partner was clearly operating at a different level of energy from Megan and therefore the experience felt dissonant to him. He chose not to continue to participate in any further sexual relationship, which wounded and confused her. Megan's story illustrates the spontaneous link between sex and spiritual states and it highlights a dilemma with partner sex. Many other women have had similar experiences with a partner who negatively reacted to the overwhelming intensity of such sexual energy. Three Levels of Sexual Energy Megan's experience, as well as that of other women who have moved into spiritual ecstasy, was that her partner could not tolerate her sexual response because it seemed "too intense." You may have had a similar experience. Although it is not always necessary for your partner to be at the same intense level of sexuality, when he is not, it is common for the experience to feel dissonant. It is helpful to understand that three different levels of sexual energy are possible: genital pleasuring, conscious loving, and spiritual union. Each level is sex-positive and life-affirming and has a value in healing. Each type of sexual energy can heal at the physical, relational, or cosmic level. They are not sharply delineated one from the other, but are on a continuum of energy

generated and energy received, activating various energy centers in the body. They differ from each other in the purpose and meaning attributed to the sexual interaction. Genital Pleasuring Genital pleasuring refers to the energy level generated, not the particular physical activity. The feminine way of genital pleasuring, especially, attends to the sensual process unfolding rather than a race toward orgasm. The energy received through genital pleasuring is manifested in physical sensations of intense pleasure. Orgasm at the level of genital pleasuring is a release of tension. Healing at this level of sexual energy is directed toward physical functions. Orgasm benefits the immune system and also promotes relaxation and a sense of well-being. The purpose is recreation: to play, enjoy the moment, and relax in the pleasures of physical stimulation. It is mutually beneficial, consensual pleasure. Conscious Loving This level of sexual energy generates intense, loving feelings for the partner. The "valley orgasm," as it is called in the Tantric tradition, goes beyond the release of tension in genital orgasm. It requires practice in relaxing into sexual feelings and slowing down the build-up of tension in order to prevent sudden dissipation of sexual energy. The energy received is divine love. The heart chakra rather than the genital chakra becomes the focal point. The practice of conscious loving generates energy from the heart. The meaning of this level of sexual energy is connection, reinforcing commitment in a long-term relationship. The healing comes from loving communion, enhancing the bond with the partner. Conscious loving facilitates balancing malefemale energy in the relationship that is very effective for maintaining harmony between partners. Spiritual Union The energy generated by this level of sexuality is ecstasy. The meaning of Spiritual Union is enhanced awareness, inspiration, and merging with the Life Force. The purpose for sexuality at this level is to unite with the Source. The energy received at this level is inspiration/illumination that can be translated into divine guidance or simply experienced as pure bliss. Cosmic orgasm is a completely different experience because it is multi-dimensional and has an infinite variety of patterns. Genital Pleasuring and Conscious Loving are not separate from this experience but incorporated as an integral part of it. If you choose to practice this with a partner, you will need to communicate clearly with each other about your expectations. It is important to recognize that your experiences of transcendence will be unique from your partner's. However, it is helpful to feel a conscious bond with your partner. You will need to foster the psychological mind-set of healing and mutual empowerment in a setting that honors the other as divine God/Goddess.

The above article is based on the new book, Reclaiming Goddess Sexuality: The Power of the Feminine Way, by Linda Savage, Ph.D. It is published by Hay House and available now at all book stores, or by calling 800-654-5126, fax 800-650-5115, or via the website at www.hayhouse.com.


The Sacred Journey - Pilgrimage and Everyday Life by Judith Sewell Wright

What gifts can be yours from going on a pilgrimage? Travel! It provides a wonderful opportunity to see life as it is lived by other people and the chance to see, feel, taste, hear and experience other cultures. Travels as a child with my family showed me for the first time that everyone did not live the same way we did in Flint, Michigan. We saw Appalachian families, heard Southern accents, saw red clay soil and encountered the dichotomies of plantations and shacks, riches and poverty, long stretches of Great Plains and high mountain ranges, farmers and industry and Amish people and city dwellers. My viewpoint was changed because of these experiences. I was humbled and my eyes were opened as I began to appreciate differences. I no longer thought everything and everyone lived like we did or – more important –even that they should. Later in life, going on retreats helped me to find my own rhythm and voice. I’d pack my bike onto my car and head out alone to unknown destinations to think, dream and discover myself outside of normal routine. Yet, travel still had more gifts to bestow. I discovered sacred travel – traveling to places that man has found holy, where humanity has prayed, worshipped and sanctified their daily lives. I discovered traveling not as a tourist just visiting or lightly passing through, but by becoming a sacred traveler, a pilgrim. No longer do I find myself sipping spirits in glasses adorned with tiny umbrellas at the seashore, but sipping spirit at holy places. Rather than gambling at a casino, I find throwing myself into the unknown a thrill. Rather than queuing up for a spin of Virtual Reality, I experience transcendent realities. These voyages feed and strengthen my soul and my spirit and provide vision and messages and understandings for my life. Learning to travel has become a metaphor for how to voyage through life. Do I travel through life as a tourist – watching, visiting, observing, even enjoying, but never really moving in? Perhaps becoming part of the culture, tasting deeply, learning its rich language, and then being disappointed when the trip is over? Or – do I travel through life as a spiritual pilgrim, living life as a sacred journey, knowing each moment is to be revered, imbuing the mundane with sacredness, using all life experience to continually further my relationship with God or Spirit? “Vacations” now really provide a chance to vacate – to leave behind that which is the norm, to stretch my awareness of possibilities. I know true re-creation, now . . . re-creating my self anew from my habitual workaday self, aligning most fully, instead, with my spiritual, mystical self. By removing myself from my daily life, being in the places found holy throughout time, I listen to the call of spirit. It is as if God responds to the gesture, finding me “easier to talk to” as I actively listen. I feel I receive truths and a vision for how my life can be and how life on the planet can be. ***** By sensing the spirit underneath all of our religious beliefs throughout contemporary cultures and cultures through time, I feel united with all peoples. I find increasingly that spirit unites people. I like to think that my appreciation and reverence for these holy sites is possibly a gift to them, too. Perhaps I am pollinating and being pollinated by the sacred in these sites. Or, perhaps that is because it is hard for me just to “take” from these sites; their gifts are so vast.

Now when my husband and I travel it is usually in the form of a pilgrimage where our spirits are fed and our souls lifted, our worship strengthened and our vision for what is possible furthered — that we then take back to those in our lives. Every pilgrimage has left its transforming mark. I feel connected to mankind throughout the ages and throughout the world. How I think and what I think about is different. I enjoy stretching myself — my beliefs, my ordinary reality — to encompass the larger questions and infinite possibilities of life. Every day has moments of connection with the divine spirit. No longer an “escape,” travel has become an infusion into my spirit as I honor my mystical side and the opportunity to feel as “one” with myself, God, all peoples through geography and throughout time. I am dedicated to live my life as a sacred journey, my life journey as a pilgrimage, dedicated to God. I awaken most days and ask, “How can I serve you today, God? What would you have me do? Thank you for this day in which to serve you.” Perhaps this is the reason that travel beckons us all. It calls to the explorer in us, the adventurer; it tickles our imaginations, the part of us that craves something different, something more. We become aware that there is a vast universe out there and we stand on only one small part of it, intimate with only a small share of the universe’s riches. There are many sections of territory, each with its own wisdom, benefits, messages, ruths and sanctity, furthered by its peoples throughout time. By becoming a tourist, we can become aware of the world’s riches and diversity. By becoming a spiritual traveler, we experience the essence and the spirit of a place. We feel its holiness and sense our unity with the men and women through time who have shared their hopes and dreams, fears and gratitude and who have lifted their hearts to God.

And perhaps, it is through sacred travel that we can be inspired to become spiritual pilgrims in every moment of this magnificent life journey. Judith Sewell Wright is the founder of the School of Exceptional Living and of Prairie Spring Woods, a retreat center near Elkhorn, Wisconsin. She leads worldwide explorations and in-depth studies that have included the American Southwest, Great Britain, the Emerald Isle, Scotland, France and other European sites, Egypt, Thailand, and, this year, will experience Israel. For more information, please contact Jillian at 312/329-1200 or visit their website at www.exceptionalliving.com ------------------------------------

A Lost Mode of Prayer? by Gregg Braden

An excerpt from The Isaiah Effect: Decoding the Lost Science of Prayer and Prophecy Perhaps the most empowering of the texts lost in the fourth century AD detail a sophisticated inner technology known today as “prayer.” Regarded by many to be the most ancient of all sciences, the inner technology of prayer represents our opportunity to directly access the creative and healing forces of our world, as well as our bodies, through specific qualities of prayer’s elements: thought, feeling and emotion. Modern prayer researchers currently identify four modes of prayer used in the west today. Does an additional mode exist? Is there a fifth mode, a lost mode of prayer, that provides direct access to the creative and healing forces of our world, as well as our bodies? Recent findings in remote

temple sites where these traditions remain today, combined with new research into some of the most sacred and esoteric traditions of our past, suggest that the answer is a resounding “Yes!” Much of our conditioning in Western traditions invites us to “ask” that specific circumstances in our world change through divine intervention; that our prayers be answered. In our wellintentioned asking, however, we may unknowingly empower the very conditions that we are praying to change. For example, when we ask, “Dear God, please let there be peace in the world”, in effect we are stating that, to some degree, peace does not exist in the present. Ancient traditions remind us that prayers of asking are one form of prayer, among other forms, that empower us to find peace in our world through the quality of thought, feeling and emotion that we create in our body. Recent translations of texts written by the ancient Essenes, the mysterious authors of the Dead Sea Scrolls, invite us to embrace our lost mode of prayer as a consciousness that we become, rather than something that we do upon occasion. In words that are as simple as they are elegant, we are reminded to be “surrounded” by the answer to our prayers and “enveloped” by the conditions that we choose to experience. In the modern idiom, this description suggests that to effect change in our world, we are invited to first have the feelings within us that the change has happened around us. Once we allow the qualities of peace in our mind, and fuel our prayer through feelings of peace in our body, our lost mode of prayer states that the outcome has already happened. ancient Essenes, the mysterious authors of the Dead Sea Scrolls, invite us to embrace our lost mode of prayer as a consciousness that we become, rather than something that we do upon occasion. In words that are as simple as they are elegant, we are reminded to be “surrounded” by the answer to our prayers and “enveloped” by the conditions that we choose to experience. In the modern idiom, this description suggests that to effect change in our world, we are invited to first have the feelings within us that the change has happened around us. Once we allow the qualities of peace in our mind, and fuel our prayer through feelings of peace in our body, our lost mode of prayer states that the outcome has already happened. Quantum science now takes this idea one step further, stating that it is precisely such conditions of feeling that creation responds to, by matching the feeling(prayer) of our inner world with like conditions in our outer world. In the early 1980’s these effects were documented through studies of prayer and meditation in Israel, in addition to urban areas of crime in the U.S., the Philippines and India. In the presence of focused and intentional practices of thought, feeling and emotion measurable decreases in crime and terrorism were observed and recorded. The studies eliminated the possibility of “coincidence” stemming from nature, such as well known lunar cycles, or changes in social policy or law enforcement procedures. Clearly, there was a direct, observable and measurable effect of behavior patterns correlating with focused and intentional prayer and meditation. Scientists suspect that the effect may be due, in part, to a forgotten relationship described as a “field effect” between thought, feeling and emotion and the molecular levels of the world around us. As modern science continues to validate a relationship between our inner thoughts, feelings and dreams with the outer world that surrounds us, we open the door to a powerful bridge that links the world of our prayers with that of our experience. In light of such research, what is the potential of applying such subtle principles of prayer to an outcome of collective healing, global peace and graceful transition through the challenges that await us in the new millennium?


How Do You Feel? by Guy Spiro

"How do you feel?" is a question that can be asked on different levels. Most often it is a polite query, not particularly sincere, asked as a greeting. Other times, it is asked in earnest, as when one really cares about the other person. Over the years, I have come to appreciate the importance of how one feels in ways I did not anticipate when I was younger. The first thing I would communicate is that how we feel is not outside of our control or responsibility. All too many people behave as if their feelings are always in response to outside stimuli and that they have no control over them. This is an error that must be recognized and overcome if a person is ever to become whole. We can and must learn to replace habitual negative emotions with positive ones. It is a choice that with some effort we can all learn to make. The emotional level has, by and large, been the most neglected. We place a premium on mental development and in recent times we have been more and more obsessed with our physical shape - but the emotions, we have paid very little attention to. As more and more people are realizing, however, it is our feelings rather than our thoughts that have the greatest impact on our immediate surroundings, in our lives and on the world at large. The level of thought is at a higher vibration than emotion and is therefore somewhat insulated from the physical. Thought precedes action but it moves through the level of emotion before it can reach the physical. Thought can drive one crazy, but the emotions can make you physically ill and bring about all of the undesirable conditions you can imagine in life. The emotional level is next to the physical and has a direct impact upon it. Ignoring the emotions has been an error of the worst kind. "Don't worry, be happy" may be simplistic, but it is true. Jesus said, "Birds of a feather flock together." What He meant was that like attracts like. What we think is important. How we feel is essential. The positive feelings of love, joy, appreciation and gratitude can be cultivated consciously. These are treasures piled up in heaven. Jesus also said, "To they who have, more will be added; to those who have not, more will be taken away." How do you feel?

----------------------------Bridging Personality and Spirit

by Maurie D. Pressman, M.D.

Welcoming God into the Lives We Live Sustaining the Superconscious demands practice - but it grows with each repetition. I have a dear friend, an author, who has suffered a series of strokes. Her mind is clear, but she is unable to write, hardly able to care for herself -- and she is in pain. She is in the kind of pain that makes her pray for the release of transcendence through death. But she has learned how to raise her mind onto the upper planes of quietude and Superconsciousness. By doing this, she goes beyond her body and enters a state of joyous surrender, a kind of bliss, which releases her from the body. To sustain it demands practice, and the quietude of bliss within her (which comes only in flashes and only for a moment) will grow with each repetition, becoming longer in duration and more and more frequent. It will be that she will live there longer and longer and ultimately forever. And so it can be with us.

There is another, a patient of mine, who is a very accomplished businessman. In the middle of a much-harried visit to Florida, he took fifteen minutes for meditation. In a moment he was vaulted to a stratosphere from which he looked down and with amusement as he reviewed the entire struggle in which he was engaged. After that, he carried on in a more flowing way, without the "oh-so-serious concern" about how it would all turn out. During that fifteen minutes, he had experienced a beautiful release of pleasure, and saw a joyous beauty in all the world which surrounded him. He was in the Superconscious, the Supermind, which resides both within and above. It was the Supermind to which he had surrendered. These, the times of surrender, are the occasions when the best is produced: the ice-skater who lets the music flow through, unselfconsciously getting concern out of the way. The skater is lifted high above, and directed from On-High, and one can feel the beauty of the movement while joining souls with the skater. Shakespeare, in the midst of his many inspired moments, saw this, and lived up there, I believe. It was perhaps with hidden amusement that he described all the world as a stage, and we as but actors. And so, in all of these instances, there is a recognition of and a surrender to the Mind beyond mind, the Mind above mind, the Mind which reaches ever upward to join with God, in surrender to God -- to live in consonance with and by the hand of God. How can we incorporate this in our day-to-day character? By reminding ourselves at every moment, that the ego is a small and separate thing which gets in the way of joining with and flowing with the Supermind that we are. There are impediments: we call them neuroses. A personal example: I, having had many realizations during the silence of meditation, have so often later felt despair, thinking, "These meditations are small; they are only mine." I have been the victim of my own neurosis, which nurtured self-doubts grown from a deeply ingrained sense of inferiority. This neurotic feeling is itself a separation from God. It is a claim of the ego, making it and me, feel not good enough, separate, and overly responsible, saying "I should be doing more," instead of letting it be done as I let myself join in service to the Above. As another example, my patient the businessman would travel through life so sadly, in spite of so many accomplishments, in spite of a great and good heart. The least lack of accomplishment, or the least separation from his ideal of the perfect performance, brought on a crushing sense of guilt, a feeling of failure, relentless self-criticism -- all of which separated him from the joyous field he had witnessed, and from the realization of the accomplishments of his great love. His neurosis was inherited from early training at the hands of a very critical father -- and it remained into his adult years. Insofar as he crushed himself with a sense of failure, he squandered his energy, and stood separately away from surrender to the All, away from realizing the greatness of his so many accomplishments. The lady, the author who was able to lift her consciousness in spite of her strokes, had lived a life of bristling separateness from people. But now, she was joined with not only her higher consciousness, the mind above, but also with a coterie of friends who loved her and whom she loved. They were friends who served her as she served them with the beauty of her teaching, and a closeness of heart. With attention to how the voice of ego misleads us, awareness that we are so much more than that, and making a point of remembering to practice aligning ourselves with the Supermind which is truly an inseparable part of ourselves, we can increase our peace and comfort with the life we lead.

Maurie D. Pressman, M.D. is the author of Enter the Supermind and co-author (with Patricia Joudry) of Twin Souls: A Guide to Finding Your True Spiritual Partner. Dr. Pressman is Emeritus Chairman of Psychiatry at the Albert Einstein Medical Center in Philadelphia and Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Temple University Health Sciences Center. He is Medical Director at the Center for Psychiatric Wellness, clinics that operate in Philadelphia and Haddonfield, N.J. These clinics bridge traditional and spiritual psychotherapy. Dr. Pressman can be reached at 200 Locust Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106; telephone 215-922-0204; fax 215-922-3008; Email: [email protected]; web: www.mauriepressman.com. -----------------------------Sound Matters by Steven Halpern MEDITATION, MOSQUITOES AND THE GREAT SMOKIES

How many of you have found a place in nature that really feels like "home"? A place that lends itself to contemplation and meditation . . . a place that's more than merely relaxing . . . that lifts your spirits and transports you into the subtle realms of consciousness. In the summer months, many people get out in nature and experience the joy that the natural rhythm entrainment and resonance with the earth's electro-magnetic field provides. But isn't it ironic that in most of these wonderful outdoor places there is also the accompanying noise and annoyance of traffic, airplanes or mosquitoes, whether you're in the mountains or at the beach, at a park, in the Midwest or in Hawaii. I remember getting off the plane in Michigan to speak at a July 4th , 1978 spiritual conference. I can still recall my surprise when they handed us what they called "mosquito repellent" - two large bricks! A similar repellent was handed to me the next year in Alaska in the summer. Indeed, those mosquitoes are monsters. So it is with great joy that I share with you my discovery of an extraordinary place that I have found . . . that feels like "home." It's a power point for meditation and does not have mosquitoes! This land is located in the Great Smoky Mountains near Asheville, North Carolina. At least one of the reasons why it doesn't have mosquitoes is because at 4,400 feet, it's above their comfort zone. There is also a natural vortex on the property. Most everyone who has visited has experienced the specialness of the land, and that includes some of the workmen and contractors I've met up there. Unfortunately, you can't visit it as easily as you can a public park or a tour destination. But that's all the more reason that it will stay wonderful and protected, to be shared by those who would truly appreciate its unique gifts.

Smoky Mountain Sound Sanctuary

It's called the Smoky Mountain Sound Sanctuary and I'd like to tell you a little more about it. Let me place my remarks in a historical perspective, at least based on my own quest to find such a place.

Listening to the Sounds of Silence Think about it. Have you ever found a vacation or meditation spot where you don't hear a large amount of man-made sounds? Even most retreat and meditation centers that I've been to are often subject to the sounds of trucks and cars from nearby roads - or else they're in a fairly active air corridor so that the airplane noise breaks the meditative mood on a regular or irregular basis. At several well-known spiritual centers, I've been amazed that the obnoxious sound of an electrical generator or loudly ticking clock was the most obvious sound of the soundscape. To me that's like meditating while sitting on a thumbtack! Yes, you can learn to overcome and transcend these distractions - but why bother? Wouldn't it make more sense to incorporate more "sound awareness" (and soundproofing) into the design in the first place? I certainly think so. I recall a yoga center in the Bahamas that I visited in 1978. It was next door to Club Med. There was actually a "sound war" going on, where Club Med aimed their huge disco speakers at the yogis to disrupt any inner peace that they might be achieving through their yoga practice.

The Tuning of the World There's a classic book on the subject of sound awareness that I highly recommend to you. It's called The Tuning of the World by one of the great pioneers in the field, R. Murray Schafer. It is an inspirational and uplifting read, as well as being highly informative. This book will assist you in raising your consciousness about the soundscape in which you live. (Dr. Schafer, in fact, is generally credited as being the person who coined the term soundscape). I read recently that another great pioneer, Bernie Krause, has started a foundation called One Square Inch of Silence. They are trying to get the government to mandate certain preserved areas, just like we have preserved forests, in which there are no man-made sounds. That includes trucks, airplanes, jet skis and dune buggies. There are very few such places in our country - let alone on our planet. If you have more information on this organization, please get in touch with me.

The Sounds of Silence and Nature When you really stop, listen and pay attention, it is amazing how much naturally occurring sound there is. Many city dwellers, when they get out into the country, find that the sound of crickets or cicadas is highly irritating. In many cases it is highly stressful for them, even more so than the city noises to which they have become accustomed. So. Just because a sound is natural doesn't mean that it is meditative. Consider the buzzing or humming of a mosquito. For most people, that is one of the sounds that instantly gets them out of a meditative, contemplative mode.

I've listened to many of the nature recordings on the market, and am amazed at the non-relaxing choices that some of the producers have made. They're either poorly recorded or definitely unrelaxing examples of natural sounds. On the other hand, part of what makes the Smoky Mountain Sound Sanctuary so special is the exquisite quality of the natural sounds that provide an ongoing concert. They cleanse the doors of perception as they cleanse the mind, just by being there. There are two houses on the land, which are bordered on either side by two mountain streams which provide stereophonic streaming audio, pun intended. The whispering wind in the trees completes the non-stop concert. I can't tell you how extraordinarily refreshing and how creatively stimulating it is to be in this environment. If you are interested in seeing or hearing more about this, please contact our office via e-mail, [email protected]. The Sanctuary is available for small workshops as well as for personal and private use for spiritual and physical renewal.

STEVEN HALPERN is an award-winning composer, recording artist and sound healer of over 60 albums. For over 25 years, he has been an impassioned advocate of the healing powers of music for health, healing and spiritual growth. He has just established the Steven Halpern Foundation to help bring SOUND HEALING to a much wider audience in hospices, hospitals and schools. For more information on his music, visit him at his website at www.stevenhalpern.com or call 800/909-0707 for a free newsletter and catalog. ---------------------------------Frontier Science and Social Change by Paul Von Ward

REALM OF UNSPOKEN WORDS: A PRINCIPLE OF VIBRATION Enabling integrity: Defusing the thoughts that undermine our spoken words. Unspoken words charged with significant emotion (subtle energy) have a more powerful impact than words spoken without such energy.

For every spoken word there may be from ten to a thousand unspoken ones. How many times do we internally debate what to say, or not say, before we speak? Sometimes we speak spontaneously, but most often we deliberate, self censoring to say things a particular way. Does this internal self-talk influence external reality? I believe it does. Thoughts -- the words or ideas we don't speak -- send their vibrations into the subtle energy and physical realms just as spoken words do. In fact, unspoken words charged with significant emotion (subtle energy) have a more powerful impact than words spoken without such energy. The energetic contrast between a deeply felt silent prayer (sending of one's energy to another) and a ritualistic public prayer is palpable by any of us. If we can sense the difference, then so can the other beings and the natural universe that respond to our prayers. [The subject of emotion and subtle energies relates to the Principle of Vibration, one of seven Hermetic Principles.1 They comprise a basis for scientific study allegedly given to humans by an

advanced being (AB) more than 6,000 BP. We know him by various names, including Thoth or Seth in Egypt, Manu in India, Hermes in Greece, and the Serpent of the Adam and Eve story in Genesis. They account for complexity in the universe and in humans not explained by the four laws of physics and other modern scientific principles,2]

Ideas Cohere Energy and Shape Matter Most of us already know the fundamental level of the physical universe consists of vibrating waves and particles of energy quanta. (If this doesn't make sense, you may wish to review books like those listed below3 dealing with the new physics and the ancient discipline of sacred geometry.) If everything in the physical world consists of vibrations, the Principle of Correspondence predicts that other forces (thoughts and emotions) also have a vibratory nature for subtle sense interactions with matter and energy. Thoughts appear to be the most manipulable -- by conscious intent -- and, thus, the most creative form of vibration. Next comes subtle energy or emotional vibrations* and then those of physical matter and energy. In this hierarchy of our energetic/vibratory universe, distinct thoughts have the power to cohere subtle energy that concentrates matenergy into physical forms.** This dominant flow of influence is evidenced by research in a variety of fields (mind/body healing, subtle sense communications, mind-influence-on-matter experiments).2 A reciprocal but less powerful flow of influence is also self evident, e.g., the effects of fatigue on emotions and drugs on consciousness. In the organism of our universe, human expression of intent or desire activates the vibration of subtle energy. While we do not yet understand the mechanism, there is adequate evidence (e.g., psychokinesis, changes in one's body by conscious intent, stimulating a response in another's body by mental focus) of the fact that thoughts activate some form of energetic vibration that acts on the physical realm,. If my expressed desire softens the clustering of molecules in a spoon to allow me to easily bend it, there is no question that a similar expression can cause a physical reaction in another's organic body. (Use of this power -- that we all have -- got me into trouble when my lover was a co-worker in a formal government office.) If I can, through the silent expression of positive intent, help a friend's body to heal, then there is no question that my silent expression of disdain or hate can make another feel ill at ease, or worse.

Our Thoughts Influence Others Often our inner thoughts about others seem reinforced by their behavior toward us. Should we be surprised that people for whom we have a hidden dislike seem not to like us, either? The explanation for this unspoken reciprocity lies in the dynamics of our three-faceted universe. If it is true that all three facets (mind, emotion and matenergy) are on some common or connected vibratory spectrum, then one cannot hide the vibrations of one's thoughts from the subtle senses of another. Therefore, if we want to exchange positive emotions with others, we must express them in our thoughts as well as spoken words. What if we want harmony to prevail, but we cannot hold in check our thoughts of disdain for some aspect of another? Unless the other can resist our own negative inner vibrations and persist in expressing unconditional acceptance (some martyrs are able to do this), we receive back the same energetic frequency that we covertly express. The response of a tuning fork to a particular sound vibration represents this principle of frequency resonance. At one level, this explains why

the United States has so much violence. The hostile thoughts the majority has about all who are different can only call forth a reciprocal response in those considered alien. If we overtly say we love another race or another religious group or people with different sexual preferences, but to ourselves say that we detest or reject their nature, we undermine our own message of love. The vibration that goes the farthest and has the deepest impact is the one we most dearly hold. And that is the one we are most likely to admit only to ourselves. Until we can achieve energetic (emotional) congruence between what we publicly express and what we devote inner energy to, we help create the world we dislike or fear. This is the scientific basis for the saying, "If I want to change the world, I must start with myself."

How Can We Be Constructive? In our interconnected, fully alive universe, the most powerful contribution we make to the nature of future reality consists of the vibrations we emit through the unceasing symphony or cacophony of our unspoken words. This explains why politicians, diplomats, and everyone else who do not speak their true feelings poison the field of subtle energies, laying the basis for their own failure. This principle works with two people or with a nation. How can we avoid the negative effect of our antipathy for people and behaviors different from our own? In an interesting paradox of a universe informed by principles like that of vibration and polarity, the answer lies not in trying to make ourselves like them, but in the acceptance of their differences. With that deliberate act of acceptance comes the transmutation of our own negative projections into positive ones. When I accept others with their differences, rather than in spite of them, I transmit vibrations that invite a positive response rather than compel it. In other words, when expression of our love is contingent -- even though unstated -- on change in the other, we emit internally inconsistent vibrations. That inconsistency is palpable to the other's subtle senses whether we intend it or not. Such cacophony can only lead to further disharmony in our relations. If we desire harmony, we must make a choice: Explicitly acknowledge either our unspoken contingency or accept the other as is. Making this choice, even if it involves maintaining our unease about the difference, changes the energetic dynamics. By owning our unspoken negative feelings, we cease projecting them towards the other. So even if we do not immediately "love our enemy," the cessation of our unspoken negative emissions allows the vibrations in our own energy field to become positive. Then the principle of frequency resonance causes us to attract positive emotions from others rather than negative ones. Instead of our unspoken disdain of the other causing him to repel us, we have enlarged the circle of acceptance to encompass both.

* The subtle energies of our emotional field flow through the chakra system. ** Ordinary matter and energy are simply the obverse aspects (polarities) of the same phenomenon: one converts to the other. Thus, I use the term "matenergy." 1. Three Initiates. The Kybalion: A Study of the Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece (The Yogi Publication Society: Chicago, 1912). 2. Von Ward, Paul. Solarian Legacy: Metascience & A New Renaissance. (Inner Eye Books, Livermore, CA, 1998). 3. Taking the Quantum Leap by Fred Alan Wolf. (Harper & Row: San Francisco, 1981); The Dancing Wu Li Masters by Gary Zukav. (William Morrow: New York, 1979); and Science and Human Transformation by William A. Tiller. (Pavior, Walnut Creek, CA, 1997).

Paul Von Ward is a cosmologist emphasizing the fields of prehistory, frontier science, and consciousness studies. Visit his web site www.vonward.com for samples from his work on The Emerging New Human Story. His book SOLARIAN LEGACY: Metascience & A New Renaissance is available in bookstores or on www.Amazon.com. Autographed copies can be ordered directly from [email protected].) Paul Von Ward Web Site http://www.vonward.com

----------------------------------From the Heart - Bigger than Hope by Alan Cohen

HEALING ALLOWED Healing is allowed wherever it is chosen.

While I was presenting a program at a long-established spiritual retreat center, several participants and I were eating lunch at a picnic bench next to a snack bar. As we finished, one of the participants stood behind me and began to gently massage my neck and shoulders. I, of course, was delighted to receive this gift. I sat at the bench with my eyes closed, soaking it up. Suddenly I was jarred by a deep voice booming, "No healing allowed here!" I was certain this was another student playing a joke, and I opened my eyes to see who it was. To my surprise, the retreat center security guard was standing behind us. He looked the part: burly, a close-shorn crew cut, and a well-substantiated gut brimming over his belt. His name badge said "George." I looked at George in disbelief. "I'm sorry," George uttered authoritatively. "No healing is allowed on the campus except in the healing temple. If you want to be healed, you have to go there." I looked around at my friends and we cracked up. We thought this was a practical joke. After all, who would make a rule against someone being healed? We looked again at George and realized this was no joke. The student removed her hands from my shoulders and sat down. After lunch I walked back to my room for a siesta. By that time I decided the situation was quite funny. Who, then, do you think I encountered along the way? You guessed it -- Officer George. I decided I would have some fun with George. "Sorry about that healing back there," I told him. "I can't imagine what came over me." George remained quite serious. "I hope you understand. If I let you do healing there, before you know it, people will be healing all over the place!" I had to muster all the will power I could to keep a straight face. I told George, "And that's the last thing we would want to see happen, isn't it?" "That's right," he answered. I dashed to my room, closed my door, and roared. This was too strange to be true. Then I remembered a Bible story that put my experience in perspective. Jesus was admonished by the Pharisees for healing on the Sabbath. Now, if you value healing, you would love to see anyone who needed healing, receive it, right? My God, if you were in pain and someone came along who could help you feel better, you would jump at the opportunity. But

not the Pharisees; they had rules, you know. Later Jesus chastised them, "You pay more attention to the letter of the law than the spirit. . . . You strain over a gnat, and miss the whole camel." Now I'm sure that George was a very nice man, and he was just doing his job to the best of his ability. I took the experience as a lesson that I cannot afford to miss the Big Picture because I have gotten caught in the details. And what about other ways that we push healing away? What about the various actions we believe are prerequisites for healing? Do you believe that you need to attain a certain level of spiritual purity before you can be healed? Or quit smoking? Or meet the right guru? Or master your sexual desires? Or be a vegetarian? Or have the right mate? Or earn enough money to have the right medical treatment? Or lose 10 pounds? Or? Or? Or? Healing can happen anywhere, in any way, under any circumstances, through any person or avenue. The universe is always trying to deliver well-being to us. There are no obstacles outside of us. The only obstacle is our own resistance to it. No external condition whatsoever is required for healing. The only conditions are internal. What makes or breaks healing is our belief, our desire, our willingness, our openness, our readiness. One thing is for sure: the moment you are ready and willing, the healing must come. A Course in Miracles tells us that all that is required for healing is "a little willingness," and that "the real doctor is the mind of the patient." We choose doctors or external agents who tell us what we want to hear. If you want to be healed, you will find a doctor who will tell you that you can get better. If you hold some investment in staying ill, there are plenty of doctors who will agree with you. When my mother was seeing an oncologist, one day I accompanied her to his office and asked him about my mother's prognosis. He told me it was not good. When I asked him if there was anything he could do for her, he answered, "We are not the masters of biology." Right then and there I knew he and I had nothing to talk about. He believed that cells are in charge of the universe, and I believed souls are in charge of the universe. End of conversation. My mother, you see, was ready to leave. A few months later she passed away, but before she did, she told me that she was ready to go. She told me that she had led a good life, she was very proud of me, and she had done everything she had wanted to do. It was her choice to move on. Interesting, isn't it, that she picked a doctor who agreed with what she intended to do anyway? There are many cancer patients who are not ready to go, and they find Bernie Siegels and Andrew Weils and others who say, "You have a choice. If you choose to be alive and well, I can help you to do that." These doctors would be the first to admit that they are not the source of healing; they are the agents chosen by the patients to assist them with their intentions. Patients who realize that spirit is the master of life, not biology. Healing is allowed here. Healing is allowed wherever it is chosen.

Alan Cohen is the author of 15 popular inspirational books, including the award-winning A Deep Breath of Life To order Alan's new novel, My Father's Voice or request a free catalog of Alan's books, tapes, and seminars, call 1?800?462?3013 or visit Alan's web site at www.alancohen.com. Join Alan this November for an adventure in Egypt! Contact Alan's office at 455A Kukuna Road, Haiku, HI 96708, (800) 568?3079 or email: [email protected].

--------------------------The Shared Heart - New Dimensions by Joyce and Barry Vissell

with Joyce and Barry Vissell

DANGER ON THE SUBWAY In the spring of 1966, as a naïve, energetic nineteen-year-old woman, I placed my life in extreme danger without even the faintest idea of what I was doing. Strong-willed and stubborn, I was used to setting my will to achieve a goal and pushing aside every barrier that came my way. I always considered myself a spiritual person, but when it came to making decisions and achieving my goals, I depended on my own will power. I sometimes followed the decision with a prayer, but it was always an afterthought, secondary in importance. In my sophomore year at Hartwick College in Oneonta, New York, I decided I needed to get a specialty education so that I could begin working at a good job as soon as I finished college. I chose nursing and selected Columbia University in New York City. I could graduate with an RN and BS. Saying a tearful good-bye to my then boyfriend, Barry, I left the security of small town Oneonta and traveled to New York City for an admittance interview. I had never been to the big city and didn't know what to expect. I set my will, braved buses and subways and arrived at the school in the afternoon. The interview the next day went well and I decided this was the next step I would take in my life. I would transfer to Columbia Presbyterian Nursing School in the fall. That night I became homesick for all that was familiar, especially Barry. I got out the bus and subway schedules and realized if I left the dorm at 3:30am, I could get a 5:00am bus out of Grand Central Station and be back with Barry by 10:00am. The next available bus to Oneonta would arrive in the evening. I set my will; I was getting on that earlier bus. I got up at 3:00am, quickly packed and quietly crept down to the front entrance of the dorm. The way was barred by a big security guard who was sound asleep in a chair immediately in front of the door. He woke with a start as I tried to exit, took a moment to focus his eyes on me, and finally said gruffly, "Where do you think you're going, young lady?" I politely explained my plans to him, "I take a subway to Harlem, then transfer and take a subway to Grand Central." A look of alarm came across his face. "I can't let you out of these doors!" was his urgent reply. "You're risking your life going to Harlem in the middle of the night!"

"You can't stop me!" was my stubborn reply. "I'm a guest here, not a student." I stood there, resolute. To my surprise, his eyes filled with tears as he looked at me and said, "I'm afraid for your life. Please let me say a prayer for you." He took my hands and said a fervent prayer for my protection. My will was so set, however, that I hardly heard his prayer. I pushed open the door and set out into the night. The early morning air was cool and I zipped my coat up higher. I got on the subway at 168th St. and got off at Harlem. As soon as I exited the train and stepped onto the litter-strewn platform, the enormity of my mistake hit me. With growing panic, I looked around as the train sped away. Not only was I the only white person down there, but I was also the only female. There were no police. I later learned that the situation in Harlem in the mid '60s was so dangerous that no policeman, regardless of race, would take the subway night shift in the section I was in. I had always had a deep respect for Afro-Americans, but the situation I had put myself in was definitely dangerous. A nearby group of young gang members turned around to gawk at me, obviously taken aback by the audacity - or maybe they felt insanity - of this young woman who had just entered their dark world. A pair of drunken men swayed back and forth passing a bottle between them. As if that weren't enough, I even noticed a young man sitting on a bench injecting something into his arm. To my horror, I realized that my own will power was not going to be enough for this nightmare. I stood frozen with fear, my legs suddenly feeling unsteady beneath me. Then my mother's words came to me, "When you're afraid, just repeat the 23rd Psalm and it will give you courage." In a quiet but urgent voice, I began, "The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want..." I repeated these soothing words as I walked past five gang members with knives in their hands, past rowdy drunks who stumbled across my path and past a desperate-looking man shaking so violently he could barely stand. I repeated, "Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me…" as I climbed stairs filled with the stench of urine. At the top of the stairs a young man almost knocked me over as he ran past, trying to get away from a second man who was pursuing him. I crossed platforms and, while I waited for the next train, it felt to me that I had an invisible shield of protection around me, a loving good Shepherd that was bringing me back to safety. Once back in secure surroundings, I felt the full impact of what had just happened to me. Tears welled up in my eyes. I knew that I could never go back to my old way of being. Asking for God's protection and guidance in any situation had become more important than setting my own will. I had learned to trust in God's protection and plan for me as the most important priority in my life. On that dark and gloomy subway on an early spring morning, God, the infinite presence of love, had become primary rather than secondary in my life.

Treat yourself to the Vissell's newest book, Meant To Be: Miraculous True Stories To Inspire a Lifetime of Love, containing 38 of the most amazing and inspiring love stories you will ever read. Look for it at your favorite bookstore. Here are a few opportunities to bring more growth into your life, at the following longer events led by Barry and Joyce Vissell: June 19-25-Living Your Vision training at their home; June 28-July 3Couples Renewal at their home; July 16-21-White Water Adventure in Northern CA; July 23-28Breitenbush Hot Springs Family Retreat in Oregon. Joyce and Barry Vissell, a nurse and medical doctor couple since 1964, are also the authors of The Shared Heart, Models of Love, Risk To Be Healed, and The Heart's Wisdom.

Call TOLL-FREE 1-800-766-0629 (locally 831-684-2299) or write to the Shared Heart Foundation, P.O. Box 2140, Aptos, CA 95001, for a free newsletter from Barry and Joyce, further information on their books, tapes and training programs, or their schedule of talks and workshops. Visit their web site at www.sharedheart.org -------------------------------------

Letters of wisdom and affirmation Louise L. Hay is a metaphysical teacher and the best selling author of 23 books, including You Can Heal Your Life, Empowering Women, and Letters to Louise. Since beginning her career as a Science of Mind minister in 1981, she has assisted thousands of people in discovering and using the full potential of their own creative powers for personal growth and self-healing. Louise's works have been translated into 25 different languages in 33 countries throughout the world. Dear Louise, I am very confused. I want to make lots of changes in my life, and I do have some ideas about a possible direction. However, every time I take a step forward, it seems like a door slams in my face. I don't understand what to do -- persist? Change tactics? I'm afraid to go with the flow because that's how I got here. I'm suddenly closing myself off from the world. Any ideas? S.K., Denver, CO Dear S.K., Most confusion stems from fear. Somewhere in your childhood you learned to look at life in a fearful manner, so now you hesitate before doing anything. If things don't go right, it scares you even more. Begin with small steps that will help you create safety for yourself. Use the affirmation: I AM SAFE, AND ALL IS WELL. EVERYTHING IS WORKING OUT FOR MY HIGHEST GOOD. ONLY GOOD COMES INTO MY LIFE. Affirm this constantly. Make it a walking mantra, something you say over and over to yourself. When your inner child believes that this is true, your whole life will take a new, positive direction.

Dear Louise, I have had catamenial epilepsy since the age of 16. I am now 30. Just before I contracted epilepsy, I used to pretend to faint in order to get attention and affection from my parents, who never touched me or communicated much. In many ways, epilepsy has humbled me and shown me the meaning of compassion. I am grateful for this lesson, but I truly can't stand the seizures anymore. I am the black sheep of my family and have always been labeled the troublemaker. My father told me when I was 15 that I was a loser. I've gone through tremendous steps of healing and forgiveness. But the truth is that I am still co-dependent on my father for financial income because when I have seizures, I cannot work for a week. He is always complaining about his money situation, and I feel

guilty about being a burden. I wish to be independent and self-reliant. What can I do? C.S., Santa Monica, CA Dear C.S., What happens the day before you have a seizure? Begin to take notice. There has to be a pattern that relates to the fainting spells you faked as a teenager. I feel that these episodes are a way of punishing your father. You have so much stuff with your father that needs to be unraveled and healed. I would begin by sitting down in front of a mirror and talking to your dad. Tell him how much you missed his love and support when you were young. Then tell him that you truly forgive him now. On a daily basis, say, "I love you and I forgive you." Do this every time he comes into your mind. Drop the guilt, and love yourself in every way that you can. You and your father are mirrors of each other, and love will heal you both. An affirmation to use is: I AM ONE WITH THE POWER AND WISDOM OF THE UNIVERSE. I CLAIM THIS POWER, AND IT IS EASY FOR ME TO STAND UP FOR MYSELF AND SO IT IS!

Dear Louise, I'm 17 years old and have found your affirmations very powerful and helpful. About five months ago, I went through a terrible state of anxiety, but I pulled through. However, I started getting floaters --that is, I see black dots or a small shadow float by my eyes. I've gone to an ophthalmologist who told me that my eyes are perfect, that everybody sees floaters, and not to worry. They drive me completely insane because almost every time I move my eyes, I see one. Instead of ignoring them, I follow them with my eyes, and they are a big distraction to me. This is not distorted vision from anxiety-it's just debris in my eye. I was wondering if you could please send me an affirmation to say, along with any advice on getting rid of this problem. M. K., Chicago, IL Dear M.K., The eyes, of course, are our windows to the world. It is how we learned to look at life when we were children. Sometimes we grow up very fast and feel robbed of our childhoods. This could form an unwillingness to see things as they really were at the time. Floaters are quite common, and many people have them. I would recommend two things. First, search your memory to see if this problem really is recent or whether it's been happening to you for a number of years, perhaps even back to your early years. If so, working with a therapist or practitioner who understands inner-child work can help heal patterns established in childhood. If you truly feel that this issue is very new, then I highly recommend a wonderful book called Healthy Healing-an Alternative Healing Reference, by Linda G. Rector Page, N.D., Ph.D. It is a great source for alternative healing techniques. You can probably find it in your local health food store. Second, an affirmation to use is: I RELEASE ANYTHING FROM MY PAST THAT CLOUDS MY VISION. I SEE THE PERFECTION IN ALL OF LIFE.

For a free catalog of books, audios, videos, and other products by Louise Hay and other Hay House authors, please call (800) 654-5126 or fax (800) 650-5115. If you would like Louise to answer your letter in this publication, address your letter to: Dear Louise Column, c/o Hay House, Inc., P.O. Box 5100, Carlsbad, CA 92018-5100. Please visit the Hay House Website at: hayhouse.com. (Letters used in this column may be edited for length and clarity.) For information on becoming a certified teacher of Louise Hay's philosophy, call Patricia Crane at (800) 969-4584 in the U.S. and Canada, or at (714) 969-9383 internationally. There are teachers trained in Louise's philosophy throughout the world. They are all listed on the Internet at louisehayteachers.com ----------------------------

The way we think... ...causes the way we feel. . . ...and the way we feel. . . ...causes the way we vibrate ...and the way we vibrate. . . ...IS HOW WE ATTRACT!! Here is a short list of things you will learn from this course: •

The Four Steps of Deliberate Creation-everything you need to create what you want in your life

How to identify what you want and how to use your don't wants to create your wants

How to take your wants and intend and allow them to happen

Learning that we are not separate and that separation is an illusion

How your feelings attract what you are getting in your life

How to consciously control your feelings so that you attract what you want

How to unblock past experiences so they don't limit your creations

It's our feelings (emotions) that make things happen, not our thoughts

How all issues are lessons and how to change your issues

Extensive explanation of each of the four steps to Deliberate Creation

And more, much more....

The exercises will teach you things like:

How to stop being a victim and start creating your ideal life

How to be aware of how powerful your feelings are

How to identify limiting beliefs that stop you from creating your ideal life

How to identify the difference in frequency between a negative and a positive feeling

Learning to flip from the low negative frequency to a high frequency, no matter what is happening around you

How to own your life-past, present, and future

How to feel the difference between a Want and a Don't Want

And more, much, much more....

--------------------------Lynn Grabhorn Author of the New York Times Best Seller, Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting, as well as the famous Excuse Me...PLAYBOOK, and now two more to complete your understanding of our universe, and where you might want to end up. The trilogy (Excuse Me..., Dear God..., and Planet Two...) is probably the most significant, compelling and important group of books ever published for those of us who intend to go well beyond where we are now. Lynn has gone.. Read her message to YOU.. To all my friends, family, and the rest of you wonderful guys... My work here on this planet is done, and I've now joined others of the Light in a higher dimension to help facilitate the forthcoming "Birth" that this planet and universe is about to experience. 1 Hour Please. PLEASE! If you have to grieve for me, hold it down to a couple of minutes, and then be done with it, for that kind of energy placed on one who has just "left" can be torturous. Frankly, I'm excited about where I'm going, and what's coming down for all of us. Yes, both hard times and great times are coming, but I beg you, STAY with the principles of "Excuse Me..." Teach those principles in seminars, workshops, books, speaking engagements, and oneone-. That is more important than I could ever put into words. Let people know of the steps in "Dear God...", so critically important to every individual. And then get them into the fun and excitement of "Planet Two." Teach! Spread the word! Make it UN-woo-woo, and totally down to earth. You're a hearty, determined bunch, and while I may not know you in human person, I love you so very much. Don't stop...don't stop...DON'T STOP!!!!!!!!! You're going to be a part of an amazing new world and universe that is almost finished. My deepest love to you all, Lynn Grabhorn Beyond The 12 Steps f you're in a twelve step recovery program, you're probably also on some sort of path to spiritual rehabilitation. And it makes no difference what your addiction may have been (or is): drugs, smoking, alcohol, overeating, gambling, spending, whatever; spiritual hunger is spiritual hunger. And very, very real! Or, if it wasn't your own substance abuse or chemical dependency, perhaps there was an addict in the family. One way or the other, if you're in a twelve step program, chances are you're looking for that "something more," a spiritual healing, a "closer contact" with whatever "Higher Power" may mean to you. "Beyond the Twelve Steps" is no ordinary self-help book. With an exciting metaphysical tone,

it will absolutely take you to wherever you want to go with your spirituality, gently, lovingly, sometimes even irreverently. Says Small Press Magazine, "Truly, this is an important new book which stands out from the plethora of recovery literature. Acknowledging the debt she owes AA, Grabhorn encourages the reader to move beyond self-imposed limitations to answer the hunger, the"call to home," the longing for connection with the God within." Dear God! What Is Happening To Us? - Number Two in the Trilogy This book is NOT about "scary." On the contrary, because of Lynn's easy-going and off-hand style, you'll find you can zip through it in an enjoyable evening. Sure, this book is about Light and dark, but it's also about the secrets of existence as they have never been known or allowed to be released to us before. More important, this book is about YOU! And the trials you've endured, and why (even after "Excuse Me...if you've read it). The simple steps will take you all of a few minutes. But now it's all yours. And the transformational time-frame for you is only days away, not years and years of "hard" study. Or hard lessons. Or hard anything. FROM THE FIRST EMAILS ON FILE "I just finished your new book, and it is awesome. I ordered two more copies for friends." "I read "Excuse Me..." and am going through the "Playbook," and they have worked so well, but I couldn't seem to sustain the 'buzz.' I knew there had to be something else going on. Your book answers that. Thank you from the bottom of my heart." "I was so excited when I finished the book tonight and the six steps, I wanted to wake my wife. (Bad idea.) What a breakthrough this is going to be to all of us who participate." "Thank you, thank you for writing "Dear God..." It explains so much to me about what I've been going through." "I was a little frightened at first, but when I got to the six little steps, I almost cried. What an incredible gift you have given us." Excuse Me Your Life Is Waiting - Number One in the Trilogy "Lynn's earthy book smashes the self-help mold!" Author Lynn Grabhorn increased her income 830% in just one year, using the principles she describes in "EXCUSE ME, YOUR LIFE IS WAITING: the astonishing power of feelings." What's this book about? Why has it become so hugely popular in such a short period of time? Excuse Me tells us that every daily happening is created by our emotions, not by luck, sweat, or rosy thoughts. In her humorous, rather racy style, Lynn shows us how to turn around everything from empty bank accounts (she increased her income by 830% following these principles) to drooping relationships simply by changing our daily emotions. the astonishing power of feelings." "This is the best and most important book I've ever read." "You'll never again have to buy a self-help book. This has it all!" "I adore your down-to-earth style and humor. You've done more for my family and me in a few pages than all the counseling in the world. My god, Lynn, this stuff is dynamite! Says Lynn Grabhorn, "I had been on a ?how-to' quest for years, knocking my head against more brick walls than I care to think about. I had read almost every ?you-can-have-it-all' book ever published, diligently followed countless esoteric and spiritual avenues, and just couldn't understand why my life...though okay...was so tough. Life seemed to be just one big struggle, and I was fed up! "Then I discovered these simple jewels about emotions ruling our lives. Not only did I do a financial about face, but everything I had been studying became crystal clear. "Why on earth we never knew these simple truths before is beyond me, but we got ?em now, by golly, and I hope to heaven the whole world reads them!" Excuse Me Your Life Is Waiting – Playbook For those who desire to engage in a spiritual 12-step study group, or for the individual who desires to hasten a deeper spiritual awakening, this book will be a joy. The "Playbook" is fun, but intense. Its primary focus is aligned with the concepts in "Excuse Me," yet also embraces the more spiritually oriented material in "Beyond the Twelve Steps," and much, much more. "Our group has never been so enthusiastic about our weekly meeting since getting your Playbook." -Unity Church in Wisconsin "I thought you had given me all I could handle in "Excuse Me," but then came the Playbook. Wow! I never need to buy a self-help book again." -

Paoli, Penna "Working with your Playbook has blown me away. It is the single most exciting thing I have ever started." -Australia "Thanks from my soul for that loving Playbook." Portugal. Excuse Me, Your Life Is Waiting We all know how strong our emotions can be - but do we really appreciate that they can actually help us to achieve what we want? We sometimes disregard our feelings and carry on living life the way we have always lived it - but our emotions are in fact the key to finding a life that is the way we always dreamt it would be. Top life coach and author Lynn Grabhorn helps us to realise how negative feelings create negative energy and events, then presents the techniques we can use to recognise these negative emotions, change them into positive ones and watch the transformation begin. Written in a clear, friendly, direct style and with real-life anecdotes as examples, this book uncovers the real strength behind our emotions - and will help everyone who has ever wanted to turn their life around to achieve their true desires. Argues that feelings, rather than postive thinking or intelligence, set the tone for people's lives, and helps listeners find peace and pleasure in life by feeling rather than thinking.


The On Beyond Lynn Grabhorn Retreats By way of my introducing myself I simply present my latest retreat offering. The impact that Lynn Grabhorn, internationally known author of “Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting," has had on so many lives is impossible to measure, but wonderful to contemplate. We want to share with you the experience of being 100% LIGHT! You will learn to snorkel, swim with wild dolphins, be surrounded by your‘Ohana’ of angels, which will be returning home with you, to love you forever. The price includes, lei greeting, room dbl occ, continental breakfast, 2 hr private session with Kahuna Faith Pau'lele, ceremonies and retreat activities. Step forward into the ancient, sacred side of paradise. "I am DEDICATED to bringing together Human Angel/Teachers with Dolphin Angel/Teachers and Angel Angel/Teachers. Lynn Grabhorn is not 'gone' she is a '100% LIGHT ANGEL' now! I believe once we know, that the same water we drink and swim in today is the same water that CAME with the Earth and that it is the ONLY water Earth will EVER have, we will never forget it. Wonder what famous AVATAR you are drinking today? I am so grateful to Lynn Grabhorn. Our 'contracts' together are interesting ones, come and I will tell you all about it. You may believe you have come this way only for yourself, but you have really come this way to help others.... And Teachers 'will' Teach :-) ... so word will spread!" “We were eased into the water! So we were made comfortable and ready to swim with the dolphins. Swimming with the dolphins was ethereal, it was out of this world, the beautiful memory will be with me always!” —Tansy Marx RN

“Life will never be the same since this unique and healing retreat! Fears I had since birth seem to be gone. Prosperity surrounds me in ways I never experienced before… It just keeps coming and the DOLPHINS WOW!” — Paige Canfield, Oregon “This whole retreat was a blessing and a rebirth for me! I especially liked the very caring and protective energy you surrounded us with.” —Sylvia Muller, Austria “A fellow Qi Gong practitioner introduced me to Faith and said she was the real thing… Faith gave me the ‘present’… He was right! Faith didn’t change my life, she changed the moment. She can do the same for you if you pay attention. Absolutely the safest, most ‘ON’ people I’ve ever been with.” —Dr. Tom Seal, Washington "Everything is new and exciting. I enjoy adventures... personal snorkeling trainer and tourguide... warm companionship from knowledgeable people such that all my adventures are safe with NO worries at all. Faith O’Neill is wonderful. She’s a very, very considerate person." --Dolly Chu "The ceremonies were the best and most beautiful part! I loved the variation. Many powerful new skills to bring home! --Rob Melnychuk, Vancouver Canada "I liked that you were flexible and combined evening activities because the Angels could move differently than you expected. I loved all of this--I was ready for more Tantric Wednesday night. I was totally blown away at the care, beauty, and considered eclecticism of these ceremonies!” --Cynthia Hogue, Language Arts Professor Spiritual Retreats on both the Kona and Puna Coast’s of the Big Island of Hawaii are our specialty, but we have many other offerings which may be found on our website. [li By way of my introducing myself I simply present my latest retreat offering. The impact that Lynn Grabhorn, internationally known author of “Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting," has had on so many lives is impossible to measure, but wonderful to contemplate. We want to share with you the experience of being 100% LIGHT! You will learn to snorkel, swim with wild dolphins, be surrounded by your‘Ohana’ of angels, which will be returning home with you, to love you forever. The price includes, lei greeting, room dbl occ, continental breakfast, 2 hr private session with Kahuna Faith Pau'lele, ceremonies and retreat activities. Step forward into the ancient, sacred side of paradise. "I am DEDICATED to bringing together Human Angel/Teachers with Dolphin Angel/Teachers and Angel Angel/Teachers. Lynn Grabhorn is not 'gone' she is a '100% LIGHT ANGEL' now!

I believe once we know, that the same water we drink and swim in today is the same water that CAME with the Earth and that it is the ONLY water Earth will EVER have, we will never forget it. Wonder what famous AVATAR you are drinking today? I am so grateful to Lynn Grabhorn. Our 'contracts' together are interesting ones, come and I will tell you all about it. You may believe you have come this way only for yourself, but you have really come this way to help others.... And Teachers 'will' Teach :-) ... so word will spread!" “We were eased into the water! So we were made comfortable and ready to swim with the dolphins. Swimming with the dolphins was ethereal, it was out of this world, the beautiful memory will be with me always!” —Tansy Marx RN “Life will never be the same since this unique and healing retreat! Fears I had since birth seem to be gone. Prosperity surrounds me in ways I never experienced before… It just keeps coming and the DOLPHINS WOW!” — Paige Canfield, Oregon “This whole retreat was a blessing and a rebirth for me! I especially liked the very caring and protective energy you surrounded us with.” —Sylvia Muller, Austria “A fellow Qi Gong practitioner introduced me to Faith and said she was the real thing… Faith gave me the ‘present’… He was right! Faith didn’t change my life, she changed the moment. She can do the same for you if you pay attention. Absolutely the safest, most ‘ON’ people I’ve ever been with.” —Dr. Tom Seal, Washington "Everything is new and exciting. I enjoy adventures... personal snorkeling trainer and tourguide... warm companionship from knowledgeable people such that all my adventures are safe with NO worries at all. Faith O’Neill is wonderful. She’s a very, very considerate person." --Dolly Chu "The ceremonies were the best and most beautiful part! I loved the variation. Many powerful new skills to bring home! --Rob Melnychuk, Vancouver Canada "I liked that you were flexible and combined evening activities because the Angels could move differently than you expected. I loved all of this--I was ready for more Tantric Wednesday night. I was totally blown away at the care, beauty, and considered eclecticism of these ceremonies!” --Cynthia Hogue, Language Arts Professor Spiritual Retreats on both the Kona and Puna Coast’s of the Big Island of Hawaii

are our specialty, but we have many other offerings which may be found on our website. ----------------------------The Magic of Appreciation - By: Lynn Grabhorn There are only three states of being we run around in all day long. If we could be even a little more aware of which one we're wearing during each moment of the day, we'd have a big leg up to changing our vibrations. Victim Mode This is the oh-dear-they're-doing-it-to-me-again-and-there's-nothing-I-can-do-about-it frame of mind where we go nowhere but around in negative circles, forever magnetizing the same old same old. Flat-Lining Mode In the Flat-Lining Mode, we're neither down nor up, just bumping along on second-rate gas. We're not flowing our energy to anything, and surely not attracting anything. In FlatLining we're not only living the results of our own erratic flowing of energy, but that of everybody elses. (Like attracts likes, remember?) Very unpleasant! And what most of us do most of the time. Turned On Mode Now you're up! You're on! Your high frequencies are no longer attracting the negative vibes of others. You're fueled with the pure positive energy of well-being, vibrating in harmony with your Expanded Self, flowing positive energy out and pulling positive events in while being wrapped in unsurpassed safety and security. Victim Mode, Flat-Lining, or Turned On, we will always find ourselves in one of the three. Our goal, of course, is to make it the Turned On Mode as often and as long as we can, which is why we look to the high, high energy of appreciation. The vibration of appreciation is the most profoundly important frequency we can hold, for it is the closest thing to cosmic love that exists. When we're appreciating, we're in perfect vibrational harmony with our Source energy, or God energy -- call it what you will. You can jump-start it, or you can jam straight to the feeling, it makes no difference. What's important to know is that one minute of flowing the intense energy of appreciation overrides thousands of hours spent in Victim or Flat-Lining Modes. But take care! No fair just thinking appreciation. That won't wash. Thinking is out, feeling is in. You can't just make a decision that you're going to appreciate something and let it go at that. There has to be that surge of significant emotion flowing up from the depths of your being for this to work.

But neither does that mean you have to have just been saved from a life-threatening incident by 911 rescue workers to feel deep appreciation. In fact, flowing appreciation is really no big deal. You can flow it intensely to a street sign if you want. Don't laugh, I do that all the time stay in shape. Like any skill, flowing energy requires constant practice, and there's something so absurdly satisfying about flowing buckets of love, adoration, and appreciation to "SLOW: MEN AT WORK." I flow it to stoplights, billboards, birds overhead, a tree stump, a dead animal, a winter storm, and of course, to people. Sometimes in the supermarket I'll pick the meanest looking low-life I can find and just open up and douse the unsuspecting soul with the highest vibration I can muster. Maybe it's appreciation, maybe it's honest-to-God love. One time I did that to a scroungy old biddy who looked like she'd rather eat me than let me pass. I blasted her, and in that very moment she wheeled around, searching angrily for whatever she felt hit her, while I smiled back in pure innocence. That's my "Hug-A-Bum" game where I envision me and a perfect stranger on the street (or wherever) rushing into each other's arms like we were old best friends who hadn't seen each other for ages. You start with acceptable "targets," like someone you wouldn't mind sitting next to at a lunch counter if you had to. Then you move up, bit by bit, to targets that are increasingly difficult for you socially, until finally it doesn't make any difference what kind of slobs they are. You just see -- and deeply feel -- the two of you joyfully recognizing each other and flying together in this gigantic bear hug as profound love surges between you. I don't know how many people I've done that with while walking down a street, and watched them turn around to look for whatever it was they felt. The vibration of appreciation is also the highest, fastest vibration we can use for attraction. If we would shoot appreciation at anything and everything . . . all day long . . . we'd be guaranteed to have heaven on earth in no time, living happily ever after with more friends, more money, more beautiful relationships, in total safety, and closer to the God of our Being than it's possible to fathom. Reprinted from Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting: The Astonishing Power of Feelings by Lynn Grabhorn. Copyright © 2000 Lynn Grabhorn. Published by Hampton Roads Publishing Company. March 2003;$16.95US; 978-1-57174-381-7. There are only three states of being we run around in all day long. If we could be even a little more aware of which one we're wearing during each moment of the day, we'd have a big leg up to changing our vibrations. Lynn Grabhorn was a long-time student of the way in which thought and feelings format our lives. Raised in Short Hills, New Jersey, she began her working life in the advertising field in New York City, founded and ran an audio-visual educational publishing company in Los Angeles, and owned and ran a mortgage brokerage firm in Washington State.

Lynn's books, which also include The Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting Playbook and Beyond the Twelve Steps, have received high acclaim from all corners of the world. Her last book was Dear God! What's Happening to Us? Lynn passed away in 2004 at her home in Olympia, Washington. We all miss her. For more information, please visit www.lynngrabhorn.com ----------------------------------The Magic of Appreciation by Lynn Grabhorn There are only three states of being we run around in all day long. If we could be even a little more aware of which one we're wearing during each moment of the day, we'd have a big leg up to changing our vibrations. Victim Mode This is the oh-dear-they're-doing-it-to-me-again-and-there's-nothing-I-can-do-about-it frame of mind where we go nowhere but around in negative circles, forever magnetizing the same old same old. Flat-Lining Mode In the Flat-Lining Mode, we're neither down nor up, just bumping along on second-rate gas. We're not flowing our energy to anything, and surely not attracting anything. In Flat-Lining we're not only living the results of our own erratic flowing of energy, but that of everybody elses. (Like attracts likes, remember?) Very unpleasant! And what most of us do most of the time. Turned On Mode Now you're up! You're on! Your high frequencies are no longer attracting the negative vibes of others. You're fueled with the pure positive energy of well-being, vibrating in harmony with your Expanded Self, flowing positive energy out and pulling positive events in while being wrapped in unsurpassed safety and security. Victim Mode, Flat-Lining, or Turned On, we will always find ourselves in one of the three. Our goal, of course, is to make it the Turned On Mode as often and as long as we can, which is why we look to the high, high energy of appreciation. The vibration of appreciation is the most profoundly important frequency we can hold, for it is the closest thing to cosmic love that exists. When we're appreciating, we're in perfect vibrational harmony with our Source energy, or God energy -- call it what you will. You can jump-start it, or you can jam straight to the feeling, it makes no difference. What's important to know is that one minute of flowing the intense energy of appreciation overrides thousands of hours spent in Victim or Flat-Lining Modes. But take care! No fair just thinking appreciation. That won't wash. Thinking is out, feeling is in. You can't just make a decision that you're going to appreciate something and let it go at that. There has to be that surge of significant emotion flowing up from the depths of your being for this to work. But neither does that mean you have to have just been saved from a life-threatening incident by 911 rescue workers to feel deep appreciation. In fact, flowing appreciation is really no big deal. You can flow it intensely to a street sign if you want. Don't laugh, I do that all the time stay in

shape. Like any skill, flowing energy requires constant practice, and there's something so absurdly satisfying about flowing buckets of love, adoration, and appreciation to "SLOW: MEN AT WORK." I flow it to stoplights, billboards, birds overhead, a tree stump, a dead animal, a winter storm, and of course, to people. Sometimes in the supermarket I'll pick the meanest looking low-life I can find and just open up and douse the unsuspecting soul with the highest vibration I can muster. Maybe it's appreciation, maybe it's honest-to-God love. One time I did that to a scroungy old biddy who looked like she'd rather eat me than let me pass. I blasted her, and in that very moment she wheeled around, searching angrily for whatever she felt hit her, while I smiled back in pure innocence. That's my "Hug-A-Bum" game where I envision me and a perfect stranger on the street (or wherever) rushing into each other's arms like we were old best friends who hadn't seen each other for ages. You start with acceptable "targets," like someone you wouldn't mind sitting next to at a lunch counter if you had to. Then you move up, bit by bit, to targets that are increasingly difficult for you socially, until finally it doesn't make any difference what kind of slobs they are. You just see -- and deeply feel -- the two of you joyfully recognizing each other and flying together in this gigantic bear hug as profound love surges between you. I don't know how many people I've done that with while walking down a street, and watched them turn around to look for whatever it was they felt. The vibration of appreciation is also the highest, fastest vibration we can use for attraction. If we would shoot appreciation at anything and everything . . . all day long . . . we'd be guaranteed to have heaven on earth in no time, living happily ever after with more friends, more money, more beautiful relationships, in total safety, and closer to the God of our Being than it's possible to fathom. _______________________ Reprinted from Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting: The Astonishing Power of Feelings by Lynn Grabhorn. Copyright © 2000 Lynn Grabhorn. Published by Hampton Roads Publishing Company. March 2003; $16.95US; 978-1-57174-381-7. Lynn Grabhorn was a long-time student of the way in which thought and feelings format our lives. Raised in Short Hills, New Jersey, she began her working life in the advertising field in New York City, founded and ran an audio-visual educational publishing company in Los Angeles, and owned and ran a mortgage brokerage firm in Washington State. Lynn's books, which also include The Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting Playbook and Beyond the Twelve Steps, have received high acclaim from all corners of the world. Her last book was Dear God! What's Happening to Us? Lynn passed away in 2004 at her home in Olympia, Washington. We all miss her. For more information, please visit www.lynngrabhorn.com

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