Exclusive/Non-Exclusive Activities of A Pharmacist Based On R.A 10918

August 29, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Exclusive/Non-Exclusive Activities of a Pharmacist Based on R.A 10918

Activities Exclusive to Pharmacists

1. Prepare, compound or manufacture, preserve, store, distribute, procure, sell, or dispense, or both, an any y  pharmaceutical product or its raw materials; or 2. Render services, such as clinical pharmacy pharmac y services, drug information services, regulatory services,  pharmaceutical marketing, medication management, or whenever the expertise and technical knowledge of the  pharmacist is required; or 3. Engage in teaching scientific, technical, or professional pharmacy courses in a school or colle college ge of pharmacy; or 4. Supervise the practice of sub-professionals in the dispensing of o f pharmaceutical products; or 5. Provide other services where pharmaceutical knowledge is required.

B. Activities which are Non-exclusive to Pharmacists

1. Conduct chemical, biological or microbiological analyses and assay of pharmaceutical products, food/dietary food /dietary supplements, health supplements, cosmetics; or 2. Perform physicochemical analyses of medical devices used in aid of administration of pharmaceutical  products; or 3. Administer adult vaccines that are approved by b y the Food and Drug Admi Administration nistration (FDA) subject to the training, certification and other requirements as provided in this IRR of R.A. No. 10918; or 4. Conduct or undertake scientific research in all aspects, involving pharmaceutical products and health care. All pharmacists are expected to abide by b y current standards such as but not limited to the Philippine Practice Standards for Pharmacists, Good Pharmacy Practice, Good Regulatory Practice, Good Laboratory Practice, Good Distribution Practice, Good Storage Practice, Good Warehousing Practice, Good Manufacturing Practice and Good Clinical Practice, which are deemed vital in the performance of their roles and functions in different practice areas. The Professional Regulatory Board of Pharmacy, hereinafter created, subject to the approval of the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC), as provided for by Republic Act 8981, otherwise known as “PRC Modernization Act of 2000”, and in consultation with the Accredited Professional Organization (APO), may modify the above enumerated acts, a cts, services, or activities, as the need arises, in order to conform to the latest trends and developments in the practice of the pharmacy profession: Provided, that such modifications are consistent with the enumeration above.

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