Excavation Safety

August 9, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Excavations Safety Training


Presentation Outline Purpose of Safety Management Guides Overview of Excavations and Shoring Guide Excavation Hazards and Mitigation Contact with nderground ti!ities Sidewa!! Cave"in Other Excavation Hazards Entry and Exit Excavation Safety Chec#!ists Summary


Safety Management Guides $ssist the company proper!y imp!ement the SMS %ased on industry"wide &est practices Esta&!ish minimum !eve! of safety performance Proponent organizations may use the guides' direct!y as is( or  as a &asis for their own !oca! safety procedures procedures Provided !oca! procedures meet or exceed the minimum practices set forth in these guides


Excavations & Shoring Guide Safety Management Guide for Excavations and Shoring  Minimum expectations for excavation( trenching( and shoring activities $t a!! Saudi $ramco $ramco faci!ities and pro)ect sites

*ep!aces the +Excavations( Tr Trenching( enching( and Shoring, chapter of the Construction Safety Manual -CSM. Handout copies and review contents of guide


Underground Utilitie Utilities s E!ectricity Ca&!es Hydrocar&on Oi!/Gas Pipes 0ater Pipes and Sewers Te!ecommunication Ca&!es

$!ways assume such o&structions may &e present when excavating


Underground Utilitie Utilities s 0or# Permit Coordinator and site supervisor is to ensure underground uti!ities and insta!!ations have &een !ocated and mar#ed &efore excavation &egins Company to contact appropriate S$ departments such as' ti!ities( Communications( Power 1istri&ution 1epartment -P11.( Pipe!ines

2or wor# sites not covered &y the wor# permit system( proponent to imp!ement procedures in accordance with this guide


Underground Utilitie Utilities s 3ocate &y reference to drawings( discussion with re!evant departments( hand digging( use of ca&!e/pipe !ocators Company must ensure any non-Aramco non-Aramco   underground ca&!es or uti!ities are !ocated and mar#ed prior to excavating


Sidewall Cave-n Cave"in is a ma)or hazard Protective Systems' %enching S!oping Shoring -&racing.


!enching Soi! Type $

Soi! Type %


Soil "y#es Sta&!e *oc# So!id( can excavate with vertica! sides Sandstone( granite

Type $ Soi! Cohesive or cemented soi!s C!ay( mar!

Type % Soi! 3ess cohesive soi! Mix of sand( roc#s( c!ay

Type C Soi! 4on"cohesive soi! Sand( grave!( any type of fi!!


Slo#ing Soi! Type $

Soi! Type %

Soi! Type C



Trench Tr ench Shie!ds Shi e!ds


$esign %es#onsiilities

* CSD review of excavation plan is reuired 


'Com#etent Person( Has and is a&!e to demonstrate' 56 1ocu 1ocume ment nted ed tr trai aini ning ng(( exp exper erie ienc nce( e( an and d #now!edge of' a6

soi! ana!ysis


use of protective systems

76 $&i!ity to dete tec ct' a6 cond condit itio ions ns tha thatt cou! cou!d d caus cause e cave cave"i "in n &6 fa fai! i!ur ures es in in prot protec ectiv tive e syst system ems s c6 oth other er haz hazard ards s inc! inc!udi uding ng tho those se as assoc sociat iated ed with confined spaces( dewatering8 and has

96 $u $uth thori ority ty to ta# ta#e e cor corre rect ctiv ive e mea measu sures res


)hat*s )rong +ere, This excavation has inade:uate shoring and personne! access 4ote cars driving c!ose to the edge

4o personne! or vehic!e &arricades


Excavation +aards Other Excavation +aard s Heavy !oads near edge can cause co!!apse ;ehic!es/cranes/heavy e:uipment < depth of ;ehic!es/cranes/heavy excavation away -7 m =>6? ft@ minimum. Scaffo!d posts < 56? times depth away n!ess precautions ta#en -e6g6( shoring. 0hatAs wrong hereB


Excavation +aards Other Excavation +aard s 2a!!ing and tripping hazards Spoi! pi!es < 6> m -7 ft. from edge Pedestrian &arricades < 5 m -9 ft. from edge

Dmproper access and egress 3adders( trave! distance  F6? m -7? ft. Ds this !adder( etc6( OB


Entry and Exit Stairway( !adders( ramps and/ or other safe means of egress are to &e !ocated in excavations that are 567 m -ft. or more in depth so as to re:uire no more than F6? m -7?ft. of !atera! distance for personne! -i6e6( !adders need to &e spaced at !east 5?m -?ft. a!ong the trench6




Excavation +aards Other Excavation +aard s *espiratory Hazards Suffocation due to !ac# of oxygen Dnha!ation of toxic gases H7S heavier than air I co!!ects in excavations

Confined Space Entry Permit and gas testing *e:uired if excavation < 567 m - ft. deep

ncontro!!ed water accumu!ation 1onAt wor# in excavation un!ess water is contro!!ed &y dewatering( etc6


Excavation Safety Chec/lists Three chec#!ists in $ttachment $7 56 Pre"Excavation Chec#!ist 2or p!anning( !ocating uti!ities( etc6

76 1ai!y Excavation Dnspection Chec#!ist 2or recording daily  inspections  inspections %y +Competent Person,

96 Excavation Safety Poc#et Card 2or use &y anyone e!se at any time

*eview chec#!ist items in detai!  

Summary 3ocate and mar# underground uti!ities se Pre"Excavation Chec#!ist

Cave"in is a ma)or ris# in an excavation 0or#ers to &e protected &y &enching( s!oping( or shoring Engineer for excavations deeper than > m

Other hazards inc!ude oxygen deficiency( toxic fumes( fa!!s( and vehic!es/e:uipme vehic!es/e:uipment nt Confined Space Entry Permit I gas testing %arricades

+Competent Person, do dai!y inspection


Pre"Excavation Pre"Excavation Chec#!ist


1ai!y Excavation Dnspection  Chec#!ist Dt shou!d &e done dai!y &y competent person and verified &y S$PMT together &y Safety Personne!


Excavation Safety Poc#et Guide

se this safety inspection card when p!anning constructing( entering and restoring excavation excavat ion and trenches






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