Presentation Outline Purpose of Safety Management Guides Overview of Excavations and Shoring Guide Excavation Hazards and Mitigation Contact with nderground ti!ities Sidewa!! Cave"in Other Excavation Hazards Entry and Exit Excavation Safety Chec#!ists Summary
Safety Management Guides $ssist the company proper!y imp!ement the SMS %ased on industry"wide &est practices Esta&!ish minimum !eve! of safety performance Proponent organizations may use the guides' direct!y as is( or as a &asis for their own !oca! safety procedures procedures Provided !oca! procedures meet or exceed the minimum practices set forth in these guides
Excavations & Shoring Guide Safety Management Guide for Excavations and Shoring Minimum expectations for excavation( trenching( and shoring activities $t a!! Saudi $ramco $ramco faci!ities and pro)ect sites
*ep!aces the +Excavations( Tr Trenching( enching( and Shoring, chapter of the Construction Safety Manual -CSM. Handout copies and review contents of guide
Underground Utilitie Utilities s E!ectricity Ca&!es Hydrocar&on Oi!/Gas Pipes 0ater Pipes and Sewers Te!ecommunication Ca&!es
$!ways assume such o&structions may &e present when excavating
Underground Utilitie Utilities s 0or# Permit Coordinator and site supervisor is to ensure underground uti!ities and insta!!ations have &een !ocated and mar#ed &efore excavation &egins Company to contact appropriate S$ departments such as' ti!ities( Communications( Power 1istri&ution 1epartment -P11.( Pipe!ines
2or wor# sites not covered &y the wor# permit system( proponent to imp!ement procedures in accordance with this guide
Underground Utilitie Utilities s 3ocate &y reference to drawings( discussion with re!evant departments( hand digging( use of ca&!e/pipe !ocators Company must ensure any non-Aramco non-Aramco underground ca&!es or uti!ities are !ocated and mar#ed prior to excavating
Sidewall Cave-n Cave"in is a ma)or hazard Protective Systems' %enching S!oping Shoring -&racing.
!enching Soi! Type $
Soi! Type %
Soil "y#es Sta&!e *oc# So!id( can excavate with vertica! sides Sandstone( granite
Type $ Soi! Cohesive or cemented soi!s C!ay( mar!
Type % Soi! 3ess cohesive soi! Mix of sand( roc#s( c!ay
Type C Soi! 4on"cohesive soi! Sand( grave!( any type of fi!!
Slo#ing Soi! Type $
Soi! Type %
Soi! Type C
Trench Tr ench Shie!ds Shi e!ds
$esign %es#onsiilities
* CSD review of excavation plan is reuired
'Com#etent Person( Has and is a&!e to demonstrate' 56 1ocu 1ocume ment nted ed tr trai aini ning ng(( exp exper erie ienc nce( e( an and d #now!edge of' a6
soi! ana!ysis
use of protective systems
76 $&i!ity to dete tec ct' a6 cond condit itio ions ns tha thatt cou! cou!d d caus cause e cave cave"i "in n &6 fa fai! i!ur ures es in in prot protec ectiv tive e syst system ems s c6 oth other er haz hazard ards s inc! inc!udi uding ng tho those se as assoc sociat iated ed with confined spaces( dewatering8 and has
96 $u $uth thori ority ty to ta# ta#e e cor corre rect ctiv ive e mea measu sures res
)hat*s )rong +ere, This excavation has inade:uate shoring and personne! access 4ote cars driving c!ose to the edge
4o personne! or vehic!e &arricades
Excavation +aards Other Excavation +aard s Heavy !oads near edge can cause co!!apse ;ehic!es/cranes/heavy e:uipment < depth of ;ehic!es/cranes/heavy excavation away -7 m =>6? ft@ minimum. Scaffo!d posts < 56? times depth away n!ess precautions ta#en -e6g6( shoring. 0hatAs wrong hereB
Excavation +aards Other Excavation +aard s 2a!!ing and tripping hazards Spoi! pi!es < 6> m -7 ft. from edge Pedestrian &arricades < 5 m -9 ft. from edge
Dmproper access and egress 3adders( trave! distance F6? m -7? ft. Ds this !adder( etc6( OB
Entry and Exit Stairway( !adders( ramps and/ or other safe means of egress are to &e !ocated in excavations that are 567 m -ft. or more in depth so as to re:uire no more than F6? m -7?ft. of !atera! distance for personne! -i6e6( !adders need to &e spaced at !east 5?m -?ft. a!ong the trench6
Excavation +aards Other Excavation +aard s *espiratory Hazards Suffocation due to !ac# of oxygen Dnha!ation of toxic gases H7S heavier than air I co!!ects in excavations
Confined Space Entry Permit and gas testing *e:uired if excavation < 567 m - ft. deep
ncontro!!ed water accumu!ation 1onAt wor# in excavation un!ess water is contro!!ed &y dewatering( etc6
Excavation Safety Chec/lists Three chec#!ists in $ttachment $7 56 Pre"Excavation Chec#!ist 2or p!anning( !ocating uti!ities( etc6
96 Excavation Safety Poc#et Card 2or use &y anyone e!se at any time
*eview chec#!ist items in detai!
Summary 3ocate and mar# underground uti!ities se Pre"Excavation Chec#!ist
Cave"in is a ma)or ris# in an excavation 0or#ers to &e protected &y &enching( s!oping( or shoring Engineer for excavations deeper than > m
Other hazards inc!ude oxygen deficiency( toxic fumes( fa!!s( and vehic!es/e:uipme vehic!es/e:uipment nt Confined Space Entry Permit I gas testing %arricades
+Competent Person, do dai!y inspection
Pre"Excavation Pre"Excavation Chec#!ist
1ai!y Excavation Dnspection Chec#!ist Dt shou!d &e done dai!y &y competent person and verified &y S$PMT together &y Safety Personne!
Excavation Safety Poc#et Guide
se this safety inspection card when p!anning constructing( entering and restoring excavation excavat ion and trenches
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