Example of a Radio Drama Script

February 22, 2018 | Author: royce542 | Category: Leisure
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Presented during SY 2012-2013 at DARSSTHS English-IV...


HOW TO TRAIN A PRINCE King Narra: James Baldiviso

Manager: Korina Untalan

Kamagong: Zildjan Benitez

Scarlet: Lendel

Bamboo: Prince Recalcar

John: MJ Salazar

Balete: Christian Alviz

Leonardo: Royce Chua

King’s adviser & Crew: Neil Pereyra

Oldman & David: Carl Angelo Espinol

Training Officer: Jonathan Del Carmen

Narrator: Zaira Pelayo

Narrator: Somewhere in a faraway land, there was a kingdom named Pharaiso which is ruled by King Narra. The king had three sons named Kamagong, Bamboo and Balete. Kamagong is a coward and very dependent on his brothers. He is the youngest among the three. Bamboo is boastful and a chicboy. He spends most of his time with beautiful girls in the kingdom. Balete is the eldest among the three. He is bossy and always got all that he wants. Despite of their differences, there is one thing that is common to them. They are all idiots. But the good thing is they always work together and never leave each other through good times and bad times. One day… King’s adviser: King Narra, the people were not satisfied in your works. They consider you to be too old to rule this kingdom. Sir, I suggest that this is now the right time for you to choose the next king. King Narra: But… the problem is …aaa…aaa…they are not yet ready to…to…rule this kingdom. King’s adviser: They are not yet ready? then my king none of your sons deserves to sit on the throne. King Narra: It’s hard for me to admit that neither one of my sons showed promise in ruling a kingdom and that mistake was on my part. I raised them in wealth. I gave everything that they wanted. I never disciplined them whenever they committed mistakes. Maybe if their mother was still alive, they could’ve grown up better. King’s adviser: Your majesty, time passes by, don’t wait until the people speak out against you. As your adviser, you should take measures to resolve this matter. If you thought none of your sons deserves to be the king, you should choose from the people. Maybe, the most intelligent and the bravest of them all. King Narra: I will gladly consider your advice. Thank you very much Chitake. I hope I can choose the one that can rule this kingdom perfectly. You may now leave. (the King’s adviser went out of the room) *** Narrator: The king summons his three sons. All of them have no idea why their father had called them. (Bamboo enters the room of his father)

Balete: Bamboo, why are you late? We’re waiting for you for almost an hour. Bamboo: So? I was so busy flying. Balete: Ugh! You’re so….(angrily) King Narra: Stop it! We have more important issues to talk about. I knew all of you already heard irritating rumors about me. Balete: Oh my gosh… They knew that you slept without underwear. Kamagong: or that you love red flowers. Bamboo: or that King Narra: No! of course not! Can you soften your voices, I’m talking about the rumor about the next king. Kamagong: You’re now ready to announce the next king? But why not in front of the crowd? Bamboo: Shut up Kamagong. You’re such an idiot. Father wouldn’t first introduce the next king to the public because he wanted me to prepare my insanely good looks before making my grand appeal to my people. Balete: hahaha… In your wet dreams! You’re such a feeler. Do you think father would give the crown to a boastful person like you? King Narra: Stop your nonsense conversation! None of you deserves be the next king. Balete, Kamagong and Bamboo: Hah??? Are you joking with us? King Narra: No. I’m serious. None of you deserve to be the next king. Balete: I’m the eldest. I’m supposed to be the next king! Kamagong: You’re not a good leader or a follower! King Narra: Yes Kamagong you’re absolutely right in fact the three of you fits in that category perfectly. That is why I have decided to seek my next heir from one of my people, the most intelligent and bravest among them. Balete: That’s not true! I was expecting that I would be the next king! Ugh! I walk out! (Balete exits) footsteps – King Narra: Balete get back here. I changed my mind… Balete: Really? So I’m already the next king? King Narra: No!... You will be the next head of… of… hunters. Balete: No thanks! (Slamming door) Narrator: Balete, Kamagong and Bamboo went out and left their father with disappointment.

King Narra: Haaay… what am I gonna do? (ticking clock) King Narra: Aha! Chitake! Chitake! My great adviser! Where are you? Yohoo! (footsteps – running) Chitake: Yes my majesty? King Narra: I had already formulated a very, very great plan. Bwahahha! (laugh fades) Narrator: King Narra and Chitake were busy talking about their plan. On the other side, Kamagong and Balete were walking through the thick woods. There came a deep growl from some wild animals. Suddenly, there was a terrible roar from the forest. Kamagong: (scared and horrified) What was that?! Tell me! What was that?! Bamboo: Oh stop it! Maybe it was just some girl I used to date. Kamagong: (horrified) But it was roaring! Don’t tell me that you even date a roaring wild animal! For God’s sake! It was roaring! Balete: Uhh… guys… Kamagong: Whaaat? Balete: There’s a… dragon coming….(shocked) Kamagong: Whaaat? Where? Oh Geeezzz! We’re gonna dieeeee!!! Bamboo: Ugh! Stop shouting Kamagong! Why not try to run instead of shouting? Kamagong: Right! Let’s ruuuuuuun! Narrator: Kamagong, Bamboo and Balete ran through the woods when suddenly… (Balete tripped) Balete: Ouch! My foot hurts! It’s bleeding! Kamagong: Make it stoooop! Oh God! Bamboo: Will you calm down Kamagong? You were always shouting! Kamagong: But…the lion. It was running. Weren’t you scared? Bamboo: We’re scared of course. But shouting won’t help us. Kamagong: Uhhh… you’re right. I’m sorry. So how’s your feet now Balete? Balete: You two were talking there since the time that I stumbled. What do you expect? Kamagong: Hehehe… sorry! Where did you stumble anyway? Balete: I don’t know. I think I stumbled because of that metal grate.

Kamagong: Whoaaa! What’s that? It looks like a metal grate to an old air duct that is wide open, secured by two rusty hinges at the top. Balete and Bamboo: Say whaaat? How did you come up with a very long sentence with deep words? Kamagong: I just read what’s written here. Hehehe…anyway, it’s just an empty space guys. Nothing to worr( sound of their voices echoing) Narrator: The next thing they knew, they were falling down, down, down into an empty space. *blaaaaaag* Balete: Ouch! My foot hurts (almost crying) Bamboo: My butt hurts. Ugh. Kamagong: Mine too, Ugh. (almost crying) Balete: Where are we now? Kamagong: What happened? Bamboo: I know this may sound strange but I think we fell in a large hole in the woods And (tenenen!) we’re here! Balete: What’s this place? Bamboo: I don’t know. There’s a door there. Let’s try to open it. (opens door) Sound effect: City, horns of the car, talking crowd, moving cars etc. Balete: Whoaa! What’s this place? Bamboo: I don’t know. The only thing that matters to me now is food. I’m starving! Kamagong: Me too, where can we find food? Bamboo: Look! Look at the other side of the road. I don’t know what a store means but there’s a word food before it so I guess we could look for some food there. Balete: Yeah! I saw something like that in one of our father’s books that’s called a food store. Let’s go look for some. (door opens)( bell-door) Cashier: Good morning! Bamboo: Witwew! Balete: Not now Bamboo. Not now.

Bamboo: (laughs) Just kidding. Kamagong: I already found newly-baked breads. Let’s go. Bamboo and Balete: All right!(high-five) Cashier: Uhmmm… Excuse me. Pay first. Kamagong, Bamboo and Balete: Huh? Cashier: I said pay first. (pause 3 seconds) Kamagong: Ohhh! I get it! Papers. Hahaha…I have a lot of papers in my pocket. Wait. Hahaha Cashier: What papers are you talking about? Kamagong: Here! Papers. I know it is crumpled but you can still use it. Cashier: I said pay first. Kamagong: I am giving you papers! Cashier: I don’t need papers! Kamagong: But you were asking for papers a while ago! Cashier: I don’t need papers okay?! I’m not asking for it! What I want you to do is to pay first! Kamagong: I’m not doing papers, okay?! Ugh! Cashier: Oh God! You’re weird. You dress weird. You act weird. Ugh. You’re all weird! Kamagong: Ha! Look who’s talking! You call us weird? How about you? Talking by yourself and saying weird things. Hmph. Let’s go guys! (door opens) (Kamagong, Bamboo, Balete leaving) (Cashier shouting) Cashier: You should pay that first idiots! Heeeeeeey! (cashier’s voice fades) Kamagong: Tss. That girl is weird! Balete: Yeah right! Where are we going now? Bamboo: I don’t know. What we need to think about now is where are we and how can we get out of this place. Kamagong: Right! This place is waaaay too creepyyyy. *poof* Old man: Right! Welcome to the human world princes!

Balete: Whoaa! Who are you? Old man: It doesn’t matter who I am. I’m just here to tell you some simple reminder and to inform you why you were all here. Bamboo: So it was you?! You put that hole in the forest so that we could fall! I knew it! Ha! Maybe you did this so that you could be the next king! Old man: Stop acting as if you know everything, okay! I was sent here to inform the 3 of you that you have a mission to do in this human world. Old man: Balete, you! Balete: What? Old man: Get a job tomorrow at 8am at Yellow Hut #68 Sesame Street Bulls City. Wear a cap and casual attire. Be ready for your interview, of course. Balete: Interview for what? Old man: Have you ever heard of a job? Balete: Job? Of course not, I am a prince, remember? Old man: So that’s why your father sent you here. Lazy bastard. Old man: Bamboo, you will be a famous rocker singer and will be known of all the people. Thousands of chicks will be screaming at you... Bamboo: Oh yeah! Old man: But there’s one condition, you must avoid physical contact with girls, or else your face will slowly turn to a beast like…. Bamboo: Wait, what? Old man: It’s a curse okay? Balete: At least you’re not going to work at some yellow hat bro… Old man: Moving on…. Kamagong you will be one of the soldiers that will train to fight during wars. Every night you will always cry after training and when there will be war your teammates will leave you behind and will have nothing else to do but cry. (Laughs histerically) Kamagong: Will it be hard there? (fear in his voice) *gulps Old man: Reveal it by yourself. Well princes have a good life in this world. You will know what to do. (walks away) Old man: And remember, your father had removed your magic powers. At the count of 3, your challenges will start Old man: 1! Balete: Psh. These things will never happen. You’re insane!

Old man:2! Bamboo: Right! Insane old man. Who is he to say those things to us? Old man: 3! Kamagong: Guys, I think that he was telling the tru--Narrator: Suddenly, a bright flash of light had appeared from the old man. ---------------------------------------------(Snores of bamboo and balete) ( alarm clock rings) Balete: AAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! What’s that? Bamboo: Make it stop, make it stop! Balete: It’s that round thing with some numbers written on it that makes the noise. (bamboo smashes the clock with a broomstick) Bamboo: DIE! DIE! Balete: Dude, calm down. I think it’s dead. Hey, where are we? Where’s Kamagong? How did we get here? Do you remember anything? Bamboo: The old man from last night.... Balete: Right! Bamboo: Dude, this place sucks. Balete: And smells too! Bamboo: Oh my gosh! I’m late for my rehearsal! Balete: Since when did you attend a rehearsal? Wait, I’m late for my job interview too! Narrator: Balete and Bamboo woke up in a lousy room which is in an apartment. The walls have vandals on it. And the bed seems very dirty. Narrator: Earlier at the military camp ... (sound of people snoring) ( A loud whistle sounded out of nowhere) Training Officer: Ladies! It’s already 5:02 am! ARE YOU AWAKE?! Cadets: Sir, YES SIR! Training Officer: I can’t hear you! Give 50 push ups, now! (sound of cadets’ throe) Cadets: Already done, SIR! (united voices) Training Officer: I AM NOT CONTENTED WITH YOU LADIES! RUN ALONG THE FIELD FOR 10 LAPS! Now!

( sound of running footsteps of the cadets) Narrator: The officer was about to leave when suddenly ... (sound of Kamagong’s snoring) Training Officer: What the --(Kamagong peacefully sleeps) Training Officer: WHAT KIND OF A CADET ARE YOU?! Kamagong: (awakens and yawns) Where am I ? Who are you? Training Officer: Disrespectful soldier!, GET UP AND GIVE ME A HUNDRED PUSHUPS! Kamagong: Huh? Who are you anyway? (scared) Where are my brothers? (cries..) --------(At Yellow Hut) (Sound of a busy fast food restaurant; people eating and talking, then the door opens. It’s Balete) Cashier 1 : 1 Cheeseburger please with no onions and tomatoes! Cashier 2 : Welcome to Yellow hat! Cashier 1 : Any additional orders sir? Cashier 3 : I received 500 bucks sir (As Balete enters, everyone looks at him with slight disgust) Balete: Excuse me? Where can I apply a job? Crew: (holding laughter) It’s in the back of the restaurant. At the manager’s office Balete: Thanks! (sound of Balete knocking) Balete: Is this the manager’s office? Manager: Can’t you read the sign? Balete: Oh, I’m very sorry. Can I apply for a job? Manager: You’re hired. Balete: Already?! What job? Manager: You’re a manager too like me .. Balete: Yes! Manager: --trash manager. And your first job is to make to Yellow Hut clean, so clean!! So That the floors would sparkle. Balete: What the ****( censoring sound) ---

Narrator: Meanwhile…. (Sound of a band rehearsing ; Electric guitar, bass guitar, drums and vocalist) (Bamboo is the electric guitar player, he’s also the vocalist) Leonardo: Wait dude, what are the chords for the chorus again? Bamboo: Bb, Dm, C and G Leonardo: Awesome dude, can we have the last rehearsal?, so that we could take a break and eat. Bamboo: Sure dude then Maybe when were done we could take a break at Starcups coffee shop. Leonardo: But dude wouldn’t we rather go to Brew Ha Ha coffee shop where all the chicks hangout. Bamboo: Well dude why don’t we talk about this after okay? Leonardo: Right guys let’s keep rockin…. (Sound of a band rehearsing; Electric guitar, bass guitar, drums and vocalist) Narrator: Meanwhile at Yellow Hut.. Manager: HEY!! What happened to all the customers?!! Crew: He drove them out because apparently, saying he needed to clean the place up. Manager: WHAT!! (walks towards the wet slippery sign) Manager: YOU!! What do you think you’re doi--- ahh THUD!! Balete: I’m cleaning just like what ya said. Manager: I see…. sttarss.. mmommy? Is that you?? Crew: Great.. you put the manager to sleep so why don’t you call it a day and I’ll handle it from here. Balete: Aw… finally man I was getting kinda (yawns) tired. I hope my brothers are all right. Narrator: Yes you should certainly hope so because… (At Starcups Coffee Shop) Bamboo: You know guys it’s nice to get some peace and quiet for once… (sips coffee) Leonardo: Uhmm… hehe yeah (wait until the girls arrive) Girls: Hey it’s that hot rocker singer Bamboo (screaming) let’s go get his autograph!! Bamboo: Uhh guys there’s something that I remembered that I have to do at home so uh haha see ya!

Bamboo: Save me!! Girls: I just wanna touch his cute face (screaming) Narrator: As Bamboo runs desperately to save his handsome fa.. Bamboo: Instead of talking why don’t you help me out instead! Narrator: I’m the narrator, I narrate. Bamboo: Well why don’t you say something constructive for a change! Narrator: Well I don’t want to! Bamboo: Why you snotty ---Narrator: I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that.. (Thunder) Narrator: Anyway as Bamboo runs to save his beautiful face somewhere in the far reaches of the galaxy an evil plot is about to be uncovered… King’s Adviser: Yes, it will be uncovered… thanks to you! King Narra: Oh? Adviser who are you talking to? King’s Adviser: Uh nothing my king hehe.. King Narra: I thought the Malignos were trying to talk to you. King’s Adviser: Disregard what you have heard, my king. King Narra: Right! (walks away) King Adviser: (To his thoughts) Haha! Now that the princes are gone, I am sure that everything will be put to plan. There’s no way that those princes will change their ways, not on their spoiled attitudes. The human world will be their great suffering. I’m sure that I’ll be the next king. Ha Ha Ha (laughter fades slowly) ----*Evening at the military camp (sound of crickets) John (cadet): Hey, I never thought that this is hard, but still awesome David (cadet): Yeah men, I was surprised when our officer woke us up. I didn’t think of this, but you’re right. It is awesome! John(cadet): Too bad that some of us cannot handle this stuff. Look at that cadet David(cadet) Why is he crying? Didn’t he know what kind of stuff are we going to enter in this military camp? John(cadet): He’s such a cry baby. Kamagong: *sobs (to himself) I hate this. To all the three of us, why me? Why am I the one that has to go through all of this? Where are my brothers? --Evening at Balete and Bamboo’s Apartelle

Balete: Dude, how’s your day? Bamboo: Awesome dude, I saw hot chicks. Lots of them Balete: Mine sucked. I got hired, a positive thing. I’m also a manager – Bamboo: What sucks about it? Balete: I’m a trash manager. I hate that stupid *censoring sound*-ing manager. I hate him Bamboo: Wahahahahha! It’s okay dude. Maybe it’s because of your outfit hahahaha Balete: Stop it dude, you’re not helping. Bamboo: Okay okay! Hahahah. Hey I met this girl named Scarlet. She’s a very beautiful and hot chick men! Balete: Really? Too bad you can’t touch her. Hahahha Bamboo: My focus is not on touching men! I think I like her Balete: Goodluck with that, wait ‘til she sees your true face huh? Narrator: The lives of the three brothers continued for many days and weeks. Balete, a trash manager, was promoted to a deliver guy. With every day that passes, he had learned to be patient and humble, especially to his irritating boss who notices every single mistake of him. He had learned not to get in to trouble with his boss to survive every single day of his human life. Narrator: As for Bamboo, he became famous and his career went great and Scarlet became his girlfriend. He had 7 gigs at different cities. He had no problems at all, except his struggle that he cannot even hold hands with Scarlet. He kept his secret. Narrator: Kamagong’s training went on and on until he was promoted to sergeant. He had developed braveness and independence, or did he? One day at the recording studio Leonardo: Dude! I think this will be our last rehearsal for our eight gig; so that we could take a break for a few days. (sound of band rehearsal) Bamboo: (tuning guitar): Yes men! So that I could spend some time with Scarlet. ( exploding sound ) ( sound of gunfires, cannons) ( explosion had shattered the wall, making all the sounds louder) ( sound of rain pouring heavily; thunderstorms; people’s commotion) Bamboo ( dizzy) : ahhh, what just happened? Leonardo (gaining consciousness): I don’t know, men. Something crashed to the wall maybe Balete: HEY BAMBOO! YOU ALRIGHT, DUDE?!

Bamboo: Yeah men. What’s happening? Balete: I don’t know, I think there is a war. Bamboo: A war between who and who? Balete (furious): For Pete’s sake Bamboo, I have no idea about this. The most important thing to do is to escape from this place, the wall is shattered and we might catch some of the gun fires here. Bamboo: But how? It’s more dangerous outside. If we step out--(a grenade was thrown near them) Balete: FUCK! a grenade! RUN! (Kamagong enters the studio and picked up the grenade and threw it outside) ( The grenade exploded) Kamagong(manly tone) Is there anyone who is hurt? Balete: None, thank you! Wait, IS THAT YOU KAMAGONG?! Bamboo: KAMAGONG ?! Kamagong: My brothers!!! ( the three hugged and cuddled each other) Bamboo: Oh, men. We really missed you! Where have you been? You’ve grown ....... manly (witwew) Kamagong: The military camp did this to me. We should not stay in here, it’s not safe. Let’s find a safer place. (door opens) (running footsteps) (gunfires and bombs continues at background then fades a little but remains) ( they entered a walled room) ( door closes) Balete: What’s happening anyway? Kamagong? And what happened to you. Kamagong: Rebels advanced their attacked to the government. It’s just a little domestic war. It won’t last long. Bamboo: I see ... WAIT! My girlfriend! (calls Scarlett) (phone ring) Bamboo: Scarlett? Are you okay? What ? The rebels are advancing in your condo? *the call broke up ( call ended) Bamboo: Dudes! Especially Kamagong! I need your help! The rebels are advancing in my girlfriend condo! Can you come with me! Kamagong: Of course Balete: Sure thing. Leonardo: I’ll get help with the police

Bamboo: Right! Narrator: The three brothers were united again. The brothers went on to Scarlet’s condominium by Bamboo’s car while Leonardo had separated his way to get help from the authorities. On their way to the condominium .. Balete: DUDE! Watch out for that rocket--(explosion) ( the car spinned) Kamagong: Everyone alright? We have to go on foot to the condominium. It’s just a block away, right Bamboo? Bamboo: right! Balete: Not really, my foot is ... it’s stucked!. Go on, go on without me*sobs. All we had was special, brothers? Bamboo: Dude, don’t be such a drama queen, you’re just tied up with the seatbelt. Come on Balete: Oh, you’re right. Let’s go. (running footsteps on concrete) (running footsteps on wood) (doorbell) (furious knocking) Bamboo: SCARLET OPEN UP! She won’t open the door. Kamagong: I’ll kick it. (kicks door) Scarlett: My foot hurts! Bamboo: Oh my gosh! Your foot is hit. Kamagong: Carry her, let’s go Bamboo: I can’t, remember? Kamagong: Then I’ll carry her. ( the three brothers went outside the condominium) (They hear a little child crying) Balete: KAMAGONG! A child is in the middle of the street! Go and get her. Leave Scarlet to Bamboo! Bamboo: What? I cannot ?! Balete: It doesn’t matter Bamboo! Bamboo: Okay okay! (Bamboo carried Scarlet, then his face changed into something beastly) (magical sounds) Scarlet: Aaak~ puut me down you monster! Bamboo(beastly voice): But Scarlet! Its me, Bamboo!

Scarlet: I’ll just cover my face! MONSTER! Narrator: Kamagong is about to save the little child in the middle of the gun fires when he saw the exchange of bullets and rockets among the two sides. (Loud heart beat) Kamagong: Why now? My fear is eating me. I cannot do this. Where are my brothers? One step among the gun fires and I’ll be dead! ( to himself) (heart beat) No. I must do this. Even if it takes my life. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh h! ( sound of gun fires and Kamagong’s throe) (sound of the little child screaming) Narrator: Kamagong saved the little child and secured him in a safe place; yet, taking a lot of bullet fires. (A bright flash of light appeared in the middle of gunfire. The light sucked Kamagong, Balete and Bamboo) Bamboo, Balete and Kamagong: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! (falling) Tahg! (fell) Kamagong: Oh men, that really hurts. Wait, my wounds are gone and my health has regained. I also had my powers back! Bamboo: My face returned to it’s normal looks too! Balete: Nothing has changed to me! Yes! Except for my power! Bamboo: We must head back to the palace to see what this means, maybe we finished our human mission! Balete: Right! But before that ... the... stupid dragon is still here .. (dragon sounds) (dragon roars) Kamagong: Let’s fight it, come on guys. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! (*sound of magical clash) (sound of dragon dying) *** (royal door opens) ( sound of Balete, Bamboo and Kamagong catching their breath) King’s Adviser: What!? How did you survive the human world and the dragon?! Ahh I mean. Welcome back my lords! King Narra: Aah! My changed sons! I had missed you! Welcome back, royalties! Balete: Does this mean that we are already finished with our human business/ King Narra: Yes!, my dear Balete! I spectated all what you have done and how you had solve your problems with your attitudes! I congratulate all of you! Especially Kamagong for being the bravest! And now I have decided who will be the king! King Adviser: My King! None of them deserves to be it. Maybe I deserve it!

King Narra: Shut up Chitake! I know what you have done to my sons. You were the one that sent that dragon to kill them in the forest. Royal guards! take this bad seed and bring him to the dungeon! King Adviser: no ! You cannot do this! I have served you for many years! *fades You’re a traitooooo--- *fades *** Epilogue ( royal music) King Narra: People of the Kingdom Pharaiso! I am glad that I have decided what to do with our beloved kingdom for the next decades. Our Kingdom will be split into 3Kingdom Kamagong , Kingdom Balete and Kingdom Bamboo. In your front, I am proud to you to present the kindom’s next rulers! My changed son! Pharaiso inhabitant: Hooray for the kingdom!! Everyone: HOORAY! (shouts) King Narra: This calls for a celebration!. Everyone! party at my house tonight! Music: Treasure by Bruno Mars (end music) Narrator: The brothers did not expect that all of them would become kings of their father’s kingdom. As of Bamboo, he didn’t miss Scarlet much because he saw her true colors and that she cannot accept her. The war had already ended in the human world. And that is how it all ended for the three brothers. (rpg music) THE END

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