Example 3

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Inital Research on Deskop,


Sofware Lapop and PDA

Assessment 1

BSBRES401 Analyse and Present Research Information Student Name:  Wimonrat Kasuan I!:1""1



Inital Research on Deskop,


Sofware Lapop and PDA

Initial Research on Desktop, Laptop, Software and PDA for Cost Effective Procurement err Deliveries 0#$0%$"01&

!a"le of contents


Inital Research on Deskop,


Sofware Lapop and PDA

E'ecuti(e summary

)a*e 4


)a*e 4

+(erall *oals

)a*e ,


)a*e ,

.indin*s and conclusions

)a*e #


)a*e %


)a*e %


)a*e 10

E#ecutive summar$


Inital Research on Deskop,


Sofware Lapop and PDA

/his )roect is an initial research on desto)2 la)to)2 softare and P!A in order to find fin d the most cos costt effec effecti( ti(e e o)t o)tion ion for Ker Kerrr !el !eli(e i(eries ries as the com)a com)any ny an ants ts to e')and the 3usiness to an3erra2 -el3ourne and Bris3ane and hire more staff5 /he research as conducted mainly from online sources as it is ere the most u)dated I/ information can 3e found5 /he )roducts ere com)ared in terms of )rice and s)ecification that suit the needs of the com)any com)any55 /he research research resul resultt is e rec recomm ommend end %P Pro!es 400 67 !esto) -ini P for  desto des to)2 )2 Dell  Ne Ins Ins)ir )iron on 17 ,000 "8in "8in81 81 or %P  ProBoo 470 6, Note3oo for  la)to)2 -icrosoft 7#, Business for softare )aca*e and 9andheld Nauti ;% 4%0 to >%&0 )er year de)ends on hat the com)any needs and the )rice ?uote from the )ro(iders5 /he com)any is lo loo oin in* * at in in(e (est stin in* * >& >&#@ #@,, ,,5& 5&@ @ in ha hard rda are re an and d >& >&24 2410 10 to >& >&2% 2%00 00 )e )err ye year ar in softare5 9oe(er2 9oe(er2 this result is 3ased on internet )rice5 We should *et )rice ?uote from each com)any and )ro(iders in order to com)are the result a*ain 3efore main* )rocurement decision5 We need more research a3out cy3er cy3 er sec securi urity ty to det determ ermine ine the ri* ri*ht ht ant anti8(i i8(irus rus an and d ant anti8at i8attac tac  sof softa tare re for our  com)any5 astly2 I/ )roducts should 3e re(ieed re*ularly after the )urchase5 In our  case2 e should re(ie a*ain 3efore the end of three8year arranty5 We can either  e'tend the arranty on the )roducts or sell them as second hand )roducts to 3uy ne ones5

Introduction /his )roect is an initial research on desto)2 la)to)2 softare and P!A in order to find fin d the most cos costt effec effecti( ti(e e o)t o)tion ion for Ker Kerrr !el !eli(e i(eries ries as the com)a com)any ny an ants ts to e')and the 3usiness to an3erra2 -el3ourne and Bris3ane and hire more staff5 /he research as conducted mainly from online research as it is ere the most u)dated I/ information can 3e found5 /he )roducts ere com)ared in terms of )rice and s)ecification that suit the needs of the com)any com)any55

&verall 'oals 8 /o /o analyse the needs of Kerr !eli(eries in )rocurin* desto)s2 la)to)s and P!A5


Inital Research on Deskop,


Sofware Lapop and PDA

8 /o /o set u) the 3est )roduct s)ecification that ansers Kerr !eli(eries needs5 8 /o e')lore the I/ maret and find the 3est deal for Kerr !eli(eries in terms of  )roduct ?uality2 ?uality2 s)ecification and )rice5 8 /o en ena3 a3le le the the e' e'ec ecut uti( i(e e to ma mae e info inform rmed ed de deci cisi sion on in the the co com) m)an any ys s I/ )rocurement 3y 70 Se)tem3er "01&5

(ethodolo'$ Pro3lems 8 Ke Kerr rr !e !elili(e (eri ries es a ant nts s to e' e')a )and nd the the 3u 3usi sine ness ss to a an3 n3er erra ra22 -e -el3 l3ou ourn rne e an and d Bris3ane and hire more staff5 8 /he com)any needs ne desto)s2 la)to)s and Personal !i*ital Assistants %1# 1# )lus )lus thre three8 e8ye year ar a arr rran anty ty at the the )ric )rice e of ># >#,5 ,5 .o .orr mo more re inform inf ormati ation on a3o a3out ut )ri )rice ce and s)e s)ecif cifica icatio tion2 n2 )le )lease ase ref refer er to Fta Fta3le 3le 1: S)e S)ecif cifica icatio tion n com)arison for desto)G in a))endices section5 a)to) recommendation  After com)arin* the )rice and the s)ecification amon* Dell Ne Ins)iron 17 ,000 "8 in812 Lenovo /hinPad 7&0 and %P ProBoo 470 6, Note3oo2 !ell offers the 3est )rice and the 3est s)ecification5 eno(os mi*ht 3e the chea)est2 3ut three8year  arranty is (ery e')ensi(e2 and the +S is inferior to !ells5 /he )rice 3eteen !ells and 9Ps ha(e (ery similar )rice and s)ecification5 9P is sli*htly more e')ensi(e and does not come ith +S5 9oe(er2 e mi*ht 3e a3le to *et a 3etter deal if e order 


Inital Research on Deskop,


Sofware Lapop and PDA

3oth de 3oth des sto to)s )s an and d la)t la)to) o)s s fr from om 9P 9P55 .o .orr mo more re info inform rmat atio ion n a3 a3ou outt )ric )rice e an and d s)ecif s)e cifica ication tion22 )le )lease ase ref refer er to Fta Fta3le 3le ": S)e S)ecif cifica icatio tion n com com)ar )ariso ison n for la) la)to) to)GG in a))endices section5 onclusion for desto) and la)to) l a)to) recommendation We should *et )rice ?uote from !ell and 9P on desto)s and la)to)s includin* necessary accessories such as screens2 mouse and ey3oards5 We should also as them to ?uote their three8year onsite arranty arranty55 Softare recommendation: -icrosoft 7#, Business -icrosoft 7#, Business 3rin*s to*ether features from across -icrosofts offerin*s in a solution desi*ned for small and medium8sied 3usinesses5 Its )oered 3y +ffice 7#, and Windos 102 ith de(ice mana*ement and security features to hel) ensure our com)anys data is )rotected5 -icrosoft offers to Secure Producti(e Enter)rise )lans5 15 +ffice 7#, Business Premium: >1"5,0$user$month "5 -icrosoft 7#, Business: >"0500$user$month Both of them Both them co come me i ith th +f +ffi fice ce a) a))l )lic icat ation ions2 s2 1/ 1/B B fil file e stor stora* a*e e sh shar arin in*2 *2 ,0 6B 3usiness e8mail2 online meetin*2 chat a))lication2 and a))lications for 3usiness5 9oe(er2 -icrosoft 7#, Business comes ith security function that hel)s )rotect our  data and )ro(ides 3acu) and de(ice mana*ement function5 It also comes ith Wind Wi ndo os s 10 Pr Pro5 o5 -i -icr cros osof oftt 7# 7#, , Bu Busi sine ness ss is a 3e 3ett tter er ch choi oice ce thou thou*h *h it is mo more re e')ensi(e5 !ata security is utmost im)ortant for smooth 3usiness o)eration5  Anti8(irus softare recommendation recommendation /here are many anti8(irus softare )ro(iders in the maret5 We should *et )rice ?uot ?u ote e fro from m the the to) to) )r )ro( o(id ider ers s that that ar are e i ide dely ly us used ed h hic ich h are are -c -cAf Afee ee22 No Nort rton on22 Bitedefender2 /REN!-IR+2 A(ira2 Bull6uard and Kas)ersy5 /he usual )rice is a3out >@0 to >140 )er fi(e de(ices )er year5 .or 77 de(ices e are looin* at >4%0 to >%&0 )er year5 /his also de)ends on le(el of )rotection e need from the )ro(iders5

What Kerr !eli(eries needs from P!A 8 /he latest 6PS tracin* 8 -a) for dri(ers P!A recommendation When looin* at the need from P!A of Kerr !eli(eries2 e do not need P!A ith hi*h ca)acity ust the lastest 6PS system5 9andheld Nauti ;% 1@"&5&@




!esto) -ini P %P 

,000 "8in81 a)to) Dell 7Mear Premium

Su))ort: +nsite Ser(ice

PDA 9andheld

Nauti ;% &#@,,5&@

Softare in(estment -icrosoft 7#, Business:





>@0 to >140$ , >4%0 to >%&0$year  de(ices$ year 

6rand total for in(estment in hardare

>##0$month or >@2%"0$ year 

>&2410 to >&2%00$ year 

Bi3lio*ra)hy Primary sources htt)s:$$h"07"5h)5com$AustraliaStore$-erch$ist5as)'selN/Bctrlf  htt)s:$$5dell5com$en8au   htt)s:$$5dell5com$en8au htt)s:$$5leno(o5com$au$en   htt)s:$$5leno(o5com$au$en htt)s:$$5a8*)s5com5au$Ru**ed8om)uters$Ru**ed8P!A89a htt)s:$$5a8*)s5com5au$Ru**ed8o m)uters$Ru**ed8P!A89andhelds ndhelds   htt)s:$$5microsoft5com$en8us$microsoft87#,$3usiness   htt)s:$$5microsoft5com$en8us$microsoft87#,$3usiness


Inital Research on Deskop,


Sofware Lapop and PDA

Secondary sources htt)s:$$ htt)s:$$5choosehat5com$ho8to$s 5choosehat5com$ho8to$select8the83est8small83usiness elect8the83est8small83usiness8com)uter  8com)uter   htt)s:$$5du5edu$it$su))ort$ho8to$students$la)to)s  htt)s:$$5du5edu$it$su))ort$ho8to$students$la)to)s  htt):$$acms5ucsd5edu$students$resnet$re?uirements5html   htt):$$acms5ucsd5edu$students$resnet$re?uirements5html htt)s:$$"5claru5edu$offices$its$)urchasin*$recommendations5cfm htt)s:$$"5claru5edu$offices$its$)urchasin*$recomme ndations5cfm   htt):$$5)csndreams5com$Pa* 5)csndreams5com$Pa*es$Articles$Basic9ardare es$Articles$Basic9ardare5htm 5htm   htt):$$ htt)s:$$5semiconductorstore5com 5semiconductorstore5com$3lo*$"01,$6PS8(s86+NAS $3lo*$"01,$6PS8(s86+NASS8Which8is8Best8 S8Which8is8Best8 htt)s:$$ for8/racin*8A))lications$&10$   for8/racin*8A))lications$&10$ 5to)10anti(irussoftare5com$   5to)10anti(irussoftare5com$ htt)s:$$5techradar 5com$au$nes$3est8anti(irus   htt)s:$$5techradar5com$au$nes$3est8anti(irus

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