!!. ______________________________________ !$. ______________________________________ !(. ____________________________________ ______________________________________ __ D. Write the corresponding verbs on the blanks. Use the word bank.
!+. __________
!,. _________
!7. _________
&ELL2NG E. Listen to the words for the following dictation.
%. READ2NG OMRE3EN&2ON F. Read the story carefully.
10.Paco at school 11. 12.
13. 14. 15. 16. 1. 1#.
Paco is six years old. Paco can go to school. The cat is sad. The cat cannot go. !other tells the cat he has to "ait.
G. Circle the correct answer to complete the sentences. 1$. 1. !ax can go to _____________________. 20. a4 Theater %& school 21. !. The cat __________________________ go. 22. a4 (an %& "ill cannot 23. $. ___________________ tells the cat he has to "ait. 24. a4 !other %& )ather
25. 26. 2. 2#. 2$. 30. 31.
c& 'ark
c& sister
32. $$.
&e5ond Grade.
$(. Name: ____________________________________________________ N. ___________
$+. Date: ________________________ Total points: _________________ Final Grade: __________ $,.
A. Write the correct name for each place on the blank . 3. 3#. 3$. 1. ___________ 2. ____________ 3.________________ 4._______________ 40. B. Complete the sentences. Use the words from the word bank. 41. +. The _________ "orks at the hos'ital. ,. The _________ hel's to the doctor at the hos'ital. 7. The _________ "orks at school. 42. C. Read the words on the word bank. Write each word in the correct group. 43. 44. 45. 46. 4. 4#. 4$. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55.
56. +7.
D. Listen to the words for the following dictation. 5#.
E. Read the story care*ully. ,1. Te -o6 and te 5lown 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. F. Read each sentence. (ircle the correct "ord. 6. 6#. 6$. 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. . #. $. #0. #1. #2. #3. #4. #5. #6. "7.
Tird Grade.
"". Name: ____________________________________________________ N. ___________
"%. Date: ________________________ Total points: _________________ Final Grade: __________ %).
A. Choose the correct verb for each sentence . 1. + ,"alks - "alk& eery day. !. /he ,drink - drinks& "ater a*ter !ath. $. +t ,eats - eat& sugar. (. e ,isits - isit& !exico (ity today. +. They ,u's - u'& on the %ed. /. Write the following numbers. ,. $00 __________________________ 7. 500 __________________________ ". 300 __________________________ %. 100 __________________________ 1). 00 __________________________ . Complete the sentences. Use the map and the preposition “in front of” and “net to” $1. $2. 11. The school is ________the hos'ital.
$3. $4.
$5. 12. The re station is _______ the house. $#. 13. The useu is ________ the Planetariu.
$6. $. $$. 100.
101. 102. 14. The church is _________ the house.
1)$. T
104. 105. 15. The 'ia restaurant is _______________ the sho'. D. Dra" the *ollo"ing 'laces .
106. 10. 10#.
). . 7. 16. Pet sho' 1$. /u'erarket +. "%&
1. 8i%rary
1#. (inea
E. Complete the missing family members. Use the word bank !"#$
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