Exam Unit 1 and 2
July 18, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Top Notch 2 Unit 1,2 TEST
Add UNIT questions LISTENING (8 pts:
1# An%ie, &onathon, 'a"en
Listen to the con!e"sation# Loo$ at the pictu"es# Listen a%ain and choose the co""ect pe"son#
2# An%ie, &onathon, 'a"en
# An%ie, &onathon, 'a"en
)# An%ie, &onathon, 'a"en
Listen to the con!e"sations 2 times# Loo$ at the pictu"es and choose the pictu"e that %oes *ith each con!e"sation#
Choose the picture that goes with the conversation. 5. a, b, c, d 6. a, b, c, d
7. a, b, c, d
8. a, b, c, d
+EA T-E A+TI.LE# A+TI.LE# Then "ead the a"tic/e a%ain and match the ph"ases to comp/ete the sentences co""ect/0# (1 pts
Mean What You Say: The Art of Conversation It's always a good idea to study the language of a foreign country before you travel there. But speaking with someone from another country can involve more than just words in a different language. People in different countries can have very different customs when they speak. People in Indonesia always want to be agreeable and polite, and this means that they don't like to say no no.. In their native language (Bahasa Indonesia, there many ways to say yes yes.. But twelve of these yes yes words words actually mean no no!! "ustralians are also friendly people, but they value directnes directness. s. "ustralians prefer a clear, direct response, even if it is not the one they wanted. #he $rench appreciate the %art% of conversation, which can include arguing as a form of entertainment. In this case, speakers may interrupt each other fre&uently. #his is considered active participation in the conversation by both people. It is better than one person %lecturing% the other. "s in many atin "merican countries, titles are very important important in osta )ica. People's titles can indicate their profession, such as Doctor (doctor (doctor or Ingeniero Ingeniero (engineer. Licenciado is used when talking to someone with a college degree. degr ee. If someone someone doesn't doesn't have a pro professi fessiona onall title title,, the words Señ Señor or (*r (*r., ., Señora Señora (*rs. (*rs. or Señorita Señorita (*iss are appropriate. a. say no in a direct way. d. receive a direct answer. b. refer to a person’ person’ss profession. profession. e. argue for entertainment. entertainment. c. can also mean no. ____
eople in !ndonesia don’t don’t li"e to __#__
!n !ndonesia, some some words for yes __C__
!n &rance, people ssometimes ometimes _'___
!n conversation, Costa *icans li"e to _+___
.hoose the *o"d that co""ect/0 comp/etes each sentence# ( pts ((. ave you had gelato 0et 3 e!e"(. !’ve a/"ead0 3 4e5o"e been to !ndia, but ! haven’t haven’t seen the / /a0 a0 1ahal ye yet. t. (2. ave they e!e" 3 0et been to the top of the 3ears 3ears / /ower ower in ChicagoChicago(4. (4. 3ara 3arah h has has ea eate ten n1 1e eic ican an food food,, but but she she has hasn’ n’tt trie tried d ssop opap apil illa la a/"ead0 3 0et. (5. as +rian been to +ali e!e" 3 4e5o"e(6. ave Cole and ic"i 0et 3 e!e" visited the 1ayan ruins at /i"al /i"al-Loo$ at the in5o"mation a4out *hat these peop/e ha!e ( √ o" ha!en6t ( done# .omp/ete each sentence *ith the co""ect !e"4 5"om the cha"t# Use the simp/e past tense tense o" p"esent p"esent pe"5ect# (1 pts
%o to ano noth thee" count"0
meet a 5amou meet 5amouss c/im4 pe"son mountain √ √
√ 7att √ o4 √ √ anie//e √ √ (7./amra (7./a mra ________climbed____________ a mountain in ))2. Tam"a
(8.1 (8.1at attt ____ ______ ___w _wen ent_ t___ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ _ 3eptember ))4.
anot anothe herr
√ 3'$ 9 :/ ;!' 9 3/' 9 ''* ; 9 1''/ 9 +' 9 :/ 1#>' 9 #' 9 ''* !3!/
coun country try in
(%./amra (%./am ra and 1att _____ _____haven haven’t ’t met_______ met____________ _____ a famous famous person.
a. ! ?have sent?a le letter tter to that company today today..
).+ob _________climbed___________ a mountain last year.
b. ?have you ever visited?..the visited?..the # #lhambralhambra- o, ! ha have ve never visited it, but !@d really li"e to do so.
(./amr (./a mra, a, 1att, 1att, +ob, +ob, and $anie $anielle lle ______ ______hav havee gona__ gona____ __ to another country. .1att ____hasn’t__met__ a famous person. 2.1att _________climbed_________ a mountain in 1arch )).
c. eter ??has ta"en??. me for a ride in his new motorbi"e. !t@s been greatA d. !?have had????. off my bi"e.
4.+ob __has met____ a famous person three times.
e. Bane ??has met??? a lot of famous people because of her new 0ob.
5.+ob and $anie 5.+ob $anielle lle ___ ______ _____w __went ent___ ______ ______ ______ ___ to ano anothe ther r country in ))2.
f. e ?have been???? to aris twice. e were there in ))% and in )((.
6.$anielle __________has climbed__________ a mountain.
g. 1ary ??haven’t lived???? lived???? in $ublin . 3he@s lived in Dalway.
# .omp/ete *ith a !e"4 in the 9+ESENT 9E+E.T: o not use sho"t 5o"ms#
h. ????have you studied??. for the mathematics test- o, ! haven@t
it 6
(. ! have lived in ;ondon __for_ si months.
for since
. ! have danced _since__ ! was small.
since for
2. 3he hasn@t had a day off __for_ three months.
since for
4. !@ve lost so much fleibility __since_ ! in0ured my leg.
for since
5. /hey have all improved in attitude _since__ the headmaster tal"ed to them.
for since
6. ars ars have been happening _for__ centuries, it won’t ever change.
for since &ill in the spaces below using either Bust, =et :r #lready. (. $on@t come in here with those muddy shoesAA ! have ___0ust____ cleaned this floorAAA
. ave you finished that composition for istory class ___already___ - =o =ou u only started an hour agoAA
2. ! don@t want to see E#lien E#lien %E at the cinema again. again. !@ve ___already____ seen it twice. twice.
4. !@m sorry. =ou =ou have ___0ust____ missed >atie. 3he left the office about three minutes agoA
5. aven@t you finished that composition for history class ___yet___- = =ou ou started over four hours agoAA
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