Exam Style Answers P2 Asal Physics CB

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Exam-style questions and sample answers have been written by the authors. In examinations, the way marks are awarded may be different.

 Coursebook answers Chapter P2 d

Exam-style questions 1






Dependent variable is frequency; independent variable is volume 



Temperature (or air pressure) 



Loudspeaker connected to signal generator or tuning forks of different frequencies 




Fill with water and tip water into measuring cylinder 



Add water 



Not too loud or use ear plugs 



Dependent variable is terminal velocity; independent variable is bubble volume or  radius  [1]


d a b  c  


Temperature / mass of air in bubble / atmospheric pressure 





Dependent variable is volume/radius/ diameter; independent variable is atmospheric pressure 



Temperature / type of balloon 



Bell jar or container to hold balloon  [1] Means to change pressure, e.g., vacuum pump  [1]


Squirt air from a small glass tube under water wat er and change the radius of the tube [1]


Wrap source in a few millimetres of aluminium  and subtract background count 

[1] [1] [1]

Put a fiducial mark on the bench on the outside of the source to mark its middle Use lead absorbers / stand far aw away ay / stay close for a short time  [1]


Amount of radioactive material / atmospheric pressure / long half-life 

The source is quite large and it is difficult to know which part to measure to / difficult to put a ruler over the distance






Place marks on side of glass tube in which bubble bubb le rises and time bubble between the marks  [1]

Dependent variable is count rate; independent variable is distance 

Record for as long as possible (but Record much less than half-life) 






Connect to a microphone and oscilloscope.. Measure T , the time for oscilloscope 1 one wave on x-axis and f  and f  = T   



Diagram of source and GM tube, with GM tube connected to counter   [1] Record Recor d change in reading on counter and divide count by time  [1]


Turn on vacuum pump  Pressure gauge shown or manometer (pressure may be measured in cm of liquid) 



Wear goggles / stand behind safety screen (as bell jar may implode) 



6.0 ± 0.7 



1.5 ± 0.2 



9.0 ± 1.2 or 9 ± 1 



1.0 ± 0.3 



5.0 ± 1.6 or 5 ± 2 



1.73 ± 0.06 


Cambridge International AS & A Level Physics – Sang, Jones, Chadha & Woodside © Cambridge University Press 2020




Best-fit line: an even balance of points about the line along its whole length  


 Worst-fit line: line with most different gradient to best-fit line but that still passes through as many error bars as possible  [1]  IIn n questions 9 to 13, only brief descriptions are given.


Any [4] points Any [4]  points from:


Use small amplitudes 


Trial experiment to find sensible value of mass  [1]


Use of electronic timer 


Fiducial aid 


Measure time from centre of oscilla oscillation tion


[1] [1]

Dependent variab variable le R 


Independent variab variable le d  


Constant: intensity of bulb 

[1] [1] [1]


Independent variab variable le I  

Circuit diagram 



Constant: coil turns and area 


Current and voltage measured 



Distance d between source and LDR changed 

Diagram showing coil and Hall probe with voltmeter  [1]


Coil connected to d.c. power supply 


Ammeter to measure I  


Probe at right angles to direction of magnetic field 


d measured and shown 


Method of measuring d   V  =    I 

[1] [1] [1]



Graph of ln R against ln d  should  should be a straight line (not through origin)  [1]

11 •


Avoid touching hot lamp / do not stare at bright light  [1]


Any [4] [4] points  points from:


Calculation of currents and choice of sensible meter ranges 


Lamp is a line filament 


Detail of how to measure distance to filament inside bulb 

[1] [1] [1] [1]


Repeat measure measurement ment and average 


Trial experiment to find sensible distances

Dependent variab variable le B  

[1] [1] [1] [1]

[1] [1] [1] [1]


Method to locate centre of coil 

Graph Gra ph of B  against  against I or graph of ln B  


against ln I   [1] Straight line through origin or graph of of ln B  against  against ln I  has  has slope 1  [1]

Large current causes heating, so switch off when not in use  [1]


Any [4] [4] points  points from:


Method to create a large magnetic field


Reasoned method to keep probe in same orientation (e.g. set square, fix to rule)   [1]

[1] Avoidance of outside light/reflections  [1] Dependent variab variable le T   [1]


Calibrate Hall probe 


Repeatt experiment with probe reversed Repea


Independent variab variable le l  



10 •

[1] [1]

Avoid extern external al magnetic fields   Dependent variab variable le E  

[1] [1]


Independent variab variable le v 



Constant: number of turns in coil or same magnet 


Labelled diagram with magnet falling vertically through coil 



Constant: mass 

[1] [1]

12 •

Displace mass downwards and release   [1]


Method of measuring l  using  using rule 


[1] Method to measure to centre of mass  [1] Time 10 oscillations and divide by 10  [1] Use stopwatch  [1]


Graph of ln T  against  against ln l  


Voltmete oltmeterr or c.r.o. connec connected ted to coil  


Method to change speed of magnet 

[1] [1]


Gradient of graph n 



Avoid masses falling on foot / mass flying off / avoid avoid breaking ruler with large amplitudes  [1]

Measurements to find v, distance or time measurements 





Determining v, e.g., v = 

2h   = 2 gh or V  t

Cambridge International AS & A Level Physics – Sang, Jones, Chadha & Woodside © Cambridge University Press 2020



Plot graph of E  against  against v or graph of ln E   against ln v  [1]


Valid if straight line through origin or  gradient of log graph = +1  [1]

14 a b


 / T  /



[1] T 2 /



 1.11 + 0 1.11  0..1

1.23 ± 0.02

Keep away from falling magnet / use sand tray to catch magnet  [1]

 1.28 + 0 1.28  0..1

1.64 ± 0.03

 1.42 + 0 1.42  0..1

2.02 ± 0.03

Any [4] Any  [4] points  points from:

 1.59 + 0 1.59  0..1

2.53 ± 0.03


Detailed measurement of maximum E , use of datalogger / storage oscilloscope  [1]

 1.69 + 0 1.69  0..1

2.86 ± 0.04


Use video including playback frame by frame  [1]

 1.81 + 0 1.81  0..1

3.28 ± 0.04


Use short magnet or thin coil so v is constant 


 ii ii

All points plotted correctly 


[1] Cardboard tube for magnet to fall down [1] How to support coil or tube vertically  [1] Repeat for each v and average  [1] Dependent variab variable le V S  [1]


All error bars correct 


 iii iii

Line of best fit 



Worst accept acceptable able straigh straightt line 


 iv iv

4.1 s2 m 1 uncertainty between ±0.1 and ±0.3  [2]


Independent variab variable le f   f  


Constant: number of turns / input current

9.6 m s 2 uncertainty between ±0.2 and ±0.6  [2]

 vi vi

Using g  = 9.6 ± 0.2 m s 2 gives t =  Using g  19.2 ± 0.2 s 


13 •


/ voltage to coil 

[1] Labelled diagram with a.c. generator   [1]


Voltmeter connected to output 


c.r.o. c.r. o. or frequency meter connected 


Measurement of time for one or more wave on c.r.o. screen used to find f  find f   [1]


Method of measuring V S; method of changing frequency 


Plot graph of V S against  against f   f  or graph of of ln V S against ln f  ln f  



[1] [1]

Valid if straight line through origin or  gradient of log graph = +1  [1] Heating of coil, e.g. switch off when not in use to avoid overheating coil / do not touch  [1]


Any [4] [4] points  points from:


Choice of number of turns to give reasonable reasonab le output 


1 f  =  period  


using y-gain -gain  V S found using y



4 2  g 

gradient = 

[1] [1]

[1] Changing r.m.s r.m.s.. to peak from voltmeter  [1]


Check that input voltage or current is constant  [1]


Repeat and average 


15 a

gradient n; y  y-intercept -intercept lg k  



 lg (T  / lg  / K)

lg (R  /  / W)


2.740 ± 0.008


2.681 ± 0.009


2.625 ± 0.010


2.568 ± 0.012


2.519 ± 0.014

[2] [2]



All points plotted correctly 



All error bars correct 


 ii ii

Line of best fit 



Worst accept acceptable able straigh straightt line 


 iii iii

 iv iv

Use of a point on the graph and y and  y  =  mx  + c to find c about 12  mx [1]


Use of point on worst line graph to find value value of c about 12 ± 1   [1]

3.7 ± 0.2  n = −  −3.7



k = 10intercept 



Use of worst worst value of intercept to give worst value of k   [1]

3.7 [1] ± 0.2 


Cambridge International AS & A Level Physics – Sang, Jones, Chadha & Woodside © Cambridge University Press 2020

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