Exam for Rhcsa Rh134 7

March 28, 2017 | Author: Azri Omar | Category: N/A
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____________________________________ Ch1: Kickstart/Anaconda -----------------------------------SECTIONS: -------1) Locations:

url --url="http://classroom.example.com/..."; repo --baseurl="..."

2) Auth:

rootp --plaintext PASSWORD

3) Partition:

clearpart --all --initlabel; zerombr part / --fstype=ext4 --size=4096 --maxsize=100000 --grow part / --fstype="xfs" --ondisk=vda --size=5120

4) Network:

network --device=eth0 --bootproto=dhcp etc lang en_US.UTF-8 timezone --utc rootpw --plaintext redhat services --disabled=network,iptables,ip6tables --enabled=Network

5) Config:

Manager group --name=admins --gid=1001 cd /usr/share/ find . -name '*kickstart*.txt' -print ./pykickstart- ** /usr/share/doc/pykickstart- Sample File: /root/anaconda-ks.cfg -----------echo "RUN_FIRSTBOOT=NO" >> /etc/sysconfig/firstboot - press 'F12' to select the boot media, and choose 'pxe' boot - on the boot menu, select the appropriate (usually the 1st one) and press 'tab' key to see options - add/append to end of line: ks=http://desktopX.example.com/ks-config/kickstart .cfg %packages : : %end lab kickstart setup - installed the httpd web-server - created the /var/www/html/ks-config/ directory cp /home/student/kickstart.cfg /var/www/html/ks-config/ ____________________________________ Ch2: Regex / grep ------------------------------------

Regular Expression (regex) ^ = begining of the line anchor $ = end of line anchor ^$ = matches empty lines [a-zA-Z] = match a range of characters, just ONE occurrence [a-z0-9] = matches alphanumerics, letters (a-z), and num (0-9). ONE occurrence [a-z0-9]\{32\} = matches 32 alphanumeric characters. \< \>

= match the 'empty' string at the begining of word = match the 'empty' string at the end of word.

cat dog concatenate dogma They are my pets My dog and cat live peacefully category educated boondoggle vindication chilidog # This is a comment using '#'(hash) ; This is a comment using ';' (semicolon) Example: $string="My dog and cat live peacefully" grep -w dog $string wall.out cat wall.out |grep -i -v 'no activity' > wall2.out More examples: http://cyberciti.biz/faq/grep-regular-expressions ____________________________________ Ch3: More vim -----------------------------------cmd mode: (default, when you first start vi/vim) insert mode: press 'i' (or 'a' or 'o' or 'O') yy = yank (copy) dd = delete line

Nx = del N characters, e.g. 9x = remove 9 characters from cursor position ctrl-v = 'visual mode' v = visual/line-by-line mode Search & Replace: a) go into cmd mode (press 'Esc') b) /pattern
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