Exam 3 Practice Problems

August 8, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Exam 3 – Practice Problems

1. Which of the following processes have a ΔS > 0? A. CH3OH(l ! CH3OH(s ". #$(g % 3 H$(g ! $ #H 3(g C. CH&(g % H$O (g ! CO(g % 3 H $(g '. #a$CO3(s % H$O(g % CO$(g ! $ #aHCO3(s . All of the the a)o a)ove ve proc process esses es h have ave a 'S > 0. $. Which of the following state*ents is +,-? A. nt ntrop rop  is no nott a state state f/nc f/nctio tion. n. ". nother*ic processes ecrease ecrease the entrop entrop of the the s/rro/nings s/rro/nings at const constant ant + an 2. 2. C. nother* nother*ic ic process processes es are never never spontaneo spontaneo/s. /s. '. other*i other*icc processes processes are alwas alwas sponta spontaneo/s neo/s.. . #one #one o off the the a)ov a)ovee are are tr tr/e /e.. 3. Consier the following reaction at constant constant 2. 2. -se the infor*ation here to eter*ine the val/e of ΔSs/rr  at 345 6. 2reict whether or not this reaction will )e spontan spontaneo/s eo/s at this te*perat/re. & #H3(g % 3 O $(g ! $ #$(g % 7 H$O(g A. ". C. '. .

ΔH 8 91$7: ;<

ΔSs/rr  8 %1$.7: ;
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