Exam 2 Certification Questions - With Answers

April 20, 2018 | Author: Jasna Čugura | Category: Application Software, System Software, Computing, Technology, Software
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SDL Trados exam...


1. A termbase is... A database that stores source and target segment fragments. A glossary in either delimited text or Microsoft Excel format. A database used for storing organization-specific terms. A standard electronic dictionary on CD RM. 2

!he "ull !ag !ext button... displays all the tags in a document. displays the full name of a tag. displays the tag #ith all its attributes. displays the full text enclosed in tags.


$n the Editor %ie#& the source document is di%ided into... segments fragments  phrases terms


'ou 'ou can (uic)ly *ump to a location in the docu ment& e.g. a particular heading& using the na%igation tree in the... !ranslation !ranslation Results #indo# +re%ie# #indo#  ,a%igation +ane +ro*ects ie#


!he last column in the Editor %ie# of D/ !rados !rados tudio contains the... document structure information segment id source text target text


0hat does CA! stand for Computer-Aided !ranslation Computer-Aided !ransaction Computer-Assisted !ransaction Computerized Assistance for !ranslation


0hen sa%ing a document in the Editor of D/ !rados tudio using "ile -2 a%e& it #ill... o%er#rite the original file.  be sa%ed as a bilingual D/ 3/$"" document.  be sa%ed as a bilingual %ersion of the nati%e format& e.g. M +o#er+oint& 0ord& etc.  be sa%ed as a bilingual !!3 or $!D document.


0hich of the follo#ing statements is correct !he closing tag of a tag pair can be positioned before its opening counterpart. $f you #ant to remo%e paired tags from your target segment& you need to delete them  both. +aired tags are only used to apply formatting information. 'ou can delete either the opening or closing tag of a tag pair.


0hich of the follo#ing statements is ,! correct A !M allo#s multiple translations for the same source sentence. A !M is made up of source and target language segment pairs. A !M can contain one source language and multiple target languages. A file-based !M is made up of a single file.


a%ing a document as target... al#ays o%er#rites the original document& as the name of the target document cannot  be changed. generates the target document in its nati%e format. re(uires you to select a different path for storing the target file. generates the finalized %ersion of the currently translated document in the nati%e

format& but only #or)s #hen you ha%e fully translated the document.


0hat does a green pencil icon #ith a chec) mar) bet#een a source and target segment  pair mean !he segment is translated. !he translation is a 1445 match. !he segment is in draft status. !he translation has been appro%ed by the pro*ect manager or re%ie#er. 2

0hat does this icon bet#een a source and target segment pair mean !he segment has 6not translated6 status.  ,o match has been found in the !M. !he target segment has been deleted. !he target cell is empty. 3

0hich of these buttons displays the tag ids 7 1 8 9 4

0hich of the follo#ing elements does the ,a%igation pane on the 0elcome screen of D/ !rados tudio not contain  ,a%igation buttons

A lin) to the penExchange App tore. /in)s to penExchange apps. /in)s to external applications such as +assolo& 0inAlign& etc. 5

:o# can you transfer tags from the source to the target segment ;sing drag < drop =y clic)ing the tag in the source segment #hile holding do#n the Ctrl )ey. =y right-clic)ing the tag in the source segment. =y double-clic)ing the tag in the source segment.


0hich of these buttons is used to open a single file for translation 1 8  ,one of these buttons. 7 7

0hen you open a pro*ect pac)age... you need to extract its content to an empty folder. you need to extract its content to the folder #here the pac)age is stored.

you al#ays ha%e to create a ne# folder for each pro*ect. you can extract its content to any folder. 8

0hich tag or tags do you ha%e to delete to ma)e the ghost tag disappear 1 and 8 9 1 and 9 1 9

0hich of these buttons is used to copy the current source segment into the target cell 8 7 1 9 10

'ou ha%e deleted the closing tag of a tag pair. !he closing tag has therefore been turned into a ghost tag. :o# can you resol%e this problem =y selecting the text enclosed in the tag pair& right-clic)ing it& and selecting Restore !ags from the context menu. =y right-clic)ing any#here #ithin the segment and selecting Restore !ags from the context menu. =y selecting the ghost tag& right-clic)ing it& and selecting Restore !ags from the context menu. =y selecting the opening tag& right-clic)ing it& and selecting Restore !ags from the context menu.


'ou are trying to insert a #ord from the Concordance #indo# into your document >see screenshot?. 0hy is the command insert into document inacti%e =ecause the selected unit has no !M match. =ecause there is a match discrepancy& i.e. there is no match for the selected unit& but the Concordance hit is a 1445 match. =ecause this function is not a%ailable in the first release of D/ !rados tudio. =ecause the cursor is not positioned in the target cell of the side-by-side editor. 8

0hich button do you need to clic) to minimize the tags 1

8 7 9 7

0hat is the file extension used for return pac)ages D/R  D/RR3 D/R+3 D/@Return


Can an empty target segment be confirmed as translated 'es& you can do this& but only #hen the source segment is empty too. 'es& this is possible& but no translation unit #ill be stored in the !M.  ,o& an empty target segment cannot be set to !ranslated status. 'es& you can confirm an empty target segment. !his #ill create a translation unit #ith an empty target segment in the !M.

0hen a DC file is sa%ed to D/ 3/$""& the extension #ill be >,ame.DC?  ,ame.DC.D/ 3/$""  ,ame.D/ 3/$""  ,ame.DC3/$""  ,ame@doc.D/3/$""


0hat is a segment status !he status is the same as the match %alue. !he status of a segment can only be seen #hen you are in re%ie# mode. !he status sho#s if the segment has been confirmed& is still a draft !he status of the segment is sho#n by the letters >:& +? in the fifth column in the editor.

0hy is the first segment considered a context match =ecause this segment occurred at the beginning of a document in another pro*ect. =ecause both the source and the target segments only contain t#o #ords. =ecause in another pro*ect this segment occurred in a document that had the same name. =ecause the !M 6remembers6 that this segment #as follo#ed by the same segment in another pro*ect. 

'ou ha%e mo%ed from segment 1 to segment 8. Although you are certain that there should  be at least one match from the !M& no match is sho#n in the !ranslation Results #indo#. 0hat could be the reason for this !he selected target language is not supported by D/ !rados tudio. !he source segment is empty. 'ou ha%e placed the cursor inside the source segment& not inside the target segment. 'ou ha%e selected a !M #ith the #rong language pair.

$s it possible to specify a default language pair that is al#ays used #hen you open a single document 'es. Fo to "ile -2 ptions 2- Editor -2 /anguages and choose your preferred language pair.  ,o& you al#ays ha%e to choose the languages from a drop-do#n menu #hen you open a file. 'es. nce you ha%e selected a language pair #hen opening a file& this choice #ill  persist. 'es. Fo to !ools - /anguages and set the language options.


0hich one of these buttons is used to mar) a pro*ect as complete 1

7 8 9

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