Ewhore 1 PDF

October 13, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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E-Whoring: The Ult U ltimate imate




E-Whori Whori ng ng:: Virtual Virt ual Private Priv ate Network Network (V (VPN PN))  EWhat is a VPN? VPN?  

Put simply, a Virtual Private Network, N etwork, or VPN VPN,, is a group of computers (or discrete networks) networked together over a public network namely, the internet. connect remote datacentres, and individuals can use VPNs Businesses use VPNs to resources to get access to network when they’re not physically on the same LAN (local area network), or as a method for securing and encrypting their communications when they’re using an untrusted public network. net work.  When you connect to a VPN, VPN, you usually launch a VPN client on your computer (or click a link on a special website), log in with your credentials, and your computer exchanges trusted keys with a far-away server. Once both computers have verified each other as authentic, all your internet communication is encrypted and secured from eavesdropping. This means that your IP will change so you cannot be found. E-Whore..  As you can read, a VPN is a very important tool when you are going to E-Whore This will hide your identity, and prevent people from finding you. So, I recommend to use a VPN. VPN. List of free VPN’s   - CyberGhost VPN - HotSpot Shield - ProXPN - OpenVPN List of paid VPN’s   - HideMyAss VPN - 143VPN - Ra4W VPN




The Payment sys tem: PayPal Guide Niches Niches and Alternatives Alternatives   Payment system: Some serious thought process has gone into this section; this is probably the widest spread problem that everyone while E-Whoring faces; PayPal Limitation. Now, you may know some tricks and tips but I guarantee after reading this section, you’ll come out Ten times wiser. I highly recommend reading this before continuing

E-Book.. with any other part(s) of the E-Book These tips and tricks are used to receive your mone y. It’s not that hard to receive money. Another way is to get paid in AGC (Amazon gift cards), but I’m using PayPal

for my receives. If you wish to skip this th is part, you can easily skip to your desired section! Good luck with it.




Metho thod d 1:  A New Business Account  Account  Me This method is the one I personally used and is probably the best if you’re going to follow this guide step by step. If you’re not going to, refer to the others below.   1.

Go to  to www.pay www.paypal.com pal.com and signup for a Business Account  


If they ask you for what plan you want, say skip this step and move on.  3. Next, it’ll ask you for your real information, use your real  information!  4.

This is the part where you pick your niche. Pick what type of Businessman you’re

wanting to be and try to be as vague as possible when telling PayPal. ie. I’ll say Net

Services, so I pick the corresponding options on PayPal. Use an email as the master email that has something to do with your business and sounds professional professional  [email protected]   [email protected] 5. Go to the next page where you’ll finish typing in the rest of the  information.  6. Once that’s all done, you’re going to come to the part that’s a bit more

complicated. For this part, the more effort you put in the more you could potentially get out.  7.

You’re going to want to create a fake website that corresponds with your Business

. webs.com and looks legit, it can be free or paid. (I suggest using a free .tk website or .webs.com website). website ). You may be questioning that last step but it all plays into the niche nicely. If PayPal ever gets suspicious, you can use this site as a reference to show them where you’re getting these payments  from.  from.   You’re going to want to create a Web W eb Store, again I suggest.webs.com as it’s  free, you don’t need any skills, and it’s easily accessible. In this Web Store, predict the prices which you’re going to receive and make  products that correspond with your Business. (ie. If you’re a Graphic Designer, you’re going to want to make .psd / 8.

Youtube editing service(s) ect.)  ect.)   9.

Once you’ve created your fake Website, you’re free to sell and buy at your own

pace! To stay extra secure and give yourself that much more on the safe side, verify your account using a real bank account!  account!  Link.. Those can be found in Merchant • To avoid Chargebacks, use a Donation Link Services > Create Button > Switch Button from Buy Now to Donation > Enter Prices • 




Metho thod d 2: Your Personal Account  Account  Me This method is a secondary to the one above, it’s useful for those who don’t want to

use a Business Account or create a new PayPal Account. 1.

Go to  to www.pay www.paypal.com pal.com and signup for a Business Account Account..

2. 3.

If they ask you for what plan you want, say skip this step and move on. Next, it’ll ask you for your real information use your real information!


Instead of picking a business name, just use a realistic r ealistic email account. account.


Once you’ve created your account, follow the steps from 7 until 9.

Metho thod d 3:  A Sellfy Linkage  Linkage  Me This is a new method, no one has seen or used before and I am glad to say I invented this. You can use your traditional fake PayPal with this method and avoid limitation! 1.

Go to  to www.pay www.paypal.com pal.com and sign up for a Business or Premier Account Account..


Type in your real and/or fake information and create cr eate your account. account.


If you use the Business Business Account  Account format, follow the niche. niche.


Now go to  to www.sellfy.com and create an account.


Make sure to use the same email to sign up to Sellfy as the PayPal account.

Sellfy.. To avoid it being fflagged, lagged, put a .txt Now you’re ready to create a product on Sellfy file and zip it so it’s a .zip or .rar file (Have the .txt file say “Skype me @ (putyourownskypenamehere) (putyourow nskypenamehere) for your package”.  6.

7.  After

uploading your your file, create a product nam name, e, this doesn’t matter but don’t make it “Sexy Pics”. Something you can prove to PayPal that is a legitimate  product.


Create set prices which you’ll charge to customers/guys and finally publish your

product. You can now easily access the link and send that to your customers/guy customers/guys s to pay through. You may wonder why this is a method for not getting limited, and that’s simple. Sellfy is an established company and they withdraw a 5% fee from your account after every purchase. If PayPal ever got suspicious of where your funds are coming from, you have an easy source.




E-Whore Whore Intro Intro duct duction ion:: The way how to work  work  ETo me E-Whoring is the act of sexual manipulation used for monetary gain. In the EWhoring world hormones are our best friend. This is a technique where you (the automated system) pretend to be a girl and seducing people to do favours for you! E-Whoring is just a branch of Social Engineering in which you portray to be a girl and use Pictures, Videos, or Virtual Cam Whores Whor es to manipulate and persuade men into giving you money for the items listed above. This may seem borderline homosexual, and it is but you’d be astonished how easy it


Method 1: E-Whoring ManyCam VCW Setup Setup   E-Whoring: Flash VCW Setup: As much as I despise Flash VCWs I feel obligated to insert a guide on how to set them up. Downgrade your Flash Player to version 10.3 and download ManyCam ManyCams s (www.ManyCam.com)   (www.ManyCam.com)



Once you’ve installed both, download do wnload your VCW File and extract it.


Once extracted, open up Firefox (must be  be www.FireFox www.FireFox.com) .com)  

Go to your extracted VCW VCW file and find the file with a name like l ike EasyVCWv1.51, EasyVCWv1.51, drag that file and paste it in your URL box.


5.  A

red box should pop to the left, left, click it and pick Allow Anyways; if done correctly the Easy VCW menu should pop up. 6.

Wait 30 seconds and if your VCW doesn’t automatically pop up, click Load VC VCW W 

and go back to your extracted VC VCW W file and find the file default.vcw and load it. 7. Your VCW should now load and you should see your commands. Go back to ManyCam and while on the Effects page go to Text over Video and and near the bottom uncheck the box that says Show Manycam Logo. 8.





Once that’s done, go over to Sources and then to Desktop. Desktop.

Drag Firefox to the left/right of your screen so your screen is divided and click on the button that is of a window with a cursor on it. 10.

Once selected, put that evenly over your VCW so only the video can be seen and press Ok.


Go back to ManyCam and tick the box Hide mouse cursor. (If you don’t your cursor will show up on the video v ideo stream if you hover over it.)



Go to Skype and under Tools click Options and let it load.


Once it’s loaded, go to Video Settings and change your Webcam to ManyCam

Virtual WebCam. WebCam.

E-Whoring ManyCam VCW Download links links   http://www.mediafire.com/?6q2vaqy115zsf21 http://www.mediafire.com/?lv9dpi22b9h8w83


Bethany Meredith

http://www.mediafire.com/?gm0t3sjjjqjbjy5 http://www.mediafire.com/?280egw8yjuz4ze0 http://www.mediafire.com/?uiduyom4d3u9qw6 http://www.mediafire.com/?qsogsyjsofq9s6c http://www.mediafire.com/?0v7tu7f1wl5o7hz http://www.mediafire.com/?9491vvcdl4swtwo http://www.mediafire.com/?0rykx4n161cqz48 http://www.mediafire.com/?pymp5i52niucpuc http://www.mediafire.com/?4v2jpzqar6mj69h http://www.mediafire.com/?mw9f8ty374g99af http://www.mediafire.com/?ccr9d8mczntatvp http://www.mediafire.com/?fbi75a615he7n19


Kayla Julianne Heather Chennine  Aman anda da  Am Rachael Tiffany Nadia Stripes Jewel Pinkie Josephine   Josephine




Charge  E-Whoring: What to Charge  I know you bought this E-Book expecting everything to be done for you, and that’s why we buy E-Books after all, isn’t it? Well, this   W ell, this E-Book is different from the rest; this E-Book allows for expansion and creativity to flourish which is mandatory to be a good E-Whore E-Whore..  As with anything in life, life, you can do usually what you want but there are some advantages and disadvantages. The main thing while you’re E-Whoring is you’re trying to get some fast cash and I am guessing you’ve tried before so you’ll know the just how ho w difficult this can be.  

There are two approaches which can be taken which are common sense but easily favourite,, and has passed by as not important / relevant. The very first one is my favourite earned me $700 in one month of use! prices)   Prices for nudes (common prices)

$20 for 30 nudes $40 for 65 nudes Prices for video's (common prices) prices)  

10 minutes for $20 20 minutes for $35

Method 1: Small but Plentiful: As to what I mean, you may be wondering. This is my favourite method and works quite well. As the title says, you’re going to be taking in

small amounts but hopefully lots of purchases. There’s really no way of dictating how many purchases you’ll get, you have to follow

the execution steps inside of this E-Book as well as personal experience to depict whether or not they’re willing to pay lots money. As to how you’ll execute this method, that’s quite simple.  

You can offer a lower timed show (e.g. 10 Minutes) for $10/20 and keep it under $30 per show while raising or lowering the show. sho w. This isn’t a huge money maker but it’s done with the expectation that you’re going to be raking in more than 5 shows a day.  

This method has its ups and downs like any other oth er method, I used this method personally as I gave the customer/guys what he purchased and made around 50100$ which was great money for myself for what I was doing, after all.




Ch ip: The wording above is made to sound professional Method 2: Large but Less Chip: but readable. Chip is used in place for the word amount. So, in this method, you’re going to be charging large(r) amounts but be ready to expect fewer customers overall in a day. I am not saying you won’t sell as many shows as above, but it’s highly unlikely since you’re going to be charging 20-100$+ for a show and with a price like that, the customer can easily get a rub n’ tug from a local joint than over the internet.  

I haven’t made anyone pay for anything over $35, $35, which was for a 15-minute show show   and some pictures. pictures. I would highly suggest you work with this guy, gu y, seriously SE him and get him to trust you. This approach can be taken to every method but isn’t recommended if you’r e seeking a quick buck.

Get to know him, communicate with him and sympathize with him which means if he tells you something (e.g. his dog died) you make him feel more like a person and tell him a fake story of how you lost your dog once. This makes them feel not only less estranged but more comfortable around you and more likely to do things you’ve asked. There have been multiple times that I’ve gone clutch and have made customers pay

by doing something oritsaying So, ifbe you follow what I say and an d put your  good. own personal twist on (your swag) ssomething. wag) and you’ll Everyone does something their own way and they’re good doing that, when I E-

Whored I always listened to techno music music,, it just gave me this uncontrollable hyped feeling that made me keep going, and going, and going.




Execution  E-Whoring: The Execution  If there’s one thing I know for certain, it’s that if you cannot execute your potential earnings will be no longer. To maximize your potential earnings, y ou’ll need to do a

short list of things but can do them faster and better than none other. The list will be below but as said above; you’ll need to put your own swag in effect so

you can maximize earnings and your progress. Be Angelic : Be overly happy, almost like it’s a privilege to talk to them and they’re the only person you should talk to. Make them the center of attention and make them know that they’re.  Be C Comforti omforti ng ng:: Don’t force them to give you the money, slowly bring it about and

comfort them if they begin to be vulnerable or open. Never force anything on them, unless that’s a fetish or your own, o wn, unique swag.  pla y with them, using your girly characteristics. If Be Flirtatious : Tease them and just play you truly want to, you can use your own personal fetishes and asks if he likes that because all men are wired the same. Just try tr y to find out what he likes and what turns him off, then exploit this. Sympathy Card : This was discussed slightly above but get him to feel bad for you.

This can commonly be known as a sob story but make him feel bad for you, deep down all guys, especially those who are love-struck want to play the hero role. Be Outgoing Outgoing:: Again, this was explained briefly above but you’ve got to be outgoing. Try to keep a positive attitude even after saying you’re short on rent. It’ll make you more attractive but you can also downplay this this a little bit, too. (e.g. (e .g. Say “I guess it’ll get better, most things do. :|”)  

usua lly talk like Talk Like a Retard : Now, nothing against tween girls but they usually retards, using acronyms constantly and shortening words just to be extra lazy and relieve themselves of the overwhelming work load. Use Emotico ns to Your Advantage Advantage:: I’ve actually got a guy to pay using emotes, this can be also downplayed. Either use them strategically (e.g. “I am horny ;)”) or

use it as above and mess up a lot while using the emoticon, the guy will find it cute! (e.g. “;0 Uhhhmmm! I suck with these emoticons lol”) 




Overall:: Know that most guys aren’t go ing to be anything but nice to you, even those Overall

who are suspicious of you being a fraud. I’m not saying that all guys gu ys who buy from you are lifeless virgins but they’re paying a

person they barely know for internet sex so use this to your advantage. Using the above techniques combined with one another can seriously get you some much needed cash and experience. These are norm al, but fast c onvers ation examples how t o make a cust omer pay for pictur es or videos. videos.  




wasters   E-Whoring: how to recognize & filter time wasters  We are talking about KIK right here, but it counts for everything so also Snapchat and Skype Skype.. You probably have seen the classic time waster. He wastes all your time and doesn’t pay you a single penny. I will explain some so me of the points how to recognize it. 1.

Most people from Africa and othe otherr poor countri es a aren't ren't going to pay you, no of fense. S So, o, ask them w here they are from t o recogn ize the time wasters .


Someone who asks for this kind of sh it, Someone it,   Questions: “Can I have some sample? ” Questions: “Can I have some previews?” Questions: “I need a lot of samples before I buy!” 

previews,, block them  Answ  An sw er: Giving one preview is okay, but if they ask for some previews because they are time wasters! You don’t want to send samples. You want to earn money! 3.

People that ask things like,  like,  Questions: “Can we  just sext?”  Questions: “Can we just trade?”   Answ  An sw er: They are time-wasters, believe me! 4.

people that that w ant to sext and ge gett pi ctures fir st and pay late later. r.   Questions: “I will send you money later, I want pictures first.”   Answ  An sw er: Those people are time-waster, most of the time they don't even have cash! 5.

People that say s omething lik e this, People Questions: “I am so horny right now, can't we just sext and pics first? now? Questions: “I am getting paid tomorrow; can't we have fun right now? Questions: “I have a lot of money on my PayPal, if you make me cum I give you a lot of cash!”   An  Answ sw er: This is bullshit. They won’t pay you a single s ingle penny!  6.

The guy that wants to see e every very part of your body!  Answ sw er: If you send a ass picture, and they want to see tits to before buying,  An

Block them, because they are going to jerk off and run of just like every other guy!


People that send a lot of di ck pic tures. People  An  Answ sw er: From my experience, every one that sends a lot of dick pictures aren't going

to pay shit of you, I don't know why! 8.

people with emoji i n their names!  An  Answ sw er: 99% of the time they won’t buy shit, believe me! They are very childish. 




Method  E-Whoring: Basic E-Whore Method  This section is made entirely for people who are new to E-Whoring and need to get the basics down, or someone who just wants a different perspective on what to do E-Whoring.. while just, simply, E-Whoring 1.

I like to setup my Notepad with what I’ll say to spam chat rooms. This can be

anything you’d like,ebut usually -Whores something andontocam, point.add my name nam is Sara andallI E am 21 fromsay H Holland. olland. I am generic horny and (e.g. “Hey, my Skype: xXSexyLisaXx ”)  2.

You’ll need to find some sites. Whether W hether you know what sites to use or you’re going to use the list of sites at the bottom of this E-Book, you’ll need to go there and Copy +

Paste whatever you put in that Notepad into the chat text box and send it so others can see it. Depending on the site and how many people are active, you should receive a fair bit of Skype traffic. I usually got around 10 requests within 4 posts in Chat Avenue. Avenue. 3.

You’re going to be soon chatting to your victim, you can use your own approach  or one above and you’ll need to offer him a show eventually and try to convince him t o


buy it from you, if you haven’t  already. 5.

If he doesn’t agree to pay, there’s still a way to monetize him. You can send him a

do wnload, you still link which is using a PPD or CPA website so for every click or download, receive money from him but not quite as much. You can get quite a bit of c clicks licks if you do this! If he agrees to the Camshow Camshow,, tell him your prices or ask him what he wants and try to work out a price. If he asks for a preview, do it but I highly h ighly discourage you from showing any nudity or being on cam for too long, if you’re on cam for too long it’s


possible he could figure out it’s a video v ideo or he’ll cum and you’ll be out of any possible

money. 7.

to do a If weird such as “Putthis up command, 3 Fingers”, has ask that you command. yourcommand VCW cannot perform doHe’ll this ifmore yourthan VCWlikely you can either try to convince him to do another command or cut your losses, end the call, block him and move on. 8.

If he’s going to pay, send him either your PayPal email, a money request, or a

donation link. A how to for the money request and donation link is in the above E-Book!! 9) Once you receive the payment, you PayPal guide at the very top of the E-Book can either run or do the show, I suggest you do the show as if you don’t, it ruins  that VCWs reputation and you may get receive a chargeback.



E-Whoring: The Craigslist Method Whether or not you like using Craigslist, it’s a method which has gotten me some success as well as others so it’s going in this th is E-Book so people can try it if they’re beginners or for those who want to give it another go after they see the amazing tips I give on it. Craigslistthey is famous in E-Whoring for being almost a bitch biGhosted, tch as PayPal because flag and Ghost ads constantly. Whenas anbig adas gets that means it appears to you, the original poster that it is up and viewable but in all actuality, no one else can see it and it’s invisible even when using the search function. Ghosting! What to Below, i’ll tell you what to post, where to post, and how to avoid Ghosting! Post!? This is an age old question as you never know what to really post to avoid av oid flagging and ghosting. The truth is, it’s not  quite what you say in the post but what you say to the people. Craigslist has an auto-spam spider bot which goes through the text of posts and titles and if it reads anything that’s on its “blacklist” it will automatically flag the post as spam. This is a pain in the ass so below i’ll give you personal templates to use to avoid this problem. *NOTE: It’s always a good idea to wait a good 12 hours before replying to Emails, that way, they build up and you get more from a post before it’s

flagged by the person replying to the post!

Title 1 1:: “Got the day off, looking for fun!” Content of Post 1: “I got the day off today

and my friends went out without me so I am stuck inside all day. da y. I was looking for some fun, maybe a meetup but I’ve been plagued with a fine  class of Craigslist assholes in the past so I am not going to meet anyone on a wimb. If you think you can control yourself and have a NSFW convers conversation ation I would appreciate it if you were to me me. I am (insert age here), I weigh (insert weight here), I am a natural (insert hair color here) and a little horny ; )” 



Title 2 2:: “(Insert name of city here) girl looking for more: “Hello, my name is (insert

name here). I am (insert age here), (insert body type here) and always ready for action! I’m looking for a gentlemen that would take me to dinner so we can explore each other and perhaps create love later on that night if the chemistry is there! ; ) I like resto, cinema, and men in general so I hope the prince I’m looking for will see this ad and hopefully respond! If you’re interested in meeting up, try and get in contact with my on my Skype: (skype name here)” Where to Post!? 

This, again, is important. More populated places would work best but usually the more populated places have had more people E-Whoring post there so this is up to you, do some experimenting. The places below are the places I’ve tried and have had success with and no

Cities:: New York / Manhattan Brookly Brooklyn n / Queens San success with. Good States / Cities Diego / SanFran Bay / Los Angeles United Kingdom / London Cambridge / Manchester Australia / Brisbane / Sydney Bad States / Cities: Florida / Orlando / Daytona Illinois / Chicago Arizona / Phoenix Experimentation is the best be st way to find new places out. I see some people go after large cities but some also go after small towns/cities which are both very self explanatory. explanatory. I personally go after bigger cities as I reach a larger demographic.



E-Whoring: Bonus Craigslist Method Fully Autopilot This is a nice method I thought of, it’s efficient enough to be considered Autopilot and can be used with multiple sites, not just Craigslist. It uses Sellfy or another auto buy system like that so I suggest if you’re unfamiliar with this method, you read the

PayPal Guide! 1.

CreatePay an auto buy account. This can be using many sthey ites;won’t I they try their hardest notdone to consider your auto suggest Hip as files buy and sites; limit your account if you get reported. When creating this account, create a product and name it very v ery vaguely so no suspicions will be raised. 2.

It’s best you create a brand-new email address and you set up multiple different

ads using the States and more. By doing this, th is, you can then follow the above guides and get over 100 replies so you can maximize your earnings potential. potential. 3.

Instead of replying regularly, you’re going to use something called “Vacation Response”. Vacation Response will allow you to automatically reply to emails without

even being signed in. Follow the steps on the next page. 4.

Once you’ve read and done everything, test try it by b y sending yourself an email. It’ll

almost instantly send an email back. Read it, if it looks good, then stick with it. If you think it needs editing, I highly suggest you make it next to perfect. 5.

Once you’ve done all of the above, follow the guides in the original Craigslist

method so you can properly reply to messages and manipulate customers/guys so you can earn some stacks!



Step 1. Crea Create te a new email Acco unt .  

easy!! You just must create a new email with Yahoo, Hotmail or The first step is very easy whatever you want to use. But I suggest you should take Yahoo. Now, you are going to want to create a new email (Yahoo, Hotmail, whatever you want. I suggest using Yahoo), preferably one that sounds convincing for your Ewhoring.. Example:  whoring Example: Meirewes@y [email protected] ahoo.com Step 2. Se Sett up an Auto Re Reply ply o n y our New Email.  Email.  

Yahoo, go into your mail. Then click on the options tab at the top and If you’re using Yahoo, then click on settings. After you have clicked on settings a new window with will open.

Then you'll want to click on vacation v acation response on the left-hand side and then create example.. Please your auto response message. The message shown shown below is just an example write something custom custom!! It is needed.



Make sure that you check the enable auto response box and set up the dates that you want your auto response to be effective. Then type your custom message and hit save. You can’t use my message if for your auto response, below is just an example of

something you should write. Write a custom/unique message. Be creative, be horny and think like a man. Because you are man probably … 

“ Heyy Heyy nice to meet you!
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