Evolution of ICT in Education ICT created an enormo rmous growth wth over the past years in the filed of education. It has changed many aspects in the teaching and learning process as it aff affects ects the the educ educa ation tional al syst ystem, em, educ educat atio iona nall learning environment, teaching methods and strategies and the way the students learn. Let’s
fin find d out out how how the the dev develop elopme men nt of ICT ICT had made a great impact in education.
1650650- Ho Horn rn Bo Book ok
This is a wooden paddle with prin with printted less lesson onss tha that was was used durin ring the colo olonial era. You can find on the paper alphabets and a religious verse whic wh ich h chil childr dren en would ould cop copy to help them learn how to write.
1820 820-- Diff Differ erenc ence e Engi Engine ne
Charle Char less Babb Babbag age e was was the the one w ho designed t hi s comp co mput utin ing g mach machin ine e whic which h was was used in calculating and printing of simple math tables.
1830 830-- Ana Analy lytica ticall Engin Engine e
Charles Babbage designed this second computing machine whic wh ich h was used sed in calcu alcula lati tin ng complicated problems by following a set of instructions.
1870 870-- Mag Magic ic Lan Lanter tern n
This is a primitive version of a slide projector that projected images printed on glass plates.
189018 90- The schoo schooll state w was as in inv vente ented. d.
189 8900- Ch Chal alkb kboa oard rd
The chalkboard is one of the bigg the bigges estt inve invent ntio ions ns in terms terms of educational technology which is still being used up to this age.
1900900- Pen enci cill
T he
usually found in the classrooms, in the office and even at home.
1905905- St Ster ereos eoscop cope e
This is a threedimensional viewing tool used as a source of ente en tert rtai ainm nmen entt at home home and in school that were meant to be used to illustrate points made during lectures. lectures.
1920920- Ra Radi dio o
Radio was used for
on-air classes which began popping up for any student within listening range.
1925925- Fil Film m Pr Proj oject ector or
It is also called
movie projector which is used for projecting moving images from film.
1930- Ov Over erhead head Proj Projector ector
OHP was initially
used by the U.S. military for trai traini ning ng purp purpos oses es in World War II, but later on quickly spread to schools a nd other organizations.
1936936- The Fir First st Com Compu pute ter r
This was the th e fir first fr fre eely ely programmable computer.
1940940- Bal Ballp lpoin oint t Pen
is a useful tool in the This classroom.
Mime Mi megr grap aph h
mach machin ines es
made copies that can be distributed.
1947947- Tr Tran ansis sistor tor
T he
inven inve nted by Bell Bell Tel elep epho hone ne Company which is one of the vital components of the computer.
1950950- Hea Headp dphon hones es
used in schools for some listening skills and to do individual ual listening for audio files and the like.
Slide Rule Slide Rule which was developed by William Oughtred a nd others. Before Bef ore the the adv advent ent of the the pock po cke et calc calcul ula ator, or, it was the th e mos most comm common only ly used used calculation tool in science and engineering.
1951951- Vid Video eo ta tape pe Videotapes were used as exciting method of instruction.
1953953- IB IBM M International
Busine Busi ness ss Mach Machin ine e (IBM (IBM)) came out with their first computer machine.
1957- Readin eading g Acc Acceler elerato ator r T he
accelerator was a simple devi de vice ce desi design gned ed to help help students read more efficiently.
1957- Skin Skinner ner T Teachi eaching ng Machine Machine B.F. behavioral
Skinner a scientist,
de ev ve d icleospedsucah searsies thoef teaching machine that allowed a student to proceed at his or her own pace through a regim egimen entted prog progrram of instruction.
1958- Educa Educationa tionall T Telev elevision ision Using this, there were more than 50
channels of TV which included educational progr pro grammi amming ng that that aired aired across the country.
1959959- Pho Photoc tocopi opier er
Xero Xe rogr graphi aphicc office office photocopying was introduced by Xerox.
1963- Comp Computer uter Ass Assiste isted d Instruc Instruction tion (C (CAI) AI) Stanfford Stan ord Univ Univer ersi sity ty introduced computerassisted instruction in math ma them emat atic icss and and readi reading; ng; offering individualized learning and allowing students to take selfpaced, active roles in drilland-practice.
1965965- Film Filmstri strip p View Viewer er
allows individual students to watch filmstrips at their own pace.
device which is still being used today was invented by Douglas Engelbart.
1969969- In Inte terne rnet t
The fir first inter erne nett was called ARPANET, which is an inte in terc rconn onnect ected ed networ network k of computer networks.
1972- Hand Handheld held Calcu Calculator lator
Handheld calculator entered the classrooms for quick mathematical calculation.
1972- The Scantr Scantron on System System T Testing esting
This Th is was was intr introd oduc uced ed
by Mich Michae aell Sok Sokolsk olskii whic which h allo al lowe wed d teach eacher erss to chec check k and grade test more quickly and efficiently. efficiently.
1973- The first mobile phone phone w was as r released. eleased.
1974974- Birth of M Micro icrosoft soft
1977- The A Appl pple e II Comp Compute uter r
1980980- Pla Plato to Co Comp mput uter er
The Plato was one
of the most-used early computer.
1981981- IBM intr introduc oduced ed its first per persona sonall computer.
1985985- CD R ROM OM D Driv rive e
CD-ROM is a storage medium that could store text, video and audio.
Era of Educational Computer Games Example of this are: ar e: Mavis vis Bea eaccon that can teach how to type fast, Carmen Sandieg iego that involves learning in geogr eograp aph hy and and Numb Number er Munchers that aimed about enhancing the mathematical skills.
1990- The W Wor orld ld Wide Web
gave WWW, which is anlife int intto erco erconn nnec ecti tion on of hyperlinked documents.
TI-81 Calculator
This Th is math calcul calculat ator or graph graphs up to four functions ats once developed by Texas Instruments.
1991991- La Lapt ptop op
The first laptop is the Powerbook.
1993- Per Personal sonal Digital Assistan Assistants ts (PD (PDAs) As) These hese wer were relea elease sed d by Apple Computer Inc. and were used for computing, storin oring g inf informa ormati tion on and and even keeping schedules.
1996996- Min Minii Comp Comput uter ers s Noki okia introduced ced a phone that had internet capabilities. This started a revo re volu luti tion on of devi devices ces that that were small-portable computers.
1998- First e-bo e-book ok re reader ader w was as relea released. sed.
1999- Int Interac eractiv tive e Whitebo Whiteboard ard Interac Int eractive tive whiteboard whiteboard is an ins instruc tructtiona ionall tool ool that that allo al lows ws comp comput uter er imag images es to be displayed on the whit wh iteb eboa oard rd whic which h can can lat later on be manipulated by teachers and students.
201 20 15- Inte Interact ractiv ive e Mobile Apps Have become the center of effective classroom learning.
201 20 10- Ap Appl ple e Ipa Ipad d was r rel elea ease sed. d.
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