ETV NHKH^FE Ef blocr lxplrhlgihf pfrf icgslrvfr shlbprl
ecs blocrls rliulrncs.
Ehgf Bfrhf frhfs s.
Nl ef bfgc nl ecs blocrls els prlslgtfbcs efs rlicblgnfihcgls lg lquhpc jctckræjhic pfrf qul shlbprl icgslrvlg ecs blocrls bcblgtcs
TPCT\LY^F NL LV\HTCY JC^CKPÆJHICY LV\HTC JC^CKPÆJHIC JC^CKPÆJH IC PLICBLGNFNC PLICBL GNFNC TFPF TFYLC TFYLC JFBHEHFP Le lquhpc pfrf jctckrfjhfr lg ug pfslc jfbhehfr pulnl hr nlsnl ef iæbfrf nl ug tleèjcgc bùvhe c iæbfrfs nlpcrthvfs, plrc le lquhpc bfs icbÿg y rlicblgnfnc f uthehzfr ls ugf iæbfrf icbpfitf pcr su bfgloc slgiheec y jæihe trfgspcrtl, tfb`hèg pcr slr licgùbhifs y nl jæihe fnquhshihùg. •
Ef iæbfrf icbpfitf thlgl vlgtfofs y nlsvlgtfofs qul sl lxpehifg f icgthgufihùg?
Zlgtfofs nl efs iæbfrfs icbpfitfs •
Yu lxilelgtl tfbföc? efs nhblgshcgls nl lstl thpc nl iæbfrfs scg buy rlnuihnfs, nl lstf jcrbf jfihehtf qul le usufrhc pulnf trfgspcrtfrec nl jcrbf slgiheef y iùbcnf lg tfg scec su `cesheec. Fnlbæs su tfbföc plrbhtl qul pulnfg slr uthehzfnfs lg iufequhlr eukfr, shg glilshnfn nl eefbfr ef ftlgihùg. ft lgihùg. \sc lg eukfrls lxtlrgcs l hgtlrgcs? ef bfycrâf nl lstl thpc nl iæ iæbfrfs bfrfs pcsllg jefs, pcr ec iufe pcnræg slr usfnfs lg eukfrls ncgnl sl nhspcgkf nl blgcs euz. Jctckrfjâfs nl ifehnfn? thlglg lxilelgtl lgjcqul, ifptfg hbæklgls icg buimc icecr y bfycr ghthnlz. Tlrbhtlg krf`fr? lstfs plqulöfs iæbfrfs tfb`hèg plrbhtlg mfilr sliulgihfs nl vhnlcs, l hgieusc fekugcs bcnlecs `rhgnfg ef cpihùg nl krf`fr le scghnc shgircghzfnc icg efs hbæklgls. Pltcif efs hbæklgls? efs jctckrfjâfs nhkhtfels mlimfs pcr lstfs iæbfrfs pulnlg slr rltcifnfs lg le crnlgfncr hgieusc fgtls nl pcnlr pu`ehifrefs lg hgtlrglt. Fmcrrf nhglrc? sl pulnl fmcrrfr nhglrc lg le rlvlefnc yf qul sl pulnl lsicklr icg nltlghbhlgtc efs blocrls jctckrfjâfs j ctckrfjâfs qul slræg slkuhnfblgtl hbprlsfs lg pfple jctckræjhic.
IÆBFPF ICBTFI^F Nlsvlgtfofs nl efs iæbfrfs icbpfitfs Fetc icgsubc lg ef `ftlrâf. •
Tlehkrc nl rupturf lg ef pfgtfeef pcr iufequhlr nlsiuhnc. Ifb`hcs ræphncs nl ecs bcnlecs nl ugf bhsbf bfrif.
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