Evidencia 7 Workshop Talking About Logistics V2 F

September 22, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Actividad de aprendizaje 19 Evidencia 7: Taller: "Talking about Logistics, workshop"  Para un profesional en cualquier campo de acción, en este caso el Tecnólogo en Gest Ge stió ión n Lo Logí gíst stic ica, a, es neces necesar ario io usar usar el id idio ioma ma in ingl glés és como como he herra rrami mient enta a de comunicación de sus ideas y apreciaciones acerca de un proceso en el cual tiene directa participación. Contar con las habilidades requeridas para expresarse en inglés representa representa una gran ventaj ventaja a en el moment momento o de realizar aportes rele relevante vantess dentro de cualquier compañía. Lo esencial es contar con la destreza suficiente que le permita y dar a conocer cómo funciona su ambito laboral. Dado lo anterior, para esta evidencia, debe realizar las sigientes actividades: PRIMER MOMENTO: COMPRENSIÓN Y PRODUCCIÓN ORAL-ESCRITA. 1. Estud Estudie ie en su to tota talilida dad d el ma mate teri rial al de fo form rmac ació ión n “Logist “Logistics ics process improvement”  junto  junto con el material complementario disponible para esta acti activi vida dad: d: PD PDF: F: Ho How w to Com Compare pare Six Si Sig, g, Lean Lean and the Theo Theory ry of  Constraints  y los vid videos eos com comple plemen mentar tarios ios aso asocia ciados dos a est esta a act activi ividad dad de aprendizaje. "Talking ng about Logistics, Logistics, 2. Desa Desarro rrolllle, e, de ma maner nera a in indi divi vidu dual al,, el ta tallller er:: "Talki workshop" , que se encuentra a continuación (utilice herramientas de su preferencia y realice la entregra en los formatos solicitados en el taller)

3. Envíe los archivos solicitados al instructor a través de la plataforma virtual de aprendizaje en los formatos .doc, .pdf, .ppt y .mp4 respectivamente.

Pasos para enviar la evidencia: 1. Clic en el título de esta evidencia. 2. Clic en Examinar mi equipo y buscar los archivo previamente guardados. 3. Dejar un comentario al instructor (opcional). 4. Clic en Enviar.


Importante:  la plat plataf afor orma ma so solo lo le pe perm rmit itir irá á ha hace cerr un en enví vío o de las las evidencias. Por ello, debe asegúrese de adjuntar todo lo solicitado en el taller. SEGUNDO MOMENTO: SUSTENTACIÓN Y PRODUCCIÓN ORAL 1. Revise Revise con consta stante ntemen mente te los anun anuncio cioss de la pla plataf taform orma a par para a obt obtener  ener  información de fecha y hora del encuentro sincrónico al que usted asistirá para pa ra com compl plet etar ar el se segun gundo do mo mome ment nto o de la pr pres esent ente e evid evidenc encia. ia. Dich Dicho o encue uen ntro cont conta ará con la pa parrticipaci ció ón de do doss apr pren end dice cess más seleccionados previamente por el instructor. 2. Asista a un encuentro sincrónico con el instructor y 2 aprendices más, y sustente las respuestas dadas en el taller. El instructor realizará hasta cuat cuatro ro (4 (4)) pr preg egun unta tass po porr ap apre rend ndiz iz.. Re Recu cuer erde de ap aplilica carr las las pa paut utas as de pronunciación trabajadas durante todo el programa, así como las reglas de acentuación, gramática y uso de collocations.  3. Realice Realice tres pregun preguntas tas a cada uno de sus compañe compañeros ros y respond responda a las pregunta que le realicen. En caso caso de tene tenerr du duda dass re rela laci cion onad adas as con con la pa part rtic icip ipac ació ión n en un una a videoconferencia, se recomienda consultar el video: ¿Cómo unirse a una sesión virtual de Blackboard Collaborate?, ubicado en el botón Tutoriales del menú del programa de formación.

Criterios de evaluación Sostiene conversaciones con vocabulario básico técnico aprendido. Sostiene una conversación con naturalidad, fluidez y eficacia, incluso sobre temas especializados de su profesión. Puede iniciar un discurso, tomar la palabra, y terminar una conversación técnica de su profesión. Puede interactuar fácil y espontáneamente con hablantes nativos.


TALLER Talking about Logistics, workshop 1. Read the next text. Then, answer the comprehension questions. Note: Make use, at least, one collocation per answer. Taken from: http://www.vkok.ee

LOGISTICS Logistics can be defined as the management of the flow of goods, information and

other oth er resourc resources, es, energy energy and peopl people e bet betwee ween n the point of ori origin gin and the point of  consumption consump tion in order to meet the requirements requirements of consumers. consumers. Logistics involv involves es the integra integratio tion n of inform informati ation, on, tra transpo nsporta rtatio tion, n, inv invent entory, ory, war warehou ehousin sing, g, mat materi erial al handling, packaging and security. Logistics may have an internal focus (inbound logistics), logist ics), or externa externall focus (outboun (outbound d logis logistics). tics). If the compan companyy manuf manufactures actures a product from parts purchased from fro m suppli suppliers, ers, and tho those se pro product ductss are then sol sold d to cust custome omers, rs, one can speak about a supply chain. Supply Chain can be defined as a network of facilities and di dist strib ribut utio ion n op optition onss th that at perf perform ormss th the e fu func nctition on of pr proc ocure ureme ment nt of mate materia rials ls,, transformation of these materials into intermediate and finished products, and the distribution of these finished products to customers. Logistics management is part of supply chain management. Logistics management

plans, implements, and controls the efficient flow and storage of goods, services and related information between the point of origin and the point of consumption in


order to meet customers’ requirements. Successful ssupply upply chain operators work in close partnerships with their customers; they jointly explore the opportunities for  increasing efficiency of the supply chain and improving service levels by using the logistics ics relatest systems and techniques. This approach is also referred to as logist engineering. The re-engineering process considers the following factors: the nature

of the product, the optimal or preferred location of source or manufacture, freight and transport costs and the destination market, seasonal trends, import and export regulations, customs duties and taxes, etc. A professional working in the field of  logist log istics ics manag manageme ement nt is called called a log logisti isticia cian n. The main functions of a qualified lo logi gist stic icia ian n in incl clud ude, e, am amon ong g othe otherr th thing ings, s, in inve vent ntory ory ma manag nagem ement ent,, pu purc rchas hasin ing, g, transportati transp ortation, on, warehou warehousing, sing, consultat consultation ion and organiz organizing ing and planni planning ng of these activities. Logisticians are responsible for the life cycle and supply chain operations of a variety of products. They are also responsible for customs documentation. They regularly work with other departments to ensure that the customers’ needs and requirements are met.

Define the terms: "logistics" and "supply chain" Logistics can be defined as the management of the flow of goods, information and other oth er resourc resources, es, energy energy and peopl people e bet betwee ween n the point of ori origin gin and the point of  consumption in order to meet the requirements of consumers. . Supply Chain beon defined as urement a network distribution that perform perf orms s the can fun functi ction of procurem proc ent ofof facilities materia materials, ls,andtra transf nsform ormati ation onoptions of these the se

materials into interm materials intermediate ediate and finis finished hed products, products, and the distri distributio bution n of these finished products to customers

What does logistics management imply?


Logist Logi stic icss in invo volv lves es th the e in inte tegr grat atio ion n of in info form rmat atio ion, n, tr trans anspor porta tatition, on, in inve vent ntory ory,, warehousing, material handling, packaging and security. Logistics may have an internal focus (inbound logistics), or external focus (outbound logistics). If the company manufactures a product from parts purchased

Describe what service providers do in order to increase efficiency of the supply chain

Logistics management is part of supply chain management. Logistics management plans, implements, and controls the efficient flow and storage of goods, services and related information between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet customers’ requirements.

Define the “logistics re-engineering” process and its factors. Successful supply chain operators work in close partnerships with their customers; they jointly explore the opportunities for increasing efficiency of the supply chain and improving service levels by using the latest systems and techniques. This approach is also referred to as logistics re-engineering. The re-engi re-enginee neerin ring g process process consid considers ers the fol follow lowing ing factor factors: s: the nature nature of the  product, the optimal or preferred location of source or manufacture, freight and  transport costs and the destination market, seasonal trends, import and export  regulations, customs duties and taxes, etc 


Specify the main function of a qualified logistician  A professional working in the field of logistics management is called a log logisti isticia cian n. The main functions of a qualified logistician include, among other things, inventory mana ma nage geme ment nt,, pu purc rcha hasi sing ng,, tr tran ansp spor orta tatition on,, wa ware reho hous usin ing, g, cons consul ulta tatition on an and d organizing and planning of these activities

Specify the responsabilities of professional logisticians Logisticians are responsible for the life cycle and supply chain operations of a variety of products. They are also responsible for customs documentation. They regularly work with other departments to ensure that the customers’ needs and requirements are met.

2. In the previous text, there are 29 underlined words; take them out in a list and classify them according to their syllable stress using the next chart. Add as many rows as necessary. Stress on the first syllable primera

Stress on the last syllable ultima

management flow

Stress on the penultimate syllable penultima

resources origin

Stress on the antepenultimate syllable antepenultima


goods, consumers

consumption manufactures



material packaging

duties Taxes





supply performs products, implements reengineering.

customs professional warehousing,

3. Read the next text. Then, prepare a presentation in PowePoint (.ppt) outl ou tlin inin ing g th thee ma main in id idea eas. s. Chec Checkk th thee le lear arni ning ng ma mate teri rial al to de devel velop op this this pr pres esen enta tati tion on.. Fi Fina nall lly, y, re reco cord rd yo your urse self lf on a vide video o (.mp (.mp4) 4) ma maki king ng the the presentation. Taken from: www.ddilogistics.com

Improve Logistics Efficiency


When it comes to business logistics, continuous improvement is necessary to facilitate robust and sustained growth. Rising prices on expenses from energy to labor to raw materials pose a challenge to every company's bottom line. By improving the efficiency of their their log logist istics ics proces processes ses,, com compan panies ies can gai gain n and sustai sustain n an edge edge over over their  their  competitors. To implement a plan that will successfully optimize your logistics operations, consider  strategies that minimize costs, fully utilize production capacity, and improve the overall quality of customer experience. Consider these four methods to increase logistics efficiency: Maxi Ma ximi mize ze stora storage ge.. By anal analyz yzin ing g an and d impl implem emen entiting ng wa ware reho hous usin ing g pr proc oced edur ures es,, comp compan anie iess can can st stor ore, e, mo move ve,, an and d ship ship prod produc ucts ts mo more re ef effe fect ctiv ivel ely. y. Th This is re requ quir ires es adequa ade quate te and wel well-t l-trai rained ned war wareho ehouse use st staff aff,, strate strategic gic seq sequen uencin cing g (to only only mov move e products the minimum required number of times), and use of vertical storage to fully utilize available space. Carefully scrutinizing ordering patterns to ensure quick delivery of products, as well as effective space utilization, is also important. Optimize transportation. The rising cost of transportation accounts for increased prices in virtually every industry. To reduce transportation costs, companies should examine every factor that might increase or decrease expenses. 1. This starts with the design of products and packaging for optimal size and weight. 2. Proper loa load d and delivery rout route e planning ensu ensures res truck truckss are always carr carrying ying full loads. 3. Fina Finalllly, y, id iden entitify fy and and ut utililiz ize e th the e mo most st cost cost-e -eff ffec ectitive ve pa pack ckag agin ing g and and sh ship ippi ping ng methods for products.


4.Au 4.Auto toma mate te

comm commun unic icat atio ion n

te tech chno nolo logi gies es..

Lo Logi gist stic icss

ma mana nage geme ment nt

so soft ftwa ware re

communicates between the warehouse and accounting departments and allows for the delivery of timely updates to the customer. This significantly streamlines the entire process, from storage through shipment, and requires minimal staffing. Encourage feedback. The success of a company depends on input from all of its employees or teams, regardless of their role in the logistics process. Carefully consider  feedback and suggestions from staff concerning practices that could further improve logistics efficiency. While logistics management is a complex process, utilizing the above strategies can help you make the most of all warehousing, staffing, transportation, and communication reso resour urce ces. s. Th The e im impr prov ovem emen entt of logi logist stic icss plan planni ning ng wi willll in inev evititab ably ly le lead ad to hi high gher  er  productivity, happier customers, and a more profitable company. ( Diversified Distribution Services Inc. 2016)

How w to 4. Do Down wnlo load ad,, fr from om th thee comp comple leme ment ntar aryy mate materi rial al file file,, the the arti articl cle: e: Ho Compare Com pare Six Sig, Lean and the Theory Theory of Constra Constraint ints. s. Then, read it very carefully. After that, prepare a PowerPoint (.ppt) presentation following the next outline: IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMS: a. Six Sigm i. Theory ii. Ap Aplic licat atio ion n gui guide deliline ness iii. Focus b. Lean thinking  i. Theory ii. Ap Aplic licat atio ion n gui guide deliline ness iii. Focus c. Theory of constraints i. Theory ii. Ap Aplic licat atio ion n gui guide deliline ness iii. Focus d. Similarit Similarities ies and differ differences ences between between the the improvemen improvementt programs. programs. e. Obstac Obstacles les to the the improve improvemen mentt methodo methodolog logies ies

Finally, record yourself on a video (.mp4) making the presentation.

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