Evidencia 7 Workshop “Human Resources Management”

August 16, 2018 | Author: ARNEFER CASTRO PRECIADO | Category: Competence (Human Resources), Economies, Business, Leadership & Mentoring, Leadership
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Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje Fase de Ejecución Actividad de aprendizaje 12

Evidencia 7: 7: Workshop “Human Resources Management”


Equipo de desarrollo: Arnefer Castro Preciado

Workshop “Human Resources Management”

Bogotá D.C, Colombia 2018


The current world brings a new vision of human resources, making it the most important element to achieve success in the business world. Visualize the human resource as an essential part, represents to the company a significant increase in the economic value, where the beneficiaries are the same entity and its workers. Once this new perspective has been conceived, the Competency Management model begins to be applied, which helps to make the most of the people's skills, so that each one is placed in the job position positi on for which it truly serves. From competency management, it is understood that only in this way do workers contribute optimally to achieving the company's goals. The companies need their personnel to carry out a task that positively affects the quality of the products or the services they provide, for which it is required that these personnel have the appropriate competences. On the other hand, the world of today is, without a doubt, "the world of competences". Taking as reference any of the meanings of competence, it is both the need to be competent, in the sense of being fit, empowered, trained for a successful performance; as of the need to be competitive; that is, be prepared to get ahead, prevail over others, emulate with others, win and excel. Companies have begun to recognize that the main source of differentiation and competitiveness is their people. More and more are gathered from the experiences of organizations that guide their competitive efforts effort s to strengthen their human assets. Generating environments conducive to innovation and continuous learning, are objectives that are based on training processes for the development of job skills.

Actividad de aprendizaje 12 Evidencia 7: 7 : Workshop “Human Resources Management” 

En todo plan, de toda empresa, es de suma importancia resaltar el papel que juega el Departamento de Recursos Humanos. Hoy en día, en este departamento no solo es necesario tener claro los conceptos relevantes a esta área sino, además, tener la capacidad de comunicarse en ingles utilizando términos específicos en recursos humanos, permitiendo de esta manera dar a conocer su metodología ante potenciales clientes e inversionistas de habla inglesa. Para poner en práctica lo mencionado, desarrolle el siguiente taller:

Elabore su propia política de recursos humanos, en inglés, de la empresa para la cual labora: a. Haga una lista de las características y cualidades que espera de los empleados. b. Elabore su propio proceso del departamento de recursos humanos. c. Cree una lista de las ocupaciones más importantes para el tipo de empresa en la cual labora y escriba las acciones o verbos relacionados con cada una de ellas. d. Planifique el horario de trabajo de su empresa, a manera de rutina diaria, desde la hora de ingreso hasta la hora de salida. e. Haga un cuadro con los hábitos que se recomiendan para mantener un buen ambiente laboral en la empresa.


you should identifique the knowledge skills and abilites required to be a successful hr profesional

The behaviors required to demonstrate the trait and the selected persiles must be identified.

When conducting an audit of human resources professionals, it is important to carry out two levels in order to have a model of human resources competences that are productive and  effective.

Step 1: Model of human resources competences

There are many models of what makes a human resources professional successful, but most are intertwined around four groups of competencies: Knowledge of business. Knowledge of human resources Knowledge of change / process and personal credibility

Step 5: Continuous improvement

Step 2: Collect data using the model

Once the model has been identified, data can be collected to assess to what extent a human resources professional demonstrates the competencies acquired. The data may also come from quantitative assessments of the features included in the scheduled survey form. The quantitative evaluations are more uniform and systematic, but are limited to the questions asked in the survey. The data can also come from focus groups or interviews in which individuals talk about the extent to which human resources professionals demonstrate competence.

Step 3: Summarize data and feedback to human resources professionals.

The data collected should be summarized to identify the statistical means to be used, with this an analysis of indicators is made to measure their strengths and devilities. Feedback on HR competencies (an important step) should be done in a way that does not violate data providers (for example, by violating confidences or misrepresenting data) and at the same time being sensitive to the recipient of the data. data (eg do not overwhelm the receiver).

Step 4: Create action plans.

 Action plans can be created in two levels: At the institutional  level. 

On an individual individual level

 An action plan can provide a set of solutions adapted from development experiences, including task assignments, readings and training


you must acquire more knowledge, get feedback, not be oblivious to the change. The creation of a learning environment for human resource professionals is evident when they invest annually in their own development, requesting comments on their performance, attending conferences, comparative evaluation practices, reading and keeping abreast of innovations in their areas of expertise.

Characteristics and qualities that employees expect. Enthusiasm If you want to show that you are the right person to occupy your job, you must do your tasks with enthusiasm. Although many of the work obligations may seem boring or monotonous, there are always ways to make them more bearable. Do not hesitate to propose your projects and ideas to your boss. Efficiency Strive to be the most efficient person on your team. This does not necessarily mean that you have to become a productivity robot, but you can fulfill your tasks in a timely manner. In addition, you must be able to demonstrate that you have the ability to be proactive in solving unexpected problems. Excellence Do not settle for doing things by halves. If you want to excel in your career it is essential that you always aim for excellence in everything you do. This is an attitude that will surely make you stand out from the rest and show your boss that

Characteristics and qualities that employees expect. Enthusiasm If you want to show that you are the right person to occupy your job, you must do your tasks with enthusiasm. Although many of the work obligations may seem boring or monotonous, there are always ways to make them more bearable. Do not hesitate to propose your projects and ideas to your boss. Efficiency Strive to be the most efficient person on your team. This does not necessarily mean that you have to become a productivity robot, but you can fulfill your tasks in a timely manner. In addition, you must be able to demonstrate that you have the ability to be proactive in solving unexpected problems. Excellence Do not settle for doing things by halves. If you want to excel in your career it is essential that you always aim for excellence in everything you do. This is an attitude that will surely make you stand out from the rest and show your boss that you are a valuable employee. Puntuality Efficient employees understand the importance of getting to work on time. This will not only demonstrate responsibility on your part, but also make you take better advantage of the mornings that are usually the most productive time of the day. Pleasent treatment Nobody likes to work with unfriendly or unpleasant people. Try not to complain all the time and help your co-workers when they need it. Oddly enough, kindness and solidarity do not abound in work environments, so your good manners will make you be appreciated by those around you. Process of the human resources department.

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HR Planning Recruitment Incorporation Strategic plan 360 °assessme °assessments nts Leadership development Professional development

Recognition programs  Competition Retention. List of the most important occupations Executive Director   Planning   Organization  Staff integration   Direction   Control  To assign  to register   Attend   Evaluate Director of operations. product development development strategy  Establish the product  Manage internal resources sustainability of the the processes  Guarantee the viability and sustainability  Integrate all internal business business processes Commercial Director Marketing Director  Collaborate with the Marketing  Establish sales sales team sales goals goals and quotas. sales territory by determining the size size of the sales force. force.  Manage the sales  Organize the sales team remuneration programs.  Design the training, incentive and remuneration  Constantly motivate the sales team. preparation of sales sales visits  Participate in the preparation  Design the after-sales after-sales service.  Control of the commercial team. Marketing director  

Design and supervision supervision of the Marketing Plan. Control the budgets of the Marketing department. department.  Develop a follow-up on the approved actions.  Manage the relationship relationship with with customers.  Coordinate the work team. HR director

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Organization and planning planning of of personnel Recruitment: Selection: Career plans and professional promotion: Training Staff performance performance and control evaluation: Climate and job satisfaction: Personnel Administration: Labor relations: Prevention of occupational risks Working hours


Habits for a good work environment

Create a climate of respect.

Cooperate instead of competing

Promote autonomy.

Help family conciliation

Have empathy

Build a pleasant physical space

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