Evidencia 4 Dialogue Evaluating the Logistics Process

November 13, 2018 | Author: John Bohorquez Jimenez | Category: Logistics, Information, Epistemology, Business, Psychology & Cognitive Science
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Evidencia 4 Dialogue Evaluating the Logistics Process...


Evi vide denc nce e 4: Dial Dialog ogue ue

By:Diana Carolina GarcĂ­a

- Hi Vanes Vanesa, a, how how are you? you?

-Hello -Hello Lina, Lina, good good and you? you?

-Tel -Telll me how how can can I help help you? you? -Very -Very well, well, Vanes Vanesa a I came came to mak make ea consultation.

-I need to know know the charact characteris eristic ticss of the managem management ent indicat indicators ors..

The term term "Indic "Indicato ator" r" in the the common common languag language, e, has has referr referred ed to essentia essentially lly quantit quantitati ative ve data, data, whic which h allow allow us to real realiz ize e how how things things are are in rela relatio tion n to some some aspec aspectt of reality reality that we are intere interest sted ed in knowing. knowing.

-They can be: measures, measures, numbers, numbers, facts, facts, opinions opinions or perce percept ptio ions ns that that have have indic indicat ated ed speci specifi ficc condi conditio tions ns or situations. -whic -which h can can they they be?

- What What have have been been thei theirr func functi tion ons? s?

Support and facilitat facilitate e decision-making decision-making processes processes It cont contro rols ls the the evol evoluti ution on over over time time of the main main proc process esses es and varia variable bles. s. Rationalize Rationalize the use of information information.. It serve servess as the the basis basis for for the adopt adoptio ion n of eff effec ecti tive ve and usef useful ul stand standar ards ds and patterns for for the organiz organizati ation. on. It serve servess as the basis basis for for plann planning ing and pros prospec pecti ting ng the the orga organiz nizat atio ion. n.

-I have have alway alwayss used used them them in my my comp compan any y, they they have have been been of utmo utmost st impo import rtan ance ce for for the wo work rk perfo perform rmed ed.. -hav -have e you you used used them them in you yourr wo work rk? ?

-Remem -Remember ber that the logist logistic ic indicat indicator orss are diffe differen rent. t. - I've I've alway alwayss tried tried to under underst stan and d them them and and I have have not not been been able able to, to, now now it's it's cleare clearerr to me. me.

- They are relati relations ons of numeric numerical al and quantit quantitativ ative e data data applie applied d to the management Logist Logistics ics that allows allows to evaluat evaluate e the perform performance ance and the result result in each each process They They include include the process processes es of reception reception,, storag storage, e, inventori inventories, es, dispatches, dispatches, distribution, distribution, deliveries, deliveries, billing and information information flows flows among among business business partner partners. s.

- How can I differe differenti ntiate ate them? them?

The comp compan any y where where I wor work k has been been very very deman demandin ding g with with these these issue issues, s, I have have had diffic difficulti ulties es to under understa stand nd them.

Vanesa, tomorrow tomorrow can I come come back so you can continu continue e explain explaining? ing?

-I've -I've had a lot lot of wo work rk,, but but I've I've come come a lon long g way way. Tomorro omorrow w I wait wait for for you. you. Thanks, Thanks, tomor tomorro row w I have to arrive arrive tempano tempano..

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