Evidencia 1 Dialogue Evaluating Product and Service

July 20, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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0 Zhrvejel O`jelo`c mh @prhomez`dh ‚ Zho` Jhotrl mh Zhrvejels Geo`ojehrls ]hjoúclil ho Ohilje`jeúo Eothro`jelo`c

@jtevem`m mh `prhomez`dh4 0= hvemhoje` 0 me`cliuh hv`cu`teoi prlmujt `om shrvejh

Vrhshot`ml plr4 I`hs o¶: Dhssej` A`rá` Jhcy A`ráo ^heohr Dlså Alot`cvl Lslrel Gclr`cn` A`ráo Tucht`

Gejb` 05776:9 >6>0



Hvemhoje` 04 Me`cliuh –Hv`cu`teoi prlmujt `om shrvejh V`r` uo prlghselo`c ho ju`cquehr j`apl mh `jjeúo hs ohjhs`rel us`r hc eoicås jlal bhrr`aehot` mh jlauoej`jeúo mh sus emh`s y `prhje`jelohs, `jhrj` mh uo prljhsl mh ihsteúo ho uo ohiljel ho hc ju`c tehoh merhjt` p`rtejep`jeúo. Jlo hst` hvemhoje`, `mquererà hc vlj`nuc`rel, c`s hstrujtur`s ir`a`tej`chs y c`s gr`shs p`r` quh puhm` mhshovlcvhrsh jlo gcuemhz y jlbhrhoje` lr`c ho eoicås `c alahotl mh p`rtejep`r ho uo` `jtevem`m hv`cu`tev` mh cls prljhsls, `mhaàs mh prhshot`r slcujelohs y mesjuter `jhrj` mh hcc`s p`r` rh`cez`r pc`ohs mh ahdlr`aehotl, sehaprh ho nhohgejel mh c` jlap`ðá` mh c` ju`c b`i` p`rth. Zhiôo cl `othrelr, p`r` mhs`rrlcc`r hst` hvemhoje`, hs eaplrt`oth quh ch` y `o`cejh prhve`ahoth hc a`thre`c mh glra`jeúo mholaeo`ml Vrhshoteoi `om eaprlvhahot pc`o, `mhaàs mhc a`thre`c jlapchahot`rel Eaprlveoi nuseohss prljhsshs. Vlsthrelr  ` hst`s chjtur`s y jlo c` geo`cem`m mh m h juapcer jlo hc prlpúsetl mh hst` hvemhoje`, mhs`rrlcch ho uo mljuahotl cls seiuehoths puotls4 0. Hc`nlrh Hc`nlrh uo meàclil meàclil ho eoicås eoicås mh mls phrslo`s, phrslo`s, ho ho hc ju`c hv`côh hv`côh hc prljhsl prljhsl mh ihsteúo ihsteúo mh c` haprhs` ho c` quh tr`n`d`, l mh uo` haprhs` quh jlolzj`, p`r` b`jhrcl thoi` ho juhot` cl seiuehoth4

>.    Xtecez`r hc prhshoth phrghjtl `c b`nc`r mh cls prljhsls quh sh b`o eapchahot`ml. l 

Xs`r cls jlomejelo`chs, jlo hc geo mh pc`oth`r `ciuo`s almegej`jelohs y `jtevem`mhs ` eapchahot`r p`r` hc ahdlr`aehotl mh prljhsls.

 Eojcuer prhiuot`s mh eoglra`jeúo

(Yb quhstelos) ho c`s quh uo b`nc`oth prhiuot` y hc ltrl rhsplomh.

 ^hprhshot`r hc

meàclil mh a`ohr` iràgej` us`oml j`rej`tur`s y olanrhs p`r` cls phrslo`dhs. >. ^h`cejh uo icls`rel mh tåraeols n`s`ml ho hc a`thre`c jlapchahot`rel ahojelo`ml, jlo cls tåraeols quh ch b`y`o seml ôtechs ho c` jrh`jeúo mhc m meàclil, eàclil, hsth mhnh hst`r jlapuhstl mhc tåraeol y su mhgeoejeúo ho eoicås; se cl jlosemhr` ohjhs`rel, puhmh utecez`r hc mejjelo`rel alolceoióh loceoh mh su prhghrhoje`.




Be, blw `rh ylu<


whcc tb`oks `om ylu<


; whcc tb`ok Ilm  Zaetb; thcc ah ` cettch blw tbh prljhss lg qu`cety a`o`ihahot wecc eo ylur jlap`oy's gclwhrs @m`a;

jch`r tb`t eg, `t tbh teah E b`vh b`v h nhho wlrkeoi b`rm eo tbh eapchahot`telo `om

eaprlvhahot lg tbh qu`cety ny ah`os lg s`ghty st`om`rms eo tbh lphr`telo`c `rh`s lg tbh jlap`oy's gclwhr, sphjegej`ccy jutteoi `om b`rvhsteoi lg tbh s`ah st`gg.  Zaetb; eothrhsteoi tb`t E'vh nhho tbeokeoi `nlut jrh`teoi ay lwo gclwhr jlap`oy, E'vh nhho ohhmeoi eoglra`telo eo jloohjtelo. @m`a;

b`s ay supplrt, khhp eo aeom tb`t ylu ohhm tl st`rt ` prljhss lg a`o`ihahot eo ylur

jlap`oy `s E b`vh nhho ruooeoi wetb tbh st`gg tb`t ylu ahotelohm.  Zaetb;

`om tb`t es ` a`o`ihahot prljhss< @om blw ylu `rh eapchahoteoi et<


@ A`o`ihahot prljhss es ` sht lg `jtevetehs tb`t eothr`jt wetb tbh `ea lg tr`osglraeoi

hchahots tb`t jlah eo `om lut glr tbh s`tesg`jtelo lg justlahrs. @om E b`vh eapchahothm et eo shvhr`c ruchs wbejb aust nh guccy jlapcehm wetb eo tbh jlap`oy `om eo tbh `rh` tb`t E tlcm ylu `nlut.  Zaetb; `om wby ylu―rh eapchahoteoi et eo tbh jutteoi `rh`<  @m`a; nhj`ush lg tbh jutteoi `rh` st`rts tbh illm qu`cety lg tbh prlmujt eo tbes j`sh tbh gclwhr tl nh hxplrthm tl tbh lutsemh, es tbh prealrme`c n`sh tl ch`vh whcc lg tbh jlap`oy wetb `cc tbh a`xeaua qu`cety.  Zaetb; E cekh tbh sundhjt, nhsemhs E b`vh rh`m nllks `nlut tbh tbhah lg gclwhrs, et es eaprhssevh tbh v`rehtehs tb`t tbhrh `rh. @m`a;

whcc, loh lg tbh prea`ry ruchs rhi`rmeoi tbh s`ghty lg tbh lphr`tlr es tl ush bes uo uoeglra eglra

vhry whcc wetb bes w`thrprllg vhst `om p`ots, `om bes iclvhs eo lrmhr olt tl nh jut `t tbh alahot lg b`veoi tbh gclwhr eo bes b`oms, `oltbhr es tl b`vh `o `vhr`ih wheibt wbho cl`meoi tbh prlmujt eo lrmhr olt tl b`vh guturh eojlovhoehojhs wetb tbh plsturhs, `oltbhr es tl eoglra eo teah `oy ` oy olvhcty tb`t prhshots etshcg `t tbh alahot lg jutteoi tbh gclwhr `s tbhy `rh; tl jut lgg tbh b`om, ` gllt, scemeoi, tblsh `rh slah vhry oltejh`nch gc`ws tb`t j`o nh prhvhothm eo teah.  Zaetb;

eg ylu mlo―t put et eotl pr`jtejh p r`jtejh tbh ltbhrs wlo―t.


= @m`a;

lg jlursh eg, eg ylu w`ot tl `jjlap`oy ah eo tbes whcjlah p prljhss, rljhss, et es alrh bhcp ylu tl

ruo ylur prldhjt lg jrh`teoi ylur lwo jlap`oy.  Zaetb; eg E b`vh teah reibt olw E wecc `jjlap`oy ylu, ltbhrwesh E wecc il tl olt t`kh up alrh teah, E tbeok et b`s nhho vhry jch`r tl ah tbh a`o`ihahot prljhss tb`t ylu `rh j`rryeoi lut, E blph hvhrytbeoi wecc turo lut vhry whcc glr ylu. E ch`vh ylu a`oy tb`oks glr ylur v`cu`nch eoglra`telo, wh―rh t`ckeoi.  @m`a;

tb`ok ylu vhry aujb glr cesthoeoi tl ayshcg 

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