Course Title: Law of Evidence Cours Coursee Code: Code: ILB/B ILB/BCL CL/BB /BBL L !"
Cred Credit it Units Units::
S1/F 1
Course O#$ectives: This paper is to orient students with importance of evidence for establishment of claims and the related rules and principles. Course Contents: A%%ended #elow &re're(uisites: T)e student *ust #e aware a#out different different t+%es of su#stantive cri*inal and civil law, T)e student *ust #e aware a#out %rocedural law relatin- to civil and cri*inal law, Student *ust #e aware a#out various re*edies availa#le in civil and cri*inal law, Student Learnin- Outco*es: To develo% develo% lo-ical and le-al t) a*on- students, To clarif+ clarif+ t)e use of evidence in civil and cri*inal law, To *a.e t)e* e%lain a%%lication of evidence law in various situation, To descri#e descri#e t)e relations)i% #etween evidence law and ot)er %rocedural law, Co*%re)end and evaluate t)e c)allen-es involved in a%%lication of evidence law, Anal+0e t)e understandin- of t)e su#$ect t)rou-) conduct of *oc. trials at t)e end of course,
Course Contents/S+lla#us: 1ei-)ta-e 456 Module I 2efinitions and Relevanc+ of Facts
Evidence and its relationship with the substantive and procedural laws; Definitions: Facts facts in issue relevant evidence proved disproved not proved oral and documentar! evidence; "elevanc! and admissibilit!; Doctrine of res gestae; #onspirac!. Module II Ad*issions8 confessions and state*ents #+ %erson w)o cannot #e called as witnesses 2escri%tors/To%ics Definition of admission who can ma$e admissions b! or on their behalf proof of admission a%ainst the persons ma$in% them and admissions in civil cases. &'ection 1(-)3 31*; Definition relevance and consideration of confessions §ion )4-3+*; D!in% declaration &'ection 3) and 'ection 33*. O%inion of T)ird &ersons 4Sec, 9to 6 ; C)aracter Evidence 4Sec, 7 to 6,
Module III 2ocu*entar+ Evidence
2escri%tors/To%ics ,rimar! and 'econdar! Evidence ,roof and verification of documents; ,ublic documents and presumption as to documents. Module I< &roduction and Effect of Evidence
2escri%tors/To%ics urden of proof &'ections 1+1-114*; Estoppels &'ection 11*; #ompetence of witnesses &'ections 11/-1)+*. Module < Module
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