Evidence Vacations Around The World
July 3, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Learning activity 1 / Actividad / Actividad de aprendizaje aprendizaje 1 Evidence: Vacations around the world / Evidencia: Vacaciones alrededor del mundo In this evidence you are going to read an article about the way people around the world spend their vacations. Then you have to do a description about the way people spend their vacations in your country and answer the questions. / En esta evidencia usted va a leer un texto acerca de cómo pasan las personas sus vacaciones alrededor del mundo. Luego debe hacer una descripción sobre cómo son las vacaciones en su país y responder las preguntas. A.
Read this article about vacations around the world. / world. / Lea este artículo sobre vacaciones alrededor del mundo. Vacations around the world
Vacation time is a very important part in the life of all people in the world. People Peo ple fro from m dif differ ferent ent cul cultur tures es spe spend nd the their ir va vacat cation ions s in dif differ ferent ent wa ways. ys. The number of vacation days ranges from 1 to !" being the #uropeans such as $ermans" %rench and &wede the luc'iest for having ! days of vacations( the )atin *merican countries countries with a big number of vacation days are +ra,il" Panama and Peru with - days. The unluc'iest country is hina having 0ust 1 days and being vacations not mandatory. Ta'ing into account this aspect" people can decide what to do and how to en0oy their vacations. )ets see what people from $ermany"" +ra,il and hina say about their future vacations. $ermany What are you going to do in your next vacations? Lauren Freudberger (Gerany! I want to visit some friends all along #urope. %irst" Im going to %rance to visit my friend 2an Pierre in )ion" Im staying for a couple of wee's there. Then I would li'e to go to Italy to visit my cou cousin sin %lo %loren rentin tina" a" Im goi going ng to Venice with her. %inally" I want to go to #ngland to spend one wee' with my family that live there. "ablo #olina ($ra%il! 4ell Im planning to go to Rio and spend a wee' there" I have my
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girlfriend there and we are meeting the first wee'. Then I want to 'now olombia. I havent been there and my friend told me is a great dest de stin inat atio ion. n. %i %ina nall lly y I am st stay ayin ing g home and re res st fo forr th the e last last wee' before starting my wor' again.
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Wangshenbing (&hina! In general" I dont have much time to travel" I want to sleep late" Im going to ea eatt ou outt wi with th my fami family ly"" an and d Im going to buy some things that I need for my house.
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+ased on the previous article" answer the following questions5 / Basado en el artículo anterior, responda las siguientes preguntas: 1. 4hich a aspec spects ts do yo you u thin' p play lay an im importa portant nt role iin n decid deciding ing wha whatt to do on vacations6
Sets the time to project activities that going to let us to relax, enjoy the family and have a holiday season and to have the feeling of enjoyment of work and everyday life. -. 4hat d do o peop people le li'e to do tthe he mos mostt on th their eir vac vacation ations6 s6
Because, in general, we have a free short-term time where we can make all kinds of outstanding issues and tasks that are going to go allowing enjoyment of the holiday, lack of time either work or study and not have a certain time to carry them out. !. 4hich plan do y you ou lli'e i'e tthe he m most ost a and nd w why6 hy6 Enjoy my family, going to movies with them or anywhere in the little time I have left efore or after working hours as it is very short sharing with hem. C.
4rite a short paragraph about how is the vacation time in your country. Include information such as the typical number of days a person gets for
vacations" the most common activities people do" and the famous places people visit. / Escriba un párrao corto acerca de cómo son las vacaciones en su paí país. s. !nc !ncluy luya a in inorm ormac ación ión como el n"m n"mero ero típic típico o de días #ue una persona tiene para vacaciones, las actividades más comunes #ue las personas hacen, hacen, y los sitios amosos #ue la g gente ente visita.
!olidays in "olomia extend to #$ days in which di%erent people from other countries like Spain, &eru, "hile and other neighoring countries enjoy wonderful places and cultu cultures res as ar are e San 'ndr 'ndres, es, "artagena and Santa (arta made di%erent types of activities islands tours, museums and tasting typical foods that stand out in each, are going to have di%erent surprises and welcome ecause they are places with very good services. 4hen you finish your wor'" send the file to your instructor through the platform as follows5 1. li lic' c' tthe he ttitle itle of th this is ev evide idence nce.. -. lic' Examinar mi e#uipo and e#uipo and loo' for the file in your computer. 7a'e sure the file is attached. !. )eav )eave e a comme comment nt fo forr the instr instructor uctor 8opti 8optional9 onal9.. :. lic' Enviar . $na ve $na ve% % ina inali lice ce la ev evid iden enci cia a en enví víe e al inst instru ruct ctor or el ar arch chiv ivo o a tr trav av&s &s de la plataorma, así: '. (& clic clic e en ne ell tí títul tulo od de ee esta sta evi eviden dencia cia.. ). (& c clic lic en el en enlace lace Exam Examinar inar m mii e#u e#uipo ipo y bus# bus#ue ue el arch archivo ivo en su computador.. *seg"rese de ad+untar el archivo. computador . Esc Escrib riba a alg" alg"n n come comenta ntario rio si lo co cons nside idera ra pe pertin rtinent ente. e. -. (& c cli lic ce en nE Env nvia iarr. 'ote: This evidence is an individual activity. Remember to chec' the learning 'ote: This guide in order to 'now if you have done all the assigned activities" 'now how to develop them and deliver them correctly correctly.. Nota: Esta evidencia es de carácter individual. ecuerde revisar la guía de Nota: aprend apr endi%a i%a+e +e con el in de ver veriic iicar ar #ue ha rea reali%a li%ado do tod todas as las act activi ividad dades es propuestas, saber cómo cómo desarrollarlas y entregarlas correctamente. correctamente.
Criterios de evaluación $sa t&rminos y expresiones relacionados con las vacaciones, teniendo en cuenta la estructura gramatical, vocabulario y contexto re#uerido. $sa to to ; infi infini niti tive ve00 al ex expr pres esar ar un pr prop opós ósito ito te teni nien endo do en cu cuen enta ta la
estructura gramatical, vocabulario y contexto re#uerido.
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