Learning activity 2 Evidence: The perfect city / town
Fuente: SENA Fuente: SENA
Imagine that in 10 years your city / town will be perfect. What will it be like !hink about the problems your city has now an" how they can be sol#e" for it to be perfect in 10 years. Write a "escription of your city in 10 years. $se will an" the #ocabulary learne" in this learning acti#ity. %ighlight will&sentences with green an" #ocabulary wor" s with blue. 'emember to use connectors an" punctuation. !ake a look at a t the e(ample below to help you get starte".
)I think my city will be better in 10 years. Probably there will not be traffic jams anymore. Also public transportation will be clean, efficient and organized. For this to happen, the roads will have to be in perfect conditions. After solving social problems and creating better job opportunities, it will be the safest city in the world. n addition, we will have the best museums and art galleries. !esides, there will be a lot of green areas and par"s to enjoy. #e will have the best football team, not li"e the one we have now which performs poorly. believe people will be friendly. And finally, the most important aspect will be to have more public universities, so everybody will have the chance to study. t will be as nice as a $uropean city, but a lot more enjoyable and vibrant though.% Description: &ello thin" my city will be better in 10 years than it is now. 'he city will be li"e a metropolis. 'echnology will be used to ma"e the city improve many aspects. 'he city will have no preference of strata and will allow all the young people to have access to the study with low cost, there will be more public libraries distributed throughout the city. Public areas such as par"s and gardens will be respected and the roads will be in good condition to have better traffic . As for the public transport will be faster and controlled so that the route is more agile and allows people to have security and confidence in it. (ore cycling will be done to ma"e people use the bi"e more. )port support for those who are interested in practice in this area. 'he ideal of all this is to generate more wor" and improve the economy of the city by turning it into a place loved by all. *or this e#i"ence+ you nee" to sen" to your instructor two files,
An au"io file -recor" yourself rea"ing the script.
A te(t file -the script of your perfect city / town.
When you finish your work+ sen" the files to your instructor through the platform as follows,
1. lick on the title of this e#i"ence. . lick on $*aminar mi e+uipo an" look for the files in your computer. ake sure the files are attache". 2. 3ea#e a comment for the instructor -optional. 4. lick $nviar . Important: !he platform will only allow you to submit your files once. 5lease+ make sure you uploa" the two - recor"ings when submitting your e#i"ence. Note: !his e#i"ence is an in"i#i"ual acti#ity. 'emember to check the learning gui"e in or"er to know if you ha#e "one all the assigne" acti#ities+ know how to "e#elop them an" "eli#er them correctly. Criterios de evaluación
ealiza predicciones haciendo uso de la estructura y el vocabulario re+ueridos.
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