Evidence The Doctor Told Me

August 12, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Ei`rgogc `mtovoty 6 Ivofigmi; Vni fbmtbr tbef hi Ti`f tni abeebwogc fo`ebcui. Vnig, wroti ` tixt ripbrtogc ot, fb gbt abrcit tb jiip og tni w`y tb ripbrt ogstrumtobgs `gf riquists. Vni aorst sigtigmi os fbgi `s hogf `g ix`hpei.  _bu; Niep pei`si, `gydbfy niep hi!  _bu; Fbmtbr ; M`eh fbwg. Sn`t‟s tni prbdeih2  _bu;; O m`g‟t dri`tni.  _bu Fbmtbr ; E`y fbwg bg tni dif. Gursi sbhi bxycig bvir niri. Gursi;; Tocnt `w`y fbmtbr. Gursi Fbmtbr ; Fb ybu n`vi `gy btnir foaaomuetois disofis dri`tnogc2  _bu;; O m`g‟t niep smr`tmnogc  _bu niep smr`tmnogc tni rusn bg hy d`mj. Fbmtbr ; O sii. Gursi,  Gursi, ipogipnrogi snbt. Puomj! Gursi; Niri ybu `ri fbmtbr.  fbmtbr.   Fbmtbr ; Tie`x `gf try tb dri`tni. O `h cbogc tb put ybu `g ipogipnrogi snbt.  _bu;; (aiw hogutis e`tir) O m`g dri`tni! ]brry O ari`jif but. O  _bu p`gomjif `s sbbg `s O ixpiroigmif foaaomuety og dri`tnogc. Fbmtbr Fbm tbr;; Vn`t‟s `dsbeutiey gbrh`e. _bu n`f `g `g`pnye`mtom snbmj.  _bu; O sii, dut O n`vi givir diig `eeircom tb `gytnogc  `gytnogc   fbm, Sny gbw2 Fbmtbr ; @gybgi m`g fiviebp `g `eeircy but ba tni deui. deui . N`vi ybu diig og mbgt`mt wotn `goh`es, guts, si`abbf br tni eoji2  _bu;; Gbt tn`t O rihih… w`ot ` sim. O st`rtif yistirf`y   _bu yistirf`y   `s ` crbbhir ! Fbmtbr ; wiee, tn`t hust n`vi diig tni troccir . Si‟ee n`vi tb citt sb ci sbhi hi ix ix`h `hs s tb fi fiti tirh rhog ogi i tn tni i g` g`tu turi ri ba ybur ybur `e `eei eirc rcy. y. Hi`gwnoei st`y `w`y arbh `goh`es.  _bu;; Siee, O cuiss O n`vi tb aogf ` giw kbd, tnig. Vn`gjs fbm.  _bu





Nieeb Nieeb,, Q`ei! O n ni`rf i`rf yb ybu u n`f ` ti tirrodei rrodei f f`y `y yis yistirf` tirf`y, y, wn` wn`tt n`pp n`ppigif igif2 2 , `ri ybu b bj2 j2


Nieeb M`t`! _isti _istirf`y rf`y O n` n`f f ` tirrod tirrodei ei f f`y, `y, ttn`gj n`gj ybu abr `s `sjogc jogc O m` m`g‟t g‟t d dri`tn ri`tni i du dutt O `h bj.


Ti`eey2 Vn`t‟s d`f wn`t n`ppig2


Sie Siee, e, ttwb wb f`y f`ys s` `cb cb O w` w`s sw wbrj brjogc ogc `s ` cr crbbh bbhir, ir, hy aors aorstt f` f`y, y, ` `eeee f f`y `y o w` w`s sd ditw itwiig iig tni pibpei's n`or, O tnogj, O mbuef `ttr`mt `g `eeircy tb tn`t. _istirf`y O w`s og tni nbspot`e.

M`t` M` t`

Ot os `w `wis isbh bhi, i, ot os yb ybur ur gi giw w kkbd bd,, y ybu bu `ri `ri g gbt bt eu eumj mjy y` `gf gf wn wn`t `t n` n`pp ppig igif if og tn tni i nbspot`e2


_istirf`y `t ttn ni i ih hircigmy rbbh, O diccif s sb bhidbfy tb n ni iep hi hi.  O w`s fispir`ti, ,


Siri ybu `ebgi2


_is, O w`s `ebgi og tni nbspot`e: ot w`s tni wbrst p`rt ba hy f`y.


Sn`t fof ybu fb2


O `sj abr niep, O w`s smri`hogc.


Vnig, wn`t n`ppigif wotn ybu2


Vn Vni if fbm bmtb tbrr m m`h `hi i` `gf gf tni tni f fbm bmtb tbrr s s`y `ys sh hi, i, ni mb mbhh hh`g `gfi fif fh hi i ttb bj jii iip pm m`e `eh, h, O‟ O‟h h niri, wn`t¶s ybur prbdeih2 O tbef noh: O m`g‟t dri`tni: gbw O `h viry wiee.


Sn`t fof tni fbmtbr2


Ni b brfi rfirif rif hi ee`y `y f fbwg bwg bg ttni ni d dif if ` `gf gf n ni i `s `sj j tn tni i gu gursi rsi sbh sbhi i bx bxyc ycig ig b bvir vir,, Ti Tie`x  e`x  `gf try tb dri`tni. O `h cbogc tb put ybu `g ipogipnrogi snbt. @gf ni tbef hi _bu n`f `g `g`pnye`mtom snbmj, dut ybu `ri bj gbw. Ni gbw.  Ni brfirif tb cit sbhi ix`hs tb fitirhogi tni g`turi ba hy `eeircy: Ni diccif st`y `w`y arbh `goh`es.


Sn`t fb ybu tnogj `dbut ot2


O giif ` giw kbd k` k` k`



Snig ybu aogosn ybur wbrj, sigf tni aoei tb ybur ogstrumtbr tnrbucn tni pe`tabrh `s abeebws; 0. Meomj ttni ni totei b baa tnos iv ivofigm ofigmi. i. 4. Meomj omj Ix`hog`r ho iquopb `gf iquopb `gf ebbj abr tni aoei og ybur mbhputir. H`ji suri tni aoei `tt`mnif.abr tni ogs =. Ei`v Ei`vi i `osmbhhigt ogstrumt trumtbr br (bptob (bptobg`e). g`e). 6. Me Meom omj j Igvo`r . Gbti; Vnos ivofigmi os `g ogfovofu`e `mtovoty. Tihihdir tb mnimj tni ei`rgogc Gbti; Vnos cuofi og brfir tb jgbw oa ybu n`vi fbgi `ee tni `ssocgif `mtovotois. Mrotirobs fi iv`eu`moýg

Tipbrt` ýrfigis fi `muirfb mbg e` istrumtur` cr`h`tom`e y ie vbm`due`rob riquirofb.


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