Evidence the Doctor Told Me

May 6, 2019 | Author: Chucho Vargas J | Category: N/A
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Learning activity 4 Evidence: The doctor told me Read the following dialogue. Then, write a text reporting it, do not forget to keep in mind the way to report instructions and requests. The first sentence is done as an example.  You:  You: Help please, anybody help me! Doctor : Calm Calm down. What’s the problem?  You:  You: I can’t breathe. Doctor : Lay down on the bed. Nurse some oxygen over here. Nurse: Nurse: Right away doctor. Doctor : Do you have any other difficulties besides breathing?  You:  You: I can’t help  scratching the rush on my back. Doctor : I see. Nurse, epinephrine shot. Quick! Nurse: Here you are doctor. Doctor : Relax and try to breathe. I am going to put you an epinephrine shot.  You:  You: (few minutes later) I can breathe! Sorry I freaked out. I panicked as soon as I experienced difficulty in breathing. Doctor: That’s absolutely normal.  normal.  You had an anaphylactic shock.  You: I see, but I have never been allergic to anything doc, Why now? Doctor : Anyone can develop an allergy out of the blue. blue. Have you been in contact with animals, nuts, seafood or the like?  You:  You: Not that I remem… remem… wait a sec. I started yesterday as a groomer ! Doctor : well, that must have been the trigger . We’ll have to get some exams to determine the nature of your allergy. Meanwhile stay away from animals.  You:  You: Well, I guess I have to find a new job, then. Thanks doc.

Write your text here! Yesterday at the emergency room, I begged somebody to help me.

When you finish your work, send the file to your instructor through the platform as follows: 1. Click the title of this evidence. 2. Click Examinar mi equipo and look for the file in your computer. Make sure the file is attached. 3. Leave a comment for the instructor (optional). 4. Click Enviar . Note:  This evidence is an individual activity. Remember to check the learning guide in order to know if you have done all the assigned activities. C ri teri os de evaluaci ón

Reporta órdenes de acuerdo con la estructura gramatical y el vocabulario requerido.

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