Select a celebration around the world and describe it according to the format. Include images to illustrate your ideas. You can find and example in Introductory material material section section 1. Describi Describing ng celebrat celebrations ions and special special occasio occasions ns around around the world. You have to make your description in minimum 250 words. Aspects hat it celebrated.
here when it celebrated.
!hristmas "ve is celebrated on the eve of !hristmas #ay. It is the !hristian celebration of the night that $esus was born. %lthough the customs vary from country to country& it is 'uite common a family reunion to dine and exchange gifts.
and is
hen !hristmas is !elebrated !alendar showing 25th #ecember %lthough #ecember 25th 25th is the date when most people celebrate !hristmas& there are some other dates as well( Some churches )mainly *rthodox churches+ use a different calendars for their religious celebrations. *rthodox !hurches in ,ussia& Serbia& $erusalem& -kraine& "thiopia and other countries use the old $ulian calendar and people in those churches celebrate !hristmas on $anuary /th. ost ost peop people le in the the 1ree 1reek k *rth *rthod odox ox !hurch celebrate !hristmas on #ecember 25th. ut ut some some stil stilll use use the the $uli $ulian an calendar and so celebrate !hristmas on /th $anuary( Some 1reek !atholics also celebrate on $anuary /th.
hat wear.
In %rmen rmenia ia&& the the %posto ostollic !hurc hurch h celebrate celebrates s !hristmas !hristmas on $anuary $anuary 3th. It also celebrates "piphany on this day. ost ost peop people le do not not nece necess ssar aril ily y wear wear special costumes or clothes for !hristmas celebrati celebrations44 ons44altho although ugh in some countries countries they might. owever& because the entire !hristmas season is a time of celebration& many people go to special family parties or spend time with friends and may dress up more than usual.
*n !hristmas day& if people are at home or in their family family context& many will 6ust wear comfortable clothes while they open presents and spend time together. 7he good news is that we never have to wear special costumes costumes to celebrate celebrate the Savior. Some Some of the first people to worship $esus $esus were were shephe shepherds rds.. 7hey 7hey were were not rich. 7hey didn8t have fancy clothes. 7hey came to im in their dirty& scruff& raggedy clothes. e to can come to worship $esus today& today& !hristmas day& or an y time dressed in our ordinary ordinary clothes. clothes. e accepts us as we are.
hat people do.
In Colombia, the beginning of the celebration of Christmas becomes ocial with the night of the candles, which takes place on December 7, the eve of the religious religi ous feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary. n this date, families gather to light a large number of candles or lanterns in front of houses and, in this way, chart the way for the !irgin Mary to bless their homes. In addition, the streets are "lled with lights and the most famous lights of cities like #ogot$, Medell%n and Cali create a colorful party at night, with pyrotechnic pyrotec hnic shows that attract visitors from all regions of the country and the world. Christmas in Colombia is a great holiday, it is time for family reunion and reunion& Is a special time to e'press a(ection, to share with friends and, of course, to pray the )ovena de *guinaldos. +or nine days, gathered around the manger and Christmas tree, Colombians pray, sing carols, enoy the oy of the holidays and share shar e with the little ones the message of the birth of the Child -od.
special celebration.
Christmas It is a time of year Christmas when people are looking forward to it. /hy0 +or some it is the family party where they gather for a special meal and gifts. It is a time for other festivities that are pointing to the day of Christmas, such as meetings with friends or co1workers. co1worker s. +or many, it2s time to greet and e'change cards, it2s the occasion to catch up with friends and family. It is also the time of preparation and anticipation. Many days are spent decorating the house, cooking, thinking about gifts for everyone. Making gifts can be a real art. 3ome like to choose very carefully the appropriate gift for the person they love.
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