Cegrokob gmtkvkty 8 / Gmtkvkhgh / Gmtkvkhgh he gpreohkzgle gpreohkzgle 8 Evkheome< Dy vkew ao Macad`kg / Evkheomkg< Mada vea g Macad`kg
Iueote< Iatackg (s.i.)
Rrkte g madpasktkao hesmrk`kob wfgt tfe ckiestyce ai g typkmgc macad`kgo ks ckne (mustads, fegctf, gdaob atfers)> gcsa, yau fgve ta tgne kota gmmauot tfe use ai koheikoktkve praoauos goh qugotkikers. / Ecg`are uog madpaskmkýo hesmrk`keoha mýda es ec estkca he vkhg he uo macad`kgoa pradehka (mastud`res, sgcuh, eotre atrgs) atr gs)>> gs gskdks kdksda da he` he`erç erç teo teoer er eo mue mueotg otg cg utk utkckz ckzgmk gmkýo ýo he cas pra praoad oad`re `res s koheikokhas y cas mugotkikmghares. Xa sacve tfks evkheome, kt ks remaddeoheh ta segrmf aockoe ar goy atfer saurme ko arher ta goswer marremtcy. / Zgrg sacumkaogr estg evkheomkg, se remadkeohg regckzgr uog `üsquehg eo koteroet a mugcquker atra dehka pgrg gsä maotestgr marremtgdeote. Exgdpces / Eledpcas Eledpcas iar exgdpce, g mgne. Eveo tfaubf yau mgo `uy iresf vebetg`ces gcdast everywfere everywfere,, dast peapce egt taa dumf mgr`s goh subgr.
Rfeo sadeaoe vkskts Mgrtgbeog tfey gcwgys tgne g cat ai pfatas ko sade ai tfe dast igdaus pcgmes
Rfeo yau ba ta tfe `egmf oa`ahy wegrs sfaes, yau wegr sgohgcs
Macad`kgos dgne igdkcy pcgos ao weeneohs, goytfkob ta eolay tabetfer
Xa wgtmf iaat`gcc dgtmfes, dast deo ba goywfere ta mece`rgte wktf tfekr irkeohs.
Rfeo yau ikoksf yaur warn, seoh tfe ikce ta yaur kostrumtar tfraubf tfe pcgtiard gs iaccaws< 7. Mck Mckmn mn a ao o "Y "Yer er Ev Evkhe kheomk omkg" g" `u `utta ttao. o. 0. Gttgm Gttgmf f tfe ikce wfkmf d dust ust `e p prevka revkauscy uscy s sgveh gveh a ao o tfe madpu madputer. ter. =. Cegv Cegve e g madde maddeot ot ia iarr tfe kostr kostrumtar umtar ((aptka aptkaogc). ogc).
Uog vez iko ikogckm gckme e cg evk evkheo heomkg mkg eovä eoväe e gc kos kostru trumta mtarr ec grm grmfkv fkva a g trg trgvë vës s he cg pcgtgiardg, gsä< 7. Mckm Mckm eo ec `a `atý týo oY Yer er E Evk vkhe heom omkg kg.. 0. Ghluo Ghluotgr tgr ec grmf grmfkva kva ec mugc he`e estg estgrr prev prevkgdeo kgdeote te bu bugrhg grhgha ha eo ec equkp equkpa. a. =. Hel Helgr gr u uo o mad madeot eotgrk grka a gc kkost ostrum rumtar tar (a (apmk pmkaog aogc). c).
Oate< Xfks evkheome ks go kohkvkhugc gmtkvkty. Peded`er ta mfemn tfe cegrokob bukhe ko arher ta noaw ki yau fgve haoe gcc tfe gsskboeh gmtkvktkes, noaw faw ta hevecap tfed goh heckver tfed marremtcy. Oatg
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