Evidence My Motivators
October 9, 2017 | Author: Carlos Juan Sarmient | Category: N/A
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Learning activity 4 Evidence: My motivators
Estudios de personas exitosas han encontrado que hay unos pocos motivadores que guían su carrera y opciones de trabajo, y hacer que el trabajo una experiencia agradable y exitosa para ellos. A continuación encontrará una lista con los motivadores que son más comúnmente mencionados por las personas de alto rendimiento. Para esta evidencia debe organizarlas en orden de importancia de 1 (la más importante) a 10 (la menos importante) y escribir una composición expresando cómo han sido parte de su desarrollo profesional. Retome la gramática y el vocabulario que ha aprendido en esta actividad de aprendizaje. (Ejemplo: Siento que la variedad es el factor más importante en mi motivación No me gusta hacer cosas repetitivas En mi trabajo actual he aprendido a usar Photoshop y cómo comercializar diferentes productos en línea Me estoy volviendo muy bueno en eso Y ahora soy capaz de enseñar a otros.)
Fuente: SENA
Motivators: Challenge - Competence - Independence - Interest - Lifestyle - Money Recognition - Relationships - Security - Variety
Motivator 1.Competence 2.Challenge 3.Interest 4.Lifestyle 5. Variety 6. Recognition 7. Relationships 8. security 9. Independent 10.Money
Composition Everything has started by being competence in what I do, being competent does not guarantee money or fame, but if the reputation in the trade. Then the challenges, which may have motivated me to fight with other people in different areas of life to compete for something. Obviously there must be interest in something, it is already fundamental to
doggedly pursue an idea. Otherwise it would disinterested. Lifestyle should be fundamental to you, as you struggle to have a lifestyle, whatever it is, you struggle to get it, by being a certain way, and mostly by not being like you do not want to be. There must be a variety of ideas, resources and concepts in everything you do, since repeating the same thing would cause one to become obsolete. The recognition is there, but if one is simple and humble does not care, because it is transient. Relationships are necessary among human beings, since from them alliances are formed to achieve common goals, which otherwise would be difficult to achieve. You must have security in everything you do to undertake, to do, to get involved in something, and more than everything has in God and in yourself as maximum, since if you look for it in others, you will end up failing. Being independent is sometimes good, and helps as a motivator, you know what you have, what you can invest, and sometimes you can reach the goal in solitude. It can be repetitive but money is never a motivator in Colombia, because it seems to me that no, here in Colombia you finish a technological career and pay you high school salary, if it serves you, and in many cases only serves for contact center, So one should not rely on the money that he will receive as a great economic retribution, on the contrary rather receive the fair When you finish your work, send the file to your instructor through the platform as follows: 1. Click on the title of this evidence. 2. Click on Examinar mi equipo and look for the file in your computer. Make sure the file is attached. 3. Leave a comment for the instructor (optional). 4. Click Enviar. Note: This evidence is an individual activity. Remember to check the learning guide in order to know if you have done all the assigned activities, know how to develop them and deliver them correctly. Criterios de evaluación
Usa el vocabulario relacionado con carreras y empleos teniendo en cuenta el contexto requerido. Describe características personales teniendo en cuenta el vocabulario y contexto requerido. Utiliza verbos compuestos teniendo en cuenta la estructura gramatical requerida.
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