Evidence My Holiday Trip

July 18, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Learning activity 1 Evidence: My holiday trip  

Select a place you would like to travel and consider a special celebration to take part pa rt in th there ere.. Comple Complete te your your agend agenda a format format inclu includin ding g infor informat matio ion n abou aboutt the celebration and the place you are visiting. You can see an example in Introductory  material materi al section 2. How to make arrangements arrangements and predictions predictions. Then answer the questions about your plans.

n the morning

n the afternoon

n the evening

Friday Saturday Sunday !e at the airport  &t "#$$ am. 'm  am having at "#$$ a.m to fly walking towards towards ab abrea reakfa kfast st at the to %ima peru (achu )icchu *#$$ a.m.

& t ving +ng #$$ lunc pm en,+$#$$ oying am. 'm a havi ha lu nch h am at  &t cultura turall meeting meeting the the hote otel in the the cul in (achu )icchu city of Cusco &t -# -#$$ p. p.m.  wi will  &t -#$$ p.m.  traditional nal go out with a eat a traditio frie friend nd to dinn dinner  er  )eruvian food and then we will go dancing for a while

 &t +$#$$ a am.  am en,oying cultural festival in Cusco  &t +$#$$ pm  will take the plane back to Colombia.


+. here are you going going to/  am am going to to )eru 0. 1ow long long are are you you staying/ staying/  am stay three three days days 2. ho are you you visiting/ visiting/  am visiting visiting my friend 3. hat are you doing doing on Friday/ 4n Friday  go to )eru5 lunch and in the evening  go out to dinner and dance for a while 6. hat are you doing on Saturday/ Saturday/ 4n Saturday Saturday  go to (achu )icchu5 lunch and go out to dinner a traditional )eruvian meal


". hat are you doing on Sunday/ Sunday/ 4n Saturday Saturday  will will en,oy en,oy a cultura culturall festiva festivall in Cusco and return to Colombia -. hen are are you you leaving/ leaving/ I'm leaving early on Friday 7. hen are you returning/ returning/  will return return on Sunday evening evening *. 1ow 1ow are you going going to feel after after your your trip/ trip/ 'm goin going g to feel feel very satisf satisfied ied because  visited the main site of tourism in )eru +$.. +$ hat hat memo memori ries es ar are you goi going ng to to kee keep/  will will reme rememb mber er the the meet meetin ingi gin n (achu )icchu is very interesting its history hen you finish your work5 send the file to your instructor throug through h the platform as follows# +. Click on on the title title of this evidence evidence. 0. Clic Click k on Examinar mi equipo and look for the file in your computer. (ake sure the file is attached. 2. %eave a comment for for the instructor instructor 8optional9. 8optional9. 3. Clic Click k Enviar . Note:: This evidence is an individual activity. :emember to check the learning Note guide in order to know if you have done all the assigned activities5 know how to develop them and deliver them correctly. Criterios de evaluación

Intercambia información acerca de intenciones y acuerdos haciendo uso de la estructura y el vocabulario requeridos.

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