aprendizaje 1 Learning activity 1 / Actividad / Actividad de aprendizaje Evidence: My dream vacation / Evidencia: Mis vacaciones soñadas
In this evidence you are going to plan you dream vacations, to do so you need to use the structures and vocabulary studied in this learning activity. Develop the proposed exercises, read the instructions and follow the models. / En esta evidencia usted va a planear sus vacaciones soñadas; para hacerlo, necesita utiliz utilizar ar las estruc estructur turas as y vocabu vocabular lario io estudi estudiado ados s durant durante e esta esta activi actividad dad de aprendizaje. Desarrolle los ejercicios planteados, lea las instrucciones y siga los modelos. A. Match the sentences in the first column with the corresponding function in the second column. /Una la oración en la primera columna con la función en la segunda columna. Sentence
I’m going to travel to London next month.
. !utu !uture re arr arran ange geme ment nt..
I want to buy a new t"shirt.
#. !utu !uture re plan plan..
I would li$e to visit the museum.
%. &ish.
I’m eating with my m y mom tomorrow.
'. (xpe (xpect ctat atio ion. n.
B. )ou are going to plan your dreamed vacations for next month, you have a *+ *+ million million pesos pesos budge budget. t. )ou need need to decide decide / Usted va a planear las vacaciones soñadas para el próimo mes, tiene un presupuesto de !"# millones de pesos. Debe decidir$
he he pla place ce you you are are goin going g to. to. he he hot hotel el you you are are stay stayin ing g at. at. he touris touristic tic activ activitie ities s you you would would li$e li$e to do. do. he he thi thing ngs s you you want want to buy buy.
Loo$ at the example of ally’s vacations plan / %bserve el ejemplo del plan de vacaciones de &ally$
$ouri!tic activitie!
$%ing! to &uy
I’m going to travel to London next wee$.
I’m staying at the aint 2aul hotel for ' days.
I would li$e to visit the 3uc$ingham palace.
I want to buy a new camera.
Fuente: !otolia 0s.f.1
Fuente: !otolia 0s.f.1 Fuente: (78
Fuente: !otolia
I would li$e to go to the London tower.
I want to buy a pair of gloves.
Fuente: !otolia 0s.f.1
I would li$e to ta$e a tour across the hames 4iver.
Fuente: (78
I want to buy a coat.
Fuente: !otolia 0s.f.1
I would li$e to go to the t. 5ames6s 2ar$.
Fuente: (78
I want to buy a pair of
Fuente: !otolia 0s.f.1
Fuente: (78
'. 9omplete the paragraph about ally’s vacations plan with the verb to be, want to, would li$e to and future time expressions. / 'omplete el p(rrafo acerca del plan de vacaciones de &ally con el verbo to be, want to, would li$e to y epresiones de tiempo futuro.
ally is going to travel to London next wee$. he is staying at the aint 2aul hotel. he is staying for four days. he would li$e to visit the 3uc$ingham palace, she would li$e to go to the London ower, she is going to ta$e a tour across the hames 4iver. . 7ow fill in your own vacations plan. &rite complete sentences using the structures studied along the learning activity. / )hora llene su propio plan de vacaciones utilizando las estructuras trabajadas a lo largo de la actividad de aprendizaje. e!tination
$ouri!tic activitie!
$%ing! to &uy
I’m going to travel to :reece next month.
I’m staying at the Myconos hotel for one wee$.
I would visit the 8cropolis of 8thens.
I want to buy a new earrings of gold for my mother.
Fuente: :oogle
Fuente: :oogle images.
I would li$e to go to ancient theater of Delfos. Fuente: :oogle
Fuente: :oogle images.
I want to buy a traditional gree$ costume.
Fuente: :oogle images.
I want to ta$e a tour across the medieval village Lindos.
Fuente: :oogle images.
I want to buy a pair traditional :ree$ sandals
Fuente: :oogle images. Fuente: :oogle images.
I want to buy a handmade vase.
I would li$e to ta$e a bath on the beach 7avagio, the best beach in the world.
Fuente: :oogle images.
I want to meet the floating monasteries of Meteora.
Fuente: :oogle images.
Fuente: :oogle images.
&hen you finish your wor$, send the file to your instructor through the platform as follows . 9lic$ the title of this evidence. #. 9lic$ Eaminar mi e*uipo and loo$ for the file in your computer. Ma$e sure the file is attached. %. Leave a comment for the instructor 0optional1. '. 9lic$ Enviar . Una vez finalice la evidencia env+e al instructor el archivo a travs de la plataforma, as+$ D clic en el t+tulo de esta evidencia. 2. D clic en el enlace Eaminar mi e*uipo y bus*ue el archivo en su computador. )seg-rese de adjuntar el archivo. 3. Escriba alg-n comentario si lo considera pertinente. 4. D clic en Enviar. 1.
ote: his evidence is an individual activity. 4emember to chec$ the learning
guide in order to $now if you have done all the assigned activities, $now how to develop them and deliver them correctly. Nota: Esta evidencia es de car(cter individual. ecuerde revisar la gu+a de aprendizaje con el fin de verificar *ue ha realizado todas las actividades propuestas, saber cómo desarrollarlas y entregarlas correctamente. Criterios de evaluación - Describe eperiencias futuras, teniendo en cuenta la estructura gramatical, vocabulario y conteto re*uerido.
Usa trminos y epresiones relacionados con las vacaciones, teniendo en cuenta la estructura gramatical, vocabulario y conteto re*uerido.
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