Learning activity 3 / Actividad / Actividad de aprendizaje aprendizaje 3 Evidence: I can’t believe it! // Evidencia: ¡No puedo creerlo! Complete the format and use the appropriate adjective form depending on the facts. In case you do not know the answers you can look for information on intern int ernet. et. / Complete el formato y use las formas apropiadas de los adjetivos dependiendo de los hechos. En caso que no sepa las respuestas búsquelas en internet. a. Chimpanzee b. Gorilla c. Dolphin
inte intell llig ige ent
he ch chim imp pan anz zee is th the e mos ostt in inte tell llig ige ent animal. ! do dolp lphi hin n is mo more re in inte tell llig igen entt th than an a gorilla. he $verest is the highest mountain. he #ilimanjaro higher than the %ont &lanc.
". a. #ili #ilima manj njar aro o b. $verest c. %ont &lanc
'. a. ! !m mazon b. %ississippi c. (ile
). a. !u !ust stra rallia b. &razil c. *ussia +. a. , ,iight b. -ound c. ater
*ussia is the biggest country. &razil is bigger than the !ustralia.
he light is the fastest of the world. he sound is faster in the water than the air.
he steel is the hardest metal. he iron is harder than a copper.
popu po pulat lated ed
ok okyo yo is th the e mo most st po popu pula late ted dc cit ity y. !nd (ew 0ork is more populated than ,ondon. he *edwood is the tallest tree. he palm is taller than a coconut tree.
a. Copper b. -teel c. Iron a. (ew 0ork ork b. okyo c. ,ondon a. Co Coco conu nutt ttre ree e b. *edwood tree c. 2alm tree a. Gr Gree een nlan land b. !ustralia c. %adagascar a. !tacama b. Death valley
he (ile is the longest river. he !mazon is longer %ississippi.
!ustralia is the largest country. Greenland is larger than %adagascar %adagascar..
he -a ahara D De esert iis s tth he d drriest iin n tth he world. !tacama is drier than Death 5alley
c. -ahara desert "6.a. -ahara desert b. 2atagonia desert c. Gobi desert
he -ahara Desert is hottest of the world. Gobi Desert is hotter than the 2atagonia.
hen you finish your work7 send the file to your instructor through the platform as follows8 ". Cli Click ck on the ttitl itle e of th this is ev evide idence nce.. 2. Cl Clic ick k on Examinar mi equipo and equipo and look for the file in your computer. %ake sure the file is attached. ). ,eav ,eave e a comm comment ent ffor or th the e ins instruct tructor or 9o 9option ptional:. al:. 4. Click Enviar . Una vez fina Una finalic lice e la evi eviden dencia cia enví envíe e al ins instru tructo ctorr el arc archiv hivo o a tra travé vés s de la plataforma así! ". #é c clic lic en e ell tí títul tulo od de e es esta ta e evid videnc encia. ia. $. #é cl clic ic en el en enla lac ce Exa xami mina narr mi equ quip ipo o y bus usqu que e el ar arch chiv ivo o en su computador.. %se&úrese de adjuntar el archivo. computador Escrib riba a al&ún al&ún coment comentario ario si si lo consid considera era pertin pertinent ente. e. '. Esc (. #é clic lic e en nE Env nvia iarr. Note: his evidence is an individual activity. *emember to check the learning Note: his guide in order to know if you have done all the assigned activities7 know how to develop them and deliver them correctly correctly.. Nota: esta evidencia es de car)cter individual. *ecuerde revisar la &uía de Nota: aprend apr endiza izaje je con el fin de ve verifi rificar car que ha rea realiz lizado ado tod todas as las ac activ tivida idades des propuestas saber c+mo c+mo desarrollarlas y entre&arlas correctamente. Criterios de evaluación Compar Com para a lu& lu&are ares s y obj objeto etos s ten tenien iendo do en cu cuent enta a la estruc estructur tura a &ra &ramat matica ical l vocabulario y contexto requeridos.
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