Evidence Forum Talking About My Interest

July 24, 2018 | Author: sandra | Category: Internet Forum, Communication
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Learning activity 2 Evidence: Forum Talking about my interests “

In this activity you are going to talk about your interests. Read the following questions related to interests, then go to the thematic F orum “Talking about my interests”, and post a comment comme nt with your answers to these questions. To answer the questions use gerunds and the vocabulary studied in this learning activity. Use at least one gerund in each answer. Highlight gerunds with green and vocabulary words with blue. Questions: 

What sport do you enjoy watching?

What activity do you enjoy doing with your family?

What is something you hate doing?

What is an activity activity you like doing on weekend?

1. Go to the thematic Forum “Talking about my interests” interests ” and write your write your answers to these questions. Remember to support your ideas with details and examples. Example:

What sport do you enjoy watching? “I enjoy watching football. My favorite team is River plate. I usually watch its games on weekend ”  ”. 

What activity do you enjoy doing with your family? “ We We enjoy leaving the city, that is going to the countryside to have lunch. On Sundays we sometimes visit nearby towns such as Chia or Cota” . Cota” .

What is is something you hate doing? “I hate running errands at banks. I can’t stand waiting in line. Banks are usually crowded crowded and you can’t use your cell phone to pass the time…” 

What is an activity you like doing on weekend? “I like riding my bike with my sister. We really enjoy it, besides it helps us to keep fit” .

2. For the second part of this activity you have to read your partners’ posts, select one and through the link “Responder ” write your opinion  about your partner post. Example: “I agree with you riding a bike is such a good exe rcise. I also ride my bike on the weekend. Sometimes I go to work on my bike. The only problem is when it rains. I get all wet ” . Steps to participate in the forum: 

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In the main menu, click on Activity 2, then click on Evidence: Forum “Talking about my interests”. Enter to the sequence, click on Responder , then click on Enviar . Select one of the partner’s commentaries and then express your opinion clicking on the button Responder . Type the subject and the content with your opinion, then click on Enviar. Criterios d e evaluación 

Usa la forma de gerundio con la estructura y el vocabulario requeridos.

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