Evidence Consolidation Activity 5 sena

July 16, 2018 | Author: luis felipe | Category: N/A
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Descripción: esta actividad es de ingles 5 sena...


Learning activity 4 Evidence: Consolidation activity Stage 1: The wonder years A. What to do? Record a video describing two fond memories from your childhood. B. How to do it? Choose two of your happiest memories from childhood and describe what made them special and memorable. If possible, use photos to refer to the things and people related to the anecdote. Below you will find an example of the kind of grammar and vocabulary your instructors expects from you. Model script I remember when I turned 10. It was one of the happiest days of my life. As soon as I woke up, my mother brought me breakfast in bed. She asked me if I knew what she and my father had gotten me. I had no idea, but my sister told me that it was something amazing. By the time I finished breakfast, I must have guessed 20 times. I have to admit, I felt a little anxious, but my parents did not want me to be angry. They know sometimes I am impatient. My sister’s birthday had been two months ago. My parents got her a bicycle. I felt happy for her but I was a little bit jealous. It is common for children to get jealous at some point. Anyway, I begged my parents to tell me and all they said was that I had to wait. I think they were trying to give me a lesson in patience. They left and promised to be back in a couple of hours. When they got back home, I had already looked for my present in every way unsuccessfully. I was starting to feel impatient when they finally told me to look in the oven. I could not believe my eyes: it was video game console called “Family”. I had never been as happy as that day. It was our favorite. Stage 2: What if… A. What to do? In this section, you will work on three different exercises using conditional sentences. First, you will need to complete the sentences describing real facts using the zero conditional. Second, you’ll need to complete some stories using the correct form of the first conditional. Finally, for number three, you will need to write the things you and your best friend would do in certain hypothetical situations using the second conditional.

B. How to do it? Follow the instructions to complete each of the following exercises using the appropriate verb from the box: 1. Zero conditional: Complete the sentences using the appropriate form of the verbs in the box. The first one is done for you. a.

cry / become ice / burn / melt / boil / get ill / put on weight / separate / sunburn / get hungry

When people eat

lots of fast food they put on weight. b. If you always skip breakfast, you get ill. c. When you heat ice, the ice melts. d. If you mix oil and water, they stay separate. e. If you don’t feed the baby, he cries. f.

When you put water in the freezer, the water becomes ice.

g. If you heat water up to 100°C, the water boils. h. If the oven is too hot, it can burn itself. i.

If you don’t wear sunblock at the beach, I get sunburn.


When you don’t eat, you get hungry.

2. First conditional: Complete the stories using the correct form of the verbs in brackets. a.

Fuente: SENA

If I (1) stay in bed, I (2) won’t cook lunch. (stay / not cook) If I (3) don’t cook lunch, my baby (4) will be hungry. (not cook/ be) If my baby (5) is hungry, she (6) will cry (be / cry) b.

Fuente: SENA

If I (1) wake up late, I (2) will be late for work. (wake up / be) If I (3) am late for work, my boss (4) will be furious. (be / be) If my boss (5) is furious, he (6) will fire me (be / fire).


Fuente: SENA

If my sister (1) doesn’t study, she (2) will fail the test. (not study / fail) If she (3) fails the test, she (4) won’t pass the course. (fail / not pass) If she (5) doesn’t pass the course, my mom (6) will be mad at her. (not pass / be) 3. Second conditional: Complete the sentences with the things you would do in

certain hypothetical situations. Then, write what your best friend, who always does the opposite of you, would not do in the same cases. The first one is done for you. Example: a. Go to New York.

1. If I went to New York, I'd visit the Metropolitan Museum. 2. If Paty went to New York, she wouldn't get on the subway. b. Meet your idol.

1. If your idol, I would like to go to all your presentations 2. If messi is my idol, he can not ride in the subway

c. Win the lottery. 1. If you won the lottery, I bought a house 2. if John I won the lottery, I'll buy a house d. Forget to buy your best friend a birthday present.

1. If i forgot to buy the gift, he walked with a very beautiful girl and I had time 2. If alex apologize for not buy the gift, you bought it tomorrow e. Be prosecuted for a crime you didn’t commit. 1. If i played for the crime, was by the friendship I had with John 2. If your fault john, i was imprisoned for seven years f. Lose your passport in a foreign country.

1. If i lost my passport, because i forgot to save it in the pocket of the jean 2. If Santiago i lost my passport, because i forgot to save it in the

pocket of the jean Stage 3: Submitting my evidence When you finish your work, send the files to your instructor through the platform as follows: 1. Click the title of this evidence. 2. Click Examinar mi equipo and look for the files in your computer. Make sure the files are attached. 3. Leave a comment for the instructor (optional). 4. Click Enviar. Important: The platform will only allow you to submit your files once. Please, make sure you upload the two (2) files when submitting your evidence. Note: This evidence is an individual activity. Remember to check the learning guide in order to know if you have done all the assigned activities, know how to develop them and deliver them correctly.

Criterios de evaluación Expresa anécdotas haciendo uso de la estructura y el vocabulario requerido.

Utiliza los conectores just, after, when, until, before, by the time, already, as

soon as, teniendo en cuenta la estructura gramatical, vocabulario y contexto requerido. 

Usa vocabulario relacionado con sentimientos y emociones teniendo en cuenta el contexto requerido.

Expresa el resultado de acciones en presente, utilizando oraciones condicionales.

Utiliza will para hablar de futuro teniendo en cuenta el vocabulario y el contexto requerido.

Utiliza las cláusulas if y when teniendo en cuenta la estructura gramatical, vocabulario y contexto requerido.

Comparte información personal para hablar de posibilidades teniendo en cuenta la estructura gramatical y el vocabulario requerido.

Intercambia información personal sobre consecuencias reales e imaginarias teniendo en cuenta la estructura gramatical y el vocabulario requerido.

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