Evidence - Be Your Own Hero

September 18, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Learning activity 4 Evidence: Be your own hero Student: JULIO CESAR HERNANDEZ  Julio Cesar has traveled all over Colombia. He has seen many spectacular places and wants to know many more. He has traveled the most beautiful landscapes of  the country riding a bicycle. He has known the beaches of the Tayrona Park, the beaches of Palomino and he still needs to know the beaches of Upper Guajira. He has learned to live by adventure, he has taken advantage of the beautiful natural  landscapes that Colombia has. He has always wanted to know other countries and  enjoy their landscapes. He has wanted to visit the Himalayas and climb Mount  Everest. He has accomplished all the goals that he has proposed with effort and  sacrifice.

“Julilio “Ju o Ces Cesar ar ha vi viaj ajad ado o po porr to todo do Colo Colomb mbia ia,, Él ha co cono noci cido do much muchos os si sititios os espectaculares y quiere conocer muchos más; Él ha recorrido los más hermosos paisajes del país montado en una bicicleta; Él ha conocido las playas del Parque Tayrona, las playas de Palomino y le falta conocer las playas de la alta Guajira; Él ha aprendido a vivir de la aventura, ha sacado provecho de los hermosos paisajes naturales que tiene Colombia; Él siempre ha querido conocer otros países y disfrutar de sus paisajes; Él ha querido visitar el Himalaya y escalar el monte Everest; Él ha cumplido todas las metas que se ha propuesto con esfuerzo y sacrificio”.

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