Evidence All in the Past Maria Morales

July 20, 2019 | Author: Santiiago Bermudez | Category: N/A
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Evidence All in the Past Maria Morales...


Learning activity 3 Evidence: All in the past

Fuente: SENA Fuente: SENA

Part A For this part of the evidence, you will have to record an audio file answering the following questions.






Question What did you use to do on vacation when you were in high school? What did you loo lie when you were "# years old? What did your fa!ily use to do on %hrist!as when you were a id? 'ow did your neigh$orhood use to $e? What did you use to do five years ago?

Suggested answers When I was in high school I used to play in the par, go out with !y friends. When I was fifteen I used to $e re$ellious. &y fa!ily used to give !e toys and a fa!ily dinner. dinner. &y neigh$orhood used to $e very close, and they had !any integration parties. Five years ago I used to wor and go out on weeends with !y

$oyfriend. I dressed in sports clothes in the !ornings and on Saturday nights I wore dresses. Part B Now, you are going to see so!e pictures that show an unfortunate incident that happened to (ennifer a few years ago, while she was driving ho!e after wor. See what happened to her and write it down. )se past si!ple and past continuous to narrate the events.



Fuente de imágenes: SENA

 A couple of years ago, Jennifer was driving home after a hard day at work. Suddenly, the car stopped, Jennifer got out of the car and noticed that the tire was airless and asked for help. Later a car stopped. wo men got out of the car to help. hey asked her if she had tools to help her and fix the tire. Jennifer went to the !ack of her car, opened the door and pulled out the tools to fix the car, when she handed the tools to the two men watched as they ran to their car and then fled the place. "inally, the police arrived, Jennifer told him what had happened and the police responded that they were going to file the complaint.

When you finish your wor, send the file to your instructor through the platfor! as follows* ". %lic on the title of this evidence. 2. %lic on Examinar mi equipo and loo for the file in your co!puter. &ae sure the file is attached. +. eave a co!!ent for the instructor -optional. 4. %lic Enviar . ote: /his evidence is an individual activity. 0e!e!$er to chec the learning guide in order to now if you have done all the assigned activities, now how to develop the! and deliver the! correctly. Criterios de evaluación

#arra eventos en pasado teniendo en cuenta el voca!ulario y contexto requeridos. $ntercam!ia informaci%n personal de eventos relevantes en la vida, teniendo en cuenta la estructura gramatical, voca!ulario y contexto requeridos. &tili'a los conectores de secuencia teniendo en cuenta la estructura gramatical, voca!ulario y contexto requeridos.

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