Learning activity 4 Evidence: A scholarship for me
Fuente: SENA Fuente: SENA
Most universities and higher education institutions around the world offer scholarships as an option for those students who don’t have the budget to afford the tuition fees. They usually require good grades from previous studies and a solid interest in the field of study. Although the standards for a scholarship may seem difficult for some people, it is not impossible to obtain one, and sometimes students miss the chance to apply because they just think they are not good enough for it. However, there are different options when trying to obtain a scholarship. Some are more demanding than others but there are always options. It is just a matter of dedicating some time to search carefully online. In this evidence you are going to search for a scholarship that matches your interests and career objectives. Then you are going to write a report about it. If you are not planning to continue your studies, then you can search a scholarship for a friend of yours.
La mayoría de las universidades e instituciones de educación superior de todo el mundo ofrecen becas como una opción para aquellos estudiantes que no tienen el presupuesto para pagar las tasas de matrícula. Generalmente requieren buenas calificaciones de estudios previos y un sólido interés en el campo de estudio. Aunque las normas para una beca pueden parecer difíciles para algunas personas, no es imposible obtener una, y a veces los estudiantes pierden la oportunidad de postularse porque piensan que no son lo suficientemente buenos para ello. Sin embargo, existen diferentes opciones cuando se trata de obtener una beca. Algunos son más exigentes que otros, pero siempre hay opciones. Es solo cuestión de dedicar algo de tiempo a buscar
cuidadosamente en línea. En esta evidencia, buscará una beca que coincida con sus intereses y objetivos profesionales. Luego vas a escribir un informe al respecto. Si no planea continuar sus estudios, puede buscar una beca para un amigo suyo.
Consider the following questions for your report: Why does this scholarship call your attention?
How is it related to your career objectives?
How is the content of the program structured?
What are the requirements to apply?
Which require requirements ments d do oy you ou already have and which do you ne need ed to complete?
Here is a chart you can use to organize the information before writing your report.
¿Por qué esta beca llama su atención? • ¿Cómo se relaciona con los objetivos de su carrera? carrera? • ¿Cómo está estructurado el contenido del programa? programa? • ¿Cuáles son los requisitos para postular? postular? • ¿Qué requisitos ya tienes y cuáles necesitas completar? completar? Aquí hay un gráfico que puede usar para organizar la información antes de escribir su informe
Name of the program: Content: Place: Duration: Requirements: Coverage: Deadlines: Aspects to consider when writing the report: Include ideas and vocabulary related to pr profes ofes s io ional nal s s k ills and education
learned in the study material. In the report, underline the ideas included.
Include at least 3 ideas. Use connectors and punctuation.
When you finish your work, send the file to your instructor through the platform as follows: 1. Click the title of this evidence. 2. Click Examinar mi equipo and look for the file in your computer. Make sure the file is attached. 3. Leave a comme comment nt for the instructor (optional). 4. Click Enviar . Note: This evidence is an individual activity. Remember to check the learning Note: This guide in order to know if you have done all the assigned activities, know how to develop them and deliver them correctly.
C ri rite teri rios os de eva evalua luación ción Describe habilidades profesionales haciendo uso del vocabulario requerido.
Usa el vocabulario relacionado con áreas de estudio, teniendo en cuenta el contexto requerido.
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