Evans - New Ideas in Chess

May 2, 2017 | Author: hyper | Category: N/A
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Evans - New Ideas in Chess...


Hello everybody!! We are a group of chess fans who are producing new chess material. We have members from all around the world, belonging to different cultures and speaking different languages, all of us joined by our common love for chess! We hope you will enjoy our work! If you are interested in joining us, or send any comments drop us an email at: [email protected]. Best regards!! Hola a todos! Somos un grupo de fanáticos del ajedrez, que estamos tratando de producir nuevo material como este, desarrollando diferentes proyectos e ideas. Tenemos miembros de diferentes partes del mundo, provenientes de diferentes culturas, hablando diferentes lenguas, unidos por nuestra pasión por el ajedrez!. Esperamos que disfruten de esta muestra de nuestro trabajo!. Si alguien estuviese interesado en unirse al grupo nos pueden escribir a: [email protected]. Saludos!

Caissa Lovers

Queenagainstuncoordinatedminor pieces

H E A R S T - r v A Nus . s . c u l v r r o r s H r e , I 9 5 4


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White mortes. Theoreticalr',ryhite hss material equality in trro Rooks againsta Queen-100 units to 100. But herehispiecesaresoscattered and Black's Knights so strongly placed that Whitc is likely to losea piece in trying to establish a line of communication.Blqck'simmediatethreqt r s 1 . . . N x B ; 2 R x N ,Q x N . I n order to meetthis threat, Whitemust losea piece.

Diagram 96

1N-831 2 R-K42

3 R-R4 4 N_K2 White Resigflsa

Q-Q2 P_84

Queenagainstcoordinatedminor pieces

P_8513 Q_K2

1If instead1 B-N5, P-R3; 2 B-K7 (or B-Ra), N-Q7t; 3 R - Q l , QxN;4RxN,QN8ch. ' To prevent QxPch. 3 PreventingB-R6ch and renewingthe threat of QxPch. a White cannotmeetthe doublethreat of QxR and QxN.

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m ^ %% n Diagrunl97

Blsck tnortes. This is extremelydificult to eualuateat frst glqnce. Ilhite hasa Queenand threePawnsfor a Rook and twopieces-l3l to 120units in White'sfeaor. As (r generalrule thepieceswin if theycancoordinateandpenetrqte beforcthePav,nsgetfar enoughqduancedto do an! hqrm. Oncethe Patunsget mobilizedthe defender's piecesare nailed to the defense. So the piecesmust be madeaggressive at all cost. In the actualgameBlack got panickyin time-pressure and walked straight into a lost ending after I . . . RxP?; 2 RxR, R-KBI; 3 QxRch, BxQ; 4 RxP. In reality Black has the better of it. Correct is 1. . . R-KBI! after which White must fight for his 1ife. For instance: If 2 Q-R3, N-K5 ! 3 Q-K6ch, R-B2. If 2 Q-N4, R-85 followed by QR-K81, or N-K5. If 2 Q-N6, R-83 followed by QR-KBI with a stiong initiative. For anothergood exampleof coordinatedpiecesagainsta Queen, seeDiagram 66.



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