Evaluation Criteria Lomce

March 21, 2017 | Author: Enrique Delgado Seseña | Category: N/A
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Evaluation Criteria Lomce...



CE.1.1 recognize and identify the essential messages and instructions referring to the usual classroom activity, together with a repertoire of vocabulary of common use and very short oral expressions in texts, simple instructions in class such as greetings, rhymes, songs, etc... CE.1.2 recognize some strategies to understand and relate the basic content of messages that contain instructions or information in the context of the classroom, such as gestures, repetitions, etc... CE.1.3 recognize everyday aspects of their immediate environment in a normal conversation that takes place in his presence such as class instructions, basic questions, greetings, politeness rules... understanding the information and recognizing basic patterns of intonation as questions, exclamations, etc... CE.1.4 understand the ideas and recognize the basic structures of presentations close to topics of his/her interests, beginning with a simple and clear conversation, with visual support on images and illustrations of his/her family, home, school, friends... CE. 1.5 recognize the main idea of heard messages on everyday situations recalling and identifying the basic sound and rhythmic patterns in intonation, relying on different audiovisual materials. CE.1.6 participate in very brief conversations and short dialogues with their classmates, identifying and using some simple expressions about family issues and immediate needs, acquiring a common vocabulary to express personal information of daily actions as well as basic patterns for talking about him/herself, his family... CE.1.7 know how to introduce him/herself and to his/her classmates in a briefly and very simple way, using a basic vocabulary, rehearsing previously the presentation and relying on gestures. CE.1.8 know and remember a limited and common vocabulary to communicate in situations of everyday life where they have to intervene briefly, for example to greet, say goodbye, to introduce him/herself, etc... CE.1.9 reproduce words and small sentences for everyday use, related to their interests and needs, with a very limited variety of sound and basic intonation rhythmic patterns.

CE.1.10 participate in small, short and simple dialogues using nonverbal techniques (gestures, expressions, visual contact...). CE.1.11 locate, recognize and identify messages in different formats such as school rules and places and materials using a vocabulary and visual support basic name and usual. CE1.12 recognize very basic and appropriate strategies that facilitate the understanding of the overall sense of a simple written message about issues close to the everyday life and school such as the school menu, timetables, etc., supported by paratextual elements, according to the different contexts. CE.1.13 recognize and differentiate the style and the intentionality of different texts such as letters, brochures, congratulations and surveys by the social context and the content in which they are used. EC 1.14 understand the meaning of texts, recognizing a limited and varied lexicon as well as basic spelling rules in texts adapted to his/her age related to everyday situations and usual situations. CE.1.15 reproduce on paper or in electronic format, short and very simple texts, from a model, using very basic spelling conventions and some punctuation signs, to speak about him/herself daily lives’ aspects from school and family situations, such as notes, a postcard or a greeting. CE.1.16. initiate in the use of some basic strategies to produce very short and simple texts (e.g.: completing very usual phrases using a varied lexicon of words). 1,17 EC recognize the basic sociocultural and sociolinguistic elements in very short and simple texts, reproducing basic syntactic structures using everyday vocabulary depending on the context. CE.1.18 write short messages about daily routines adjusting to the appropriate communicative function according to the type of text practicing with basic graphic patterns to start writing common words of daily use, even if the spelling is not fully established.


CE.2.1 identify the essential information in very simple and brief oral texts transmitted by voice or technical means about daily situations where experiences, needs and interests are expressed in different contexts with good acoustic conditions which do not hamper the message, with visual support and clear contextual reference such as stories, narratives, personal anecdotes, etc... CE.2.2 introduce and use basic strategies to improve understanding and grasp the general meaning of a message or information in different contexts, as in the shop, the street... CE.2.3 know and differentiate the overall message and the sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects together with a common lexicon in a conversation, using progressively his/her knowledge to improve the understanding of the general information on topics such as family, shop, restaurant, street... identifying different types of questions depending on the type of information we want to get. CE. 2.4 identify a set of ideas and basic syntactic structures in a conversation capturing the meaning of the message about specific issues related to his/her interests and own experiences, such as hobbies, games and friends. CE.2.5. understand the general sense of a dialogue, an interview, etc., related to everyday situations and experiences, as free time; and in different communicative acts, recognizing and differentiating basic sound and rhythmic patterns in the intonation. CE.2.6 express using some vocabulary, syntactic structures and basic connectors in brief and simple interventions for exchanging information about him/herself, daily matters, habits, school, etc...; with a previous rehearsal. CE.2.7. make presentations and brief descriptions using simple and structures previously worked in class to express clearly everyday situations about his/her interest and to give basic information about him/herself, talk about likes and dislikes, describe physical aspects of people, etc... CE.2.8. have a simple and brief conversation using the daily use oral vocabulary in order to be understood with a correct and elemental pronunciation for introductions, school, house and bedroom descriptions etc...

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