November 22, 2017 | Author: MTs Sirojulathfal | Category: N/A
Copyright © 2009 by Tim Penyusun and PT Intan Pariwara. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of the publisher. © Hak cipta dilindungi undang-undang, 2009 pada Tim Penyusun dan hak penerbitan pada PT Intan Pariwara, Anggota IKAPI Nomor 016/JTE/79, Nomor Kode Penerbitan IP/82/2009. Dilarang mencetak ulang, menyimpan dalam sistem retrival, atau memindahkan dalam bentuk apa pun dan dengan cara bagaimanapun, elektronik, mekanik, fotokopi, rekaman, dan sebagainya, tanpa izin tertulis dari penerbit. Kode file IP2_BING9A_PG09. Penyusun: Widda T.N., Yuniarti D. Arini, Sugeng Aryanto; Editor: Bachtiar Bima Mustriana, Cicik Kurniawati; Ilustrator: Agung Suroso, Andi Kurniawan, Aris Partomo, Nunung Suparna, Rio Kuswanto; Desainer kover: Aris Partomo; Perwajahan: M. Andina Risky D., M. Aris Wibowo, M.M. Endang Iriyanti. Penanggung jawab produksi: Bachtiar Bima Mustriana. Dicetak oleh: PT Macanan Jaya Cemerlang, Kotak Pos 181, Klaten 57438, Indonesia (isi di luar tanggung jawab percetakan). PT Intan Pariwara Jalan Ki Hajar Dewantoro, Kotak Pos 111, Klaten 57438, Indonesia, Telp. (0272) 322441, Fax (0272) 322607, e-mail:
[email protected] Layanan Konsumen: 0272 - 310 - 1515, e-mail:
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Bapak/Ibu Guru tentu sudah memahami bahwa Pemerintah telah menetapkan buku-buku yang layak dipakai di dalam proses belajar mengajar. Buku-buku (BSE) itu dapat diunduh melalui internet oleh siapa saja dan tidak dipungut biaya. Siapa pun bisa menggunakannya. Namun ternyata, itu saja belum cukup. Siswa masih memerlukan bahan latihan agar kompetensi mereka benar-benar terukur. Kenyataannya tidak banyak buku latihan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan siswa dan guru. Salah satu buku yang selalu ditunggu kehadirannya adalah buku PR Bahasa Inggris yang dilengkapi Pegangan Guru (PG). Buku PR Bahasa Inggris sudah terbit dalam beberapa edisi. Bapak/Ibu Guru yang sudah menggunakan buku latihan ini beserta PG-nya mengakui kebergunaan materi yang ada dalam buku ini pada saat mengajar. Mereka merasa sangat terbantu dengan adanya buku PR Bahasa Inggris karena materinya selalu aktual dan mendukung tercapainya kompetensi. Dengan demikian, siswa mempunyai banyak kesempatan berlatih mengembangkan kemampuan mereka, baik secara lisan (spoken) maupun tertulis (written). Kali ini buku PR Bahasa Inggris yang juga dilengkapi PG kembali hadir dengan beberapa peningkatan mutu. Perubahan itu atas masukan Bapak/Ibu Guru yang sudah menggunakan buku latihan ini. Salah satunya adalah disediakannya materi akhir unit di buku siswa (disebut Assessment) dan juga di Pegangan Guru (disebut Review). Materi akhir unit di buku Pegangan Guru (Review) tidak ada di buku siswa. Dengan demikian, Bapak/Ibu Guru dapat memberi bentuk latihan akhir unit yang berbeda dengan yang ada di buku siswa. Kedua materi itu belum ada di buku Pegangan Guru PR Bahasa Inggris edisi sebelumnya. Penyusun sangat berharap buku latihan ini sesuai dengan keinginan Bapak/Ibu Guru. Buku ini juga kami harapkan benar-benar dapat membantu siswa meningkatkan kompetensi mereka dan membantu Bapak/Ibu Guru menciptakan generasi penerus yang cerdas. Penyusun tetap mengharapkan masukan Bapak/Ibu Guru guna penyempurnaan dan pengembangan buku latihan ini.
Klaten, April 2009 Penyusun
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Struktur Kurikulum dan Kegiatan Tatap Muka untuk Keseluruhan Mata Pelajaran Kelas IX SMP/MTs
Alokasi Waktu
Minggu Efektif Per Tahun Ajaran
Waktu Pembelajaran Per Tahun (jam pembelajaran)
Waktu Pembelajaran Per Tahun (menit)
Jumlah Jam Per Tahun (@ 60 menit)
A. Mata Pelajaran 1.
Pendidikan Agama
Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan
Bahasa Indonesia
Bahasa Inggris
Seni Budaya dan Keterampilan
Pendidikan Jasmani, Olahraga, dan Kesehatan
10. Keterampilan/TIK
B. Muatan Lokal
Diolah dari Lampiran Peraturan Mendiknas RI Nomor 22 Tahun 2006 tentang Standar Isi untuk Satuan Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah: Bab II Kerangka Dasar dan Struktur Kurikulum, Bab III Beban Belajar. Keterangan: 1. Satuan pendidikan dimungkinkan menambah maksimum 4 jam pelajaran per minggu secara keseluruhan. 2. Alokasi waktu satu jam pembelajaran adalah 40 menit. 3. Cara menghitung: a. Waktu Pembelajaran Per Tahun (Jam Pembelajaran) = Alokasi Waktu × Minggu Efektif Per Tahun b. Waktu Pembelajaran Per Tahun (menit) = Waktu Pembelajaran Per Tahun (JP) × 1 Jam Pembelajaran (menit) c. Jumlah Jam Per Tahun = Waktu Pembelajaran Per Tahun (menit) : 60 menit 4. Pengembangan diri bukan merupakan mata pelajaran yang harus diasuh oleh guru. Pengembangan diri bertujuan memberikan kesempatan kepada peserta didik untuk mengembangkan dan mengekspresikan diri sesuai kebutuhan, bakat, dan minat setiap peserta didik sesuai dengan kondisi sekolah. 5. *) Ekuivalen 2 jam pembelajaran.
Alokasi Waktu Kegiatan Tatap Muka Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs Kelas IX Semester 1
Mata Pelajaran
Alokasi Waktu
Bahasa Inggris
Minggu Efektif Per Semester 17–19
Waktu Pembelajaran Per Semester (jam pembelajaran) 68–76
Struktur Kurikulum dan Kegiatan Tatap Muka untuk Keseluruhan Mata Pelajaran Kelas IX SMP/MTs
Waktu Pembelajaran Per Semester (menit) 2.720–3.040
Jumlah Jam Per Semester (@ 60 menit) 45–51
Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia Nomor 22 Tahun 2006 tentang Standar Isi untuk Satuan Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah Lampiran 2 : Standar Kompetensi dan Kompetensi Dasar Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP)/Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) Kelas IX, Semester 1 Standar Kompetensi Mendengarkan 1. Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal lisan pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan seharihari
2. Memahami makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek sederhana berbentuk procedure dan report untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari Berbicara 3. Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal lisan pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan seharihari
4. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek sederhana berbentuk procedure dan repor t untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari Membaca 5. Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek sederhana berbentuk procedure dan repor t untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan seharihari
Menulis 6. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek sederhana berbentuk procedure dan report untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari
Kompetensi Dasar 1.1 Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta dan memberi kepastian, serta mengungkapkan dan menanggapi keraguan 1.2 Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari yang melibatkan tindak tutur berikut meminta pengulangan, menunjukkan perhatian, dan menyatakan kekaguman 2.1 Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari 2.2 Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam monolog pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk procedure dan report 3.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta dan memberi kepastian dan mengungkapkan dan menanggapi keraguan 3.2 Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta pengulangan, menunjukkan perhatian, dan menyatakan kekaguman 4.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam bentuk teks lisan fungsional pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari 4.2 Mengungkapkan makna dalam monolog pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk procedure dan report
5.1 Membaca nyaring bermakna teks fungsional dan esei pendek sederhana berbentuk procedure dan report dengan ucapan, tekanan dan intonasi yang berterima 5.2 Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari 5.3 Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk procedure dan report
6.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam bentuk teks tulis fungsional pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari 6.2 Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk procedure dan report
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
1– 34 – – –
Report – – – – – – –
Showing and Responding to Doubt Showing Attention Genre: Procedure Subordinating Conjunctions: Before, After, When, Because Coordinating Conjunctions: And, But, Or Conditional Sentences Type 1 Spoken Warnings and Labels
Report – – – – – –
35– 88
Asking for and Giving Certainty Showing Amazement Genre: Report Not only . . . but also . . . Both . . . and . . . Comparative and Superlative Degrees Announcements and Notices
Procedure – – – – – – –
Unit 1 Report Unit 2 Procedure Unit 3 Report
Asking Someone to Repeat His/Her Words Showing Amazement Genre: Report Question Tags Too, Enough Weather Forecasts and Announcements
Latihan Ulangan Semester
Reading Materials
Daftar Pustaka
Kegiatan Daftar Isi Tatap Muka
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
1.1 Merespons makna yang terdapat dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan seharihari yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta dan memberi kepastian, serta
Kompetensi Dasar
Percakapanpercakapan transaksional dan interpersonal yang memuat ungkapan meminta dan memberi kepastian, serta menyatakan kekaguman.
Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran
4. Menyimak percakapan yang dibacakan guru, lalu menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan percakapan tersebut.
Bereaksi atau merespons dengan benar ungkapan meminta dan memberi kepastian, serta menyatakan kekaguman.
3. Melengkapi percakapan sesuai dengan percakapan yang dibacakan guru.
2. Menjawab pertanyaan apersepsi yang berkaitan dengan ungkapan yang dipelajari.
1. Memahami percakapan, lalu memahami penjelasan dan berbagai ungkapan meminta dan memberi kepastian, serta menyatakan kekaguman.
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Tes lisan
Tes tulis
Tes lisan
Non tes
Jawaban singkat
Jawaban singkat
Uraian objektif
Bentuk Instrumen
Listen to your teacher. Complete the dialog based on what you have heard. Listen to your teacher. Answer the questions based on the dialog you have heard.
Answer the questions orally.
Read the dialogs and study the explanation.
Contoh Instrumen
2 u 40'
Alokasi Waktu
Buku PR Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs IXA Intan Pariwara hal. 1–5. Kamus Inggris– Indonesia dan Indonesia– Inggris. Buku-buku lain yang relevan.
Sumber Belajar
Nama Sekolah : SMP/MTs . . . Kelas/Semester : IX/1 Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Unit : 1 Genre : Report Standar Kompetensi : Mendengarkan 1. Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal lisan pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
Unit 1 Report
Silabus Unit 1 Report
1.2 Merespons makna yang terdapat dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan seharihari yang melibatkan tindak tutur berikut: meminta pengulangan, menunjukkan perhatian, dan menyatakan kekaguman.
mengungkapkan dan menanggapi keraguan.
Kompetensi Dasar
Materi Pokok dan Uraian Materi
Tes tulis
7. Memilih jawaban yang tepat berdasarkan percakapan yang ada di kegiatan sebelumnya.
Tes tulis
Tes tulis
6. Menyusun kalimatkalimat yang tersedia berdasarkan percakapan yang diperdengarkan.
5. Menyatakan pernyataan yang tersedia benar atau salah berdasarkan percakapan yang diperdengarkan, serta membetulkan pernyataan yang salah.
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Pilihan ganda
Menyusun kalimat acak
Pernyataan benar/salah
Bentuk Instrumen
Choose A, B, C, or D for the correct answer based on the dialog in Task D.
Listen to your teacher. Rearrange the sentences based on the dialog you have heard.
Listen to your teacher. Decide whether the statements below are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.
Contoh Instrumen
Alokasi Waktu
Sumber Belajar
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
2.2 Merespons makna yang terdapat dalam monolog pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima
2.1 Merespons makna yang terdapat dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
Kompetensi Dasar
Teks report lisan.
Teks lisan fungsional pendek: pengumuman lisan (announcements).
Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran
Tes tulis
4. Menentukan pernyataan yang tersedia benar atau salah berdasarkan pengumuman yang dibacakan guru. 5. Membetulkan pernyataan yang salah
Non tes
7. Menyimak monolog yang dibacakan guru dan mempelajari keterangan yang tersedia mengenai monolog tersebut.
Merespons makna yang terdapat dalam monolog pendek sederhana berbentuk report secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima.
Tes tulis
6. Memilih jawaban yang tepat berdasarkan pengumuman yang dibacakan guru. •
Tes tulis
3. Melengkapi teks berdasarkan pengumuman yang diperdengarkan/ dibacakan oleh guru.
Merespons makna yang terdapat dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek (pengumuman) secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima. Tes lisan
Membaca dan memahami pengumuman dan keterangan yang tersedia.
2. Menjawab pertanyaan mengenai pengumuman dan notice.
Teknik Non tes
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Pilihan ganda
Uraian objektif
Pernyataan benar/salah
Jawaban singkat
Uraian objektif
Bentuk Instrumen
Listen to the monolog and study the explanation.
Listen to your teacher. Choose A, B, C or D for the corect answer.
Listen to your teacher. Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).
Listen to your teacher. Complete the text based on what you have heard.
Answer the questions orally.
Read the text and study the explanation.
Contoh Instrumen
3 u 40'
2 u 40'
Alokasi Waktu
Buku PR Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs IXA Intan Pariwara hal. 7–14.
Buku PR Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs IXA Intan Pariwara hal. 20–22. Kamus Inggris– Indonesia dan Indonesia– Inggris. Buku-buku lain yang relevan.
Sumber Belajar
Standar Kompetensi : Mendengarkan 2. Memahami makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek sederhana berbentuk procedure dan report untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
Silabus Unit 1 Report
untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk procedure dan report.
Kompetensi Dasar
Materi Pokok dan Uraian Materi
12. Melengkapi kalimat berdasarkan monolog yang telah diperdengarkan.
13. Menentukan pernyataan yang tersedia benar atau salah berdasarkan monolog yang telah diperdengarkan pada kegiatan sebelumnya, lalu membetulkan pernyataan yang salah. 14. Memilih jawaban yang tepat berdasarkan monolog yang diperdengarkan/ dibacakan oleh guru.
Tes tulis
Tes tulis
Tes tulis
Tes tulis
Tes tulis
Tes tulis
Tes lisan
Teknik •
11. Menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan monolog yang sudah urut pada kegiatan sebelumnya.
Mengembangkan wacana transaksional dan interpersonal pendek menjadi obrolan atau interaksional yang lebih panjang.
10. Menyimak guru dan menyusun kalimat acak menjadi urut berdasarkan monolog yang didengar.
9. Menyimak monolog yang dibacakan guru dan menjodohkan setiap monolog dengan gambar yang sesuai.
8. Menjawab pertanyaan apersepsi yang berkaitan dengan genre.
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Jawaban singkat
Menyusun kalimat acak
Jawaban singkat
Pernyataan benar/salah
Pilihan ganda
Bentuk Instrumen
Listen to your teacher. Rearrange the sentences based on the monolog you have heard. Answer the questions based on the proper monolog in Task B. Listen to your teacher. Fill in the blanks based on the monolog you have heard. State whether the statements below are true (T) or false (F) based on the complete text in Task D. Correct the false ones.
Listen to your teacher. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.
Listen to your teacher. Match each monolog with its suitable picture.
Answer the questions below.
Contoh Instrumen
Alokasi Waktu
Kamus Inggris– Indonesia dan Indonesia– Inggris. Buku-buku lain yang relevan.
Sumber Belajar
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
3.2 Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan
• 3.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan seharihari yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta dan memberi kepastian dan mengungkapkan dan menanggapi keraguan.
Kompetensi Dasar
Percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta dan memberi kepastian, serta menyatakan kekaguman.
Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran
7. Secara berpasangan membuat percakapan berdasarkan situasi yang tersedia, lalu memperagakan percakapan yang telah dibuat.
5. Menyusun kalimatkalimat yang tersedia menjadi sebuah percakapan yang urut. 6. Memperagakan percakapan yang telah urut dengan teman.
3. Melengkapi percakapan dengan kata-kata yang sesuai yang ada di dalam kotak. 4. Memperagakan percakapan yang telah lengkap.
2. Memilih jawaban yang tepat berdasarkan percakapan yang ada di kegiatan sebelumnya.
1. Mempraktikkan percakapan yang tersedia dengan seorang teman.
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Melakukan berbagai percakapan dalam wacana lisan transaksional dan interpersonal yang melibatkan tindak tutur meminta dan memberi kepastian, serta menyatakan kekaguman.
Tes unjuk kerja
Tes unjuk kerja
Tes unjuk kerja
• Tes tulis
Tes tulis
Tes tulis
Tes unjuk kerja
Unjuk kerja
Unjuk kerja
Menyusun kalimat acak
Unjuk kerja
Pilihan ganda
Unjuk kerja
Bentuk Instrumen
In pairs, make dialogs based on one of the situations. Then, practice the dialogs.
Rearrange the sentences into a proper dialog.Then, practice the dialog with a friend.
Complete the dialog with the correct words in the box. Then, practice the dialog with a friend.
Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer based on the dialog in Task A.
Practice the dialog with a friend.
Contoh Instrumen 3 u 40'
Alokasi Waktu
Buku PR Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs IXA Intan Pariwara hal. 5–7. Kamus Inggris– Indonesia dan Indonesia– Inggris. Buku-buku lain yang relevan.
Sumber Belajar
Standar Kompetensi : Berbicara 3. Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal lisan pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
Silabus Unit 1 Report
interpersonal (bersosialisasi) pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan seharihari yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta pengulangan, menunjukkan perhatian, dan menyatakan kekaguman.
Kompetensi Dasar
Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran
9. Dengan bantuan teman, memperagakan percakapan yang telah dibuat.
8. Secara mandiri membuat percakapan berdasarkan gambar yang tersedia.
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Tes unjuk kerja
Tes tulis
Unjuk kerja
Bentuk Instrumen
Make a dialog based on the picture. Use the expressions you have learned. Then, practice the dialog with a friend.
Contoh Instrumen
Alokasi Waktu
Sumber Belajar
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
4.2. Mengungkapkan makna dalam monolog pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar,
4.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam bentuk teks lisan fungsional pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
Kompetensi Dasar
Monolog report.
Teks lisan fungsional pendek: pengumuman (announcement).
Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran
6. Menyusun kalimatkalimat yang tersedia menjadi teks yang runtut.
5. Membaca teks yang tersedia dan menceritakannya kembali menggunakan kata-kata sendiri. •
Melakukan monolog dalam teks berbentuk report dengan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima.
Tes unjuk kerja
Tes tulis
Tes lisan
Tes lisan
4. Menceritakan kembali pengumuman yang sudah pernah pernah didengar.
Tes tulis
3. Menceritakan kembali pengumuman pada kegiatan sebelumnya menggunakan katakata sendiri.
Mengungkapkan makna/gagasan dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek berbentuk pengumuman.
• Tes lisan
2. Membaca pengumuman yang telah lengkap pada kegiatan sebelumnya, lalu menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan pengumuman tersebut.
1. Menyimak guru dan melengkapi pengumuman sesuai dengan yang dibacakan guru.
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Menyusun kalimat acak
Unjuk kerja
Jawaban singkat
Bentuk Instrumen
Rearrange the sentences into a proper text.
Read the text. Retell the text using your own words.
What announcement have you heard recently? Retell it using your own words.
Retell the announcement in Task A using your own words.
Read the complete announcement in Task A. Answer the questions orally.
Listen to your teacher. Complete the text based on what you have heard.
Contoh Instrumen
1 u 40'
1 u 40'
Alokasi Waktu
Buku PR Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs IXA Intan Pariwara hal. 15–16.
Buku PR Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs IXA Intan Pariwara hal. 22–23. Kamus Inggris– Indonesia dan Indonesia– Inggris. Buku-buku lain yang relevan.
Sumber Belajar
Standar Kompetensi : Berbicara 4. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek sederhana yang berbentuk procedure dan report untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
Silabus Unit 1 Report
dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk procedure dan report.
Kompetensi Dasar
Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran
Tes unjuk kerja
Tes tulis
Tes unjuk kerja
Tes unjuk kerja
8. Membaca kembali teks yang ada di kegiatan sebelumnya dan menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan teks tersebut. 9. Bermonolog report berdasarkan data dan gambar yang tersedia.
10. Mencari teks report mengenai sebuah tempat umum dan menceritakannya secara lisan menggunakan katakata sendiri.
7. Menceritakan kembali teks yang runtut pada kegiatan sebelumnya secara lisan.
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Unjuk kerja
Unjuk kerja
Jawaban singkat
Unjuk kerja
Bentuk Instrumen
Read the text in Task B. Answer the questions orally.
Look at the picture and read the data. Tell a report text based on them. You can add more information from other related sources. Find a report text about a public place. Tell it in front of the class using your own words.
Retell the text in Task B using your own words.
Contoh Instrumen
Alokasi Waktu
Kamus Inggris– Indonesia dan Indonesia– Inggris. Buku-buku lain yang relevan.
Sumber Belajar
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
5.3 Merespons makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima
5.2 Merespons makna yang terdapat dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
5.1 Membaca nyaring bermakna teks fungsional dan esei pendek sederhana berbentuk procedure dan report dengan ucapan, tekanan, dan intonasi yang berterima.
Kompetensi Dasar
Tesk report.
Pair conjunctions not only . . . but also . . . dan both . . . and . . .).
Comparative dan superlative degrees.
Teks report.
Tesk tulis fungsional pendek: notices.
Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran
6. Mempelajari dan memahami not only . . . but also . . . dan penggunaannya dalam kalimat.
5. Membaca dan memahami teks dan keterangan yang tersedia.
4. Menjodohkan setiap notice dengan arti yang tersedia.
3. Menjodohkan setiap notice dengan gambar yang tepat.
2. Membaca nyaring teks dengan lafal dan intonasi yang tepat.
1. Membaca nyaring notice dan memahami penjelasan yang ada.
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Mengidentifikasi informasi/gagasan dalam wacana berbentuk teks report termasuk main ideas, supporting details, serta makna kata, frasa, dan kalimat.
Mengidentifikasi dan merespons informasi/gagasan dalam teks fungsional pendek dalam bentuk notice dengan benar.
Membaca nyaring secara bermakna teks fungsional dan esai pendek secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima.
Non tes
Non tes
Tes tulis
Tes tulis
Tes lisan
Tes lisan
Uraian objektif
Uraian objektif
Membaca nyaring
Membaca nyaring
Bentuk Instrumen
Study the patterns. Read the sentences.
Read the text and study the explanation.
Match the notices with their correct meanings in the box.
Where do you usually find each notice below? Match each notice with the suitable picture.
Read the text with proper pronunciation and intonation.
Read the text and study the explanation.
Contoh Instrumen
3 u 40'
1 u 40'
1 u 40'
Alokasi Waktu
Buku PR Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs IXA Intan Pariwara hal. 16–19.
Buku PR Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs IXA Intan Pariwara hal. 23–24. Kamus Inggris– Indonesia dan Indonesia– Inggris. Buku-buku lain yang relevan.
Buku PR Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs IXA Intan Pariwara hal. 16, 20. Kamus Inggris– Indonesia dan Indonesia– Inggris. Buku-buku lain yang relevan.
Sumber Belajar
Standar Kompetensi : Membaca 5. Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional dan esai pendek sederhana berbentuk procedure dan report untuk berinteraksi dalam kontes kehidupan sehari-hari.
Silabus Unit 1 Report
untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk procedure dan report.
Kompetensi Dasar
Kosakata yang terkait tema yang dipilih.
Materi Pokok dan Uraian Materi
Non tes
Non tes
• Tes tulis
• Tes tulis
• Tes tulis
• Tes tulis
8. Mempelajari dan memahami comparative dan superlative degrees serta penggunaannya dalam kalimat. 9. Melengkapi teks dengan kata-kata dalam kotak yang tersedia. 10. Menyatakan kalimat yang tersedia benar atau salah berdasarkan teks yang telah dibaca, lalu mengoreksi kalimat yang salah. 11. Menyusun paragraf menjadi teks yang runtut, kemudian mengidentifikasi struktur teksnya. 12. Memilih jawaban yang tepat untuk setiap soal berdasarkan teks yang dibaca.
Teknik •
7. Mempelajari dan memahami both . . . and . . . dan penggunaannya dalam kalimat.
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
• Pilihan ganda
Menyusun paragraf Identifikasi
• Benar/Salah
Uraian objektif
• Isian
Uraian objektif
Bentuk Instrumen
Read the text. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.
Rearrange the paragraphs into a proper text. Then, identify its text structure.
Read the text. Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.
Complete the text with the suitable words in the box.
Read the sentences. Study the explanation.
Read the sentences and study the explanation.
Contoh Instrumen
Alokasi Waktu
Kamus Inggris– Indonesia dan Indonesia– Inggris. Buku-buku lain yang relevan.
Sumber Belajar
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Teks report.
Not only . . . but also . . . dan both . . . and . . . .
Comparative and superlative degrees of quantity.
6.2 Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks
Teks tulis fungsional pendek sederhana: notice.
Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran
6.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam bentuk teks tulis fungsional pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
Kompetensi Dasar
4. Menggabungkan kalimat-kalimat menggunakan not only . . . but also . . . dan both . . . and . . . .
3. Membaca teks yang tersedia dan menuliskannya kembali dengan kata-kata sendiri.
2. Membuat notice berdasarkan situasi yang tersedia.
1. Menyusun kalimatkalimat acak menjadi notice yang runtut.
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Menulis teks-teks dalam bentuk report dengan langkahlangkah retorika dan struktur teks yang benar dan berterima.
Menulis teks fungsional sederhana dalam bentuk notice dengan benar dan berterima.
Tes tulis
Tes tulis
Tes tulis
Tes tulis
Menyusun kalimat acak
Bentuk Instrumen
Combine the sentences using not only . . . but also . . . and both . . . and . . . .
Read the text. Rewrite it using your own words.
Read the situations. Write notices based on them.
Rearrange the sentences into proper notices.
Contoh Instrumen
1 u 40'
1 u 40'
Alokasi Waktu
Buku PR Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs IXA Intan Pariwara hal. 19–20. Kamus Inggris– Indonesia dan Indonesia– Inggris. Buku-buku lain yang relevan.
Buku PR Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs IXA Intan Pariwara hal. 24. Kamus Inggris– Indonesia dan Indonesia– Inggris. Buku-buku lain yang relevan.
Sumber Belajar
Standar Kompetensi : Menulis 6. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional esai pendek sederhana berbentuk procedure dan report untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
Silabus Unit 1 Report
kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk procedure dan report.
Kompetensi Dasar
Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran
• Tes tulis
6. Menulis teks report tentang alun-alun berdasarkan gambar.
Tes tulis
5. Melihat benda-benda sekitar, lalu menulis perbandingan antara kondisi benda-benda tersebut sebelumnya dengan kondisinya sekarang.
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
• Esai
Bentuk Instrumen
Create a report text based on the picture. It is about town squares. Use facts and avoid opinions.
Look at the things around you. Compare their condition(s) now to their previous condition(s). Use comparative or superlative degrees.
Contoh Instrumen
Alokasi Waktu
Sumber Belajar
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
1.1 Merespons makna yang terdapat dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan seharihari yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta dan memberi kepastian, serta
Kompetensi Dasar
Percakapanpercakapan transaksional dan interpersonal yang memuat ungkapan menunjukkan keraguan dan perhatian.
Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran
Tes tulis
Tes tulis
3. Menulis ungkapanungkapan yang dibacakan guru.
4. Melengkapi percakapan berdasarkan percakapan utuh yang dibacakan guru.
Tes lisan
2. Menjawab pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan ungkapan yang telah dipelajari pada unit sebelumnya.
Berekasi atau merespons dengan benar terhadap tindak tutur: menunjukkan keraguan dan perhatian.
Teknik Non tes
1. Memahami percakapan dalam gambar, lalu memahami penjelasan dan berbagai ungkapan menunjukkan keraguan dan perhatian.
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Jawaban singkat
Uraian objektif
Bentuk Instrumen
Listen to your teacher. Write down the expressions you have heard. Listen to your teacher. Fill in the blanks based on the dialog you have heard.
Remember Unit 1, and then answer the questions below.
Read the dialogs and understand the expressions.
Contoh Instrumen
3 u 40'
Alokasi Waktu
Buku PR Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs IXA Intan Pariwara hal. 30–33. Kamus Inggris– Indonesia dan Indonesia– Inggris. Buku-buku lain yang relevan.
Sumber Belajar
Nama Sekolah : SMP/MTs . . . Kelas/Semester : IX/1 Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Unit : 2 Genre : Procedure Standar Kompetensi : Mendengarkan 1. Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal lisan pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
Unit 2 Procedure
Silabus Unit 2 Procedure
1.2 Merespons makna yang terdapat dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan seharihari yang melibatkan tindak tutur berikut: meminta pengulangan, menunjukkan perhatian, dan menyatakan kekaguman.
mengungkapkan dan menanggapi keraguan.
Kompetensi Dasar
Materi Pokok dan Uraian Materi
Tes tulis
8. Memilih jawaban yang tepat berdasarkan percakapan yang dibacakan guru.
Tes tulis
Tes lisan
7. Menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan percakapan yang dibacakan guru.
5. Menentukan pernyataan yang tersedia benar atau salah berdasarkan percakapan yang diperdengarkan pada kegiatan sebelumnya. 6. Membetulkan pernyataan yang salah.
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Pilihan ganda
Jawaban singkat
Pernyataan benar/salah
Bentuk Instrumen
Listen to your teacher. Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.
Listen to your teacher. Answer the questions based on the dialog you have heard.
Listen to your teacher. State whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) based on the dialog you have heard. Correct the false ones.
Contoh Instrumen
Alokasi Waktu
Sumber Belajar
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
2.1 Merespons makna yang terdapat dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
Kompetensi Dasar
Teks lisan fungsional pendek peringatan lisan (spoken warnings).
Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran
5. Melengkapi peringatan berdasarkan peringatan lengkap yang dibacakan guru.
6. Menandai gambar yang tidak sesuai dengan teks pada kegiatan sebelumnya.
4. Menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan teks yang disimak pada kegiatan sebelumnya.
Merespons makna yang terdapat dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek berbentuk: spoken warnings secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima.
3. Menyimak teks yang dibacakan guru, lalu menjelaskan isi teks tersebut.
2. Menjawab pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan teks fungsional pendek yang telah dipelajari pada unit sebelumnya.
1. Memahami contoh peringatan lisan dan label serta memahami penjelasan tentang teks tersebut.
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Tes tulis
Tes tulis
Tes tulis
Tes lisan
Tes lisan
Non tes
Jawaban singkat
Jawaban singkat
Uraian objektif
Bentuk Instrumen
Remember Unit 1 and answer the questions below.
Listen to your teacher. What does he/she tell you about? Answer the questions based on the text you have heard in Task A. Listen to your teacher. Complete the announcement based on what you have heard. Put a tick (✔) on the pictures showing the activities that we can’t do in the park based on the text in Task C.
Read the text and understand the explanation.
Contoh Instrumen 2 u 40'
Alokasi Waktu
Buku PR Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs IXA Intan Pariwara hal. 45–47. Kamus Inggris– Indonesia dan Indonesia– Inggris. Buku-buku lain yang relevan.
Sumber Belajar
Standar Kompetensi : Mendengarkan 2. Memahami makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek sederhana berbentuk procedure dan report untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
Silabus Unit 2 Procedure
Teks procedure.
2.2 Merespons makna yang terdapat dalam monolog pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk procedure dan report.
Materi Pokok dan Uraian Materi
Kompetensi Dasar
12. Melengkapi monolog berdasarkan monolog utuh yang dibacakan guru.
13. Menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan monolog yang telah diperdengarkan pada kegiatan sebelumnya.
11. Menentukan pernyataan yang tersedia benar atau salah berdasarkan monolog pada kegiatan sebelumnya, lalu membetulkan pernyataan yang salah.
Merespons makna yang terdapat dalam monolog pendek sederhana berbentuk procedure secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima.
10. Menyimak monolog yang dibacakan guru, lalu menjelaskan isi monolog tersebut.
9. Menjawab pertanyaan apersepsi yang berkaitan dengan teks yang telah dipelajari pada unit sebelumnya.
8. Memahami teks procedure lisan serta penjelasannya.
7. Melengkapi pernyataan berdasarkan teks yang telah diperdengarkan pada kegiatan sebelumnya.
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Tes tulis
Tes tulis
Tes tulis
Tes lisan
Tes lisan
Non tes
Tes tulis
Uraian objektif
Jawaban singkat
Pernyataan benar/salah
Jawaban singkat
Bentuk Instrumen
Complete the statements below based on the text in Task C.
Read the dialog and understand the explanation. Remember Unit 1 and then answer the questions below.
Listen to your teacher. What does he/she tell you about? State whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) based on the monolog in Task A. Correct the false ones.
Listen to your teacher. Fill in the blanks based on the monolog you have heard. Answer the questions based on the monolog in Task C.
Contoh Instrumen
3 u 40'
Alokasi Waktu
Buku PR Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs IXA Intan Pariwara hal. 34–35, 38–39. Kamus Inggris– Indonesia dan Indonesia– Inggris. Buku-buku lain yang relevan.
Sumber Belajar
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Materi Pokok dan Uraian Materi
14. Memilih jawaban yang tepat berdasarkan monolog yang dibacakan guru.
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Tes tulis
Teknik •
Pilihan ganda
Bentuk Instrumen
Listen to your teacher. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.
Contoh Instrumen
Alokasi Waktu
Sumber Belajar
3.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks
Kompetensi Dasar
Percakapanpercakapan transaksional dan interpersonal yang melibatkan tindak tutur menunjukkan keraguan dan perhatian.
Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran
5. Membuat percakapan berdasarkan situasi yang tersedia, lalu memperagakan percakapan tersebut.
4. Membuat percakapan berdasarkan panduan yang tersedia.
2. Menyusun kalimat acak menjadi percakapan yang urut. 3. Memperagakan percakapan yang telah urut dengan teman.
1. Memperagakan percakapan secara berpasangan.
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Melakukan percakapan dalam wacana lisan transaksional dan interpersonal yang melibatkan tindak tutur menunjukkan keraguan dan perhatian. Mengembangkan wacana transaksional dan interpersonal pendek menjadi obrolan atau interaksional yang lebih panjang.
Tes unjuk kerja
Tes unjuk kerja
Tes unjuk kerja
Tes tulis
Tes unjuk kerja
Unjuk kerja
Menyusun kalimat acak Unjuk kerja
Unjuk kerja
• Unjuk kerja
Bentuk Instrumen
Make dialogs based on the situations below. Then, practice the dialogs.
In pairs, make a dialog based on the guideline. Then, practice the dialog.
Rearrange the sentences into a proper dialog. Then, practice the proper dialog with your friend.
Practice the dialogs with your friend.
Contoh Instrumen
2 u 40'
Alokasi Waktu
Buku PR Bahasa Inggris SMP VIIA Intan Pariwara hal. 33–34. Kamus Inggris– Indonesia dan Indonesia– Inggris. Buku-buku lain yang relevan.
Sumber Belajar
Standar Kompetensi : Berbicara 3. Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal lisan pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
Kompetensi Dasar
Silabus Unit 2 Procedure
3.2 Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan seharihari yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta pengulangan, menunjukkan perhatian, dan menyatakan kekaguman.
kehidupan seharihari yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta dan memberi kepastian dan mengungkapkan dan menanggapi keraguan.
Kompetensi Dasar
Materi Pokok dan Uraian Materi Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Indikator Teknik
Bentuk Instrumen
Penilaian Contoh Instrumen
Alokasi Waktu
Sumber Belajar
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
4.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam bentuk teks lisan fungsional pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
4.2. Mengungkapkan makna dalam monolog pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk ber-interaksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk procedure dan report.
Kompetensi Dasar
Monolog procedure.
Teks lisan fungsional pendek: spoken warning (peringatan lisan).
Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran
6. Melakukan monolog tentang makanan atau minuman favorit.
5. Melakukan monolog berdasarkan gambar dan kata-kata yang tersedia.
Melakukan monolog dalam teks berbentuk procedure dengan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima.
Tes unjuk kerja
Tes unjuk kerja
Tes unjuk kerja
Tes lisan
3. Membuat peringatan lisan yang didengar di tempat tertentu.
4. Melakukan monolog berdasarkan teks yang tersedia.
Tes lisan
2. Membuat peringatan lisan berdasarkan katakata kunci, lalu membacakan peringatan tersebut.
Mengungkapkan makna/gagasan dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek berbentuk peringatan lisan.
Teknik Tes tulis
1. Melengkapi teks dengan kata-kata dalam kotak, lalu membacakan teks tersebut.
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Unjuk kerja
Unjuk kerja
Unjuk kerja
Bentuk Instrumen
What is your favorite food or drink? Tell your friends how to make it.
Deliver a monolog based on the pictures and words provided. Find any reference if necessary.
Work in pairs. Deliver a monolog based on the text below.
Create a warning you may hear in a certain place, such as a hospital, a park, a zoo or a beach.
Create a warning based on the following key points.
Complete the text with the correct words in the box. Then, read the text with proper pronunciation and intonation.
Contoh Instrumen
2 u 40'
2 u 40'
Alokasi Waktu
Buku PR Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs IXA Intan Pariwara hal. 39–40. Kamus Inggris– Indonesia dan Indonesia– Inggris. Buku-buku lain yang relevan.
Buku PR Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs IXA Intan Pariwara hal. 48. Kamus Inggris– Indonesia dan Indonesia– Inggris. Buku-buku lain yang relevan.
Sumber Belajar
Standar Kompetensi : Berbicara 4. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek sederhana yang berbentuk procedure dan report untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
Silabus Unit 2 Procedure
Teks procedure.
Teks tulis fungsional pendek: label.
Teks procedure.
Subordinating conjunctions: before, after, when, because.
5.2 Merespons makna yang terdapat dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
5.3 Merespons makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan
5.1 Membaca nyaring bermakna teks fungsional dan esei pendek sederhana berbentuk procedure dan report dengan ucapan, tekanan, dan intonasi yang berterima.
Teks tulis fungsional pendek: label.
Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran
Kompetensi Dasar
Melengkapi teks dengan kata-kata di dalam kotak. Menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan teks yang ada di kegiatan sebelumnya.
Memahami pola dan penggunaan grammar yang dibahas.
6. Memahami teks procedure tulis serta penjelasannya.
Menentukan pernyataan yang tersedia benar atau salah berdasarkan teks yang ada di kegiatan sebelumnya.
Membaca nyaring teks dengan lafal dan intonasi yang tepat.
Membaca nyaring label yang tersedia dan menjelaskan isinya.
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Mengidentifikasi informasi/gagasan dalam teks berbentuk procedure secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima.
Merespons informasi/gagasan dalam teks fungsional pendek dalam bentuk peringatan lisan.
Membaca nyaring secara bermakna teks fungsional dan esai pendek sederhana dengan benar dan berterima.
Non tes
Non tes
Tes tulis
Tes tulis
Tes tulis
Tes lisan
Tes lisan
Uraian objektif
Uraian objektif
Jawaban singkat
Pernyataan benar/salah
Membaca nyaring
Membaca nyaring
Bentuk Instrumen
State whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) based on the text in Task A. Correct the false ones. Complete the text with the correct words in the box. Answer the questions based on the text in Task C. Read the monolog and understand the explanation. Read the text and understand the explanation.
Read the text aloud. Mind your pronunciation and intonation.
Read the texts with proper pronunciation. What is it about?
Contoh Instrumen
4 u 40'
2 u 40'
1 u 40'
Alokasi Waktu
Buku PR Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs IXA Intan Pariwara hal. 35–38, 40–44.
Buku PR Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs IXA Intan Pariwara hal. 49. Kamus Inggris– Indonesia dan Indonesia– Inggris. Buku-buku lain yang relevan.
Buku PR Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs IXA Intan Pariwara hal. 40–41, 48. Kamus Inggris– Indonesia dan Indonesia– Inggris. Buku-buku lain yang relevan.
Sumber Belajar
Standar Kompetensi : Membaca 5. Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional dan esai pendek sederhana berbentuk procedure dan report untuk berinteraksi dalam kontes kehidupan sehari-hari.
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk procedure dan report.
Kompetensi Dasar
Coordinating conjunctions: and, but, or.
Conditional sentences type 1.
Materi Pokok dan Uraian Materi
Tes tulis
Tes tulis
Tes tulis
Tes tulis
Tes tulis
Tes tulis
10. Menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan teks.
11. Melengkapi teks dengan kata-kata di dalam kotak.
12. Memilih jawaban yang tepat berdasarkan teks yang tersedia. 13. Menggabungkan kalimat menggunakan conjunctions dalam kurung.
14. Melengkapi kalimat dengan and, but, atau or. 15. Melengkapi kalimat pengandaian tipe 1 dengan kata-kata sendiri.
Tes tulis
Tes tulis
9. Menentukan pernyataan yang tersedia benar atau salah berdasarkan teks yang ada kegiatan sebelumnya, lalu membetulkan pernyataan yang salah.
8. Mengidentifikasi struktur teks yang ada di kegiatan sebelumnya.
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Pilihan ganda
Jawaban singkat
Pernyataan benar/salah
Bentuk Instrumen
Continue the conditional sentences type 1 using your own words.
Complete the sentences with and, but or or.
Combine the sentences using the words in brackets. See the example.
Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer.
Complete the text with the words in the box. Read the complete text aloud.
Read the text, and then answer the questions.
State whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) based on the text in Task A. Correct the false one(s).
Identify the structure of the text in Task A.
Contoh Instrumen
Alokasi Waktu
Kamus Inggris– Indonesia dan Indonesia– Inggris. Buku-buku lain yang relevan.
Sumber Belajar
Silabus Unit 2 Procedure
6.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam bentuk teks tulis fungsional pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
6.2 Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk procedure dan report.
Kompetensi Dasar
Teks procedure.
Teks tulis fungsional pendek: label.
Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran
6. Menulis teks procedure tentang salah satu topik.
5. Menyusun kalimatkalimat acak berdasarkan gambar yang tersedia sehingga menjadi teks procedure yang urut.
4. Menyusun kalimatkalimat acak menjadi teks procedure yang urut.
3. Membuat label tentang sesuatu di sekitar siswa.
2. Membuat label berdasarkan data.
1. Menyusun kalimatkalimat acak menjadi label yang tepat.
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Menulis teks-teks dalam bentuk procedure dengan langkah-langkah retorika dan tata bahasa yang akurat dan berterima.
Menulis teks fungsional sederhana dalam bentuk label dengan benar dan berterima.
Tes tulis
Tes tulis
Tes tulis
Tes tulis
Tes tulis
Tes tulis
Menyusun kalimat acak
Menyusun kalimat acak
Menyusun kalimat acak
Bentuk Instrumen
Write a procedural text based on one of the following topics.
Look at the series of pictures below. Then, rearrange the sentences based on the pictures.
Find something around you. Write its label.
Work in pairs. Rearrange the sentences into a proper procedural text.
Write a label based on the data below.
Rearrange the sentences into a proper label.
Contoh Instrumen
2 u 40'
2 u 40'
Alokasi Waktu
Buku PR Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs IXA Intan Pariwara hal. 44–45. Kamus Inggris– Indonesia dan Indonesia– Inggris. Buku-buku lain yang relevan.
Buku PR Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs IXA Intan Pariwara hal. 50. Kamus Inggris– Indonesia dan Indonesia– Inggris. Buku-buku lain yang relevan.
Sumber Belajar
Standar Kompetensi : Menulis 6. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional esai pendek sederhana berbentuk procedure dan report untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
1.2 Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari yang melibatkan tindak tutur berikut meminta pengulangan, menunjukkan perhatian, dan menyatakan kekaguman.
Kompetensi Dasar
Percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal yang memuat ungkapan meminta pengulangan dan menyatakan kekaguman.
Frasa/kosakata yang berkaitan dengan deskripsi suatu tempat.
Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran
5. Menjawab pertanyaan pemahaman berdasarkan isi percakapan yang ada di kegiatan sebelumnya.
Tes lisan
Tes tulis
3. Menyimak guru membacakan percakapan yang lengkap. 4. Melengkapi percakapan soal berdasarkan percakapan utuh yang dibacakan guru.
Non tes
Tes lisan
Bereaksi atau merespons dengan benar terhadap tindak tutur: meminta pengulangan dan menyatakan kekaguman.
2. Menjawab pertanyaan apersepsi tentang ungkapan yang dipelajari.
1. Memahami percakapan • yang ada dan mempelajari ungkapanungkapan meminta seseorang untuk mengulang kalimat atau ucapannya dan menyatakan kekaguman.
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Jawaban singkat
Jawaban singkat
Uraian objektif
Bentuk Instrumen
Read the complete dialogs in Task A. Answer the questions based on them.
Listen to your teacher. Complete the dialogs based on what you have heard.
Answer the questions orally.
Read the dialogs. Pay attention to the bold-typed expressions.
Contoh Instrumen
2 u 40'
Alokasi Waktu
Buku PR Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs IXA Intan Pariwara hal. 56–59. Kamus Inggris– Indonesia dan Indonesia– Inggris. Buku-buku lain yang relevan.
Sumber Belajar
Nama Sekolah : SMP/MTs . . . Kelas/Semester : IX/1 Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Unit : 3 Genre : Report Standar Kompetensi : Mendengarkan 1. Memahami makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal lisan pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
Unit 3 Report
Silabus Unit 3 Report
Kompetensi Dasar
Materi Pokok dan Uraian Materi
8. Menyimak percakapan yang dibacakan guru. 9. Memilih jawaban yang benar berdasarkan percakapan yang diperdengarkan.
6. Menyimak percakapan yang dibacakan guru. 7. Menentukan pernyataan benar atau salah berdasarkan percakapan yang diperdengarkan.
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Tes tulis
Tes tulis
Pilihan ganda
Pernyataan benar/salah
Bentuk Instrumen
Listen to your teacher. State whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones. Listen to your teacher. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.
Contoh Instrumen
Alokasi Waktu
Sumber Belajar
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
2.1 Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
Kompetensi Dasar
Teks lisan fungsional pendek: weather forecast.
Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran
4. Menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan teks yang diperdengarkan pada kegiatan sebelumnya. 5. Menyimak teks fungsional yang dibacakan guru, lalu menentukan pernyataan yang ada benar atau salah berdasarkan teks tersebut.
Tes tulis
3. Menyimak teks fungsional yang dibacakan guru, lalu melengkapi teks soal dengan kata-kata yang sesuai.
Tes tulis
Tes lisan
Tes lisan
Mampu merespons makna/gagasan dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek berbentuk weather forecast secara lancar, akurat, dan berterima.
2. Menjawab pertanyaan apersepsi guru tentang teks fungsional pendek yang dipelajari.
1. Menyimak teks lisan fungsional pendek berbentuk weather forecast yang dibacakan guru, lalu mempelajari penjelasan tentang teks tersebut.
Non tes
Teknik •
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Pernyataan benar/salah
Jawaban singkat
Jawaban singkat
Uraian objektif
Bentuk Instrumen
Answer the questions based on the text you have heard in Task A Listen to your teacher. Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.
Listen to your teacher. Complete the text based on what you have heard.
Answer the following questions.
Look at the table below and listen to your teacher. Understand the explanation.
Contoh Instrumen 2 u 40'
Alokasi Waktu
Buku PR Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs IXA Intan Pariwara hal. 71–72. Kamus Inggris– Indonesia dan Indonesia– Inggris. Buku-buku lain yang relevan.
Sumber Belajar
Standar Kompetensi : Mendengarkan 2. Memahami makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek sederhana berbentuk procedure dan report untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
Silabus Unit 3 Report
2.2 Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam monolog pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk procedure dan report.
Kompetensi Dasar
Monolog report.
Kosakata yang terkait dengan topik yang dipilih.
Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran
10. Menyimak teks yang dibacakan guru. 11. Menentukan pernyataan yang tersedia benar atau salah berdasarkan teks yang diperdengarkan tersebut.
9. Menjawab pertanyaanpertanyaan pemahaman berdasarkna teks yang diperdengarkan sebelumnya.
Merespons makna/ gagasan yang terdapat dalam monolog sederhana berbentuk report secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima. •
8. Melengkapi teks dengan kata-kata sesuai dengan teks lengkap yang dibacakan guru.
7. Menjawab pertanyaan apersepsi guru tentang jenis teks.
6. Menyimak teks report lisan yang dibacakan guru serta memahami penjelasannya.
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Tes tulis
Tes lisan
Tes tulis
Tes lisan
Non tes
Pernyataan benar/salah
Jawaban singkat
Jawaban singkat
Uraian objektif
Bentuk Instrumen
Read the text with proper pronunciation. Understand the explanation. Answer the questions orally.
Complete the text while listening to your teacher.
Answer the questions below based on the text in Task A.
Listen to your teacher. State whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.
Contoh Instrumen 2 u 40'
Alokasi Waktu
Buku PR Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs IXA Intan Pariwara hal. 62, 64–65. Kamus Inggris– Indonesia dan Indonesia– Inggris. Buku-buku lain yang relevan.
Sumber Belajar
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
3.2 Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari yang melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta pengulangan, menunjukkan perhatian, dan menyatakan kekaguman.
Kompetensi Dasar
Percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal yang memuat ungkapan meminta pengulangan dan menyatakan kekaguman.
Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran
Tes tulis
Tes unjuk kerja
Tes lisan
Tes unjuk kerja
Tes lisan
Tes tulis
Tes unjuk kerja
Tes tulis
7. Melengkapi percakapan soal dengan ungkapanungkapan yang telah dipelajari. 8. Memperagakan percakapan yang sudah lengkap dengan teman.
Mengembangkan wanaca transaksional dan interpersonal pendek menjadi sebuah obrolan atau interaksional yang lebih panjang.
Melakukan berbagai tindak tutur dalam wacana lisan transaksional/ interpersonal sepeti: meminta pengulangan dan menyatakan kekaguman.
6. Menjawab pertanyaan pemahaman berdasarkan percakapan yang ada di kegiatan sebelumnya.
4. Menyusun kalimatkalimat acak menjadi percakapan yang urut. 5. Memperagakan percakapan yang sudah urut dengan teman.
3. Menjawab pertanyaan pemahaman berdasarkan percakapan yang ada di kegiatan sebelumnya.
1. Melengkapi percakapan soal dengan kata-kata yang tersedia di dalam kotak. 2. Memperagakan percakapan yang sudah lengkap dengan teman.
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Unjuk kerja
Pernyataan benar/salah
Jawaban singkat
Unjuk kerja
Menyusun kalimat acak
Jawaban singkat
Unjuk kerja
Bentuk Instrumen
Rearrange the sentences into a proper dialog. Practice the dialog with your friend.
Complete the dialogs with the proper expressions you have learned. Practice the dialogs with your friend.
Answer the questions based on the dialog in Task C orally.
Answer the questions based on the dialog in Task A orally.
Complete the dialog with the proper words in the box. Practice the dialog with your friend in front of the class.
Contoh Instrumen 3 u 40'
Alokasi Waktu
Buku PR Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs IXA Intan Pariwara hal. 59–61. Kamus Inggris– Indonesia dan Indonesia– Inggris. Buku-buku lain yang relevan.
Sumber Belajar
Standar Kompetensi : Berbicara 3. Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal lisan pendek sederhana untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
Silabus Unit 3 Report
Kompetensi Dasar
Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran
11. Secara individu membuat percakapan berdasarkan situasi soal. 12. Memperagakan percakapan yang sudah dibuatnya di depan kelas dengan teman.
9. Secara individu membuat percakapan berdasarkan gambar dan situasi menggunakan ungkapan yang telah dipelajari. 10. Memperagakan percakapan yang sudah dibuatnya di depan kelas dengan teman.
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Tes tulis
Tes unjuk kerja
Tes tulis
Tes unjuk kerja
Unjuk kerja
Unjuk kerja
Bentuk Instrumen
Make dialogs based on the situations. Use the expressions you have learned. Practice the dialogs with your friends.
Make dialogs based on the pictures and the situations. Use the expressions you have learned. Practice the dialogs with your friends.
Contoh Instrumen
Alokasi Waktu
Sumber Belajar
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Teks lisan fungsional pendek: weather forecast.
Monolog report
Frasa yang berkaitan dengan topik teks yang dipilih.
4.2 Mengungkapkan makna dalam monolog pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk procedure dan report.
Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran
4.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam bentuk teks lisan fungsional pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
Kompetensi Dasar
Tes tulis
Tes unjuk kerja
6. Melengkapi teks dengan kata-kata yang tersedia di dalam kotak. 7. Menceritakan kembali isi teks yang ada di kegiatan sebelumnya secara lisan dengan kata-kata sendiri.
5. Menjawab pertanyaan pemahaman berdasarkan teks yang ada di kegiatan sebelumnya.
Tes lisan
Tes lisan
4. Mengungkapkan makna/gagasan dalam monolog report dengan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima.
Tes lisan
Tes lisan
Tes lisan
Teknik •
Membaca teks report yang ada di buku dengan lafal dan ucapan yang benar dan berterima.
Mengungkapkan makna/gagasan dalam teks fungsional pendek lisan berbentuk weather forecast dengan benar dan berterima.
3. Membuat weather forecast berdasarkan data yang tersedia, lalu menyampaikannya dengan lafal dan intonasi yang benar.
2. Menjawab pertanyaan pemahaman tentang teks yang ada di kegiatan sebelumnya.
1. Menyampaikan weather forecast yang ada di buku secara lisan dengan lafal dan intonasi yang benar.
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Jawaban singkat
Unjuk kerja
Unjuk kerja
Unjuk kerja
Jawaban singkat
Unjuk kerja
Bentuk Instrumen
Retell the text in Task C using your own words in front of the class.
Complete the text with the correct words in the box.
Answer the questions based on the text in Task A.
Read the text aloud. Mind your pronunciation.
Create a weather forecast based on the data below. Tell it to your friends.
Answer the questions based on the text in Task A orally.
Say the weather forecast below aloud. Mind your pronunciation.
Contoh Instrumen
2 u 40'
1 u 40'
Alokasi Waktu
Buku PR Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs IXA Intan Pariwara hal. 65–66. Kamus Inggris– Indonesia dan Indonesia– Inggris. Buku-buku lain yang relevan.
Buku PR Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs IXA Intan Pariwara hal. 72–73. Kamus Inggris– Indonesia dan Indonesia– Inggris. Buku-buku lain yang relevan.
Sumber Belajar
Standar Kompetensi : Berbicara 4. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek sederhana berbentuk procedure dan report untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
Silabus Unit 3 Report
Kompetensi Dasar
Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran 8. Bermonolog report tentang peristiwa alam.
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Tes unjuk kerja
Teknik •
Unjuk kerja
Bentuk Instrumen
Find a report text about a natural phenomenon from any sources. Tell it to your friends.
Contoh Instrumen
Alokasi Waktu
Sumber Belajar
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
5.2 Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
5.1 Membaca nyaring bermakna teks fungsional dan esei pendek sederhana berbentuk procedure dan report dengan ucapan, tekanan dan intonasi yang berterima.
Kompetensi Dasar
Teks tulis fungsional pendek berbentuk: pengumuman (announcement).
Teks report.
Teks tulis fungsional pendek berbentuk: pengumuman (announcement).
Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran
6. Memilih jawaban yang benar berdasarkan pengumuman yang ada di kegiatan sebelumnya.
5. Membaca dan memahami pengumuman serta penjelasan tentang jenis teks tersebut.
3. Membaca nyaring teks report yang ada di buku dengan lafal dan ucapan yang lancar dan benar. 4. Mengidentifikasi struktur teks tersebut.
1. Menyimak guru membacakan pengumuman yang ada di buku. 2. Membaca nyaring pengumuman tersebut dengan lafal dan intonasi yang benar.
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Mengidentifikasi makna/gagasan dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek berbentuk: pengumuman (announcement).
Membaca nyaring secara bermakna teks fungsional pendek (pengumuman) dan wacana report.
Non tes
Tes tulis
Tes lisan
Tes lisan
Pilihan ganda
Membaca nyaring
Membaca nyaring
Bentuk Instrumen
Read the text in Task A. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.
Read the text. Understand the explanation.
Read the text. Identify its structure.
Read the announcement aloud. Mind your pronunciation and intonation.
Contoh Instrumen
1 u 40'
1 u 40'
Alokasi Waktu
Buku PR Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs IXA Intan Pariwara hal. 71, 74. Kamus Inggris– Indonesia dan Indonesia– Inggris. Buku-buku lain yang relevan.
Buku PR Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs IXA Intan Pariwara hal. 66, 73. Kamus Inggris– Indonesia dan Indonesia– Inggris. Buku-buku lain yang relevan.
Sumber Belajar
Standar Kompetensi : Membaca 5. Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek sederhana berbentuk procedure dan report untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
Silabus Unit 3 Report
5.3 Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk procedure dan report.
Kompetensi Dasar
Berbagai teks report.
Tata bahasa yang terkait dengan jenis teks, yaitu: question tags serta too dan enough.
Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran
11. Melengkapi teks dengan kata-kata yang tersedia di dalam kotak. 12. Memilih jawaban yang benar berdasarkan teks yang ada di kegiatan sebelumnya.
13. Menyusun paragrafparagraf acak menjadi teks report yang urut.
14. Membaca dan memahami isi teks, lalu menjawab pertanyaan yang ada.
10. Menentukan pernyataan soal benar atau salah berdasarkan teks di kegiatan sebelumnya.
Mengidentifikasi makna gagasan dalam wacana berbentuk report, meliputi main ideas, supporting details, serta makna kata, frasa dan kalimat.
9. Menjodohkan kata-kata dengan artinya yang sesuai.
8. Mempelajari tata bahasa yang terkait, yaitu question tags serta too dan enough.
7. Membaca dan memahami struktur teks report dan penjelasannya.
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Tes tulis
Tes tulis
Tes tulis
Tes tulis
Tes tulis
Tes tulis
Non tes
Non tes
Menyusun paragraf acak
Jawaban singkat
Pilihan ganda
Pernyataan benar/salah
Uraian objektif
Uraian objektif
Bentuk Instrumen
Match the words in column A with their correct meanings in column B. State whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) based on the text in Task A. Complete the text with the proper words in teh box.
Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer based on the complete text in Task D. Rearrange the jumbled paragraphs into a proper report text.
Read the text. Answer the questions that follow.
Read the dialog and pay attention to the bold-typed words.
Read the text below. Understand the explanation.
Contoh Instrumen 3 u 40'
Alokasi Waktu
Buku PR Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs IXA Intan Pariwara hal. 62–64, 67–70. Kamus Inggris– Indonesia dan Indonesia– Inggris. Buku-buku lain yang relevan.
Sumber Belajar
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Kompetensi Dasar
Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran
Jawaban singkat
Complete the sentences with ‘too’ or ‘enough’.
Answer the questions based on the text in Task J.
Tes tulis
Complete the sentences with proper question tags.
18. Menjawab pertanyaan pemahaman berdasarkan teks yang ada di kegiatan sebelumnya.
Read the text aloud. Mind your pronunciation.
Tes tulis
Contoh Instrumen
16. Melengkapi kalimatkalimat soal dengan too atau enough.
Tes tulis
Bentuk Instrumen
17. Membaca nyaring teks yang ada di buku.
15. Melengkapi kalimatkalimat soal dengan question tags yang benar.
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Alokasi Waktu
Sumber Belajar
Silabus Unit 3 Report
• Berbagai teks report.
6.2 Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk procedure dan report.
Teks tulis fungsional pendek berbentuk: pengumuman (announcement).
Materi Pokok/ Pembelajaran
6.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam bentuk teks tulis fungsional pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
Kompetensi Dasar
5. Secara mandiri, menulis teks report tentang fenomena alam.
4. Membaca teks yang ada, lalu menulis kembali teks tersebut dengan kata-kata sendiri.
3. Secara mandiri, membuat atau menulis pengumuman dengan topik yang ditentukan sendiri.
1. Membaca dan memahami situasi soal. 2. Membuat pengumuman berdasarkan situasi tersebut.
Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Menulis teks-teks berbentuk report dengan langkahlangkah retorika yang benar serta tata bahasa yang benar dan berterima.
Menulis teks tulis fungsional pendek berbentuk pengumuman (announcement) dengan baik dan berterima.
Tes tulis
Tes tulis
Tes tulis
Tes tulis
Bentuk Instrumen
Write a report text about a natural phenomenon. You may refer to any sources. Mind the structure of a report text.
Read the text, and then rewrite it using your own words.
Write an announcement. You are free to choose your own topic.
Write announcements based on the topics.
Contoh Instrumen
2 u 40'
1 u 40'
Alokasi Waktu
Buku PR Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs IXA Intan Pariwara hal. 70. Kamus Inggris– Indonesia dan Indonesia– Inggris. Buku-buku lain yang relevan.
Buku PR Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs IXA Intan Pariwara hal. 74. Kamus Inggris– Indonesia dan Indonesia– Inggris. Buku-buku lain yang relevan.
Sumber Belajar
Standar Kompetensi : Menulis 6. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek sederhana berbentuk procedure dan report untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
Objectives: At the end of this unit you will be able to: 1. ask for and give certainty, 2. show amazement, 3. create short functional texts (announcements), 4. tell something in general using spoken English, 5. write short functional texts (notices), 6. write report texts about public places, and 7. use pair conjunctions (not only . . . but also . . . and both . . . and . . .) and comparative and superlative degrees.
Suppose your teacher has asked you to carry out an observation of public places, like hospitals, bus stations or traditional markets. After doing to the observation, you have to report your result in a written form. Do you know the proper text type that you use to write your report? It is a report text. Then, how to write a report text properly? You will find the answer in this unit. You will learn the structure and characteristics of a report text.
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
1.1 Expressions
Asking for and Giving Certainty Read the dialogs and study the explanation. 1
Are you sure this is the bookstore we are looking for?
I’m sure. It’s at Jalan Diponegoro number 15, right? Just like what my brother said.
It is an African bird, you know . . . .
Is that so?
I see.
Absolutely. I’ve read an article about that bird in my encyclopedia. An ostrich is a bird but it can’t fly. However, it can run very fast.
Look at the bold-typed sentences in the dialogs above. In dialog 1, Ade and Amelia are looking for a bookstore. Amelia asked her brother before about the bookstore. When they finally find it, Ade asks Amelia, “Are you sure this is the bookstore we are looking for?” It means he is uncertain about the bookstore. He uses such an expression to ask for certainty. Then, Amelia answers, “I’m sure” to show her certainty. In dialog 2, Bagas tells Indra that an ostrich is an African bird. Indra says, “Is that so?” to ask for Bagas’ certainty. Then, Bagas shows his certainty by saying, “Absolutely.” In summary, “Are you sure this is the bookstore we are looking for?” and “Is that so?” are the expressions of asking for certainty while “I’m sure.” and “Absolutely.” are the expressions of showing certainty. 36
UNIT 1 Report
Here are some other expressions you can use to ask for and give certainty. Asking for Certainty Are you certain? Are you sure? Is that so? Is it confirmed? Do you?/Will you?/Can you? What if . . .? Will it be O.K. if . . .? How about this/that one? How about these/those ones?
Giving Certainty I’m quite sure. I’ve no doubt about . . . . You bet!/Of course./Sure./Absolutely! I’m positive./It’s possible. That sounds good/perfect. O.K./No problem. Fine. Go ahead. I’m definitely sure./I’m absolutely certain. Sure, I’m certain. No doubt about it./Without doubt.
Showing Amazement Read the dialogs and study the explanation. 1.
Dita and Mela are enjoying their holiday at Lake Toba. Dita : What a beautiful and large lake it is! I wonder how long we will take to wade across the lake. Mela : Around a week, maybe? Dita : Well, . . . I don’t know.
Irma is spending her holiday at her cousin’s house, Dandi. Then, Dandi takes Irma around his town. Both of them are at a mall now. Irma : Wow, terrific! I really love this mall. I can find everything I want here. Dandi : So, aren’t there any malls like this in your town? Irma : Unh . . . unh . . . . We can only find a dead mall who has very few customers. You know, my town isn’t as big as yours.
Note: ● ‘Unh . . . unh . . . ’ means ‘no’. ● ‘Dead mall’ means a mall that has a few visitors and isn’t interesting anymore. Look at the bold-typed sentences in the dialogs. To show amazement, in dialog 1, Dita says, “What a beautiful and large lake it is!” while in dialog 2, Irma says, “Wow, terrific!” Here are some other expressions to show amazement that you can use in your daily conversations. Showing Amazement Amazing! Fantastic! Incredible! What a day!
Wow, fabulous! Terrific! Perfect! What a . . .!*)
How beautiful! How easy! Perfect! Unbelievable!
Note:*) It is followed by a noun phrase.
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Answer the questions orally. 1.
Have you ever heard someone asking for and giving certainty? Contoh jawaban: Yes, I have. What expressions of asking for certainty did you hear lately? Contoh jawaban: There were “Are you certain?”; “Are you sure?”; “Is that so?”; “Is it confirmed?” What expressions of showing certainty did you hear lately? Contoh jawaban: There were “Sure, I’m certain.”; “No doubt about it.”; “Without doubt.” What amazing thing did you see lately? Contoh jawaban: A 3-D cinema; a very big tart; a piano recital. What did you say to show your amazement? Contoh jawaban: I said, “How amazing!”; “Terrific!”; or “Fantastic!”
2. 3. 4. 5.
Listen to your teacher. Complete the dialog based on what you have heard.
Percakapan yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban: Mrs. Winata : Ratna, (1) can you go together with me to the market tomorrow morning? Ratna : Well, (2) tomorrow is Sunday. I think I can go with you, Mom. Mrs. Winata : (3) Are you certain? Ratna : (4) Without doubt. I’m free tomorrow morning. Mrs. Winata : (5) Good! Er . . ., (6) do you know that I’m also going to buy you (7) a new sweater? Ratna : (8) Really, Mom? Thanks a lot. Mrs. Winata : (9) You’re welcome. But you must help me bring the stuff. Ratna : (10) Don’t worry, Mom. I’ll help you. Variasi: Match the words in column A with their correct meanings in column B. Jawaban: A B 1. h 2. a 1. together a. pasar 3. k b. mengganggu 2. market 4. j c. barang-barang 3. tomorrow 5. i d. akhirnya 4. certain 6. e e. bebas 5. doubt 7. f f. membeli 8. g 6. free g. membawa 9. c h. bersama-sama 7. buy 10. l i. ragu 8. bring j. yakin/pasti 9. stuff k. besok 10. worry l. khawatir
UNIT 1 Report
Listen to your teacher. Answer the questions based on the dialog you have heard.
Percakapan yang dibacakan guru: Sari : Dani, we will have a math test today! Dani : Are you sure? I can’t believe it. Sari : You bet! I heard it from Titi, Class IXD. Dani : But, Mr. Saputra hasn’t told us about that, right? Sari : He hasn’t. It also happened in Class IXD, but the test kept on going. Dani : What should we do now? I haven’t studied last night. Sari : I think you still have some time to study. Dani : You’re right. 1.
What are the speakers talking about? Jawaban: A math test. Where do you think the dialog takes place? Jawaban: In the classroom. Who is Mr. Saputra? Jawaban: A math teacher. Who is not ready for the test? Jawaban: Dani is. What can you learn from the dialog? Contoh jawaban: We should study whether we are going to have a test or not.
2. 3. 4. 5. C.
Listen to your teacher. Decide whether the statements below are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.
Percakapan yang dibacakan guru: Tari and Tika are at the zoo. Tari sees cenderawasih for the first time. She is amazed. Tari : Wow! What a beautiful bird! It has extraordinary attractive feathers. What is it? Tika : It’s cenderawasih. Some people call it the bird of paradise. Tari : I’ve never seen it before. Tika : Of course, you haven’t. It’s rarely found. Tari : I see. Let’s take a picture of it. Tika : O.K. 1. ______ Tari and Tika are going to draw cenderawasih. 2. ______ Tari thinks that the cenderawasih is amazing. 3. ______ At first, Tari didn’t know about cenderawasih. 4. ______ Cenderawasih is a rare species. 5. ______ Cenderawasih comes from paradise. Jawaban: 1. F. Tari and Tika are seeing cenderawasih at the zoo. 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. F. The bird of paradise is another name of cenderawasih. It doesn’t mean that the bird comes from paradise. PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Listen to your teacher. Rearrange the sentences based on the dialog you have heard.
Percakapan yang dibacakan guru: Alya : How beautiful! Where did you get that scarf from? Sonia : Thank you, buddy. I bought this in Madison department store. Alya : It really suits your dress. Sonia : Are you sure, Alya? Alya : Absolutely! It looks good on you, Sonia. Sonia : Well, this scarf is quite cheap actually. It’s on sale. Alya : Wow! I want to buy one, but in a different color. Sonia : Well, you still have time. The sale is until next week. Alya : Good! Anyway, would you go together with me to Madison department store? Sonia : No problem. Percakapan yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban: Alya : Wow! I want to buy one, but in a different color. 7 10
Sonia : No problem.
Alya : Good! Anyway, would you go together with me to Madison department store?
6 5
Sonia : Well, this scarf is quite cheap actually. It’s on sale.
Sonia : Are you sure, Alya?
Alya : How beautiful! Where did you get that scarf from?
Sonia : Well, you still have time. The sale is until next week.
Alya : It really suits your dress.
Sonia : Thank you, buddy. I bought this in Madison department store.
E. 1.
Alya : Absolutely! It looks good on you, Sonia.
Jawaban: B Dalam percakapan tersebut Sonia memanggil Alya dengan sebutan buddy yang artinya teman. Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa hubungan antara Alya dan Sonia adalah teman (friends).
Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer based on the dialog in Task D. What is the dialog about? A. A department store. B. A beautiful dress. C. A colorful scarf. D. A beautiful cheap scarf. Jawaban: D Pilihan jawaban tersebut benar karena sesuai dengan isi percakapan. Sejak awal percakapan, Alya dan Sonia membicarakan tentang syal Sonia yang bagus dan murah. Who are talking in the dialog? A. Mother and daughter. B. Two friends. C. A shop assistant and a customer. D. A student and a teacher.
UNIT 1 Report
The scarf ________ good on Sonia. A. watches B. stares C. looks D. gazes Jawaban: C Pilihan jawaban yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat soal adalah (C) looks yang artinya terlihat. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena tidak sesuai dengan konteks. Watches artinya menonton, sedangkan stares dan gazes artinya menatap.
“Well, this scarf is quite cheap actually.” What is the opposite meaning of the underlined word? A. Expensive. B. Economical. C. Low-priced. D. Efficient. Jawaban: A Lawan kata ’cheap’ yang artinya ’murah’ adalah expensive yang artinya mahal.
“Would you go together with me to Madison department store?” The word ‘you’ refers to ________. A. Sonia B. Alya C. the speakers D. the shop assistant Jawaban: A Pilihan jawaban (A) benar karena kalimat tersebut diucapkan Alya dan ditujukan untuk lawan bicaranya, yaitu Sonia. Jadi, kata ’you’ mengacu pada Sonia.
Practice the dialog with a friend.
Ira wants to send an SMS to her friend. Unfortunately, she lost her mobile phone. She remembers that she put it on her bed. Now it is not there. She asks her brother about it. Ira : Ari, did you see my mobile phone? Ari : No. What’s up? Ira : I think I’ve lost it. I remember that I put it on my bed. But now, I can’t find it. Ari : Are you sure? Ira : Absolutely! Ari : Have you asked mom about it? Ira : Why mom? Ari : She has just cleaned up your messy room. Ira : Let me ask her. Thanks. Ari : Don’t mention it. B. 1.
Jawaban: D Pilihan jawaban tersebut disimpulkan dari kalimat pengantar percakapan, ”She asks her brother about it.”.
Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer based on the dialog in Task A. What is Ira looking for? A. Her mom. B. Her bedcover. C. Her mobile phone. D. Her brother. Jawaban: C Pilihan jawaban tersebut disimpulkan dari kalimat Ira, ”Ari, did you see my mobile phone?”, sehingga dia kehilangan mobile phone. Who are talking in the dialog? A. Mother and her son. B. Two friends. C. Two teachers. D. Sister and brother.
“Now, it is not there.” What does the underlined word refer to? A. Ira’s mobile phone. B. Ira’s home. C. Ira’s bed. D. Ira’s room. Jawaban: A Kata ’it’ mengacu pada telepon genggam Ira. Hal tersebut disimpulkan dari objek dalam kalimat sebelumnya, yaitu ”Did you see my mobile phone?”.
Whom should Ira ask about her lost mobile phone to? A. Her friend. B. Her mother. C. Her father. D. Her brother.
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Jawaban: B Pilihan jawaban tersebut benar karena Ari mengusulkan agar Ira menanyakan tentang telepon genggamnya kepada ibu mereka yang telah membersihkan kamar Ira (kalimat: ”Have you asked mom about it?” yang artinya ”Sudahkah kamu menanyakannya kepada ibu?”).
“She has just cleaned up your messy room.” The word ‘messy’ can be best replaced by ________. A. untidy B. neat C. tidy D. precise Jawaban: A Kata ’messy’ memiliki arti yang sama dengan ’untidy’, yaitu ’berantakan’. Pilihan jawaban (B) dan (C) artinya rapi, sedangkan (D) artinya tepat.
Variasi: Read the dialog with proper pronunciation. Then, answer the questions. Angga and Dyah are sister and brother. They are at the amusement park. Angga : Dyah, . . . . do you know where the toilet is? Dyah : Um . . . it’s near the parking area. Angga : Are you sure? As I know, there’s no toilet over there. Dyah : Certainly! It’s newly built. No wonder you don’t know about it. You’ve been leaving this town for several months, right? Angga : Yeah! Questions: 1. What does Angga ask Dyah about? Jawaban: He asks about where the toilet is. 2. Who is Angga? Jawaban: Dyah’s brother. 3. Where does the dialog take place? Jawaban: At the amusement park. 4. What is newly built? Jawaban: The toilet. 5. Why doesn’t Angga know abut the toilet? Jawaban: Because he has been leaving his town for several months. C.
a. d. g. j.
Complete the dialog with the correct words in the box. Then, practice the dialog with a friend. a deep puddle looks How come definitely
Dede : Renita : Dede : Renita : Dede :
b. e. h.
my wound what happened fell
c. f. i.
painful without doubt What’s wrong
Ouch! It’s really (1) ________. (2) ________ with you? I (3) ________ of my bicycle. (4) ________? I didn’t notice (5) ________ in front of me. I slipped, and you can guess (6) ________ next.
UNIT 1 Report
Renita : Poor you. Your wound (7) ________ terrible. Dede : You’re (8) ________ right. It looks as terrible as it feels. Renita : Have you tried Biomed balm? Dede : Do you think it’s good for (9) ________? Renita : (10) ________. Jawaban: 1. c 2. i 3. h 4. g 5. a 6. e 7. d 8. j
9. b
10. f
Variasi: Find the words in the dialog based on the following definitions. 1. causing pain 2. uncertain 3. dropped from a higher level to a lower level 4. not true 5. a road vehicle with two wheels that you ride by pushing the pedals with your feet 6. inward from the surface 7. a small amount of water or other liquid, especially rain that has collected in one place on the ground 8. very unpleasant 9. a liquid or cream that has pleasant smell and is used to make wounds less painful or skin softer 10. an injury to part of the body Jawaban: 1. painful 2. doubt 3. fell 4. wrong 5. bicycle 6. deep 7. puddle 8. terrible 9. balm 10. wound
Rearrange the sentences into a proper dialog. Then, practice the dialog with a friend.
Percakapan yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban: 1
Putra : Hi, Bobby. Where have you been?
Bobby : I know that. Magicians always have tricks. But still . . . the show was interesting.
Putra : Are you sure?
Bobby : I’ve just watched a circus.
Putra : What’s so special about the show?
Bobby : I’m quite sure. I saw the show in person.
5 8
Putra : How’s the show?
Putra : What was happening there?
Bobby : Spectacular! It was really incredible.
Putra : I think the magician seemed to fly, but he didn’t really fly.
Bobby : I’ve been from the city park.
Bobby : The magic show was interesting. You know, the magician could fly in the sky!
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Variasi: Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) based on the dialog in Task D. Correct the false ones. 1. ______ Bobby and Putra were in the city park. 2. ______ Bobby enjoyed the circus at the city park. 3. ______ Putra doesn’t believe if a magician can fly. 4. ______ Bobby is a magician. 5. ______ Bobby believes that a magician can’t fly. Jawaban: 1. F. It’s only Bobby who has been from the city park. 2. T 3. T 4. F. Bobby is not a magician. He is the one who is interested in the magician’s show. 5. T E.
In pairs, make dialogs based on the situations. Then, practice the dialogs.
You and your friend are at the cinema. You are going to see a new film. You are amazed at the change of the cinema. It’s cleaner than before. How would the conversation go? 2. You go to a supermarket. You buy several things there. You also want to buy a bar of your favorite chocolate. You’ve been looking for it, but you couldn’t find it. You ask the shop assistant where to find it. The shop assistant responds your question politely. Use expressions of asking for and showing certainty. Contoh jawaban: 1. You : Wow . . . fabulous! This cinema has changed a lot. It’s cleaner than the last time we went here. Your friend : Yes, I agree with you. I heard that we can also enjoy 3D movies here, with more fee of course. You : It’s interesting. 2.
: Excuse me. I want to buy a bar of chocolate. I’ve been looking for it, but I still can’t find it. Do you know where it is? Shop assistant : It’s in the candies isle. Have you looked for it there? You : Yes, I have. Shop assistant : Are you sure? You : I’m positive. Shop assistant : Let’s check it again. You : O.K. Thanks.
UNIT 1 Report
Make a dialog based on the picture. Use the expressions you have learned. Then, practice the dialog with a friend.
Contoh jawaban: Ardi, Ida and Wahyu are on a picnic at the beach now. They are going to make a big sand castle. Ardi : Hey, everybody. Look! I’ve found a nice place. Ida : What is it, Ardi? Ardi : Listen, we are going to make a big castle, aren’t we? Wahyu : Yeah, we are. And then? Ardi : Look at that place! It is shady and far from the sea. The waves won’t ruin our castle. Ida : You’re right. It’s perfect! Let’s make a castle under the tree over there. Wahyu : Great! What a brilliant idea! I think it’s a safe place too. Ida : You’re right. Let’s go there.
1.2 Genre
Spoken Text Listen to the monolog and study the explanation. Hello, everybody. In this occasion, I’d like to tell you about supermarkets in general. I’m sure all of you have been familiar with that term. Um . . ., how many times in a month do you usually go there? I assume that you go there more than once or twice, don’t you? We can find supermarkets in every town. They come with aisles of different kinds of food and products. For example, you can find fifteen to twenty different kinds of cheese in the dairy section. You can find many different brands of toilet tissue in the paper products section. You will also find the frozen food section that has everything from cans of frozen apple juice to bags of mixed vegetables and frozen pizza.
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Well, many supermarkets also have a big health care products aisle. This section is like a small drugstore, with different brands of medicines, shampoo, toothpaste and other health care items. Some supermarkets even sell something else, such as magazines, books, shoes, underwear, gardening tools and other household products. Here you can also use your card in money machines to take money out of your bank. You know, shoppers in many supermarkets can buy snacks and cold drinks from vending machines. Well, in some places, tired and hungry shoppers can sit down and enjoy a fresh cup of coffee and a doughnut at a supermarket snack bar or coffee shop. Therefore, it is obvious that supermarkets with their variety of products and services are more popular today. Well, I think that’s all about supermarkets. The text is a report text in spoken form (monolog). It functions to describe the way things are, with reference to a range of natural, man-made and social phenomenon in our environment. In a monolog, we may use some fillers, such as well . . ., er . . ., I’ll tell you something, listen . . ., let me tell you what, etc.
Written Text Read the text and study the explanation. General Classification
UNIT 1 Report
Supermarkets are enormous these days. Supermarkets come with aisles of different kinds of food and products. For example, you can find fifteen to twenty different kinds of cheese in the dairy section. You can find many different brands of toilet tissue in the paper products section. The frozen food section has everything from cans of frozen apple juice to bags of mixed vegetables and frozen pizza. Many supermarkets also have a big health care products aisle. This section is like a small drugstore, with different brands of medicines, shampoo, toothpaste, and other health care items. Some supermarkets even sell something else, such as magazines, books, shoes, underwear, gardening tools and other household products. Here you can also use your card in money machines to take money out of your bank. Shoppers in many supermarkets can buy snacks and cold drinks from vending machines. In some places, tired and hungry shoppers can sit down and enjoy a fresh cup of coffee and a doughnut at a supermarket snack bar or coffee shop. Supermarkets with their variety of products and services are more popular today.
The text is called a report text in written form. A report text describes the way things are, with reference to a range of natural, man-made and social phenomenon in our environment. It may contain descriptions, but it often does more than describing phenomenon (a thing, event or situation). It also classifies information. It has a logical sequence of facts that are stated without any personal involvement (personal opinion) from the writer. In informational report, the tense is timeless present. It means, the action always happens in the way in which it is described, e.g. Human needs oxygen to breathe. You can find informational report in textbooks, research assignments, lectures, reference articles, etc. The structure of a report text is: general classification. It tells what the phenomenon under discussion is. ● description. It tells what the phenomenon under discussion is like in terms of parts; qualities; habits or behaviors (if living) and uses (if non-natural). ●
The significant features of a report text are: focus on generic participants, ● use of the simple present tense to indicate ‘timeless’ nature of information, ● no temporal sequence, e.g. at first, and then, after that and finally, ● noun phrases are used rather than personal pronouns and the use of personal pronouns is limited, ● some reports use technical vocabulary or scientific terms, e.g. species, oxygen, etc, ● using verbs of being and having (are, is, am, have, has) rather than action verbs (sell, buy, use, take, etc.), and ● descriptive language is used (factual rather than imaginative e.g. language for describing color, shape, size, body parts, habits, behaviors, functions, uses, etc.). ●
Info for teachers: There are several steps to make a report text as follow. 1. Choose a subject for your report. 2. Make a list of questions about your subject that require facts for answers. 3. Research your subject. You can obtain information by using your school or local library, searching the Internet, interviewing people and reading newspapers or magazines. 4. Write the answers based on the information you have found during your research. 5. Organize your notes into the order in which you want to present your informational report. 6. Write your first draft as an outline. It means writing the topic sentences and putting a list of supporting points to make a paragraph. 7. Check that your draft contains facts, describes your subject, gives details about your subject, uses a new paragraph to introduce new information, uses the timeless present tense and uses the technical language related to the subject. 8. Use the informational report scaffold (general structure), which consists of general classification and description to write your finished piece of text. 9. Read your final result to check for any mistake and revise it. 10. Publish or present your report.
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Grammar Section Not only . . . but also . . . Read the sentences and study the patterns. Below are some sentences using not only in combination with but also. 1.
Not only
But also
Adi We
eats dance
not only not only
chicken steak Kecak
but also but also
French fries. Serimpi.
Not only
Aditya Nita and Lia
is are
not only not only
energetic tidy
Not only
Eva The girls
sings make the bed
not only not only
S Agung I
Not only not only not only
But also but also but also
Adverb helpful smart But also
swims make the gift
but also but also
generous. kind.
But also but also but also
Adverb beautifully. neatly.
Verb dives. wrap it myself.
Look at the pattern number 4. It is different from the patterns number 1, 2 and 3. In number 4, not only comes after the subject and before the verb of the sentence. In numbers 1, 2 and 3, not only comes after the verb/be. Both . . . and . . . Read the sentences and study the patterns. Below are some sentences using both in combination with and. They follow similar patterns to the previous one (not only . . . but also . . .). Learn them further by observing the following patterns and sentences. 1.
S My cat I
UNIT 1 Report
likes am drinking
both both
Noun playing ball avocado juice
And and and
Noun eating salty fish. guava juice.
S Nikita Herman
is is
both both
beautiful smart
and and
kind. cool.
S Kaka Shelly
S Novi Fandi
speaks English spends her pocket money
both both
fluently efficiently
and and
clearly. effectively.
both both
watches TV washes his bike
and and
Verb eats her lunch. sings a song.
The pattern number 4 is different from the patterns number 1, 2 and 3. In number 4, both comes after the subject and before the verb. In numbers 1, 2 and 3, both comes after the verb. Notice the parallel structure in the examples. The same grammatical form (nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs) should follow each word of the pair (both . . . and . . .). Patterns: ● . . . both + noun + and + noun + . . . ● . . . both + adverb + and + adverb + . . . ● . . . both + adjective + and + adjective +. . . ● . . . both + verb + and + verb + . . . Info: ● When two subjects are connected by not only . . . but also . . ., the subject that is closer to the verb determines whether the verb is singular or plural. ● Two subjects connected by both . . . and . . . take a plural verb. Examples: 1. Not only Radit but also Nova is at school now. 2. Both Radit and Nova are at school now. Comparative and Superlative Degrees Read the sentences. Study the explanation. In English, there are the comparative degrees and the superlative degrees. Look at the following pictures and sentences to see the differences between comparative and the superlative degrees.
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Vina ● ● ● ●
Vina is the shortest among all. Vina is shorter than Didik. Dodik is taller than Vina. Hendra is the tallest among all.
Dodik’s bag
Vina’s bag ● ● ● ●
Hendra’s bag
Vina’s bag is the cheapest among all. Dodik’s bag is more expensive than Vina’s. Hendra’s bag is more expensive than Dodik’s. Hendra’s bag is the most expensive among all.
Patterns: Comparative degrees:
Superlative degrees:
● ●
● ●
. . . adjective + -er + than . . . . . . more + adjective + than . . . the + adjecive + -est the + most + adjective
Info: More and most are followed by more than two syllable adjectives, such as enormous, comfortable, beautiful, diligent, expensive, careful, etc.
UNIT 1 Report
Comparative degrees (or sometimes are called comparative adjectives) are used to compare or contrast more than two nouns. Superlative degrees (or sometimes are called superlative adjectives) are used to compare or contrast more than two nouns. However, there are some irregular comparative and superlative forms as follow. Adjective good bad little much (many) far old
Comparative better worse smaller/less more farther/further older, elder
Superlative the best the worst the smallest/the least the most the farthest/the furthest the oldest, the eldest
Here are some more examples of sentences using comparative and superlative degrees. 1. Tanti’s note book is thicker than Toni’s. 2. I think Wawan is more intelligent than his brother. 3. Wahyu is the eldest child in his family. 4. It is the most delicious ice cream I’ve ever eaten. Now, pay attention to the sentences below. 1. The river is getting shallower and shallower. 2. The smaller the package, the easier it is to bring. The use of comparative in the sentences above means “semakin . . . semakin . . .”.
Answer the questions below. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Have you ever read a report text? Contoh jawaban: Yes, I have. Do you remember the topic of a report text you have read? What is it about? Contoh jawaban: Yes, I do. It is about human body. Do you know the difference between a report text and a descriptive text? What is it? Contoh jawaban: Yes, I do. A report text describes the way things are; a descriptive text describes a particular thing, person or place. Where do you usually find report texts? Contoh jawaban: In magazines, newspapers, textbooks, encyclopedia, etc. Do you like reading a report text? Why? Contoh jawaban: Yes, I do. I like reading it because it gives me more knowledge.
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Listen to your teacher. Match each monolog with its suitable picture.
Teks-teks yang dibacakan guru: Text 1 You know, . . . bus stop is a designated place where a public transport bus stops for the purpose of allowing passengers to board or leave a bus. Individual bus stops may simply be placed on the sidewalk next to the roadway, although they can also be placed to facilitate use of a bus way. Er . . . several bus stops may be grouped together to facilitate easy transfer between routes. These may be arranged in a simple row along the street, or in parallel or diagonal rows of multiple stops. Source: (January 7, 2009)
Text 2 Have you ever gone to the bank? What did you do there? You know, a bank is an institution that deals in money. They substitutes and provides other money-related services. In its role as a financial intermediary, a bank accepts deposits and makes loans. Many banks provide related services such as financial management and products such as mutual funds and credit cards. Adapted from: (January 7, 2009)
Text 3 I believe that you often go to the Internet cafe. What is an Internet cafe actually? Well, an Internet cafe or cyber cafe is a place where one can use a computer with the Internet access, most for a fee, usually per hour or minute. It may serve as a regular café as well, with food and drinks being served. You know, many people use the place when traveling to access web mail and instant messaging services to keep in touch with family and friends. In many developing countries, Internet cafes are the primary form of the Internet access for citizens because it is more affordable than personal ownership of equipment. Adapted from: (January 7, 2009)
Text 4 Well, friends, an airport is a transportation center used for the landing and take off of aircrafts. Airports provide transportation not only for people but also for freight, such as mail, foods and other important items. Um . . . an airport is composed of several areas and structures that are designed to serve the needs of both aircraft and passengers, such as runways where airplanes take off and land, maintenance and refueling facilities for aircraft and hangars. For security purposes, access to major airports is usually limited to special roads. Adapted from: (January 7, 2009)
UNIT 1 Report
Picture source: http://
Jawaban: 1. Text 3 B.
Picture source:http://
Text 4
Picture source: http://
Text 1
Text 2
Listen to your teacher. Rearrange the sentences based on the monolog you have heard.
Teks yang dibacakan guru: Have you ever been treated in a hospital? Do you think that you’ve got good treatment there? You know, hospital is an institution for the care of the sick. It must give the patients the best treatment. Well, there are two main types of hospitals. They are general hospitals and special hospitals. General hospitals are for all types of illness, while special hospitals are concerned with only one disease or group of diseases. Toward the end of the 19th century, hospital care was revolutionized by the discovery of anesthesia, improvement in sanitation, establishment of hospital nursing schools and other advances. Hospitals in large cities have become huge medical centers equipped not only to treat the ill but also to further the education of the medical staff, train nursing staff, perform a vital research into the cause and cure of disease, and help the patient with convalescent (person who is recovering from illness) and social problems. Adapted from: (January 7, 2009)
Teks yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban: 4
Hospitals in large cities have become huge medical centers equipped not only to treat the ill but also to further the education of the medical staff, train nursing staff, perform a vital research into the cause and cure of disease, and help the patient with convalescent (person who is recovering from illness) and social problems. Have you ever been treated in a hospital? Do you think that you’ve got good treatment there? You know, hospital is an institution for the care of the sick. It must give the patients the best treatment. Toward the end of the 19th century, hospital care was revolutionized by the discovery of anesthesia, improvement in sanitation, establishment of hospital nursing schools, and other advances. Well, there are two main types of hospitals. They are general hospitals and special hospitals. General hospitals are for all types of illness, while special hospitals are concerned with only one disease or group of diseases.
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
C. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Answer the questions based on the proper monolog in Task B. What is the text about? Jawaban: It’s about hospitals in general. What is a hospital? Jawaban: It is an institution for the care of the sick. How many kinds of hospital are mentioned in the monolog? What are they? Jawaban: Two. They are general hospitals and special hospitals. What was called the revolution in hospital care toward the end of the 19th century? Jawaban: The discovery of anesthesia, improvement in sanitation, establishment of hospital nursing schools and other advances. What are the functions of hospitals in large cities? Jawaban: Their functions are not only to treat the ill but also to further the education of the medical staff, train nursing staff, perform a vital research into the cause and cure of disease, and help the patient with convalescent and social problems. Listen to your teacher. Fill in the blanks based on the monolog you have heard.
Teks yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban: Is there a public library in your town? Have you ever read or borrowed some books there? You know, (1) a public library, also called a circulating library, is a library which is (2) accessible by the public. It is generally funded from (3) public sources, such as tax moneys, and may be operated by (4) civil servants. Actually, public libraries (5) exist in most nations of the world. They are often considered an (6) essential part of having an educated and (7) literate population. Well, public libraries are different from (8) research libraries, school libraries or other (9) special libraries. Do you know what the difference is? Yeah, public libraries (10) serve the public’s Picture source: www.Sarchive(11) information needs generally rather than serve a (12) particular school, institution or research (13) population. Public libraries (14) typically focus on popular materials such as popular (15) fictions and movies. They focus on (16) educational and (17) nonfiction materials of (18) interest to the general public. (19) Computer and the Internet (20) access are also often offered. Adapted from: (January 7, 2009)
UNIT 1 Report
Variasi: Match the words in column A with their correct meanings in column B. A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. E.
accessible tax civil servant exist essential funded particular typically public literate
B a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l.
ada dibiayai pegawai negeri penting taksi tertentu terpelajar dapat didatangi khususnya umum pajak kesusasteraan
Jawaban: 1. h 2. k 3. c 4. a 5. d 6. b 7. f 8. i 9. j 10. g
State whether the statements below are true (T) or false (F) based on the complete text in Task D. Correct the false ones.
1. ______ A circulating library is accessible by the public. 2. ______ A public library is not important for literate population. 3. ______ Public libraries are dedicated for students only. 4. ______ Public libraries focus on popular materials. 5. ______ Computer and the Internet access are usually available in a public library. Jawaban: 1. T 2. F. Public libraries are often considered an essential part of having an educated and literate population. 3. F. Public libraries serve the public’s information needs. 4. T 5. T Variasi: A.
Listen to your teacher. Fill in the blanks based on the monolog you have heard.
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Teks yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban: Do you know a bus station? Well, (1) a bus station is a structure where city or (2) intercity buses stop to (3) pick up and drop off (4) passengers. Um . . . it is larger than (5) a bus stop, which is usually (6) simply a place on the (7) sidewalk where buses can stop. It may be intended as a (8) terminal station for a number of (9) routes, or as a (10) transfer station where the routes continue. You know, bus station (11) platforms may be assigned to (12) fixed bus lines, or variable in combination with a (13) dynamic passenger (14) information system. The latter (15) requires fewer (16) platforms. However, it does not (17) supply the passengers the (18) comfort of knowing (19) the platforms well (20) in advance and waiting there. Adapted from: (January 7, 2009)
Read the complete text in Task A. Answer the questions orally.
What is the text about? Jawaban: It’s about a bus station in general. What is the main idea of paragraph one? Jawaban: The definition of a bus station. What is the main idea of paragraph two? Jawaban: The comparison between a bus station and a bus stop. What is the main idea of paragraph three? Jawaban: Bus station platforms. What are the fuctions of a bus station? Jawaban: As a structure where city or intercity buses stop to pick up and drop off passengers, as a terminal station for a number of routes and as a transfer station where the routes continue.
2. 3. 4. 5.
Listen to your teacher. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.
Teks yang dibacakan guru: Do you like visiting museums? What do you usually find there? Well, as we know, a museum is an institution dedicated to preserving and interpreting the primary concrete evidence of humankind and the environment. Of course, a museum is different from a library. Do you know the difference? The items in a museum are mainly unique and represent the raw materials of study and research. In a museum, the object in many cases removed in time, place, and circumstance from its original context. Er . . . museums have been founded for a variety of purposes. They are built to serve
UNIT 1 Report
as recreational facilities or educational resources, to contribute to the quality of life of the areas where they are situated, to attract tourism to a region, to promote civic pride or even to transmit overtly ideological concepts. Museums have a common goal. It is to preserve and interpret some material aspects of society’s cultural consciousness. Adapted from: EBchecked/topic/398814/museum (January 7, 2009)
The monolog is about ________. A. humankind preservation B. museums in general C. concrete evidence of humankind D. libraries in general
Jawaban: B Pilihan jawaban tersebut disimpulkan berdasarkan isi keseluruhan paragraf yang membahas tentang museum secara umum. 2.
What makes a museum different from a library? A. It attracts tourism to a region. B. It has unique collections. C. It serves educational resources. D. It provides many books. Jawaban: B Pilihan jawaban tersebut disimpulkan dari kalimat ”The items in a museum are mainly unique . . . .” yang artinya ”Barang-barang di museum adalah unik . . . .”. “Of course, a museum is different from a library.” (Paragraph 2) What is the opposite of the underlined word? A. Similar. B. Clear. C. Significant. D. Various. Jawaban: A Lawan kata ’different’ yang artinya ’berbeda’ adalah similar yang artinya sama. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah. Clear artinya jelas, significant artinya penting, dan various artinya bermacammacam.
Which one is NOT the purpose of building a museum? A. To serve recreational facilities. B. To attract tourism. C. To preserve the environment. D. To serve educational resources. Jawaban: C Pilihan jawaban tersebut benar karena tidak sesuai dengan kalimat dalam paragraf tiga, ”They are built to serve as recreational facilities or educational resources, . . ., to attract tourisms to a region, . . . .”.
The common goal of museums is _______ some material aspects of society’s cultural consciousness. A. preserving and interpreting B. selling and promoting C. selling and preserving D. promoting and preserving Jawaban: A Pilihan jawaban tersebut benar karena sesuai dengan kalimat akhir paragraf tiga, ”It is to preserve and interpret some material aspects of society cultural consciousness.”.
Read the text. Retell the text using your own words. A beach is gently a sloping strip of land bordering an ocean or other body of water. It is formed by the action of rivers, waves, currents, tides and wind. They are usually covered with sand. Beaches change shape from day to day and season to season. Waves, tides, currents and the wind sometimes broaden a beach by depositing sand and sometimes narrow a beach by carrying sand away. Beaches along the ocean are divided into a foreshore and a backshore. The steepest part of the foreshore is called the beach face. Some beaches consist primarily of materials derived from one kind of rock, which may give the beach a distinctive color. Coral or limestone produces white sand, and quartz usually produces yellowish sand. Sands formed from volcanic rock are black. Adapted from: (January 7, 2009)
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Contoh jawaban: Good morning, everyone. Today I’ll tell you about beaches in general. But before I tell you further about it, I will ask you some questions. Have you been to a beach? What did you feel when you were there? It was fun, isn’t it? Anyway, do you know what a beach is actually? O.K., now listen to me. A beach is gently a sloping strip of land that borders an ocean or other body of water. You know, the action of rivers, waves, currents, tides and wind form a beach. One thing for sure, beaches are usually covered with sand. Well, beaches change shapes from time to time. It’s all because of the movement of waves, tides, currents and the wind. Those things both broaden a beach by depositing sand and narrow it by carrying sand away. I’ll tell you. There are two kinds of beaches, . . .a foreshore and a backshore. On the foreshore, the steepest part is called the beach face. Let’s talk about the beach composition. Well, some beaches consist primarily of materials derived from one kind of rock. For example, coral or limestone produces white sand, quartz often produces yellowish sand volcanic rock gives black color. No wonder, there are some beaches to have different color with the others. Well then, that’s all I can tell you about beaches. Thanks for listening. B.
Rearrange the sentences into a proper text.
Teks yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban: 4
These temporary types of amusement parks are usually present for a few days or weeks per year, such as funfairs in the United Kingdom, and carnivals (temporarily set up in a vacant lot or parking lots) or fairs (temporarily operated in a fair ground) in the United States.
The temporary nature of these fairs helps to convey the feeling that people are in a different place or time.
Amusement park is the generic term for a collection of rides and other entertainment attractions assembled for the purpose of entertaining a large group of people.
Most amusement parks have a fixed location, as compared to traveling funfairs and carnivals.
Amusement parks evolved in Europe from fairs and pleasure gardens which were created for people’s recreation. Source: (January 3, 2009)
Retell the text in Task B using your own words.
Contoh jawaban: Hello, friends. Have you ever been to an amusement park? Do you know what an amusement park is? Well, in this occasion I’d like to tell you about it. When you go to a place full of a collection of rides and other entertainment attractions that entertain so many people, it means you’re at an amusement park. The term amusement park is from Europe actually. At first, it’s only fairs and pleasure gardens that are made for people’s recreation. Most of amusement parks are settled. They are different from traveling funfairs and carnivals that are usually present for a few days or weeks per year, such as funfairs in the United Kingdom, carnivals that are temporarily set up in a vacant lot or parking lots and fairs that are temporarily operated in a fair ground in the United States. In the temporary fairs, people may feel that they are in a different place or time. O.K., friends. That’s all about amusement parks. Thank you for listening.
UNIT 1 Report
D. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. E.
Read the text in Task B. Answer the questions orally. What is the generic term for a collection of rides and other entertainment attractions assembled for the purpose of entertaining a large group of people? Jawaban: Amusement park. What are amusement parks in Europe evolved from? Jawaban: Fairs and pleasure gardens. Compared to traveling funfairs and carnivals, what do most amusement parks have? Jawaban: A fixed location. How often do the funfairs or carnivals present? Jawaban: A few days or weeks per year. What does the temporary nature of the temporary fairs help to convey? Jawaban: The feeling that people are in a different place or time. Look at the picture and read the data. Tell a report text based on them. You can add more information from other related sources.
Picture source: ● ● ● ● ● ●
Underground railways are also called subways, metros or even just tubes. Here are three kinds, open-cut, cut-and-cover, and tube. Open-cut subways are built by digging rectangular ditches in streets like much of New York’s subway. Cut-and-cover subways are when an open-cut subway is covered again with a road or pavement. Tubes are deep, round tunnels created by boring through the ground, like most of London’s lines. Underground railways avoid people from the heavy traffic found in city centers. Source: 1000 Facts on Buildings and Transport
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Contoh jawaban: Hello, friends. In this occasion, let me tell you about underground railways. Um, have you ever seen how an underground railway looks like? Well, . . . it looks like this. It is under ground and it is usually found in urban areas. Sometimes, people call it subway, metro or just tube. There are three kinds of underground railway. First of all, it is open-cut subway. It is built by digging rectangular ditches in streets. It’s like much of New York’s subway. Have you ever seen it? The second type is cut-and-cover subway. It is similar to the open-cut one, but it is covered with a road or pavement. The last one is tube. It is deep and round tunnels. People make it by boring through the ground. It’s like most of London’s lines. Underground railways avoid people from the heavy traffic found in city centers. Today, many cities throughout the world have underground, electrically powered railway systems for mass passenger transport. F.
Find a report text about a public place. Tell it in front of the class using your own words.
Contoh jawaban: I’m sure all of you are familiar with the word ‘school’. Anyone knows where that word actually comes from? Well, ‘school’ actually comes from Greek word, scholç. It originally means leisure. It is an institution where you are allowed and encouraged to learn, under the supervision of teachers. You know, almost all countries have systems of formal education. The systems where students progress through a series of schools are compulsory for the citizen. The series of schools have different name, but in common, there are primary school for young children and secondary school for teenagers who have completed primary education. Additionally, students may also have access to and attend schools both before and after primary and secondary education. For example, kindergarten or pre-school which provides some schooling to very young children (typically ages 3–5) and university, vocational school, college or seminary which may be available after secondary school. Um . . ., I think that’s all about schools. Thank you.Source: (January 3, 2009) Variasi: Guru menyuruh siswa yang sudah mempresentasikan teks memberikan beberapa pertanyaan tentang teks tersebut. Contoh pertanyaan: 1. What does the word ‘school’ actually mean? Jawaban: It means leisure. 2. Where does the word ‘school’ come from? Jawaban: Greek. 3. What is a school? Jawaban: It is an institution where we are allowed and encouraged to learn, under the supervision of teachers. 4. What is a primary school? Jawaban: It is a school for young children. 5. What is secondary school? Jawaban: A school for teenagers who have completed primary education.
UNIT 1 Report
Read the text with proper pronunciation and intonation.
A ballroom is a large room inside a building. The designated purpose of which is holding formal dances is called balls. Traditionally, most balls were held in private residences; many mansions contain one or more ballrooms. In other large houses, a large room such as the main drawing room, long gallery or hall may double as a ballroom, but a good ballroom should have the right type of floor. Ballrooms are generally quite large, and may have ceilings higher than other rooms in the same building. The large amount of space for dancing, as well as the highly formal tone of events have given rise to ballroom dancing. The largest balls are now nearly always held in public buildings, and many hotels have a ballroom. They are also designed large to help the sound of orchestras carry throughout the whole room. Source: (January 3, 2009)
Variasi: Answer the questions based on the text in Task A. 1. What is the text about? Jawaban: It’s about ballrooms in general. 2. What is the main idea of paragraph two? Jawaban: The size of ballrooms in general. 3. Why is a ballroom large? Jawaban: To give space for dancing and to help the sound of orchestras carry throughout the whole room. 4. How is the ceiling in a ballroom compared with other rooms, in the same building? Jawaban: It is higher. 5. What does a good ballroom should have? Jawaban: The right type of floor. B. a. f.
Complete the text with the suitable words in the box. traditions pay
b. g.
specialize vegetarian
c. h.
fine casual
d. foreign i. waiter
e. j.
simple fast food
Restaurant Restaurant is a place that offers (1) ________ dining with a wide selection of foods and beverages, and table service. It may also have attached coffee shop and specialized (ethnic) and (2) ________ restaurants. Restaurants range from ordinary lunching or dining places for people working nearby, with simple food served in (3) ________ settings at low prices, to expensive establishments serving refined food and wines in a formal setting. In the former case, customers usually wear (4) ________ clothing. In the latter case, depending on culture and local (5) ________, customers might wear semi-casual, semi-formal, or even in formal wear. Typically, customers’ orders are taken by a (6) ________. The waiter brings the food when it is ready. The customers (7) ________ the bill before leaving. Restaurants often (8) ________ in certain types of food or present a certain unifying and often entertaining theme. For example, there
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
are seafood restaurants, (9) ________ restaurants or ethnic restaurants. In general, restaurants which sell “local” foods are simply called restaurants. In addition, restaurants which sell food of (10) ________ are called accordingly, for example, a Chinese restaurant and a French restaurant. Adapted from: (January 9, 2009)
Jawaban: 1. c 2. j C.
3. e
4. h
5. a
6. i
7. f
8. b
9. g
10. d
Read the text. Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones. Hotels
People sometimes need hotels if they travel far from homes. They sometimes need hotels when they arrive in cities late at night and they do not have any relatives there. Hotels are places that provide lodging and usually meals and various personal services for the public. A good hotel provides many comforts and conveniences. Hotels with hundreds of rooms are common. People can find the advertisements of hotels in newspapers, brochures, the Internet and magazines. Downtown hotels survive and prosper because of two important factors. First, business travelers wish to stay close to the offices or industrial plants they plan to visit. Second, the location of the airport is close to the hotels. As the pace of jet travel grows, hotels spring up near airports. Some travelers stay at airport inns when their flights are delayed. To save time, business executives often select airport hotels for meetings or conferences. Once the plane lands, the hotel is only minutes away. Source: English in Focus for Grade IX Junior High School (SMP/MTs)
Statements: 1. ______ The text talks about hotels in general. 2. ______ People needs hotel for their relatives. 3. ______ During traveling, staying in a hotel is a must. 4. ______ Hotels provide various personal services for certain people. 5. ______ We can hardly find hotels with hundreds of rooms. 6. ______ People may find the advertisements of hotels in newspapers. 7. ______ Business travelers keep downtown hotels survive and prosper. 8. ______ As the pace of jet travel grows, many hotels are built near airports. 9. ______ Business travelers prefer staying at the uptown hotel. 10. ______ Business travelers often choose airport hotels to save time. Jawaban: 1. T 2. F. People need hotels if they travel far from homes. 3. F. Staying in a hotel is optional. It’s not a must. People sometimes need to stay in a hotel when they arrive in cities late at night and they do not have any relatives there. 4. F. Hotels provide various personal services for the public. 5. F. Hotels with hundreds of rooms are common which means we can easily find them. 6. T 7. T 8. T 9. F. Business travelers prefer stay at the downtown hotel because they wish to stay close to the offices or industrial plants they plan to visit and the location of the airport is close to the hotels. 10. T
UNIT 1 Report
Rearrange the paragraphs into a proper text. Then, identify its text structure.
Teks yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban: 4
Raised platforms are usually present to allow passengers to access trains easily and safely. Platforms may be connected by subways, footbridges or level crossings. Passenger facilities such as shelter, ticket sales and benches can be found on the platforms or in the station’s public buildings.
A train station, railway station, railroad station or station yard is a facility at which passengers may board and alight from trains and/or rail-transported freight may be loaded or unloaded.
Dual purpose stations can sometimes still be found today; though, in many cases goods facilities are restricted to major stations. Stations are sited either next to a railway line or at the end of one.
A train station usually consists of at least one building for passengers (and possibly freight) plus other installations associated with the functioning of the railway or railroad. A small station with few facilities and/or limited use may be known as a “halt” in U.K. usage, or in U.S. usage a “stop”. “Train station” has only been in relatively recent usage in Great Britain and Australia, with the older term “railway station” normally being used. Adapted from: (January 7, 2009)
Jawaban: General Classification
A train station, railway station, railroad station or station yard is a facility at which passengers may board and alight from trains and/or rail-transported freight may be loaded or unloaded.
A train station usually consists of at least one building for passengers (and possibly freight) plus other installations associated with the functioning of the railway or railroad. A small station with few facilities and/or limited use may be known as a “halt” in U.K. usage, or in U.S. usage a “stop”. “Train station” has only been in relatively recent usage in Great Britain and Australia, with the older term “railway station” normally being used. Dual purpose stations can sometimes still be found today; though, in many cases goods facilities are restricted to major stations. Stations are sited either next to a railway line or at the end of one. Raised platforms are usually present to allow passengers to access trains easily and safely. Platforms may be connected by subways, footbridges, or level crossings. Passenger facilities such as shelter, ticket sales and benches can be found on the platforms or in the station’s public buildings.
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Variasi: A. Rearange the sentences into a proper text. Kalimat-kalimat yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban: The back rooms of a post office are where mail is processed for delivery. Mails may also 4 be processed in other post offices that are not open to the general public. 2
Post offices offer mail-related services such as post office boxes, postage and packaging supplies.
In addition, some post offices offer non-postal services such as passport applications and other government forms, money orders and banking services.
A post office is a facility authorized by a postal system for the posting, receipt, sorting, handling, transmission or delivery of mails. Source: (January 7, 2009)
Complete the statements based on the text.
1. The text is about ________. 2. Basically, a post office offers mail-related services such as ________. 3. Some post offices offer non-postal services such as ________. 4. Mails are usually processed for delivery in ________. 5. Mails may also be processed ________. It means that are not open to the general public. Jawaban: 1. post offices in general 2. post office boxes, postage and packaging supplies 3. passport applications and other government forms, money orders and banking services 4. the back rooms of a post office 5. privately
Read the text. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.
Zoo (also known as zoological garden or zoological park) institution devoted to the exhibition, preservation and study of animals. Although most people visit zoos for entertainment, zoos also educate the public about animal behavior, natural habitats and the plight of animals in danger of extinction. Zoos play a role in the conservation of threatened or endangered animals by developing innovative breeding programs to maintain populations of species that are in decline. Zoos also conduct a scientific research on animal diseases, nutrition, reproduction and behavior. Zoos employ several kinds of workers to care for animals. Zoologists (scientists who study animals) arrange captive breeding
UNIT 1 Report
programs and make decisions about the types of species put on public display and the housing conditions they need while veterinarians are concerned with animal health. Zookeepers tend to the day-to-day welfare of the animals in their charge, including feeding and grooming animals and maintaining enclosures. They often deal with questions from visitors. All of these positions require at least a bachelor’s degree in biology, zoology or another animal-related field, as well as first-hand experience with animals. Source: Zoo.html (January 7, 2009)
What is the text about? A. Zoos in general. B. Animal behavior. C. Endangered animals. D. Zoo workers.
Jawaban: A Secara keseluruhan teks tersebut menjelaskan kebun binatang secara umum (zoos in general). Dalam teks tersebut dijelaskan pengertian kebun binatang, tujuan dibangunnya kebun binatang, serta orang-orang yang bekerja di kebun binatang. 2.
Zoo is devoted to the following, except ________. A. the exhibition of animals B. the study of animals C. the preservation of animals D. the trading of animals Jawaban: D Pilihan jawaban tersebut disimpulkan dari kalimat pertama paragraf satu ”. . . devoted to the exhibition, preservation and study of animals.”. Jadi, yang bukan tujuan kebun binatang adalah (D) yang artinya perdagangan hewan. “Zookeepers tend to the day-to-day welfare of the animals in their charge, . . . .” The underlined word can be best replaced by ________. A. understanding B. responsibility C. acknowledgement D. knowledge Jawaban: B Kata ’charge’ artinya ’tanggung jawab’. Kata ini memiliki arti yang sama dengan kata responsibility, yaitu tanggung jawab. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena
bermakna berbeda. Understanding artinya pemahaman, acknowledgement artinya pengakuan, dan knowledge artinya pengetahuan. 4.
“They often deal with questions from visitors.” (Paragraph 2) What does the underlined word refer to? A. Visitors. B. Veterinarians. C. Zookeepers. D. Zoologists. Jawaban: C Pronoun ’they’ mengacu pada subjek/ pelaku, yaitu zookeepers, yang disebutkan dalam kalimat sebelumnya, yaitu ”Zookeepers tend to . . . .”.
zoologists–veterinarians–workers–but– 1
zoo–only–are–also–not 5
The correct arrangement of the jumbled words is ________. A. 1–2–3–7–9–6–5–4–8 B. 5–2–1–9–6–7–4–8–3 C. 5–3–1–9–6–7–4–8–2 D. 5–3–7–9–6–1–4–8–2 Jawaban: D Sesuai dengan konteks dan tata bahasa yang benar, susunan kalimat yang tepat adalah ”Zoo workers are not only zoologists but also veterinarians.” yang artinya ”Petugas kebun binatang tidak hanya ahli dalam ilmu hewan, tetapi juga dokter hewan.”.
Read the text. Rewrite it using your own words. Floating Markets
On a floating market hundreds of boats gather to form a place of trading activities. Both buyers and sellers conduct transactions on their boats. The markets are situated in big rivers, such as Musi River in Palembang (Indonesia), Mekhong River in Thailand and some in Vietnam. The markets meet all day long, but are at their most noisy and busy in the morning. There are thousands of small boats full of agricultural products, mostly fruits and vegetables. Some boats have roofs, some do not. Commonly, the signal to buy is whistling or waving hand.
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Contoh jawaban: Floating market is a place where trading activities on boats are gathered. Not only sellers but also buyers conduct transaction on their boats. Floating markets can usually be found in big rivers like Musi River in Palembang (Indonesia), Mekhong River in Thailand and some in Vietnam. Although it lasts for a day long, it is very crowded in the morning. Thousands of boats full of agricultural products, mostly fruits and vegetables, are there. Some of them have roofs, some don’t. For trading, the buyers give a sign to the sellers by whistling or waving hand. B.
Combine the sentences using not only . . . but also . . . and both . . . and . . . .
Example: I sell bed sheets. I sell bed covers. o I sell not only bed sheets but also bed covers. o I sell both bed sheets and bed covers. 1.
Tania is beautiful. Tania is smart. Delia buys books. Delia buys clothes. Anton likes football. Anton likes baseball.
2. 3.
4. 5.
Mr. Evan is wise. Mr. Evan is humble. We are satisfied. We are delightful.
Jawaban: 1. Tania is not only beautiful but also smart. Tania is both beautiful and smart. 2. Delia buys not only books but also clothes. Delia buys both books and clothes. 3. Anton likes not only football but also baseball. Anton likes both football and baseball. 4. Mr. Evan are not only wise but also humble. Mr. Evan are both wise and humble. 5. We are not only satisfied but also delightful. We are both satisfied and delightful. Variasi: Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, guru dapat memberi tambahan soal sebagai berikut. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
You hate rats. You hate cockroaches. Teddy is lazy. Teddy is grouchy. The man is tall. The man is big. The girl is reading a magazine. The girl is listening to music. The boy eats pizza. The boy drinks avocado juice.
UNIT 1 Report
6. You speak loudly. You speak clearly. 7. Dede sleeps soundly. Dede sleeps peacefully. 8. The girls run. The girls scream. 9. Mandy swims. Mandy dives. 10. I like cake. I like pudding.
Jawaban: 1. You hate not only rats but also cockroaches. You hate both rats and cockroaches. 2. Teddy is not only lazy but also grouchy. Teddy is both lazy and grouchy. 3. The man is not only tall but also big. The man is both tall and big. 4. The girl is not only reading a magazine but also listening to music. The girl is both reading a magazine and listening to music. 5. The boy not only eats pizza but also drinks avocado juice. The boy both eats pizza and drinks avocado juice. C.
6. You speak not only loudly but also clearly. You speak both loudly and clearly. 7. Dede sleeps not only soundly but also peacefully. Dede sleeps both soundly and peacefully. 8. The girls not only run but also scream. The girls both run and scream. 9. Mandy not only swims but also dives. Mandy both swims and dives. 10. I like not only cake but also pudding. I like both cake and pudding.
Look at the things around you. Compare their condition(s) now to their previous condition(s). Use comparative or superlative degrees.
Example: The street in front of my school is more crowded today than it was yesterday. Contoh jawaban: 1. SMP Harapan Jaya is 200 meters larger now than it was two years ago. 2. My neighborhood is more crowded now that it was last year. 3. My school library is the best in town. 4. Ms. Kartini’s grocery is the cheapest among all. 5. Flamboyan park is the most favorite place in my town. D.
Create a report text based on the picture. It is about town squares. Use facts and avoid opinions.
Contoh jawaban: Town Squares
Picture source: http://www.Prague old town square
A town square is an open area which is commonly found in the heart of a traditional town. It is usually used for community gatherings. Other names for town square are civic center, city square, urban square, market square, public square, plaza (from Spanish), piazza (from Italian) and place (from French).
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Most town squares are suitable for open markets, music concerts, political rallies and other events that require firm ground. Being centrally located, town squares are usually surrounded by small shops such as bakeries, meat markets, cheese stores and clothing stores. At their center is often a fountain, well, monument or statue. Many of those with fountains are actually named Fountain Square. Source: (January 3, 2009)
1.3 Short Functional Texts: Announcements and Notices
Spoken Text Read the text and study the explanation. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. We are delighted to welcome you aboard T-journey Airways. Please ensure that your seat belt is fastened. We’re going to take off in ten minutes. Please enjoy your flight. Thank you. The text above is a spoken announcement. It is stated publicly. It usually starts with an expressions of gaining attention or salutation and sometimes ends with an expression of thanking. It gives people information or news. It is usually short so that people can remember easily what it is about. There are many other kinds of announcements such as graduation, wedding, birth, death (obituary), ads announcement, etc. The announcement contents depend on the events and the announcer’s purpose. It can be commercial or non-commercial.
Written Text Read the text and study the explanation. Turn off the lamp before leaving the room
The text above is a notice. It functions to give information, instruction or warning for people. It is usually short and clear.
UNIT 1 Report
Answer the questions orally. 1. 2. 3.
What picture is it? Contoh jawaban: It is a picture of a beach with rough wave. Have you been to a place like that? Contoh jawaban: Yes, I have been there three times. What do you think about the wave in the picture? How do you feel about it? Contoh jawaban: I think the wave is rough enough. It scares me and is annoying that I can’t play close to the sea. Have you ever heard any announcement in that place? What was it about? Picture source: Contoh jawaban: Yes, I have. It was a warning not to swim in the sea. Have you ever read any notice in that place? What was it about? Contoh jawaban: Yes, I have. It was “Do not swim.”
Listen to your teacher. Complete the text based on what you have heard.
Teks yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban: (1) Attention to Surya Rahadi from Suka Maju. You are (2) expected to come to the (3) information center in the (4) first floor, next to (5) the elevator. Your mother is waiting for you. Thank you. B.
Listen to your teacher. Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).
Teks yang dibacakan guru: Attention, please. The Argo Lawu train from Jakarta to Solo will arrive half an hour late due to flooding in Jakarta. And it will depart an hour late as scheduled. To all passengers, we apologize for this inconvenience. Thank you. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
______ ______ ______ ______ ______
We may hear the announcement in a railway station. The train from Jakarta to Solo will be 15 minutes late. The train will come late because of technical problems. The late of the train is a nuisance for its passengers. The departure of a train may affect its arrival.
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Jawaban: 1. T 2. F. The train will be half an hour (30 minutes) late. 3. F. The train will come late because of flooding in Jakarta. 4. T 5. T C.
Listen to your teacher. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.
Teks yang dibacakan guru: Good afternoon, everybody. Welcome to Buena Cinema. The movie will start in some minutes. The light will be turned off soon. You are not allowed to do any forms of pirating and disturb others. Please have a seat and enjoy the show. Thanks for your cooperation. 1.
We may hear the announcement ________ the movie begins. A. when B. during C. after D. before Jawaban: D Pilihan jawaban tersebut disimpulkan dari kalimat ”The movie will start in some minutes.” yang artinya ”Film akan dimulai beberapa menit lagi.”. Jadi, pengumuman tersebut diperdengarkan sebelum (before) film dimulai. Which one is allowed to do in the cinema? A. Watch the show. B. Do piracy. C. Take pictures. D. Disturb others. Jawaban: A Pilihan jawaban tersebut disimpulkan dari kalimat ”Please have a seat and enjoy the show.”. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena merupakan hal yang dilarang.
UNIT 1 Report
The announcement is for ________. A. people in general B. the cinema’s owner C. the movie’s goers D. people around the cinema building Jawaban: C Pengumuman tersebut diperdengarkan di gedung bioskop. Oleh karena itu, pengumuman tersebut ditujukan kepada para penonton film (the movie’s goers).
“The movie will start in some minutes.” The underlined word has a similar meaning to ________. A. end B. begin C. finish D. continue Jawaban: B Kata ’start’ memiliki arti sama dengan kata ’begin’, yaitu mulai. End dan finish artinya berakhir/selesai, sedangkan continue artinya bersambung, berkelanjutan.
The light is ________ when the movie starts. A. turned off B. turned on C. turned back D. turned left Jawaban: A Pilihan jawaban tersebut sesuai dengan kalimat ”The light will be turned off soon.”.
Listen to your teacher. Complete the text based on what you have heard.
Teks yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban: Attention to all students of SMP Merdeka. Your (1) buses will leave in about (2) fifteen minutes. For those who are still inside (3) the museum, you are expected to go back to the buses in (4) the parking lot soon. All teachers and the (5) bus crew are waiting. For all (6) group captains, please do (7) check up your members. If you (8) have lost any of them, (9) contact your teachers or the (10) tour guides. Thank you. B.
Read the complete announcement in Task A. Answer the questions orally.
1. What is the text about? Jawaban: It’s about an announcement for the students of SMP Merdeka to go back to their buses soon. 2. Whom is the announcement for? Jawaban: All students of SMP Merdeka. 3. When will the buses leave? Jawaban: In about fifteen minutes. 4. Where are the buses? Jawaban: In the parking lot. 5. Where are the students now? Jawaban: In the museum. 6. Who are waiting for the students in the buses? Jawaban: The teachers and the bus crew. 7. What should the group captains do after they have heard the announcement? Jawaban: Check up their members. 8. Whom should the group captains contact if they have lost their members? Jawaban: The teachers or the tour guides. 9. In what occasion do you think you can hear such an announcement? Jawaban: In a study tour. 10. Who do you think tells the announcement? Jawaban: One of the teachers or the tour leaders. C.
Retell the announcement in Task A using your own words.
Contoh jawaban: Attention, please. To all students of Merdeka Junior High School, please go back to your buses in the parking lot now. The time for visiting the museum is almost out. You will leave this place in fifteen minutes. All teachers and the bus crew are waiting for you. For the group captains, check your members. Please tell your teachers or the tour guides if you have lost your members. Thank you.
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
What announcement have you heard recently? Retell it using your own words.
Contoh jawaban: I heard an announcement when I was in a mall. Here is the announcement. “Welcome to our clothing department. Get some free coupons. Today we offer a 50% sale for some products with yellow labels. Enjoy the discount. Own your branded clothing with relatively low prices. This discount is until August the thirty-first. Also get an opportunity of winning fifty million rupiah. So, don’t miss it.”
Where do you usually find each notice below? Match each notice with the suitable picture.
Don’t feed the animals
Be silent. Exam in progress
UNIT 1 Report
Organics only Turn left, go ahead
Jawaban: 1. c 3. d 5. a
2. 4.
e b
Match the notices with their correct meanings in the box.
a. b. c. d. e. 1.
It is not safe for children. We can’t enter the room unless we are the employees. We can’t pass through the area. The high voltage is dangerous for us. We had better not to get close to the area. Vehicles should move slowly in the area. Because it is the school zone and some times there are many students crossing the street. 2.
Staff only
Keep out of the reach of children 5.
Slowly please. School zone
Jawaban: 1. b
2. a
3. d
Danger! High Voltage!
No trespassing
4. e
5. c
Variasi: Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, guru dapat memberikan tambahan soal lain. a. b. c. d. e. 1. 4.
We can only throw non-organic waste into the garbage can. We can’t throw garbage improperly. We should be aware with the substance since it is poisonous. We should not touch the chair because of wet paint. Smoking is strictly forbidden in the area.
Wet paint 5.
Non-organic only
Jawaban: 1. b
Don’t litter
Non-smoking area
Dangerous toxic 4.
Rearrange the sentences into proper notices.
1. safety–for–helmet–your–wear. 2. make–don’t–in–noises–room–this. 3. the–turn–off–electricity–before–you–leave–room–the. 4. you–computer–the–shut–down–after–it–use. 5. seat–belt–fasten–your. Jawaban: 1. Wear helmet for your safety. 2. Don’t make noises in this room. 3. Turn off the electricity before you leave the room. 4. Shut down the computer after you use it. 5. Fasten your seat belt.
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Read the situations. Write notices based on them.
1. 2. 3.
There are many pickpockets in the market. Many people do not know about that. The road is slippery. Many people slipped there. Your father bought you a parrot. Unfortunately, your parrot is not friendly to others. Most of the time it pecks people who come to your house. 4. You have decorated a room for your little sister’s birthday party. It is so beautiful and you don’t want anybody to enter and ruin the room before the party is held. 5. You are an animal lover. You join a campaign against the use of products made of endangered animals’ parts of body. Jawaban: 2. 1. Watch out! Slippery road Beware of pickpockets! 3.
Don’t get closer. Aggressive parrot
No entrance
Don’t use products made of endangered animals
Variasi: Make notices as many as you can from the words in the box. don’t
the car
out of
out of
the grass
be careful
Contoh jawaban: 1. Don’t make noises. 3. No entrance. 5. Don’t throw rubbish. 7. Be careful! Deep river. 9. Keep out of the area. 11. Adults only. 13. Teenagers only. 15. Be careful! Heavy package.
UNIT 1 Report
2. 4. 6. 8. 10. 12. 14.
Keep out of the grass. Don’t drive the car too fast. Be careful! Wild animals. Don’t feed the animal. No littering. Children only. Don’t play in the mud.
Go around the town. Find a public facility. Write a report text about the common things of it. What announcement can you hear in such a place? What notice(s) can you find? Share your work with your friend.
Read and memorize the words. Use them whenever you speak English. advance agricultural
: tingkat mahir : berhubungan dengan pertanian aisle : bagian, gang dairy : produk susu atau terbuat dari susu drop off : singgah evolved : berkembang exhibition : pameran fair ground : semacam pasar malam fixed location : lokasi tetap floating market : pasar apung frozen food : makanan beku intelligent : cerdas
intercity litter mud ostrich pick up pickpocket platform public facility reservation ruin simply suit temporarily tourist resort trespass wade
: antarkota : membuang sampah, mengotori : lumpur : burung unta : menjemput : pencopet : peron : fasilitas umum : pemesanan : merusak/menghancurkan : secara sederhana : cocok : sementara : objek wisata : melintas : menyeberang
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Jawaban: B Pilihan jawaban tersebut disimpulkan dari kalimat ”Ms. Laura told me about it yesterday.”. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena tidak sesuai isi percakapan.
Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.
Read the dialog and answer questions 1 to 4. Hanung : There will be an English poem reading contest next month. Angga : Is it confirmed? Hanung : It is. Ms. Laura told me about it yesterday. So, will you join? Angga : I’m not sure. My English pronunciation is not really good. 1. What is the text about? A. Next month class activities. B. A new English teacher. C. An English poem reading contest. D. A pronunciation practice. Jawaban: C Pilihan jawaban tersebut disimpulkan dari kalimat yang diucapkan Hanung, ”There will be an English poem reading contest next month.”. 2. Angga said, “Is it confirmed?” What does the word ‘it’ refer to? A. Information about next month class activities. B. Information about the new English teacher. C. Information about the English poem reading contest. D. Information about the pronunciation practice. Jawaban: C Kata ’it’ merujuk pada informasi mengenai lomba membaca puisi berbahasa Inggris. Hal tersebut disimpulkan dari ungkapan sebelumnya yang diucapkan oleh Hanung, yaitu ”There will be an English poem reading contest next month.”. 3. Who told Hanung about the contest? A. The Principal did. B. Ms. Laura did. C. Angga did. D. Hanung’s friend did.
UNIT 1 Report
4. The contest will be held ________. A. next month B. next week C. last month D. tomorrow Jawaban: A Pilihan jawaban tersebut sesuai dengan kalimat ”There will be an English poem reading contest next month.”. For questions 5 and 6, choose the correct words to complete the dialog. Erni
: Look! My father bought me an electronic dictionary. Andini : (5) ________ about its quality? Erni : I’m quite sure. My sister also has a similar electronic dictionary. Andini : Wow! It can also produce sound. We can imitate the sound to practice the words. (6) ________! I like it. Erni : I know it. That’s why I show you this dictionary to you. 5. A. I can’t tell you B. It’s confirmed C. I don’t think so D. Are you sure Jawaban: D Respons Erni setelah kalimat soal adalah ”I’m quite sure.”. Kalimat tersebut merupakan ungkapan menyatakan kepastian. Jadi, ungkapan yang cocok dengan jawaban tersebut adalah yang menanyakan tentang kepastian, yaitu ”Are you sure?”. 6. A. B. C. D.
What terrible technology What a great gadget How bad it is How terrible
Jawaban: B Dalam percakapan tersebut Andini mengagumi kamus elektronik milik Eni. Dia juga menyatakan bahwa dia menyukainya. Jadi, dapat dipastikan bahwa barang tersebut bagus (What a great gadget!). Look at the pictures and answer questions 7 to 10.
7. Renaldi is _____ than Meisya. A. heavier B. shorter C. higher D. taller Jawaban: D Pada gambar terlihat bahwa Renaldi lebih tinggi daripada Meisya. Karena subjek merupakan orang, kata yang digunakan adalah taller, bukan higher. Heavier artinya lebih berat dan shorter artinya lebih pendek. 8. Kiara is ________ than Meisya and Renaldi. A. taller B. shorter C. higher D. heavier Jawaban: B Pada gambar terlihat bahwa Kiara lebih pendek (shorter) daripada Meisya dan Renaldi. 9. Renaldi is the ________ among all. A. shortest B. taller C. tallest D. shorter Jawaban: C Pada gambar terlihat bahwa Renaldi paling tinggi (the tallest) di antara semuanya. 10. Kiara is the ________ among all. A. shortest B. biggest C. taller D. tallest
Jawaban: A Pada gambar terlihat bahwa Kiara paling pendek (the shortest) di antara semuanya. Read the dialog and answer questions 11 to 13. Ari
: Hi, Desta. How are you today? Have you recovered from your sore throat? Desta : Hi, Ari. Yes, I’m fine. Ari : Anyway, how about our plan to buy a gift for Sita? Can you make it this afternoon? Desta : Sure, I can. What about you? Ari : I have no problem with the time. At 2 o’clock, right? Desta : Yes, it’s confirmed. 11. What is the dialog about? A. An appointment to give a gift. B. An appointment to visit a friend. C. An appointment to buy a gift. D. An appointment to see a doctor. Jawaban: C Pilihan jawaban tersebut sesuai dengan isi percakapan, yaitu Ari dan Desta yang membuat janji membeli hadiah untuk Sita (to buy a gift). Dalam percakapan tersebut, Ari bertanya, ”Anyway, how about our plan to buy a gift for Sita?” dan Desta menjawab, “Sure, I can.”. 12. What did Desta suffer from? A. Influenza. B. Sore throat. C. Cough. D. Fever. Jawaban: B Pilihan jawaban tersebut disimpulkan berdasarkan kalimat Ari, ”Have you recovered from your sore throat?”. 13. Desta said, “Yes, it’s confirmed.” What does it mean? A. He shows his certainty. B. He asks for certainty. C. He shows his amazement. D. He shows his doubt. Jawaban: A Kalimat Desta tersebut merupakan ungkapan menyatakan kepastian (show certainty) bahwa mereka akan membeli hadian untuk Sita.
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Read the text and answer questions 14 and 15. Attention to all visitors, Due to the high tide, you are not allowed to swim in the sea. It’s for your own sake. Thank you. 14. What is the announcement about? A. An advice to walk around the beach. B. A warning not to play in the beach. C. An advice to swim in the sea. D. A warning not to swim in the sea. Jawaban: D Pilihan jawaban (D) disimpulkan dari isi pengumuman yang melarang para pengunjung berenang di laut (a warning not to swim in the sea) karena ombak sedang pasang. 15. What should the visitors do after they have heard the announcement? A. Not swimming in the sea. B. Swimming in the sea. C. Playing around the beach. D. Walking along the beach. Jawaban: A Sesuai dengan isi pengumuman yang melarang para pengunjung berenang di laut karena ombak sedang pasang, mereka sebaiknya tidak berenang di laut. (not swimming in the sea). 16.
Watch out! Slippery road The notice means that ________. A. we are not allowed to pass the road B. we should walk quickly C. it’s safe to walk hurriedly D. we should walk carefully Jawaban: D Notice tersebut artinya ”Hati-hati! Jalan licin”. Jadi, dapat disimpulkan maksud dari notice tersebut adalah kita sebaiknya berjalan dengan hati-hati (walk carefully).
Read the dialog and answer questions 17 and 18. A concert hall is a cultural building, which serves as a performance scene, chiefly for classical instrumental music. 78
UNIT 1 Report
Many concert halls exist as one of several halls or performance spaces within a larger performing arts center and, where appropriate, the name of the arts center is included. Many larger cities have both public and private concert halls. Particularly, in smaller cities with fewer alternative venues, concert halls may also be used to accommodate other activities, from rock concerts to university graduation ceremonies, in addition to their primary purpose. Source: (January 19, 2008)
17. What is the text about? A. A performing arts center. B. A concert hall in general. C. A performance scene in general. D. Classical instrumental music. Jawaban B Pilihan jawaban (B) benar karena sesuai dengan kalimat dalam paragraf pertama yang menjelaskan concert hall secara umum. 18. A concert hall serves as a performance scene, chiefly for ________. A. a rock concert B. a graduation ceremony C. classical instrumental music D. a pop concert Jawaban: C Pilihan jawaban (C) disimpulkan dari paragraf satu, yaitu ”A concert hall is . . ., which serves as a performance scene, chiefly for classical instrumental music.”. 19. is–Widuri–only–beautiful–not–but–smart– 1
also 8
The correct arrangement of the jumbled words is ________. A. 1–2–5–3–4–6–8–7 B. 2–1–3–5–4–6–8–7 C. 2–1–5–3–4–6–8–7 D. 2–5–1–3–4–6–8–7 Jawaban: C Susunan kalimat yang baik adalah Widuri is not only beautiful but also smart yang artinya Widuri bukan hanya cantik tetapi juga cerdas.
20. bought–Radit–new–both–and–trousers– 1
jacket–a 7
The correct arrangement of the jumbled words is ________. A. 2–1–3–4–6–5–8–7 B. 2–1–4–3–6–5–8–7 C. 2–1–5–3–6–3–8–7 D. 4–2–1–3–6–5–8–7 Jawaban: B Susunan kalimat yang baik adalah Radit bought both new trousers and a jacket yang artinya Radit membeli celana panjang dan jaket. B.
Read the text and answer the questions.
A street is a public thoroughfare in the built environment. It is a public parcel of land adjoining buildings in an urban context, on which people may freely assemble, interact and move about. A street can be as simple as a level patch of dirt, but is more often paved with a hard, durable surface such as concrete, cobblestone or brick. Portions may also be smoothed with asphalt, embedded with rails, or otherwise prepared to accommodate non-pedestrian traffic. C.
Originally, the word ‘street’ simply means a paved road (Latin: ‘via strata’). The word ‘street’ is still sometimes used colloquially as a synonym for ‘road’. City residents and urban planners draw a fundamental modern distinction between roads and streets. A road’s main function is transportation, while streets facilitate public interaction. Streets include pedestrian streets, alleys and city-center streets that are too crowded for road vehicles to pass. Conversely, highways and motorways are types of roads, but few would refer to them as streets. Adapted from: (January 19, 2008)
Questions: 1. What is the text about? 2. What is the main idea of paragraf one? 3. What is the main idea of paragraf two? 4. What is the main idea of paragraf three? 5. What is the definition of a street in general? Jawaban: 1. It is about streets in general. 2. The definition of a street in general. 3. The forms of a street. 4. The distinction between roads and streets. 5. It is a public thoroughfare in the built environment on which people may freely assemble, interact and move about.
Identify the structure of the text in Task B.
Jawaban: General Classification
A street is a public thoroughfare in the built environment. It is a public parcel of land adjoining buildings in an urban context, on which people may freely assemble, interact and move about.
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
A street can be as simple as a level patch of dirt, but is more often paved with a hard, durable surface such as concrete, cobblestone or brick. Portions may also be smoothed with asphalt, embedded with rails, or otherwise prepared to accommodate non-pedestrian traffic. Originally, the word ‘street’ simply means a paved road (Latin: ‘via strata’). The word ‘street’ is still sometimes used colloquially as a synonym for ‘road’. City residents and urban planners draw a fundamental modern distinction between roads and streets. A road’s main function is transportation, while streets facilitate public interaction. Streets include pedestrian streets, alleys and city-center streets that are too crowded for road vehicles to pass. Conversely, highways and motorways are types of roads, but few would refer to them as streets.
Rearrange the sentences into a proper text.
Kalimat-kalimat yang diacak dan jawaban: 3
They typically offer enough floor area to accommodate several thousand attendance.
A convention center, in American English, is an exhibition hall, or conference center, that is designed to hold a convention. It is not uncommon for large resort area hotels to include a convention center.
They also rent space for meetings such as: corporate conferences, industry trade shows, formal dances entertainment spectacles and concerts. Convention centers are typically large, vast public buildings with enough open space to host public and private business and social events for their surrounding municipal and metropolitan areas. Adaptep from: (January 19, 2008)
Decide whether the statements below are frue (T) or false (F) based on the text.
Ladies and gentlemen, Here, in this cultural section, we have a collection of Dayak Bidayuh’s crafts. These crafts have distinctive characteristics in their patterns. The characteristics set them apart from crafts made by other tribes. Now, we can continue this tour to the next section.
UNIT 1 Report
Statements: 1. ______ The announcement is about a collection of Dayak Bidayuh’s crafts. 2. ______ The crafts are different from other tribes’ crafts in their shapes. 3. ______ Dayak Bidayuh tribe usually imitates other tribe’s craft. 4. ______ The announcement is not only for female visitors but also for male visitors. 5. ______ We can hear the announcement when we have a tour. Jawaban: 1. T 2. F. The crafts are different with other tribes’ crafts in their patterns. 3. F. Dayak Bidayuh tribe creates crafts that have distinctive characteristics in their patterns. 4. T 5. T
Kegiatan pembelajaran untuk Review Unit 1: ● Guru perlu mengetahui atau mengukur ketercapaian kompetensi pada Unit 1. Bagian ini bisa dijadikan model. Selain model ini, guru dapat memberikan soal listening. ● Guru menggandakan soal berikut ini sesuai jumlah siswa. ● Guru membagikan soal dan memberitahukan waktu yang disediakan untuk mengerjakan soal tersebut. ● Siswa disuruh mengerjakan semua soal di kertas soal. Mereka disuruh menuliskan nama dan nomor absensi kelas di pojok kanan atas. ● Siswa disuruh memeriksa kembali hasil pekerjaan mereka sebelum menyerahkannya kepada guru. ● Setelah waktu yang disediakan habis, siswa disuruh mengumpulkan hasil pekerjaaan mereka kepada guru. ● Guru memeriksa dan memberi nilai, serta mengembalikan hasil pekerjaan siswa pada pertemuan berikutnya.
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.
Tri : Are you sure? Feri : (6) ________. I’ve read an article about this mountain.
Read the dialog and answer questions 1 and 2.
5. A. C.
Silly Awful
B. D.
Ridiculous Fabulous
6. A. C.
No, thanks Doubtfully
B. D.
Absolutely You’re welcome
: What if Celine Dion were here, in our classroom, and taught us how to sing? Juwita : Marvelous! It would be great! Artin : Are you sure you could follow her lesson? Juwita : I’m sure that I could be a good singer in several months. 1. Juwita said, “Marvelous!” What does she express? A. Amazement. B. Certainty. C. Sympathy. D. Gratitude. 2. Where does the dialog take place? A. On the street. B. In Artin’s house. C. In Juwita’s house. D. In the classroom. Read the dialog and answer questions 3 and 4. Wawan : It’s cloudy again. You’d better bring your umbrella. Lani : Don’t worry. It’s in my bag. Wawan : Are you sure? Why don’t you check it before you leave? Just for sure. Lani : I’m positive. I put it in my bag five minutes ago. 3. What should Lani bring before leaving? A. A hand bag. B. A watch. C. An umbrella. D. A backpack. 4. What is the dialog about? A. Lani’s gratitude to Wawan. B. Wawan’s suggestion to Lani. C. Lani’s suggestion to Wawan. D. Wawan’s order to Lani. For questions 5 and 6, choose the correct expressions to complete the dialog. Feri : What do you think about this mountain? Tri : (5) ________! What a high mountain! Feri : Yes, it is. Do you know it’s about 3,500 meters high? 82
UNIT 1 Report
Read the dialog and answer questions 7 and 8. Dadang : Did you do the test very well, Sari? Sari : Certainly. I think I can get a good mark, eighty at least. Dadang : I think the test was difficult. Are you certain about it? Sari : Absolutely. I have studied the test materials since last week. I’m sure that I will get a good mark. Dadang : What a diligent girl! I should have studied too. 7. What is the dialog about? A. A test. B. Sari’s bad mark. C. Dadang’s good mark. D. A plan to study for the test. 8. Who is certain about getting a good mark in the test? A. Sari is. B. Dadang is. C. Sari’s classmate is. D. Dadang’s classmate is. Read the dialog and answer questions 9 and 10. Dila : Hi, Arya! What are you doing? Arya : Hi, Dila! I’m making a robot from disused cans. Ah, now it is finished. Dila : Wow, that’s marvelous! How did you do that? Arya : I made it by following the guidelines in the book on the table next to you. Dila : Well, . . . you’re such a talented boy. You can make a real robot in the future. Arya : Do you think I’m capable of doing it? Dila : It’s possible.
9. What is the robot made of? A. Cans. B. Plastics. C. Steel. D. Iron. 10. What does Dila think about Arya? A. A marvelous boy. B. A talented boy. C. A diligent boy. D. A lazy boy. For questions 11 to 14, choose the correct words to complete the following text. LAN gaming center is a variation on the Internet cafe business model. It is used for multiplayer gaming. It has several computer (11) ________ connected to a LAN. The (12) ________ computers are customassembled for game (13) ________, supporting popular multiplayer games. This is reducing the need for video arcades and arcade games, many of which are being closed down or merged into Internet (14) ________. The use of Internet cafes for multiplayer gaming is particularly popular in certain areas of Asia like China, Taiwan, South Korea and the Philippines. Adapted from: (January 19, 2008)
11. A. C.
places stations
B. D.
locations scenes
12. A. C.
connecting connectivity
B. D.
connection connected
13. A. C.
played play
B. D.
playing players
14. A. C.
cafes stalls
B. D.
markets kiosks
Read the text and answer questions 15 to 18. A conference hall or conference room is a room provided for singular events such as business conferences. It is commonly found at large hotels and convention centers though many other establishments, including even hospitals, have one. Sometimes, other rooms are modified for large conferences such as arenas or concert halls. Aircraft have been fitted out with conference rooms. Conference rooms can be windowless for security purposes. An example of one such room is in the Pentagon, known as the Tank.
Typically, the facility provides furniture, overhead projectors, stage lighting and sound system. These are arranged for through payment to the facility provided by the host. The number of people attending can vary from a few to over a thousand. Smoking is normally prohibited in conference halls even when other parts of buildings permit smoking. Source: (January 19, 2008)
15. What is the text about? A. A hotel in general. B. A hospital in general. C. A big room in general. D. A conference hall in general. 16. You can find a conference hall in the following places, except ________. A. large hotels B. traditional markets C. hospitals D. convention centers 17. Which one is not typically provided in a conference hall? A. Furniture. B. Overhead projectors. C. Bedrooms. D. Stage lighting. 18. “It is commonly found at large hotels and convention centers . . . .” (Paragraph 1) What does the word ‘it’ refer to? A. A concert hall. B. A convention center. C. A large hospital. D. A conference hall. Read the text and answer questions 19 to 22. Bookstores may be either part of a chain, or local independent bookstores. Bookstores can range in size offering from several hundreds to several hundred thousands of titles. They may be brick-and-mortar stores or Internet only stores or a combination of both. Sizes for the larger bookstores exceed half a million titles. Bookstores often sell other printed matters besides books, such as newspapers and maps; additional product lines may vary enormously, particularly among independent bookstores.
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Colleges and universities often have their own student bookstore on campus that focuses on providing course textbooks and scholarly books, although some on-campus bookstores are owned by large chains. Another common type of bookstore is the used bookstore or second-hand bookstore which buys and sells used and out-of-print books. A range of titles are available in used bookstores, including in print and out of print books. Book collectors tend to frequent used bookstores. Large online bookstores offer used books for sale, too. Individuals wishing to sell their used books using online bookstores agree to terms outlined by the bookstores, like paying the online bookstores a predetermined commission once the books have sold. Source: (January 19, 2008)
19. The text is about ________. A. bookstores in general B. independent bookstores C. used bookstores D. second-hand bookstore 20. What is the main idea of the last paragraph? A. About on-line bookstores. B. About used bookstores. C. About out-of-print books. D. About in print books. 21. Where does a book collector usually look for books? A. In malls. B. In on-line bookstores. C. In second-hand bookstores. D. In local independent bookstores. 22. Which one is not available in a bookstore? A. Books. B. Maps. C. Toiletries. D. Newspapers. Read the text and answer questions 23 to 25. A bank is an institution that deals in money, substitutes and provides other financial services. It accepts deposits and makes loans. It derives a profit from the difference in the interest rates paid and charged, respectively. Banks are critical to our economy. The primary function of banks is to put their account holders’ money to use by lending it out to
UNIT 1 Report
others who can then use it to buy homes, businesses, send kids to college, etc. When you deposit your money in the bank, your money goes into a big pool of money along with everyone else’s, and your account is credited with the amount of your deposit. When you write checks or make withdrawals, that amount is deducted from your account balance. Interest you earn on your balance is also added to your account. Adapted from: (January 21, 2009)
23. Which of the following is NOT the characteristics of a bank? A. It deals in money. B. It substitutes other financial services. C. It provides financial services. D. It sends kids to college. 24. “It accepts deposits and makes loans.” (Paragraph 1) What does the word ‘it’ refer to? A. A bank. B. An institution. C. A financial service. D. Profit. 25. “Banks are critical to our economy.” (Paragraph 2) The underlined word has a similar meaning to ________. A. dangerous B. important C. stable D. secured Read the text and answer questions 26 to 28. Ladies and gentlemen, The Ramayana ballet will begin soon. Be ready for the spectacular show. Find your own seat and enjoy the dance. Thank you. 26. What is the announcement about? A. A chair for the performance. B. The wrong chair in the performance. C. The Ramayana ballet. D. Watching a spectacular movie. 27. When do you hear the announcement? A. After the show. B. Before the show begins. C. During the show. D. One day before the performance.
28. Whom is the announcement for? A. The performance’s viewers. B. The dance’s performers. C. The performance’s committee. D. The dance’s trainers. 29.
Don’t scratch the book!
C. 1. 2. 3.
Where do you usually find the notice ? A. In a mall. B. In a town park. C. In a hospital. D. In a library. 30.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
NO ICE CREAM! The notice is on the wall of a department store. It means ________. A. we can’t bring ice cream into the store B. we can eat ice cream in the store C. we are not allowed to buy ice cream in the store D. we can’t give ice cream to the shop assistant
Combine the sentences using not only . . . but also . . . . Aldi joins an English course. Aldi joins a computer course. Angelina is slim. Angelina is tall. My mother likes cooking. My mother likes gardening. Agus brings an umbrella. Agus brings a raincoat. Santi can speak French. Santi can speak English.
Combine the sentences by using both . . . and . . . . Linda writes novels. Linda writes poems. Reihan is kind. Reihan is smart. Toni rides his motorcycle fast. Toni rides his motorcycle carefully. Vino buys used mobile phones. Vino sells used mobile phones. My brother has dinner with his fiance. My brother watches movie with his fiance. Make five sentences using comparative or superlative degrees based on the pictures.
Sandra E.
Make a report text based on the pictures. Find some references to support your data.
Picture source:
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
memperoleh nilai minimal delapan (kalimat: ”I think I can get a good mark, eighty at least.”).
Jawaban Review Unit 1 A.
Pilihan Ganda
1. A.
2. D.
Kalimat ”Marvelous!” artinya ”Bagus sekali!” atau ”Mengagumkan!”. Kalimat tersebut digunakan untuk mengungkapkan kekaguman (amazement). Pilihan jawaban tersebut disimpulkan dari ucapan Artin, yaitu ”What if Celine Dion was here, in our classroom . . . .”. Jadi, percakapan tersebut terjadi di ruang kelas (classroom).
3. C.
Pilihan jawaban tersebut disimpulkan dari ucapan Wawan, yaitu ”You’d better bring your umbrella.”.
4. B.
Pilihan jawaban tersebut benar karena sesuai dengan isi percakapan, yaitu saran Wawan untuk Lani agar membawa payung (kalimat ”You’d better bring your umbrella.”).
5. D.
6. B.
Pilihan jawaban tersebut disimpulkan dari kalimat sesudahnya, yaitu ”What a high mountain!”. Dengan kata fabulous, Tri mengungkapkan kekagumannya terhadap gunung yang tinggi. Silly artinya tolol, ridiculous artinya menggelikan, dan awful artinya jelek. Pilihan jawaban tersebut disimpulkan dari kalimat sesudahnya yang menjelaskan bahwa Feri mengetahui tinggi gunung tersebut dari artikel yang telah dibacanya. Jadi, dia merasa yakin mengenai tinggi gunung tersebut. Ungkapan kepastian adalah absolutely.
7. A.
Pilihan jawaban tersebut disimpulkan dari isi percakapan yang membahas seputar tes yang telah dihadapi oleh Dadang dan Sari.
8. A.
Pilihan jawaban tersebut disimpulkan dari jawaban Sari yang menyatakan bahwa dia yakin telah mengerjakan tes dengan baik dan akan
UNIT 1 Report
9. A.
Pilihan jawaban tersebut disimpulkan dari kalimat Arya, ”I’m making a robot from disused cans.”.
10. B.
Pilihan jawaban tersebut disimpulkan dari kalimat Dila, ”Well, . . . you’re such a talented boy. ”.
11. C.
Pilihan jawaban tersebut yang artinya stasiun benar karena sesuai dengan konteks.
12. D.
Pilihan jawaban tersebut yang artinya terhubung, benar karena sesuai dengan konteks. Selain itu, hal tersebut disimpulkan dari kalimat sebelumnya, yaitu ”It has several computer stations connected to a LAN.” .
13. C.
Pilihan jawaban tersebut yang artinya permainan, benar karena sesuai dengan konteks.
14. A.
Pilihan jawaban tersebut yang artinya warung Internet benar karena tempat orang browsing di Internet biasa disebut dengan warung Internet (the Internet cafe).
15. D.
Pilihan jawaban tersebut disimpulkan dari isi paragraf pertama. Selain itu, paragraf selanjutnya merupakan penjelasan atau gagasan pendukung tentang balairung konferensi (conference hall).
16. B.
Pilihan jawaban tersebut benar karena tidak sesuai dengan kalimat kedua paragraf satu, ”It is commonly found at large hotels and convention centers though many other establishments, including even hospitals, have one.” yang artinya ”Balairung konferensi biasa dijumpai di hotel besar dan pusat konfensi meskipun tempat yang lain, termasuk rumah sakit juga memiliki balairung konferensi.”.
25. B.
Kata ’critical’ memiliki arti yang sama dengan ’important’, yaitu penting. Dangerous artinya berbahaya, stable artinya stabil, dan secured artinya aman.
26. C.
Pilihan jawaban tersebut disimpulkan dari isi pengumuman, yaitu bahwa sendratari Ramayana akan segera dimulai.
27. B.
Pilihan tersebut disimpulkan dari keseluruhan isi paragraf, yaitumengenai toko buku secara umum (bookstores in general). Dalam teks tersebut dijelaskan pengertian, ciri-ciri, maupun jenis toko buku.
Pengumuman tersebut terdengar sebelum pertunjukan dimulai, yang disimpulkan dari kalimat ”The Ramayana ballet will begin soon.” yang artinya ”Sendratari Ramayana akan segera mulai.”.
28. A.
Pilihan tersebut disimpulkan dari kalimat ”Another common type of bookstore is the used bookstore or second-hand bookstore . . . .”. Dalam kalimat-kalimat selanjutnya dijelaskan ciri-ciri used bookstore.
Dari kalimat ”Be ready for the spectacular show. Find your own seat.” dapat disimpulkan bahwa yang dimaksud ’ladies and gentlemen’ adalah penonton sendratari tersebut (the dance’s viewers).
29. D.
Arti dari notice tersebut adalah ”Jangan mencoret-coret buku!”. Notice tersebut biasanya terdapat di perpustakaan (a library).
30. A.
Notice tersebut ditempel di pusat perbelanjaan dengan maksud agar pengunjung tidak membawa es krim ke dalam toko, apalagi memakannya (not to bring ice cream into the store).
17. C.
Pilihan jawaban tersebut benar karena tidak sesuai dengan kalimat pertama paragraf tiga, ”Typically, the facility provides furniture, overhead projectors, stage lighting and sound system.”.
18. D.
Kata ganti ’it’ mengacu pada benda yang telah disebutkan dalam kalimat sebelumnya, yaitu a conference hall dalam kalimat ”A conference hall or conference room is a room provided for singular events such as business conferences.”.
19. A.
20. B.
21. C.
Pilihan tersebut sesuai dengan kalimat ketiga paragraf empat, ”Book collectors tend to frequent used bookstores.”. Used bookstore disebut juga second-hand bookstore.
22. C.
Pilihan tersebut disimpulkan dari kalimat pertama paragraf tiga, ”Bookstores often sell other printed matters besides books, such as newspapers and maps; . . . .”. Jadi, yang tidak dijual di toko buku adalah (C).
23. D.
24. A.
Pilihan jawaban tersebut benar karena tidak sesuai dengan kalimat pertama paragraf satu ”A bank is an institution that deals in money, substitutes and provides other financial services.”. Kata ganti ’it’ mengacu pada benda yang disebutkan dalam kalimat sebelumnya, ”A bank is an institution . . . .”, yaitu bank.
Aldi joins not only an English course but also a computer course. Angelina is not only slim but also tall. My mother likes not only cooking but also gardening. Agus brings not only an umbrella but also a raincoat. Santi can speak not only French but also English.
2. 3. 4. 5. C.
1. 2. 3.
Linda writes both novels and poems. Reihan is both kind and smart. Toni rides his motorcycle both fast and carefully.
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
4. 5.
Vino both buys and sells used mobile phones. My brother both has dinner and watches a movie with his fiance.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Sandra is the fattest among all. Sandra is fatter than Tika. Tika is slimmer than Sandra. Arum is the thinnest among all. Arum is thinner than Tika.
E. Esai Contoh jawaban: Hospitals A hospital is the largest and most complex form of medical facility. It deals with patients who need complex diagnostic procedures. Treatment in a hospital is a team effort. The physicians are directly responsible for a patient’s welfare. All of the hospital personnels support the work of the physicians.
UNIT 1 Report
A hospital has many departments in it. They are medical and surgical service, food service, laboratory, scanning and X-ray department, medical records department, pharmacy and rehabilitation department. There are many kinds of hospitals. Acute-care hospitals include primary, secondary and tertiary institutions. The low-technology primary hospitals are located in rural areas. The secondary hospitals provide a greater range of physicians’ skills and modern technology than the primary hospitals. Meanwhile, the tertiary hospitals provide the latest medical equipment. Other types of hospitals are specialty hospitals. They admit only those patients who fit a restricted group of diagnoses. Psychiatric hospitals are the most numerous specialty hospitals. They have the largest patient population. Source: Detik-Detik Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP/MTs
Objectives: At the end of this unit you will be able to: 1. show your doubt, 2. show your attention, 3. create short functional texts (spoken warnings), 4. tell procedures on how to make or do something using spoken English, 5. write short functional texts (labels), 6. write procedural texts, and 7. use subordinating conjunctions, coordinating conjunctions and conditional sentences type 1.
Do you ever notice texts about cooking recipes or paper-folding? If you do, you will see that those texts mention ingredients (for recipes) or materials (for paper-folding) and some steps or methods about how to make or do it. So, what type of text are they? The answer is procedural texts. In this unit you will learn more about a procedural text.
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
2.1 Expressions
Showing and Responding to Doubt Read the dialog and understand the expressions. Do you have a cheaper gas stove than this one? Yes. But, I doubt its quality.
The sentence “I doubt its quality.” is an expression of showing doubt. We show our doubt when we are not sure about something. Here are some expressions of showing doubt and the responses.
Showing Doubt
I doubt about this information. I doubt that I can answer all questions. I am not sure/certain that this is the right track. Um . . . I am not really sure/certain about the news. I’m not sure if this is the right way.
You’d better confirm it. Don’t be pessimistic. Neither am I. Why don’t you try to get the truth? So, which way should we take?
UNIT 2 Procedure
Showing Attention Read the dialog and understand the expressions. What happened to you? You look so sad. Poor you. But don’t worry. There are still many chances to improve it.
Um . . . I’ve got a bad mark in the math test.
I hope so. Thanks.
The sentence “Poor you.” is an expression of showing attention. Here are some other expressions of showing attention and the responses. Showing Attention O, gosh! How did it happen? What’s the matter? I’m listening. You look sad. What happened? Hope you will be better soon.
Responding Well, it was my own fault. I’ll tell you later. Thanks for your attention. I lost my wallet/mobile phone. Thanks.
Remember Unit 1, and then answer the questions below. 1. 2.
What expressions have you learned in Unit 1? Jawaban: Expressions of asking for and giving certainty and showing amazement. Suppose you have an appointment with your friend to go to the mall this evening. You ask his/ her certainty about it. What would you say? Contoh jawaban: I would say, “Are you certain about going to the mall this evening?” Suppose you and your friend are in an exhibition. You are amazed at the beauty of the paintings there. What would you say? Contoh jawaban: I would say, “Wow! What beautiful paintings!”
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Listen to your teacher. Write down the expressions you have heard.
Ungkapan-ungkapan yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban: 1. You look great wearing that coat! 2. Um . . . I have to think more about it. 3. Don’t cry, dear. I’ll always be here for you. 4. Please tell me your problem. I’m listening. 5. I’m not sure about the quality of the tape recorder. B.
Listen to your teacher. Fill in the blanks based on the dialog you have heard.
Percakapan yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban: Dewi : Jaka, you look so (1) awful. What’s the matter? Jaka : Ugh . . . I couldn’t (2) sleep well last night. Dewi : Is your mother still (3) feeling unwell? Jaka : Yeah. I had to (4) take care of her last night. Dewi : Good boy. I (5) hope your mother be better soon. Jaka : I hope so, but I (6) doubt it. Dewi : O, come on. Don’t be (7) pessimistic. There’s a hope as long as you pray and do (8) your best. Jaka : You’re right. (9) Thanks, Dewi. Please (10) pray for my mother too. Dewi : I will. Variasi: A. Read the words and find out their meanings. Kata-kata yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban: 1. awful = kacau 2. matter = persoalan 3. doubt = meragukan 4. pessimistic = pesimistik 5. pray = berdoa B. Complete the sentences with the words in Task A. 1. What’s the ________ with your sister? 2. Don’t be ________! You will be successful if you try to do your best. 3. Maya seems ________ after her mother’s death. 4. To make your dreams come true, don’t forget to make efforts and ________ to God. 5. Please don’t ________ the little girl’s ability. She is very talented in music. Jawaban: 1. matter 2. pessimistic 3. awful 4. pray 5. doubt
UNIT 2 Procedure
Listen to your teacher. State whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) based on the dialog you have heard. Correct the false ones.
Percakapan yang dibacakan guru: Andi : Linda, have you finished your craft? Linda : Well, I doubt that I can finish it on time. Andi : Why? Linda : I have tried to make it many times, but I always fail. Andi : O, come on. Never give up. You still have enough time to do it. Linda : But, we have to submit it the day after tomorrow. Andi : What about making it together? I’ll help you. Linda : Will you? O.K. Thanks, Andi. 1. 2. 3.
______ The dialog is about Linda who has not finished her craft. ______ Andi and Linda are brother and sister. ______ Linda said, “Well, I doubt that I can finish it on time.” It means that Linda expresses her certainty. 4. ______ Linda feels that she cannot finish her craft because she has no enough time to finish it. 5. ______ Andi said, “Never give up.” The phrase “give up” means “surrender”. Jawaban: 1. T 2. F. They are classmates because they have to submit their crafts. 3. F. The sentence expresses Linda’s uncertainty/doubt, not her certainty. 4. F. She feels that she cannot finish her craft because she always fails. 5. T D.
Listen to your teacher. Answer the questions based on the dialog you have heard.
Percakapan yang dibacakan guru: Dea : You look so sad, Nia. Is there anything wrong? Nia : You know, I lost my mobile phone. Dea : Where did you lose it? Nia : On my way to school. Dea : Did you get on the bus? Nia : Yeah. Dea : Oh, dear. That’s a pity! You must be more careful next time. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Who are talking in the dialog? Jawaban: Friends (or classmates). Why was Nia sad? Jawaban: Because she lost her mobile phone. Where did it happen? Jawaban: On her way to school. How did Nia go to school? Jawaban: By bus. What did Dea say to show her attention? Jawaban: She said, “You look so sad, Nia. Is there anything wrong?”
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Variasi: Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama guru dapat memberi tambahan soal sebagai berikut. Percakapan yang dibacakan guru: Ical : Will you come to watch the basketball match next Saturday? Iwan : You mean the big match? Ical : Yes. Come on, Iwan! It must be exciting. Iwan : I’d love to, but I’m not sure if I can go. My pen-friend promises to visit me. Sorry. Ical : I see. Well, just let me know if you change your mind. Iwan : I will. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
What are the speakers talking about? Jawaban: To watch a basketball match. Who invites Iwan to see the basketball match? Jawaban: Ical does. When will the match be held? Jawaban: Next Saturday. What did Iwan say to express his doubt? Jawaban: He said, “I’d love to, but I’m not sure if I can go.” Why is Iwan doubtful about watching the match? Jawaban: Because his pen-friend will visit him.
Listen to your teacher. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.
Percakapan yang dibacakan guru: Ferry : Heni, have you heard that we will have an English speech contest next month? Heni : Yes. I have just read the announcement on the school board. Ferry : You will join it, right? Heni : I don’t know. Ferry : But why? Heni : I doubt if I can do it well. Ferry : Why do you say that? I think your English is very good. You speak English fluently. Heni : Do I? Ferry : Yeah. You’re just lack of confidence. Heni : O.K., I’ll think about it.
UNIT 2 Procedure
Who are talking in the dialog? A. Brother and sister. B. Classmates. C. A teacher and a student. D. Two contestants. Jawaban: B Percakapan tersebut merupakan percakapan antara Ferry dan Heni yang membicarakan tentang lomba pidato bahasa Inggris di sekolah mereka. Jadi, dapat dipastikan bahwa mereka berdua adalah teman sekelas (classmates).
Where does the dialog happen? A. At home. B. On the way to school. C. In the park. D. At school. Jawaban: D Dalam percakapan tersebut Heni berkata, ”I have just read the announcement on the school board.” yang artinya ”Saya baru saja membaca pengumuman tentang hal itu di papan sekolah.”. Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa percakapan tersebut terjadi di sekolah (at school).
When will the English speaking contest be held? A. Next week. B. Next month. C. Next three weeks. D. Next two months. Jawaban: B Jawaban dapat disimpulkan berdasarkan kalimat yang diucapkan Ferry, ”Heni, have you heard that we will have an English speech contest next month?” yang artinya ”Heni, sudahkah kamu mendengar bahwa akan ada lomba pidato bahasa Inggris bulan depan?”. Jadi, lomba pidato akan diadakan bulan depan (next month). Heni said, “I doubt if I can do it well.” What does it mean? A. She feels uncertain. B. She asks for certainty. C. She shows her certainty. D. She shows her sympathy. Jawaban: A Kalimat ”I doubt if I can do it well.” artinya ”Saya ragu apakah saya dapat melakukannya dengan baik.”. Kalimat
tersebut merupakan ungkapan untuk menunjukkan keraguan/ketidakyakinan (uncertainty). 5.
The following are Ferry’s opinions about Heni, except ________. A. Heni is good at English B. Heni can speak English fluently C. Heni is an optimistic person D. Heni is lack of confidence Jawaban: C Berdasarkan isi percakapan tersebut diketahui bahwa Heni tidak optimis dengan kemampuannya. Padahal, menurut Ferry, Heni memiliki kemampuan bahasa Inggris yang baik dan dia dapat berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris dengan lancar (kalimat: ”I think your English is very good. You speak English fluently.”). Heni hanya kurang percaya diri (kalimat: ”You’re just lack of confidence.”). Jadi, yang bukan merupakan pendapat Ferry tentang Heni adalah pilihan jawaban (C) yang artinya Heni adalah seorang yang optimis.
Practice the dialogs with your friend.
Dialog 1 Aska : Lyra, what are you doing? Lyra : Aska! You startled me. Well, I was just wondering if we could make our house green. Aska : What do you mean? Lyra : Well, there’s hardly any tree in our house. Aska : You’re right. Lyra : That’s why I want to plant some trees. Aska : Good idea! Lyra : But, I am not sure father will agree with us. Aska : Why do you think so? I’m sure he will agree. Dialog 2 Dion : Vina, why are you crying? What happened, dear? Vina : I fell from my bike. My knee is painful. Dion : Let me see. Vina : Ouch! Don’t touch it! It’s very painful. Dion : O, gosh! Your knee is bleeding. Vina : Yeah. Do you think it is serious? Dion : Don’t worry. I’ll help you. I’ll take iodine and a bandage to stop the bleeding. Vina : Thank you, brother. PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Variasi: A. Answer the questions based on the dialogs in Task A. Dialog 1 1. What is the dialog about? Jawaban: It’s about Lyra’s plan of making her house green by planting some trees. 2. Who are talking in the dialog? Jawaban: They are brother and sister. 3. Where does the dialog happen? Jawaban: At home. 4. Why does Lyra want to plant some trees? Jawaban: Because there’s hardly any trees in her house. 5. Lyra said, “But, I am not sure father will agree with us.” What does it mean? Jawaban: She expresses her doubt. Dialog 2 1. What is the relationship between the speakers? Jawaban: Brother and sister. 2. Who is crying? Jawaban: Vina (Dion’s sister) is. 3. Why does he/she cry? Jawaban: She fell from her bike. 4. How is Vina’s knee? Jawaban: It is painful and bleeding. 5. What will Dion do to help Vina? Jawaban: He will take iodine and a bandage to stop the bleeding. B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Find the words based on their definitions. One dash (_) is for one letter. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = to surprise somebody suddenly _ _ _ _ _ _ = to think about something and try to decide what is true, what will happen, etc. _ _ _ _ _ _ = almost nothing ____ = something that someone intends to do _____ = to have the same opinion with somebody ___ = to produce tears from eyes _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = causing you pain _____ = to put our hands or fingers onto somebody or something _____ = to make ourselves anxious about somebody or something _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = a strip of fabric used for tying around the part of the body that is injured
Jawaban: 1. startle 6. cry B.
2. wonder 7. painful
3. hardly 8. touch
4. plan 9. worry
5. agree 10. bandage
Rearrange the sentences into a proper dialog. Then, practice the proper dialog with your friend.
Kalimat-kalimat acak yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban: Dian : Tania? Where is she? I want to meet her. 3 8
Rendi : O.K. Thanks.
Dian : Er . . . you just add a teaspoonful of sugar. I am not sure that the tea is sweet enough.
UNIT 2 Procedure
Rendi : Well, I am making a glass of tea for Tania.
7 4 1
Dian : Yeah. Please add more sugar.
6 9
Rendi : Do you think so?
Rendi : In the back yard. Dian : Rendi, what are you doing? Dian : You’re welcome.
Variasi: Rearrange the sentences into a proper dialog. Then, practice the proper dialog.
Naura : You’re right.
Afnan : Really? I didn’t hear that. Do you think it will really hit us?
1 4
Naura : Did you hear the weather forecast today? It was said that there would be thunderstorms the following day. Afnan : Right. But just prepare for the worse.
Naura : I doubt it. The sun shines brightly recenty. In pairs, make a dialog based on the guideline. Then, practice the dialog. Student A
Student B
greets and asks student B’s condition.
answers the greeting and says that he/ she is fine.
says that student B looks slimmer, then asks why.
tells that he/she has just recovered from illness. Say that he/she has just got typhoid for some days.
shows his/her sympathy and asks student B’s condition now.
says that he/she is much better.
reminds student B to take care of his/ her health.
says thanks.
Contoh Widya : Neni : Widya : Neni : Widya : Neni : Widya : Neni :
jawaban: Hi, Neni. Long time no see. How are you? Hi, Widya. I’m fine, thanks. But, you look slimmer. What’s the matter? Well, I’ve just recovered from illness. I got typhoid for some days. Poor you. What about your condition now? I’m much better now. You must take care of your health from now on. Sure. Thanks.
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Make dialogs based on the situations below. Then, practice the dialogs.
You ask your sister to accompany you to the Internet café this evening. She doubts that she can accompany you. She has an appointment with her classmate to see their friend in hospital. What would you and your sister say? 2. Your niece looks upset. Give your attention by asking about what has happened to her. What would both of you say? Contoh jawaban: 1. You : Mia, will you accompany me to the Internet café this afternoon? Your sister : I’d love to, but . . . . You : But why? Your sister : I doubt that I can accompany you. I have an appointment with Herry to see my classmate in hospital. You : I see. What about tomorrow? Your sister : All right. I’m free tomorrow afternoon. 2.
You : You look upset. What happened? Your niece : I lost my cat. You : O, gosh! How did it happen? Your niece : I don’t know. Yesterday I went to Grandpa’s house early in the morning. I was so in a hurry that I forgot to feed it. When I came home, I didn’t find it. You : Have you looked for it around the house? Your niece : I have, but I cannot find it. You : Just keep looking for it. I’m sure it doesn’t go far.
Variasi: Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama guru dapat memberi tambahan soal sebagai berikut. 1. One of your friends asks about how to make a password. You’re not sure about it. What would the two of you say? 2. Your friend was absent today. You phoned him/her to ask why he/she was absent. He/she said that he/she was sick. What would the two of you say? Contoh jawaban: 1. Your friend : Is it true that we should choose “Control Panel” after clicking the “Start” button to make a pasword? You : Well, um . . . maybe. I’m not sure. Let us read about it in this book. Your friend : Sure. How is it? You : You’re right. We must choose “Control Panel”. 2.
You Your friend You Your friend You Your friend
UNIT 2 Procedure
: : : : : :
Hello, Beni. Why were you absent today? We miss you. Well, I’ve got a toothache. Poor you. Have you seen the dentist? I have. That’s good. I hope you will be better soon. Thanks.
2.2 Genre
Spoken Text Read the monolog and understand the explanation. Have you ever cooked corn soup? Well, corn soup is a very popular recipe. You know, it’s very simple. You just need 2 cups of corn kernels, 1 tablespoon of soy sauce, chili and garlic sauce, ground white pepper, 5 cups of water, 1 teaspoon of butter, 1 tablespoon of corn flour and some salt to taste. Now, let’s start to make it. Listen to the following instructions. First, boil the water and add corn into it. Cover the vessel and cook it for about 5 minutes. Um . . . when the corns are well cooked, smash some of the corns with a hand blender. Then, make a solution of the corn flour with water. Add this mixture to the boiling soup. Also add the remaining ingredients and bring to a boil. Finally, pour the soup into a bowl and garnish it with fresh ground black pepper. The corn soup is ready. Serve with bread rolls. Easy, isn’t it? Adapted from: (January 11, 2007)
The text above is a procedural text in spoken form. It tells about how to make corn soup step by step. In spoken form or monolog, we usually use some fillers such as well, um . . ., you know, etc.
Written Text Read the text and understand the explanation. Aim/Goal
How to Cook Corn Soup Ingredients: 2 cups corn kernels 1 tbs soy sauce 5 cups water 1 tsp butter 1 tbs corn flour chili and garlic sauce ground white pepper salt
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Steps: 1. Boil the water and add corn kernels into it. 2. Cover the vessel and cook it for 5 minutes. 3. When the corns are well cooked, smash some of the corns with a hand blender. 4. Make a solution of the corn flour with water. 5. Add this mixture to the boiling soup. 6. Also add the remaining ingredients and bring to a boil. 7. Garnish it with fresh ground black pepper. 8. Corn soup is ready. Serve with bread rolls.
Source: (January 11, 2007)
The text above is a procedural text in written form. A procedural text is a text to describe how something is done through a sequence of actions or steps. This text uses the simple present tense and often imperative sentences. It also uses temporal conjunctions, such as first, second, then, next, finally, etc. The structure of the text consists of: ● aim/goal (or title), ● materials or ingredients (optional), ● steps or directions.
Grammar Section Subordinating Conjunctions: Before, After, When, Because Read the dialog and understand the explanation. Will you come to my house this afternoon after school?
Sorry, I can’t come to your house because I have to pick up my little sister.
I see.
Great! I’ll wait.
But, I can come to your house this evening after I do my homework.
The words “because” and “after” are called subordinating conjunctions. Subordinating conjunctions are words that introduce adverb clauses. We use subordinating conjunctions to join dependent clauses with independent (main) clauses.
UNIT 2 Procedure
There are many subordinating conjunctions. Before, after and when are subordinating conjunctions that show time. Meanwhile, because is a subordinating conjunction that shows cause and effect. ● After means later in time. ● Before means earlier than. ● When means at or during the time that. ● Because means for the reason that. Patterns: Subject + verb + . . . + before/after/when/because + subject + verb + . . . . Before/After/When/Because + subject + verb + , + subject + verb + . . . . Examples: 1. I always take a bath after I make my bed in the morning. 2. We can’t understand our teacher’s explanation because he speaks too fast. 3. Before the first class begins, the students usually have a talk outside their classroom. 4. When you called me last night, I was sleeping. Coordinating Conjunctions: And, But, Or Read the dialog and understand the explanation. What do you think of my new jacket?
I think it’s beautiful, but old fashioned.
Perhaps you’re right, but I like it.
The word but is a coordinating conjunction. Coordinating conjunctions are used to connect words or phrases that have the same grammatical function in a sentence. The other coordinating conjunctions are and, or. Here are their functions. ● And is used to connect words of the same part of speech, phrases or clauses. ● But is used to link words that have different or contrasting meanings. ● Or is used to show a choice. Examples: 1. The rich man has many houses and cars. 2. The watch is beautiful but cheap. 3. Do you want to eat fried rice or fried noodles?
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Conditional Sentences Type 1 Read the dialog and understand the explanation. What will you do if you win the contest?
If I win the contest, I will treat you for lunch.
The sentence “If I win the contest, I will treat you for lunch.” is a conditional sentence type 1. Conditional sentences type 1 (or if clauses type 1) are used for talking about possibilities in the present or in the future. Patterns: If + subject + verb base, subject + will + verb base Subject + will + verb base + if + subject + verb base Examples: 1. If you share your problem with me, I will try to help. 2. If I have spare time, I will show you how to make this handicraft. 3. Our headmaster will punish us if we skip school. 4. Cikita and Anita will join the extracurricular activities if they have time.
Remember Unit 1 and then answer the questions below. 1. 2.
What type of the text have you learned in Unit 1? Jawaban: We have learned a report text. What do you know about a report text? Jawaban: A report text describes the way things are, with reference to a range of natural, man-made and social phenomenon in our environment. A report text consists of general classification and description. Can you give an example of a report text? What is it? Contoh jawaban: Yes, I can. For example, butterflies and dolphins.
UNIT 2 Procedure
Listen to your teacher. What does he/she tell you about?
Teks yang dibacakan guru: Hello, everyone. Do you like ice cream? Can you make it yourself? Now, I will tell you how to make banana ice cream. First of all, prepare the ingredients. They are 2 cups of milk, 2 cups of heavy cream, 2 eggs, beaten, 1 1/4 cups of sugar, 1/4 teaspoon of salt, 1 cup of purée bananas, 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract and 1/8 teaspoon of nutmeg. Now, let’s start to make it. First, mix the milk, cream, eggs, sugar and salt in a saucepan. Cook and stir over low heat until the mixture thickens slightly and coats the back of a spoon. Refrigerate the mixture until cool. Combine the cooled custard with the bananas, vanilla and nutmeg. Pour into a freezer container. Freeze according to the manufacturer’s instructions. At last, the banana ice cream is ready to serve. Delicious, isn’t it? Adapted from: (April 1, 2008)
Jawaban: It’s about how to make banana ice cream. Variasi: A. Match the words in column A with their suitable meanings in column B. A
1. ice cream 2. ingredient 3. extract 4. nutmeg 5. saucepan 6. mixture 7. thicken 8. slightly 9. refrigerate 10. custard Jawaban: 1. d 6. g B. 1. 2. 3. 4.
2. l 7. a
a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l.
mengental sari saus manis yang terbuat dari susu, gula, telur, dan tepung, serta disajikan bersama puding atau buah es krim sedikit/tipis pala campuran mendinginkan kacang panci bergagang ampas bahan-bahan 3. b 8. e
4. f 9. h
5. j 10. c
Complete the sentences with the words in Task A. We should ________ the stew with flour. Please add some ________ into the soup to give it strong flavor. My little brother likes to eat chocolate pudding with some ________. We need some cones to put ________.
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
5. This gown is ________ different from that one. This one is longer. 6. Some cosmetic products use the ________ of seaweeds as the main ingredient. 7. Please pour the ________ of flour, yolk, sugar and butter into a container and put it in the oven. 8. Before we start to make a birthday cake, we must prepare the ________ first, such as sugar, flour and eggs. 9. Put the vegetables and spices in the ________ and cook them. 10. Please ________ this meat to keep it fresh. Jawaban: 1. thicken 2. nutmeg 3. custard 4. ice cream 5. slightly 6. extract 7. mixture 8. ingredients 9. saucepan 10. refrigerate B.
State whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) based on the monolog in Task A. Correct the false ones.
1. 2. 3.
______ We need milk and eggs to make banana ice cream. ______ The eggs must be fried or boiled. ______ The first thing we should do is mixing the bananas, vanilla, nutmeg and cream in a saucepan. 4. ______ We should cook and stir the mixture over high heat. 5. ______ We must refrigerate the mixture until it is cool. Jawaban: 1. T 2. F. The eggs must be beaten. 3. F. The first thing we should do is mixing the milk, eggs, sugar, cream and salt in a saucepan. 4. F. We should cook and stir the mixture over low heat. 5. T Variasi: Listen to your teacher and answer the questions. Teks yang dibacakan guru: Hello, guys, do you have a handy cam? You know, we use a handy cam to record an object visually. Can you tell us how to operate it? No one? O.K. I’ll tell you about it. The very first thing, make sure that the batteries are already inserted in the handy cam. Then, switch the power on. Next, open the lens cap. After that, find an object you are going to record on the LCD. If you’ve got the target, push the recording button to begin. Remember, do not shake your hand much. When you have finished, you can check your video recording on the LCD. Easy, isn’t it? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
What is the monolog about? Jawaban: It’s about how to operate a handy cam. What is the function of a handy cam? Jawaban: To record objects visually. What should we do at the first time we want to use a handy cam? Jawaban: We should insert the batteries in the handy cam. What should we avoid while recording something? Jawaban: We shouldn’t shake our hands much. Where can we check our video recording? Jawaban: On the LCD.
UNIT 2 Procedure
Listen to your teacher. Fill in the blanks based on the monolog you have heard.
Teks yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban: Well, making jelly is very (1) simple. You only need one packet of jelly (2) crystals, a 500 ml jug, 250 ml of boiling water, 200 ml of cold water and a bowl. O.K., it’s time to make it. Just follow these (3) directions. Firstly, empty contents of a packet of jelly crystals into the jug. Then, add (4) boiling water. Stir well until crystals (5) dissolve. After that, add the cold water and stir. Pour the mixture into a bowl. Finally, refrigerate until firm. Adapted from: Contextual Teaching and Learning: Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah Pertama Kelas IX Edisi 4
Variasi: Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama guru dapat memberi tambahan soal sebagai berikut. Teks yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban: Well, guys, I have something to tell you. (1) Listen to me, please. Look here! The window glass is (2) dirty. Do you know how to (3) clean it? Right! We can do it using a piece of (4) cloth, but it’s not enough. We need something to make the glass (5) brighter. Guess what! O.K., we need a piece of (6) newspaper and a pile of water. First, (7) make a ball from the newspaper. Then, (8) dip it into the water. After that, (9) scrub the window glass using that wet ball of paper. Do it once again using (10) dry newspaper. Clean it with a piece of dry cloth. You will see the result. The window glass will become clean and shining. Please have a try! D. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Answer the questions based on the monolog in Task C. What is the monolog about? Jawaban: It’s about how to make jelly. What do we need to do it? Jawaban: We need one packet of jelly crystals, a 500 ml jug, 250 ml of boiling water, 200 ml of cold water and a bowl. How many steps do we need to do it? Jawaban: Six steps. Where should we empty contents of a packet of jelly crystals into? Jawaban: We empty them into the jug. How do we stir the jelly crystals? Jawaban: We stir them until they dissolve.
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Listen to your teacher. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.
Teks yang dibacakan guru: Do you have a rice cooker at home? If you have, do you know how to clean it? Now, I’ll tell you how to clean it. First, soak its pan and inner lid in lukewarm water and wash with a sponge. Then, wipe its body with a damp cloth. Do not immerse in water. Remember! Dew collector should be removed and cleaned after every use. Do not use abrasive cleaners or steel wool. Clean with nonmetal brush or sponge.
We should wash the pan with ________. A. a sponge B. an abrasive cleaner C. steel wool D. a metal brush Jawaban: A Di akhir monolog terdengar kalimat ”Clean with nonmetal brush or sponge.” yang artinya ”Bersihkan dengan sikat dari bahan non-logam atau spon.”. Jadi, di antara pilihan jawaban yang ada, benda yang digunakan untuk mencuci panci adalah spon (sponge).
We should remove and clean the dew collector ________. A. before using it B. before cooking C. after using it D. while using it Jawaban: C Kita seharusnya membersihkan tempat pengumpul uap setelah menggunakannya. Hal itu sesuai dengan kalimat ”Dew collector should be removed and cleaned after every use.” yang artinya ”Tempat pengumpul uap air seharusnya diambil dan dibersihkan setelah digunakan.”.
“Do not use abrasive cleaners or steel wool.” The antonym of the underlined word is ________. A. hard B. soft C. rough D. heavy Jawaban: B Kata ’abrasive’ artinya ’kasar’. Kata tersebut memiliki makna yang berlawanan dengan kata soft yang artinya lembut. Hard artinya keras, rough artinya kasar/ tidak rata, dan heavy artinya berat.
Adapted from: Cosmos Jar Warmer Cooker’s Operating Instructions
The text is about ________. A. how to cook rice B. how to cook rice using a rice cooker C. how to clean a rice cooker D. how to take care of a rice cooker Jawaban: C Dalam monolog terdengar kalimat ”Now, I’ll tell you how to clean it.” yang artinya ”Sekarang, saya akan menjelaskan cara membersihkannya.”. Kata ’it’ dalam kalimat tersebut mengacu pada rice cooker (objek dari kalimat sebelumnya, ”Do you have a rice cooker at home?”. Jadi, monolog tersebut menjelaskan tentang cara membersihkan rice cooker (how to clean a rice cooker). We should soak rice cooker’s pan and inner lid in ________ water. A. hot B. cold C. freeze D. warm Jawaban: D Jawaban dapat disimpulkan berdasarkan kalimat ”First, soak its pan and inner lid in lukewarm water . . . .” yang artinya ”Pertama, rendam panci dan tutup bagian dalam di dalam air hangat . . . .”.
UNIT 2 Procedure
Variasi: Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama, guru dapat memberi tambahan soal sebagai berikut. Teks yang dibacakan guru: Do you know pisang goreng or fried banana? Do you like it? Can you make it? Well, making fried banana is very easy. First, you need to buy some good bananas and some frying oil. Then, slice the bananas into thin slices. Next, fry them in very hot oil until they turn brown. If you like, you can sprinkle some sugar on top. Otherwise, roll the bananas in flour before you fry them. Yummy . . . yummy! Very delicious! 1.
What is the purpose of the text? A. To tell an experience. B. To describe something. C. To report about something. D. To tell how to make something. Jawaban: D Teks tersebut mengenai cara membuat pisang goreng. Pilihan jawaban (D) yang artinya untuk menjelaskan cara membuat sesuatu, benar. Pilihan jawaban (A) adalah tujuan teks recount, (B) adalah tujuan teks descriptive, dan (C) adalah tujuan teks report. “Next, fry them in very hot oil until they turn brown.” The word “them” refers to ________. A. hot oil B. frying oil C. banana slices D. fried banana Jawaban: C Yang dimaksud ’them’ dalam kalimat tersebut adalah banana slice. Hal itu
disimpulkan dari kata benda yang telah disebutkan dalam kalimat sebelumnya (”Then, slice the bananas into thin slices.”), yaitu banana slices (irisan pisang). Pilihan jawaban (C) benar. 3.
We should cut the bananas into ________ pieces. A. thick B. thin C. big D. large Jawaban: B Kita seharusnya memotong pisang menjadi potongan-potongan yang tipis (thin). Hal itu sesuai dengan kalimat ”Then, slice the bananas into thin slices.”.
What can we sprinkle on top of the bananas? A. Sauce. B. Sugar. C. Creme. D. Salt. Jawaban: B Jawaban diketahui berdasarkan kalimat ”If you like, you can sprinkle some sugar on top.” yang artinya ”Jika kamu suka, kamu dapat menaburkan gula di atas pisang.”.
“Well, making fried banana is very easy.” The word ‘easy’ has an opposite meaning to ________. A. difficult B. different C. important D. expensive Jawaban: A Soal menanyakan opposite (lawan kata) kata easy. Easy artinya mudah, sehingga lawan katanya adalah difficult yang artinya sulit. Different artinya berbeda, important artinya penting, dan expensive artinya mahal.
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Work in pairs. Deliver a monolog based on the text below. How to Make a Watermelon Basket Carving
Materials: ● one small watermelon ● a carving knife
● ●
a sharp-pointed knife a melon scoop
Steps: 1. Choose an elongated watermelon. 2. Lightly draw a dolphin on the rind of the watermelon with a sharp point. 3. Cut along the lines carefully with the knife, and then gently cut away the rind. 4. With a melon scoop, make the flesh into watermelon balls and set aside in a dish. Remove any remaining flesh so the interior is clean and white. 5. Cut triangles through the rind to represent the eyes, and in the edges, cut notches for the eyelashes. 6. Cut a crescent for the mouth, and then notch the upper border of the rind all around except at the tail. 7. Arrange the watermelon and cantaloupe balls attractively in the dolphin-shaped bowl. Source: (January 16, 2007)
Contoh monolog: Do you like watermelons? Do you know that we can make a watermelon basket carving in many shapes? Alright, let’s make one in the shape of a dolphin. But, you should prepare first one small watermelon, a sharp-pointed knife, a carving knife and a melon scoop. Have you got them all? Very good! Now, listen to the steps of how to make it. First of all, choose a watermelon. You may choose the long one. Then, slightly draw a dolphin on the rind of the watermelon with a sharp point. If you have done, cut along the lines and then cut away the rind. Just do it carefully and gently. Next, make the flesh into watermelon balls using a melon scoop and set aside in a dish. Don’t forget to remove any remaining flesh. After that, cut triangles through the rind to represent the eyes. In the edges, cut notches for the eyelashes. Further, cut a crescent for the mouth, and then notch the upper border of the rind all around except at the tail. Finally, arrange the watermelon and cantaloupe balls interestingly in the dolphin-shaped bowl.
UNIT 2 Procedure
Variasi: A. Read the words and find out their meanings. Then, make sentences using them. Kata-kata yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban: 1. create = membuat, menciptakan 2. engrave = mengukir, memahat 3. form = bentuk 4. tiny = kecil 5. slightly = sedikit/enteng/tipis 6. carefully = dengan hati-hati 7. take away = memindahkan 8. inner = sebelah dalam 9. edge = pinggir 10. interestingly = dengan menarik Contoh jawaban: 1. We can create something unique from pieces of cloth. 2. To engrave an egg shell needs a lot of patience and skill. 3. I will carve this melon in the form of stars. 4. You can’t see bacteria using your naked eyes because it’s very tiny. 5. Slightly I cut the onion into thin slices. 6. Please cross the river carefully and watch your step. 7. Mother wants me to take all my toys away from my room. 8. You need to clean the inner part of the computer from dust regularly. 9. Don’t put the glass on the edge of the table. It may fall down. 10. My little brother watches the sculptor’s work interestingly. B. Find the similar meanings of the words above in the text in Task A. Jawaban: 1. make 2. carve 3. shape 4. small 5. lightly 6. gently 7. remove 8. interior 9. border 10. attractively B.
Deliver a monolog based on the pictures and the words provided. Find any reference if necessary. How to Send E-mail Attachments
● ● ●
open launch compose
● ● ●
icon insert drop-down
● ●
browse hard drive/removable disk
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
● ●
highlight appear
Picture source: 94ATTACH.HTM (March 31, 2008)
Contoh jawaban: Sometimes when you send a message through an e-mail, you want to attach something such as a file or a picture. Actually, it’s not difficult to attach something in your e-mail. I’ll tell you about it. First of all, open your e-mail account, launch a new message window and compose your message. Then, click the ‘attachment’ icon or insert the file by selecting from the drop-down menu. Next, . . . browse your hard drive or removable disks to locate the file you want to attach. Well, click it to highlight the name, then click the ‘Insert’ button. An icon or message should now appear indicating that the file has been attached. Finally, click the ‘Send’ button and off it goes! Easy and quick! Adapted from: (March 31, 2008)
What is your favorite food or drink? Tell your friends how to make it.
Contoh jawaban: Well, my favorite drink is tomato juice. Now, I’ll tell you how to make it. Before making it, please prepare a ripe tomato, ¾ glass of water, sugar, a blender and ice cubes if you like. Now, I’ll show you how to make it. First, slice a ripe tomato into some pieces. Take ¾ glass of water. Then, add sugar as you like. After that, put all of the materials into a blender. Turn on the blender. Add ice cubes if you like. A few minutes later, the tomato juice is ready to drink. What a refreshing drink!
Read the text aloud. Mind your pronunciation and intonation. Homemade Candy
Ingredients: ● powdered sugar ● 1 cup granulated sugar ● 1/2 tsp peppermint oil or other flavor
● ●
1 cup water 1 cup light corn syrup
What to do: 1. Sprinkle a thick coat of powdered sugar on a cookie sheet. 2. Combine the granulated sugar, light corn syrup and water in a heavy saucepan. 110
UNIT 2 Procedure
3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Cook over medium-high heat until the hard-crack stage. (When the candy caramel cracks, then dip into cold water.) Remove from heat. Add the peppermint oil or other flavor. Stir well. Pour onto the cookie sheet. Sprinkle with more powdered sugar. Cut with a knife as soon as cool enough to handle. Source: Scaffolding English for Junior High School Students Grade IX
Identify the structure of the text in Task A.
Jawaban: Aim/Goal
Homemade Candy Ingredients: ● powdered sugar ● 1 cup water ● 1 cup granulated sugar ● 1 cup light corn syrup ● 1/2 tsp peppermint oil or other flavor What to do: 1. Sprinkle a thick coat of powdered sugar on a cookie sheet. 2. Combine the granulated sugar, light corn syrup and water in a heavy saucepan. 3. Cook over medium-high heat until the hard-crack stage. (When the candy caramel cracks, then dip into cold water.) 4. Remove from heat. 5. Add the peppermint oil or other flavor. Stir well. 6. Pour onto the cookie sheet. 7. Sprinkle with more powdered sugar. 8. Cut with a knife as soon as it is cool enough to handle.
State whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) based on the text in Task A. Correct the false one(s).
1. 2. 3. 4.
______ ______ ______ ______
5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______
The text is about how to make a homemade candy. We need crème to make a homemade candy. We should sprinkle a thick coat of powdered sugar on a cookie sheet. We should combine the granulated sugar, light corn syrup and water in a heavy saucepan. The candy is cooked on low heat. When the candy caramel cracks, dip it into warm water. After removing the candy from heat, we add the peppermint oil and stir well. We use peppermint oil as the candy flavor. After pouring the candy onto the cookie sheet, we sprinkle it with more syrup. We cut the candy with a knife when it is still hot.
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Jawaban: 1. T 2. F. We don’t need crème to make it. 3. T 4. T 5. F. It’s cooked over medium-high heat. 6. F. When the candy caramel cracks, dip it into cold water, not warm water. 7. T 8. T 9. F. After pouring the candy onto the cookie sheet, we sprinkle it with more powdered sugar, not syrup. 10. F. We cut the candy with a knife as soon as the candy is cool enough to handle. Variasi: Solve the puzzle below. You may find the answers in the text in Task A. Across 2. Please ________ the flour into the bowl. 4. The old women ________ a stick to help them walk. 6. We ________ the paper into two using scissors. 8. Hydrogen and oxygen ________ to form water. Down 1. I like some foods which use ________ as their main ingredient, such as popcorn or corn soup. 3. You cannot ________ the stain using detergent only. 4. Remember! We must cook the crackers in medium ________. 5. The little boys ________ into the water to look for some money. 6. This glass has a ________ on it. 7. You must ________ the water and the sugar well. Jawaban: Across Down 2. pour 1. corn 4. handle 3. remove 6. cut 4. heat 8. combine 5. dip 6. crack 7. stir
UNIT 2 Procedure
Read the text, and then answer the questions. How to Use a DVD Player for Karaoke Playback
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Connect a microphone to the Mic1 input space on the front of your DVD player. Connect a second microphone to the Mic2 input space if two microphones are desired. Insert the disk you will sing along with into the player, and then select the track to which you will sing. Adjust the Microphone Volume Control dial as needed for the microphone volume. This is located next to the Mic1/Mic2 input. Adjust the Echo dial as needed for the microphone echo volume. This dial is located next to the Microphone Volume Control dial. Locate the Follow button on your remote control. You will find this button immediately below the number keypad on the left side. Use this button to choose the correct partner mode. Remove a voice if needed during VCD playback by pushing Ch/Audio and picking the right channel. During DVD playback, do the same by pushing Ch/Audio and picking the right audio mode. Sing your heart out! Adapted from: (March 29, 2008)
Questions: 1. What is the text about? Jawaban: It is about how to use a DVD player for karaoke playback. 2. What is the purpose of the text? Jawaban: To tell about how to do something step by step. 3. What materials should we prepare for karaoke playback? Jawaban: A DVD player, a microphone and a disk. 4. Where do we connect the first microphone into? Jawaban: We connect the first microphone to the Mic1 input space on the front of the DVD player. 5. What do we do after adjusting the Echo dial for the microphone volume? Jawaban: We locate the Follow button on our remote control. Variasi: A. Read the words below. Find out their meanings. Kata-kata yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban: 1. disconnect = memutuskan (sambungan) 2. output = hasil, produksi 3. desired = diinginkan 4. adjust = menyesuaikan 5. select = memilih 6. button = tombol 7. channel = saluran 8. pull = menarik
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
B. Find the opposite meanings to the following words in the text in Task A. Kata-kata yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban: 1. disconnect >< connect 2. output >< input 3. near >< remote 4. slowly >< immediately 5. above >< below 6. right >< left 7. wrong >< correct 8. pull >< push C.
Complete the sentences with the answers in Task B.
1. Where is the ________ control? I want to change the TV channel. 2. We must ________ the door to open it. 3. Silva will miss the train if she doesn’t go to the station ________. 4. My brother hung the calender ________ the clock. 5. Use a cable to ________ the computer with the electricity socket. Jawaban: 1. remote 2. push 3. immediately 4. below E.
a. f.
Complete the text with the words in the box. Read the complete text aloud. tip finger
b. g.
move difficult
c. h.
thumb second
d. i.
adjust base
e. j.
stable pinching
How to Use Chopsticks Step 1 Place one chopstick in the crook of your (1) ________ and index finger. The chopstick should be at the (2)________ of your thumb. Your thumb should be about ¾ the way down from the broad end of the chopstick. Step 2 Rest the chopstick on your ring finger between ½ way and ¾ the way down the chopstick. The first chopstick should now be very (3) ________ with one end securely between your thumb and index finger and the other end resting on your ring finger. Step 3 Place the (4) ________ chopstick in your hand the way you would hold a pen. It should rest slightly on the tip of your thumb and be held into place with support from your middle (5) ________. Step 4 Use your index and middle fingers to practice moving the (6) ________ of the top chopstick up and down. The bottom chopstick should remain relatively still. As you (7) ________ the top one down the tip should meet up with the tip of the bottom one. Step 5 Imagine you are (8) ________ something. If the tips aren’t meeting up, (9)________ one chopstick so they do because it will be very (10) ________ to pick anything up if the two chopsticks aren’t evenly aligned. Source: (March 31, 2008)
Jawaban: 1. c 2.
UNIT 2 Procedure
3. e
5. f
6. i
8. j
9. d
10. g
bahan yang diperlukan adalah a styrofoam tray, colored tissue paper, any photograph, glue stick, dan varnish. Jadi, kita memerlukan lima (five) bahan untuk membuat pigura tersebut.
Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer. A Photo Fish Fun Frame
You’ll need: A styrofoam tray, colored tissue paper, any photograph, glue stick and varnish. 1.
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Draw the fish on the tray and cut it out. The fish should be a little smaller than the photograph you want to frame. Cut different-colored tissue paper into little pieces. Use a glue stick. Glue the pieces of tissue paper to the tray so that they overlap a little. Cover the fish cut out, which will serve as the frame’s stand. After you have covered the frame and the fish, varnish both. Let the pieces dry, then glue the fish cut out to the back and use it to hold up the frame. Attach the photo to the back of the frame with sellotape. Pretty fish, isn’t it? What should we do after we glue the pieces of tissue paper to the tray? A. Varnish it. B. Cover the fish cut out. C. Glue the fish cut out to the back. D. Cut different-colored tissue paper. Jawaban: B Kegiatan ”Glue the pieces of tissue paper to the tray” merupakan langkah ketiga. Hal tersebut diikuti langkah keempat, yaitu ”Cover the fish cut out, . . . .”. How many materials do we need to make a photo fish fun frame? A. Four. B. Five. C. Six. D. Seven. Jawaban: B Bahan-bahan yang diperlukan untuk membuat sebuah pigura foto ikan yang lucu terdapat di bagian ”You’ll need”. Di bagian tersebut dijelaskan bahwa bahan-
“Glue the pieces of tissue paper to the tray . . . .” (Step 5) The underlined word means ________. A. put B. set up C. stick D. take Ujian Nasional 2007/2008
Jawaban: C Kata ’glue’ sama artinya dengan kata ’stick’, yaitu ’menempelkan/mengelem’. Put artinya menaruh, set up artinya mendirikan/merancang, dan take artinya mengambil. 4.
The following are the steps on making a photo fish fun frame, except ________. A. cut different-colored tissue paper into large pieces B. glue the pieces of tissue paper to the tray C. after we have covered the frame and the fish, varnish both D. attach the photo to the back of the frame with sellotape Jawaban: A Di antara keempat pilihan jawaban yang bukan merupakan langkah-langkah dalam membuat pigura foto yang lucu adalah pilihan jawaban (A) yang artinya memotong kertas tipis yang berwarna berbeda-beda menjadi potongan-potongan yang besar. Potongan-potongan tersebut seharusnya kecil, bukan besar. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena sesuai dengan langkahlangkah yang ada dalam teks.
“Draw the fish on the tray and cut it out.” (Step 1) What does the bold-typed word refer to? A. Frame. B. Tray. C. Paper. D. A picture of fish. Jawaban: D Kata ’it’ mengacu pada objek yang telah disebutkan dalam klausa sebelumnya, yaitu ’fish’. Jadi, yang digunting adalah gambar ikan. Arti kalimat soal adalah ”Gambarlah ikan di atas nampan dan guntinglah (gambar ikan tersebut).”.
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Variasi: Dengan perintah kegiatan yang sama guru dapat memberi tambahan soal sebagai berikut. Read the text and answer questions 1 to 3. It’s good to have juice in the morning. You can have apple juice, melon juice or even orange juice. Let’s see how to make apple juice. The first thing you have to do is to prepare the blender. Wash and clean it with fresh water. Next, prepare a clean and sharp knife. You need it to cut the apple. Then, prepare an apple or apples. Wash the apple or apples as many as you wish and cut them into pieces. After that, put those slices into the blender. Add some ice cubes if you like. Turn on the ‘ON’ button and push the button 1, 2 or 3. You may add some sugar if you want to. When you have finished, pour the apple juice into glasses. Your juice is ready to serve. 1.
The text above is about ________. A. how to peel apples B. how apple juice tastes C. how to make apple juice D. how to wash and clean a blender Jawaban: C Teks tersebut mengenai cara membuat jus apel. Hal tersebut dapat disimpulkan dari kalimat ”Let’s see how to make apple juice.” yang artinya ”Ayo kita lihat cara membuat jus apel.”. First of all, we have to wash and clean the blender ________ use it. A. during B. before C. after D. as Jawaban: B Kalimat soal artinya ”Pertama-tama, kita harus mencuci dan membersihkan blender . . . menggunakannya.”. Jawaban yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat tersebut adalah sebelum (before), bukan during yang
UNIT 2 Procedure
artinya selama, after yang artinya sesudah, dan as artinya saat. 3.
“Next, prepare a clean and sharp knife.” The word “sharp” has an opposite meaning to ________. A. good B. easy C. dull D. clear Jawaban: C Kata ’sharp’ mempunyai arti ’tajam’. Jadi, lawan kata dari tajam (sharp) adalah tumpul (dull). Good artinya baik, easy artinya mudah, dan clear artinya jernih.
Read the text and answer questions 4 and 5. Let me tell you the best way to mop floor. First, prepare a pile of water. Put the cleaning formula into the water. Stir it using a stick. Then, dip the mop into the water until it is wet. Rinse the mop so that it is not too wet. After that, mop the floor. Do it carefully so that you will not leave any dirt. See the result. Your floor will be clean and clear. Further, it is safe for the kids to play there. 4.
The text tells us about ________. A. clean floor B. dirty floor C. how to mop floor D. how to play on the floor safely Jawaban: C Pilihan jawaban (C) yang artinya cara mengepel lantai tepat karena secara keseluruhan teks tersebut menjelaskan cara mengepel lantai.
“Then, dip the mop into the water until it is wet.” (Paragraph 1) The word ‘it’ refers to ________. A. the water B. the mop C. the pile D. the floor Jawaban: B Arti kalimat soal adalah ”Kemudian, celupkan alat pel ke dalam air sampai alat itu basah.”. Jadi, yang dimaksud dengan ’it’ adalah alat pel (mop).
Combine the sentences using the words in brackets. See the example.
Example: Yudi came to my house. I was sweeping the floor. (when) o When Yudi came to my house, I was sweeping the floor. 1. I have had breakfast. Then, I go to school. (before) 2. We cleaned our house at 9 a.m. We have a ‘rujak’ party at 11:45 a.m. (after) 3. The food is not delicious. I don’t like it. (because) 4. Delia was feeding her fish. Her mother called her. (when) 5. Hani has typed a proposal. Later, she gives her proposal to the headmaster. (after) Jawaban: 1. I have had breakfast before I go to school. 2. We have a ‘rujak’ party after we have cleaned our house. 3. I don’t like the food because it is not delicious. 4. Delia was feeding her fish when her mother called her. 5. After Hani has typed her proposal, she gives it to the headmaster. H.
Complete the sentences with and, but or or.
1. The boy is smart ________ a little bit naughty. 2. Do you have a piece of paper ________ a pen? I need them to write a letter. 3. Which bicycle do you want to borrow? The new bike ________ the old one? 4. If we will have a camping, we need some ropes ________ tents. 5. Mr. Edi’s family is poor ________ happy. Jawaban: 1. but 2. and 3. or 4. and 5. but Variasi: Complete the text with suitable coordinating or subordinating conjunctions. How to Make a Birthday Cake Ingredients: ● a boxed cake mix ● oil
● ●
shortening flour
● ●
eggs birthday candles
Directions: 1. Read through the directions on the cake box. 2. Preheat the oven to the appropriate temperature (1) ________ we begin. 3. Put the dry cake mix into the large mixing bowl. 4. Put the prescribed amount of water, oil (2) ________ eggs into the mix. 5. Mix the batter with an electric mixer (3) ________ a mixing spoon until it is smooth and free of clumps. 6. Grease the large cake pan with the shortening. 7. Flour the pan lightly. 8. Pour the cake batter into the cake pan. 9. Use the rubber spatula to scrape all the batter off the sides of the bowl. 10. Place the cake on the top rack of the oven (4) ________ bake for the amount of time specified on the box.
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
11. 12. 13. 14.
(5) ________ the cake is done, remove it from the oven. Turn off the oven (6) ________ let the cake cool. (7) ________ the cake is cool enough, spread the icing on the cake using a spatula. (8) ________ the icing is on the cake, place the appropriate number of birthday candles on it. Source: (April 26, 2007)
Jawaban: 1. before 5. After I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
2. 6.
and and
3. 7.
4. 8.
and When
Continue the conditional sentences type 1 using your own words. I will buy a new mobile phone if ________. If ________, we will feel safe while riding a motorcycle. If ________, she will plant many flowers in it. My mother will allow me go to the party if ________. Diana will buy the novel if________. If ________, I will lend you one. Marry will study abroad if ________. If ________, my friends and I will fish at the lake. Adinda and Sonia will eat the bread if ________. If ________, the students will put on their jackets.
Contoh jawaban: 1. I have much money 3. Yenni has a large garden 5. it is interesting 7. her parents let her go 9. they are hungry
or After
2. 4. 6. 8. 10.
we obey the traffic regulations I don’t come home late at night you don’t bring any pens we have spare time the weather is cold
Work in pairs. Rearrange the sentences into a proper procedural text.
Kalimat-kalimat yang diacak dan jawaban: How to Use a Thermometer
Read the thermometer where the line of mercury ends, or read the display on a digital thermometer. Insert the thermometer into the mouth, under the tongue.
Turn on the thermometer if you’re using the digital type.
Leave the thermometer in place for 3 to 5 minutes if you’re using the glass-mercury type. For the digital type, wait until the thermometer signals that the process is complete. Shake down the thermometer until it reads below 95.9 degrees, if you’re using the glass-mercury type.
Source: (April 4, 2008)
UNIT 2 Procedure
Look at the series of pictures below. Then, rearrange the sentences based on the pictures. How to Make the Bird of Paradise Napkin
Source: (April 1, 2008)
Kalimat-kalimat yang diacak dan jawaban: How to Make the Bird of Paradise Napkin
Fold the right corner diagonally towards you–laying it down along the centerline of the triangle, making a new tip pointing towards you. An iron can make this important fold a whole lot easier. This bird’s almost ready to fly, but first you must give it some feathers. While holding the base firmly to keep your folds together, pull up the four ‘flaps’ created by the napkin’s corners. Lay the napkin face down in front of you.
Fold the napkin in half diagonally, creating a triangle.
Do the same with the left corner, fold it diagonally toward you and press it down next to the previous fold. Fold the triangle in half by bringing the center seam towards you and allowing the ends to fall. Orient the triangle so the open tip is facing away from you.
8 4 10 2 7
Pretty cool fold, isn’t it? This fold can be difficult if you don’t use an iron or have a fairly stiff napkin, so be prepared to put a few minutes into making each one. Fold the napkin in quarters. Fold the two “wings” that you have just made in folds 5 and 6 under so that you have your original triangle shape back. Once again, an iron can make a world of difference. Source: (April 1, 2008)
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Write a procedural text based on one of the following topics.
1. How to send e-mails via the Internet. 2. How to create a password on computer. 3. How to make satay. Contoh jawaban: 1. How to Send E-mails via the Internet E-mail is by far the most popular service in the Internet. Sending messages is a snap. Just follow these simple steps. ● Open your e-mail program and launch a new message window by clicking on the appropriate icon. ● In the “To box”, type the name of the recipient. Make sure you enter the address correctly or the message will return to you. You can also send a copies (Cc:) and blind copies (Bcc:) to multiple addresses. ● Type the subject of the e-mail. ● Write your message in the message window. You can also copy a text from a word processing program and paste it into the window. ● Click on the “Send” icon or select “Send” from the “File” menu. Source: (March 31, 2008)
How to Create a Password on Computer Password is very important to protect our computer, especially the files in it. It’s not difficult to create a password. I’ll tell you how to create a Windows XP password. Steps: ● Click on the “Start” button, on the Windows taskbar. ● Click on “Control Panel”. If “Control Panel” is not visible, try clicking on “Settings”, then “Control Panel”. ● Find “User Accounts” and click on that option. ● Choose an account from the list on the bottom. ● Select the second option, which will be “Create a Password”. ● Type in a new password and then type it again on the second line. Passwords are capital sensitive, so if your password is ArFikn, the A and the F needs to be capitalized when you log in. ● Put a password hint on the third line. This hint will remind you what your password is. But because it’s visible to everyone that goes on the computer (on the log in screen), don’t be too obvious if it’s a family computer. ● Click on “Create Password”. Log off or restart the computer for it to work. Source: (April 4, 2008)
How to Make Beef Satay Materials: ● beef ● sauce with pepper or ketchup ● bamboo sticks ● hot chili pepper (optional) Steps: ● Cut the meat into small pieces. ● Put them together on the bamboo or coconut leave’s bones sticks. ● Dip them into special ingredients, like sauce with pepper or ketchup. ● Burn on fire until they turn red. ● When they are already red, they are ready to serve. People usually enjoy this kind of food with rice or rice wrapped with banana leaves (lontong). They also add their meals with hot chili pepper. It is very delicious. Do you want to have a try?
UNIT 2 Procedure
2.3 Short Functional Texts: Spoken Warnings and Labels
Spoken Text Read the text and understand the explanation. Attention, please. Don’t enter the room. We are cleaning it. The text above is a spoken warning. It tells the listeners not to do something, or forbids someone to do something.
Written Text Read the text and understand the explanation. VAPE MAT Electric Mosquito Destroyer Without smoke and ash, it keeps the room clean. Each VAPE MAT is effective for 38 m2 room. VAPE (device) is economical because it only needs 5 watt of electricity. VAPE MAT can be used at any model of devices; however, use VAPE device to get the maximum result. Keep away from the reach of children. In case of swallowed, consult with the doctor or clinic immediately. Source: Vape Mat, Electric Mosquito Destroyer
The text above is a label of a product. A label is a piece of paper etc. that is attached to something and gives information about it. The purpose of a label is to describe or give information about something. In a label, we usually find the description of the product, its superiority, its safety precautions or/and its directions.
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Remember Unit 1 and answer the questions below. 1. 2. 3.
Have you ever heard some announcements? Contoh jawaban: Yes, I have. Where do you usually hear some announcements? Contoh jawaban: At school and in public places, such as in a bank, a supermarket, a hospital, etc. Mention some notices that you can find around you. Contoh jawaban: They are “No smoking” and “No littering”.
Listen to your teacher. What does he/she tell you about?
Teks yang dibacakan guru: Attention, please. The examination will be carried out in five minutes. Please don’t make any noises during the test. One more thing, don’t cheat while doing your test or you will fail. Jawaban: It’s a warning about what the listeners should do during the examination. B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. C.
Answer the questions based on the text you have heard in Task A. What is the purpose of the text? Jawaban: To warn the listeners about something/or to tell someone not to do something. Who do you think the speaker is? Jawaban: A teacher. Where do you think you can hear such a warning? Jawaban: In a classroom or at school. When do you hear such a warning? Jawaban: When the students are going to have an examination. What mustn’t the listeners do based on the warning? Jawaban: They mustn’t make any noises and cheat during the examination. Listen to your teacher. Complete the announcement based on what you have heard.
Teks yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban: Listen, everyone. While enjoying the (1) park, you must pay attention to some (2) rules. Do not litter in order to keep the park (3) clean. Please throw the rubbish into the rubbish bins. Take the path to walk. Never (4) step on the grass. Also, do not (5) pick the flowers. One more thing, don’t scratch. Thank you.
UNIT 2 Procedure
✔ ) on each picture showing the activity that we can’t do in the park based Put a tick (✔ on the text in Task C.
Gambar-gambar soal dan jawaban: 1.
Complete the statements below based on the text in Task C.
1. We may hear the warning in ________. 2. People mustn’t litter in order to ________. 3. People must ________ into the rubbish bins. 4. To keep the grass grow well, we mustn’t ________. 5. People are not permitted to ________ the flowers. Jawaban: 1. a park 2. keep the park clean 3. throw the rubbish 4. step on it 5. pick
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Complete the text with the correct words in the box. Then, read the text with proper pronunciation and intonation.
a. d.
species friendliness
b. e.
adventure feed
c. f.
exclusively protect
Welcome! Ahead of you are hours of discovery and (1) ________. While you’re enjoying yourself, we ask you to show the same consideration. Please do not try to (2) ________ the animals even if the animals show the greatest (3) ________. They are provided with their specific food by the Zoo alone to keep them in a manner appropriate to their (4) ________ and in good health. You may feed animals in those areas where feed is on sale from the Zoo, but only and (5) ________ with the food provided by the Zoo. Adapted from: (April 2, 2008)
Jawaban: 1. b B.
Create a warning based on the following key points.
Key Points: ● Visitors mustn’t bring their bags into the library. ● No food or drink is allowed in the library. ● Wearing sandals is not permitted in the library. ● Visitors must keep silent in the library. Contoh jawaban: Attention, please. For your comfort in this library, please pay attention to some rules. You mustn’t bring your bags inside. Please put them in the lockers available. To keep the library clean, don’t eat or drink. No one is permitted to wear sandals in the library. One more thing, don’t make any noises while you’re in the library. It may disturb others. Thank you. C.
Create a warning you may hear in a certain place, such as a hospital, a park, a zoo or a beach.
Contoh jawaban: Attention, please. Please be careful. Tide is coming in and the waves are big. Don’t play close to the sea. Thank you.
UNIT 2 Procedure
Read the text with proper pronunciation. What is it about?
Glade Orange Peach captures the warm of peach and clean scent of fresh orange to cheer every room in your home or car. DIRECTION FOR USE: 1. Cut the plastic pouch of Glade One for All as direction. 2. Place or hang it in any places as you desired. CAUTION: ● Keep out of the reach of children. ● Do not swallow.
Source: Glade Orange Peach
Jawaban: It’s about a room freshener. B.
State whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) based on the text in Task A. Correct the false ones.
1. ______ The purpose of the text is to give information about a product. 2. ______ The room freshener combines the warm of orange and clean scent of peach. 3. ______ We can hang the room freshener in our car. 4. ______ We hang the room freshener without cutting its plastic pouch. 5. ______ The room freshener should be put close to kids. Jawaban: 1. T 2. F. It combines the warm of peach and clean scent of orange. 3. T 4. F. We hang it after we cut its plastic pouch. 5. F. We must put it away from kids. Variasi: A. Read the words and find out their meanings. Kata-kata yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban: 1. peach = buah persik 2. capture = menangkap, merebut 3. scent = bau harum 4. pouch = kantong 5. swallow = menelan B. Make sentences using the words in Task A. Contoh jawaban: 1. Which one do you like to eat, this peach or this apple? 2. We must capture every opportunity to improve our life skills. 3. The flower has fragrant scent so that many butterflies are attracted to perch on it. 4. The kangaroo puts its baby in its pouch. 5. Don’t swallow these pills. They are out of date.
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
C. a.
Complete the text with the correct words in the box. before
GOVERNOR IN LINE CUT STOVE Safe – (1) ________ – Enduring (2) ________ Precautions ● Read the instructions (3) ________ use. ● Only use butane gas cartridge low pressure. ● Do not use in windy places. ● Do not use large pans. They may (4) ________ overheating. ● After every use: (5) ________ the ignition knob to the OFF position, then lift the knob up to the UNLOCK position to disengage the fuel cartridge.
Jawaban: 1. d D. 1.
Source: Governor, In Line Cut
Answer the questions based on the text in Task C. What is the text about? Jawaban: It’s a label of a stove. What should we do before we use the stove? Jawaban: We should read the instructions. Why mustn’t we use large pans? Jawaban: Because they may cause overheating. When must we turn the ignition knob to the OFF position? Jawaban: After we use the stove. Why should we lift the knob up to the UNLOCK position? Jawaban: To disengage the fuel cartridge.
2. 3. 4. 5.
Rearrange the sentences into a proper label.
Feel the freshness of Sari Ayu Mawar Cleanser. Formulated for normal-dry skin, it cleans the face perfectly. Enrich with peppermint oil as aromatherapy for refreshing effect, rose extract and olive oil to maintain the skin moisture and soft & areca extract to maintain the skin elasticity.
For Normal-Dry Skin
How to use: ● Apply to the face with gentle massage. ● Wipe it clean with cotton. Sari Ayu Mawar Cleanser Source: Sari Ayu Mawar Cleanser
UNIT 2 Procedure
Sari Ayu Mawar Cleanser For Normal-Dry Skin Feel the freshness of Sari Ayu Mawar Cleanser. Formulated for normal-dry skin, it cleans the face perfectly. Enrich with peppermint oil as aromatherapy for refreshing effect, rose extract and olive oil to maintain the skin moisture and soft & areca extract to maintain the skin elasticity. How to use: ● Apply to the face with gentle massage. ● Wipe it clean with cotton.
Write a label based on the data below.
Bathroom Tissue ● It is made of natural fiber. ● It is processed hygienically. ● It is soft and has high quality. ● It is suitable to use in any tissue roll dispensers. ● You can pull tissue from outer side or inner side. Contoh jawaban:
NICE Bathroom Tissue NICE, made of 100% natural fiber, processed hygienically to create soft and high-quality tissue for your family. Practical Usage: NICE Bathroom Tissue is suitable to use in variety of tissue roll dispensers in bathroom. ● ●
Just put into the dispenser bar and pull tissue from outer side. Place it on the table dispenser, pull tissue from inner side.
Source: Nice Bathroom Tissue
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Find something around you. Write its label.
Contoh jawaban:
Zwitsal Baby Hair Lotion Hair & Scalp Nourishment ● ● ● ●
Tested Hypo-Allergenic: safe for sensitive skin. Nourishes baby’s hair and scalp. Makes baby’s hair soft, shiny and smells nice. Prevents scalp from dryness.
Apply after bath or shampooing on baby’s hair and scalp.
Source: Zwitsal Baby Hair Lotion
Write a procedural text about how to make something or do something. If you have finished, you may demonstrate it before the class.
Read and memorize the words. Use them whenever you speak English. cantaloupe crescent crook damp disengage dissolve garnish ignition immerse
: : : : : : : : :
UNIT 2 Procedure
belewar, semacam semangka sabit lekuk lembap, basah melepaskan, memutuskan larut menghias kontak, starter mencelupkan
kernel lid notch pinch precaution rind smash soak startle stew strip
: : : : : : : : : : :
biji tutup, penutup membuat takik menjepit tindakan pencegahan kulit buah menghancurkan, memecahkan merendam mengejutkan rebusan potong, bidang
Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.
1. Rian : Fanty, why do you look sad? Fanty : Well, my brother got an accident. Rian : ________. A. It’s not surprising news B. I’m sorry to hear that. I hope he gets better soon C. Thank you for your attention D. I doubt the news Jawaban: B Dalam kalimat sebelumnya Fanty mengatakan bahwa saudara laki-lakinya kecelakaan. Respons Rian yang paling tepat saat mendengar berita tersebut adalah ungkapan perhatian. Di antara keempat pilihan jawaban, yang merupakan ungkapan memberi perhatian adalah ”I’m sorry to hear that.” yang artinya ”Saya ikut prihatin.”. 2. Anita
: Farhan, have you heard that Leo has got the best mark in math test? Farhan : Has he? ________. All students know that he is not good in math. A. I doubt it B. I like him C. He is great D. Poor Leo Jawaban: A Saat mendengar berita bahwa Leo mendapat nilai tertinggi dalam ulangan matematika, Farhan tidak percaya. Dia mengatakan bahwa semua siswa mengetahui bahwa Leo kurang begitu menguasai matematika. Jadi, ungkapan yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat soal adalah ungkapan keraguan (I doubt it).
Read the dialog and answer questions 3 to 5. Mrs. Rio : I can see the tears in your eyes. What’s the problem, dear? Heni : Well, I didn’t pass the science experiment test, Mom. Mrs. Rio : How could it be? I am not sure that you failed. You’re one of the best students. Heni : But the fact is . . . I failed. Mrs. Rio : O, come on. Don’t cry. You still have a chance to join the remedial test. 3. Who are talking in the dialog? A. Two friends. B. Two sisters. C. A teacher and her student. D. Mother and her daughter. Jawaban: D Heni memanggil Bu Rio dengan sebutan ’Mom’. Jadi, dapat dipastikan bahwa hubungan kekerabatan antara dua pembicara tersebut adalah ibu dengan anak perempuannya (mother and her daughter). 4. Mrs. Rio said, “What’s the problem, dear?” What does it mean? A. She shows her certainty. B. She shows her doubt. C. She asks for certainty. D. She shows her attention. Jawaban: D Kalimat tersebut artinya ”Apa masalahmu?”. Kalimat tersebut merupakan ungkapan menunjukkan perhatian (showing attention) saat melihat orang lain sedih/menangis. 5. Why did Heni feel sad? A. She passed the science experiment test. B. She couldn’t join the science experiment test. C. She failed in the science experiment test. D. She got the best mark in the science experiment test.
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Jawaban: C Jawaban dapat disimpulkan berdasarkan kalimat Heni, ”Well, I didn’t pass the science experiment test, Mom.” yang artinya ”Saya tidak lulus tes percobaan sains, Bu.”. Jadi, alasan Heni sedih/ menangis adalah karena dia tidak lulus tes percobaan sains (she failed in the science experiment test). For questions 6 to 10, choose the correct words to complete the dialog. Indah : You look so busy recently. What will you do if you have spare time? Maura : If I have spare time, (6) ________. Indah : I see. Your garden must be large. Maura : No. It is small (7) ________ pretty. It is situated in front of my house. I plant many flowers there. It is colorful when they are blossoming. Indah : (8) ________. Maura : Absolutely! You know, I always water the flowers in the morning (9) ________ I go to school. Indah : Well, I really want to see your garden. Maura : Sure. Why don’t you drop by my house after school? Indah : (10) ________ whether I can drop by. I must go home soon. 6. A. I will do gardening B. I would do gardening C. I have done gardening D. I would have done gardening Jawaban: A Kalimat ”If I have spare time, . . . .” merupakan if clause type 1, sehingga kalimat yang mengikuti harus menggunakan will. Jadi, klausa yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat tersebut adalah I will do gardening. 7. A. B. C. D.
and or but if
UNIT 2 Procedure
Jawaban: C Kata hubung yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat soal adalah kata but karena menunjukkan hubungan pertentangan, yaitu kecil tetapi cantik (small but pretty). 8. A. Thank you B. It sounds beautiful C. I doubt it D. Poor you Jawaban: B Kalimat yang tepat untuk melengkapi soal adalah it sounds beautiful yang artinya kedengarannya indah. Kalimat tersebut digunakan untuk memberi perhatian terhadap seseorang yang menjelaskan tentang sesuatu dan sesuai dengan respons Maura, ”Absolutely!” yang artinya ”Tentu saja”. Pilihan jawaban yang lain bukan merupakan respons yang tepat. 9. A. before B. after C. when D. because Jawaban: A Kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi soal adalah before yang artinya sebelum. Jadi, arti kalimat Maura tersebut adalah ”Saya biasa menyirami bunga pada pagi hari sebelum berangkat sekolah.”. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena tidak menunjukkan hubungan yang logis. 10. A. I pray for you B. I like it C. I’m sure D. I am not sure Jawaban: D Jawaban dapat disimpulkan berdasarkan kalimat Indah selanjutnya yang menyatakan bahwa Indah harus segera pulang. Jadi, Indah merasa ragu apakah dia bisa mampir ke rumah Maura karena dia harus segera pulang. Pilihan jawaban (D) benar karena merupakan ungkapan keraguan.
Read the text and answer questions 11 to 14. You will need: ● white paper ● colors ● pencil ● stapler Steps: 1. Take a sheet of white paper and draw a background picture on it. Trace this picture on at least 12 sheets of paper of same size. On each drawing leave a margin down one side. 2. Draw a ball high in the sky on the first page. Draw it a bit lower on the second page. Repeat it until the ball falls on the ground. 3. Assemble the paper together and staple them with the stapler along with one side of the margin. 4. Hold your flick book by the margin and see the ball going down as you shuffle the pages. Source: English in Focus for Grade IX Junior High School (SMP/MTs)
11. The text mainly tells us about ________. A. the description of a flick book B. the importance of a flick book C. the steps of making a flick book D. people’s reasons of making a flick book Jawaban: C Teks tersebut merupakan teks procedure berdasarkan struktur teksnya yang terdiri atas dua hal, yaitu materials dan steps. Secara keseluruhan, teks tersebut menjelaskan tentang cara membuat flick book (how to make a flick book). 12. The following are what we need to make a flick book, except ________. A. white paper B. glue C. stapler D. pencil
Jawaban: B Pada bagian ”You will need” dijelaskan bahwa yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat flick book adalah kertas putih (white paper), pewarna (colors), pensil (pencil), dan stepler (stapler). Jadi, bahan yang tidak dibutuhkan adalah lem (glue). 13. What should we do after assembling the paper? A. Draw a background on the paper. B. Trace the picture on each paper. C. Draw a ball high on the paper. D. Staple them with a stapler. Jawaban: D Jawaban disimpulkan berdasarkan kalimat pada langkah ketiga (step 3) ”Assemble the paper together and staple them with the stapler along with one side of the margin.”. 14. “Draw it a bit lower on the second page.” (Step 2) The bold-typed word refers to ________. A. the ball B. the paper C. the picture D. the margin Jawaban: A Kata ’it’ dalam kalimat soal mengacu pada kata ’a ball’ yang merupakan objek dalam kalimat sebelumnya, yaitu ”Draw a ball high in the sky on the first page.”. 15. after–to–arrive–don’t–me–call–here– 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 forget–you 8 9 A. 4–8–2–6–5–1–9–3–7 B. 4–8–2–6–9–3–7–1–5 C. 4–8–3–7–1–9–6–2–5 D. 4–8–9–6–5–1–2–3–7 Jawaban: A Susunan kata yang benar adalah (B) Don’t forget to call me after you arrive here yang artinya jangan lupa menelepon saya setelah kamu tiba di sini. Kalimat tersebut merupakan peringatan. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena tidak membentuk kalimat yang logis.
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Read the text and answer questions 16 and 17. Attention, please. Tomorrow is our National Education Day. All students must join the flag hoisting ceremony at seven. Don’t come late. 16. Where can you hear such a warning? A. On a radio. B. In a park. C. At school. D. In an office. Jawaban: C Teks tersebut berisi pemberitahuan tentang upacara peringatan Hari Pendidikan Nasional dan yang harus dilakukan oleh para siswa sehubungan dengan upacara tersebut. Jadi, pengumuman tersebut dapat didengar di sekolah (at school). 17. What must the students do according to the text? A. Come late. B. Come in time. C. Come at seven o’clock. D. Come after seven o’clock. Jawaban: B Dalam peringatan tersebut terdapat kalimat ”Don’t come late”. yang artinya ”Jangan datang terlambat.”. Jadi, yang harus dilakukan siswa adalah datang sebelum pukul 7 (come in time). Read the text and answer questions 18 to 20.
SNOWBALL Naphtalens Balls can be placed inside wardrobes, drawers, bookshelves, suitcases and toilets. SNOWBALL Naphtalens Balls do not stain or cause any damage to your clothes or other belongings; the balls emanate fresh scent. SNOWBALL Naphtalens Balls can also be used to prevent leather or paper articles such as handbags, shoes, books, etc. from fungus.
UNIT 2 Procedure
CAUTION: 1. Harmful: keep out of reach of children; if swallowed, contact doctors immediately. 2. Avoid direct sunlight to the Naphtalens Balls during usage. They evaporate quickly under direct sunlight. Source: Snowball Naphtalens Balls
18. We can put the Naphtalens Balls in the following places, except ________. A. suitcases B. bookshelves C. wardrobes D. curtains Jawaban: D Jawaban diketahui berdasarkan kalimat ”SNOWBALL Naphtalens Balls can be placed inside wardrobes, drawers, bookshelves, suitcases and toilets.” yang artinya ”SNOWBALL Naphtalens Balls dapat ditaruh di dalam lemari, laci, rak buku, kopor, dan toilet.”. Jadi, benda ini tidak ditaruh di tirai (curtain). 19. Why should we avoid direct sunlight when we use the Naphtalens Balls? A. Because they boil quickly under direct sunlight. B. Because they evaporate quickly under direct sunlight. C. Because they freeze quickly under direct sunlight. D. Because they melt quickly under direct sunlight. Jawaban: B Kita tidak boleh meletakkan SNOWBALL Naphtalens Balls langsung di bawah sinar matahari karena benda tersebut menguap dengan cepat di bawah sinar matahari. Hal itu disimpulkan dari kalimat terakhir, ”Avoid direct sunlight to the Naphtalens Balls during usage. They evaporate quickly under direct sunlight.”.
20. “. . .; if swallowed, contact doctors immediately.” The bold-typed word has an opposite meaning to ________. A. slowly B. quickly C. fast D. soon Jawaban: A Kata ’immediately’ artinya ’dengan segera’. Kata yang memiliki makna berlawanan dengan kata tersebut adalah slowly yang artinya dengan lambat/pelan. Quickly dan fast artinya dengan cepat, sedangkan soon artinya segera. B. 1.
Fill in the blanks with correct conjunctions.
Mix the flour ________ the sugar in the pan, then stir the mixture. 2. I will accompany you to the Internet café ________ I clean my room. 3. Linda is very sad ________ her beloved grandma is ill. 4. Which bag do you want to buy? The black ________ the red one? 5. Mr. Jaya is old ________ strong. Jawaban: 1. and 2. after 3. because 4. or 5. but
a. c. e.
Complete the text with the correct words in the box. Pour cup water
b. d.
Materials jasmine
Making Teh Poci (1) ________: ● Black tea with strong aromatic jasmine ● Poci ● Lump sugar ● Boiling (2) ________ Steps: 1. Take some black tea with strong aromatic (3) ________ and then put it in the poci. 2. Don’t forget to put lump sugar in the poci. 3. (4) ________ boiling water in the poci. 4 Then, wait for about 5–7 minutes to get the tea ready to drink. 5. Make sure that the aromatic tea is smelt. It means that the tea is ready to serve. 6. Pour the tea in a small clay (5) ________ too to serve the tea. 7. The last one, don’t ever wash the poci, you just need to take out the rest of the tea. Source: (April 21, 2006)
Jawaban: 1. b 4. a
2. 5.
e c
Kegiatan pembelajaran untuk Review Unit 2: ● Guru perlu mengetahui atau mengukur ketercapaian kompetensi pada Unit 2. Bagian ini bisa dijadikan model. Selain model ini, guru dapat memberikan soal listening. ● Guru menggandakan soal berikut ini sesuai jumlah siswa. ● Guru membagikan soal dan memberitahukan waktu yang disediakan untuk mengerjakan soal tersebut. ● Siswa disuruh mengerjakan semua soal di kertas soal. Mereka disuruh menuliskan nama dan nomor absensi kelas di pojok kanan atas. ● Siswa disuruh memeriksa kembali hasil pekerjaan mereka sebelum menyerahkannya kepada guru. ● Setelah waktu yang disediakan habis, siswa disuruh mengumpulkan hasil pekerjaaan mereka kepada guru. ● Guru memeriksa dan memberi nilai, serta mengembalikan hasil pekerjaan siswa pada pertemuan berikutnya.
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.
1. Ria : Shelly, why do you look so sad? Shelly : My grandpa passed away. Ria : ________. A. Please forgive me B. Please accept my condolences C. Please be in a hurry D. Please call me : We will have a study club after school. Rendra : ________. I have to visit my uncle in hospital. A. Sure B. I don’t know C. It’s a good idea D. I doubt whether I can join it
Prita : She was at home. When she saw the burglars, she tried to yell. However, the burglars immediately tied her hands and feet and shut her mouth soon. Hani : What a pity! 5. What is the dialog about? A. Budi’s house. B. Budi’s new TV set. C. A burglary at Budi’s house. D. A new housemaid in Budi’s house.
2. Rony
6. When did the burglary happen? A. When Budi’s family were having a holiday. B. When Budi’s family were visiting their relative. C. When Budi’s family were sleeping at night. D. When Budi’s housemaid was sleeping.
3. Meta
7. Hani said, “What a pity!” What does it mean? A. She expresses her doubt. B. She expresses her attention. C. She expresses her dislike. D. She expresses her certainty.
: Many people, especially children, were killed during the war. Nindya : ________. They must have suffered. A. Poor them B. I like them C. I doubt it D. I can say nothing
4. Dika : Do you think our football team can beat its opponent? Fadi : ________. We still don’t have a good striker. A. It’s great B. I’m sure C. I hope so D. I doubt it Read the dialog and answer questions 5 to 7. Prita : Did you know that there was a burglary at Budi’s house? Hani : How terrible! What happened? Prita : Well, when they came back from their holiday, almost all their furniture had been stolen including their new TV set and stereo too. Hani : What about their housemaid? Wasn’t she at home?
UNIT 2 Procedure
Read the dialog and answer questions 8 to 10. Sandra : Can you help me, please? I can’t find any information about making a password. Lala : Um . . . you can find it in the Internet. Why don’t you try? Sandra : Well, I doubt if I can find it. Lala : Just try it, O.K.? Sandra : I’ve tried, but I couldn’t find it. Lala : Just try again. I’ll help you. Sandra : O.K. 8. What information is Sandra looking for? A. A computer. B. A password in the computer. C. The procedure of making a password. D. The procedure of operating a computer.
9. Where can Sandra find the information? A. In a newspaper. B. In the Internet. C. In a magazine. D. In an encyclopedia. 10. Sandra said, “Well, I doubt if I can find it.” What does it mean? A. She expresses her doubt. B. She expresses her attention. C. She asks for certainty. D. She tells her certainty. For questions 11 to 15, choose the correct words to complete the dialog. Yana : Dewa, what about going to Dian’s party tonight together? Dewa : Um . . . (11) ________. Yana : Why? Dewa : Well, I don’t have money to buy a gift. I lost my wallet (12) ________ all my money in it was gone. Yana : (13) ________. When did you lose them? Dewa : I lost them (14) ________ I was going to school. You know, I always go to school by bus. Yana : You must be careful next time. So, you won’t come to Dian’s party tonight, will you? Dewa : (15) ________ to buy a gift, I will come. Yana : O, come on . . . I think your presence in the party will be the nicest gift for her. 11. A. C.
I like it Good idea
B. D.
I don’t like it I don’t know
12. A. C.
or but
B. D.
and if
13. A. B. C. D.
It seems nice You must be happy Poor you Don’t worry
14. A. C.
when after
15. A. B. C. D.
If I had enough money If I will have enough money If I have enough money If I have had enough money
B. D.
Read the text and answer questions 16 to 19. This traditional beverage has the function of reducing body odor, refreshing, smoothing and slimming our body. Ingredients: ● 1 kg turmeric ● 1 kg palm sugar ● 250 g black tamarind ● 3" water ● salt as much as needed Directions: Peel turmeric and wash it. Then, slice it. Use a grinder or blender to grind the sliced turmeric. Pour the ground turmeric into a deep pan and add the rest of the ingredients. Bring it to boil. Stir it occasionally. Once it is boiled, strain the mixture. Let it cool off and serve it with some ice cubes. Source: Scaffolding English for Junior High School Students Grade IX
16. What is the text about? A. A food. C. A plant. B. A drink. D. A medicine. 17. What can we use to grind the sliced turmeric? A. A knife. B. A cutter. C. Ice cubes. D. A blender. 18. When should we strain the mixture? A. After it is boiled. B. Before it is boiled. C. When it is boiled. D. If it is boiled. 19. “Stir it occasionally.” The bold-typed word has a similar meaning to ________. A. often B. always C. sometimes D. seldom Read the text and answer questions 20 to 23.
before because
Before setting up the monitor, ensure that the power to the monitor, the computer system and other attached devices are turned off. Connecting the Stand Base 1. Place the monitor with its front facing downward on a cushion or soft cloth. 2. Align the hooks on the stand base with the matching slots in the base of the monitor. 3. Insert the hooks into slots. Source: LG LCD Monitor’s Guide
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
20. What is the text about? A. What an LCD monitor is. B. What an LCD monitor stand base is. C. How to align hooks on the stand base. D. How to set LCD monitor stand base.
Read the text and answer questions 27 to 30. Enjoy the refreshing sensation of Sari Ayu Mawar Toner.
21. The following are what we should turn off before setting up the monitor, except ________. A. the lamp B. the computer system C. other attached devices D. the power to the monitor
Enriched with peppermint oil as aromatherapy for refreshing effect, rose extract and olive oil to maintain the skin moisture and vitamin E as antioxidant to protect from free radical effect.
22. Where should we insert the hooks into? A. The stand base. B. The monitor. C. The slots. D. The CPU.
How to use: ● Apply to the cotton and softly dab onto the face after using the cleanser. ● Follow this treatment with the moisturizer.
23. “Place the monitor with its front facing downward on a cushion or soft cloth.” (Step 1) What does the bold-typed word refer to? A. The stand base. B. The monitor. C. The CPU. D. The cushion. Read the text and answer questions 24 to 26. Attention, please. Don’t make any noises. Please keep quiet while visiting the patients. It will be useful for the patients’ cure and treatment. 24. What is the purpose of the text? A. To give information. B. To persuade people. C. To ask for information. D. To warn people about something. 25. Where can we hear such a warning? A. At school. B. In a park. C. In a movie theater. D. In a hospital. 26. What should the visitors do according to the warning? A. Keep quiet. B. Make noises. C. Cure the patients. D. Treat the patients.
UNIT 2 Procedure
Source: Sari Ayu Mawar Toner
27. What is the label about? A. A perfume. B. A face cleanser. C. A face toner. D. A face moisturizer. 28. According to the text, what is the function of rose extract in the toner? A. To maintain the skin moisturizer. B. To protect from free radical effect. C. To maintain the skin elasticity. D. To clean the face from dust. 29. When should we use the toner? A. Before we use the cleanser. B. After we use the cleanser. C. After we use the moisturizer. D. When we use the cleanser. 30. “. . . softly dab onto the face, after using the cleanser.” The bold-typed word has an opposite meaning to ________. A. gently B. roughly C. carefully D. completely
Match the clauses in column A with the proper ones in column B. B
A a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
If Mia gets the first rank, If I am seventeen years old, If Mr. Haryo has a new house, If Tedy leaves this town, If the students meet foreigners, If Toni and Agus jog, If Renita gets a problem, If I want to type a proposal, If we contact Hedi to join us, If Kirani loves roses,
Complete the text with the correct words in the box.
a. c. e.
indicator button side
b. d.
she will tell me about it. he will have a welcoming party. she will have a garden of roses. they will jog around this park. her parents will give her a gift. he will come happily. we will miss him. they will practice their English. I will have a birthday party. I will borrow my brother’s computer.
video player
How to Use Portable DVD Player to Watch Video from a Video Camera 1.
Plug the black end of the Audio/Video cable into Opt Out on the right side of the DVD (3) ________. Press the “In/Out” button to switch the DVD player to Input Mode. The Line-In (4) ________ will light on the unit’s display. Press the “Play” (5) ________ on the DVD player. Now, sit back and enjoy! Source: (March 31, 2008)
Plug the yellow, white and red ends of the Audio/Video cable (which came with your Portable DVD Player) into the (1) ________ camera. The ends are color-coded to match the places they should be plugged into. Plug the remaining yellow plug into the Video plug-in on the right (2) ________ of the DVD player.
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Jawaban Review Unit 3 A.
Jawaban dapat disimpulkan berdasarkan kalimat Prita, ”Well, when they came back from their holiday, almost all their furniture had been stolen, . . . .” yang artinya ”Saat mereka kembali dari liburan, hampir semua perabotan mereka telah dicuri, . . . .”. Jadi, perampokan terjadi saat keluarga Budi pergi liburan.
7. B.
Saat mendengar bahwa pembantu rumah tangga Pak Budi diikat tangan dan kaki, serta dibungkam mulutnya oleh perampok, Hani berkata ”What a pity!” yang artinya ”Sungguh kasihan dia.”. Kalimat tersebut merupakan ungkapan memberi perhatian.
8. C.
Pada awal percakapan Sandra berkata, ”I can’t find any information about making a password.” yang artinya ”Saya tidak dapat menemukan informasi tentang membuat password.”. Jadi, dia sedang mencari prosedur membuat password.
9. B.
Saat Sandra berkata bahwa dia tidak dapat menemukan informasi tentang cara membuat password, Lala berkata, ”Um . . . you can find it in the Internet.” yang artinya ”Um . . . kamu bisa memperolehnya di Internet.”. Jadi, Sandra dapat menemukan informasi tentang cara membuat password di Internet.
10. A.
Kalimat Sandra tersebut artinya ”Saya ragu apakah saya dapat menemukannya.”. Kalimat tersebut merupakan ungkapan keraguan (doubt).
11. D.
Ungkapan yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat soal adalah ungkapan keraguan (doubt), yaitu I don’t know. Hal itu disimpulkan berdasarkan kalimat selanjutnya yang menyatakan bahwa Dewa tidak punya uang sebab dompet beserta uangnya hilang. Jadi, Dewa ragu apakah dia dapat pergi ke pesta ulang tahun Dian karena dia tidak mempunyai uang untuk membeli kado.
Pilihan Ganda
1. B.
Shelly tampak sedih karena kakeknya meninggal dunia. Saat mendengar berita tersebut, respons Ria yang paling tepat adalah Please accept my condolences yang artinya saya turut berduka cita.
2. D.
Saat Rony berkata bahwa mereka akan belajar bersama sepulang sekolah, Rendra mengatakan bahwa dia akan mengunjungi pamannya di rumah sakit. Jadi, ungkapan yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat soal adalah ungkapan keraguan, yaitu I doubt whether I can join it.
3. A.
Dalam percakapan tersebut Meta memberi tahu bahwa banyak orang tewas, terutama anak-anak, selama perang. Mendengar hal tersebut, respons yang paling tepat adalah Poor them yang artinya kasihan mereka.
4. D.
Jawaban dapat diketahui berdasarkan kalimat Fadi berikutnya, ”We still don’t have a good striker.” yang artinya ”Kita masih belum memiliki penyerang yang bagus.”. Berdasarkan kalimat tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa Fadi meragukan tim mereka. Jadi, ungkapan yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi percakapan tersebut adalah I doubt it yang artinya saya meragukannya.
5. C.
6. A.
Di awal percakapan, Prita bertanya, ”Did you know that there was a burglary at Budi’s house?” yang artinya ”Tahukah kamu bahwa ada perampokan di rumah Pak Budi?”. Kalimat-kalimat berikutnya membahas tentang peristiwa perampokan tersebut. Jadi, secara keseluruhan percakapan tersebut membahas tentang peristiwa perampokan di rumah Budi (a burglary at Budi’s house).
UNIT 2 Procedure
12. B.
Kata sambung yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat soal adalah and karena menghubungkan dua klausa yang sejajar, yaitu dia kehilangan dompetnya dan uang di dalam dompet itu pun hilang.
13. C.
Respons yang tepat saat mendengar Dewa kehilangan dompet dan telepon genggamnya adalah Poor you yang artinya sungguh malang (kasihan) kamu.
14. A.
Kata sambung yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat soal adalah when yang artinya ketika. Jadi, dompet beserta uang di dalamnya hilang ketika Dewa pergi ke sekolah.
15. C.
Kalimat soal merupakan conditional sentence type 1 karena menggunakan kata will. Oleh karena itu, if clause yang digunakan harus menggunakan kata kerja dasar (verb base). Jadi, klausa yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat tersebut adalah (C) If I have enough money.
16. B.
17. D.
18. A.
Di paragraf awal terdapat kalimat ”This traditional beverage has the function of . . . .” yang artinya ”Minuman tradisional ini berfungsi untuk . . . .”. Jadi, yang dibicarakan dalam teks tersebut adalah cara membuat minuman, yaitu dari kunyit (turmeric) dan asam (tamarind). Jawaban dapat diketahui dari kalimat di bagian ’Directions’, yaitu ”Use a grinder or blender to grind the sliced turmeric.” yang artinya ”Gunakan sebuah penghalus atau blender untuk menghaluskan kunyit yang telah dipotong-potong.”. Di bagian Directions terdapat kalimat ”Once it is boiled, strain the mixture.” yang artinya ”Segera sesudah campuran tersebut mendidih, saringlah campuran tersebut.”. Jadi, kita seharusnya menyaring campuran setelah campuran tersebut mendidih (after it is boiled).
19. C.
Kata ’occasionally’ artinya ’kadangkadang’. Kata tersebut memiliki makna yang sama dengan kata sometimes yang artinya juga kadangkadang. Often artinya sering, always artinya selalu, dan seldom artinya jarang.
20. D.
Secara keseluruhan, teks tersebut membahas tentang cara memasang kaki monitor LCD (how to set LCD monitor stand base).
21. A.
Yang tidak harus dimatikan saat menyetel monitor LCD adalah lampu. Hal itu sesuai dengan kalimat-kalimat di paragraf awal, ”Before setting up the monitor, ensure that the power to the monitor, the computer system and other attached devices are turned off.” yang artinya ”Sebelum memasang monitor, pastikan bahwa daya ke monitor, sistem komputer, dan peralatan lain yang terhubung dimatikan.”.
22. C.
Saat memasang kaki monitor LCD, kita harus memasukkan kait ke dalam lubang. Hal itu disimpulkan berdasarkan kalimat pada langkah ketiga, ”Insert the hooks into slots.” yang artinya ”Masukkan kait ke dalam lubang.”.
23. B.
Kata ’its’ dalam kalimat soal mengacu pada objek di kalimat sebelumnya, yaitu ”Place the monitor . . .”. Jadi, kata ’its’ mengacu pada monitor.
24. D.
Teks tersebut menggunakan kata ’don’t’ yang artinya ’jangan’. Itu berarti bahwa teks tersebut merupakan peringatan (warning) lisan. Jadi, tujuan teks tersebut adalah memperingatkan orang tentang sesuatu (to warn people about something), dalam hal ini adalah peringatan untuk tidak membuat kegaduhan.
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
25. D.
Kata kunci dalam warning (peringatan) tersebut adalah ’patients’ (pasien). Pasien biasanya ada di rumah sakit. Jadi, kita dapat mendengar peringatan tersebut di rumah sakit (in a hospital).
26. A.
Dalam warning (peringatan) tersebut terdapat kalimat ”Don’t make any noises. Please keep quiet while visiting the patients.” yang artinya ”Jangan gaduh. Jagalah ketenangan saat mengunjungi pasien.”. Jadi, jawabannya adalah (A) yang artinya tetap tenang.
27. C.
28. A.
Jawaban dapat disimpulkan berdasarkan kalimat awal label ”Enjoy the refreshing sensation of Sari Ayu Mawar Toner.” yang artinya ”Nikmati sensasi kesegaran Penyegar Mawar Sari Ayu.”. Jadi, label tersebut tentang penyegar wajah (face toner). Di dalam label tersebut dijelaskan bahwa toner tersebut diperkaya dengan berbagai zat, di antaranya adalah sari mawar (rose extract). Adapun fungsi sari mawar dijelaskan dengan kalimat ”. . . rose extract and olive oil to maintain the skin moisture . . . .”. Jadi, fungsi sari mawar adalah untuk menjaga kelembapan kulit.
UNIT 2 Procedure
29. B.
Toner tersebut seharusnya dipakai setelah kita memakai pembersih wajah (after we use the cleanser). Hal itu disimpulkan berdasarkan kalimat ”Apply to the cotton and softly dab onto the face after using the cleanser.” yang artinya ”Taruh di kapas dan oleskan dengan lembut di wajah setelah menggunakan pembersih.”.
30. B.
Kata ’softly’ artinya ’dengan lembut’. Kata tersebut memiliki makna yang berlawanan dengan kata roughly yang artinya dengan kasar. Gently artinya dengan lembut, carefully artinya dengan hati-hati, dan completely artinya secara menyeluruh.
1. e 6. d C.
1. 4.
b a
2. i 7. a
2. 5.
3. b 8. j
e c
4. g 9. f
5. h 10. c
Objectives: At the end of this unit you will be able to: 1. ask someone to repeat his/ her words, 2. express amazement, 3. create short functional texts (weather forecasts), 4. deliver monologs in the form of report texts using spoken English, 5. write short functional texts (announcements), 6. write report texts, and 7. use questions tags, too and enough.
Do you like science? If you do, then you like to read science books, right? Now open your science book and notice the texts written in it, such as texts about algae, mammals, planets and galaxies. Do you know what the type of those texts is? The answer is a report text. Though you have studied this text type in Unit 1, you will learn more about it in this unit.
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
3.1 Expressions
Asking Someone to Repeat His/Her Words Read the dialogs. Pay attention to the bold-typed expressions. Danang, please come forward and do task number 3.
Eka, turn down the stereo, please. It’s too loud.
I beg your pardon? What number, Sir?
Turn down the stereo, please.
Number 3, please.
Sure. I’m sorry, Mom.
All right, Sir.
Look at the bold-typed expressions in the dialogs. You use those expressions to ask someone to repeat his/her words. Here are some other expressions you can use. Asking Someone to Repeat His/Her Words Pardon? I’m sorry? I beg your pardon? Sorry, what did you say? I’m sorry. I didn’t catch the last word. Could you say it again, please?
● ● ● ● ● ●
You what? Excuse me? Say that again, please. Would you mind repeating that? Sorry, I didn’t follow you. Would you say it once again, please?
● ● ● ● ●
Showing Amazement Read the dialogs. Pay attention to the bold-typed expressions.
Oh, what a beautiful scenery! I really like it.
Yeah. You know, I spent two nights doing it!
I do too.
UNIT 3 Report
Hi, Ria. Have you done Ms. Anita’s assignment?
And finally, you finished it. Marvelous!
Look at the bold-typed expressions in the dialogs. You can use the expressions to show amazement. Here are some other expressions you can use to show amazement. Showing Amazement Perfect! Amazing! That’s wonderful! How fabulous it is! What a nice dress you are wearing! What a lovely flower arrangement! Wow, that’s really cool!
Responding You’re right. It is. Yeah. Yup! Thank you. I think so. That’s right.
Answer the questions orally. 1. 2. 3.
When you can’t hear what someone has said, what would you do? Contoh jawaban: I would ask him/her to repeat the statements he/she has just said. How would you ask him/her? Contoh jawaban: I would say, “Pardon me?” or “Sorry, what did you say?” When you are amazed at something, how would you express it in English? Contoh jawaban: I would say, “Wow, that’s amazing!”
Listen to your teacher. Complete the dialogs based on what you have heard.
Percakapan-percakapan yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban: Dialog 1 Galuh : Look at the river! It’s so dirty. (1) How disgusting! Vera : (2) Sorry? What did you say? Galuh : The river is so disgusting. Vera : (3) Yeah, right. That’s because many people throw waste there. Galuh : Source of (4) water pollution, right? Vera : That’s right. I think we should stop throwing any forms of waste into the river. Galuh : Yup! I hope other people think (5) the same way too. Dialog 2 Ms. Dewi : You know, the air pollution has become (6) a serious problem in our town. Ms. Anjani : (7) Pardon? Ms. Dewi : The air pollution in our town is a serious problem, isn’t it? Ms. Anjani : Oh, yeah. You are right. Guess what! The pollution comes mainly from (8) vehicles exhaust. Ms. Dewi : Yup! That’s why I prefer (9) riding bicycle to motorcycle. Ms. Anjani : (10) Good choice. PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Variasi: A.
Find the meanings of the words below.
Kata-kata yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban: 1. disgusting = menjijikkan 2. waste = sampah, limbah 3. hope = berharap 4. same way = cara pandang/jalan pikiran yang sama. 5. pollution = pencemaran 6. vehicle = kendaraan 7. exhaust = sisa pembuangan 8. choice = pilihan B.
Complete the sentences with the words in Task A.
1. We are going to have a vacation tomorrow. I ________ it will not rain. 2. We view this matter in the ________ so we all agree about the solution. 3. The rotten food is smelly and ________. 4. ________ has been a big problem in many big cities. 5. Please throw any left-over food in the ________ bin. 6. Watch out! The motorcycle’s ________ pipe is quite hot. 7. Due to the flood, people who live near the river have no ________ but to leave their houses. 8. Traffic jam is caused by the out-numbered ________ on the streets. Jawaban: 1. hope 2. same way 3. disgusting 4. Pollution 5. waste 6. exhaust 7. choice 8. vehicles B.
Read the complete dialogs in Task A. Answer the questions based on them.
Dialog 1 1. What are the girls talking about? Jawaban: They are talking about the dirty and disgusting river. 2. What is the relationship between the speakers? Jawaban: They are two friends. 3. Vera said, “Sorry? What did you say?” What does it mean? Jawaban: She asks Galuh to repeat what she has just said. 4. What does Galuh think about the river? Jawaban: She thinks that the river is so dirty and disgusting. 5. What does Vera think about the cause of the dirty and disgusting river? Jawaban: She thinks that it is because people throw their waste into the river. Dialog 2 1. What is the dialog about? Jawaban: The air pollution in town. 2. What did Ms. Anjani say to ask Ms. Dewi to repeat her sentence? Jawaban: She said, “Pardon?”. 3. According to Ms. Dewi, how is the air pollution in the town? Jawaban: It has been a serious problem. 144
UNIT 3 Report
In Ms. Anjani’s opinion, where does the pollution mainly come from? Jawaban: It comes mainly from vehicles exhaust. What does Ms. Dewi prefer to ride? Jawaban: She prefers to ride bicycle to motorcycle.
5. C.
Listen to your teacher. State whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.
Percakapan yang dibacakan guru: Jojo : Santi, is the new electric bicycle yours? Santi : Yes, it is mine, Jo. Jojo : What a nice bicycle! It is the newest model. Your dad bought it for you, didn’t he? Santi : Yeah. Jojo : You are so lucky, San. Can I have a try? Santi : Sure. Ride it on. Jojo : Thanks. 1. _______ The dialog is about a new motorcycle. 2. _______ The speakers are teacher and student. 3. _______ Jojo has a new bicycle. 4. _______ Jojo is amazed by the new electric bicycle. 5. _______ Santi bought the bicycle herself. Jawaban: 1. F. It is about a new electric bicycle. 2. F. They are friends. 3. F. It is Santi who has a new bicycle. 4. T 5. F. Santi’s father bought the bicycle for her. Variasi: Listen to your teacher. State whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones. Percakapan yang dibacakan guru: Ayu : Nang, look at the rainbow over there! Nanang : Pardon me? Ayu : Look at the rainbow over there! Amazing, isn’t it? Use these binoculars so that you can see it much better. Nanang : Thanks. Wow, that’s really wonderful! Ayu : It is. 1. _______ The speakers are talking about binoculars. 2. _______ Nanang asks Ayu to repeat her sentence by saying “Pardon me?” 3. _______ Nanang uses binoculars to look at the rainbow. 4. _______ Ayu is not amazed at the rainbow. 5. _______ Nanang expresses his amazement after looking at the rainbow. Jawaban: 1. F. They are talking about a rainbow. 2. T 3. T 4. F. Ayu is amazed at the rainbow. 5. T
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Listen to your teacher. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.
Listen to the dialog and answer questions 1 to 4. Percakapan yang dibacakan guru: Mr. Galang : Andi, would you get me the big world map in the library, please? Andi : I beg your pardon, Sir? Mr. Galang : Get me the big world map in the library, please. I am going to use it in our geograpy class. Andi : Right away, Sir. Mr. Galang : Thank you. Andi : My pleasure. 1. Who are talking in the dialog? A. Two teachers. B. Father and son. C. Two friends. D. Teacher and student. Jawaban: D Dalam percakapan tersebut, seorang guru (Mr. Galang) meminta Andi untuk mengambilkan peta di perpustakaan dan terdapat frasa kunci ’geography class’. Penyebutan sapaan ”Sir” juga menandakan bahwa percakapan tersebut terjadi antara guru dan murid (teacher and student). 2. Where does the dialog take place? A. In the library. B. In the classroom. C. In the market. D. In the bookstore. Jawaban: B Percakapan tersebut terjadi antara guru dan murid, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa percakapan tersebut terjadi di ruang kelas (in the classroom). 3. Andi said, “I beg your pardon, Sir?” What does it mean? A. He asks his teacher to say his words once again. B. He gives his opinion. C. He expresses his amazement. D. He expresses his doubt.
UNIT 3 Report
Jawaban: A Ungkapan soal artinya ”Maaf, Pak?”. Ungkapan tersebut digunakan untuk meminta seseorang mengulangi kata-kata yang baru saja diucapkan (to say his words once again). 4. Where can Andi find the map? A. In the bookstore. B. In the library. C. In the school shop. D. In the canteen. Jawaban: B Pilihan jawaban tersebut benar karena sesuai dengan kalimat yang diucapkan Pak Galang, yaitu ”Andi would you get me the big world map in the library, please?”. Listen to the dialog and answer questions 5 to 7. Percakapan yang dibacakan guru: Lina : Bon, you know what! I got nine in the physics exam. Bonny : I’m sorry? What did you say? Lina : I got nine in the physics exam. Bonny : In the physics exam? Lina : Yeah. Bonny : Wow, that’s great, Lina! Lina : Thank you. 5. In what exam did Lina get nine? A. English. B. Math. C. Physics. D. Civics. Jawaban: C Pilihan jawaban tersebut benar karena sesuai dengan kalimat yang diucapkan Lina, yaitu ”I got nine in the physics exam.”. 6. What is the relationship between the speakers? A. Two classmates. B. Father and daughter. C. Father and son. D. Teacher and student. Jawaban: A Percakapan tersebut terjadi antara dua orang teman sekelas (two classmates) karena membicarakan nilai ulangan Fisika.
7. Bonny said, “Wow, that’s great, Lina!” What does Bonny express? A. His certainty. B. His sympathy. C. His amazement. D. His curiosity. Jawaban: C Ucapan Bonny tersebut mengungkapkan kekagumannya (his amazement). Listen to the dialog and answer questions 8 to 10. Percakapan yang dibacakan guru: Ms. Dina : O.K., students, tomorrow we are going to do an experiment. Please go to the lab directly and make a group of four students. Ronny : I’m sorry. I didn’t catch the last words. Would you mind repeating it, Ma’am? Ms. Dina : Sure. Tomorrow all of you please go to the lab directly and make groups of four students. Is it clear? Ronny : Yes, Ma’am. 8. Where does the dialog happen? A. In the canteen. B. In the classroom. C. In the school hall. D. In the library.
Jawaban: B Percakapan tersebut terjadi antara guru dan murid dalam konteks pelajaran sekolah. Jadi, percakapan tersebut terjadi di ruang kelas (in the classroom). 9. What should the students do tomorrow? A. They should repeat what they say. B. They should obey their teacher. C. They should stay at home. D. They should go to the lab directly. Jawaban: D Pilihan jawaban tersebut benar karena sesuai dengan kalimat yang diucapkan Bu Dina, yaitu ”Please go to the lab directly and make a group of four students.”. 10. Ronny said, “Would you mind repeating it, Ma’am?” What does it mean? A. He asks Ms. Dina to say her sentence once again. B. He shows his amazement. C. He responds to doubt. D. He shows his sympathy. Jawaban: A Ungkapan tersebut yang artinya ”Mohon diulangi, Bu?” merupakan ungkapan meminta seseorang untuk mengulangi kalimatnya.
Complete the dialog with the proper words in the box. Practice the dialog with your friend in front of the class.
I’m sorry
The grocer : Good afternoon, Madam. May I help you? Mrs. Setiawan : Yes, please. I need a kilogram of (1) _______, a pack of tea bags, a pack of coffee and two (2) _______ of soap. The grocer : Excuse me? Would you (3) _______ your sentence, please? Mrs. Setiawan : Sure. (Mrs. Setiawan repeats her words.) The grocer : I see. Please wait a minute.
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
(A moment later . . .) The grocer : Here they are. All of them are thirty-three thousand rupiah. Mrs. Setiawan : (4) _______. How much are they? The grocer : Thirty-three thousand rupiah. Mrs. Setiawan : O.K. Here’s the (5) _______. The grocer : Thank you, Madam. Mrs. Setiawan : You’re welcome. Jawaban: 1. d 4. a B.
2. 5.
e b
Answer the questions based on the dialog in Task A orally.
Where do you think the dialog takes place? Jawaban: At the grocery. What is the relationship between the speakers in the dialog? Jawaban: A grocer and a customer./A seller and a buyer. What does Mrs. Setiawan buy? Jawaban: A kilogram of sugar, a pack of tea bags, a pack of coffee and two bars of soap. What did the grocer say to ask Mrs. Setiawan to repeat her sentence? Jawaban: The grocer said, “Excuse me? Would you repeat your sentence, please?” How much does Mrs. Setiawan pay? Jawaban: Thirty-three thousand rupiah.
2. 3. 4. 5.
Variasi: A. Complete the dialog with the proper words in the box. Practice the dialog with your friend in front of the class. a. d.
Sorry coldest part
Dede Bayu Dede Bayu Dede
b. e.
know summers
very cold
: : : : :
Do you (1) _______ that the coldest place on earth is the Antarctic? (2) ________? Say that again, please. The (3) _______ on earth is the Antarctic. Really? How do you know? I read a book about it last night. Even in (4) _______, temperatures rarely climb over minus twenty-five centigrade, you know. Bayu : Wow, that’s (5) _______! We must be frozen there, musn’t we? Dede : Yup! That’s right. Jawaban: 1. b 4. e
2. 5.
a c
Answer the questions based on the dialog in Task A orally.
What is the relationship between the speakers? Jawaban: Two friends.
UNIT 3 Report
2. 3. 4. 5.
What did Bayu say to ask Dede to repeat his sentence? Jawaban: He said, “Sorry? Say that again please.” According to Dede, where is the coldest place on earth? Jawaban: The Antarctic. How did Dede know about the coldest place on earth? Jawaban: He read a book about it. What did Bayu say to express his amazement? Jawaban: He said, “Wow, that’s very cold!” Rearrange the sentences into a proper dialog. Practice the dialog with your friend.
Percakapan yang diurutkan siswa dan jawaban: Aji and Handoyo are in the library during the break. : That’s right. No wonder, cheetah is the fastest land animal on earth. 3 Aji 2 Handoyo : Wow, it’s amazing! It’s faster than a motorcycle. : I said cheetah is the fastest land animal on earth. 5 Aji 6 Handoyo : Yeah, it is. : You know, this book says that a cheetah can run 112 km per hour in a few second. 1 Aji 4 Handoyo : Sorry? What did you say? D. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Answer the questions based on the dialog in Task C orally. What is the relationship between the speakers? Jawaban: Two classmates. What is Handoyo amazed at? Jawaban: He is amazed at the fact that a cheetah can run 112 km per hour in a few second. What did Handoyo say to express his amazement? Jawaban: He said, “Wow, it’s amazing!” What did Handoyo say to ask Aji to repeat his sentence? Jawaban: He said, “Sorry? What did you say?” According to Aji, what is the fastest land animal on earth? Jawaban: Cheetah.
Variasi: A. Rearrange the sentences into a proper dialog. Practice the dialog with your friend. Percakapan yang diurutkan siswa dan jawaban: Eka and Mursid are on the way to school. They are talking about Mursid’s new mobile phone. : Sorry? Can you repeat your sentence, please? 5 Eka Mursid : Er . . . it is equipped with two megapixels camera and MP4 player. 4 : Wow, a new mobile phone! Is it yours? 1 Eka 8 Mursid : Thank you. : Tell me about the features, please. 3 Eka Mursid : Sure. I said that it has two megapixels camera and MP4 player. 6 : Oh, what an excellent mobile phone! 7 Eka Mursid : Yeah. It’s mine. 2
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Answer the questions based on the dialog in Task A orally.
Where does the dialog take place? Jawaban: On the way to school. Who has a new mobile phone? Jawaban: Mursid does. What are the features of the mobile phone? Jawaban: It is equipped with two megapixels camera and MP4 player. What did Eka say to ask Mursid to repeat his sentence? Jawaban: He said, “Sorry? Can you repeat your sentence, please?” Eka said, “Oh, what an excellent mobile phone!” What does Eka express? Jawaban: He expresses his amazement.
2. 3. 4. 5.
Complete the dialogs with the proper expressions you have learned. Practice the dialogs with your friend.
Dialog 1 Mother : Nindya : Mother : Nindya : Mother :
Nindya, you’ve got a letter. I put it on your desk. (1) ________? There is a letter on your desk. I think it’s from the idol audition. Really, Mom? I think so.
(A moment later . . . .) Nindya : You are right, Mom. It’s from the idol audition. I will join the next audition in Jakarta, Mom. Mother : (2) _________. Congratulations, dear! Nindya : Thanks, Mom. Dialog 2 Burhan : Hi, Olivia, you had a vacation in the Bunaken National Marine Park, didn’t you? Olivia : Hi, Burhan. Yes, that’s right. I went to my uncle’s house in Manado, then I also went to the marine park. Burhan : (3) ________? Whom did you visit? Olivia : I visited my uncle in Manado. Burhan : Oh, I see. Well, tell me about the National Marine Park, please. Olivia : (4) ________! I think that place is the best marine park in the world. Burhan : Really? I want to go there someday. Olivia : (5) ________? Burhan : I want to go there someday. Olivia : Just do it. You won’t regret it! Contoh jawaban: 1. Pardon me 2. That’s wonderful 3. Excuse me 4. Well, it is really amazing 5. Sorry? What did you say
UNIT 3 Report
Variasi: Read the complete dialogs in Task E. Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones. Dialog 1 1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. ______ 5. ______
The speakers in the dialog are mother and her daughter. The letter is in Nindya’s desk. Nindya asks her mother to repeat her sentence. The letter is from Nindya’s best friend. Mother will join the next idol audition in Jakarta.
Jawaban: 1. T 2. F. The letter is on Nindya’s desk. 3. T 4. F. The letter is from the idol audition. 5. F. Nindya will join the next idol audition in Jakarta. Dialog 2 1. ______ The dialog is between two friends. 2. ______ Burhan went to the Bunaken National Marine Park. 3. ______ Olivia went to her grandfather’s house in Manado. 4. ______ Olivia is amazed at the marine park. 5. ______ Burhan doesn’t want to go there someday. Jawaban: 1. T 2. F. Olivia did that, not Burhan. 3. F. Olivia went to her uncle’s house in Manado. 4. T 5. F. Burhan wants to go there someday. F.
Make dialogs based on the pictures and the situations. Use the expressions you have learned. Practice the dialogs with your friend.
Your friend is making a tart. You are amazed at her skill. What would the two of you say? Contoh jawaban: You : Wow, what a nice tart! Your friend : Thanks. You : Did you make it yourself?
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Your friend : Yeah. You : That’s wonderful! Your friend : Thank you. 2.
You and your friend are watching a girl with a big snake on her neck on TV. Both you and your friend are amazed at her. How would the conversation go? Contoh jawaban: You : Look at the girl with a snake on her neck! Your friend : Wow! What a brave girl! You : Yeah. Look, the snake is big enough. Your friend : It is. She’s really marvelous. You : She is, isn’t she? Variasi: A.
Practice the dialog in pairs.
Tika Panji Tika Panji
: : : :
Tika Panji Tika Panji Tika
: : : : :
Have you got the materials for our science paper? Yup! And, I have done the paper, you know. Wow, that’s amazing! How can you do that? Well, I went to the public library two days ago. There are a lot of materialsl provided in the library. So, I did the paper in the library. Really? I’ll do the same, then. Um, . . . you can get a lot of information there. Just go to the science section. Sorry? I didn’t catch the last words. Go to the science section in the library. I will. Thanks.
Answer the questions based on the dialog.
What is the dialog about? Jawaban: The science paper. Who has done the paper? Jawaban: Panji has. What did Tika say to express her amazement? Jawaban: She said, “Wow, that’s amazing!” Where did Panji get the materials from? Jawaban: The public library. What did Tika say to ask Panji to repeat his sentence? Jawaban: Tika said, “Sorry? I didn’t catch the last words.”
2. 3. 4. 5.
UNIT 3 Report
Make dialogs based on the situations. Use the expressions you have learned. Practice the dialogs with your friend.
You and your friend are having a holiday. Both of you go to a tourist object. It is a beautiful waterfall. You and your friend are amazed at the waterfall and the scenery. How would the conversation go? 2. Your friend brings some photographs. You ask your friend about it. You are amazed at the photographs. Your friend says that the photographs are from her cousin who loves mountaineering. Your friend adds that the photographs were taken on the top of a mountain. You don’t hear your friend clearly. Your friend repeats her/his sentence. How would the conversation go? Contoh jawaban: 1. Nisa : Look at the waterfall! Citra : Wow, . . . it’s wonderful! Nisa : Yeah. Fantastic! What a beautiful scenery! Citra : Let’s take a picture. Nisa : O.K. 2. Febri : What are in your hand, Ana? Ana : Oh, these are photographs from my cousin. He really likes mountaineering, you know. Febri : Let me see. Ana : Here you are. Febri : Wow, these photographs are marvelous! Ana : Yeah. These were taken at the top of a mountain. Febri : Pardon me?
3.2 Genre
Spoken Text Ana : These pictures are taken at the top of a mountain. Read the text with proper pronunciation. Understand the explanation. Good morning, everyone. I am going to tell you about climate. Do you know what it is? Well, . . . climate is the typical weather of a place over a long period of time. Climates near the Equator are warm. You know, . . . tropical climates are warm climates in the tropical zones on either side of the Equator. The average temperature of the tropical zones is 27°C, just like our country. The climate is cool near the Poles. Temperate climates are mild climates in the temperate zones between the tropics and the polar regions. Summer temperatures may average 23°C and winter temperatures may average 12°C. A Mediterranean climate is a temperate climate with warm summers and mild winters. Well, that’s all about climate. Adapted from: 1000 Facts on Planet Earth
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
The text you have read is a report text in spoken form (monolog). It functions to describe the way things are, with reference to a range of natural, man-made and social phenomenon in our environment. In a monolog, you may use informal expressions such as well . . ., er . . ., I’ll tell you something, listen . . . , let me tell you what, etc. The expressions make the monolog sound nice and the audience will not get bored.
Written Text Read the text below. Understand the explanation. Title General Classification
Climate Climate is the typical weather of a place over a long period of time. Near the Equator climates are warm. Tropical climates are warm climates in the tropical zones on either side of the Equator. The average temperature of the tropical zones is 27°C, just like our country. The climate is cool near the Poles. Temperate climates are mild climates in the temperate zones between the tropics and the polar regions. Summer temperatures may average 23°C and winter temperatures may average 12°C. A Mediterranean climate is a temperate climate with warm summers and mild winters. Adapted from: 1000 Facts on Planet Earth
The text is called a report text in written form. It is a text which describes the way things are, with reference to a range of natural, man-made and social phenomenon in our environment. The structure of a report text is: ● general classification. It tells what the phenomenon under discussion is. ● description. It tells what the phenomenon under discussion is like in terms of parts; qualities; habits or behaviors (if living) and uses (if non-natural).
UNIT 3 Report
Grammar Section Question Tags Read the dialog and pay attention to the bold-typed words.
You like reading books, don’t you?
Yeah. Especially science books. I see.
The bold typed words in the dialog is called a question tag. A question tag is a question added at the end of a sentence. We use tags to make sure that the information in the sentence is correct or to ask for an agreement. You form it by taking the auxiliary of your sentence. Put it in the last part of the sentence and simply add the personal pronoun that corresponds with the subject. Don’t forget to add a comma before a question tag. The tag question is in the form of a yes/no question.
Here are some more examples. 1. The man isn’t a doctor, is he? 2. They have a serious problem, don’t they? 3. We must obey our teacher, mustn’t we? 4. Mr. Darmawan didn’t came yesterday, did he? 5. Susi came late, didn’t she? Remember! Affirmative sentences are always followed by negative tags. Negative sentences are followed by positive tags. Patterns: S + be/verb/modal + noun/verb/adj. + . . . (,) be/auxiliary verb/modal + not + S + ? S + be/auxiliary verb/modal + not + . . . (,) be/auxiliary verb/modal + S + ? Too, Enough Read the dialog and pay attention to the bold typed words. I think this shirt is too big for me.
Um . . . , can we go around to find it?
That's right. You need the smaller one.
Sure. We have enough time, haven’t we?
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
We usually put enough before nouns, but we usually put too before adjectives. We usually say: enough/too . . . for (somebody/something). Examples: 1. There is enough food for everyone. 2. These shoes are too small for me. 3. I haven’t got enough money for a vacation. But, we can also say: enough/too . . . (to do something). Examples: 1. This coffee is too hot to drink. 2. There are enough chairs to sit. 3. The box is too heavy to carry.
Answer the questions orally. 1. 2. 3. 4.
Do you still remember what a procedural text is? Contoh jawaban: Yes, I still remember. What is the purpose of a procedural text? Jawaban: It is to tell how something is done or made step by step. What about a report text? What is its purpose? Jawaban: It is to describe the way things are or to describe something in general. Give some examples of topics for report texts. Contoh jawaban: Report texts about mammals, plants and natural phenomena.
Complete the text while listening to your teacher.
Teks yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban: Good morning, everyone. I’m going to tell you about global warming. Well, global warming is the (1) increase of average temperatures around the world. (2) Scientists believe that it is caused by ‘the greenhouse effect’. Do you know what it is? Well, the greenhouse effect is the way that (3) certain gases in the air trap some of the Sun’s warmth, like the panes of glass in the walls and roof of a greenhouse. This actually keeps the Earth (4) warm, but if it continuously increases, the Earth may become (5) very hot. The greenhouse effect is caused by burning (6) fossil fuels, such as coal, oil and (7) natural gas that produce (8) carbon dioxide. Um . . . do you know what the results of the global warming are? Well, . . . it may bring stormier (9) weather and the melting down of much of the (10) polar ice caps. Adapted from: 1000 Facts on Planet Earth
UNIT 3 Report
Variasi: A. Find the meanings of the words below. Look up your dictionary if necessary. Kata-kata yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban: 1. global warming = pemanasan global 2. increase = meningkat/peningkatan 3. average = rata-rata 4. trap = memerangkap 5. fuel = bahan bakar 6. coal = batubara 7. pane = jendela kaca 8. roof = atap 9. natural = alami 10. melting down = meleleh/pelelehan B.
Complete the sentences with the words in Task A. Change the form of the words when necessary.
1. Ice Age is a movie about the ________ of ice on earth. 2. The boys who played baseball in the field were careless. They incidentally broke a ________ of a house nearby. 3. Nowadays, people prefer vehicles with low ________ consumption. 4. Since the fuel price gradually hikes, some people use ________ to cook. 5. The ________ and extreme climate change have been the major issues in the convention. The world must unite to overcome the problems. 6. Because of the global crisis, the number of unemployment ________ rapidly. 7. Volcano eruptions, earthquakes and storms are ________ disasters that we can prevent. 8. The ________ temperature in Yogyakarta last month was 25°C. 9. My father checked and fixed the ________ because it was leaked again. 10. The Earth’s atmosphere ________ harmful gasses such as carbon dioxide. Jawaban: 1. melting down 3. fuel 5. global warming 7. natural 9. roof B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
2. 4. 6. 8. 10.
window pane coal increases average traps
Answer the questions below based on the text in Task A. What is the text about? Jawaban: It is about global warming. What is global warming? Jawaban: It is the increase of average temperatures around the world. According to scientists, what causes global warming? Jawaban: The greenhouse effect. What happens when the Earth keeps warm and increases continuously? Jawaban: The Earth may become very hot. What causes the greenhouse effect? Jawaban: Burning fossil fuels, such as coal, oil and natural gas that produce carbon dioxide.
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Listen to your teacher. State whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.
Teks yang dibacakan guru: Hello, everyone. I’m going to tell you about the Earth. Well, the Earth is one of nine planets in the Solar System that circles the Sun. Like some of the other planets, it is a big ball of rock. It is wrapped around with a thin layer of gasses which is called the atmosphere. From a distance, it looks like a blue and green jewel hanging in space. It is partly blue because the Earth has huge amounts of water in oceans. It is partly green because the water supports life. Adapted from: Science Library Planet Earth
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
______ ______ ______ ______ ______
The speaker talks about the Sun. The Earth circles the Sun. The speaker says that the Earth is a big ball of rock. There is no thin layer of gasses which wraps around the Earth. The Earth looks like a red jewel hanging in space.
Jawaban: 1. F. The speaker talks about the Earth. 2. T 3. T 4. F. There is thin layer of gasses which wraps around the Earth. 5. F. It looks like a blue and green jewel hanging in space. Variasi: A. Find the meanings of the words. Kata-kata yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban: 1. circle = mengelilingi 2. rock = batu 3. wrap = membungkus/menyelubungi 4. layer = lapisan 5. distance = jarak jauh 6. jewel = permata 7. hang = menggantung 8. space = angkasa 9. partly = sebagian 10. huge = besar/luas sekali B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Answer the questions based on the text you have heard in Task C. What is the text about? Jawaban: It is about the Earth. What is the Earth? Jawaban: It is one of nine planets in the Solar System that circles the Sun. What does the Earth look like from a distance? Jawaban: It looks like a blue and green jewel hanging in space. Why does the Earth look partly blue? Jawaban: It looks partly blue because the Earth has huge amounts of water in oceans. Why does the Earth look partly green? Jawaban: It looks partly green because the water supports life. UNIT 3 Report
Read the text aloud. Mind your pronunciation.
Hello, everyone. I’m going to tell you about drought. Do you know what it is? Well, . . . a drought is an extended period of months or years when a region notes a deficiency in its water supply. Generally, this occurs when a region receives consistently below average precipitation. Drought can have a substantial impact on the ecosystem and agriculture of the certain region. Although it can persist for several years, even a short drought can also cause significant damage and harm the local economy. This global phenomenon has a widespread impact on agriculture. The United Nations estimates that an area of fertile soil in the size of Ukraine is lost every year because of drought, deforestation and climate instability. Lengthy periods of drought have triggered mass migration in Africa in this last decade and in various other parts of the world for thousands of years. Adapted from: (December 30, 2008)
B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Answer the questions based on the text in Task A. What is the text about? Jawaban:It is about drought. What is a drought? Jawaban: A drought is an extended period of months or years when a region notes a deficiency in its water supply. When does a drought happen generally? Jawaban: A drought happens when a region receives consistently below average precipitation. What does drought have impact on? Jawaban:The ecosystem and agriculture. According to the UN, how big is the area of fertile soil that is lost every year because of drought, deforestation and climate instability? Jawaban:It is about the size of Ukraine.
Variasi: Match the words in column A with their correct meanings in column B. A 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
drought deficiency precipitation substantial persist harm widespread estimate fertile trigger
Jawaban: 1. h 6. f
2. 7.
a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. d j
presipitasi memperkirakan subur kekurangan memicu membahayakan penting kekeringan/kemarau berlangsung tersebar luas 3. 8.
a b
4. 9.
g c
5. i 10 e
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Complete the text with the correct words in the box.
Rain is (1) _______ precipitation. On Earth, it is the condensation of atmospheric water vapor into drops heavy enough to (2) _______, which often makes it to the earth’s surface. Rain is the primary source of fresh (3) _______ for most areas of the world, providing suitable conditions for diverse ecosystems, as well as water for hydroelectric power plants and crop (4) _______. However, not all rain reaches the surface. Some evaporates while falling through dry air which is called virga. This (5) _______ is often found in hot, dry desert regions. Adapted from: (December 30, 2008)
Jawaban: 1. c
Variasi: State whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) based on the text in Task C. Correct the false ones. 1. ______ Rain is the condensation of atmospheric water vapor into drops heavy enough to fall. 2. ______ Rain is the secondary source of fresh water for most areas of the world. 3. ______ Rain is also used for hydroelectric power plants and crop irrigation. 4. ______ All rains reach the surface of the earth. 5. ______ Virga is a phenomenon that is often found in cold regions. Jawaban: 1. T 2. F. Rain is the primary source of fresh water for most areas of the world. 3. T 4. F. Not all rain reaches the surface. 5. F. Virga is often found in hot, dry desert regions. D.
Retell the text in Task C using your own words in front of the class.
Find a report text about a natural phenomenon from any sources. Tell it to your friends.
Contoh jawaban: Good morning, everyone. I’m going to tell you about flood. Well, flood happens when a river or the sea rises so much that it spills over the surrounding land. Um . . . river flood may occur after a period of heavy rain. The river flood’s size are sometimes big and sometimes small. Flood size is described in terms of frequency. Small flood is common but big flood is rare. You know, flood can destroy homes and wash away soil from farmland. Adapted from: 1000 Facts on Planet Earth
UNIT 3 Report
Read the text. Identify its text structure. Ecosystem
An ecosystem is a community of living things interacting with each other and their surroundings. It can be anything from a piece of rotting wood to a huge swamp. In every ecosystem, each organism depends on the others. When vegetation colonizes an area, the first plants to grow there are small and simple, such as mosses and lichens. Grass and sedges appear next. The simple plants stabilize the soil so that bigger and more complex plants can move in. This is called vegetation succession. Rainforest ecosystems cover only 8% of the world’s plant and animal species. Green plants are autothrops, or producers, which means they make their own food. Animals are heterotrophs, or consumers, which means they get their food from other living things. Primary consumers are herbivores that eat plants. Secondary consumers are carnivores that eat herbivores or each other. Farming has a huge effect on natural ecosystems. It reduces the number of species dramatically. Adapted from: 1000 Facts on Planet Earth
Jawaban: Title General Classification
Ecosystem An ecosystem is a community of living things interacting with each other and their surroundings. It can be anything from a piece of rotting wood to a huge swamp. In every ecosystem, each organism depends on the others. When vegetation colonizes an area, the first plants to grow there are small and simple, such as mosses and lichens. Grass and sedges appear next. The simple plants stabilize the soil so that bigger and more complex plants can move in. This is called vegetation succession. Rainforest ecosystems cover only 8% of the world’s plant and animal species. Green plants are autothrops, or producers, which means they make their own food. Animals are heterotrophs, or consumers, which means they get their food from other living things. Primary consumers are herbivores that eat plants. Secondary consumers are carnivores that eat herbivores or each other. Farming has a huge effect on natural ecosystems. It reduces the number of species dramatically. Adapted from: 1000 Facts on Planet Earth
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Match the words in column A with their correct meanings in column B. A
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
huge swamp surroundings rot depend colonize moss succession appear reduce
Jawaban: 1. d 6. e
2. i 7. b
a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j
mengurangi lumut membusuk besar sekali mendiami muncul bergantung pergantian rawa lingkungan sekitar 3. j 8. h
4. c 9. f
5. g 10. a
Variasi: Complete the sentences with the words in Task B. 1. Never ________ everything on someone else. 2. Dino didn’t ________ at school yesterday. Was he all right? 3. Do you believe that there is a monster live in the ________. 4. We have to keep our ________ clean to prevent from any diseases. 5. The leaves are ________ to make compost. 6. I heard some species of butterflies ________ that island. 7. It’s difficult for that little crane to move that ________ dumb truck. We need a bigger crane. 8. Rainy season is the best time for ________ to grow. 9. The organization will arrange an election for a structural ________. 10. Because of global crisis, many companies ________ their labors. Jawaban: 1. depend 2. appear 3. swamp 4. surroundings 5. rotten 6. colonized 7. huge 8. moss 9. succession 10. reduce C.
State whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) based on the text in Task A. Correct the false ones.
1. 2.
______ The purpose of the text is to describe a particular place. ______ A community of living things interacting with each other and their surroundings is called an ecosystem. 3. ______ In every ecosystem each organism doesn’t need each other. 4. ______ The first plants to grow in an area of an ecosystem are big. 5. ______ The function of simple plants is to stabilize the soil so that bigger and more complex plants can move in. Jawaban: 1. F. The purpose of the text is to describe the way things are. 2. T 3. F. In every ecosystem each organism depends on the others. 4. F. When vegetation colonizes an area of an ecosystem, the first plants to grow there are small and simple. 5. T 162
UNIT 3 Report
Variasi: Guru dapat menambah pernyataan-pernyataan soal sebagai berikut. 1. ______ Vegetation succession is the process of animals and human to stabilize the soil. 2. ______ Farming has an insignificant effect on natural ecosystems. 3. ______ Farming reduces the number of species dramatically. 4. ______ Green plants make their own food. 5. ______ Primary consumers are carnivores that eat herbivores. Jawaban: 1. F. Vegetation succession is the process of plants to stabilize the soil. 2. F. Farming has a huge effect on natural ecosystems. 3. T 4. T 5. F. Primary consumers are herbivores that eat plants. D.
Complete the text with the proper words in the box.
a. f.
matter vapor
b. g.
flows fresh
c. h.
ice three
d. i.
evaporates combination
e. j.
salt materials
Water is a chemical. Chemists say water is a compound, a combination of different (1) ________. It is a (2) ________ of oxygen and hydrogen atoms. Water is made of one atom of oxygen and two atoms of hydrogen. An atom is a tiny bit of (3) ________. The (4) ________ atoms make the tiniest possible drop of water, called a molecule. Water can be a liquid, a solid or a gas. Liquid water (5) ________. Solid water is (6) ________. Water in the form of a gas is called water (7) ________. Nature recycles water all the time. Water in oceans, lakes and rivers (8) ________, or turns into a gas and rises into the air. The water vapor eventually turns back into a liquid and falls as rain. The water cycle keeps the total amount of water on Earth the same. But most of this water is (9) ________ water in the ocean. People need (10) ________ water for drinking and for growing food on farms. Ocean water is too salty to drink. It is too salty to use for watering plants. Adapted from: Microsoft Encarta 2008
Jawaban: 1. j 6. c
2. 7.
i f
3. 8.
a d
4. 9.
h e
5. b 10. g
Variasi: Find the meanings of the words in your dictionary. Kata-kata yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban: 1. compound = senyawa 2. matter = materi 3. tiny = sangat kecil 4. vapor = uap 5. drop = tetes 6. liquid = cair/cairan 7. solid = padat 8. evaporate = menguap 9. cycle = daur 10. salt water = air asin
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer based on the complete text in Task D.
1. What is the purpose of the text? A. To tell how to make something. B. To describe the way things are. C. To describe a particular thing. D. To amuse the readers. Jawaban: B Teks tersebut adalah teks report yang bertujuan mendeskripsikan sesuatu secara umum (to describe the way things are). 2. What is the text about? A. Oxygen. B. Ocean. C. Water. D. Rain. Jawaban: C Sesuai dengan isi paragraf satu, teks tersebut adalah teks report yang membahas tentang air (water). 3. According to chemists, water is ________. A. a combination of different matter B. a combination of solid matter C. a combination of water vapor D. a combination of oceans, lakes and rivers Jawaban: A Kalimat kedua paragraf satu artinya ”Para ahli kimia mengatakan bahwa air merupakan gabungan campuran zat yang berbeda.”. Jadi, menurut ahli kimia, air adalah kombinasi dari beberapa zat yang berbeda (a combination of different matter). 4. One oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms form ________. A. water vapor B. solid water C. rain D. a water molecule Jawaban: D Dalam teks disebutkan ”Water is made of one atom of oxygen and two atoms of hydrogen.” dan ”The three atoms make . . ., called a molecule.”. Jadi, sebuah atom oksigen dan dua atom hidrogen membentuk molekul air (water molecule). 5. What is ice? A. Liquid water. B. Solid water. C. Salt water. D. Fresh water. Jawaban: B Dalam teks disebutkan ”Solid water is ice.”. Jadi, es adalah air yang berwujud padat (solid water).
UNIT 3 Report
6. What is water vapor? It is ________. A. water in ocean B. water in the form of liquid C. water that falls as rain D. water in the form of a gas Jawaban: D Uap air adalah air dalam wujud gas (water in the form of a gas). 7. What recycles water all the time? A. Nature. B. Ocean. C. Lake. D. Human. Jawaban: A Berdasarkan kalimat ”Nature recycles water all the time.”, dapat diketahui bahwa yang mendaur ulang air adalah alam (nature). 8. “ . . . or turns into a gas and rises into the air.” (Paragraph 2) The underlined words can be replaced by the word ________. A. moves B. transports C. changes D. throws Jawaban: C Kata ’turns into’ yang artinya ’berubah menjadi’ dapat digantikan dengan kata changes. 9. “An atom is a tiny bit of matter.” (Paragraph 1) The underlined word is antonymous with the word ________. A. slow B. big C. swift D. huge Jawaban: D Lawan kata ’tiny’ yang artinya ’sangat kecil’ adalah huge yang artinya sangat besar. 10. “Ocean water is too salty to drink.” (Paragraph 3) Based on the sentence, the statements below are true, except ________. A. people can’t drink ocean water B. people need more salt water C. ocean water is too salty for people D. there is too much salt in the water ocean Jawaban: B Kalimat tersebut artinya ”Air laut terlalu asin untuk diminum.”. Pernyataan yang bertentangan dengan kalimat tersebut adalah (B) yang artinya orang-orang membutuhkan air asin lebih banyak lagi.
Rearrange the jumbled paragraphs into a proper report text.
Soal dan jawaban: 3
Static electricity comes from tiny invisible electric charges. There are positive and negative charges. Too much positive or negative charges in different things makes static electricity.
Lightning is caused by a kind of electricity called static electricity. Did you ever feel a shock when you touched a metal doorknob? The shock came from static electricity. You can make static electricity if you scuff your feet across carpet and touch something metal.
Lightning is a big electric spark. Sometimes the spark goes between two clouds. Sometimes the spark goes between a cloud and the ground.
Negative charges can build up in a storm cloud. Positive charges can build up in the ground or in another cloud. Negative and positive charges pull toward each other. Once enough of them build up, the charges jump toward one another. The jumping charges make a big electric spark, as you see as lightning. Adapted from: Microsoft Encarta ® 2008
Variasi: Answer the questions based on the proper text in Task F. 1. What is the text about? Jawaban: It is about lightning. 2. What is the purpose of the text? Jawaban: It is to describe the way things are. 3. What is lightning? Jawaban: Lightning is a big electric spark. 4. What is lightning caused by? Jawaban: Lightning is caused by a kind of electricity called static electricity. 5. How do you make static electricity? Give an example. Jawaban: I can make static electricity by scuffing my feet across carpet and then touching something metal. 6. Where does static electricity come from? Jawaban: Static electricity comes from tiny invisible electric charges. 7. How many electric charges are there? Mention them. Jawaban: There are two charges. They are positive and negative charges. 8. Where can negative charges build up? Jawaban: Negative charges can build up in a storm cloud. 9. Where can positive charges build up? Jawaban: Positive charges can build up in another cloud or in the ground. 10. What is a big electric spark that you see as lightning actually? Jawaban: It is the positive and negative electric charges that jump toward one another.
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Read the text. Answer the questions that follow.
Rain forests cover about 10% of the earth, but they contain 90% of the world’s animals and plants. Rain forests are found in the hottest parts of the earth. They are situated in the area from the Tropic of Cancer to the Tropic of Capricorn. This is the area on both sides of the Equator. These forests are called rain forests because it usually rains there every day. The weather is always hot and humid. The main rain forests are in America, Africa and Asia. The largest area of rain forest is Amazonia in South America. It is three times larger than the whole of Indonesia. Indonesia is covered by rain forests, but many of its forests have been cut down. Some fire also destroyed the Indonesian forests, especially during the dry season. It is hard now to reforest the bare land. Source: Ujian Nasional 2005/2006
Questions: 1. What is the text about? Jawaban: It is about rain forests in general. 2. What is the purpose of the text? Jawaban: It is to describe the way things are. 3. In what part of the earth are rain forests usually found? Jawaban: In the hottest parts of the earth. 4. Where are rain forests situated? Jawaban: They are situated in the area from the Tropic of Cancer to the Tropic of Capricorn. 5. Why is it called a rain forest? Jawaban: Because it usually rains there every day. 6. “The weather is always hot and humid.” (Paragraph 2) What is the bold-typed word best replaced by? Jawaban: It is damp. 7. Where are the main rain forests situated? Jawaban: The main rain forests are situated in America, Africa and Asia. 8. “It is three times larger than the whole of Indonesia.” (Paragraph 2) What does the bold-typed word refer to? Jawaban: It refers to Amazonia in South America. 9. What happened to many rain forests in Indonesia? Jawaban: Some of them have been cut down and destroyed by fire during the dry season. 10. What destroyed the Indonesia’s forests especially during the dry season? Jawaban: Fire. H. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Complete the sentences with proper question tags. It is a warm sunny day, ________? Joni won’t mend the garden, _________? We join the working bee, _________? Pipin and Antin are absent today, ________? Acid rain is dangerous, ________? The waves are big and rough, ________? Floods rarely happen in our town, ________? Weather forecasts are sometimes right, ________? Susi seldom comes late, ________? The villagers never cut down the trees in the forest, _________?
UNIT 3 Report
Jawaban: 1. isn’t it 3. don’t we 5. isn’t it 7. do they 9. does she I.
2. 4. 6. 8. 10.
will he aren’t they aren’t they aren’t they do they
Complete the sentences with ‘too’ or ‘enough’.
1. The temperature is ________ hot for us. We need an air conditioner. 2. Let’s get a taxi. It’s ________ far to walk home from here. 3. The girl is just 16 years old. She is not old _________ to get to work. 4. These shoes are ________ small for me. I need the bigger ones. 5. This coat is not warm ________ to wear in winter. Jawaban: 1. too 2. too 3. enough 4. too 5. enough Variasi: Continue the sentences based on your own ideas. See the example. Example: The food is too hot ________. o to eat 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
The current in the river is too dangerous ________. This sofa is not wide enough ________. The cliff is too high ________. The water in the pool is not clean enough ________. The big table is too heavy ________.
Contoh jawaban: 1. to swim in 2. for five people 3. to climb 4. for us to swim 5. for us to move it
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Read the text aloud. Mind your pronunciation. Tsunami
A tsunami is a series of waves created when a body of water, such as an ocean, is rapidly displaced. Earthquakes, mass movements above or below water, some volcanic eruptions and other underwater explosions, landslides, underwater earthquakes, large asteroid impacts and detonation of nuclear weapons at sea all have the potential to generate a tsunami. Due to the volumes of water and energy involved, the effects of tsunami can be devastating. Since meteorites are small, they will not generate tsunami. The Greek historian Thucydides was the first to relate tsunami to submarine quakes, but understanding of the nature of tsunami remained slim until the 20th century and is the subject of ongoing research. Many early geological, geographic, oceanographic texts refer to “seismic sea waves”. These are now referred to as “tsunami(s)”. Some meteorological storm conditions, deep depressions causing cyclones or hurricanes, can generate a storm surge which can be several meters above normal tide levels. This is due to the low atmospheric pressure within the center of the depression. As these storm surges come ashore, the surge can resemble a tsunami. Inundating vast areas of land are not always tsunami. Adapted from: (December 30, 2008)
Answer the questions based on the text in Task J.
What does the text tell us about? Jawaban: It tells us about tsunami. What is tsunami? Jawaban: A tsunami is a series of waves created when a body of water, such as an ocean, is rapidly displaced. What can generate a tsunami? Jawaban: Earthquakes, mass movements above or below water, some volcanic eruptions and other underwater explosions, landslides, underwater earthquakes, large asteroid impacts and detonation of nuclear weapons at sea. “Since meteorites are small, they will not generate tsunami.” (Paragraph 2) What does the bold-typed word refer to? Jawaban: Meteorites. Who was the first man to relate tsunami to submarine quakes? Jawaban: Thucydides was.
2. 3.
4. 5.
Variasi: A. a.
Complete the text with the correct words in the box. stars
Galaxies A galaxy is a (1) ________ of stars and other astronomical bodies, including planets, comets and asteroids, held together by gravity.
UNIT 3 Report
Galaxies come in (2) ________ shapes and sizes. These include the spiral, barrel-spiral and elliptical. Our galaxy, called the Milky Way, is approximately 100,000 light years in width and (3) ________ over 100 billion of stars. The center of galaxies can contain many young, very hot stars as well as older (4) ________. Swirling clouds that have been energized by magnetic forces also exist in the center. At this time, no one knows the exact number of galaxies in the (5) ________. Astronomers are, however, learning more and more about them every day. Source: 1000 Facts on Planet Earth
Jawaban: 1. e B.
Read the complete text in Task A. Identify the structure of the text.
Jawaban: Title
General Classification
A galaxy is a collection of stars and other astronomical bodies, including planets, comets and asteroids, held together by gravity.
Galaxies come in different shapes and sizes. These include the spiral, barrel-spiral and elliptical. Our galaxy, called the Milky Way, is approximately 100,000 light years in width and contains over 100 billion of stars. The center of galaxies can contain many young, very hot stars as well as older stars. Swirling clouds that have been energized by magnetic forces also exist in the center. At this time, no one knows the exact number of galaxies in the universe. Astronomers are, however, learning more and more about them every day.
Read the complete text in Task A. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.
What is the purpose of the text? A. To retell an experience of traveling around the galaxies. B. To entertain the readers with a fiction story of galaxies. C. To give information about galaxies. D. To show the way to galaxies. Jawaban: C Teks di atas menjelaskan tentang galaksi secara umum. Teks tersebut berbentuk report. Jadi, tujuan teks tersebut adalah untuk memberi informasi tentang galaksi secara umum (to give information about galaxies).
What holds stars, planets, comets and asteroids? A. Galaxies. B. Gravity. C. An astronomer. D. Magnetic force. Jawaban: B Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat pertama, ”. . . , including planets, comets and asteroids, held together by gravity.” yang artinya ”. . . , termasuk planet, komet, asteroid, dikendalikan oleh gravitasi.”
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Below is one of the shapes of galaxies, except ________. A. spiral B. clouds C. elliptical D. barrel-spiral Jawaban: B Berdasarkan kalimat “These includes the spiral, barrel-spirral and elliptical.”, yang bukan termasuk bentuk galaksi adalah pilihan jawaban (B) yang artinya awan. “Swirling clouds that have been energized by . . . .” (Paragraph 3) The underlined word can be best replaced by the word ________. A. enlarged B. encircled C. encouraged D. empowered
Jawaban: D Kata ’energized’ mempunyai arti yang sama dengan kata empowered, yaitu diberi tenaga/kekuatan. Enlarged artinya diperluas, encircled artinya dibentuk lingkaran/dilingkari, dan encouraged artinya didorong. 5.
The word ‘them’ in the last sentence of paragraph 3 refers to ________. A. astronomers B. swirling clouds C. galaxies D. stars Jawaban: C Kata ’them’ mengacu kepada objek kalimat sebelumnya, yaitu ’the exact number of galaxies’.
Read the text, and then rewrite it using your own words.
Acid Rain All rain is slightly acidic, but air pollution can turn rain into harmful acid rain. Chemicals from burning fossil fuels in power stations and vehicles exhausts build up in the atmosphere. They combine with water to form acid rain. When acid rain falls on forests and in lakes, it can cause serious damages to local ecosystems. It can harm and kill plants and fish. Acid rain can cause trees to grow more slowly, or even die. Acid rain can build up in lakes and poison plant life. It also dissolves stone and corrodes metal. So, it damages buildings, statues and monuments. Adapted from: Your Environment: Pollution
Write a report text about a natural phenomenon. You may refer to any sources. Mind the structure of a report text.
Contoh jawaban: Title General Classification
UNIT 3 Report
Volcanoes Volcanoes are place where magma emerges through the crust and onto the surface. The word volcano comes from Vulcano Island in the Mediterranean.
There are many types of volcanoes. The most distinctive are the cone shape composite volcanoes, which build up from alternating layers of ash and lava in successive eruptions. Beneath a composite volcano there is typically a large reservoir of magma called a magma chamber. Magma collects in the chamber before an eruption. Volcanoes usually erupt again and again. The interval time, called the repose time, varies from a few minutes to thousands of years. Source: 1000 Facts on Planet Earth
3.3 Short Functional Texts: Weather Forecasts and Announcements
Spoken Text Look at the table below and listen to your teacher. Understand the explanation. Good morning. Let’s have a look to the weather forecast in some cities in Indonesia. Today, Medan will be cloudy with occasional rain showers, chance of rain 70%. Jakarta will be cloudy, chance of rain 50%. Kendari will have scattered thunderstorms, chance of rain 70%. Jayapura will have sunny skies, chance of rain 40%.
The text you have heard is a weather forecast. A weather forecast is a piece of information about the prediction of weather in a certain place. By listening to a weather forecast, we can predict the weather. Since it’s only a forecast, sometimes it is right and sometimes it is not.
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Written Text Read the text. Understand the explanation.
Announcement To: All students We will hold a working bee in our school. It will be held: Time : Tomorrow, after school Purpose : Planting more trees in our school Please bring any plants and farming tools you have. Thank you. Principal
The text you have read is an announcement. It is a statement in a spoken or written form that makes something known publicly. The text above is an announcement in written form.
Answer the following questions. 1. 2. 3. 4.
What do you know about a weather forecast? Contoh jawaban: It is used to give information about the prediction of weather in a certain place. What benefits can you get from the weather forecast? Contoh jawaban: We will know whether it will be raining, windy or cold, so we can prepare ourselves for possible situations. Have you ever read an announcement? Contoh jawaban: Yes, I have. What is the announcement you have heard recently about? Contoh jawaban: It is about sports events in my school.
Listen to your teacher. Complete the text based on what you have heard.
Teks yang dibacakan guru dan jawaban: Good morning, here is the weather (1) forecast for some cities in Indonesia. Today, Banda Aceh will have windy and (2) sunny skies, chance of rain 40%. Medan will be mostly (3) cloudy, chance of rain 60%. Padang will be cloudy with some rain (2) showers in the evening, chance of rain 70%. Lampung will have (5) thunderstorms, chance of rain 70%. 172
UNIT 3 Report
Variasi: Find the meanings of the words. Kata-kata yang dikerjakan siswa dan jawaban: 1. sunny = cerah 2. cloudy = mendung 3. rain shower = hujan (ringan) 4. windy = berangin, banyak angin 5. thunderstorm = hujan disertai petir B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. C.
Answer the questions based on the text you have heard in Task A. What is the text about? Jawaban: It is the weather forecast for some cities in Indonesia. How many cities are mentioned in the text? What are they? Jawaban: Four cities. They are Banda Aceh, Medan, Padang and Lampung. How is the weather in Banda Aceh? Jawaban: It’s windy and sunny. What is the chance of rain in Medan? Jawaban: It is 60%. How is the weather in Padang? Describe it briefly. Jawaban: It will be cloudy with some rain showers in the evening with the chance of rain 70%. Listen to your teacher. Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.
Teks yang dibacakan guru: Good morning, everyone. Let’s have a look to the weather forecast in some cities in Indonesia. Today, Samarinda will be cloudy with some rain showers in the evening, chance of rain 70%. Pontianak will have scattered thunderstorms, chance of rain 70%. Banjarmasin will have windy and sunny skies, chance of rain 40%. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
______ ______ ______ ______ ______
According to the forecast, Samarinda will have a sunny day. There will be no rain showers in Samarinda. Pontianak will have scattered thunderstorms. The chances of rain in Samarinda and Pontianak are the same. There will be cloudy skies in Banjarmasin.
Jawaban: 1. F. Samarinda will be cloudy. 2. F. There will be some rain showers in the evening in Samarinda. 3. T 4. T 5. F. Banjarmasin will have windy and sunny skies.
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Say the weather forcast below aloud. Mind your pronunciation.
Here is the weather forecast in some places in Indonesia. It will be mostly cloudy in Bengkulu. Samarinda will be cloudy with some rain in the evening. Kupang is likely clear and windy. There’ll be sunshine in Ambon all day. B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Answer the questions based on the text in Task A orally. What is the text about? Jawaban: It is about the weather forecast in some places in Indonesia. According to the forecast, how is the weather in Bengkulu? Jawaban: Bengkulu will be mostly cloudy. When will Samarinda have some rain? Jawaban: In the evening. What is Kupang’s weather likely? Jawaban: It is likely clear and windy. What is the weather forecast for Ambon? Jawaban: There wil be sunshine all day. Create a weather forecast based on the data below. Tell it to your friends.
Contoh jawaban: Good morning, everyone. Here is the weather forecast for some cities in Indonesia. Today, Yogyakarta will be cloudy with occasional rain showers. It will be mostly cloudy in Surabaya and Mataram. Denpasar will have a clear and sunny day.
UNIT 3 Report
Variasi: Create a weather forecast based on the data. Tell it in front of the class.
Contoh jawaban: Good morning, everyone. Here is the weather forecast for some cities in Indonesia. Today, Makassar will have a rainy day. It will be a cloudy day in Palu. Kendari will have thunderstorms with heavy rain. And, there will be cloudy skies in Manado.
Read the announcement aloud. Mind your pronunciation and intonation.
Announcement To all students of Grade VII to IX, We will have an earthquake simulation tomorrow. Before the simulation, some instructors will teach you how to save yourselves when an earthquake happens. They will tell what you should do in the real situation. It will be held: Time : After the second break Place : School hall Please do join the simulation. It will be absolutely useful for you. Principal
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
B. 1.
Read the text in Task A. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer. What is the announcement about? A. An instruction to avoid an earthquake. B. An instruction to go to the school hall. C. An instruction to join an earthquake simulation. D. An instruction to survive in a disaster. Jawaban: C Pengumuman tersebut adalah tentang instruksi untuk mengikuti simulasi gempa bumi, yang disimpulkan dari kalimat awal teks.
Whom is the announcement addressed to? A. All students. B. The captains of Grade IX. C. All teachers at school. D. The student of Grade IX . Jawaban: A Pengumuman tersebut ditujukan untuk semua siswa yang disimpulkan dari kalimat ”To all students of Grade VII to IX.”.
When will the event be held? A. Today after the first break. B. Today before the second break. C. Tomorrow before the second break. D. Tomorrow after the second break.
Jawaban: D Acara tersebut akan diadakan besok setelah jam istirahat kedua, yang disimpulkan dari kalimat awal teks ”We will have . . . tomorrow.” dengan keterangan waktu ’tomorrow’ dan kalimat ”Time : After the second break.”. 4.
Who writes the announcement? A. A teacher does. B. One of the instructors does. C. The Principal does. D. A student does. Jawaban: C Pengumuman tersebut dibuat oleh kepala sekolah, yang disimpulkan dari penutup pengumuman, yaitu Principal.
“They will tell what you should do in the real situation.” What does the underlined word refer to? A. The students. B. Some instructors. C. The Principal and the teachers. D. Some instructors and the Principal. Jawaban: B Kata ’they’ dalam kalimat tersebut mengacu pada kata ganti orang yang telah disebutkan dalam kalimat sebelumnya, yaitu ’some instructors’.
Variasi: Read the text and answer the questions. Announcement To all students, As you all know, some natural disasters have happened in some parts of our country. Our school will collect donation for the victims of the disasters. You can donate your money, clothes, blankets, etc. Place : In the OSIS room Time : During the breaks, before December 15, 2009 For further information, please come to the OSIS room. OSIS Chairman
UNIT 3 Report
OSIS Secretary
Questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
A. 1.
What is the announcement about? Jawaban: It is about collecting donation for the victims of the natural disasters. Whom is the announcement addressed to? Jawaban: To all students. What things can the students donate? Jawaban: Money, clothes, blankets, etc. When should the students donate? Jawaban: During the breaks, before December 15, 2009. When the students need further information, what should they do? Jawaban: They should come to the OSIS room.
Write announcements based on the topics. OSIS will invite all students and teachers to donate their blood. The event will be held on Saturday, November 21, 2009, after school in the school hall. Contoh jawaban: Announcement To all students and teachers, OSIS will hold a blood donation that will be held: Date : Saturday, November 21, 2009 Time : After school Place : In the school hall Please join it. Your blood will save others’ life. OSIS Chairman
Your school library has a new series of science books. Students can find them in the science section. Announce it to your friends. Contoh jawaban: Announcement To all students, Our school library has a new series of science books. They are in the science section. You may come to the library and read the books. You can also borrow the books and bring them home. Librarian
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Write an announcement. You are free to choose your own topic.
Contoh jawaban: Announcement To students of Grade IX, The national examination is only three months left. To prepare for the exam, our school will give additional lessons after school. This program will start next week and it’s free. Don’t miss it. Principal
Find an article of a natural phenomenon from any sources. Rewrite it in your book.
Read and memorize the words. Use them whenever you speak English. aim average bar coal compound cycle deficiency disgusting drop drought
: : : : : : : : : :
estimate evaporate exhaust
: : :
fertile freeze fuel garbage global warming
: : : : :
UNIT 3 Report
tujuan rerata lempengan/batangan batubara senyawa daur kekurangan/kahat menjijikkan tetes kekeringan/kemarau panjang memperkirakan menguap pembuangan sisa bahan bakar subur membeku bahan bakar sampah pemanasan global
harm increase liquid matter melt natural pack pane persist pollution precipitation roof salt scattered scuff solid substantial summer temperature tiny trap trigger vapor widespread
: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
membahayakan meningkat cair materi mencair alami bungkus kaca (jendela) berlangsung polusi presipitasi atap asin tersebar menggosok-gosokkan padat penting musim panas suhu sangat kecil memerangkap memicu uap tersebar luas
Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.
1. Ms. Endah : O.K., class, please be quiet. Titik, do number three. Titik : ________ Ms. Endah : Do number three, please. Titik : Sure, Ma’am. A. That’s very kind of you. B. I doubt it, Ma’am. C. I’m not certain, Ma’am. D. I beg your pardon, Ma’am? Jawaban: D Pilihan jawaban yang menunjukkan ungkapan meminta pengulangan (I beg your pardon?) benar karena pada kalimat berikutnya Bu Endah mengulang ucapannya. 2. Mr. Andi : Heru, who is absent today? Heru : Sekar, Bayu and Tia, Sir. Mr. Andi : ________? I didn’t catch the last name. Heru : Tia, Sir. Mr. Andi : O.K. Thank you. A. What it happened B. Pardon me C. Are you sure D. Are you certain Jawaban: B Pilihan jawaban yang menunjukkan ungkapan meminta pengulangan (Pardon me?) benar karena pada kalimat berikutnya Pak Andi mengulang ucapannya. 3. Shop assistant : What can I do for you? Lisa : I want to buy a notebook, a pencil and a rubber. Shop assistant : __________? Lisa : I want to buy a notebook, a pencil and rubber. Shop assistant : Oh, sure. A. Are you O.K. B. Do you doubt it C. Sorry, what did you say D. Are you certain
Jawaban: C Ungkapan yang tepat untuk melengkapi percakapan tersebut adalah ungkapan meminta pengulangan (Sorry, what did you say?). 4. Antin : Arya, have you done your writing assignment? Arya : Um . . . I have done it last night. Antin : Really? ________ The assigment is very difficult indeed. You have to tell me how to do it. Arya : Sure. I’ll help you. Antin : Thanks. A. That’s amazing! B. Can you repeat your sentence? C. Sorry, I didn’t catch the last word. D. You doubt me. Jawaban: A Ungkapan yang tepat untuk melengkapi percakapan adalah ungkapan yang menunjukkan kekaguman (That’s amazing!) karena Antin merasa bahwa tugas itu sulit. Dia kagum bahwa Arya dapat menyelesaikan tugas yang sulit itu. 5. Aldi : Look at this mobile phone. This is new released. Dian : ________ Aldi : It is. The features are really cool. Dian : Exactly! A. I doubt it. B. What a nice mobile phone! C. Are you sure about it? D. Do you want to buy it? Jawaban: B Berdasarkan respons yang artinya ”Iya. Fitur-fiturnya keren.”, ungkapan yang sesuai diucapkan Dian sebelumnya adalah ungkapan kekaguman, yaitu What a nice mobile phone!
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
6. Mrs. Wijaya : Dear, turn down your stereo’s volume, please. I think it’s too loud. Siska : Would you mind repeating that, Mom? Mrs. Wijaya : Turn down your stereo, please. Siska : Sure. I’m sorry, Mom. The bold-typed sentence is the expression of ________. A. showing doubt B. asking about certainty C. showing sympathy D. asking someone to repeat her/his words Jawaban: D Ungkapan soal artinya ”Apakah Ibu tidak keberatan mengulanginya lagi, Bu?” merupakan ungkapan meminta pengulangan (asking someone to repeat his/her words). 7. Susi : Wow, this beach is really marvelous! Nia : It is. Especially when the sun sets. Susi : You bet! The bold-typed sentence expresses ________. A. amazement B. sorry C. doubt D. certainty Jawaban: A Ungkapan soal artinya ”Wow, pantai ini sungguh mengagumkan!” merupakan ungkapan yang menunjukkan kekaguman (amazement). For questions 8 to 10, choose the correct expressions to complete the dialog. Fitri : Wanda : Fitri : Wanda : Fitri :
Welcome to the party, Wanda. Thanks, Fit. (8) ________ Thank you. It really suits you. Where did you buy it?
UNIT 3 Report
Wanda : (9) ________ I can’t catch your sentence. It’s too noisy here. Fitri : Um . . . where did you buy it? Wanda : Oh, my aunt made it for me. Fitri : (10) ________ Who made it? Wanda : My aunt did. Fitri : Oh, I see. 8. A. B. C.
I’m not certain about my party. I doubt if my friends will come. Wow, what a nice dress you are wearing! D. I hope you will get better soon. Jawaban: C Berdasarkan kalimat sesudahnya yang merupakan ungkapan terima kasih dan juga ucapan Fitri yang artinya ”Gaun itu cocok sekali kamu pakai.”, dapat disimpulkan bahwa Fitri memuji gaun yang dikenakan Wanda. Jadi, ungkapan yang tepat adalah (C) yang artinya wow, sungguh indah gaun yang kamu pakai.
9. A. Is it amazing? B. Are you certain? C. Do you doubt it? D. Pardon me? Jawaban: D Berdasarkan kalimat Wanda selanjutnya yang artinya ”Aku tidak dapat mendengar ucapanmu. Di sini berisik.” dan respons Fitri yang mengulangi kalimatnya, dapat disimpulkan bahwa Wanda meminta Fitri untuk mengulangi kalimatnya. Ungkapan yang tepat adalah (D) Pardon me. 10. A. I beg your pardon? B. What can I do for you? C. Sorry, are you O.K.? D. Are you certain? Jawaban: A Berdasarkan ucapan Fitri selanjutnya yang artinya “Siapa yang membuatnya?” dan respons Wanda yang mengulangi kalimatnya, dapat disimpulkan bahwa Fitri meminta Wanda untuk mengulangi kalimatnya. Ungkapan yang tepat adalah I beg your pardon.
Read the text and answer questions 11 to 13. Good morning, everyone. Here is the weather forecast for Jakarta. Today, Jakarta will be mostly cloudy. Some rain showers in the afternoon are possible. So, if you have a plan to go somewhere, you’d better get your raincoat or umbrella ready. 11. What is the text about? A. Traffic report in Jakarta. B. Rain in Jakarta. C. Weather forecast for Jakarta. D. Suggestion to bring a raincoat or an umbrella. Jawaban: C Teks tersebut merupakan teks tentang prakiraan cuaca untuk kota Jakarta (weather forecast in Jakarta). 12. According to the text, what is the weather in Jakarta like? A. Sunny. B. Cloudy. C. Windy. D. Clear. Jawaban: B Dalam teks disebutkan bahwa Jakarta akan berawan (cloudy), kalimat ”Today, Jakarta will be mostly cloudy?” 13. Why does the speaker suggest to get a raincoat or an umbrella ready? A. Because the weather is fine. B. Because there will be thunderstorms in the evening. C. Because it is impossible to rain in the morning. D. Because it is possible to have rain showers in the afternoon. Jawaban: D Dalam teks disebutkan ”Some rain showers in the afternoon are possible.” yang artinya ”Ada kemungkinan hujan ringan turun pada sore hari.”. Jadi, pembaca berita itu meminta pendengar untuk menyiapkan mantel atau payung karena ada kemungkinan hujan pada sore hari.
Read the text and answer questions 14 to 16.
Announcement To: All students Since the flood in our neighborhood is getting worse, it’s impossible to continue our study in our classes. You can study at home during the flood. You can come to school when the weather permits and once school informs you to do so. Principal
14. The announcement is about an instruction to ________. A. study at home B. prevent flood C. solve flood in school D. join an event Jawaban: A Pengumuman tersebut berisi perintah untuk belajar di rumah (instruction to study at home) karena ada banjir. 15. What happens to the school? A. It is collapsed. B. It is flooded. C. It is renovated. D. It is renewed. Jawaban: B Berdasarkan kalimat awal teks, yaitu ”Since the flood in our neighborhood is getting worse, . . .”. yang artinya ”Karena banjir di lingkungan kita semakin parah, . . . .”, dapat disimpulkan bahwa sekolah tersebut kebanjiran (flooded). 16. “You can come to school when the weather permits . . . .” The underlined word is synonymous with the word ________. A. allows B. gives C. brings D. provides
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Jawaban: A Kata ’permits’ mempunyai arti yang sama dengan kata ’allows’, yaitu mengizinkan atau memperbolehkan. Read the text and answer questions 17 to 20. Waste Waste is rubbish. Solid waste is the metal, paper, plastic that is no longer needed. Liquid waste is oil and chemicals. Much waste is buried in landfills. Some is burned creating air pollution. Hazardous wastes are harmful to people and the environment. They are things like paints, oil and household cleaners. Landfills are the cheapest way to get rid of waste. But they fill up quickly and can pollute air, soil and water because they contain waste that is not decomposed. Adapted from: Your Environment: Pollution
17. The purpose of the text is to ________. A. amuse the readers with the story of waste B. tell the readers how to handle waste step by step C. describe a certain thing D. describe the way things are Jawaban: D Teks tersebut membahas tentang sampah secara umum meliputi jenis dan pengaruhnya terhadap lingkungan. Teks tersebut adalah teks report. Karena termasuk jenis teks report, tujuan teks tersebut adalah mendeskripsikan sesuatu secara umum (To describe the way things are). 18. The examples of hazardous wastes are ________. A. paper, steel and water B. metal, paper and plastic C. paints, oil and household cleaners D. soil, dust and smoke Jawaban: C Pilihan jawaban tersebut benar karena sesuai dengan kalimat ”They are things like paints, oil and household cleaners.”.
UNIT 3 Report
Kata ’they’ mengacu pada hazardous wastes. 19. “But they fill up quickly and . . . .” (Paragraph 3) What does the bold-typed word refer to? A. Air pollution. B. The cheapest way. C. Landfills. D. The environment. Jawaban: C Dalam teks disebutkan ”Landfills are the cheapest way to get rid of waste. But they fill up quickly and can pollute air.” yang artinya “Tempat pembuangan sampah (TPA) adalah cara termurah untuk mengatasi sampah. Namun, tempattempat tersebut cepat penuh dan dapat mengotori udara . . . .”. Kata ’they’ dalam kalimat soal mengacu pada subjek kalimat sebelumnya, yaitu landfills. 20. “. . . they contain waste that is not decomposed.” (Paragraph 3) The bold-typed word is best replaced by ________. A. cleaned B. rotten C. dried D. washed Jawaban: B Kata ’decomposed’ mempunyai arti yang sama dengan kata ’rotten’, yaitu ’membusuk’. B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Complete the sentences with correct question tags. Flood often happens in our town, ________? It is a sunny day, ________? Mr. Gilang never gets angry, ________? Javanese rhinos are endangered species, ________? The scenery is really fascinating, ________?
Jawaban: 1. doesn’t it 2. isn’t it? 3. does he? 4. aren’t they 5. isn’t it C. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Complete the sentences with ‘too’ or ‘enough’. The water is ________ cold to swim. I don’t have ________ money to buy the gadget. These shirts are ________ small for me. I need the bigger ones. Linda is just a teenager. She is not old ________ to take the responsibility. It is only a city car. There is not ________ space for the eight of us.
Jawaban: 1. too 2. enough 3. too 4. enough 5. enough D.
Read the text. Answer the questions. Rocks
Rocks are the hard mass of the Earth’s surface. Some rocks are just a few million years old. Others formed almost four billion years ago. Rocks come in many shapes, colors and textures, but they all form in three main ways. They are igneous or formed from cooled magma, sedimentary or formed in layers in sea bed, and metamorphic rocks or changed rock.
All rocks are made of tiny crystals or grains of naturally occurring chemicals called minerals. Some rocks are made from just one mineral but other are made from six or more. Rock may be tough, but exposure to weather eventually breaks even the hardest rock into soft sand and clay. The weather attacks rock with moisture, heat and cold and acid chemicals in rain. Adapted from: Science Library: Planet Earth
Questions: 1. What is the text about? Jawaban: It is about rocks in general. 2. What are rocks? Jawaban: They are the hard mass of the Earth’s surface. 3. How many ways do all rocks form? What are they? Jawaban: Three ways. They are igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic. 4. What is igneous rock? Jawaban: It is formed from cooled magma. 5. What is sedimentary rock? Jawaban: It is formed in layers in sea bed. 6. What is another name of changed rocks? Jawaban: Metamorphic rocks. 7. What are minerals? Jawaban: Tiny crystals or grains of naturally occurring chemicals that make rocks. 8. What make the hardest rocks into soft sand and clay? Jawaban: The weather exposure. 9. How does the weather attack rock? Jawaban: The weather attacks rock with moisture, heat and cold, and acid chemicals in rain. 10. “Rock may be tough, . . . .” (Paragraph 4). What does the bold-typed word mean? Jawaban: It means hard.
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Kegiatan pembelajaran untuk Review Unit 3: ● Guru perlu mengetahui atau mengukur ketercapaian kompetensi siswa setelah mempelajari Unit 3. Bagian ini bisa dijadikan model. Selain model ini, guru dapat memberikan soal listening. ● Guru menggandakan soal berikut ini sesuai jumlah siswa. ● Guru membagikan soal dan memberitahukan waktu yang disediakan untuk mengerjakan soal tersebut. ● Siswa disuruh mengerjakan semua soal di kertas soal. Mereka disuruh menuliskan nama dan nomor absensi kelas di pojok kanan atas. ● Siswa disuruh memeriksa kembali hasil pekerjaan mereka sebelum menyerahkan kepada guru. ● Setelah waktu yang disediakan habis, siswa disuruh mengumpulkan hasil pekerjaan mereka kepada guru. ● Guru memeriksa dan memberi nilai, serta mengembalikan hasil pekerjaan siswa pada pertemuan berikutnya.
UNIT 3 Report
Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.
1. Antin : Wow, . . . what a nice bracelet you are wearing! Febby : Thank you. What does the bold-typed sentence express? A. Doubt. B. Amazement. C. Sympathy. D. Certainty. 2. Mr. Hadi : Siska, please do number five. Siska : Sorry? Would you mind repeating your sentence, Sir? Mr. Hadi : Do number five, please. Siska : Sure. The bold-typed sentence is the expression of ________. A. showing certainty B. showing amazement C. asking someone to repeat her/his sentence D. responding to doubt 3. Tiara : Today is a hot day, isn’t it? Uci : ________? Tiara : It’s a hot day today. Uci : Yeah. A. Pardon me B. Are you sure C. Are you certain D. Do you follow me 4. Wahyu : The new mobile phone is really perfect. It has a high resolution camera, MP4 player, and internet connection. And the best thing is it’s handy. Tutik : Wow! ________. A. Don’t buy it B. I doubt it C. That’s common D. It’s fabulous
5. Tommy : What a nice watch! Adit : ________. Tommy : Where did you buy it? Adit : My father bought it for me. A. The watch is nice B. I have a new watch C. Don’t mention it D. Thank you 6. Nisa
: Excuse me, can you tell me where the toilet is? Galuh : Go downstairs, it’s under the staircase. Nisa : ________. Galuh : The toilet is under the staircase. Nisa : O.K. Thank you. A. I doubt the information B. I’m not certain with your explanation C. I’m sorry. I didn’t catch the last words D. The toilet is really clean and comfortable.
7. Delon : The scenery in this mountain is really amazing. Citra : ________. Delon : Do you like it? Citra : Sure. A. You are right B. I’m not sure about it C. Don’t say that D. This is awful 8. Dian : Tika : Dian : Tika : A. B. C. D.
________ Thanks. Is it yours? It’s my father’s. He uses the laptop to do his job. The laptop is not mine. Wow, what a nice laptop! I’m certain that the laptop is yours. Please forgive me.
9. Mr. Arya : Students, please submit the assignment tomorrow before the second break. Bunga : ________. Mr. Arya : O.K. Submit the assignment tomorrow before the second break, please.
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
A. B. C. D.
Are you certain with the sentence, Sir? Are you amazed with the assignment, Sir? Would you please repeat your sentence, Sir? Thank you for your information, Sir.
For questions 10 to 12, choose the correct words to complete the following dialog. Listy : This beach is really (10) ________! Do you think so? Mitha : Yeah. This beach is nice. Listy : I beg your (11) ________? Mitha : The beach is nice especially when the sun sets. Listy : Sorry? I didn’t (12) ________ the last words. Mitha : When the sun sets, the beach is nice. Listy : That’s right. No wonder many people like to go to this place. 10. A. amazing B. boring C. stressing D. uninteresting 11. A. B. C. D.
attention pardon respect interest
12. A. B. C. D.
say find show catch
13. Fahmi : Mr. Hardi gave us some homework again, ________? Arman : Yes, he did. A. does he B. he didn’t C. didn’t he D. does he 14. Restu : Marvelous! The scenery is really fascinating, ________? Galih : Yup! You are right. A. isn’t it B. it isn’t C. are they D. does it
UNIT 3 Report
15. Andi : Rio :
Wow! The cake is big. Yeah. I think it is big ________ for the four of us. Didik : Great! A. enough B. much C. more D. too
16. Rahma :
Lin, what do you think of this blouse? Lina : Um . . . it’s nice but I think it is ________ small for you. A. enough B. much C. more D. too
Read the text and answer questions 17 to 19. Good morning. Here is the weather forecast for some cities in Indonesia. Today, Makassar will partly cloudy with the chance of rain 40%. Ambon will have windy and sunny skies, chance of rain 40%. Jayapura will be mostly cloudy, chance of rain 50%. Next, it will be cloudy with some rain showers in the evening in Wamena with the chance of rain 70%. 17. According to the forecast, which city will have windy and sunny skies? A. Makassar. B. Ambon. C. Jayapura. D. Wamena. 18. What is the chance of rain in Jayapura? A. More them seventy percents. B. Less than forty percents. C. Not more than forty percents. D. More or less fifty percents. 19. When will Wamena probably have some rain showers? A. At night. B. In the evening. C. In the afternoon. D. In the morning.
Read the text and answer questions 20 to 22.
Announcement To all students, As you all know, there was a storm yesterday evening. As a result, some parts of our school were damaged. The hall, the language lab and the gym are partly damaged because of the storm. Please stay away from the buildings for your own safety. Principal
20. What is the announcement about? A. An instruction to collect donation for fixing the buildings. B. An instruction to fix the damaged buildings. C. An instruction to prepare for the next storm. D. An instruction to stay away from the damaged buildings. 21. What damaged some parts of the school? A. A storm. B. A thunder. C. Rain. D. An earthquake. 22. “As a result, some parts of our school were damaged.” The bold-typed word has the same meaning as ________. A. founded B. improved C. destroyed D. renovated Read the text and answer questions 23 to 26. Earth’s atmosphere extends about 6,000 miles (9,600 kilometers) above the surface of Earth, where we live. Most of our weather comes from winds, temperature changes and water vapor in the layer nearest Earth’s surface. This layer is called the troposphere. Most of the clouds you see in the sky are floating in the troposphere.
The stratosphere is the layer above the troposphere. Jet airplanes fly in the stratosphere because there are few clouds. Earth’s ozone layer is in the stratosphere. The ozone layer absorbs harmful rays from the Sun. These harmful rays would probably destroy life if they reached Earth’s surface. The atmosphere gets thinner and thinner in the next layers up, the mesosphere and thermosphere. The top layer of Earth’s atmosphere is the exosphere. The atmosphere ends here, about 6,000 miles (9,600 kilometers) above Earth’s surface. Source: Microsoft Encarta ® 2008
23. What is the purpose of the text? A. To amuse the readers with the story of atmosphere. B. To tell how to protect atmosphere. C. To tell past experiences. D. To describe the way atmosphere is. 24. What layer is the ozone layer in? A. The troposphere B. The stratosphere. C. The mesosphere. D. The thermosphere. 25. “The ozone layer absorbs harmful rays from the Sun.” (Paragraph 3) The bold-typed word is synonymous with the word ________. A. steady B. safe C. dangerous D. hard 26. What is the top layer of Earth’s atmosphere? A. The mesosphere. B. The exosphere. C. The thermosphere. D. The troposphere. Read the text and answer questions 27 to 30. Noise is unpleasant sound. Traffic sounds, airplanes, trains, industry, construction and very loud music all produce noise. Noise that makes people angry, afraid or stops them from sleeping is a form of pollution.
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Noise pollution is a constant problem in cities. Noise pollution is different from other types of pollution. Once the noise stops, it is gone from the environment. It is different from chemicals and other pollutants in air, water or soil. Adapted from: Your Environment: Pollution
27. What is the best title of the text? A. Noise pollution. B. Traffic sound. C. Unpleasant sound. D. Our environment. 28. How is the noise pollution different from other types of pollution? A. It contains chemicals. B. It poisons environment. C. It is rotten. D. If it stops, it’s gone. 29. “Noise pollution is a constant problem in cities.” (Paragraph 2) The bold-typed word means _________. A. cleared B. changed C. continued D. crushed 30. “It is different from chemicals and other pollutants in air, water, or soil.” (Paragraph 2) What does the bold-typed word refer to? A. The noise. B. The environment. C. Chemical. D. Soil. B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Complete the sentences with correct question tags. The wind blows hard, ________? People like to go to the beach during holiday, ________? We never climb up a mountain, ________? Mita rarely comes late, ________? I am a student, ________?
UNIT 3 Report
C. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. D.
Complete the sentences with ‘too’ or ‘enough’. The swamp is ________ dirty to swim. The bus is big ________ to carry us all. I can’t swim. I think the river is ________ deep for me. Don’t worry. We have ________ time to collect the materials for the science project. A taxi is ________ small for eight people. Read the text. Answer the questions.
Fossils are the remains of living things preserved for millions of years. Fossils are usually in stone. Most fossils are the remains of living things such as bones, shells, eggs, leaves and seeds. When an animal dies, its soft parts rot away quickly. If its bones or shell are buried quickly in mud, they may turn to stone. Paleontologists are scientists who study fossils. They tell the age of a fossil from the rock layer in which it is found. They study fossils to learn about the Earth’s history and about the animals and plants that lived million years ago. Adapted from: 1000 Facts on Planet Earth
Questions: 1. What is the text about? 2. What are fossils? 3. Who are paleontologists? 4. How do they tell the age of a fossil? 5. Why do they study fossils?
Jawaban Review Unit 3 A.
Pilihan Ganda
1. B.
2. C.
3. A.
4. D.
5. D. 6. C.
7. A.
8. B.
9. C.
10. A.
Kalimat soal yang artinya ”Wah, gelangmu bagus sekali.” merupakan ungkapan untuk menunjukkan kekaguman (amazement). Kalimat soal yang artinya ”Apakah Anda keberatan mengulangi kalimat Anda, Pak?” merupakan ungkapan meminta seseorang untuk mengulangi kalimatnya (ask someone to repeat his/her sentence). Ungkapan yang tepat untuk melengkapi percakapan tersebut adalah ungkapan meminta pengulangan (Pardon me?) karena Tiara mengulang kalimatnya. Ungkapan yang tepat untuk melengkapi percakapan tersebut adalah ungkapan menunjukkan kekaguman, yaitu It’s fabulous. Respons yang tepat atas ungkapan kekaguman tersebut adalah ungkapan terima kasih (Thank you). Ungkapan yang tepat untuk melengkapi parcakapan tersebut adalah ungkapan meminta pengulangan (I’m sorry. I didn’t catch the last words.) karena Galuh mengulang kalimatnya. Respons yang tepat atas ungkapan kekaguman tersebut adalah “You are right.” karena Citra mengiyakan bahwa dia menyukai tempat itu. Ungkapan yang tepat untuk melengkapi percakapan adalah ungkapan menunjukkan kekaguman (Wow, what a nice laptop!), karena sesuai dengan respons terima kasih. Ungkapan yang tepat untuk melengkapi percakapan adalah ungkapan meminta pengulangan (Would you please repeat your sentence, Sir?) karena Pak Arya mengulang kalimatnya. Kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat soal adalah ’amazing’ yang disimpulkan dari kalimat Mitha, ”This beach is nice.” sehingga membentuk
11. B.
12. D.
13. C.
14. A. 15. A.
16. D.
17. B.
18. D. 19. B.
20. D.
21. A.
kalimat “This beach is really amazing.” yang merupakan ungkapan kekaguman. Kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat soal adalah ’pardon’ sehingga membentuk kalimat ”I beg your pardon?”. Ini merupakan ungkapan untuk meminta pengulangan karena kemudian Mitha mengulang kalimatnya. Kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat soal adalah ’catch’ sehingga membentuk kalimat ”I didn’t catch the last words.”. Ini merupakan ungkapan untuk meminta pengulangan. Question tag yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat soal adalah didn’t he karena berpola the simple past tense. Question tag yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat soal adalah isn’t it. Kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat soal adalah ’enough’ sehingga membentuk kalimat ”I think it’s big enough for the four of us.”. Kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat soal adalah ’too’ sehingga membentuk kalimat ”It’s nice but I think it is too small for you.”. Menurut prakiraan cuaca tersebut, kota yang akan berangin dan cerah adalah Ambon, berdasarkan kalimat ”Ambon will have windy and sunny skies.”. Berdasarkan teks, kemungkinan hujan di Jayapura adalah 50% (more or less fifty percents). Berdasarkan teks, kota Wamena akan mengalami hujan ringan pada petang hari (in the evening), kalimat ”. . . some rain showers in the evening in Wamena . . . .”. Pengumuman tersebut berisi tentang perintah untuk menjauh dari bangunan-bangunan yang rusak (instruction to stay away from the damaged buildings). Dalam teks disebutkan bahwa badai (storm) telah merusakkan beberapa bangunan di sekolah. Ini sesuai
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
22. C. 23. D.
24. B.
25. C. 26. B.
27. A.
28. D.
dengan kalimat ”. . ., there was a storm yesterday evening. As a result, . . . .” . Kata ’damaged’ mampunyai arti yang sama dengan kata ’destroyed’, yaitu rusak. Teks tersebut adalah teks report yang membahas tentang atmosfir. Tujuan teks tersebut adalah mendeskripsikan atmosfir secara umum (describe the way atmosphere is). Pilihan jawaban tersebut benar karena sesuai dengan kalimat ”Earth’s ozone layer is in the stratosphere.” yang artinya ”Lapisan ozon bumi berada di stratosfer .”. Kata ’harmful’ mempunyai arti yang sama dengan kata ’dangerous’, yaitu berbahaya. Pilihan jawaban tersebut benar karena sesuai dengan kalimat ”The top layer of Earth’s atmosphere is the exosphere.”. Teks tersebut membahas tentang polusi bunyi, sehingga judul yang tepat untuk teks tersebut adalah noise pollution. Dalam teks disebutkan bahwa ”Noise pollution is different from other types of pollution. Once the noise stops, it is gone from the environment.”. Jadi, polusi suara berbeda dengan polusi yang lain karena ketika kebisingan berhenti, maka lenyap pula suara tersebut dari lingkungan.
UNIT 3 Report
29. C. 30. A.
Kata ’constant’ mempunyai arti yang sama dengan kata ’continued’, yaitu terus-menerus. Kata ’it’ dalam kalimat soal mengacu pada subjek ’the noise’ dalam kalimat sebelumnya, yaitu ”Once the noise stops, it is gone from the environment. It is different from . . . .”.
1. 3. 5.
doesn’t it do we aren’t I
1. 3. 5.
too too too
1. 2.
Fossils in general. Fossils are the remains of living things preserved for millions of years. They are scientists who study fossils. They tell the age of a fossil from the rock layer in which it is found. They study fossils to learn about the Earth’s history and about the animals and plants that lived million years ago.
3. 4. 5.
2. 4.
don’t they does she
2. 4.
enough enough
Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer. Read the dialog and answer questions 1 and 2. Erlin : You’ve got an SMS. Who sent it? Donna : Sorry? I didn’t hear you. Erlin : Who sent you the message? Donna : Oh, Dewi did. 1. Donna said, “Sorry? I didn’t hear you.” It means ________. A. Donna asks Erlin to repeat her words B. Donna wants to know who has sent the message C. Erlin wants to repeat her words D. Donna and Erlin are talking about the message Jawaban: A Ucapan Ervina berarti ”Maaf? Saya tidak mendengarmu.”. Berdasarkan maknanya, ungkapan ini digunakan untuk meminta seseorang mengulang ucapannya (ask some to repeat his/her words). 2. “Who sent it?” The underlined word has an opposite meaning to ________. A. delivered B. gave C. received D. replied Jawaban: C Kata ’sent’ artinya ’mengirim’. Kata ini mempunyai makna yang berlawanan (opposite meaning) dengan kata received yang artinya menerima. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah. Delivered artinya mengirim, gave artinya memberi, dan replied artinya menjawab. 3. Receptionist : ________ Could you repeat spelling your name, please? Mr. Hill : Sure. Damon Hill, D-A-M-O-N H-I-L-L. Receptionist : Thank you. The suitable expression to complete the dialog is ________ A. Pardon me? B. I agree. C. Is that so? D. Do you?
Jawaban: A Berdasarkan ucapan resepsionis, ”Could you repeat spelling your name, please?” yang artinya ”Bisakah Anda mengulang kembali ejaan nama Anda?”. Itu berarti dia meminta Pak Damon Hill mengulang ucapannya. Ungkapan yang sesuai diucapkan sebelumnya adalah Pardon me?. 4. Mother : That’s too loud, Ben. Turn it down, will you? Beni : ________ Mother : Turn it down, please. The sound disturbs me. Beni : Sure, Mom. Sorry. A. What a nice music instrument! B. I didn’t listen to you. C. Did you hear me? D. I’m sorry? Jawaban: D Dalam percakapan itu sang ibu mengulang ucapannya. Jadi, ucapan Beni adalah meminta ibunya mengulangi ucapannya. Pilihan jawaban (D) merupakan ungkapan yang biasa digunakan untuk meminta seseorang mengulangi ucapannya. For questions 5 and 6, choose the correct expressions to complete the dialog. Silvy : ________ (5) He can do dunks quite easily. Juan : You’re right. He has made 46 scores so far. Silvy : ________ (6) Did you say . . . he made 46 scores? Juan : Yeah. Silvy : I think he’ll be the next MPV. Juan : I think so. 5. A. Is that true? B. What a great player! C. What a pity! D. Let’s go. Jawaban: B Berdasarkan pilihan jawaban yang disediakan, pilihan jawaban (B) yang artinya sungguh pemain yang hebat, paling tepat karena sesuai dengan kalimat Silvy berikutnya yang berarti ”Dia dapat melakukan dunk dengan amat sangat mudah.”.
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
6. A. Is that true? B. Tell me about it, then. C. Excuse me. D. How did he do it? Jawaban: C Berdasarkan pilihan jawaban yang disediakan, pilihan jawaban (C) yang artinya maaf, paling tepat karena Silvy tidak mendengar ucapan Juan, sehingga dia meminta konfirmasi atas ucapan Juan, yaitu ”Did you say . . . he has made 46 scores?” yang artinya ”Apa kamu katakan . . . dia mampu mencetak nilai 46?”. Read the following text and answer questions 7 to 9. Anzac Biscuits You will need: 2 cups of rolled oats 1½ cups of caster sugar 4 tablespoons of golden syrup 2 tablespoons of boiling water 1 cup of plain flour 250 grams of butter 1 teaspoon of baking soda 1. Turn oven 160°C. 2. Lightly grease oven tray. 3. Mix oats, flour and sugar in a large bowl. 4. Melt butter and golden syrup in a pan. 5. Mix baking soda and boiling water in a cup. 6. Add this mixture to melted butter and golden syrup. 7. Add this to the oats mixture in the large bowl, mix together well. 8. Roll tablespoonfuls of the mixture into balls. Put them on tray 5 cm apart. 9. Press lightly on top of each with a fork. 10. Bake for 20 minutes. 7. What is the purpose of the text? A. To tell how to make Anzac biscuits. B. To see the ingredients of Anzac biscuits. C. To announce a new recipe of Anzac biscuits. D. To prepare everything for making Anzac biscuits.
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Jawaban: A Teks tersebut merupakan teks prosedur yang menjelaskan tentang cara membuat biskuit Anzac. Jadi, tujuan dari teks tersebut adalah menjelaskan cara membuat biskuit Anzac (to tell how to make Anzac biscuits). Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah. Pilihan jawaban (B) artinya untuk melihat bahan-bahan biskuit Anzac, (C) artinya untuk mengumumkan resep baru biskuit Anzac, dan (D) artinya untuk menyiapkan segala sesuatu untuk membuat biskuit Anzac. 8. Why do we use a fork to make Anzac Biscuits? A. To mix baking soda and boiling water. B. To press the balls of mixture. C. To put the balls on tray. D. To roll the mixture. Jawaban: B Pada langkah kesembilan terdapat kalimat ”Press lightly on top of each with a fork.” yang artinya ”Tekanlah dengan lembut di bagian atas setiap bola adonan dengan sendok garpu.”. Jadi, fungsi fork dalam kegiatan ini adalah untuk menekan bolabola adonan. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah. Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya untuk mencampur soda kue dengan air mendidih, (C) artinya untuk meletakkan bola-bola di atas nampan, dan (D) artinya untuk menggulung adonan. 9. “Add this to the oats mixture in . . . .” What does the word ‘this’ refer to? It’s the mixture of ________. A. baking soda, boiling water B. oats, flour, sugar and melted butter C. melted butter, golden syrup and baking soda D. baking soda, boiling water, melted butter and golden syrup Ujian Nasional 2007/2008
Jawaban: D Kata ’this’ dalam kalimat soal mengacu pada langkah sebelumnya (langkah keenam), yaitu ”Add this mixture to melted butter and golden syrup.” yang artinya ”Tambahkan adonan ini ke dalam mentega yang telah dicairkan dan sirup warna
kuning emas.”. Frasa ’this mixture’ dalam kalimat tersebut mengacu pada soda kue dan air mendidih (baking soda and boiling water). Jadi, kata this dalam kalimat soal mengacu pada campuran soda kue, air mendidih, mentega yang dicairkan, dan sirup warna kuning emas. Pilihan jawaban (D) benar. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena tidak sesuai dengan isi teks. 10. ARTICLES ARE CONSIDERED SOLD IF YOU BROKE THEM Which of the following sentences best explains the above sign? A. If you break any of the articles, you should pay for it. B. You don’t have to buy the articles that are broken. C. In this section you will only find broken articles. D. The shop sells special broken articles. Ujian Nasional 2006/2007
Jawaban: A Notice tersebut berarti ”Barang-barang dianggap terjual jika kamu memecahkannya.”. Jadi, secara tersirat notice tersebut menjelaskan bahwa jika kamu memecahkan barang, kamu harus membayarnya (if you break any of the articles, you should pay for it). Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah. Pilihan jawaban (B) artinya kamu tidak harus membeli barang-barang yang pecah, (C) artinya di bagian ini kamu hanya akan memperoleh barang-barang yang pecah, dan (D) artinya toko ini menjual khusus barang-barang yang pecah. Read the following text and answer questions 11 and 12. Good morning, here is the weather forecast in some cities in Indonesia. Today, Medan will be cloudy with occasional rain shower, chance of rain 70%. Jakarta will be cloudy, chance of rain 50%. Kendari will have thunderstorms, chance of rain 70%. Jayapura will have sunny skies, chance of rain 40%.
11. How many cities are mentioned in the text? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five. Jawaban: C Ada empat (four) kota yang disebutkan dalam prakiraan cuaca tersebut, yaitu Medan, Jakarta, Kendari, dan Jayapura. 12. What does the text tell you about? A. The weather forecast in some cities in Indonesia. B. The weather report. C. The Indonesia’s climate. D. The weather forecast in the western parts of Indonesia. Jawaban: A Teks tersebut merupakan prakiraan cuaca di beberapa (empat) kota besar di Indonesia (the weather forecast in some cities in Indonesia). Hal ini sesuai dengan kalimat pertama teks tersebut, ”Good morning, here is the weather forecast in some cities in Indonesia.”. Read the text and answer questions 13 to 15. Whales are sea-living mammals. They therefore breathe air, but cannot survive on land. Some species are very large indeed and the blue whale, which can exceed 30 m in length, is the largest animal to have lived on earth. Superficially, the whale looks like a fish, but there are important differences in its external structure: its tail consists of a pair of broad, flat, horizontal paddles (the tail of a fish is vertical) and it has a single nostril on top of its large, broad head. The skin is smooth and shiny and beneath it lies a layer of fat (blubber). This is up to 30 cm in thickness and serves to converse heat and body fluits. 13. What is the text about? A. Kinds of fish. B. The whales. C. Sea animals. D. All mammals. Jawaban: B Jawaban dapat disimpulkan dari keseluruhan teks yang membahas masalah ’whales’. Hal itu berdasarkan kalimat introduction paragraf ini, yaitu ”Whales are sea-living mammals.” dan seringnya kata ini dipakai dalam paragraf ini. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena hanya sebagai gagasan pendukung.
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14. The following are the proofs that whales are not fish, except ________. A. it has a single nostril B. it cannot survive on land C. the skin is smooth and shiny D. its tail consists of a pair of broad, flat, horizontal paddles Jawaban: B Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat-kalimat akhir paragraf, yaitu ”. . . , but there are important differences in its external structure: its tail consists of a pair of broad, flat, horizontal paddles . . . and it has a single nostril on top of its large, broad head. The skin is smooth and shiny . . . .”. Berdasarkan kalimat tersebut, pilihan jawaban (A), (C) dan (D) merupakan bukti bahwa paus bukanlah seekor ikan. Jadi, yang bukan merupakan bukti adalah paus tidak dapat hidup di daratan karena tidak disebutkan dalam teks. 15. “. . ., is the largest animal to have lived on earth.” What does the underlined word above mean? A. Tallest. B. Fastest. C. Smallest. D. Biggest. Ujian Nasional 2006/2007
Jawaban: D Kata ’largest’ dalam konteks kalimat tersebut berarti ’terbesar’. Kata tersebut mempunyai arti yang sama dengan kata ’biggest’ yang artinya ’terbesar’. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah. Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya tertinggi, (B) artinya tercepat, dan (C) artinya terkecil. Read the following text and answer questions 16 to 18. What is the Significance of Rabbits’ Large Ears? A rabbit is a small fury mammal with a short tail and pointed ears. Rabbits live in burrows in the ground. Each burrow is the home of a single family. The first fossils which can be attributed to this family came from North America, but now they are found in every part of the world. Compared to its small body, a rabbit has large-sized ears. A rabbit is a weak and timid animal and is always surrounded by many enemies. 194
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Therefore, nature has gifted it with large ears to help it to hear even the fun of drop sound. The large area of the ear catches almost every sound wave produced in the air and transfers them into the inner ear. This makes the rabbit to detect its enemies in time and run to safety zones. You must have noticed that a rabbit washes its ears by repeatedly licking its forepaws and rubbing them over the surface of its ears. It does this in order to keep its ears clean, and also to take into its mouth natural oil which surrounds the ear surface. This oil is important in forming vitamin D which is necessary for the growth of healthy bones. If the rabbit is not allowed to form this, it will develop rickets. Shortened from: Children’s Knowledge Bank, Look Out, Rohan Book Company
16. Which part of the rabbit’s body produces natural oil? It’s ________. A. forepaws B. mouth C. ears D. tail Jawaban: C Jawaban dapat disimpulkan berdasarkan kalimat kedua paragraf tiga, ”. . ., and also to take into its mouth natural oil which surrounds the ear surface.”. Kalimat tersebut artinya ”. . ., dan juga mengambil ke dalam mulutnya minyak alami yang mengelilingi bagian permukaan telinganya.”. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah. Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya kaki/cakar depan, (B) artinya mulut, dan (D) artinya ekor. 17. What is the main idea of paragraph 2? A. How enemies surround a rabbit. B. How a rabbit detects its enemies. C. Why a rabbit has many enemies D. Why a rabbit likes lighting. Jawaban: B Yang menunjukkan main idea dari paragraf dua adalah kalimat terakhir paragraf dua, ”This makes the rabbit to detect its enemies in time . . . .”. Kalimat tersebut artinya ”Ini membuat kelinci mendeteksi musuh sebelumnya . . . .”. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah. Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya bagaimana musuh mengelilingi kelinci, (C) artinya mengapa kelinci memiliki banyak musuh, dan (D) artinya mengapa kelinci suka bertarung.
18. The purpose of the text is ________. A. to amuse the readers B. to retell rabbit habitat C. to describe rabbit’s ears D. to describe rabbits in general Ujian Nasional 2007/2008
Jawaban: D Teks tersebut adalah teks report. Tujuan dari teks tersebut adalah mendeskripsikan kelinci secara umum (to describe rabbits in general). Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah. Pilihan jawaban (A) merupakan tujuan teks naratif, sedangkan (B) dan (C) merupakan bagian dari teks, bukan tujuan keseluruhan teks. 19. Choose the most suitable answer to complete this message.
20. Rafi : Akmal, look here! Akmal : What is it, Rafi? Rafi : It is a picture of the Grand Canyon. Beautiful, ________? Akmal : Yeah, really. A. wasn’t it B. isn’t it C. aren’t they D. hasn’t it Ujian Nasional 2005/2006
Jawaban: B Kalimat ”Beautiful, . . .?” sebenarnya kependekan dari ”It’s beautiful, . . .?”, dengan subjek kalimat ’it’ dan predikat ’is’, sehingga tag yang sesuai untuk kalimat tersebut berbentuk negatif, yaitu isn’t it. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena tidak sesuai dengan subjek dan predikat kalimat tersebut. 21.
Dear little sister, I have to practice for the coming speech competition. My experiment on the plant ________ if it is not watered. So, please help me to water it at 5 sharp this afternoon. Thanks, Brendan
A. B. C. D.
is failed will fail failed fail
Based on the graph above, there are ________ students who can swim under water than those who run fast. A. fewer B. the most C. more D. less Ujian Nasional 2005/2006
Ujian Nasional 2005/2006
Jawaban: B Kalimat tersebut merupakan kalimat pengandaian tipe 1. Oleh karena itu, kata kerja yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat tersebut adalah will fail. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena tidak sesuai dengan pola kalimat pengandaian tipe 1, yaitu Subject + will + verb + if + subject + verb + object/complement.
Jawaban: C Berdasarkan data dalam grafik tersebut diketahui bahwa siswa yang dapat berenang di bawah air berjumlah 5 orang, sedangkan siswa yang dapat berlari dengan cepat berjumlah empat orang. Jadi, jumlah siswa yang dapat berenang di bawah air lebih banyak (more) dibandingkan jumlah siswa yang dapat berlari cepat. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah. Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya lebih sedikit, (B) artinya paling banyak, dan (D) artinya kurang.
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Read the text and answer questions 22 and 23.
Student Writing Contest THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY invites submission of poetry, fiction, and personal or journalistic essays for this year’s Student Writing Contest. CATEGORIES Poetry, fiction, and personal or journalistic essays. MANUSCRIPTS should be typewritten (one side only, please) double-spaced, and accompanied by a cover sheet with the following information: title, category, word count, author’s name, address, phone number, e-mail address (if available), and academic institution. Of this information, only the title should appear on the manuscript itself. POSTMARK SUBMISSION BY 1st DECEMBER AND SEND TO: Student Writing Contest The Atlantic Monthly 77 N. Washington Steer Boston, MA 02114 Source:
22. What is the purpose of the text? A. To describe the student writing contest. B. To announce the student writing contest. C. To amuse the students with writing contest. D. To retell the students about writing contest. Jawaban: B Tujuan teks tersebut terdapat di kalimat awal teks, yaitu ”THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY invites submission of poetry, fiction, and . . . for this year’s Student Writing Contest.” yang artinya ”THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY mengundang siapa pun untuk menyertakan puisi, fiksi, dan . . . dalam Lomba Menulis untuk Siswa tahun ini.”. Jadi, pengumuman itu tentang
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adanya kontes ini (to announce the Student Writing Contest). Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena tidak sesuai dengan isi pengumuman tersebut. Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya untuk mendeskripsikan kontes menulis untuk siswa, (C) artinya untuk menghibur siswa dengan kontes menulis, dan (D) artinya untuk menceritakan kembali kepada siswa tentang kontes menulis. 23. The following are required for the works that the participants should prepare, except that they are ________. A. original B. unpublished C. easy to read D. typewritten Ujian Nasional 2007/2008
Jawaban: C Yang merupakan ketentuan hasil karya yang diikutsertakan dalam kontes menulis ini adalah asli buatan sendiri (original) dengan diminta mencantumkan nama pengarang yang tak lain adalah nama pengirim, belum diterbitkan (unpublished), dan diketik (kalimat ”Manuscripts should be typewritten . . . .”). Jadi, yang bukan merupakan syarat adalah mudah dibaca (easy to read) karena tidak disebutkan dalam pengumuman itu. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena termasuk persyaratan. 24. The boys arrange the classroom neatly and beautifully. The girls arrange the classroom neatly and beautifully. It means ________. A. not only the boys, the girls arrange the classroom neatly and beautifully B. not only the boys and the girls arrange the classroom neatly but also beautifully C. the boys but also the girls arrange the classroom neatly and beautifully. D. the boys and the girls arrange the classroom not only neatly but also beautifully Jawaban: D Kedua kalimat soal itu artinya ”Anak-anak laki-laki mengatur ruang kelas mereka dengan rapi dan indah.” dan ”Anak-anak perempuan mengatur ruang kelas mereka dengan rapi dan indah.”. Not only – but
also digunakan untuk menggabungkan dua hal yang sama. Berdasarkan pilihan jawaban yang tersedia, pilihan jawaban (D) yang artinya anak-anak laki-laki dan anak-anak perempuan mengatur ruang kelas mereka tidak hanya rapi tetapi juga indah, paling tepat karena menggabungkan adverbs of manner (’neatly’ dan ’beautifully’) dengan menggunakan not only – but also. 25. The players work hard. The coach works hard. It means ________. A. not only the players but also the coach work hard B. not only the players, the coach works hard C. the players but also the coach works hard D. not only the players and the coach work hard Jawaban: A Berdasarkan kalimat soal, pilihan jawaban (A) benar karena penggunaan konjungsi not only – but also benar dengan menggabungkan subjek kalimat yang sama dari kedua kalimat tersebut. Kata kerjanya sesuai dengan subjek kalimat yang mendahului. For questions 26 to 28, choose the suitable words to complete the text below. Margarita lives at Baliem Valley in Papua Province. Look at her house! It is called ‘Honai’. The wall is made of wood and the ________ (26) is made of ‘Sali’, a kind of grass. Margarita’s skirt is made of ‘Sali’ too. There are two floors inside the honai. The first floor functions as the source of heat. Margarita’s father puts some firewood on the floor. It ________ (27) the house warm because the temperature is very cold. It is about 18 Celcius. There isn’t any furniture on the first floor. There is only some grass and a ladder. Margarita sleeps on the second floor. She sleeps with her sisters and her mother. She calls her
‘mama’. Her father and her brothers do not sleep in the same honai. ________ (28) sleep in a bigger honai. It is near Margarita’s honai. 26. A. floor B. roof C. room D. ceiling Jawaban: B Berdasarkan gambar rumah honai tersebut, tampak bahwa atap (roof) rumah itu terbuat dari ’sali’, sejenis rumput. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah. Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya lantai, (C) artinya ruang atau kamar, dan (D) artinya langit-langit ruangan. Lantai rumah, ruangan, dan langit-langit ruangan tidak tampak pada gambar. 27. A. looks B. seems C. keeps D. happens Jawaban: C Ayah Margarita menempatkan kayu bakar di lantai untuk menjaga rumah tetap hangat karena suhu sangat dingin kira-kira 18° C. Jadi, kata yang tepat melengkapi kalimat itu adalah keep yang artinya menjaga. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah. Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya terlihat, (B) artinya tampaknya, dan (D) artinya terjadi. 28. A. I B. We C. He D. They Ujian Nasional 2007/2008
Jawaban: D Jawaban dapat disimpulkan dari frasa di kalimat sebelumnya, ’her father and her brothers’ yang artinya ’ayah dan saudara laki-lakinya’. Jadi, kata ganti orang yang tepat untuk mereka adalah they. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena tidak sesuai dengan konteks kalimat. Study the text and answer questions 29 and 30. Tika, I use your calculator. Mine is broken. Don’t worry. Everything will be all right. Thanks, Danti
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29. The purpose of the text is ________. A. to tell Tika that Danti uses her calculator B. to ask Tika to use Danti’s calculator C. to tell Danti that Tika uses her calculator D. to ask for clarification about a calculator Jawaban: A Teks soal merupakan pesan singkat/ pendek (short message). Pesan tersebut artinya ”Tika, saya menggunakan kalkulatormu. Kalkulator saya rusak. Jangan khawatir. Semua akan baik-baik saja. Terima kasih. Danti”. Kesimpulannya, teks tersebut berisi pemberitahuan kepada Tika bahwa Danti memakai kalkulatornya. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah. Pilihan jawaban (B) artinya meminta Tika menggunakan kalkulator Danti, (C) artinya memberi tahu Danti bahwa Tika menggunakan kalkulatornya, dan (D) artinya meminta klarifikasi tentang sebuah kalkulator. 30. The writer uses Tika’s calculator because ________. A. she has lost her calculator B. she wants to use it C. her own calculator is broken D. she doesn’t have a calculator Jawaban: C Pilihan jawaban ini sesuai dengan kalimat kedua pada pesan tersebut, yang artinya ”Kalkulator saya rusak.”. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena tidak sesuai dengan isi pesan tersebut. Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya dia kehilangan kalkulatornya, (B) artinya dia ingin menggunakannya, dan (D) artinya dia tidak memiliki kalkulator. Read the text and answer questions 31 to 33. Tikka Kebab Ingredients: 1. Cubes of lamb 2. Squares of green pepper 3. Onions 4. Salad 5. Tikka’s seasoning mixture
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Steps: 1. Cut onions into quarters. 2. Put cubes of lambs, squares of green pepper and onion squares on bamboo skewers and marinate them in Tikka’s seasoning. 3. Grill them. 4. Serve them with a salad (curry like seasoning from India). 31. What does the writer write the text for? A. To inform how to serve a salad. B. To explain how to make a salad. C. To tell how to make Tikka Kebab. D. To discuss how to make cubes of lamb. Jawaban: C Teks tersebut merupakan teks procedure yang disimpulkan dari struktur teks yang terdiri atas Ingredients dan Steps. Tujuan teks procedure adalah menjelaskan cara membuat sesuatu atau cara melakukan sesuatu. Jadi, pilihan jawaban (C) tepat karena sesuai dengan kalimat ini. Pilihan jawaban (A) salah karena pilihan jawaban itu artinya memberitahukan cara menghidangkan salad. Pilihan jawaban (B) salah karena pilihan jawaban itu artinya cara membuat salad, sedangkan salad menjadi salah satu bahan. Pilihan jawaban (D) salah karena pilihan jawaban itu artinya mendiskusikan cara membuat potongan-potongan kecil daging kambing, sedangkan potongan-potongan kecil daging kambing menjadi salah satu bahan. 32. How many ingredients are needed to make Tikka Kebab? A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six. Jawaban: C Jawaban ini dapat dilihat pada penjelasan bahan-bahan itu di bagian Ingredients, yaitu (1) Cubes of lamb, (2) Squares of green pepper, (3) Onions, (4) Salad, dan (5) Tikka’s seasoning mixture. Jadi, ada lima (five) bahan. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena tidak sesuai dengan isi teks.
33. What does the word ‘them’ in step 2 refer to? A. Cubes of lamb and onions. B. Onion, bamboo skewers and salad. C. Squares of green pepper and onions. D. Cubes of Iamb, onions and squares of green pepper. Ujian Nasional 2007/2008
Jawaban: D Kata ganti ’them’ tersebut menggantikan kata benda jamak yang telah disebutkan dalam kalimat sebelumnya, ”Put cubes of lambs, squares of green pepper and onion squares, . . . .”. Berdasarkan langkah ke-2 tersebut, kata ’them’ menggantikan ’cubes of Iamb, onions and squares of green pepper’. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena bukan kata yang dimaksud. 34. 1. A female elephant carries her unborn young for about 20 to 22 months. 2. Although they have huge bodies and great power, their movements are smooth and gentle. 3. When they grow up, the hair becomes sparser. 4. The baby elephant is usually about one meter high and weighs about one hundred kilograms. 5. Elephants are the largest mammals in the world. 6. Within an hour of birth, the baby elephant can stand on its own feet. 7. Newly born elephants usually have thick hair all over their bodies. 8. Adult elephants have almost no hair. Which one is the best arrangement of the sentences above? A. 1–2–4–7–6–8–5–3 B. 5–2–1–6–4–7–3–8 C. 5–3–2–4–1–7–6–8 D. 7–4–1–6–3–8–2–5 Ujian Nasional 2007/2008
Jawaban: B Susunan kalimat pada pilihan jawaban (B) akan membentuk teks report yang padu sebagai berikut. (5) Elephants are the largest mammals in the world; (2) Although they have huge bodies and great power, their movements are smooth and gentle; (1) A female elephant carries her unborn
young for about 20 to 22 months; (6) Within an hour of birth, the baby elephant can stand on its own feet; (4) The baby elephant is usually about one metre high and weighs about one hundred kilograms; (7) Newly born elephants usually have thick hair all over their bodies; (3) When they grow up, the hair becomes sparser; (8) Adult elephants have almost no hair. Bandingkan susunan kalimat pada pilihan jawaban yang lain! 35. Do you know skunk? It will send out a terrible bad smeel ________ it is in danger. A. because B. before C. when D. after Jawaban: C Berdasarkan konteks kalimat soal, skunk akan mengeluarkan bau busuk ketika dia dalam bahaya. Dengan demikian, dia bisa bebas dari bahaya itu. Jadi, kata penghubung (conjunction) yang tepat adalah ketika (when). Pilihan jawaban (A) digunakan untuk menghubungkan dua hal yang menunjukkan sebab-akibat, sedangkan (B) dan (D) digunakan untuk menghubungkan dua hal yang ada keterkaitan waktu. 36. Plants use sunlight to join carbon dioxide gas from the air with water to make food. ________ the sun is shining, the leaves take in carbon dioxide from the air for photosynthesis and release oxygen. A. because B. before C. when D. after Jawaban: D Tanaman akan melakukan proses fotosintesis dengan bantuan sinar matahari. Jadi, daun akan melakukan proses itu setelah (after) matahari bersinar. 37. Mr. Rahmat often works ten hours a day. Mr. Bagus often works ten hours a day. It means ________. A. Mr. Rahmat and Mr. Bagus often works both ten hours a day B. both Mr. Rahmat and Mr. Bagus often work ten hours a day C. Mr. Rahmat and Mr. Bagus often work ten hours a day both D. Mr. Rahmat and Mr. Bagus often both work ten hours a day
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Jawaban: B Konjungsi both–and digunakan untuk menghubungkan dua hal yang sama. Kata kerja dan complement kedua kalimat tersebut sama, sehingga both – and digunakan untuk menggabungkan subjeknya, Mr. Rahmat and Mr. Bagus. Pilihan jawaban yang lain salah karena struktur kalimatnya tidak benar. 38. Both orang utan and Sumatran tiger are endangered species. It means ________. A. orang utan is endangered species, and Sumatran tiger is too B. orang utan is endangered species, and neither is Sumatran tiger C. neither orang utan nor Sumatran tiger are endangered species D. orang utan is endangered species, but Sumatran tiger isn’t Jawaban: A Kalimat soal itu artinya ”Baik orang utan maupun harimau Sumatra merupakan spesies yang dilindungi.”. Itu berarti orang utan adalah hewan yang dilindungi, begitu pula harimau Sumatra. Hal ini seperti yang terungkap pada pilihan jawaban (A). Pilihan jawaban (B) salah karena neither digunakan untuk menggabungkan dua kalimat negatif, (C) salah karena kalimat itu bermakna negatif, dan (D) salah karena tidak sesuai dengan kalimat soal. 39. Both volcano eruption and earthquake ________ natural disasters. A. was B. am C. are D. is Jawaban: C Kalimat yang menggunakan both–and diikuti kata kerja untuk subjek jamak. Berdasarkan pilihan jawaban yang tersedia, pilihan jawaban (C) are benar. Read the text and answer questions 40 to 42. Good morning, everyone. Do you know what climate is? Well, . . . climate is the typical weather of a place over long time. Climates are warm near the Equator. You know, . . . tropical climates are warm climates in the tropical zones on either side of the Equator. The
Latihan Ulangan Semester
average temperatures of the tropical zones are 27°C, just like our country. The climate is cool near the Poles. Temperate climates are mild climates in the temperate zones between the tropics and the polar region. A Mediterranean climate is a temperate climate with warm summers and mild winters. Adapted from: 1000 Facts on Planet Earth
40. The text tells you about ________. A. climate B. Equator C. what tropical climates are D. different weather in the South and North poles Jawaban: A Pilihan jawaban (A) benar karena sesuai dengan kalimat ketiga bacaan tersebut. Kalimat-kalimat berikutnya merupakan gagasan pendukung topik utama teks. 41. Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the text? A. Climates are cool near the Equator. B. The climate is cool near the Poles. C. Our country has tropical climate. D. Climates are warm near the Equator. Jawaban: A Pilihan jawaban (A) yang artinya iklim di dekat khatulistiwa cukup sejuk bertentangan dengan kalimat ”Climates are warm near the Equator.”. 42. “The average temperatures of the tropical zones are 27°C, . . . .” The underlined word can be best replaced by ________. A. underneath B. normal C. above the limit D. more or less Jawaban: B Kata ’average’ artinya ’biasa’ atau ’ratarata’. Pilihan jawaban yang mempunyai kesamaan arti adalah pilihan jawaban (B) normal yang artinya biasa. Read the text and answer questions 43 and 44. Floods happen when a river or the sea rises so much that it spills over the surrounding land. River floods may occur after a period of heavy rain. Flood size is described in terms of frequency. Small floods are common but big floods are rare. Floods can destroy homes and wash away soil from farmland.
43. What is the text about? A. A land slide. B. A natural disaster. C. A river. D. Floods. Jawaban: D Teks tersebut merupakan teks report yang menjelaskan tentang flood (banjir) secara umum. Kalimat-kalimat berikutnya adalah pendukung pokok pikiran utama tentang banjir (flood). 44. “Small floods are common but big floods are rare.” The underlined word has an opposite meaning to ________. A. common B. tame C. special D. scarce Jawaban: A Kata ’rare’ artinya ’jarang’ atau ’langka’. Lawan katanya adalah common yang artinya umum (ditemukan). Tame artinya jinak, special artinya khusus, dan scarce artinya jarang. Read the text and answer questions 45 and 46. Birds are creatures that have feathers, two wings and two legs. Not all birds can fly, but most birds can. Birds lay eggs and sit on them to keep warm until they hatch. 45. Why do birds sit on their eggs? A. To protect them. B. To save them. C. To keep them warm. D. To accompany them. Jawaban: C Alasan burung mengerami telurnya adalah untuk menjaga telur-telur itu hangat (to keep the eggs warm). Hal ini disimpulkan dari kalimat ”Bird lay eggs and sit on them to keep warm until they hatch.”. 46. “Birds lay eggs and sit on them to keep warm until they hatch.” The underlined word here refers to ________. A. birds B. two wings and two legs C. most birds D. eggs
Jawaban: D Kata ’them’ merupakan kata ganti benda jamak. Kata ini menggantikan kata benda jamak yang berfungsi sebagai objek kalimat yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya. Objek kalimat yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya adalah eggs. Read the text and answer questions 47 and 48. Attention, please. The Pelangi Airlines flight number PA 089 to Kupang will be delayed for an hour because of a technical problem. Sorry for the inconvenience Thank you. 47. You heard the announcement ________. A. in a travel agency B. in an airport C. in a harbor D. at school Jawaban: B Pengumuman itu berisi penundaan penerbangan yang dilakukan oleh Pelangi Airlines dengan nomor penerbangan PA089 karena alasan teknis. Jadi, pengumuman itu dapat didengarkan di bandara (airport). 48. What does the announcement tell about? A. Flight delay. B. People lost. C. Flight departure. D. Flight information. Jawaban: A Pengumuman itu berisi penundaan penerbangan (flight delay) yang dilakukan oleh Pelangi Airlines dengan nomor penerbangan PA089. Hal ini sesuai dengan kalimat pertama pengumuman tersebut. 49. Do you know chameleon? The arm forces imitate its tactics. In the jungle, the troops ________ themselves with leaves and twigs. It makes their enemies not detect their coming. A. protect B. hide C. fight D. camouflage
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Jawaban: D Tentara meniru tingkah laku bunglon yang menyesuaikan warna kulitnya sesuai dengan tempat berpijaknya. Ketika di hutan, tentara menyamar (camouflage) dengan daun dan dahan agar tidak diketahui lawan, bukan protect (melindungi), hide (bersembunyi), dan fight (bertarung). 50. Look! The deer runs ________ fast that the cheetah can’t catch it. What a lucky day! A. too B. enough C. several D. some
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Jawaban: A Menurut konteks kalimat, rusa itu berlari terlalu cepat sehingga cheetah itu tidak dapat menangkapnya. Pilihan jawaban (B) yang artinya cukup, salah karena tidak mencerminkan kecepatan rusa pada saat menyelamatkan diri. Pilihan jawaban (C) dan (D) digunakan untuk menunjukkan jumlah sesuatu.
Reading Materials Unit 1 Report Petunjuk Umum: Berikut ini disajikan beberapa teks report yang dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan untuk kegiatan pengayaan, seperti reading comprehension (pertanyaan pemahaman teks), cloze exercises, jumbled exercises (menyusun kalimat/ paragraf acak), melanjutkan paragraf menjadi teks yang utuh, mengidentifikasi struktur teks, dan mengidentifikasi noun phrases dalam teks.
Text 1 Rock Music Rock music is part of popular music today. It is played and listened in almost every countries in the world. Rock and roll was the name given to the music that developed in the early 1950’s. It is believed that the term rock and roll was first used by a disk jockey, Alan Freed. In 1955, records of a young singer from Tennessee, Elvis Presley, were heard across the US. After he appeared on nation-wide television, Elvis Presley’s singing and performing style came to mean rock and roll all over the world. Then, came Bill Haley and The Comets. Rock mainly became the music of the young. They understood its beat and sound as well as its lyrics. The 1970’s were the time of big developments in the rock industry. Rock became a very big business, earned more money annually than any other form of entertainment including the film industry. Source: English in Focus for Grade IX Junior High School (SMP/MTs)
Text 2 The Chinese Influence in Indonesian Visual Art Chinese culture played a truly significant role in the development of visual art in Indonesia; although, not as strong as the Hindu, Buddhist or Muslim influences. Many Chinese culture forms of artistic expressions were adapted and assimilated into indigenous forms. The Chinese influence was restricted to an adapted form. The architectural elements in some temples for example, reveal Chinese influence. It is identical to the original models found in mainland China. In Gianyar Bali, strong links between the Chinese and local people are evidenced by the Chinese-style roofing on the palace that was rebuilt at the end of the last century. In Cirebon, Chinese designs were copied by local ceramics and paintings. Chinese influence also occurs in textile, furniture and household objects. Source: English in Focus for Grade IX Junior High School (SMP/MTs)
Text 3 The Amazing Night Flyers Did you know that a bat is a mammal? A bat has fur or hair on its body. A baby bat is born live. The babies nurse from their mom. Bats have arms, hands and feet. They are warm-blooded. Bats produce high-pitched sounds. These sounds cannot be heard by humans or other animals. The sound waves bounce off the food they hunt, such as insects, then back to the bats, telling the bats where the food is. Most bats sleep during the day, hanging upside down in caves or other dark places. Many bats find trees to be the perfect place to roost and spend time taking care of their babies. Some bats actually live under big leaves. By using camouflage they can hide from harm and danger.
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There are other bats that roost under the bark of trees, while still others just hang from the branches. Bats are very helpful animals. They help farmers to control the insect population, reseed cut forests, and pollinate plants that provide food for humans. People learn about sonar from bats. Bats are different from birds. Birds are hatched from eggs. Birds have feathers, not fur or hair. Babies are fed from mom’s mouth. They have wings, but no hands and fingers. So, are bats and birds different? Yes, they are. A bat is the only mammal that can truly fly even though it is not a bird! Aren’t bats really amazing? Source: 1000 Facts on Animals
Text 4 Astronaut The word astronaut comes from the Greek, astron meaning ‘star’ and nautes meaning sailor. Astronauts are the men and women who pilot, navigate and fly in spacecraft. Russian ‘star sailors’ are called cosmonauts, kosmos means ‘universe’. The first space flight was made in 1961 by the Russian, Yuri Gagarin. It lasted almost just over 89 minutes. The first woman in space was also Russian, Valentina Tereshkova. In 1963, her flight lasted almost three days. The first ‘space walk’ was made by another Russian, Aleksei Leonove, in 1965, though he was still tethered by a line to his space craft. It was nineteen years later, in 1984, that the American Bruce McCandless made the first, independent excursion in space. The oldest of all the space travelers so far is the American Karl Henize, who was fiftyeight during his flight in 1985. Astronauts have to undergo extensive training before they are allowed into space. As there is no gravity in space, they have to become accustomed to the sensation of weightlessness and to learn how to walk and to eat and to drink when their food could be floating along in front of them. Some people who have wanted to become astronauts have been unable to do so because weightlessness has made them ill. Text 5 Newspapers I’ve once heard someone who said that “All I know is what I read in newspapers.” This is an uncommon expression, but I’m sure it is true that newspapers are important sources of information. Many people begin their day by reading the papers. In this way they learn what is going on in the world. However, sometimes they don’t have time to read the news carefully and must be satisfied with a quick look at the front page; at other times they may be in such a hurry that they only have time to glance at the headlines. There are newspapers to satisfy every reader. In big cities there are many types of papers, with several different editions every day. Some years ago, in small towns there were fewer newspapers and perhaps only one edition each day, but now the situation is different. In some areas, the papers are printed weekly. Most newspapers have several sections, especially on Sunday when the edition is larger than usual. There are, in addition to the front page with the most important news, the sports section, the society page, the comics, the amusement section, the business page and the editorial. Another type of publication which helps people keep informed is a magazine. Some magazines are published weekly; others are issued monthly. There are news magazines and magazines for special interests such as photography, sport, art and music. Some are primarily for men, others for women, and there is a selection of children magazines too. Source: Ujian Nasional
Reading Materials
Unit 2 Procedure Petunjuk Umum: Berikut ini disajikan beberapa teks procedure yang dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan untuk kegiatan pengayaan, seperti reading comprehension (pertanyaan pemahaman teks), cloze exercises, jumbled exercises (menyusun kalimat/paragraf acak), melanjutkan paragraf menjadi teks yang utuh, mengidentifikasi struktur teks, dan mengidentifikasi noun phrases dalam teks.
Text 1 Recycling Paper Equipment: ● old paper, magazines or newspapers ● blender or food processor ● bucket ● insect screens or strainers ● wire ● bleach ● white glue ● iron ● water Directions: First, shape wires into a rectangular shape. Then, cover the wire frame with insect screens and sew it. After that, rip the paper into small pieces. Then, put the torn paper in a bucket and fill it with warm water. Add one table spoon of bleach. Soak the paper for a half an hour. Next, put a cup of soaked paper in a blender, add some bleached water and blend it. Then, pour the blended paper in a large rectangular container, e.g. sink or tray. After that, repeat step 5 and 6 until all of the soaked paper are blended. Then, add and mix two table spoon of white glue to the blended paper. After that, dip the screen frame into the blended paper. Lift and rinse the water for a minute. Then, dry the paper (with the screen frame still on) in the sun. Next, peel the papers out of the frame screens when it’s dry. Finally, iron the paper. Source: Scaffolding English for Junior High School Students Grade IX
Text 2 Germinating Petunia Seeds You will need: ● a packet of petunia seeds ● a seed ray or mall pots ● loamy friable soil or potting mix ● water ● fertilizer Follow these instructions to germinate petunia seeds. 1. Fill seed tray with soil. 2. Incorporate fertilizer into soil. 3. Scatter seeds on the surface of the soil. 4. Cover seeds with a 3 mm layer of soil. Press firmly. 5. Spray water to moisten the seed bed.
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6. 7.
Place seed tray in warm, sunny position (at least 25 degrees C). Keep soil moist by watering gently while seeds are germinating. Seeds will germinate in approximately 10–14 days. Source: Contextual Teaching and Learning Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs Kelas IX Edisi 4
Text 3 Chocolate Ice Cream Ingredients: ● 2 oz unsweetened chocolate 1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder ● ● 1½ cup milk ● 2 large eggs ● 1 cup sugar ● 1 cup whipping cream ● 1 t vanilla extract Follow the instructions below. 1. Melt the unsweetened chocolate on top of a double boiler over hot, not boiling, water. Gradually whisk in the cocoa and heat, stirring constantly, until smooth. (The chocolate may “seize” or clump together. Don’t worry, the milk will dissolve it.) Whisk in the milk, a little at a time, and heat until completely blended. Remove from the heat and let cool. 2. Whisk the eggs in a mixing bowl until light and fluffy, 1 to 2 minutes. Whisk in the sugar, a little at a time, then continue whisking until completely blended, about 1 minute more. Pour in the cream and vanilla and whisk to blend. 3. Pour the chocolate mixture into the cream mixture and blend. Cover and refrigerate until cold, about 1 to 2 hours, depending on your refrigerator. 4. Transfer the mixture to an ice cream maker and freeze following the manufacturer’s instructions. Make 1 quart. Source: (April 1, 2008)
Text 4 Make an Underwater Volcano You will need: ● small bottle ● paint brush ● hot and cold water ● string ● scissors ● large glass jar ● red food coloring Directions: 1. Cut a long piece of string. Tie one end firmly around the neck of the bottle. 2. Tie the other end of the piece of string around the neck of the bottle to make a loop. 3. Pour cold water into the large glass jar until it is about three-quarters full. 4. Fill the bottle with hot water. Add food coloring to turn the water bright red. 5. Hold the bottle by the loop of string. Lower it gently into the jar of cold water. 6. The hot red water rises from the bottle like smoke from an erupting volcano. Source: English in Focus for Grade VIII Junior High School (SMP/MTs)
Reading Materials
Text 5 How to Cook Rice Using a Rice Cooker You’ll need: ● a rice cooker ● some amount of rice ● water Steps: 1. Weigh the exact amount of rice which will be poured. 2. Wash the rice. Put it in the inner pot and adjust the quantity of water. 3. At the same time, you can cook another meal, like vegetables. Put them in the steam pot. 4. Plug in the cable into the electricity socket and push the ‘cook’ button. A red light will turn on. 5. When the rice is well cooked, the ‘cook’ button will turn into the ‘warm’ button.
Unit 3 Report Petunjuk Umum: Berikut ini disajikan beberapa teks report yang dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan untuk kegiatan pengayaan, seperti reading comprehension (pertanyaan pemahaman teks), cloze exercises, jumbled exercises (menyusun kalimat/ paragraf acak), melanjutkan paragraf menjadi teks yang utuh, mengidentifikasi struktur teks, dan mengidentifikasi noun phrases dalam teks.
Text 1 Tornado A tornado is defined by the Glossary of Meteorology as “a violently rotating column of air, in contact with the ground, either pendant from a cumuliform cloud or underneath a cumuliform cloud, and often visible as a funnel cloud . . . .”. In practice, for a vortex to be classified as a tornado, it must be in contact with both the ground and the cloud base. Scientists have not yet created a complete definition of the word. There is disagreement as to whether separate touchdowns of the same funnel constitute separate tornadoes. A tornado is not necessarily visible. However, the intense low pressure caused by the high wind speeds and rapid rotation due to cyclostrophic balance usually causes water vapor in the air to become visible as a condensation funnel. The tornado is the vortex of wind. It is not the condensation cloud. Occasionally, several tornadoes are spawned from the same large-scale storm system. If there is no break in activity, this is considered a tornado outbreak; although, there are various definitions. A period of several successive days with tornado outbreaks in the same general area which is spawned by multiple weather systems is a tornado outbreak sequence, occasionally called an extended tornado outbreak. Adapted from: (December 30, 2008)
PG PR Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Semester 1
Text 2 Earth’s Atmosphere Earth’s atmosphere extends about 6,000 miles (9,600 kilometers) above the surface of Earth, where we live. Most of our weather comes from winds, temperature changes and water vapor in the layer nearest Earth’s surface. This layer is called the troposphere. Most of the clouds you see in the sky are floating in the troposphere. The stratosphere is the layer above the troposphere. Jet airplanes fly in the stratosphere because there are few clouds. Earth’s ozone layer is in the stratosphere. The ozone layer absorbs harmful rays from the Sun. These harmful rays would probably destroy life if they reached Earth’s surface. The atmosphere gets thinner and thinner in the next layers up, the mesosphere and thermosphere. The top layer of Earth’s atmosphere is the exosphere. The atmosphere ends here, about 6,000 miles (9,600 kilometers) above Earth’s surface. Text 3 UFO An unidentified flying object (UFO) is any light or object seen in the sky that can’t be explained. Hundreds of UFO sightings are reported every year. More than nine-tenths of them are later identified as ordinary objects. They might be planes, satellites or planets. They might be balloons, kites, clouds, or birds. Some are deliberate fakes. But some UFOs remain unidentified. So some people believe that they come from other planets. Some even claim to have met aliens and been brought aboard their spacecraft. It is indeed possible that intelligent life might exist somewhere beyond the solar system. But no one has ever produced proof of visitors from outer space. No photograph of a spaceship has ever been accepted as genuine. Text 4 What is the Significance of Rabbits’ Large Ears? A rabbit is a small fury mammal with a short tail and pointed ears. Rabbits live in burrows in the ground. Each burrow is the home of a single family. The first fossils which can be attributed to this family came from North America, but now they are found in every part of the world. Compared to its small body, rabbit has large-sized ears. A rabbit is a weak and timid animal and is always surrounded by many enemies. Therefore, nature has gifted it with large ears to help it to hear even the fun of drop sound. The large area of the ear catches almost every sound wave produced in the air and transfers them into the inner ear. This makes the rabbit to detect its enemies in time and run to safety zones. You must have noticed that a rabbit washes its ears by repeatedly licking its forepaws and rubbing them over the surface of its ears. It does this in order to keep its ears clean, and also to take into its mouth natural oil which surrounds the ear surface. This oil is important in forming vitamin D which is necessary for the growth of healthy bones. If the rabbit is not allowed to form this, it will develop rickets. Source: Ujian Nasional
Reading Materials
Text 5 Plants All living things on the earth belong to the plant or the animal family. The plant family get their food and water from the soil. They also need sunlight to grow. Some of them live in water and get their food from the water. There are thousands of plants. We can divide plants into two groups. There are the plants without stems, roots or leaves. These are the algae and the mosses. Both kinds of plants need a lot of water. So, algae is usually found in water and moss is found in wet places. The non-flowering plants have spores growing on the leaves. When they are dry, they are carried by the wind. Those spores that fall on wet soil start to grow again. These are some of the ways that plants live and multiply. Source: Ujian Nasional
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Azar, B.S. 1993. Understanding and Using English Grammar (Second Edition). New Jersey: Prentice hall, Inc. Blundell, J., J. Higgens and N. Middlemiss. 1992. Function in English. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Doff, A. and C. Jones. 1994. Language in Use Intermediate. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Echols, J. M. and H. Shadily. 1989. Kamus Inggris–Indonesia. Jakarta: Gramedia. Jardon, J. 2002. 1000 Facts on Planet Earth. Essex: Miles Kelly Publishing Ltd. ________. 2002. 1000 Facts on BUildings and Transport. Essex: Miles Kelly Publishing Ltd. ________. 2004. Science Library: Planet Earth. Essex: Miles Kelly Publishing Ltd. Hornby, A.S. 2002. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Leaney, C. 2005. Your Environment: Polution. London: Franklin Watts. Mustriana, B.B., C. Kurniawati, J. Siswanto, Y. Dwi Arini. 2007. New Let’s Talk Grade IX for Junior High School (SMP/MTs). Bandung: Pakar Raya. Priyana, J., A. R. Irjayanti and V. Renitasari. 2008. Scaffolding English for Junior High School Students Grade VIII. Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. Tan, L. ?. Week by Week English Practice Papers Primary 2. Singapore: Success Publications Pte, Ltd. Wardiman, A., M.B. Jahur, M.S. Djusma. 2008. English in Focus for Grade VIII Junior High School (SMP/MTs). Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. Widiati, U., G.H. Sulistyo, N. Suryati, S. Setiawan, P. Ratnaningsih. 2008. Contextual Teaching and Learning: Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah Pertama kelas VIII Edisi 4. Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional.
Reading Daftar Pustaka Materials