GVTCE@M CE OG_G ‚JCCNM_ KSEPM_„ OMNVTCE@M JM WSC JCM Gpcjjl`ms y emndrcs; ……………………………………………………………………… Brg`m; 3» _coolÿe; ‚………„
Acohg `c cetrcbg ; 78/62/4646
7. Ceo Ceolcr lcrrg rg ce ue oîr oîrouj oujm m jg gjtcr gjtcregt egtlvg lvg omr omrrco rcotg. tg. Ce cj ouc oucetm etm Cj Prmn Prmnpm, pm, sc `cstgog cj vgjmr; g. smjl`grl`g`
d. smolgj
o. pslomjÿblom
`. Pm`gs jgs getcrlmrcs
4. Jm Jms s hc hcoh ohms ms s suo uoc` c`ce ce c ce; e; g. Jlng
d. Vlsom
o. Dgrrgeog
`. Ohleohg
?. ‚Oh Ohup uplt ltm„ m„ crg; crg; g. Se el÷m zgndltm
d. Ologtrlz ce jg plcj
o. _mrdltm `c gbug
`. Dgrrltm
0. ½@ÿ ½@ÿe`c e`c hgd hgdîg îg eg egol` ol`m m oh ohupl upltm= tm= g. Jg olu`g`
d. Se ogjjckÿe
o. Se hmspltgj
`. Se dgsurgj
3. ½Wu ½Wuc c pgs pgsm m ou ouge` ge`m m Ohu Ohuplt pltms ms eg egolÿ= olÿ= g. Se tcrrcnmtm
d. Se leoce`lm
o. Seg leue`golÿe
`. Seg
1. Jg prcm prcmoupg oupgolÿe olÿe `c Ohup Ohupltms ltms crg pmr; g. _u ngnç d. _u trmnpm o. _us gnlbms
`. _u pgpç
2. ½Wul ½Wulìe ìe c cs s cj gutm gutmrr `c `cjj ou oucetm cetm ‚Cj Prmn Prmnpm= pm= ……………………………………………………………………………….. 8. ½W ½Wuì uì og ogrg rgot otcr crîs îstl tlog ogs s aî aîsl slog ogs s `l `lst stle lebu buce ce g ff ffOh Ohup uplt ltms ms°° °°= = ½V ½Vmr mr qu quì ì jc jjgngdge `c csc nm`m= ………………………………………………………………………………………………
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