European Value Investor 2008 07 Eng

April 17, 2019 | Author: vouzvouz7127 | Category: Stocks, Investor, Value Investing, Investing, Euro
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European Value Investor 2008...


NO. 3 | JULY 2008

ThE EurOpEan




»To achieve satisfactory investment results is easier than most people realize; to achieve superior results is harder than it looks«  Benjamin Graham

Discipline, Focus, Independence:  Braun,  Brau n, von Wyss & Mül Müller ler AG The goal is sustainable capital appreciation. Since its initation in 1997 BWM‘s Classical Global Equity Fund has appreciated 224%. Over the same period the MSCI World only appreciated 33%. Fo lmost  decde, te vle sttegy followed by te Swiss sset mge met comy B, vo Wyss & Mülle (BWM) eslted i  cotios otefomce. Oly i te yes of te Iteet d tecology boom

did te Clssic Globl Eqity Fd clely deefom te MSCI Wold Idex. Tis sittio ws evesed immeditely fte te bbble bst. Te fodes, Toms B (52), Geog vo Wyss (43) d Eic Melle (54) view sot eiods of dee fomce s  ecessy coseqece of  globl ivestmet style. Wit EVI tey soke bot te comies istoy, tei ivestmet sttegy d idividl stock ides. …p.2-9 Thomas Braun Founder and Owner of BWM AG 

CONTENTS THE CHEST Braun, von Wyss & Müller AG The Swiss value experts attach great importance to a high safety margin and welcome the opportunity of buying one franc for 65 cents. They currently identify opportunities with Agfa and Avis Budget

p. 2-9


 VALU  VA LUEE KN KNOW OWLE LEDG DGEE ¡On the Contrary! Jim Rogers from A-Z. EVI talked to the commodities expert on current investment ideas, the future of China and his assessment of specific commodities

p. 10-13


¡On the Contrary! Dr. Tito Tettamanti – He is considered a pioneer of the activist investment style. However, as one of the most successful investors he also warns of the risks inherent in activist funds

p. 14-16



Dr. Tito Tettamanti – pioneer of the activist investment style

What is the performance of companies that own a corporate jet? A survey among German DAX and MDAX companies

p. 17-19 …………………………………..............……………  VALU  VA LUEE IN INSI SIDE DERR

He introduced the activist investment style in Switzerland and Europe. EVI talked to the financier domiciled in Ticino about the risks and opportunities of this strategy.

What‘s up with...?

Dr. Tito Tettamanti, attorney, entrepree d cie domiciled i Ticio, is cosideed  ioee of te ctivist ivestmet style i Switzeld d i Eoe. Iitilly, is oc did ot d mc fvo wit te cil com mity. Tody Tody e is, ite li, Cim of Stelig Sttegic Vle Ltd. d oe of te most sccessfl d esectble ivestos of o time. EVI tlked to im bot is ivestmet iciles, stte gies d esectives bsed o  sod ctivism. …p. 14-16

News of the Scene

Interview with Fund Manager p. 20-23 Tobias Klein …………………………………..............……………

p. 24-25



p. 27


p. 28

…………………………………..............…………… …………………………………..............……………

Stocks in this edition: Agfa-Gevaert, Avis Budget, Avis Europe,  Dr. Tito Tettamanti   Entrepreneu r and Financier

No. 3 – 3 – Page 1 – July 08

BMW, Circuit City, DSG International, Fred Olsen Energy, Fuji, Hertz, Kodak, MBIA, Nestlé, Saurer, Siemens, Sixt, UBS, United  Veolia lia Airlines, Veo

ThE EurOpEan VaLu E I nVESTOr 


Braun, von Wyss & Müller AG For almost a decade, the value strategy followed by the Swiss asset management company Braun, von Wyss & Müller (BWM) resulted in a continuous outperformance. Thomas Braun (52), Georg von Wyss (43) and Erich Mueller (54) spoke to EVI about the situation on the stock exchanges, their investment strategy and individual stock ideas. EVI: Your funds suffered two-digit losses in 2007. And the rst half of 2008 did not bring any improvement. To which extent are you affected by this slump?

The owners of BWM AG (left to right): Thomas Braun, Georg von Wyss, Erich Müller 

Aiming at a sustainable asset formation, BWM has posted an average yield of 11.8 percent since 1997 with its Classic Global Equity Fund. Te fodes of te comy, Toms B d Geog vo Wyss, met fo te st time i 1995 t ivte bk rüd, Blss & Cie. Toms B ws te esosible fo te bk‘s e sec detmet, wic Geog vo Wyss joied fte etig fom te uSa. pio to tis, fte comletig  MBa, vo Wyss ws itodced to fdmetl lysis by exets sc s Micel F. pice, te owe of Mtl Seies Fds, wic is tody t of te Fkli Temleto go. B ws so imessed by vo Wyss‘ cosistet vle style tt e did ot esitte fo  secod we vo Wyss sggested to im to fom tei ow comy d  become tes. Te tid te, Eic Mülle, is i cge of cstome eltiosi mgemet d dmiisttio. We it ws decided to fom  ew comy, Toms B ws lookig fo someo e wit good ogiztiol skills d ddessed Eic Mülle. Ivestmet decisios e exclsively tke by B d vo Wyss „i  democtic me“, s tey delie. Tey e soted by fo lysts, wose ex clsive tsk is to evlte comies. Tey e cotiosly moitoig 150

to 250 secities, of wic od 30 e eld i te otfolio. Te ivestmet ocess s sc is clely stcted. If te ice of  stock flls to o below 65 ecet of te itisic vle detemied by te lyst tem, it qlies to be dded to te otfolio,  ovided tt oe of te two decisio mkes ots gist sc cqisitio. I ll cses, te stocks e sold t 100 e cet of tei Fi Vle. B d vo Wyss do ot ccet y ovevltios. Wit tei Clssic Globl Eqity Fd issed i 1997, B d vo Wyss cieved  vege l et of ove 20 ecet til 2006. De to losses sffeed i 2007 d 2008, te lised et wet dow to 11.8 ecet. howeve, wit  ovell efomce of 224.2 ecet sice its lc, te fd is clely bove te MSCI Wold Idex, wic icesed by oly 33.6 ecet i te sme eiod. Te fodes, Toms B (52), Geog vo Wyss (43) d Eic Melle (54) view sot eiods of deefomce s  ecessy co seqece of  globl ivestmet style. Te “new Ecoomy” exeiece oves tem igt sice te deefomce ws cgt  eltively qickly i te  ost dot-com e.

No. 3 – Page 2 – July 08

Müller: Sice ll owes of te com   y e iv ested wit  lm ost 100  ecet of t ei ivte ssets i te comy‘s ow ivestmet f ds, it goes witot syig tt we e te most ffected by  mket tt s bee movig i  dvese di ectio fo sc  log eiod. Yo eveteless see s clm d elxed sice we kow tt tis ted my evese vey qickly. Te mots of moey flowig ot of te fds e ket witi  ceti limit. I te fist qte of 2008, tey moted to  mee five ecet.

We ve o oblem wit fds of fds tt o loge lce tei tst i s sice tis go of ivestos is of lmost o imotce to s. nely ll of o cliets e ivte ivestos, of wic od 65 ecet e s set mges ivestig te moey of idividl esos. Tis is  te stble go of ivestos. von Wyss: howeve, I ve to dd tt I m iitted by te losses wic o cliets sffeed, of cose. aod oe tid of o otfolio stocks wee mssced t te sme time d dly y of te stocks gied i vle. Tis is  extodiy situation – just as extraordinary as i evios ses we te ices of ely ll stocks icesed t te same time.

We e eveteless coviced of o log-tem sttegy. as yo c see, te comy BWM fctios desite  losy efomce. as log s o clcltios of  stock‘s i tisic vle e coect, tigs e ot ll tt bd.

ThE EurOpEan VaLu E I nVESTOr 


EVI: How did your respective families react when part of your private assets went down the drain? Müller: Tey ected i te sme wy s o cliets. Tey kow vey well tt ivestig eqies tiece. I  icile, we e ow exeiecig exctly te sittio wic we ve foecst fo some time. as  cetl elemet of o mketig, we ket o  oit ig ot tt sc mket beks my occ. We e te efoe lookig fo ivestos wo ve  ivestmet oizo of sevel yes d c ts coe wit sc sittios. Braun: Ivestos wo cot coe wit  loss of 30 ecet sold ot ivest i o fds – d i icile tey sold lso ot ivest i stocks. Ivestos wo joi te geel e  oi ofte mke te mistke to by we stock ices ec tei ek d to lose tei eves we ices e lowest. ufottely, tis kid of bevio is mc moe commo mog ivestos t te ote wy od. If we wee emloyees of  fd mgemet comy, we wold  o bbly ve lost o jobs.

Tis is exctly te eso wy we foded o ow comy. Beig ble to cosistetly ly o i vestmet style is of mjo imo tce to s. We wold ot wt to cge o ivestmet style jst be cse o boss, fte  few qtes wit egtive efomce, is of te oiio tt o ivestmet sttegy does ot wok. EVI: How did you develop your investment style? von Wyss: It ws i 1992. I d jst ed Bejmi Gm‘s book „Te Itelliget Ivesto“ dig my MBa stdies. Sotly fte, dig  stge t Votobel bk, I d te ootity of ticitig i te lyst co feece of noki-Millefe,  Swiss sbsidiy of noki tt mfctes cble odctio mciey.

I idetified  clssicl et-et sit tio s descibed i Gm‘s book: Te comy‘s mket citliztio

ws ot moe t two tids of te cet ssets less te totl mot of ymet obligtios. as  eslt, te stock ws well eceived by te mket d its ice icesed by  fcto of seve. Tis ws  cle evidece tt te vle ivestig sttegy is effective. Braun: ad lte o, we we met i 1995 t rüd, Blss & Cie., e co viced me of tis oc. Befoe, I d bee  sty bgi te, to  t it jokigly. To be seios: I 1986, I met hs-pete ast, wo ws o  bbly te best lyst i Switzeld t te time. he mde me fmili wit fdmetl lysis. Bt it ws ot  ely vle-oieted oc, te ivestmet oizo ws te six to twelve mots.

Eve sice we foded o ow com  y i 1997, we ve bee givig  stock t lest two to fo yes time. ad te icile of omlized yields wic we ly tody ws jst s ew to me t te time. We detemie te mgis ove  comlete cycle of seve yes, fo exmle, d ty to destd wt te comy is eig de oml cicmstces  – d ow mc it is wot de te give coditios.

cble of ovidig  cle swe. We cot sy wet e te cisis i te uS bkig secto s it ock  bottom w it te evets so dig Be Stes o wete te dowwd ted will cotie. Wt we do kow is tt te otimism i te mket s sffeed temedosly, wic i s ot ecessily  bd sig. at fom tis, it is wog to sy tt te el ecoomy is i  stte of cisis. If yo ve  look t te ode  books i te G em i dstil sec to, yo will otice tt eveytig is (still) goig smootly. EVI: But the USA‘s high level of debt is an issue that cannot be ignored. If, starting in Northern America, the global economy slows down, the companies‘ prots will decrease all over the world, which is not benecial for the stock market. Braun:  absoltely. pofits will of cose decese fo some time. I o oiio, te ecessio i te uSa is immiet o s ledy stted. It is lso cle tt t is will ve  imct o te est of te wold. Te level of ofit mgis of Eoe comies is simil to tt t te ed of  se cycle.

howeve, tis s o imct o o EVI: Assuming a seven-year cycle,  job. If yo com e where do we stand at tis wit te omthe moment and what »We are lized mgis wic speaks for stocks in we se s  bsis, yo the current market stock pickers will otice tt tis environment? that are not s ledy bee fc following toed ot. We do ot Braun: We e stock economic cycles.«  ickes tt do o t se te cet to follow ecoomic mgis s  bsis. cycles. as I sid, we O clcltios lso oly se sc cycles fo detemiig iclde te ye 2002 we tigs did te vege mgis. I tems of i ot go well fo te comy. We dividl stocks, we esetly idetify we coside  comy to be ce, mc moe by ootities t we ve ledy lgely iclded i  ye go. o clcltios te effects of flc ttig icome. EVI: However, many asset managers say that the world economy is on the EVI: Your compatriot Josef Ackerwrong track. Do you completely ignomann, CEO of Deutsche Bank, conre such warnings? siders increasing food prices to be a serious problem for the global ecovon Wyss: Tis is  qestio of mket nomy and draws a parallel with the timig d we believe tt obody is year 1929. What is your opinion?

No. 3 – Page 3 – July 08

ThE EurOpEan VaLu E I nVESTOr 


von Wyss: Comig te cet si ttio wit 1929 my be sligty ex ggeted. howeve, te oblem mst  by o mes be deestimted. We e cetily goig to fce  stctl cge, wic my ve  mc de ee imct t we ll exect tody. howeve, we mst ot foget oe de cisive fct, mely tt tody‘s socil secity systems e vey diffeet fom tose existig i 1929.

If yo d lived t tt time d mde eddt, yo wold ve lost yo oly soce of icome d yo wold ve bee foced to edce yo cosmtio ccodigly. aote imott diffeece comed wit te sittio i 1929 is t t Keyes idced te govemets to give  tei lisse fie olicy. Tody, te cetl bks e m  i g m ss iv e m o ts of mo e y ito te ecoomic system i times of cisis d te oliticis e l cig blic sedig ogms to icese demd i excess sly situations. EVI: In other words, prots are pri vatized while losses are allocated to the public, as could be seen in the case of IKB?

von Wyss: Tog tis is cetily wot discssig, ecoomists l gely gee tt govemets sold itefee to evet te ecoomy fom collsig. Moeove, te 1929 cs sceio is eglly efeed to weeve te ecoomic sittio is woseig. Tis ws lso te cse i 1987 we stock ices o Wll Steet exeieced  s declie s well s i 2002 we te tecol ogy  bbble b st. ad, s we  ve see, tis ws ot te ed of te wold. EVI: Mr. von Wyss, you mentioned a structural change. What do you mean in concrete terms? von Wyss:  We mily idetif y  stctl cge esltig fom  sotge of tl esoces d commodities. Tee my vey well  be  lo ge eiod wit  ig if l tio tes ed of s.

EVI: In how far have you taken this fact into consideration when compiling your portfolio? Braun: Sice we do ot egge i mco bets bt ty to idetify  devled comies, tis sect s ot bee tke ito ccot i o otfolio. I tems of idividl stocks, we ve ot idetified y ootities i te commodities secto. Tis is ot lest becse we wee ot vey esistet i o sec. as coces commodities, we ve ot fomed  oiio o te gold o oil ices, fo istce. EVI: Is this not grossly negligent, especially when considering the aspect of portfolio diversication? von Wyss:   We e coviced tt i te log tem stocks otefom y ote tye of ivestmet. Fo tis eso loe we do ot eg ge i commodities, wic, simil to bods, do ot offe moe t  mee comestio fo ifltio i te log tem. If yo i m t  ofit te tt is bove te ifltio te, yo will ot get od ivestig i stocks. Evey eo ivested i istmets ote t stocks fo   eiod of moe t te yes is i  vested itiolly. EVI: Nothing against your longterm investment horizon, but you virtually traded the UBS stock (ISIN: CH0024899483).

EVI: Let‘s talk about your other investments. Your performance was spoiled by US investments that suffered from the weak dollar. Would it not have been wise to take a closer look at the economic situation in the USA? von Wyss: no. Tese losses e oly  tly elted to te uS doll. Te wek efomce is mily de to  too ig exose i te sbi me mket. We qite simly de estimted te sbime cisis. We sold ve idetified te oblem t  elie stge, d ticlly te effect tt  comy fcig fi cil difficlties eeds to icese its citl, wic etils  coside ble diltio.

Vios citl iceses wee eqied fo MBIa (ISIn: uS55262C1009), fo exmle. Tis ffected o e fomce cosidebly lst ye. aywy, tis is istoy. now, te decisive qestio is wete tis stock offes ew ivestmet ootities. EVI: Why did you buy MBIA in the rst place? von Wyss: Te comy is ctive i two bsiess fields, oe of wic seemed to be  eltively isk-fee: ficig of comml o tiol ifstcte ojects sc s scools, embkmet dms d ositls. Te ote bsiess field coces mot gge isces d tei deivtives.

Braun: I etosect, »We are convinced tis is coect. Bt it Tis icldes te that in the ws ot led tis isce of stc long term stocks wy. We byig te ted odcts sc outperform any stock we cold ot s CDOs. Te mo ve kow tt its del wic cosists other type  ice wold be eig of setig d of investment.« te itisic vle so  bdlig motgge qickly. I dditio, los d te esl we d to edce te itisic vle tig csflows s bee lied i sice te deecitios d ts te te uSa fo 40 o 50 yes. Te oc extet of te citl icese d te cece of losses fom time to time diltio of beets ve ideed tke is t of te bsiess. s by sise. Tis mde s close te  osit io wit  ot we te  ice Wt we deestimted is tt te icesed to ove 30 Swiss fcs. If diectives fo cedit ovl ve te ice d csed, uBS wold ow  become less d less sti ct. I 2 005  be oe of o lge osit ios. d 2006, my eole took  i -

No. 3 – Page 4 – July 08

ThE EurOpEan VaLu E I nVESTOr 


teest i sig otetil ome ow es to egge i  motgge lo. as  eslt, eve low-icome cls ses wee gted los wic tey sold eve ve eceived. Te emiicl vles wic MBIa sed s  bsis fo detemiig de flt tes filed simly becse tee wee o sc vles. Tt‘s ow te comy  ito  oblem. ad, fom tody ‘s oit of view, we simly do ot kow to wt extet tis oblem my icese sice te imcts will become evidet oly gdlly. EVI: Which are the conclusions you draw from this wrong assessment? von Wyss: Fo te momet, we kee te stock i o otfolio, of cose. Te wost-cse sceios e le dy iclded i te ice. Well, yo cold lwys imgie  moe dedfl sceio, bt we yo do  simle clcltio yo will fid tt tis is ledy eflected i te ice. Eve fo sbime debtos te deflt te is ot moe t 100 ecet of tei los. It is teefoe sfficiet to wite off te sbime te fo CDOs to zeo.

Eve if tis ws doe, wic imlies tt i fct ot  sigle doll is id  bck b y sb ime debtos, te st ock is still fvobly iced. Tis is lso te i cse of  -off, i.e.  liqi dtio of te stock, wic migt t ot to be te best soltio fo te seolde. Braun:  Moeove, te sittio s clely imoved. Tee is  i cesig iteest i byig sset bcked seci ties. Sc secities e teefoe ot vleless. Tey e ofte cqied by edge fds secilized i distessed secities. It goes witot syig tt o i vestmet i sc secities is ket t  low level. howeve, fo te fist time sice te cisis boke ot, smt moey is likely to be ivested i tese istmets. EVI: Rating agencies assigned companies like MBIA a r ating of AAA

despite the problems that had been obvious for a long time. Has this not added to the current condence crisis?

Itetiol (ISIn: GB0000472455) els to s. Te stock ice is cetly ffected by te cosme elctce i te uK s well s i tel oblems sc s stisfc toy cliet sevices d  odct ge tt does ot flly meet cliet eqiemets.

Braun:  Yes, of cose. I te cse of motgge-bcked secities, tig gecies d bks clely misjdged te sittio. Te cet codece cisis ffects bks i ticl. Bec Te ew CEO s ecogized te se mket ticits o loge tst  ob lem s  d im l em e te d fi st ec ote, tey eti tei liqidity meses to imove te sittio. to be ble to evet Tks to its solid to itel cig  b l c e s ee t, t e if te mket ts comy is i  o »Sorry, but gist tem. Tis, sitio to coe well it has never been i t, itesies te wit low oetive part of cedit cisis. ott. Wit  cet our concept to  ice of ox. 5 0 follow Buffett.«  ece, DSG is qoted EVI: Would this not  below its book vle. be the perfect moI o oiio, te ment to increase instock is cosidebly devled, vestments in classical value stocks eve if te mgemet sold fil that are underrepresented in your to flly meet ll its objectives d if portfolio?  stog ecessio sol d occ. von Wyss:  Wt do yo me by clssicl vle stocks? EVI: Which other securities would you recommend? EVI: Companies active in crisisproof sectors, in other words: rather von Wyss:  We idetified  eve gete otetil wit agf-Gevet defensive securities such as Nestlé (ISIn: BE0003755692). Te comy (ISIN: CH0012056047)? is cetly tded t  ice tt is ot moe t oe tid to oe fot von Wyss:  Yo me te clssicl Bffett sectos. „We s tem“ of te itisic vle detemied by  – d t is tomticlly qlif ies s. Te sfety mgi seems to be tem s vle stocks. Soy, bt it moe t sfficiet. De to mis s eve bee t of o cocet mgemet of te comy‘s most to follow Bffett. We by coss ll imott bsiess it − eltce sectos if te ice is igt. I tis − agf-Gevet is cetly fcig esect, we e omivoes. O te  difficlt sittio. howeve, te ote d, we e vey geedy d ew mgemet s ll te q demd  mssive discot o te lities eqied to get te comy itisic vle dete mied by s. We  bck o tck. teefoe ttc get imotce to  sfciet sfety mgi. I tis e EVI: When and how did you identify sect, nestlé, fo exmle, is jst ot Agfa-Gevaert? ce eog. Of cose, tee is  ceti ice t wic we wold like von Wyss: Tis is  log stoy fll to by nestlé, bt te sfety mgi of sffeig, to t it tt wy. O is ot yet sfciet fo s. fist cqisitio of te stock dtes  bck to te ye 2002. Te comy, wic d jst lced  come EVI: And which stocks would you esive estctig ogm, ws consider buying now? Where do you cosidebly cee t te ote see opportunities? comies i tis secto. Te com Braun:  amog otes, te uK le -  y did well − til te begiig dig electicl etilig go DSG of 1995 we, de to mgemet

No. 3 – Page 5 – July 08

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mistkes d te soig commodi ties ices,  loss i mgis occ ed wic ws ot eflected i o ccots. Te icese i commodities ices loe wold ve edced te etx ofit e se by two eos if it d ot bee tilly comes ted by ice iceses d efficie cy gis. EVI: What makes you feel condent that the situation will improve?

von Wyss: I te itig secto, te mket is oligoolistic. I te bsi ess field of digitl itig ltes, agf‘s se i te globl m ket is ox. 30 ecet, wic is sligt -

ly moe t tt of Fji (ISIn: Jp3814000000). Tog Kodk (ISIn: uS2774611097) is still te mket lede, agf s  mket se of oly 15 ecet i Kodk‘s ome mket uSa. Tee is still  oom fo imovemet. all tee comies stggle wit i cesig ices fo silve d lmim. hiteto, tey did ot wt to ss o  ice iceses to tei cliets, bt tey migt ot be ble to miti tis  olicy fo log. I teoy, tey migt icese tei ices o t lest ss o te isk of ice cttios fo l mim to te itig sos becse tey ve te ossibility of sellig te sed ltes. Wt we d ticlly elig is tt itig ltes e

cosmble odcts tt eed to be  csed o  ecig bsis. I te eltce secto,  simil oligool lies fo ceti odcts, i ticl ites fo digitlly ge eted diogms, s fo itig  ltes. Moeove, agf s idetified te ed of film-bsed diogy t  ely stge d itodced ew ifomtio tecologies wit  e fomt softwe. Ts, te com y is ledig i cliic ifomtio systems i Eoe. Te bsiess it ow s to get its oce sses d costs, ticlly te fixed costs, de cotol. EVI: Does Agfa have any signicant competitive advantages?


Business:  agf-Gevet odces d sells o togic d electoic eqimets fo oto gic ocesses.

Financials: revee:

€ 3.28 b (2007) € 3.21 b (2008e) 8.1%

EBITDa Mgi: Stock Information (06/17/2008): Price: € 5.02 52 Week rge: € 19.60 – € 4.38 Divided Yield: 0% Mket C: € 635 m

Valuation Metrics*: p/E p/B

AGFA 10.6 0.7

BEL20 10.6 1.4

Institutional Investors: 1) Fkli Temleto 2) node Ivestmet Fds 3) Clssic Fd Mgemet

12.53% 5.94% 5.14%

Fair Value: € 15.00 - € 20.00

* bsed o 2008 Cosess Estimte


INVESTMENT THESIS Te eltce it ovides good digitl odcts, mily softwe, wic sold soo comeste te decesig volme i lm-bsed cosmb les. Te it gics it is  tecologicl lede i  oligoolistic mket. Te ig ice levels fo commodities d te eo s well s te oo mgemet of te eltce it ve t mssive esse o te ot. howeve, te ew mgemet sold be ble to imove mgis tks to good mket ositioigs.

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von Wyss: Yes. Te comy s  cometitive edge i tecology i vios bsiess its. I te elt ce segmet, tis coces digitl diogy tecologies. Moeove, agf s eqied cliics wit its  o dct s fo decdes d is we ll f mili wit tei eqiemets.

accodig to te mgemet, agf‘s Gic Systems it s  come titive edge i tecology fo ocemicl, digitl itig ltes. Te sme lies to Commecil Ikjet pitig, wic belogs to te sme  bsiess it. Tey odce mcies fo i tig lstics sed fo ckgig, fo exmle, sig  do-o-demd system. Ikjet‘s cotibtio to te  bsiess eslt s so f  bee eg tive, bt te it will tsfom itself fom  loss mke to  ofit mke. Tis sold lso el big te l test EBIT mgi i te Gic Systems segmet of 3.7 ecet  to 6 to 8  ecet i te medim tem. EVI: The healthcare unit is already operating with margins on this level. Is there also room for improvement in this segment? von Wyss: O, yes. Tog te EBIT mgi i tis segmet is ledy t 7.6 ecet, it my be exded to 12 to 13 ecet. I vios es of digitl imge ocessig, agf-Gevet s  omiet ositio i te mket. ufottely, eltce ws te most ooly mged segmet i te st, wic is wy te CEO of tis  bsiess it d to leve i smme 2007. his sccesso is  fome mem  be of mg emet of alctel d eeds to do some tidyig . EVI: Where do you see the Fair Value of the company as a whole? von Wyss: Fctoig i te cet commodities ices, we estimte te Fi Vle of agf to be t ox. Eur 15 to 20 e stock. Tog te comy‘s vltio o  p/E bsis is ot lowe t tt i te Belgim BEL 20 Idex, its ofit dymics e clely bove vege i view of

te mgi imovemet wic te comy stives fo d wic, i o oiio, is elistic. EVI: Are there any other stocks where you identify such extreme undervaluation? Braun: Yo my cetly by te uS c  etl comy avis Bdget (ISIn: uS0537741052) fo o ximtely oe tid of te itisic vle. recessio fes ve t  esse o t e stock‘s ice , wic s eced  level tt is o loge  jstif ible. EVI: Why do you give preference to the company‘s competitor Sixt (ISIN: DE0007231326), which was discussed in edition number 1/2008 of the EVI magazine?

Braun: avis Bdget d hetz (ISIn: uS42805T1051) e te to dogs mog c etl comies t i  ots. M ke t ety b ie s e ig sice yo eed  cote t te iot fist of ll if yo ited to stt  c etl bsiess tee.  no mlly, te eqi ed sfces go wy vey q ickly.

Tee wee fes tt te mket lede i te o-iot bsiess – Ete  ise C retl – wold eet te te mket wit  ggessive icig  olicy. afte tkig ove almo d  ntiol C retl, Eteise is ow eeseted t iots witot vig to figt  ice w.

Te tee comies hetz, avis Bdget d Eteise ow se ove 90 ecet of te uS iot  bsiess. I tis lmost oligoolistic mket, obody s  iteest i iig »You may currently te ices sice tey buy the US car rental ll wis to oete wit  ofit. company Avis Budget

Braun: We ve to be cefl ee. Tese comies e ot ecessily comble. avis Eoe (ISIn: GB0000658053) is  for approx. ideedet uK comEVI: What makes one third of the  y d  cometito Avis Budget attractive intrinsic value.« of Sixt i Eoe. O compared to Enterte ote d, avis prise and Hertz? Bdget (ISIn: uS0537741052) geetes most of its bsiess volme Braun: Eteise my be  ite i te uSa, wee Sixt s lit tle o estig comy, bt it is ot listed o imotce. o te stock excge. Its coe bsi ess is to et ot cs to cliets of I t, te lgest t of te to isce comies wose ow ve ve wic avis Bdget geetes i icles e o loge odwoty fte  no te ameic is el ted to c  ccidet. as coces te etl etls o iots. hee te m ket  bsiess, tee is o big diffeece imlies tt i tffic my decese  betwee hetz d avis Bdget. Bside te ecoomic slowdow i te clly, tis is  stddized ocess uSa. I te st, tee ws  ig wit simil cost stctes. coeltio betwee te mbe of ilie sseges d c etls. Tee e two esos wy we efe avis Bdget: Fist of ll, we like te I o oiio, te mbe of s two-bd sttegy wic te com seges will decese to  lesse ex y lies i  efect me. avis tet t feed sice te uSa ve d Bdget eset temselves to  become  tt ctiv e destitio f o te cliet s idividl comies. foeiges tks to te low uS dol avis focses o bsiess tvel wile l. C etls fo toists sold t Bdget mily ovides its sevices lest tilly comeste  ossible to ivte cliets. howeve, ytig decese i bsiess tvel. tt te cliet does ot see is sed, icldig te veicle fleet. O te ote d, we my well do witot EVI: What is the competitive situahetz‘s costctio mciey bsi tion in the USA?

No. 3 – Page 7 – July 08

ThE EurOpEan VaLu E I nVESTOr 


ess. retig ot costctio mci ey is  igly cyclicl bsiess. EVI: How come the price of Avis Budget has suffered such a tremendous loss? Braun:  Oe of te esos migt  be te coces bot te ecoomy s metioed befoe. I o oii o, tese coces e exggeted. O lyst Mks Ksse fod ot tt 70 ecet of te costs e vible.

C etl comies e ble to e sod to decesig toves wit oly  sot time dely by simly  by ig less ew c s. C s em i i te fleet fo ie to te mo ts o

vege. Tey my be ket fo o te tee o fo weeks i ode to sigifictly edce costs. plese be i mid tt eve fte te teoist ttcks of 11 Setembe 2001, we uS iots emied closed fo fo dys, te c etl comies osted fvoble qte ly eslts. Tis secto is ts igly flexible s egds te cost side. aote fcto vig t esse o te bdget of avis ws te o  blem of efici g te bsi ess. By te, c etl comies oete wit  ig level of levege. I view of te cedit cisis, we wee wodeig fo some time if d t

wic coditios avis Bdget wold  be ble to cqie ew citl fte te mtity of ceti bods. howeve, tese dobts ve diseed. Te ew bods cold be lced i te mket witot y oblem. Te sligtly ige isk emims wee moe t comested by te te medos decese i iteest tes. EVI: Which are the expansion opportunities? Braun: avis Bdget iteds to become moe ideedet fom te iot  bsiess d is flly cble of doig so. To tis ed, etl sttios eed to be oeed i city cetes. Tis is ot vey cost-itesive sice te comy c evet to te existig


Business: Oe of te ledig c  etl comies woldwide

Financials: revee:

$ 5.98 b (2007) $ 6.30 b (2008e) 6.8%

EBIT Mgi: Stock Information (06/17/2008): Price: $ 12.05 52 Week rge: $ 30.50 - $ 9.00 Divided Yield: 0% Mket C: $ 1.22 b

Institutional Investors: 1) Sio Citl Mgemet 2) ax 3) OSS Citl Mgemet 4) Clssic Fd Mgemet

11.6% 8.3% 8.1% 5.2%

* Soce Bloombeg

Valuation Metrics*: p/E p/B

AVIS 9.5 1.2

S&P 500 14.5 2.5

Fair Value: c. € 30.00

* bsed o 2008 Cosess Estimte


INVESTMENT THESIS recessio fes d te ecig isk (te eet comisig ox. 400,000 veicles is ced tog debt) t esse o te stock ice. Te mgemet is igly exeieced d kows ow to vigte  c etl comy tog  difclt mket. aod 70 ecet of te cost is vible, fo istce. avis Bdget ims to big te EBITDa mgi bck to te log-tem ge of 10 to 12 ecet. Te comy sold be ble to cieve t lest 10 ecet. I tis cse, te stock is wot uSD 30.

No. 3 – Page 8 – July 08

ThE EurOpEan VaLu E I nVESTOr 


veicle fleet −  ge dvtge fo avis fo tis kid of exsio. Sc  exeimet does ot cost moe t uSD 20,000 to 30,000 e etl sttio. If ll goes well, fie. If ot, te etl sttio is closed d te loss is ket t  low level.

exesive, bt lso good. as  eslt, te comy‘s cisis itesified. O iitil ssessmet of te mgemet ws clely too ositive.

EVI: And all of this makes you conclude that the stock has the potential to triple its price?

Braun:  amog ote meses, we effect scees i Bloombeg to bow se te mket fo secities wit  low vltio. Bt te mi elemet i o sec ocess is to ed te ewses. We wt to kow if d wee tee e y oblems tt e eseted to te blic i  exggeted me. Tis s ow  become moe exciti g comed to te sittio  few yes go. ad it isies o tig istict.

Braun:  almost. Te igly exe ieced mgemet oces  EBITDa mgi of te to 12 ecet i te log tem. I o oiio, te ecet sold be cievble. Discoted ccodig to o DCF model, te Fi Vle of te stock,  b se d o 20 11  of it s, wo l d be bove uSD 30.

By te wy, te comy‘s CEO  bogt sto cks wo t oe millio uS dolls six mots go – t  ice of uSD 16. Cetly, te stock is tded t sligtly moe t uSD 11. EVI: Management is a good keyword. What importance do you attach to talking to Executive Board members of your buy candidates? Braun: Tis is vey imott to me sice I eed to ssess wete te comy‘s mgemet is cble d willig to cieve te stdd mgi estimted by s d to ivest te comy‘s citl wee it ge etes vle fo te seoldes. We visit comies d lso ivite tem to o emises.

It is bsoltely oml tt comies ty to e i  good ligt t ll times. It is important to maintain a citicl ttitde d to ot be cmed  by te comy‘s eese ttives. It goes witot syig tt wog ssessmets e ossible eve wit tis oc. Te mgemet of Cicit City (ISIn: uS1727371080),  electoics ci domiciled i te uSa, mde te mistke of fiig ll emloyees wit  ig sly. Wt ws ot tke ito cosidetio ws tt tese stff membes wee ot oly

EVI: Where and how are you looking for buy opportunities?

EVI: You do not go hunting in emerging markets. How come you miss out on this opportunity? von Wyss: We estict oselves to Weste Eoe d note ameic sice we do ot clim to destd te ote mkets. htig god s e big eog i te mkets we kow, d it mkes teefoe o sese to fmiliize wit ote m kets, lso i view of o lck of time. Ote mket ticits ve te ccity d te exeiece to  lyse te asi d Sot ameic mkets o site – d tey e mc  bett e t tis. a cobble sold s tick to is lst! EVI: Thanks to your highly transparent quarterly reporting, your search process is more or less public. Do you not fear imitators? von Wyss:   Wt we woy moe bot is  ceti scdefede sice ices omlly fll sotly fte we‘ve bogt  stock. To be seios: Tee is i fct  tedecy mog ivestos to coy o ides, esecilly i Switzeld.

Tis becomes oblemtic we sc ivestos cll s to sk fo moe e sec mteil o  idividl stock. Fo esos of time, we cot d do ot wt to ovide sc  sevice. We do ot commicte te itisic

No. 3 – Page 9 – July 08

vles wic we detemie fo idi vidl ses d do ot commet o tem – t lest ot dig oe-to-oe covestios wit cliets. If t ll, tis is doe i idividl iteviews wit te ess. Teefoe, we do ot ovide q tely eotig. We stive to cocl de te cqisitio of ositios by qte-ed befoe te eots e vilble. Tis geelly woks ot well, tog ot i ll cses. EVI: On the other hand, do you monitor what others are doing? For instance, many investment funds take an interest in a stock once Tweedy Browne invests in it. von Wyss: We stel ides f om time to time, bt i geel we develo o ow ides. If tee e oveligs, tey e slly ely ccidetl. We do ot wt to be  sot v esio of te Tweedy Bowe fds. EVI: With only 30 securities, your portfolio is rather concentrated. Have you ever thought of reducing the risk by a higher degree of diversication? Müller: neve. Sice we ve  logtem ivestmet oizo, we ccet te ig voltility wic  coce tted otfolio bigs bot. We will cotie to move i tis fiel d sice we exlicitly wt to see  imct of te idividl secities o te ovell efomce. EVI: Thank you for this open and inspiring interview!

remk: Te disclime ote blised o te lst ge of tis editio is licble to te etie cotet of tis ticle.

Contact: Braun, von Wyss & Müller AG Brandschenkestr. 150 8002 Zürich Switzerland T: + 41 44 2064080 F: +41 44 2064085 [email protected]

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