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OMAN an oasis for investment t r a d e & t o u r i s m 阿曼 贸易投资与旅游的一片绿洲
His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Bin Said
Message It is my great pleasure to send this message to all my friends in China and Europe through Euro China Business, with a warm welcome to visit my country Oman. The Omani economy under the wise leadership of HM Sultan Qaboos Bin Said, witnessed a steady growth in foreign investments in the different economic sectors, stimulating growth and creating employment opportunities for young Omani. ● Oman is ranked 57 out of 181 economies in the “Ease of Doing Business” rankings 2009 by the World World Bank. ● Oman is ranked 25th of 140 countries on the Global Palace Palace index 2008, which is an indicator of peace, economic progress and prosperity. prosperity. ● Moody’s has given Oman an A stable ranking in its sovereign rankings. You You are welcome, therefore, therefore, to invest in Oman, with the certainty that you you will reap the fruit of success and at the same time contribute to the prosperity and well being of your country. country.
Abdullah Salleh Al-Saadi Al-Saadi Ambassador of Oman
非常高兴能够通过《欧中商务》向中国和欧洲各国朋友们表达欢迎,热烈欢迎大家能够到阿 非常高兴能够通过《欧中商务》向中国和欧洲各国朋友们表 达欢迎,热烈欢迎大家能够到阿曼访问,旅 曼访问,旅 游。 在苏丹卡布斯•本•赛义德陛下的英明领导下, 赛义德陛下的英明领导下,阿曼经济增长迅速,外商投资 阿曼经济增长迅速,外商投资环境稳定,阿曼年轻人有了 环境稳定,阿曼年轻人有了 更多的就业机会。 2009年,在世界银行发布的“经贸容易度”指数排名中,阿 2009年,在世界银行发布的“ 经贸容易度”指数排名中,阿曼在全球181个经济体中排名第 曼在全球181个经济体中排名第57位。 57位。 2008年,在表示国家和平以及经济增长和繁荣度的GPI指数排 2008年,在表示国家和平以及 经济增长和繁荣度的GPI指数排名中,阿曼在140个国家中排名 名中,阿曼在140个国家中排名第25位。 第25位。 此外,穆迪对阿曼主权债务评级一直以来都为A级。 因此,阿曼苏丹国欢迎大家来投资阿曼。您在阿曼收获成功 因此,阿曼苏丹国欢迎大家来 投资阿曼。您在阿曼收获成功的同时也将为自己国家的繁荣富 的同时也将为自己国家的繁荣富强做出应有 强做出应有 的贡献。 阿卜杜拉•萨阿迪 阿曼苏丹国驻华大使
Message Oman: A paradise for investment trade & tourism It does not take very long to realise,when someone comes comes to know Oman for the rst time,that you come to deal with a small countr y but with long history,rich culture,boundless culture,boundless natural beauties and with a population friendly and hoospitable. Over the past forty years Oman grew g rew by leaps and bounds,under the the leadership of HM Sultan Quboos Quboos Bin Said. Oman now is a modern state,progressive,rich in natural resources (oil,natural gas), political and economic stability and high living standards for its people to enjoy. enjoy. Oman is a tax heaven for any potential investor and with the least bureaucratic procedures.
We We undoubtly,therefore,recomme undoubtly,therefore,recommend, nd, the promising Oman, to to any wise investor, investor, prudent businessman and demanding traveller,to traveller,to visit Oman and see this beautiful country,with country,with his own eyes! Stavros Nikolakopoulos Ambassador of Friendship of China
阿曼:投资、贸易、旅游的天堂 对于第一次到阿曼的人来说,他们不需要花费很长的时间就会发现 对于第一次到阿曼的人来说,他 们不需要花费很长的时间就会发现阿曼虽然小但是拥有悠久的历史、 阿曼虽然小但是拥有悠久的历史、灿烂的文化、 灿烂的文化、 美丽的自然风景和好客的人民。 在苏丹卡布斯•本•赛义德陛下的英明领导下,阿 赛义德陛下的英明领导下,阿曼在过去的四十年里跳跃式的发展 曼在过去的四十年里跳跃式的发展,已经成为了一个拥有丰富的自 ,已经成为了一个拥有丰富的自 然资源(石油和天然气),稳定的政治经济环境,较高国民生活 然资源(石油和天然气),稳 定的政治经济环境,较高国民生活水平的现代化国家。对于任何一个 水平的现代化国家。对于任何一个潜在的投资者来说, 潜在的投资者来说, 这里是税务的天堂,而且政府工作效率高。 所以,我们推荐所有精明的商人、挑剔的旅行者都去阿曼走一走看 所以,我们推荐所有精明的商人 、挑剔的旅行者都去阿曼走一走看一看。用你们自己的双眼去发现这 一看。用你们自己的双眼去发现这个神奇国度的 个神奇国度的 魅力。
Sultanate of Oman – Physical Map
Introducing Oman
The sultanate of Oman-At a Glance
Country Overview
Key Industries
Investment Climate
Why Oman ?
Discover the treasures of Oman
10. 11.
Arab Gulf Co-Operation Co-Operation Council (AGCC) Glorie Muscat (Beijing) Investment L.L.C
34 35
he Sultanate Sultanate of Oman lies at the South eastern eastern tip of the Arabian Arabian Peninsula and extending between latitudes 16°40′and 26°20′and longitudes 51°50′and 59°40′.The coastline extends 3165 km from Strait of Hormuz in the North to the borders of the Republic of Yemen, overlooking three seas, the Arabian Gulf, Arabian Sea and Oman Sea.
Thi T hi s st ra te gi c l oc at io n en ab l es th e Sultanate, since ancient time, to become a bridge between the old and new worlds and an active commercial passage way.
H.E Khalil Abdullah Mohammed Al Khonji Chairman: Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry
* Oman has made great headway and has witnessed tremendous economic growth, stability and prosperity under the wise and enlightened enlightened leadership of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Bin Said. * Oman is ranked ranked 57 out of 181 economies economies of Doing Business' rankings 2009, by the World World Bank. * The country has modern infrastructure,growing industrial base and a sable government. g overnment. * The government's strategy of diversifying and liberalizing liberalizing the economy is reliant on attracting foreign direct investments into the country; The government therefore offers several attractive incentives and advantages to foreign inestors to make the investment climate conducive and investor-friendly. Welcome Welcome to do business in Oman!
H.E Khalil Abdullah Mohammed Al Khonji Chairman: Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry 阿曼在苏丹卡布斯•本•赛义德陛下的英明领导下,各项事业取得 了很大进步,经济迅猛发展,社会繁荣稳定。 2009年,在世界银行发布的“经贸容易度”指数排名中,阿曼在 全球181个经济体中排名第57位。 该国拥有现代化的基础设施,不断成长的工业和一个稳定的政 府。
阿曼政府依靠多样化和自由化的经济战略吸引外国直接投资进入 阿曼。因此,阿曼政府出台了一系列有吸引力的激励政策旨在为外国 投资者提供一个良好的投资环境。
The Sultanate with a total area of 309.5 thousand, is bordered from the south west by the Republic Republic of Yemen, from the West by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and from the North and West West by the United United Arab Emirates. Emirates. The Th e Sult Su ltan anat atee of Oman Om an is the th e thir th ird d largest nation on the Arabian Peninsula situated on the eastern edge of Arabia. With Wit h 1700 17 00km km of beaut bea utif iful ul coast coa stliline, ne, Oman’s shores face directly onto the Indian Ocean, giving rise to the name “The Arabian Sea”. For centuries the magnificent and diverse land was referred to as Arabia Felix. The true reason for this is though to the based largely on the warm and hospitable vi v i r t u e s o f Om an ’s pe o p l e. A l a nd steeped in history, dating back over 5000 years. Today Tod ay al th ou gh Om an is a mo de r n infrastructure land, it has retained its sense of hospitality and friendliness. friendliness. The stunning nature nature beauty beauty of Oman’ Oman’s majes maj estic tic maintains, undulating contours of the Sharq1iya desert(Wqlila sands)and the Rul Ae Khali(Empty Quarter),it’ s surprising Cush Green Wooded hills Dhofar and a pristine underwater world of coral reefs where marine life, offer visitors a truly experience.
The Sultanate of Oman – At A t a Glance
Total area
309,500 Sq Km
Capital city
Rial Omani(RO) [1 RO=1000 Baiza (Bz)]
GMT +4
June-31-38C(hottest month) January-20-25C(coolest month)
Legal system
Islamic(Shariah) law, Business law governed by civil law principles
Head of State & Prime Minister
His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Bin Said Al Said
International airports
Muscat International Airport, Salalah Airport
Sea ports
Mina Sultan Qaboos Muscat,Salalah, Sohar
Populatioin growth rate
Expatriate labour force
Dempgraphical structure
0-14 years- 42.7% 15-64 yeare- 54.5% 65 years & over-2.8%
Ababic (official); though English, Urdu, Baluchi & Swahili are widely used
Business hours
Private sector-8 a.m.- 7.00 p.m. Public sector- 7.30 a.m.- 2.30 p.m.
Work week
Private sector – Generally Saturday to mid-day Thursday Banks- Sundany to Thursday Public sector- Saturday to Wednesday
Metric system
Administrative regions
04 Governorates & 05 regions futher sub- divided into 61 wilayats
Gross domestic product(GDP)
RO23,049 Mn
GDP growth
44%(at current market prices)
12.4%(Sultanate Consumer Price Index)
FDI inflow
RO 3485.5 Mn
Key trade partners
South Korea, UAE, India, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Qatar, Somalia, China, Germany and the Unite States
Key exports:
Petroleum & related products, base metals, rubber & plastic based articles, chemicals, minerals
Key imports:
Machinery, Machinery, manufactured goods, food & livestock
Membership of international bodies
Gulf Council for Co-operation World Trade Organisation(WTO) Pan Arab Free Trade Area Indian
Co-operation (IORARC) World Intellectural Property Organisation(WIPO) Public holidays:
Islamic holidays, which vary each year according to the lunar calendar: Eid-al-Fitr, Eid-al-Adha, lslamic New Year, the Prophets Birthday(09 March), 18 November (National Day)
Source: Central Bank of Oman (Annual Report 2008), Ministry of Naonal Economy (Facts and Figures 2008)
COUNTRY OVERVIEW Oman is a tranquil state strategically located in the south eastern corner of the Arabian
Peninsula, overlooking the Arabian Sea, the Gulf of Oman and the Hormuz Strait. A stable government and open economic system has been in place since the 1970s. Oil exports are the major source of foreign earnings and the key source of government r e v e n u e, e, w h i c h h a s b r o u g h t s i g n i f i c a n t development and wealth to the state. Oman is a liberal state and the government is keen to aract foreign investors to further sustain and enhance economic growth and realize its strategy of economic diversification. Foreign ownership of businesses is permied depending on the level of investment. There are no restricons on capital repatriaon, currency exchange, and transfer of dividends. Oman has a liberal tax regime, as corporate tax is low and there is no personal income tax. Labour regulations are relations are relatively exible and promote producvity growth, whilst the non-salary cost of employing a worker is also low.
The people of Oman are regarded as some of the most friendly and hospitable in the Middle East. Economy Historically Oman’s economy was based on fisheries and agriculture. The discovery of oil and subsequent export, resulted in a shift to a petroleum based economy. The oil revenue has helped build the Omani economy and infrastructure. However, Oman’s oil resources are limited compared to its other gulf counterparts and production has been declining since 2001. Therefore the government is pursuing a strategy of diversicaon to broad base the economy. economy. The government is currently focusing on developing natural resources; the tourism and real estate sectors; whilst pursuing phased privatization of the utilities and telecommunicaon sectors. Oman has been recording real economic growth at an average rate of 6% over the past few years. Annual inaon rose to 12.4 %( as per the movement in the average Consumer Price Index – CPI) in 2008, 2008 , in contrast contra st to an average of 3% during the previous four years. Private Private consumpon has been rising since 2001 as reasult oil prices; whilst government expenditure has remained stable at about 25-30% of GDP. GDP. The Omani Rial is pegged to the US Dollar and
local interest rates track US interest rates. Oman does not have foreign exchange exchange controls. It is expected that the government would be able to maintain a scal surplus despite decreasing oil prices into 2009. Though Oman is also feeling the impact of the 2008 global recession, continued diversicaon of the economic base (Oman’s nonoil exports exceeded RO 1 billion in 2008, 2 008, growing by 59%, spurred by growth in the manufacturing and service sectors), surplus reserves, high domesc demand and connuous investment in infrastructure and development projects, should see the Sultanate beer equipped than others to handle the global economic crisis in 2009. Government
His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Bin Said Al Said has
been the ruler of Oman since 1970. He is the Head of State, Prime Minister, and Commander in Chief of the armed forces; he also holds the portfolios for Finance, Defense and Foreign Affairs. The Sultan is assisted by a Council of Ministers (cabinet). The Council of Oman held its first meeting in 1997 under the aegis of the Sultan. The Council comprises two chambers – the Council of State
(Majlis Al Dawla) and the Consultative Council (Majlis Al Shura) – elected by Omani cizens. The Council is mandated to debate policy issues only. There are no polical pares in Oman. Legal system The Sultan promulgates legislation by way of royal decree.
KEY INDUSTRIES Background – economic vision Since 1976 Oman’s economic policy has been determined in terms of ve year planning cycles in the short term and 25 year cycles in the long term. The government aims to achieve the above goals by pursuing the following strategies: ● Development local human resources and upgrading the skills of Omani cizens. ● Promoting the optimal use of human and 12
natural resources by the private sector in an
ecient and environmentally sustainable manner. ● Enhanced private sector involvement in economic acvity. ● Creating suitable conditions for optimal exploitaon of natural resources and the disnct geographical local of the Sultanate. Overall, Vision 2020 targets to increase the contribuon to gross domesc product by 2020: from the gas sector to 10% (from 3.6% in 2006)
and the non oil sector to 29%, as it is expected that contribution from the oil sector would decline to 9%(from 44.9% in 2006) by the same me. The current short term planning cycle the Seventh Five Year Development Plan, spanning 2006-2010; is also a means of achieving Oman’s long term policies and aims to: ● Achieve annual economic growth; ● Diversify the economy by increasing non-oil activities such as natural gas based industries, non-oil exports of Omani origin and tourism; ● Develop human resources through improved health and educaon services;
● Expand
the omanisaon programme; ● Develop information technology, research and development covering sectors of the national economy. Oil was discovered in Oman in 1962 and exports commenced in 1967. In 2008, oil and gas acvies accounted for 79% of government revenue and 76%of merchandise exports. However, Oman’s oil fields are generally small widely scaered across the central and northern parts of the country. Producvity is low and cost of production is also high compared to regional counterparts.
Discovery of large non-associated gas reserves in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s spurred the government to develop this sector. Expanding natural gas production is a key focus of achieving Oman’s strategy to diversify economy away from the oil sector. Rising natural gas production over the last several years has resulted in the expansion of natural gas-based industries, such as desalination and the use of natural gas feedstock for enhanced oil recovery projects.
Trade Oil and gas exports accounted for 84.9% of total exports in 2008(CBO). Growth in exports was driven by increasing demand for oil and rising oil prices. Natural gas exports have also increased by 22.1% from 2003-2007. Non-oil exports have also increased in light of economic diversification over the past few
Liqueed natural gas (LNG) LNG activities are primarily carried out by the Oman Liquefied Natural Gas Company(OLNGC), a consortium led by the Omani government (51%), Royal Dutch/Shell(30%), Total (5.54%), Korea LNG (5%), Partex (2%), and three Japanese firms, Mitsubishi(2.77%), Mitsui(2.77%),and ltochu (0.92%).OLNGC owns two of Oman’s LNG producon trains and has a 40% 4 0% stake in the third LNG facility.
years, as a percentage of total exports non oil exports have raised from 6% in 2002 to 14% in 2007.Rapid growth in mineral Exports was a key contributory factor. Oil renery The Oman Renery Company (ORC) commenced operations in 1982 in Muscat to fulfill local
requirements. The refinery produces the following: petrol, Kerosene, gasoil and butane. ORC also established a refinery at Sohar, producing gasoline, propylene, liquefied petroleum gas, naphtha, fuel oil, kerosene and gasoil. The government has indicated that it would encourage the establishment of a refinery at Salalah alao. 14
Oman has signicant re-exports also. Import worth RO 6.1 Bn were made in 2007. Machinery and transport equipment and crude and indelible materials accounted for 51.6% and 16.1% respecvely of total imports (CBO). Import growth was fuelled by private consumption investment demand. Oman is a member of several economic blocs
including the Arab Gulf Co-operation Council (AGCC), the Greater Arab Free Trade Zone, and the Indian Ocean Rim Association for Regional Cooperation (IORARC) and the World Trade Organizaon (WTO). The Oman – US free trade Agreement signed
in 2006, came in to effect from 1 January 2009, whereby all tariffs on consumer and industrial products are waived. Omani goods are exported to the markets of over 100 countries around the world. Its main trading partners however, are the United Arab Emirates, India, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Qatar, Libya, China, South Korea, Germany and the United States. Industry (manufacturing sector) Small scale industry was the forerunner of Oman’s industrial sector. The discovery of nonassociated natural gas, however, resulted in the expansion of large scale gas based industry. Non oil industrial growth is fuelled primarily by growth in the manufacturing sector. Manufacturing Manufacturing is largely located located on PEIE industrial estates. The government is promong the seng up of industries at Sohar industrial estate located in the Al Banah region, due to the infrastructure in place and the large manpower resource in the area. Heavy industries such as fertilizer, aluminum, natural gas, cement, steel tubes; and so drinks have been established in recent mes.
Agriculture and sheries Agriculture and sheries account for an average of 35% per annum of Oman’s main non-oil exports. Main agriculture crops include dates, alfalfa, wheat, mangoes, limes and bananas, with market gardening of tomatoes, cabbage, aborigines, okra and cucumbers. Limited water resources, pasture and the salinity of the soil are constraints on agricultural development. Therefore the government is exploring opportunies to improve irrigaon. Pampa exports fruit and vegetables, parcularly bananas, and operates a banana ripening and packing factory at Salalah and a handling centre at Al Suwaiq. Fisheries Fishing is one of the country’s oldest occupaons and among its most promising sectors. With a coastline of over 1,700 kilometers long, Oman is one of the main fish-producing countries in the region. The government has supported the construcon
of fisheries infrastructure required for the development of the industry. Fish farms have been set up at Musandam and Qalhat. The government has also encouraged the development of commercial shing by providing boats and motors, cold-storage facilities, and transportaon. The industrial sector The industrial sector is a cornerstone of the Sultanate’s long-term (1996-2020) development strategy. Development of the industrial sector is expected to help achieve the governments’ diversification strategy and reduce dependency on oil. It is also targeted to help meet Oman’ s social development needs and generate greater value addition for national resources by processing them into nished products The current development plan (2006-2010) creates the conditions for an attractive investment climate. Under its strategy for the industrial sector, the government aims at developing the Information Technology (IT) and telecommunications industries. The Knowledge Oasis Muscat (KOM) IT complex has been set up and expanded for this aim, and Omani companies are developing their technological potential through collaboration with various Japanese and German institutions. An IT authority established in 2006 will promote infrastructure projects for Oman’s digital advancement and oversee implementation of IT projects in every department of the state’s administrative apparatus. By 2012, the industrial sector is expected to contribute 15% to the country’s GDP. 1
Construcon contributed to 3% of GDP in 2007. Driven by constant expansion of infrastructure, tourism, commercial and residential real estate projects in 2007. Minerals and mining Mining accounts for approximately 1% of the annual GDP and employs around 3% of the workforce. Oman has vast mineral deposits which hitherto remain unexploited. Some of these mineral deposits include: silica, sand, dolomite, limestone, gypsum, ornamental stone, clay, rockwool, iron oxides, heavy sands, wollastonite, cleste, asbestos, aggregate, laterite and barite. Mineral deposits of copper, manganese, lead, iron, zinc, chrome, phosphates, gold, silver and nickel also exist, though many of them are in inaccessible areas. The Department of Mines and Quarries issues leases and permits for the exploration and exploitaon of minerals. Transport and communicaons Transport The Transport and Communications sector has played a vital role in establishing the infrastructure network of Oman, which has
contributed toward achieving economic and social prosperity. prosperity. Oman has also promoted multi-million dollar investment to develop road, sea and air transport facilities. Oman has a developed network of highways linking almost all parts of the country. The Omani government plans to invest more than US$3 billion for the development and renovation of its two exisng airports and construcon of three new airports to cope with the increased demand
Banking & nance Central Bank of Oman
The Central Bank of Oman determines monetary policy. It is also the regulator of Oman’s nancial sectorcommercial banks, specialized banks, nance and leasing companies and money exchange houses. The currency peg is maintained by the Central Bank and has been endorsed by the Internaonal Monetary Fund as appropriate for the economy. Oman Development Bank The bank has several subsidized loan products for educaon, health, agriculture, animal wealth an sheries, industrial projects, tourism projects and
professional services. The bank finances 50% of the project cost if located in Muscat, and 56% if located outside Muscat, at an interest of 3% only o nly.. Zero interest loans for small projects with capital not exceeding R.O.2000 are also available. Water resources Oman is in the world’s arid belt. 65% of its water supplies come from groundwater and limited rainfall (of around 100 mm annually), with desalinated sea water comprising the remaining 35%. A naonal water resource conservaon plan has been drawn up to further raonalize and improve water consumption practices and explore new groundwater reserves. Desalinaon research also connues in the face of rising demand. Electricity The sources of power generation are largely thermal and gas based. Whilst solar and wind power is used in limited circumstances. The use of coal is also under consideraon. Oman is pursuing a privatization strategy in the electricity sector, in the wake of rising demand in urban areas and rising cost of producon. The government has set a goal to privatize all stateowned companies in the power sector by 2009, and is courng internaonal investors to nance new independent power projects(IPP) to help raise generaon capacity.
实现梦想 不但大力发展房地产、酒店、码头、高尔夫球场、购物中心与餐饮业,而 且注重与自然的融合,全力打造一个自给城市。目前,Muriya已有4个项目。
Jebel Sifah 总面积为620万平方米。配备4家豪华酒店、2700座豪华住宅、餐厅与零售 商店、200个海湾码头、小镇与一个18孔豪华高尔夫球场。 Salalah海滩 总面积为1560万平方米,海岸线为8.2千米。配备5家豪华酒店、3000座居民 住宅、餐厅与零售商店。200个内陆码头与小镇、一个18孔豪华高尔夫球场。 AlSodah岛 是一座度假岛,总面积为1百万平方米。配备专属6星级酒店、30座山顶别 墅,每栋别墅拥有私家海滩。 城市漫步 地处Muscat内,离Muscat国际机场仅10分钟车程。配备购物广场、零售商 场、餐厅、写字楼、公寓、酒店,是集商务与购物为一体的新兴发展中心。
Investment Climate Encouraging and attracting investment, both local and foreign has been awarded high importance in view of its important role in accelerating socio-economic development development and activating its sustainability. Appropriate and conducive Laws and procedures together with establishing the proper institutional framework have gradually been put into place and revised and updated on a regular basis. These policies have been successful in attracting considerable volume of foreign investment. investment. Promising sector for foreign investment include gas-based industries, petrochemicals, fertilizers, metal, in addition to the on-going privatization of communication, energy, electricity and water, tourism and information technology, mining Fishery resources, manufacturing etc. Moreover, the Sultanate is also a member in
investment investment guarantee and protecon organizaons, and bilateral agreements with many countries and free trade agreements with a number of economic groups within the framework of the GCC and other agreements. The latest available data reveals that it reached about RO.9434 million in 2007 compared to RO.3961 million and RO.6223 million in 2005 200 5 and 2006 respecvely. respecvely. Foreign Direct Investment represented about 37%, with 8.3% on portfolios, 0.7% on financial derivatives and 54.0% on other foreign investment in 2007. Foreign Direct Investment in 2007 was distributed between the different sectors of the economy with the highest share 36.9% directed to the industrial sector, 25% to the financial intermediaries, 17% to the oil and gas sector. As for foreign investment in 2007, data reveals that 41.5% went to the oil and gas sector, 17.3% to industry, 17.1% to nancial intermediaries and 4.8% to the construcon sector. sector. Incenves for foreign investors The government’s strategy of diversifying the economy is reliant on attracting foreign direct investment into the country; therefore the government offers several attractive incentives for foreign investors.
Why Oman? Oman is ranked 57 out of 181 economies in the ‘Ease of Doing Business’ rankings 2009 by the World Bank. (World Bank) ☞
Despite declining oil production, steady progress in implementing structural reforms contributed to strong non-oil output growth. Oman’s medium-term prospects look favorable, supported by a continued positive outlook for energy prices, a strong investment monentum, and an improved domestic business climate. (Internaonal Monetary Fund, 2008) ☞
Oman is ranked 25th out of 140 countries on the Global Peace Index 2008- which is an indicator of peace, economic progress and prosperity. (Global Peace Index, 2008) ☞
Oman is ranked 3rd out of 17 countries in the Middle East/ North Africa region and 43rd 43 rd globally, with a score of 67, in the Index of Economic Freedom 2009. Oman’s overall scores are above the world and regional averages, averages, in a study covering 157 countries. (The Heritage Foundation & Wall Street Journal, 2009) ☞
Oman has recevied an ‘A’ long term and ‘A-1’ short term sovereign credit rating with a ‘stable’ outlook in Standard and Poor’s sovereign raongs for the year 2009. (Standard & Poor’s, 2009) ☞
Moody’s has given Oman an A2 stable ranking in its sovereign rankings. (Moody’s, 2007) ☞
投资阿曼 租税天堂 无官僚手续 无尽的繁荣
Invest in Oman tax heaven Invest in Oman
no bureaucratic procedures tax heaven immense prospects no beurocratic procedure immense prospects
Incentives for investment by industry segment Industry Sector
Incentives Income Tax
Customs Duty
Industry and mining
5 year tax holiday(renewable)
Exemptions on import
Repatriation of capital
Export of locally
Tax losses incurred during
of plant, machinery &
& profits of the project
tax holiday may be claimed
raw material for 5
against future profits(no time
years from
The business may not be
Tourism Tourism promotion-operation
commencement of
of hotels and tourist
No personal income tax
unless in the public
interest with equitable
villages(excluding management contracts)
Production & processing of
No import
farm products-poultry farming,
approval of relevant
animal products and agro
authority)-import of
production accessories,
Fishing, fish processing & fish
material, machinery, machinery,
spare parts and
Public utility
appropriate means of
management contracts & project execution contracts) Universities, higher education institutes, schools, kindergartens and training colleges Hospitals and medical education institutes Expansion (increase in capital-increased fixed assets for: increased production capacity, new products, new services/activities)of the above businesses are also entitled to the above concessions Industrial installations(see
5 year tax
Exemptions on import of:
Ministry of Commerce &
Machinery & spare parts
Industry may provide:
No personal income
for commencement,
Financial incentives
expansion, modernization
Subsidized utilities
or replacement;
Preferential land allocation
Raw material & partially
Trade promotion
processed goods(for 5 years, extendable)
man Air Oman Air is the national airline of Oman. Based on the grounds of Muscat International Airport in Muscat, it operates scheduled domestic and international passenger services, as well as regional air taxi and charter ights. Its main base is Muscat International Airport. Oman Air is a member of the Arab Air Carriers Organization. As of 1 March 2010, Oman Air has become the first airline in the world to offer both mobile phone calling, SMS & Wi-Fi Internet services on selected routes.
ourism is a key sector that the government is promoting toward achieving Economic Vision 2020.The United Nations World Tourism Organization states that the Middle Eastern tourism sector has been growing and has a positive outlook in the future due to continued investment in supporng infrastructure.
Attracting niche market high spending tourists, promoting adventure, cultural, environment tourism and also meetings, incentives, conferences and exhibitions (MIEE)is a part of Oman’s tourism strategy. The State is also focusing on improving tourism infrastructure and carrying out promoonal campaigns abroad, in the EU, USA and Asia. Tourism to Oman is growing rapidly, by 2020, tourist numbers are forecast to double current levels. Room capacity in Oman is expected to double by 2012 with many mixed developments, including hotels, marinas, shopping areas, golf courses and exhibion centers being set up. The Sultanate of Oman is blessed with various and diversified tourism potential and resources in terms of its strategic locaon as a passage way
between t he East and West, its long and ancient history and civilization, its strong ties with different civilizations and the numerous historic forts & castles, old villages and archaeological monuments. All these aracons have turned the Sultanate into a disnct desnaon in the region. Capitalizing on these potentials, the Sultanate has embarked on an ambitious strategy aimed at promoting the tourism sector to augment GDP, creation of employment opportunities for the national labour force, enhance government revenue and contribute towards achieving regional development. Furthermore, the sector has been assigned the role of assisting in achieving one of the most important dimension of the Vision for Oman’s Economy: “Oman 2020”, that is the economic diversicaon. The period 1982-2009 has witnessed remarkable development of the tourism sector as shown by the noticeable improvements of the main
tourism indicators. The sector’s value added (GDP) increased from RO.6 million in 1980 to RO.187.5 million in 2009, registering an average annual growth rate of 12.6%, hotels and hotel apartments jumped to 216 in 2009 compared to
29 in 1990, while total number of rooms increased from about one thousand to more than 10 thousand during the period under reference. reference. Eager to nd alternave sources of revenue in the face of dwindling oil reserve, tourism has emerged as a potential money spinner to the Sultanate. Oman accessed with nature’s county, has much to offer to the visitor with its stunning landscapes, ancient culture and a warm and hospitable people. Oman is one of the world’s top ten environmentally commied countries and any visitor is amazed at the cleanliness of the city and the environs. Oman regularly parcipates in tourism fairs, with a view to leng the world that here is a paradise waing to be discovered by the discerning visitor. visitor. Oman has decided to promote tourism without compromising on the culture or its rich tradions. Therefore it is keen to promote tourism with its
various resources and show it to the world as ecotourism, osea tourism.
mighty & rich
EURASIAN LINK 欧亚林克国际咨询(北京)有限公司 international (Beijing) Consultant Co. Ltd. EURASIAN LINK provides: • consultation services to foreign & Chinese firms & organizations • promotes trade between China & Europe • market research
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The cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf, popularly known as the Gulf
Cooperaon Council (GCC) was created in 1981; it is a trade bloc comprising 6 Persian Gulf States: Oman, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. The GCC covers an area of 2,673,000 square kilometers with a populaon of 36.2 million approximately. approximately. The GCC common market was launched in January 2008, resulng in all GCC companies and citizens being treated as “nationals” in any of the GCC countries, breaking down barriers to cross border investment and trade. The GCC aims to promote co-
ordination and achieve unity between member states by having common economic and social objecves. As a member of the GCC, Oman
extends certain privileged rights to citizens and companies from other member countries. Some of these privileges are: General exemption from customs duty on import of goods of GCC origin, subject to certain conditions as to the size of the added-value element and the percentage of GCC parcipaon in the producing enty; 4
Products originating in the GCC benefit from a 10% bidding preference in Government tenders (similar to local products). GCC nationals are given equivalent status to Omani naonals for income tax purposes; GCC companies have the right to set up enes in Oman. GCC nationals working in the private sector in Oman are treated on par with the local naonals with regard regard to wages wages and other privileges. The ownership of land is another area where GCC naonals enjoy advantages advantages denied to other nonOmanis. The GCC intends to launch a single currency in 2009/2010; Oman, however has announced that it will not be joining this monetary union. The GCC recently concluded a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with Singapore. The GCC is also conducting FTA negotiations with countries such as Australia, New Zealand, China, Japan, India, Pakistan, Turkey, European Free Trade Associaon (EFTA) and Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR).
Glorie Muscat (Beijing) Investment L.L.C
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