EU Elementary A2 Progress Test 10

November 28, 2017 | Author: Nada Odeh | Category: Leisure
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Progress test 10 – Getting together

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Progress test 10 – Getting together GRAMMAR

10 A Do you have time for a drink before you go?

1   Present progressive for future arrangements Write the present progressive or present simple form of the verb to complete the conversations. (10 marks) Example: A What are your plans for the weekend? (go) visit my dad. BI Answer: I’m going to visit my dad. 1 A Do you want to come to the cinema tonight? B I can’t. I

tennis with Dave at

7.30. (play) 2 A Would you like to come to our house for lunch next Saturday?

B Probably. The train

on time,

so I think there’s time for a quick one. (never / leave)

VOCABULARY 2   Films Write the kinds of films which these people would like to see. (6 marks) Example: I like exciting films with lots of special effects. n film – an a Answer: action 1 I really want to see something that makes me laugh.

B I can’t, I’m afraid. It’s my mother’s birthday and I

the day with her every year.




2 I’d like to go and see something with my children – a d film

cartoon would be good. – an a

3 A Have you got any plans for the weekend? B Yes. Ginny’s mother

to stay

with us for a couple of days. (come) 4 A When is your trip to Brussels? B Oh, I

frightening or scary films, in other words! – a h

r film

4 I’d like to see something real, not imagined,

. I have to stay in

London for a meeting. (not go)

something which explores important events or issues. – a d

5 A I’ve got an extra ticket for a concert tomorrow evening. Do you want it? B I’d love it, but I

3 We love films about ghosts and monsters –


5 Personally, I think the cinema is for the imagination, so anything about science or the future would be

guitar lessons

on Thursday nights. (have)

perfect. – a s

e f

n film

6 A film about love would be good for me because I

6 A There’s a party at Penny’s house tonight. Did she invite you?

usually go to the cinema with my boyfriend! – ar

c film

B Yes, but it’s Gabriela’s birthday so we her out for dinner. (take) 7 A I’m really excited. I booked a holiday this morning. ­ B

somewhere nice? (go)

8 A The last time I saw Tibor and Marta was about six months ago. B Jan and Lea

them for a drink

tonight. You can go with them if you want to. (see) 9 A Can you give this message to Mei this afternoon,

3   Suggestions Choose four of the words in the box to complete the conversations. (8 marks) Example:

sure  don’t  could  like  would  not

A Would you like to go out for a meal at the weekend? B I’m not sure . I haven’t got much money. A It’s OK. I’ll pay. B OK then!

please? B Oh, I’m sorry. I

him in the end.

He phoned me to cancel because he’s not well. (not meet)

English Unlimited Elementary Teacher’s Pack 

Photocopiable © Cambridge University Press 2010

Progress test 10 – Getting together 1

fine  where  would  good  could  why A Would you like to go out tonight? B


would you like to go?

A I don’t know. What do you think? B I know! We

go and see the new Woody

Allen film. A

with me. I can buy the tickets on the internet.


don’t  could  why  sounds  let’s  OK A There’s a good film on at the cinema this week. we go? B I’m not sure. I’m quite tired today. A Well, go tomorrow then. B That good. I think I’d rather stay in tonight. A OK. We could watch a DVD.


KEYWORD 5   about Rewrite the sentences, adding about in the correct gap. (5 marks) Example: What was Answer: What was

the film the film about? anything

1 I don’t really know cooking. 2 Kerry’s angry

the party because

nobody told her where it was. 3 I’ll pick you up


4 Can I ask you

5 I’m reading a great science-fiction book plan

6   Invitations

B No, I was out last night. It sounds interesting, though. What was it A Brilliant! It’s

? (like / about) a man who sees a murder

from his window. It’s really famous. (of / about) 2 A I saw a really great film at the weekend, an old black-and-white one called The Maltese Falcon. B Oh yes? Who was


to go and live on the Moon.

Choose one of the two words in brackets to complete the conversations. (6 marks)





1 A Did you see that Hitchcock film last night? Rear

7 o’clock.


4   Talking about films

Example: A Did you see the Bond film last night? B Yes, it was great – and there were lots of it. (about / in) special effects Answer: in


Write the correct word to complete each sentence. (5 marks) Example: I restaurant. Answer: would

like to book a table in a

you and Molly come to dinner on

1 Saturday? 2 I hope you 3

come to my party. you free on the 24th?

4 This is to

you to our wedding

anniversary party. 5 Please

me know if you can come.

it? (on / in)

A Humphrey Bogart. It’s

lots of people

who are looking for a valuable statue. It’s one of my favourite films. (like / about) 3 A I love Spanish films. There are some really great Spanish directors at the moment. B Yes, did you see The Sea Inside? It’s about man who is paralysed. (the / this) A Yes, and he made The Others as well, but that was

in England, not Spain. (set / out)

English Unlimited Elementary Teacher’s Pack 

Photocopiable © Cambridge University Press 2010

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